  1. The World of Communication: Engaged or Excluded?Guy Jucquois - 2006 - Diogenes 53 (3):53 - 66.
    A twofold threat hangs over freedom of communication. In rich countries globalization is leading to standardization of thought via national and international bodies. In the cultural as well as the scientific field, especially the human sciences, diversity is needed for reasons of both survival and democracy. Efficiency and productivity imperatives are sacrificing human diversity for economically cost-effective goals. For instance, in the communication field the merging of publishing functions in all media is an obstacle to the free circulation of ideas (...)
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    Language and Communication among Hominids.Guy Jucquois - 2007 - Diogenes 54 (2):60 - 80.
    The question of the origin of ‘natural’ human language has fascinated the scientific world for a very long time and seems to be generating a renewed level of interest. This paper will show that all elements converge to indicate a long and slow process of separation by which the hominids very progressively became distinguished from the other higher primates and more generally from other animal species. Biological and neurological developments created favourable structures for the future emergence of human languages. These (...)
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    Communiquer : exclure ou partager?Guy Jucquois - 2005 - Diogène 211 (3):67-85.
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    Dans et hors de la science: réflexions à propos de la science et de la société.Guy Jucquois - 2020 - Louvain-la-Neuve: EME éditions.
    La science ne se construit pas dans la solitude. La recherche s'inscrit dans les pratiques sociales d'un milieu et d'une époque. Mais, la croissance rapide de nos sociétés a créé une scission entre nos concitoyens et les "spécialistes", perçus comme perdus dans leurs savoirs et pratiquant des rites complexes et incompréhensibles. Le "peuple" et les "élites" ont cessé de se comprendre et une méfiance réciproque est née entre ces deux catégories qui fonctionnent pourtant selon les mêmes règles.
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    Le comparatisme.Guy Jucquois - 1989 - Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters Publishers.
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    Langage et communication chez les hominidés.Guy Jucquois - 2006 - Diogène 214 (2):71-94.
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    Rupture linguistique, déplacement analytique et analyse anthropologique.Albert Doutreloux, Jean Costermans, Guy Jucquois & Antoine Vergote - 1980
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    Hethitica 2.George C. Moore, Guy Jucquois, René Lebrun, Bernard Devlamminck & Rene Lebrun - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (1):180.
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