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  1. Nietzsche's Poethics: Poetry as a Way of Life in 'The Gay Science'.Philip Mills - 2024 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 26 (1):221-239.
    The notion of poethics has been used to approach the way in which forms of language and forms of life are interdependent and to reveal the ethical dimension of poetics. However, the interaction must go both ways; there must not only be an ethical dimension to poetics, but also a poetic dimension to ethics. To what extent is ethics dependent on poetics? In this essay, I argue that Nietzsche’s life-affirming ethics can be understood only in this poethical framework. The specificity (...)
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  2. A Theory of Democratic Social Change and the Role of Disempowerment: Reconceptualization of the American Founding Documents .Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 5 (3):50-72.
    Existing social disparities in the United States are inconsistent with Lincoln’s promise of democracy; therefore, there is a need for a critical conceptualization of the first principles that undergird American democracy and the genesis of democratic social change in America. This study aimed to construct a grounded theory that provides an understanding of the process of American democratic social change. The result was the construction of two frameworks: the demoralization process that triggers social change, and a formal grounded theory that (...)
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  3. Reaffirming the irrationality of human confidence that an ageless existence would be better: A reply to García-Barranquero and Llorca Albareda.Susan B. Levin - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (6).
  4. Logic for Justice.Isaac Wilhelm - 2023 - London: Routledge.
    An introductory textbook, Logic for Justice covers, in full detail, the language and semantics of both propositional logic and first-order logic. It motivates the study of those logical systems by drawing on social and political issues. Basically, Logic for Justice frames propositional logic and first-order logic as two theories of the distinction between good arguments and bad arguments. And the book explains why, for the purposes of social justice and political reform, we need theories of that distinction. -/- In addition, (...)
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  5. [no title].Erich Hatala Matthes - 2024 - New York: Oxford University Press.
  6. Essere e speranza nella dimensione della cura. Valutazioni teoretico-pratiche a partire da M. Heidegger, K. Jaspers, G. Marcel.Antonio Di Somma - 2025 - Assisi, Italia: Cittadella Editrice.
    Il presente lavoro di ricerca apre il pensiero e l’agire dell’aver cura della vita e della salute all’analitica della relazione fondamentale tra essere e speranza nella dimensione della cura. Attraverso l’analisi del rapporto tra “cura”, “limite” e “speranza” nel tempo della tecnica, si sono ricercate le condizioni ermeneutiche di uno sguardo rinnovato verso l’essere della cura, orientato dalla possibilità della speranza. A partire dal confronto con la concettualizzazione heideggeriana dell’ “aver cura”, dalla ricomprensione della nozione jaspersiana di “situazione limite” e (...)
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  7. Meaningful Work and Achievement in Increasingly Automated Workplaces.W. Jared Parmer - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (3):527-551.
    As automating technologies are increasingly integrated into workplaces, one concern is that many of the human workers who remain will be relegated to more dull and less positively impactful work. This paper considers two rival theories of meaningful work that might be used to evaluate particular implementations of automation. The first is achievementism, which says that work that culminates in achievements to workers’ credit is especially meaningful; the other is the practice view, which says that work that takes the form (...)
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  8. Binding Oneself.Janis David Schaab - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    This article advances three claims about the bindingness of duties to oneself: (1) To defend duties to oneself, one had better show that they can bind, i.e., provide normative reason to comply. (2) To salvage the bindingness of duties to oneself, one had better construe them as owed to, and waivable by, one's present self. (3) Duties owed to, and waivable by, one's present self can nevertheless bind. In advancing these claims, I partly oppose views recently developed by Daniel Muñoz (...)
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  9. Human Finitude and Transcendence: The Heidegger-Cassirer Debate on Kant's Ethics [Research MA thesis, Univ. of Groningen].Mihai Ometiță - 2011 - Dissertation, University of Groningen
    The 1929 confrontation between Heidegger and Cassirer in Davos (Switzerland) is pivotal for the history of the twentieth-century philosophy. The stake of that encounter was the appropriation of Kant’s legacy during the first half of the last century and the fate of Neo-Kantianism between the two World Wars. Since then, the “Davos disputation” has become controversial among researchers of the development of philosophical orientations in the twentieth century. Moreover, not only these researchers, but also the attendants of that dispute, express (...)
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  10. The social life of prejudice.Renée Jorgensen - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (8):2585-2600.
    A ‘vestigial social practice' is a norm, convention, or social behavior that persists even when few endorse it or its original justifying rationale. Begby (2021) explores social explanations for the persistence of prejudice, arguing that even if we all privately disavow a stereotype, we might nevertheless continue acting as if it is true because we believe that others expect us to. Meanwhile the persistence of the practice provides something like implicit testimonial evidence for the prejudice that would justify it, making (...)
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  11. كتاب. علوم التربية والترجمة: الواقع والآفاق.مجموعة مؤلفين - 2024 - Errachidia: Editions Revue Brochures Educatives منشورات مجلة كراسات تربوية.
    تقديم: في الحاجة إلى الترجمة في قضايا علوم التربية. الدكتور الصديق الصادقي العماري. باحث في علم الاجتماع. وجدت التربية مع وجود الحياة الإنسانية، وهي ظاهرة اجتماعية بامتياز عرفها الإنسان منذ أن وطئت قدماه الأرض، كما أنها كانت موضوع اهتمام الأديان عبر العصور والأزمنة، وهذا يدل على دورها الفاعل والهام في تطوير الشعوب والأمم وتقدمها. وقد عرفت تطورات نوعية وكيفية عميقة جنبا إلى جنب مع التحولات الاقتصادية والثقافية والاجتماعية والسياسية... إلى أن أصبحت علما بل علوما متعددة ومتنوعة، وكذلك من بين التخصصات (...)
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  12. Embracing self‐defeat in normative theory.Samuel Fullhart - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 109 (1):204-225.
    Some normative theories are self-defeating. They tell us to respond to our situations in ways that bring about outcomes that are bad, given the aims of the theories, and which could have been avoided. Across a wide range of debates in ethics, decision theory, political philosophy, and formal epistemology, many philosophers treat the fact that a normative theory is self-defeating as sufficient grounds for rejecting it. I argue that this widespread and consequential assumption is false. In particular, I argue that (...)
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  13. The irrationality of human confidence that an ageless existence would be better.Susan B. Levin - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (4):277-301.
    Transhumanists and their fellow travelers urge humanity to prioritize the development of biotechnologies that would eliminate aging, delivering ‘an endless summer of literally perpetual youth.’ Aspiring not to age instantiates what philosopher Martha Nussbaum calls the yearning for ‘external transcendence,’ or the fundamental surpassing of human bounds due to confidence that life without them would be better. Based on Immanuel Kant’s account of the parameters of human understanding, I argue that engineering agelessness could not be a rational priority for humanity (...)
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  14. The dangerous liaison between rape culture and information technologies. Reality, virtuality, and responsibility in cyber-rapes.Francesco Striano - 2023 - In Mary L. Edwards & S. Orestis Palermos, Feminist philosophy and emerging technologies. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 74-94.
    The discussion will begin with a narrative introduction, which will fo¬cus on the first occurrence in literature of testimony of a cyber-rape. From this introduction, the main philosophical issues involved in these phenom¬ena will emerge. This introduction will be followed by a brief discussion of the different forms of cyber-rape, which will refer, in particular, to feminist literature on the subject. Subsequently, the chapter will enter the heart of the philosophical dis¬cussion, addressing the first of the topics to which it (...)
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  15. Beyond moral fundamentalism.Steven Fesmire - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Moral fundamentalism is the habit of acting as though one has access to the exclusively right way to diagnose problems, along with the single approvable practical solution to any particular problem. This approach causes us to oversimplify situations, neglect broader context, take refuge in dogmatic absolutes, ignore possibilities for finding common ground, assume privileged access to the right way to proceed, and shut off honest inquiry. In this way, moral fundamentalism-exacerbated by social media silos-also makes the worst of native impulses (...)
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  16. Kamachinakuy: derecho y sumak kawsay.Fausto César Quizhpe Gualán - 2023 - Ecuador: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar Sede Ecuador.
    Este trabajo critica del derecho y la economía, bajo la corriente desarrollada por Franz Hinkelammert. Se utiliza el método transdisciplinario, atravesando la Filosofía indígena, la Teología de la Liberación y la Filosofía de la Liberación. En el análisis de casos se recurre a la justicia comunitaria del pueblo kichwa Saraguro. Se critica que tanto la teoría como la filosofía del derecho grecorromana está centrada en la propiedad privada, que justifica y protege al sistema económico capitalista. La propuesta está centrada en (...)
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  17. Možemo li braniti teoriju normativne pogreške?Joshua Taccolini - 2024 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 20 (1):131-154.
    Normativni teoretičari pogreške nastoje braniti teoriju pogreške koja kaže da normativni sudovi pripisuju normativna svojstva, a takva svojstva, uključujući razloge za vjerovanje, nikada nisu instancirana. Mnogi filozofi su iznijeli prigovore obrani teorije koja podrazumijeva da ne možemo imati razloga vjerovati u nju. Spencer Case prigovara da teoretičari pogreške jednostavno ne mogu izbjeći samopobijanje. S druge strane, Bart Streumer tvrdi da ne možemo vjerovati u normativnu teoriju pogreške, ali da to, pomalo iznenađujuće, pomaže njenim zagovornicima da je obrane od ovih prigovora. (...)
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  18. John Stuart Mill on the Suez Canal and the Limits of Self-Defence.Tim Beaumont - 2024 - International Theory.
    Michael Walzer’s use of John Stuart Mill’s A Few Words on Non-Intervention (1859) helped to inaugurate it as a canonical text of international theory. However, Walzer’s use of the text was highly selective because he viewed the first half as a historically parochial discussion of British foreign policy, and his interest in the second was restricted to the passages in which Mill proposes principles of international morality to govern foreign military interventions to protect third parties. As a result, theorists tend (...)
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  19. What is Effective Altruism? A Philosopher Explains.Jacob Bauer - 2023 - The Conversation.
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  20. Review of the Book: Tobias Baumann, Avoiding the Worst (2022, 105 Pages). [REVIEW]Mat Rozas - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 41:275-280.
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  21. Siber Suçlar.Halis Dokgöz (ed.) - 2023 - Istanbul: Akademisyen Kitabevi.
    Bilgisayar, tablet, cep telefonu gibi iletişim ve bilgi teknolojilerinin yaşamımızın merkezine girmesiyle birlikte sanal gerçeklik de kültürümüzün bir parçası olmuştur. -/- Sanal gerçeklik ile birlikte yeni suç unsurlarının da oluşması tüm dünyada küresel bir sorunu da gündeme getirmiştir. Siber suçlar, suç dünyasındaki bilinen ve bilinmeyen en yeni ve en karmaşık sorunları da beraberinde getirmiştir. -/- Siber teknoloji, bir yandan bilgi ve iletişimi hızlandırıp kolaylaştırırken diğer yandan kötüye kullanım da bir o kadar hızlı ve kolay olmaktadır. Siber saldırılarla seçimlere müdahale edilebilmekte, (...)
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  22. Performative Shaming and the Critique of Shame.Euan Allison - 2024 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy:1-9.
    Some philosophers argue that we should be suspicious about shame. For example, Nussbaum endorses the view that shame is a largely irrational or unreasonable emotion rooted in infantile narcissism. This claim has also been used to support the view that we should largely abandon shaming as a social activity. If we are worried about the emotion of shame, so the thought goes, we should also worry about acts which encourage shame. I argue that this line of reasoning does not license (...)
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  23. Transgressive Womanhood.Manon Hedenborg-White & Bridget Sandoff (eds.) - 2014
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  24. Gassmann, Robert H (2011). Coming to terms with dé 德 : The deconstruction of ‘virtue’ and a lesson in scientific morality. In: King, R; Schilling, D. How Should One Live? Comparing Ethics in Ancient China and Greco-Roman Antiquity. Berlin: de Gruyter, 92-.Robert H. Gassmann (ed.) - 2011
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  25. Values in Public Life.Patrick Riordan (ed.) - 2007 - Lit Verlag.
    The unifying theme of the papers in this volume is the human good, analyzed from the perspectives of different disciplines. Their guiding intuition is that the topic of the human good is neglected. They draw attention to values which are present and operative in public life, and attempt to strengthen the intellectual resources available for talking about them. The disciplines of theology, philosophy, politics, sociology, economics and aesthetics are engaged in a conversation about a shared concern and strengthen the literacy (...)
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  26. Ethical Guidelines for innovative surgery.Alex London (ed.) - unknown - Hagerstown, MD: University publishing group.
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  27. Arquetipos Morales: ética prehistoria-pe.Roberto Thomas Arruda - 2024 - São Paulo: Terra à Vista.
    Pe tradición filosófica umi enfoque moral rehegua oñemopyenda predominantemente umi concepto ha teoría metafísica ha teológica-pe. Umi concepto tradicional ética rehegua apytépe, ojehecharamovéva ha’e Teoría de Comando Divino (TCD). TCD he’iháicha, Ñandejára ome’ẽ pyenda moral yvypórape ojejapo guive ha umi revelación rupive. Péicha, pe moralidad ha divinidad ndojeseparái va’erãmo’ã pe civilización mombyryvéva guive. Ko'ã concepto oime sumergido peteî estructura teológica ha oasepta principalmente mayoría umi omoirûva mbohapy tradición abrahámica: judaísmo, cristianismo ha islam, oimehápe parte considerable población humana. Oñongatúvo jerovia ha (...)
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  28. The case for an appropriate discourse of cultural appropriation.Minh-Ha T. Pham - 2025 - In Zahra Ali & Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun, Decolonial pluriversalism: epistemes, aesthetics, and practices. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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  29. Kants Philosophie.Gabriele Gava & Achim Vesper - 2024 - Munich: C.H. Beck.
    Immanuel Kant gilt zu Recht als einer der wichtigsten Philosophen in der Geschichte der westlichen Philosophie. In dieser Einführung werden – neben einem Seitenblick auf seine Biografie und seinen intellektuellen Werdegang – die bedeutendsten Werke seiner kritischen Periode vorgestellt und anhand ihrer Schlüsselbegriffe erklärt. Außerdem wird Kants Neuansatz in der Philosophie aus einer zentralen Idee verständlich gemacht: der Idee, dass nicht nur das menschliche Handeln, sondern alle leitenden menschlichen Weltbezüge «normativ» strukturiert sind.
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  30. Love Not War: On the Chemistry of Good and Evil.Paula Casal - 2011 - In Axel Gosseries & Yannick Vanderborght, Arguing about Justice: Essays for Philippe Van Parijs. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses Universitaires de Louvain. pp. 145-157.
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  31. Zarar İlkesi Üzerine: Üç Temel Eleştiriyi Tartışmak.Utku Ataş - 2024 - Kaygı. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi 23 (1):68-93.
    Turkish Bu makalede bireylerin eylemlerine müdahale etmenin tek haklı gerekçesinin başkalarına zarar gelmesini önlemek olduğunu ifade eden ‘‘zarar ilkesine (Zİ)’’ getirilen üç eleştiriyi tartıştım. Öncelikle ilkeyi anlamlı kılabilecek bir zarar tarifinin bulunmadığı eleştirisini ele alarak bu eleştirinin, ilkenin ancak problemsiz bir zarar tanımı ile birlikte makul kabul edilebileceği varsayımına dayandığını tespit ettim. Zarar kavramına ilişkin var olan bilgi dağarcığımızı görmezden gelmesi ve zarara başvuran ilkeler haricindeki diğer birçok ilkeyi de kapsayan genel bir şüpheciliğin önünü açması nedeniyle ilgili varsayımı reddetmemiz gerektiğini (...)
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  32. War on Terror: Reflecting on 20 Years of Policy, Actions, and Violence.Stipe Buzar & Jean-François Caron (eds.) - 2024 - Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
    Looking back at the "War on Terror" and its policies, actions, and the violence that followed, this book analyzes the resulting changes in international power structures and the relationship between citizens and their representatives. It defines our shortcomings in opposing this type of violence by demonstrating how the notion of legitimate violence has been broadened. -/- The impact of the "War on Terror" on the public view of Liberalism is explored, as well as its effects on the role of state (...)
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  33. Intersectional Implications of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.Nia McCabe - manuscript
    This essay offers a uniquely feminist interpretation of Book III in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics by examining the relevance of Aristotle's ethical framework to modern intersectional debates. I begin with an analysis of Aristotle's distinctions between involuntary, voluntary, mixed, and nonvoluntary actions, along with his nuanced discussion of ignorance. I then examine the implications of these concepts in contemporary social issues, and emphasize their potential to make intersectionality more accessible and fostering a constructive dialogue on prejudice. These concepts are then applied (...)
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  34. Etica dell’educazione e dell’informazione: accesso alla conoscenza, design, reciprocità.Leonardo Manna - 2024 - Nuova Secondaria 6 (2).
    The article examines education in the information age, proposing an informational perspective. By analyzing the epistemology of informational learning, I offer a framework for understanding how individuals acquire knowledge, highlighting the role of design and models in active and constructive learning. Following this, the paper presents the UDL and ODDE educational models, outlining their key features and potential contributions. I then showcase the practical application of these models through case studies focusing on the use of AI to develop personalized learning (...)
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  35. The Morality in Intimacy.Jeremy David Fix - 2021 - In Uriah Kriegel, Oxford studies in philosophy of mind. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Is the exemplar of modern ethical theory estranged from their intimates because the motive of duty dominates their motivational psychology? While this challenge against modern ethical theory is familiar, I argue that with respect to a certain strand of Kantian ethical theory, it does not so much as make sense. I explain the content and functional role of the motive of duty in the psychology of the moral exemplar, stressing in particular how that motive shapes and informs the content of (...)
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  36. Chūgoku kindai kyōiku no shisōteki tenkai to tokushitsu: Tō Kōchi "seikatsu kyōiku" shisō no kenkyū.Atsushi Makino - 1993 - Tōkyō: Nihon Tosho Sentā.
  37. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela: Decolonial Ethics of Liberation and Servant Leadership.Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni & Busani Ngcaweni (eds.) - 2016 - Africa World Press.
    Tapping into the deep and expansive legacy of Madiba's life of struggle, Busani Ngcaweni and Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni's book, through an impressive and careful assemblage of a mixture of academics, activists and those who worked closely with him, skilfully and empirically demonstrate how Mandela embodied a rare type of leadership that is current missing in many parts of the world. The book displays a deep longing for ethical, committed, humanistic, decolonial and innovative, original and responsive leadership that Mandela's life of struggle (...)
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  38. The "one in the morning" knock : exploring the connections between faith, participation and wellbeing.Christopher Baker - 2011 - In John R. Atherton, Elaine L. Graham & Ian Steedman, The practices of happiness: political economy, religion and wellbeing. New York: Routledge.
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  39. Mental health, spirituality and religion.Peter Gilbert - 2011 - In John R. Atherton, Elaine L. Graham & Ian Steedman, The practices of happiness: political economy, religion and wellbeing. New York: Routledge.
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  40. Institutions, organisations and wellbeing.Tony Berry - 2011 - In John R. Atherton, Elaine L. Graham & Ian Steedman, The practices of happiness: political economy, religion and wellbeing. New York: Routledge.
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  41. Review: "Ethical Issues: Perspectives for Canadians," by Eldon Soifer (author). [REVIEW]Travis Hreno - 1997 - Philosophy in Review 17 (3):214-215.
    A review of "Ethical Issues: Perspectives for Canadians," by Eldon Soifer (author).
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  42. El biomaestro: Foucault y la experiencia de la filosofía.Carlota Gómez Herrera - 2023 - In Olga Buzón García & Carmen Romero García, Experiencias educativas de renovación pedagógica y procesos de formación del profesorado. Dykinson. pp. 596-613.
    “Hay momentos en la vida en los que la cuestión de saber si se puede pensar distinto de como se piensa o percibir distinto de como se ve es indispensable para seguir contemplando o reflexionando” (Foucault, 2003, p. 8). Esta declaración foucaultiana es la que impulsa la voluntad genealógica que presenta este ensayo, así como su pretensión proyectiva para pensar hoy la educación. El momento filosófico crítico consiste en volver sobre las prácticas que día a día llevamos a cabo y (...)
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  43. Prácticas del maestro ignorante. Rancière y la educación para la emancipación.Carlota Gómez Herrera - 2023 - In Alba Vico Bosch & Luisa Vega Caro, Caminando hacia la innovación en educación: de la teoría a la práctica. Dykinson. pp. 476-491.
    Quien enseña sin emancipar no solo embrutece, predicaba Joseph Jacotot, sino que también adoctrina. Pasado un siglo y medio desde entonces, el filósofo y esteta francés emérito de la Universidad de París VIII y European Graduate School Jacques Rancière, en un ejercicio característico de la filosofía de la educación, publica en 1987 El maestro ignorante a partir de la experiencia de Jacotot. A lo largo de su vida y producción literaria, Rancière reflexiona concienzudamente sobre la naturaleza del proceso de enseñanza (...)
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  44. Gelingendes Leben, Epikurs Weg zur Stressfreiheit.Erwin Sonderegger - manuscript
    Wissen wir, wer oder was unseren Lebensgang bestimmt? Wissen wir überhaupt, was in uns und ausserhalb von uns abläuft? Das einzig Gewisse ist unser Tod, doch was hilft die Gewissheit unseres Todes, wenn ungewiss bleibt, wann er kommt? Unsere Bedürfnisse kennen wir, aber wo sind die Grenzen der Befriedigung? Wenn unsicher geworden ist, wer oder was das bestimmt, was faktisch geschieht, wenn die Welt uns körperlich und seelisch bedrängt und die einzige Gewissheit in der Zukunft unser Tod ist, wenn uns (...)
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  45. Reason, Affectivity, Holy Habits, and Christian Philosophy.Gregory Sadler - 2009 - In Bryan Williams, Via Media Philosophy: Holiness Unto Truth (Intersections between Wesleyan and Roman Catholic Voices). Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 54-67.
    This book chapter represents one of the engagements between Catholic and Wesleyan philosophers at the 2008 Wesleyan Philosophy Society. The issue of what precisely "Wesleyan philosophy" would mean and comprise can be usefully illuminated by comparison with the positions and issues that were raised and discussed by Catholic scholars during the 1930s Christian philosophy debates in France, which included Etienne Gilson, Maurice Blondel, Jacques Maritain, and Gabriel Marcel. We also discuss how the thought on a contemporary Catholic philosopher Adriaan Peperzack, (...)
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  46. Animal Agency.Hans Johann Https://Orcidorg909X Glock - 2010 - In [no title].
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  47. Wholesome Mind Ethics: A Buddhist Paradigm.Jonathan C. Gold - 2023 - Journal of Value Inquiry 57 (4):607-624.
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  48. History and Ethics.Ralph Mclnerny - 1995 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 11:146-156.
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  49. Nicolás Gómez Dávila, el barroco y la ética mundana de Baltasar Gracián.Enver Joel Torregroza Lara - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26:127-133.
    There are notorious differences between the Jesuit theology of Gracián’s Humanism and the Pascalian theology of grace of the Colombian thinker Nicolás Gómez Dávila. In addition, Gómez Dávila criticizes Spanish Baroque when he compares it with other literatures. However, the virtuous hero of Gracián and the philosophical way of life of the Colombian thinker are connected. Both philosophies develop a mundane ethic that solves a puzzle: how the human spirit can access transcendence through the dark labyrinths of earthly difficulties.
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  50. Ethics in the Tractatus. A Condition of the Possibility of Meaning?Benjamin De Mesel - 2023 - In Martin Stokhof & Hao Tang, Wittgenstein's Tractatus at 100. Springer Verlag. pp. 57-76.
    My aim in this chapter is to explore an analogy between logic and ethics, as Wittgenstein understands them in the Tractatus. First, I argue that Wittgenstein regards logic as a condition of the possibility of meaning, in the sense that logic makes meaningful language and thought possible. Second, I ask why Wittgenstein calls both logic and ethics ‘transcendental’. I suggest that, while logic is a condition of the possibility of semantic meaning, ethics is a condition of the possibility of existential (...)
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