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Jan 22nd 2025 GMT
volume 25, issue 1, 2024
  1. Narrow, Broad, and Future Considerations for Populations with Non-English Language Preference.Samantha Aubrey Chipman, Karen M. Meagher & Amelia Barwise
    Volume 25, Issue 1, January 2025, Page W8-W10.
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    Letter to the Editor.Robert Baker
    Volume 25, Issue 1, January 2025, Page W1-W2.
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volume 42, issue 1, 2025
  1. Correspondencia entre Hélène Metzger Bruhl y Otto Neurath (1936-1939).Juan Felipe Guevara Aristizábal, Liliana Zapata Maldonado & Violeta Aréchiga Córdova
    Presentamos aquí la traducción al español de la correspondencia que mantuvieron Hélène Metzger Bruhl y Otto Neurath entre 1936 y 1939, junto con un breve estudio introductorio en el que se analizan tres factores: en qué consistía la filosofía científica, cómo llegó la obra del Círculo de Viena a Francia y por qué Metzger Bruhl se ganó la atención de Neurath. Estos tres ejes permiten contextualizar la correspondencia y plantear algunos de los temas que ella retoma de forma más detallada.
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  2. Conditiones non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate: el problema de la equivalencia de las estipulaciones de Locke y Nozick.Felipe Schwember Augier & Eduardo Fuentes
    Aunque se inspira en Locke para formular su propia teoría de la propiedad, Nozick exige una y no tres condiciones (o estipulaciones) para la validez de las adquisiciones originarias. Esta diferencia invita a preguntarse si acaso la interpretación de Nozick de las estipulaciones de Locke es correcta o si, en cambio, el filósofo inglés no habrá multiplicado innecesariamente las estipulaciones. El presente trabajo examina ese problema por medio de la aplicación de las respectivas estipulaciones a diferentes situaciones hipotéticas. Sostendremos que (...)
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  3. Pasiones y vida feliz: de Montaigne a Leibniz.Joan Lluis Llinàs Begon
    El objetivo de este artículo es intentar establecer una línea de continuidad entre Montaigne y Leibniz respecto del tema de las pasiones y la vida feliz, entendiendo como parte de ésta una adecuada gestión de las pasiones. Se sostiene que hay puntos de contacto entre Montaigne y Leibniz, que a menudo pasan por la intermediación de Descartes. Tras comparar las propuestas de estos tres autores por lo que respecta a las pasiones y la vida feliz, se concluye que el tratamiento (...)
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  4. Antagonismos en la Europa revolucionaria: de Kant y Fichte a Napoleón y Constant.Javier Leiva Bustos
    Antes incluso de la distinción schmittiana entre «amigo» y «enemigo» en _El concepto de lo político_ (1927), la idea del antagonismo, de un enemigo al que combatir, subyacía ya en muchos de los planteamientos realizados en torno a la Revolución francesa. Así las cosas, el objetivo del presente artículo, a través de un enfoque de filosofía de la historia, es sacar a la luz dicha concepción de antagonismo y retratar una panorámica de cómo éste se encontraba presente no sólo durante (...)
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  5. Ramas San Miguel, Clara, El tiempo perdido. Contra la Edad Dorada. Una crítica del fantasma de la melancolía en política y filosofía., Barcelona: Arpa, 2024. [REVIEW]Aurora Gonzalez Escorihuela
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  6. Qué puede Dios y qué el monarca: dos vías de reconstrucción teológico-política de la filosofía política de Descartes.Héctor Quintela González
    A diferencia del grueso de los escritores de su tiempo, René Descartes no se ocupó de la política más que de manera marginal. En este artículo se ensayan dos vías de reconstrucción teológico-política de la filosofía política cartesiana a partir de lo expuesto por Carl Schmitt en sus trabajos sobre teología política. De ellos se pueden derivar dos modos distintos de pensar la teología política. Procediendo a partir del primero de estos modos, expuesto en 1922, Descartes acaba situado entre los (...)
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  7. Metafísica, Dinámica y Éter en la Filosofía Teórica de Kant.Nicolás Guzmán Grez
    Conforme a una tesis de R. Torretti, el presente artículo intenta mostrar cómo la reflexión filosófica contribuye a detectar y desechar conceptos innecesarios en la ciencia. Para ello, se ha escogido exponer el caso de la filosofía teórica de Kant. Esta exposición exige una descripción tanto de los problemas que suscitan la hipótesis del éter, como de las consideraciones que motivan su reemplazo por un postulado trascendental. Con el fin de evitar las posibles consecuencias atomistas del formalismo trascendental, esta sustitución (...)
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  8. La ciencia perspectiva (1684-1687), de G.W. Leibniz.Ricardo Rodríguez Hurtado
    En el presente trabajo se publica la traducción de _La ciencia perspectiva_ (1684-1686), de G.W. Leibniz. Entre 1679 y 1686, el pensador alemán escribe una serie de textos dedicados a la ciencia perspectiva. Esos escritos son los siguientes: _La construcción y el uso de escalas en la perspectiva_; _Las asistencias del cálculo_; _El fundamento de la perspectiva_; _El origen de la regla del arte de la perspectiva_; _La relación de los puntos con el plano del espectador_; _La ciencia perspectiva_. El (...)
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  9. María Zambrano y Alfonso Rodríguez Aldave en Chile: algunos artículos olvidados y otros materiales de prensa relacionados con su estancia y actividades en el país andino.Francisco José Martín, María Cecilia Luna Salinas & María Isidora Campano Núñez
    Edición de 14 documentos desconocidos (artículos, entrevistas, reseñas, etc.) relacionados con María Zambrano y Alfonso Rodríguez Aldave en ocasión de su estancia en Chile entre 1936 y 1937. Descripción y contextualización de los documentos. Censo de las publicaciones de María Zambrano en Chile.
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  10. Jenofonte, Saber habitar. Oikonomikós, Madrid: Ediciones Asimétricas, 2023.Max Mazoteras Miras
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  11. Conceptos políticos fundamentales: un análisis contemporáneo de Alfonso Galindo Hervás, Conceptos políticos fundamentales: un análisis contemporáneo, Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2021.Iliana Melero Monagas
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  12. Leibniz y la aplicación de la matemática a la física.Federico Raffo Quintana
    En este trabajo analizaremos la concepción de Leibniz acerca de la aplicación de la matemática a la física entre los años 1677 y 1690. Reconstruiremos esta concepción fundamentalmente a partir de algunos conceptos relacionados, como son los de “atributos” o “cualidades acompañantes”. Veremos que, por aplicación de la matemática a la física, Leibniz entendió específicamente la posibilidad de dar explicaciones mecánicas que dan cuenta de la causa inmediata e inteligible por la cual tienen lugar las cualidades confusas, en un sentido (...)
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  13. La ironía ante la tarea de la interioridad: Kierkegaard, crítico de la Frühromantik.Susana Bellón Rey
    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo ofrecer una puesta en diálogo de algunos de los textos más representativos de la _Frühromantik _con los escritos de Kierkegaard que, confrontados entre sí en virtud de un mismo eje temático, nos permitirán revisar cómo ambas propuestas fueron críticas con respecto al pensamiento moderno. Será así que, centrándonos en la cuestión de la ironía, trataremos de poner de manifiesto la voluntad de los autores de resistir al dominio del Sistema filosófico especulativo, a lo que (...)
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  14. Nuevas reflexiones acerca del ser modos finitos de la sustancia infinita en Spinoza.Antonieta García Ruzo
    El presente trabajo se inscribe en el contexto de una investigación doctoral y tiene como base una hipótesis denominada _onto-gnoseológica_. Dicha hipótesis sostiene que las dualidades al interior del sistema spinoziano (expresadas en las duplas_ infinito-finito_, _eternidad-duración_, _esencia-existencia_, _sustancia-modos_), lejos de referir a distinciones ontológicas, deben entenderse como distinciones gnoseológicas. En el marco de esta hipótesis, busco probar en este artículo que las nociones de _sustancia_ y _modos finitos_, tradicionalmente entendidas como fuertemente ontológicas, son asociadas consistentemente por Spinoza a las (...)
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  15. Revelar el arcano de Michel Foucault, resistir a los dispositivos neoliberales: nota crítica a propósito de CASTRO ORELLANA, R. (2023), Dispositivos neoliberales y resistencias (Epílogo de José Luis Villacañas), Barcelona: Herder.Julián Sauquillo
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  16. Leibniz y el problema de la relación entre Dios y las esencias: oposición y evolución desde un modelo teo-mereológico hacia un modelo representacional.Camilo Silva
    La presente contribución tiene por objeto examinar el problema de la relación entre las esencias y Dios en la metafísica de Leibniz, fundamentalmente a la luz de la oposición y evolución de dos modelos que dan cuenta de una transición significativa en su metafísica de las esencias, a saber, un modelo teo-mereológico según el cual las esencias constituyen la naturaleza ontológica de Dios y, en el límite, se identifican a él (1668 – 1676) y un modelo representacional que hace de (...)
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  17. La interpretación platónica del desafío inmoralista.Javier Echeñique Sosa
    Se argumenta que el inmoralismo que confronta Platón en _República _I y II, lejos de presentar un solo desafío, tiene en realidad cuatro niveles de exigencia progresiva. Esta estructura escalonada del desafío inmoralista pone de manifiesto el hecho de que el desafío oficial, formulado por Adamanto en _República _II, corresponde a una _peculiar interpretación _que Platón hace del inmoralismo. Esto se debe a que los dos primeros niveles del desafío no introducen la novedosa posibilidad de suplantación de la realidad moral (...)
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  18. Tractatus Logico Philosophicus y Analysis Situs: aires de familia.Carlos Alberto Cardona Suárez
    El artículo explora vasos comunicantes entre el _Tractatus Logico Philosophicus_ de Ludwig Wittgenstein y el _Analysis situs_ de Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Se muestra que las caracterizaciones de objetos en el _Tractatus_ y de puntos en el _Analysis situs_ siguen patrones similares. También se exploran las similitudes y diferencias entre el pretender que «la proposición puede representar la realidad entera» (_TLP_, § 4.12) o «todas [las proposiciones] están unidas por una trama infinitamente fina al gran espejo» (_TLP_, § 5.511) y el (...)
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  19. La técnica como rasgo constitutivo del hombre: nota crítica a propósito de ALONSO, M. (2021), Ortega y la técnica, Madrid-México D.F.: CSIC-Plaza y Valdés. [REVIEW]José Antonio Valdivia
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  20. La flecha y la trampa. Figuras de la finitud en un discurso fúnebre de Kierkegaard.Rodrigo Figueroa Weitzman & Jorge Mittelmann
    Este artículo elabora la posición de Kierkegaard ante la muerte, tal como ella comparece en un escrito exhortativo inscrito en su colección de _Discursos Edificantes_. Se defiende la tesis que la posición original elaborada en este escrito a la vez (_i_) se inspira en el célebre argumento de Epicuro contra el temor a la muerte y (_ii_) refuta ese argumento mediante consideraciones que no invalidan su estructura deductiva, pero ponen de manifiesto su insuficiencia fenomenológica. El elemento central de esa refutación (...)
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volume 35, issue 1, 2024
  1.  5
    Dharmakīrti’s theory of fault with particular reference to Vādanyāya.Wei Gan & Zhi-Xi Chen
    In Indian logic, Nigrahasthāna (fault) generally refers to the occasion of defeat in debates. The fundamental theme of Vādanyāya is to discuss the issue of fault in debates. Based on the standpoint of Buddhist logic, Dharmakīrti in Vādanyāya, starting from the argumentative structure and rules of Buddhism, creatively developed the theory of fault in his debate logic, which can also be seen as a revision of the theory of fault in the Nyāya school. Delving into the logic and culture of (...)
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  2.  10
    Beauty, nobility, and desire: Ideals of gentlemanliness and the male body in Confucius and Plato.Lucien Mathot Monson
    Both Plato and Confucius were deeply concerned with moral cultivation and political leadership, topics that were inherently gendered in ancient patriarchal societies. I show that both thinkers focused their discussions on concepts that were associated with male aristocratic ideals of gentlemanliness. Yet while Confucian texts emphasize moral behavior and ritual to beautify the male body (shen 身), Plato focuses on the cultivation of a non-physical soul, which women also possess. Various theories have been proposed to explain this difference in their (...)
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    A painting you can eat: A dialogue between Dōgen and postmodern thinkers on nature and ecology.Carl Olson
    Ecology is a major international issue of the present moment because the earth is threatened by forces beyond our control that have potential devastating consequences. This essay looks at the problem through the eyes of the Zen master Dðgen and selected postmodern philosophers. The difference between them is evident by Dðgen’s planful statement about eating a painting of a rice cake. Postmodernists perceives nature as a social construct connected to a representational mode of thinking that conflicts with the postmodern emphasis (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1. Informal Institutions and Multinationals' Drive Towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Dark‐Side Perspective.Ugbede Umoru, Oyedele Martins Ogundana, Musa Mangena & Victor Udeozor
    This study explores the influence of informal institutions (including its dark side) on multinational enterprises (MNEs) in promoting sustainable development goals (SDGs) in a developing nation. Using qualitative interviews, we find that informal institutions, including “crime” and “corruption,” increase telecommunication MNEs' support of SDGs. Our findings underscore the critical role of understanding and harnessing informal institutions, showcasing their significant impact on shaping the actions and contributions of MNEs. This research not only contributes to institutional theory but also provides empirical evidence (...)
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volume 49, issue 1, 2025
  1. The Confrustion Constellation: A New Way of Looking at Confusion and Frustration.Ryan S. Baker, Elizabeth Cloude, Juliana M. A. L. Andres & Zhanlan Wei
    There has been considerable research on confusion and frustration that has treated them as two unitary constructs, distinct from each other. In this article, we argue that there is instead a constellation of different types of confusion and frustration, with different antecedents, manifestations, and impacts, and that the commonalities between many types of confusion and frustration justify thinking of them as part of the same constellation of affect, distinct from other prominent affective categories. We discuss how these types of affect (...)
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  2. Sad Art Gives Voice to Our Own Sadness.Tara Venkatesan, Mario Attie-Picker, George E. Newman & Joshua Knobe
    People tend to show greater liking for expressions of sadness when these expressions are described as art. Why does this effect arise? One obvious hypothesis would be that describing something as art makes people more likely to regard it as fictional, and people prefer expressions of sadness that are not real. We contrast this obvious hypothesis with a hypothesis derived from the philosophical literature. In this alternative hypothesis, describing something as art makes people more inclined to appropriate it, that is, (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1. Educating We the People: Jean‐Luc Nancy and the Spirit of 1968.René V. Arcilla
    This essay by René Arcilla examines Jean-Luc Nancy's understanding of the “spirit of 1968.” It argues that Nancy's concept can guide a humanist approach to educating citizens for participation in democratic self-government, one that responds to the political challenges facing us today. In particular, it develops a critique of factionalizing identity politics and seeks to renew what it means to address, and be addressed by, “we the people.” The essay proposes an idea of what democracy seeks to affirm: our social (...)
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volume 89, issue 8, 2024
  1. (1 other version)Understanding in Medicine.Somogy Varga
    This paper aims to clarify the nature of understanding in medicine. The first part describes in more detail what it means to understand something and links a type of understanding (i.e., objectual understanding) to explanations. The second part proceeds to investigate what objectual understanding of a disease (i.e., biomedical understanding) requires by considering the case of scurvy from the history of medicine. The main hypothesis is that grasping a mechanistic explanation of a condition is necessary for a biomedical understanding of (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1. Digital Blackface and Its Argumentative Implications.Tempest M. Henning
    While much has been written regarding the harms of Digital Blackface, within this paper I argue that Digital Blackface is harmful on an argumentative level, as opposed to merely socio-political. My position is that the usage of Black GIFs/memes should be curtailed by non-Black and non-users of African American Argumentation (AAA). Rather than offering socio-political reasons members of these groups ought not to use Digital Blackface, I utilize the Pragma-Dialectical model of argumentation. My argument hinges on Black GIFs/memes utilized by (...)
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volume 17, issue 1, 2025
  1. The Role of Community Initiatives in Fostering Peaceful Coexistence: A Philosophical and Religious Analysis of Social Harmony in Uae Society.Noura Nasir Al-Karbi, Najeh Rajeh Al-Salhi & Shaikha Nasir Al-Karbi
    This study explores the role of community initiatives in fostering peaceful coexistence within UAE society through the lens of philosophical and religious perspectives. By employing a descriptive and analytical approach, the study examines how these initiatives contribute to the promotion of tolerance, social harmony, and interreligious dialogue in a diverse society. Data were drawn from official reports, statements from the UAE Ministry of Tolerance, and prior scholarly work. The findings indicate that community initiatives in the UAE have been instrumental in (...)
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  2. Self-Esteem, Risk, and Transcendence: Seamus Heaney’s Philosophical Reflections on Ethnic Identity and Poetic Revisions in the Context of Religious Thought.Mingxi Chen
    Seamus Heaney's exploration of identity politics has long been a subject of debate among scholars. While some view him as a creator of his own ethnic identity, others critique him as a fabricator of myths and idealized origins. However, the truth of Heaney’s engagement with ethnic identity is far more nuanced. His journey, evolving from a focus on communal attachment to active alienation, and ultimately to the deconstruction of binary oppositions, marks a significant shift from essentialism to pluralism. This transformation (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1. Not Quite Killing It: Black Hole Evaporation, Global Energy, and De-Idealization.Eugene Y. S. Chua
    A family of arguments for black hole evaporation relies on conservation laws, defined through symmetries represented by Killing vector fields which exist globally or asymptotically. However, these symmetries often rely on the idealizations of stationarity and asymptotic flatness, respectively. In non-stationary or non-asymptotically-flat spacetimes where realistic black holes evaporate, the requisite Killing fields typically do not exist. Can we 'de-idealize' these idealizations, and subsequently the associated arguments for black hole evaporation? Here, I critically examine the strategy of using 'approximately Killing' (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1. A global framework for integrating public health into well-being: why a public well-being system is needed.Laszlo L. Lippai, Klara Tarkó, Attila Tanyi, Zsofia Kollányi, Maria Arapovics & Jozsef Vitrai
    There is a growing focus on public health initiatives that prioritise well-being. The main question of our study is whether this, in its current form, can really represent a new response to the challenges of previous strategies, or whether there is a greater chance that it will essentially reproduce the problems associated with the paradoxical situation of public health. Based on a review, analysis and evaluation of the literature on well-being in public health, we outlined the foundations of a new (...)
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volume 35, issue 1, 2025
  1. Empathy in Art and Science: Embodied Cognition and Affect in Film.Graça P. Corrêa
    Empathy is a major aspect of the interplay between filmmaking and reception. Philosophers and neuroscientists have asserted how film’s technical and conceptual devices seemingly simulate the streamings of consciousness by rendering through images the very processes of thought. More recently, in a noteworthy collaborative work between neuroscience and film theory, Vittorio Gallese and Michele Guerra (2020) have observed how the process of “embodied simulation” is at the basis of empathy, making possible intense and diversified experiences of space, objects and other (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1. (1 other version)Note on the Fittingness of Negative Naming in Sacred Theology: The Corpus Dionysiacum and Father Bernard Lonergan, SJ.David Francis Sherwood
    Within a broadly Thomistic frame, this paper shows how simple apophaticism in the theology of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite is the more fitting mode of knowing the triune God, beyond the use of all divine names. Specifically, we will proceed using the work of Father Bernard Lonergan, SJ on theological fittingness. After setting forth Father Lonergan's understanding of fittingness, the paper will proceed through Dionysius's cataphatic names, apophatic names, and apophatic silence. The cataphatic and apophatic names, while true, useful, and fittingly (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1. Gesa Lindemann: Approaches to the World. The Multiple Dimensions of the Social.Lisa Alexandra Henke
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  2. Exploring the Hermeneutic Dialogue in the Patient-Physician Relationship.Junguo Zhang
    This paper delves into the realm of hermeneutical medicine, focusing on the physician-patient relationship through the lens of Gadamer’s hermeneutics. It argues that in this approach, true dialogue between patients and physicians does not silence or dominate one another, but rather allows for the discovery of new insights from shared experiences, including those of a negative nature. Gadamer rehabilitates prejudices in medical encounters. Through genuine conversation, both physicians and patients gain a better understanding of themselves, each other, and the illness (...)
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forthcoming articles
  1. Tensions in Corporate Contractarianism: Rhetoric Rather than Logic.Jonathan Hardman
    The dominant conceptual approach in Anglo-American corporate law literature is to represent the company as a series of voluntary bilateral arrangements. Under such a contractarian approach, the role for company law is to facilitate private bargaining and transactions. This representation is far from uncontroversial, and is frequently challenged on both descriptive grounds (that it does not accurately describe company law) and normative grounds (that its claims as to what the law should be are unfounded). Yet it remains the primary analytical (...)
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  2. Sociosemiotic Framing of Human Rights in Digital Age.Jahongir le ChengNasirov
    In this digital age with its global challenges and opportunities, the need for a new, sustainable policy framework is becoming more obvious. For this reason, the necessity for institutions to fully commit to justice and security in the digital landscape is increasing. This will ensure constant peace and stability, and improve human rights throughout the world. The study concentrates on the importance and need for initiatives to promote the world and the exaltation of sustainable development around the world. The creation (...)
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  3. Gender Studies, Ancient Society and Law: New Method of Analysis.Arnaud Paturet
    For a long time, Roman history, taken in its social and legal aspects, was written as a history of males, before Women's Studies and very recently Gender Studies tried to re-established a kind of balance, even if this last field is still little explored by law historians. The hierarchical structure of Roman society—reputed to have been highly macho—was not necessarily based on a simple sex relationship but on a gender relationship in which the individual's biological sex was not enough to (...)
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  4. The Spatial Dynamics of National Minority Categories in Czechia– a Discourse Historical Perspective.Sylva Reznikova
    The absence of a universally recognized definition of national minority is perceived as problematic by legal scholars on the international level as well as in domestic jurisdictions [Kymlicka, Will. 2015. Solidarity in diverse societies: Beyond neoliberal multiculturalism and welfare chauvinism. _Comparative Migration Studies_., Ringelheim, Julie. 2010. Minority Rights in a Time of Multiculturalism-The Evolving Scope of the Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities. _Human rights law review_., Velázquez, Elisa Ortega. 2017. Minority rights for immigrants: From Multiculturalism (...)
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  5. Lying Detection Through Reality Monitoring: Evidence from Jordanian Arabic.Ghaida Yousef, Marwan Jarrah & Abdel Rahman Mitib Altakhaineh
    Lying is the deliberate act of conveying false information to deceive others using language. Examining the linguistic and content features of this act has been a point of interest for forensic linguists due to its potential significance in examining various legal contexts such as criminal investigations, accusations, eyewitness testimonies, allegations, and police interrogations. This article aimed to examine the content features of lying in Jordanian Colloquial Arabic and their social constraints. The study draws on the Reality Monitoring (RM) approach, a (...)
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volume 38, issue 1, 2025
  1.  1
    Comparative Law and the Breaking of the Vessels.Cristina Costantini
    The essay attempts to shed light on some examples of the relationship between prescriptive and descriptive, norms and facts in comparative law. In particular, it examines: the methodological choices (in the alternative between normative paradigms and open pluralism), the ontology of the law (in the alternative between abstract dogmatism and experiential realism), the act of dividing the global spatiality into different units of legal meaning (in the alternative between neutral observation and constructive projectuality). Capturing the tension between doubt, displacement, rupture (...)
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  2.  2
    Abductive Reasoning as a Logic Tool for Production of New Knowledge in Comparative Legal Science.Davide Gianti
    This essay provides an overview of the working mechanisms of abductive reasoning and discusses the possible applications of this logic tool in comparative law research. Indeed, abductive reasoning pertains to the role of explanatory reasoning in formulating hypotheses and, as commonly utilised in contemporary literature of social sciences, in verifying those ideas. Comparative thinking is a logic process of the human mind that employs a particular set of logic and epistemic tools to manage and process data. Arguing that comparative law (...)
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  3.  6
    Against Exclusionary Reasons as Only Razian Facts.Carlos Gálvez Bermúdez
    Legal rules are often understood in terms of exclusionary reasons, and exclusionary reasons are normally understood as reasons for action according to R az. In this paper, I engage with the literature on the _metaphysics of reasons for action_ and explain how exclusionary reasons can be used in different conceptions of what reasons for action _are_ (and not only by the one defended by J oseph R az ). To do that, I proceed as follows: In the first part, and (...)
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  4.  8
    Legal Linguistics and Intellectual Property Law: A Critical Review of Calboli’s and Montagnani’s Handbook of Intellectual Property Research: Lenses, Methods, and Perspectives (Oxford University Press 2021).Daniel Green
    This review presents a critical reading of Calboli's and Montagnani's _Handbook of Intellectual Property Research_ from the perspective of Applied Legal Linguistics (ALL). It first identifies the lack of discussion from the perspective of applied legal linguistics (ALL), legal semiotics, and discourse analysis, and points out the strong connection between intellectual property (IP) law and language. I seek to convey my insight how legal linguistics is not merely auxiliary but is, in fact, very much intertwined with real-world legal outcomes in (...)
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  5.  3
    Mac Aodha, M. Chronique bibliographique : La quête de l’expression optimale du droit : Le langage du droit à l’épreuve du texte, Essai de jurilinguistique par Jean-Claude Gémar, Les Éditions Thémis, 2023, ISBN 9782894004746. [REVIEW]Máirtín Mac Aodha
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  6.  17
    Les passages juridiques des faits aux normes.Pierre Moor
    Tout ce qui n’est pas reconnu par le droit comme norme juridique est traité par lui comme un fait—normes sociales, connaissances scientifiques, mœurs, événements, etc. Le droit, système autoréférentiel, institue les compétences et les procédures par lesquelles une assertion quelconque, portant sur des faits, devient une norme juridique. Le présent texte analyse les différents lieux de passage par lesquels des faits peuvent ainsi être reconnus par le droit comme normes juridiques. Il analyse d’abord la réception et la construction des faits (...)
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