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  1. The concept of Volk in Heidegger as an exponent of fundamental ontological structure of Mit-Sein.Fernando Gilabert - 2016 - Diacrítica. Issn: 0870-8967 30 (2):73-85.
    Nuestra propuesta es desarrollar una teoría política a partir del pensamiento de Martin Heidegger. En la biografía de Heidegger, la vinculación que tiene con la política pasa por ser miembro del Partido Nazi (NSDAP) pero en su filosofía sólo hace algunas referencias explícitas a la cuestión de la vida en comunidad. Sin embargo, lo que pretendemos es que a partir de conceptos como Volk (pueblo) y de la estructura ontológica fundamental de Mit-sein (Ser-con) se pueda establecer una filosofía política de (...)
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  2. Todtnauberg. Un poema después de Auschwitz. Heidegger y Paul Celan / Todtnauberg. A poem after Auschwitz. Heidegger and Paul Celan.Fernando Gilabert - 2016 - Bajopalabra. Revista de Filosofía. Issn: 1576-3935 12:237-246.
    Por todos es sabido la relación que el filósofo Martin Heidegger tuvo con el nacionalsocialismo en los años treinta, cuando comenzó el auge de lo que se denominó Tercer Reich. También es sabido que tras la derrota de Alemania en la II Guerra Mundial, Heidegger guardó silencio sobre el Holocausto. Paul Celan, poeta judío que sufrió en los campos de concentración nazis, tuvo una serie de encuentros y desencuentros con el pensador de Friburgo. Celan esperaba que Heidegger emitiera una palabra (...)
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  3. Deutchsland über alles. El vínculo entre la germanidad de Heidegger y la noción de Volk en Ser y Tiempo / Deutchsland über alles. The link between Heidegger's Germanness and the notion of Volk in Being and Time.Fernando Gilabert - 2017 - In Jessica Sánchez Espillaque & María Rodríguez García, Actas del II Seminario Permanente Pensamiento en Curso. ISBN: 978-84-946869-1-7. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla - IrisCopy. pp. 49-61.
    A partir de la lectura de las obras de Martin Heidegger de los años 30 podemos suponer como el concepto de "yo" que hay en sus obras de los años veinte, se torna en el concepto de "nosotros". Lo hace bajo la forma de Volk (pueblo). Este trabajo pretende desgranar qué caracteres fundamentales tienes dicho concepto y cuáles es el sentido que albergan en el caso de lo alemán, esto es, qué características tiene fundamentalmente el pueblo en y desde Heidegger. (...)
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  4. De la empresa del yo a la cooperativa del nosotros. Construir pueblo en un mundo globalizado / From the enterprise of the self to the cooperative of the we. Building a people in a globalised world.Fernando Gilabert - 2017 - In Roberto Carlos Cuenca Jiménez, Diego Allen Perkins & Walter Federico Gadea, Hacia una (re)conceptualización de la democracia contemporánea. Loja (Ecuador): Fénix-Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. pp. 59-71.
    Exponemos nuestra idea de que el liberalismo económico imperante en la tardomodernidad globalizada desarrolla la propuesta de una individualidad extrema que nosotros denominamos "empresas del yo". Éstas consisten en un modo de entender la vida de cada ser humano a partir de valores económicos que hacen que esas diversas vidas se gestionen a partir de la competencia entre unos y otros. Frente a eso, nuestra propuesta es la del desarrollo de una cooperación entre los diversos miembros de una comunidad a (...)
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  5. Hacia una (re)conceptualización de la democracia contemporánea.Roberto Carlos Cuenca Jiménez, Diego Allen Perkins & Walter Federico Gadea (eds.) - 2017 - Loja (Ecuador): Fénix-Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja.
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  6. Propedéutica existenciaria de la vida en común a partir del pensamiento de Martin Heidegger. Condiciones de posibilidad para una política de mínimos / Existential propaedeutics of life in common based on the thought of Martin Heidegger. Conditions of possibility for a politics of minimums.Fernando Gilabert - 2020 - Dissertation, Universidad de Sevilla
    Nuestro propósito es dilucidar la posibilidad de un planteamiento de lo político en el pensamiento de Heidegger. Es sabido que éste estuvo vinculado biográficamente al nazismo, pero creemos que en su filosofía hay conexiones con lo político más allá de la adhesión a la política del NSDAP. Es por eso que hemos de rastrear la posibilidad de una ontología de lo político, que exponga la preocupación por la vida en colectividad, y es en Heidegger donde encontramos una serie de pautas (...)
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  7. A Freudian and Islamic philosophical understanding of the self: Reconstructing the conception of a eudaimonic and meaningful happy life.Ali Alamtory - 2022 - Dissertation, Birkbeck, University of London Translated by Ali Alamtory.
    In a world of suffering, alienation, materialism and hedonism (pleasure as the aim of life), the struggle to avoid the pull toward egoism and worldly desires becomes challenging. It is also difficult to recognise the existence of eudaimonia ('ultimate happiness'): or can there possibly be a eudaimonic life? The debate regarding how to live a meaningful life and attain 'ultimate happiness' is ongoing since happiness is constantly being constructed and is hence, not established. Although some believe otherwise, the Islamic framework (...)
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  8. The problem of toleration: Tacitus, Foucault and governmentality.Andrea di Carlo - 2025 - History of European Ideas 51 (1):93-108.
    This article proposes a novel interpretation of Montaigne’s and Bayle’s comments on Tacitus. My contention is that their Tacitism is a Foucauldian discourse on toleration. Toleration is an example of governmentality, a strategy to govern a population, not a genuine call for religious diversity. This novel reading applies to Michel de Montaigne’s Essays and Pierre Bayle’s Various Thoughts on the Occasion of a Comet and his Historical and Critical Dictionary. Montaigne’s essay On the Useful and the Honourable, he shows that (...)
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  9. Conceptual History as a Philosophical Methodology: The Case of Hans Blumenberg’s Metaphorology.Maximilian Priebe - 2022 - German Historical Institute London Blog.
    This short article is an introduction to Blumenberg's philosophical metaphorology. Metaphorology is presented as an idiosyncratic variant of a conceptual history that draws attention to the fact that what intellectual historians examine as historically influential “concepts” are less clearly defined ideas than a kind of - pragmatically effective - images. Blumenberg calls these background images “metaphors.”.
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  10. What is and to what end do we study intellectual history?Maximilian Priebe - 2022 - German Historical Institute London Blog.
    This short article compares two approaches to intellectual history: the 'Cambridge School', which maintains a close connection to the history of political thought, and the German tradition of Begriffsgeschichte, which can be interpreted as a more general attempt at a history of knowledge.
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  11. From Dividual Power to the Ethics of Renewal in the Anthropocene.Anaïs Nony - 2017 - Azimuth. International Journal of Philosophy 9:134-147.
    The battlefield of the Anthropocene is a tragic one. It begins at the end. It emerges out of melancholy, in the locality of being not-dead-yet. As an Epoch dating the human impact on earth, the Anthropocene looks like a graveyard-to-come, one in which the story of humankind is writing its own epitaph in real time. The tragedy of our moment, or the tragic moment of our action means having to act despite knowing it is too late, searching for hope in (...)
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  12. Phenomenological Bridge Building: Between Empathy and Archetypes in Fiction and Reality.Kevin Michael Stevenson - 2016 - Dovetail Journal 2 (Phenomenology, Literature, Creat):134-151.
    This paper aims to uncover some of the important contributions the phenomenological method can offer to philosophical issues in literary studies. It leads us to the idea that the archetypes found in fiction are intuited phenomenologically. This idea is then linked to a social constructive attainment of meaning for reality. From the intersubjectivity provided by phenomenology, empathy with characters in fiction is then displayed as more than an intellectual activity, as it becomes known to have practical implications. It is framed (...)
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  13. What is Philosophy? What is Politics? What is Critique? - An Interjection on Definitory Practices.Emmanuel Alloa - 2024 - Philosophy, Politics, Critique 1 (1):7-13.
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  14. An Organic System Open to an Intelligible Reality: The Concept of Method in Antonio Rosmini.Lucia Bissoli - 2024 - Religions 15 (5):535.
    Oftentimes, reality seems to us a chaos that we try to control with our theories. This article starts from the antithetic standpoint, inspired by Antonio Rosmini’s works: reality is intelligible, and originates our thinking. From this perspective, any research that tries to reach the truth is determined by the real, not the contrary. Moreover, interdisciplinarity, far from being a solipsistic enterprise, aims at achieving truth and guaranteeing scientific advancement. Here, we analyze the distinctive character of Rosminian encyclopedism and his principles (...)
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  15. Animal Activists and the Possibility of Response.Jennifer O. Gammage - 2020 - Mosaic 53 (2):97-108.
    Animalistic rhetoric is often used to discredit and criminalize political activists. While such dehumanization is embedded within a history of racially-motivated oppression and certainly calls for a reassertion of humanity, I ultimately argue that viewing animals as apolitical forecloses rich possibilities for political resistance.
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  16. Pleasure Erased: The Clitoris Unthought. Catherine Malabou. Translated by Carolyn Shread. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2022 (ISBN 978-1-50954-993-1). [REVIEW]Camilla Pitton & Holden Rasmussen - 2024 - Hypatia Reviews Online.
    The emphasis Malabou places on both the erasure and possible reappropriation of the clitoris, which she requalifies as an “organ of thought” (13), warrants considering broader questions concerning negativity, relationality, and power. We raise two related questions, which we further explore at the end of this review. First, what does Malabou's analysis of the negative and its relationship to thought and femininity imply about the ontological category of relationality in toto? If the relation between negativity and the feminine is central (...)
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  17. Invisibility: From Discrimination to Resistance.Emmanuel Alloa - 2023 - Critical Horizons 24 (4):1-14.
    The paper takes heed of the fact that, when evaluating normative issues through the semantics of visibility and invisibility, a transfer takes place from optical to political semantics which is not without consequences. The paper attempts a typology of the extremely diverse functions (in)visibility takes in current discourses, moving from the characterization of situations of discrimination to that of the resistance to it. In a first step, it analyses the affirmative uses of the notion of political visibilisation, whether of individuals, (...)
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  18. El problema de la diferencia entre teoría y praxis en la filosofía de Hegel.Hector Ferreiro - 2023 - In Miguel Giusti, Thomas Sören Hoffmann & Agemir Bavaresco, Hegel y el círculo de las ciencias. Vol. 1. Editora Fundação Fênix. pp. 105–230.
    La actividad teórica y la actividad práctica han sido tradicionalmente entendidas como complementarias en el sentido que mediante la actividad teórica el sujeto se apropiaría idealmente de los objetos del mundo externo, mientras que mediante la actividad práctica realizaría sus propias metas subjetivas en el mundo. Sin embargo, dicho modelo plantea un conjunto de graves problemas exegéticos y conceptuales sobre la estructura y significado de la entera filosofía del espíritu de Hegel. En este artículo buscaremos esclarecer qué es a ojos (...)
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  19. The Limitations of Duality: Reexamining Sexual Difference in Feminist Philosophies of Nature.Camilla Pitton - 2023 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 9 (4).
    The attempt to rearticulate traditional conceptions of nature can be both a useful strategy and a stumbling block when it comes to feminist examinations of continuity between the objectification of women’s bodies and the domination of nature. This paper contributes to existing debates by providing a critique of what I term the “duality view” of nature: a view stipulating that nature is primarily characterised by a stable sexual duality, and advancing that the objectification of women’s bodies arises because the specificity (...)
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  20. Ausencia de un comienzo o fundamento último. Marx, Nietzsche y Freud según Foucault.Cintia Rodríguez Garat - 2018 - Revista de Filosofía, Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales 8:113-120.
    En el presente artículo se abordarán los aportes de Nietzsche, Freud y Marx, como fundadores de discurso, desde la perspectiva foucaultiana. Para ello, se trabajará con la ponencia "Nietzsche, Freud y Marx" realizada por Foucault en 1964. Foucault condensa en esta ponencia una obra que resulta muy rica, debido a que sintetiza de manera clara los aportes realizados por los "maestros de la sospecha". La riqueza de la obra radica en que expone un giro en las técnicas de la interpretación (...)
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  21. Overcoming Nihilism Through Sufism: An Analysis of Iqbal’s Article on ‘Abd Al-Karim Al-Jili.Feyzullah Yilmaz - 2019 - Oxford Journal of Islamic Studies 30 (1):69–96.
    This paper attempts to rethink the philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal (1877–1938) and challenge the still prevailing tendency in Iqbal scholarship to view it merely as an outcome of the influence of the ideas of various Western/European philosophers. I present Iqbal’s arguments in their particular historical and intellectual context to show that they developed in response to a specific philosophical problem and that Iqbal looked for a solution to that problem in Islamic tradition. I suggest that Iqbal’s philosophy is best understood (...)
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  22. Tragic Genealogies: Adorno's Distinctive Genealogical Method.Benjamin Randolph - 2023 - Radical Philosophy Review 26 (2):275-309.
    As genealogy has gained greater disciplinary recognition over the last two decades, it has become increasingly common to call any historically oriented philosophy, such as Theodor W. Adorno’s, “genealogy.” In this article, I show that Adorno’s philosophy indeed performs genealogy’s defining functions of “problematization” and “possibilization.” Moreover, it does so in unique ways that constitute a significant contribution to genealogical practice. Adorno’s method, here called “tragic genealogy,” is particularly well-suited to the genealogical analysis of traditional philosophical problems and to the (...)
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  23. Hermenéutica y Fenomenología: el desocultamiento de lo ontológico.Roberto Luis Díaz Perojo - 2020 - Dialektika: Revista de Filosofía e Investigación Social 3 (6):51-58.
    La conmoción causada por el término hermenéutica como disciplina, ha abierto una nueva escala de problemáticas en el análisis lingüístico. Sin embargo, la posibilidad de su comprensión se encuentra orientada a las claves de la fenomenología. Este es el pretexto sobre el que Heidegger, Gadamer y Ricoeur asumen un conjunto de disposiciones que orientan a la posibilidad de una hermenéutica fenomenológica. La tarea que subyace conlleva a analizar cuáles son las condiciones de posibilidad de esta hermenéutica fenomenológica de responsabilidad lingüística (...)
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  24. On the Feeling of Powerlessness.Erich Fromm - 2019 - Psychoanalysis and History 21 (3):311-329. Translated by Susan Kassouf.
  25. Vitalisme Spiritual Henri Bergson.Khoiril Maqin - 2014 - Jurnal Filsafat Cogito 1 (1):13-19.
    Materialisme dan mekanisme memandang yang hidup tidak lebih dari benda. Penganut materialisme, melihat organisme hidup dipandang seperti mesin yang rumit. Bagian-bagiannya saling tergantung dan mempengaruhi. Sedangkan mekanisme melihat organisme hidup hanya berdasarkan hukum kimia-fisika. Segala sesuatunya cukup diterangkan melalui rumus-rumus yang rumit. Lawan dari dua paham itu adalah vitalisme. Menurut kaum vitalisme organisme hidup secara fundamental berbeda dari entitas non-hidup. Pada dasarnya diatur oleh prinsip-prinsip yang berbeda dari hal-hal yang mati. Ada dua kutub vitalisme: biologis dan spiritual. Artikel ini akan (...)
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  26. SYMPHILOSOPHIE 3 (2021) - Science and Early German Romanticism.Laure Cahen-Maurel, Leif Weatherby, Giulia Valpione, David Wood, Cody Staton, Manja Kisner, Gesa Wellmann & Marie-Michèle Blondin (eds.) - 2021 - SYMPHILOSOPHIE: International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism.
    This third 2021 issue of "SYMPHILOSOPHIE: International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism" contains a main dossier of new research articles guest edited by Leif Weatherby (New York University) and devoted to the topic of early German romanticism and science. In addition to the papers of this main section issue number 3 of SYMPHILOSOPHIE includes translations of primary sources and book reviews. All contents are freely available online.
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  27. Phenomenology and Transcendence. On Openness and Metaphysics in Husserl and Heidegger.Bruno Cassara - 2022 - Religions 13 (11):1127.
    In this paper I examine the relationship between phenomenology and metaphysics by reassessing the relationship between phenomenological and metaphysical transcendence. More specifically, I examine the notion of phenomenological transcendence in Husserl and the early Heidegger: Husserl defines transcendence primarily as the mode of givenness of phenomena that do not appear all at once, but must be given in partial profiles; Heidegger defines transcendence primarily as Dasein’s capacity to go beyond entities toward being. I argue that these divergent understandings of phenomenological (...)
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  28. Heidegger’s Question of Being: the Unity of Topos and Logos.Axel Onur Karamercan - 2023 - Sophia 62 (2):309-325.
    In this article, I elucidate the significance of Heidegger’s ‘question of being’ from a topological point of view by explaining the relationship between his thought of place and language. After exploring various hermeneutic strategies of reading Heidegger’s oeuvre, I turn to Richard Capobianco’s interpretation of Heidegger and critically engage with his idea of the experience of being itself as the ‘luminous self-showing of logos’. In doing so, I explain the later turn from ‘truth’ to ‘place’ and articulate why logos needs (...)
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  29. Catastrophic Times. Against Equivalencies of History and Vulnerability in the «Anthropocene».Ralf Gisinger - 2023 - Filosofia Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto 39 (Philosophy and Catastrophe):61-77.
    With catastrophic events of «nature» like global warming, arguments emerge that insinuate an equivalence of vulnerability, responsibility or being affected by these catastrophes. Such an alleged equivalence when facing climate catastrophe is already visible, for example, in the notion of the «Anthropocene» itself, which obscures both causes and various vulnerabilities in a homogenized as well as universalized concept of humanity (anthropos). Taking such narratives as a starting point, the paper explores questions about the connection between catastrophe, temporality, and history, following (...)
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  30. Some psychoanalytic and philosophical reflections on the signification of residence in the therapeutic care of people with schizophrenia.John Gale - 2010 - Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 24 (2):154-167.
    In this paper the author discusses the meaning of residence and its relation to care, with reference to the work of Lacan and Heidegger, in an attempt to re-situate the debate about the therapeutic potential of residential care at a more fundamental level.
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  31. Divine Madness: exceedance and not-knowing in Emancipatory Perspectives on Madness: Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Dimensions (edited by Robin S. Brown).John Gale (ed.) - 2020 - London: Routledge.
    In the Phaedrus, Plato speaks of various forms of madness having a divine origin, and bestowing virtue on mankind. A similar, though not equivalent elevation of madness over sanity is found in the Pauline epistles, where Christians are described as fools. Diogenes of Sinope and a number of other Cynics, as well as Christian ascetics, adopted a way of life that could reasonably be described as mad. This challenged received ideas about sanity, and in so doing, emphasized its social aspect. (...)
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  32. From Chronology and Historical Time to “Ontochrony” and “Logical Time”: A Note on the Registers and Lexicography of Temporality.John Gale - 2019 - Vestigia 2 (1):7-13.
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  33. Escape from the Cold War Mindset to Set Up a Post-Cold War History of Philosophy.Ferry Hidayat - 2022 - Proceeding of 10Th International Conference on Nusantara Philosophy (Icnp).
    In the pre-Independence era, our republic founders held the Cold War mindset strongly. Consequently, the Indonesian republic proclaimed in 1945 was based on a Cold War mindset; our state philosophy (Pancasila) and the Constitution (UUD '45) were understood and construed on the Cold War discourse basis; and binary oppositions of capitalism-socialism and liberalism-communism since then have been created. Up to the 2020s, the Cold War mindset has still been held by public intellectuals and the binary oppositions have still been rampant (...)
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  34. Problèmes de l'Anthropologie - Cours à l'École Normale (1954-1955).Michel Foucault & Jacques Lagrange - 2023 - Espaço Michel Foucault.
    Notes prises par Jacques Lagrange lors du cours d'anthropologie donné par Michel Foucault en 1954-1955 à l'École Normale Supérieure.
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  35. Fact-constructivism and the Science Wars: Is the Pre-existence of the World a Valid Objection against Idealism?Hector Ferreiro - 2022 - In Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen & Christoph Asmuth, Philosophisches Anfangen. Reflexionen des Anfangs als Charakteristikum des neuzeitlichen und modernen Denkens Kultur. Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 319–339.
    Metaphysics relies on the presupposition of the non-being of the world: since the world has once not existed it is necessary to postulate a cause for its existence, i.e. an extrinsic principle to explain the absolute beginning of the causal series of all things that constitute the world. After the critique of theologizing metaphysics by authors like Kant, Hegel and Nietzsche, the notion of an absolute beginning still persists though in a field in which it often goes as such unnoticed, (...)
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  36. Contributions to a Phenomenology of Historical Experience.Tobia Rossi - 2021 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 60 (4):664-695.
    In this article, I propose a phenomenological account of historical experience, aimed at showing how people directly experience an event as being historical. After examining the only previous phenomenological account, David Carr’s Experience and History, and exploring its limits, I present my own contributions. My analysis focuses on the features of three main concepts or “moments”: eventfulness, substantiality, and narrativity. Considering the transcendent character of historical experience in the moment of eventfulness brings three features to light: initial incomprehensibility, need for (...)
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  37. There is still (if there has been at all) an analytic-continental divide?Franca D'Agostini - forthcoming - Edukacja Filozoficzna.
    Abstract – In this paper I reconstruct the nature, origins and survivals of the divide between ‘analytic’ and ‘continental’ tradition—the famous dualism which affected the development of philosophy in the second half of the XX century. I also present a theory of it, stressing that its intra-philosophical causes are to be found in the mutual resistance between critical (transcendental) and semantic (logical) approaches in philosophy. I conclude by noting that good philosophers (more or less knowingly) are and have always been (...)
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  38. The Other in Deleuze and Husserl.Hamed Movahedi - 2021 - Dialogue 60 (1):93-120.
    There is no consensus regarding whether Gilles Deleuze offers a cogent theory of the Other. Deleuze develops the notion of the Other-structure, but given his scarce remarks on this concept, his treatment of this issue is debated. This article argues that to elucidate Deleuze's philosophy of the Other, his notion of the Other-structure must be analyzed in parallel to Edmund Husserl's intersubjective theory. This comparison, made possible by Natalie Depraz's reading of the Husserlian alterity, reveals nuanced phenomenological traces in Deleuze's (...)
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  39. A terrible pleasure : reading Sebald's Austerlitz.Maleea Acker - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder, Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  40. Fenomenologia form symbolicznych: podstawowe pojęcia i inspiracje "późnej" filozofii Ernsta Cassirera = Phenomenology of symbolic forms: basic concepts and inspirations of Ernst Cassirer's "late" philosophy.Przemysław Parszutowicz - 2013 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
  41. A Holy Dullness: Tarkovsky, Suture, and the Numinous.Ryan Wittingslow - forthcoming - In Venetia Laura Delano Robertson & Carole M. Cusack, Handbook of Contemporary Religion, Film and Television. Brill.
    In this chapter, I argue that the films of Andrei Tarkovsky are particularly suitable for inducing feelings of the numinous. This suitability is a formal rather than semantic feature of his films, and is tied indelibly to what film scholars call ‘suture’. I with a summary of what film theorists mean by ‘suture’, before providing a principled defence of the Merleau-Pontian suture theory outlined by George Butte. Second, I will demonstrate that, in spite of the strength of Butte’s formulation, the (...)
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  42. A terrible pleasure : reading Sebald's Austerlitz.Maleea Acker - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder, Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  43. La presencia del nietzscheanismo en la biopolítica contemporánea.Marina García-Granero - 2022 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 68:91-117.
    La filosofía de Nietzsche anticipó notablemente el umbral de la modernidad biológica al conceptualizar el alcance fisiológico de la moral, la política y la religión, así como su instrumentalización con fines de control social. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el estímulo que ha representado la filosofía de Nietzsche para algunos de los principales pensadores de la cuestión biopolítica, en concreto, Michel Foucault, Roberto Esposito y Peter Sloterdijk, y desvelar en qué medida sus núcleos conceptuales convergen y divergen. La (...)
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  44. Toward Moral Sublimity: Elements of a Theory of Humor.David Bartosch - 2022 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 3 (1):25-62.
    This article outlines a new theory of humor. The concept of humor is developed in the sense of five dialectical levels, respectively, sequential phenomenalities of humorous consciousness. These range from a level of most inferior humor up to a stage of most sublime humor. Systematically speaking, humor is viewed from an enhanced perspective of transcendental philosophy, namely as a medium of self-unfolding practical reason. It is considered as a complementary potency to the practical force of the latter’s regulative principle, and (...)
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  45. Philosophische Übersetzung zwischen "sprachlicher Gewaltanwendung" und translativer Hermeneutik. Translatorische Überlegungen aus der Sicht der Übersetzung(en) von Jean-Paul Sartres 'L'être et le néant'.Yvanka Raynova - 2019 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 21 (2):9-23.
    Philosophical translation between "linguistic violence" and translative hermeneutics. Translational considerations from the perspective of the translation of Jean-Paul Sartre's L'être et le néant The establishment of translatology as a scientific discipline is a late phenomenon to which not only linguistics but also the philosophy of language has contributed significantly. Although the considerations of Schleiermacher, Ricoeur, Derrida, Balibar, Cassin and other philosophers are very stimulating for the examination of the translation problematics, they do not offer a particular translation theory of philosophical (...)
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  46. "Ceva nou": modă, modernitate, actualitate.Daniel Nica - 2022 - In Romina Surugiu & Dan Podaru, Modă, publicitate, consum. Tritonic. pp. 179-199.
    The astounding flourishing of fashion we have witnessed for the past centuries would not have been possible without a range of specifically modern phenomena like capitalism, the rise of an ambitious middle-class, the growth and diversification of mass-communication, and the Industrial Revolution. However, there is yet another interesting link between the two as they both have a common ‘condition of possibility’, that makes them interconnected. In this paper I will argue that such a condition is what I loosely call a (...)
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  47. After Dark: Neutralizing Nihilism (Review of Melancholic Joy by Brian Treanor). [REVIEW]Chandler D. Rogers - 2021 - Journal of the Pacific Association for the Continental Tradition 4:184-190.
    This review essay introduces Brian Treanor’s Melancholic Joy in dialogue with themes in Nietzsche’s thought. The book invites this comparison in its penultimate section, which distinguishes briefly its own account from the tenets of Dionysiac pessimism. Finding that section fertile, but tantalizingly short, I parse in greater detail relevant points of convergence and divergence. The first section, “After Nietzsche,” follows Nietzsche’s development out of the first naïveté of ascetic idealism and into the wanderer’s night of biting suspicion. It likens Nietzsche’s (...)
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  48. Heidegger'de Sanat Eserinin Yeri: Sanal Müzeler Çağında Sanat ve Mekan.Onur Karamercan - 2021 - In Aysun Gür, Sanat Eserlerine Heidegger'le Bakmak: Dünya, Yeryüzü, Zaman, Mekân. Sentez Yayıncılık. pp. 50-76.
    Onur Karamercan, Heidegger'de Sanat Eserinin Yeri: Sanal Müzeler Çağında Sanat ve Mekân adlı yazısında, iki yıldır yaşamakta olduğumuz salgınla birlikte çok daha sık biçimde görülmeye başlayan “sanal müze” veya “elektronik müze” uygulamalarına yakından bakar. Dünyanın en meşhur müzelerinin ve sanat galerilerinin sanatsal ve kültürel etkinliklerden mahrum kalmak istemeyen ziyaretçilerine "kapılarını" elektronik ortamda açtığı ve birçok müzenin de koleksiyonlarını tamamen ya da kısmen dijitalleştirdiği bu ortamda, şu iki soruyu yanıtlamayı amaçlar: 1) Bir mekân olarak bir müzeyi uzaktan ziyaret etmek ve bir (...)
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  49. Mobile Phone and Autonomy.Theptawee Chokvasin - 2007 - In Information Technology Ethics: Cultural Perspectives. Hershey, PA, USA: pp. 68-80.
    This chapter is to offer a critical study of what the human living condition would be like in a new era of hi-tech mobilization, especially the condition of self-government or autonomy, and how, in the Thai perspective, the condition affects culture. Habermas’ analysis of individuation through socialization and Heidegger’s question concerning technology and being are used in the study, and it is revealed that we are now confronted with a new technological condition of positioned individuals in the universe of communication (...)
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  50. Phenomenology and Time: Husserl, Derrida, Zahavi.Jared Gee - 2014 - Philosophy in Practice 8 (Spring):77-90.
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