Results for 'René Bernard'

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  1. Le merveilleux humain.René Bernard - 1962 - Paris,: Nouvelles Éditions Debresse.
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    Wisdom as the Old Dog… With New Tricks.Bernard McKenna, David Rooney & René ten Bos - 2007 - Social Epistemology 21 (2):83-86.
    We trace the genealogy of wisdom to show that its status in epistemological and management discourse has gradually declined since the Scientific Revolution. As the status of wisdom has declined, so the status of rational science has grown. We argue that the effects on the practice of management of the decline of wisdom may impede management practice by clouding judgment, degrading decision making, and compromising ethical standards. We show that wisdom combines transcendent intellection and rational process with ethics to provide (...)
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    De l'acte fondateur au mythe de fondation: une approche pluridisciplinaire.Daniel Faivre, Dominique Bernard Faivre, Richard Gobry, Mohsen Ismaîl, Françoise Ladouès, Laure Lévêque, René Nouailhat, Pierre Ognier, Aimé Randrian & Philippe Richard (eds.) - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La quête de repères identificatoires est probablement l'une des plus vieilles entreprises que l'humanité s'est donnée pour asseoir son histoire et construire sa mémoire. Toutes les sociétés, toutes les civilisations, fussent les pires totalitarismes, ont besoin d'une genèse héroïque — et donc exemplaire — pour fonder leurs origines. Une geste destinée à justifier leur présent ; un point de départ qui fixe un "avant" et un "après" et qui fait qu'à partir d'un événement créateur, selon la formule maintes fois annoncée, (...)
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  4. Visual spatial learning of complex object structures through virtual and real-world data.Chiara Silvestri, Rene Motro, Bernard Maurin & Birgitta Dresp-Langley - 2010 - Design Studies 31:364-380.
    This article probes the visual spatial représentations underlying the creative conceptual design of complex objects.
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    Le dossier informatisé : entre partage des données pour une prise en charge optimale du patient et risque de rupture de la confidentialité.Béatrice Birmelé, Bernard Bocquillon & René Papon - 2013 - Médecine et Droit 2013 (121):135-141.
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    Metaphysical Journal.The Mystery of Being. II. Faith & Reality.Man Against Mass Society.Robert D. Cumming, Gabriel Marcel, Bernard Wall, Rene Hague, Donald Mackinnon & G. S. Fraser - 1953 - Journal of Philosophy 50 (23):698.
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    Reply to Bernard Weinberg's Review of My History of Modern CriticismHistory of Modern Criticism.Rene Wellek - 1969 - Journal of the History of Ideas 30 (2):281.
  8. Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry.Bernard Williams - 1978 - Hassocks [Eng.]: Routledge.
    Descartes has often been called the 'father of modern philosophy'. His attempts to find foundations for knowledge, and to reconcile the existence of the soul with the emerging science of his time, are among the most influential and widely studied in the history of philosophy. This is a classic and challenging introduction to Descartes by one of the most distinguished modern philosophers. Bernard Williams not only analyzes Descartes' project of founding knowledge on certainty, but uncovers the philosophical motives for (...)
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    Hethitica 2.George C. Moore, Guy Jucquois, René Lebrun, Bernard Devlamminck & Rene Lebrun - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (1):180.
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    Bernard Mandeville and the doctrine of laissez-faire.Renee Prendergast - 2016 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 9 (1):101.
    The view of Mandeville as a pioneer of laissez-faire is difficult to reconcile with his repeated insistence that private vices were turned into public benefits by the 'dexterous management of the skilful politician'. Even if references to the skilful politician are regarded as shorthand for a legal and institutional framework, there remains the question of whether such a framework is a spontaneous order or the product of purposeful experiment as Mandeville thought? Mandeville warned about the harmful effects of meddling but (...)
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    Bernard Shaw as Artist-Philosopher: An Exposition of Shavianism.Renee M. Deacon - 1973 - [Folcroft, Pa.]Folcroft Library Editions.
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    Violence des dieux, violences de l'homme: René Girard, notre contemporain.Bernard Perret - 2023 - Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
    Boucs émissaires, violences sacrificielles, désir mimétique, autant de thèmes que René Girard (1923-2015) n'a cessé d'explorer et qui sont devenus des ressources essentielles pour notre compréhension des sociétés. L'anthropologie mimétique, dont il a posé les bases, a en effet eu des échos multiples dans les sciences humaines et les religions. Avec ce livre, Bernard Perret offre une présentation éloquente de ce vaste chantier théorique. Il éclaire notamment la fonction et la signification de la violence dans les rapports humains, (...)
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    Penser la foi chrétienne après René Girard: essai.Bernard Perret - 2018 - Paris: Ad Solem.
    L'oeuvre de René Girard a remis l'anthropologie religieuse au goût du jour et a influencé en profondeur d'autres domaines des sciences humaines et sociales. Son apport à l'intelligence de la foi chrétienne est considérable : en montrant comment la Passion du Christ dévoile les ressorts de la violence constitutive des sociétés, Girard a éclairé la singularité des Evangiles par rapport aux mythes fondateurs de la culture humaine. Un nombre croissant de théologiens se sont emparés de sa pensée pour reposer les (...)
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    Two perspectives: on Rene Dubos, and on antibiotic actions.Bernard D. Davis - 1990 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 35 (1):37-48.
  15. Hyperstructures, genome analysis and I-cells.Patrick Amar, Pascal Ballet, Georgia Barlovatz-Meimon, Arndt Benecke, Gilles Bernot, Yves Bouligand, Paul Bourguine, Franck Delaplace, Jean-Marc Delosme, Maurice Demarty, Itzhak Fishov, Jean Fourmentin-Guilbert, Joe Fralick, Jean-Louis Giavitto, Bernard Gleyse, Christophe Godin, Roberto Incitti, François Képès, Catherine Lange, Lois Le Sceller, Corinne Loutellier, Olivier Michel, Franck Molina, Chantal Monnier, René Natowicz, Vic Norris, Nicole Orange, Helene Pollard, Derek Raine, Camille Ripoll, Josette Rouviere-Yaniv, Milton Saier, Paul Soler, Pierre Tambourin, Michel Thellier, Philippe Tracqui, Dave Ussery, Jean-Claude Vincent, Jean-Pierre Vannier, Philippa Wiggins & Abdallah Zemirline - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (4):357-373.
    New concepts may prove necessary to profit from the avalanche of sequence data on the genome, transcriptome, proteome and interactome and to relate this information to cell physiology. Here, we focus on the concept of large activity-based structures, or hyperstructures, in which a variety of types of molecules are brought together to perform a function. We review the evidence for the existence of hyperstructures responsible for the initiation of DNA replication, the sequestration of newly replicated origins of replication, cell division (...)
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  16. Bryan Magee Talks to Bernard Williams About Descartes.Bryan Magee, Bernard Arthur Owen Williams, Inc Bbc Education & Training, B. B. C. Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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    LONERGAN, Bernard J.F., s.j., Pour une méthode en théologie.René-Michel Roberge - 1979 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 35 (1):96.
  18. Bryan Magee talks to Bernard Williams about Descartes.Bryan Magee, Bernard Arthur Owen Williams, Jill Dawson & B. B. C. Education & Training - 1997 - .
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    Book Review: Critique and Praxis, by Bernard Harcourt. [REVIEW]Renee Heberle - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (4):662-667.
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    Renée Doehaerd, The Early Middle Ages in the West: Economy and Society. Trans. W. G. Deakin. Amsterdam, New York, Oxford: North-Holland, 1978. Pp. xvii, 307. $31; DF1 70. First published in 1971 as Le haut moyen 'ge occidental: Economies et sociétés'. [REVIEW]Bernard S. Bachrach - 1981 - Speculum 56 (2):452.
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    Sur le sujet de la connaissance.Bernard Ancori - 2010 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 28:71-100.
    Prolégomènes Notre point de départ est ici bien sûr René Descartes, dont les Méditations métaphysiques sont au fondement d’une égologie que l’on pourrait définir comme étant la croyance, aujourd’hui communément répandue, selon laquelle nous nous posons comme la source distincte de nos pensées et de nos actes, cette source étant une personne déterminée se distinguant d’autres personnes possibles, et étant capable par autoréflexion de se connaître au point d’atteindre une parfaite transparence...
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    Twentieth Century A General History of the Sciences: Science in the Twentieth Century. Edited by René Taton. Pp. xxiv + 638. Illus. London: Thames and Hudson. 1966. £6 6s. New York: Basic Books. 1966. $17.50. [REVIEW]Bernard Finn - 1968 - British Journal for the History of Science 4 (1):79-80.
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    René Wellek: "A History of Modern Criticism", 1750-1950, Vols. I-IV. [REVIEW]Bernard$Ereviewer Weinberg - 1969 - Journal of the History of Ideas 30 (1):127.
  24. Book Review:The General History of Astronomy. Vol. 2: Planetary Astronomy from the Renaissance to the Rise of Astrophysics. Part A: Tycho Brahe to Newton Rene Taton, Curtis Wilson. [REVIEW]Bernard R. Goldstein - 1992 - Philosophy of Science 59 (4):698-.
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    Cartesiana.Bernard Bouttes & Gérard Granel - 1984 - [Mauvesin]: T.E.R.. Edited by Gérard Granel.
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    Descartes, 1596-1996.Emil Angehrn & Bernard Baertschi - 1996 - P. Haupt.
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    René Huyghe, Ce que je crois. Paris, Bernard Grasset, 1976. 13.5 × 20,5, 184p.Jean-Claude Margolin - 1979 - Revue de Synthèse 100 (93-94):122-123.
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    Meditations on first philosophy with selections from the objections and replies : René Descartes, trans. John Cottingham, with an introduction by Bernard Williams , xxiv + 120 pp., £15, $19.95 cloth; £4.95, $6.95 paper. [REVIEW]Nicholas Jolley - 1988 - History of European Ideas 9 (4):513-514.
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    Seventeenth Century Treatise of Man. René Descartes. Ed. and trans. by Thomas Steele Hall. Foreword by I. Bernard Cohen. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, and London: Oxford University Press, 1972. Pp. xlviii + 232. £5.25. [REVIEW]William Bynum - 1974 - British Journal for the History of Science 7 (2):189-190.
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    ALBERT, Micheline, BEYLOT, Robert, COQUIN, René-G., OUTTIER, Bernard, RENOUX, Charles, Christianismes orientaux. Introduction à l'étude des langues et littératuresALBERT, Micheline, BEYLOT, Robert, COQUIN, René-G., OUTTIER, Bernard, RENOUX, Charles, Christianismes orientaux. Introduction à l'étude des langues et littératures. [REVIEW]Paul-Hubert Poirier - 1996 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 52 (1):219-220.
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    Ignatius’s Exercises, Descartes’s Meditations, and Lonergan’s Insight.Jeffrey A. Allen - 2017 - Philosophy and Theology 29 (1):17-28.
    Both René Descartes and Bernard Lonergan were educated at Jesuit schools in their youth, and both had exposure—the former perhaps indirectly, the latter directly—to Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises. Several scholars have outlined parallels between Descartes’s Meditations on First Philosophy and the Exercises. This article reviews those parallels, and then uses them as guides for exploring traces of the Meditations in Lonergan’s Insight: A Study of Human Understanding.
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  32. Oeuvres.René Descartes - 1987 - Edited by Ch Adam & P. Tannery.
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  33. (1 other version)Discourse on Method.René Descartes - 1900 - The Monist 10:472.
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  34. Discernment and Lonergan's Fourth Level of Consciousness.Robert M. Doran - 2008 - Gregorianum 89 (4):790-802.
    Some have taken Bernard Lonergan's statements about the differences between the presentation of decision in Insight and the chapter on the human good in Method in Theologyto mean that chapter 18 of Insight is to be discarded in favor of chapter 2 of Method. The paper argues that there is a validity to both presentations, a validity that corresponds to the third and second modes of making an election in the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius. A concluding suggestions relates (...)
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    The Changing Legal and Conceptual Shape of Health Care Privacy.Roger S. Magnusson - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (4):680-691.
    The contributions of Professor Bernard Dickens to health law and bioethics span the era in which these fields have emerged as distinct domains of teaching, scholarship and professional and public conversation. Neither field exists in a vacuum. The concerns of bioethics, like the content of health law, are a product of social forces. The bureaucratization of medical care, the possibilities and uncertainties created by developments in medical technology, not to mention glaring health inequalities, have been destabilizing forces in medicine. (...)
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    Conscious contents provide the nervous system with coherent, global information.Bernard J. Baars - 1983 - In Richard J. Davidson, Gary E. Schwartz & D. H. Shapiro (eds.), Consciousness and Self-Regulation. Plenum. pp. 41--79.
  37. (3 other versions)Insight. A Study of human understanding.Bernard J. F. Lonergan - 1958 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 63 (4):499-500.
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  38. In defense of the contingently nonconcrete.Bernard Linsky & Edward N. Zalta - 1996 - Philosophical Studies 84 (2-3):283-294.
    In "Actualism or Possibilism?" (Philosophical Studies, 84 (2-3), December 1996), James Tomberlin develops two challenges for actualism. The challenges are to account for the truth of certain sentences without appealing to merely possible objects. After canvassing the main actualist attempts to account for these phenomena, he then criticizes the new conception of actualism that we described in our paper "In Defense of the Simplest Quantified Modal Logic" (Philosophical Perspectives 8: Philosophy of Logic and Language, Atascadero, CA: Ridgeview, 1994). We respond (...)
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    Passions of the Soul.René Descartes - 1987 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    _TABLE OF CONTENTS:_ Translator's Introduction Introduction by Genevieve Rodis-Lewis _The Passions of the Sou_l: Preface PART I: About the Passions in General, and Incidentally about the Entire Nature of Man PART II: About the Number and Order of the Passions, and the Explanation of the Six Primitives PART III: About the Particular Passions Lexicon: Index to Lexicon Bibliography Index Index Locorum.
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    Essential Sources in the Scientific Study of Consciousness.Bernard J. Baars & J. B. Newman (eds.) - 2001 - MIT Press.
    Current thinking and research on consciousness and the brain.
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    When a Social Experimenter Overwrites Effects of Salient Objects in an Individual Go/No-Go Simon Task – An ERP Study.René Michel, Jens Bölte & Roman Liepelt - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  42. A mistrustful animal.Bernard Williams - 2009 - In Alex Voorhoeve (ed.), Conversations on ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Propositional Logic from The Principles of Mathematics to Principia Mathematica.Bernard Linsky - 2016 - In Sorin Costreie (ed.), Early Analytic Philosophy – New Perspectives on the Tradition. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    Bertrand Russell presented three systems of propositional logic, one first in Principles of Mathematics, University Press, Cambridge, 1903 then in “The Theory of Implication”, Routledge, New York, London, pp. 14–61, 1906) and culminating with Principia Mathematica, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1910. They are each based on different primitive connectives and axioms. This paper follows “Peirce’s Law” through those systems with the aim of understanding some of the notorious peculiarities of the 1910 system and so revealing some of the early history (...)
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    Does Philosophy Help or Hinder Scientific Work on Consciousness?Bernard J. Baars & Katharine McGovern - 1993 - Consciousness and Cognition 2 (1):18-27.
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    Sociology at the individual level, psychologies and neurosciences.Bernard Lahire - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (1):52-71.
    The French sociological tradition has long regarded the ‘individual’ as a reality situated outside its area of intellection and investigation. According to Durkheim, the individual is a psychological object par excellence. Sociology has thus long favored the study of collectives (groups, classes, categories, institutions, microcosms), suggesting that the individual was a reality which, in itself, fell short of the social. The article discusses a method from the mid-1990s of researching sociology at an individual scale. This approach is essentially embedded in (...)
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  46. (2 other versions)Hobbes.Bernard Gert - 1995 - In Ted Honderich (ed.), The Philosophers: Introducing Great Western Thinkers. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  47. (3 other versions)Theory of literature.René Wellek - 1949 - New York,: Harcourt, Brace. Edited by Austin Warren.
    Theory of Literature was originally published in 1949. It is not a textbook introducing the young to the elements of literary appreciation nor a survey of the techniques employed in scholarly research. The authors have sought to unite "poetics" (or literary theory) and "criticism" (evaluation of literature) with "scholarship" ("research") and "literary history" (the "dynamics"of literature, in contrast to the "statics" of theory and criticism).
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    (1 other version)A dictionary of scholastic philosophy.Bernard J. Wuellner - 1966 - Milwaukee,: Bruce Pub. Co..
    The scholastic philosopher is interested in definition for a different reason than the lexicographer and linguist. The philosopher is trying to learn things. Fe defines, after investigating reality, in an attempt to describe reality clearly and to sum up some aspect of his understanding of reality. Hence, we find our scholastic philosophers adopting as a main feature of their method this insistence on defining, on precise and detailed explanation of their definitions, and on proving that their definitions da correctly express (...)
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    Driven from Home: Protecting the Rights of Forced Migrants Edited by David Hollenbach, SJ, and: Kinship across Borders: A Christian Ethic of Immigration by Kristen Heyer.René M. Micallef - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):230-233.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Driven from Home: Protecting the Rights of Forced Migrants Edited by David Hollenbach, SJ, and: Kinship across Borders: A Christian Ethic of Immigration by Kristen HeyerRené M. Micallef SJDriven from Home: Protecting the Rights of Forced Migrants EDITED BY DAVID HOLLENBACH, SJ Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, 2010. 296 pp. $20.46Kinship across Borders: A Christian Ethic of Immigration KRISTEN HEYER Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, 2012. 210 pp. (...)
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    Quantum Electrostatics, Gauss’s Law, and a Product Picture for Quantum Electrodynamics; or, the Temporal Gauge Revised.Bernard S. Kay - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-61.
    We provide a suitable theoretical foundation for the notion of the quantum coherent state which describes the electrostatic field due to a static external macroscopic charge distribution introduced by the author in 1998 and use it to rederive the formulae obtained in 1998 for the inner product of a pair of such states. (We also correct an incorrect factor of 4π\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$4\pi$$\end{document} in some of those formulae.) Contrary to what one might expect, (...)
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