48 found
  1. On the Actuality of Integrative Intellect‐Mystical Asceticism as Self‐Realization in View of Nicolaus de Cusa, Ibn Sīnā, and Others.David Bartosch - 2024 - Religions 15 (7):819.
    I argue for a transformative revival or actualization of the very core of an integrative, methodologically secured form of intellect‑mystical asceticism. This approach draws on traditional sources that are re‑examined from a systematic—synthetic and transcultural—philosophical perspective and in light of the multi‑civilizational global environment of the 21st century. The main traditional points of reference in this paper are provided by Nicolaus de Cusa and Ibn Sīnā, and I refer toa few others, such as Attar of Nishapur, in passing. I begin (...)
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  2.  45
    Transcultural Philosophy and Its Foundations in Implicate Logic.David Bartosch - 2022 - Asian Studies · Azijske Študije 10 (3):107-126.
    This article provides a transcultural, “transversal” investigation. It starts from the philosophical problem of knowing non-knowing. In chapters 1 and 2, the first expressions of this problem by Confucius and Socrates are considered. Against this background, new transcultural working concepts are developed. A new key term to be established here is that of an “implicate logic”. It refers to the reflection of unity of unity and difference and therefore to the very condition of the possibility of (differentiating) thinking as such. (...)
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  3.  56
    Toward Moral Sublimity: Elements of a Theory of Humor.David Bartosch - 2022 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 3 (1):25-62.
    This article outlines a new theory of humor. The concept of humor is developed in the sense of five dialectical levels, respectively, sequential phenomenalities of humorous consciousness. These range from a level of most inferior humor up to a stage of most sublime humor. Systematically speaking, humor is viewed from an enhanced perspective of transcendental philosophy, namely as a medium of self-unfolding practical reason. It is considered as a complementary potency to the practical force of the latter’s regulative principle, and (...)
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  4.  29
    Zum Beginn abendländisch-chinesischer Tierphilosophie: Reflexionen zu einem wiederentdeckten Text [On the Beginnings of European-Chinese Animal Philosophy: Reflections on a Rediscovered Text].David Bartosch - 2022 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 47 (3):391-430.
    Der Text "Sing-li-tchin-thsiouan die wahrhafte Darstellung der Naturphilosophie (erster Theil)" kann als erstes Dokument einer transkulturellen abendländisch-chinesischen Perspektive im Bereich der Tierphilosophie gelten. Es handelt sich um die deutsche Übersetzung (1840) eines Mandschu-Texts durch Hans Conon von der Gabelentz. Obwohl für das Werk eines Chinesen erachtet, geht die Schrift auf einen chinesischen Urtext (1753) des Jesuiten Alexandre de Lacharme zurück. Eher implizit und allusiv begegnen sich in den inhaltlichen und übersetzungsgeschichtlichen Zusammenhängen cartesianische, neokonfuzianische und mandschurische Denkelemente. Im ersten Teil des (...)
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  5.  43
    Tierbilder und Tierethik in China [Images of the Animal and Animal Ethics in China].David Bartosch - 2018 - Coincidentia. Zeitschrift für Europäische Geistesgeschichte 9 (2):361-383.
  6. 卫礼贤与“道”——《中国哲学导论》中“道”的一词多译之探究 [Richard Wilhelm and "Dao": The Five Translations of "Dao" in Chinese Philosophy: An Introduction].David Bartosch & Bei Peng - 2022 - Guowai Shehui Kexue 国外社会科学 Social Sciences Abroad 354 (6):180-188.
    本文通过对德国著名汉学家、翻译家卫礼贤的最后一部哲学论著《中国哲学导 论》(1929)的翻译和研究,整理归纳了卫礼贤对中国哲学的核心词“道”的五种不同译法, 深入剖析了他如何用“一词多译”的方法,对中国哲学史上不同文本、不同哲学家、不同时代 及不同思想维度中的“道”进行诠释。同时,本文以术语学(Terminologie)为研究方法,聚焦 于卫礼贤用来翻译“道”的几个德语哲学术语,并对这些词汇进行溯源。以此为切入点, 本文 分析了卫礼贤作为对中国哲学与德国哲学均有深刻理解的汉学家,有意识地从跨文化比较哲学 的角度出发,将“道”转换为德国哲学中与之相匹配的哲学概念,并将其介绍给德国思想界的 路径。重新审视卫礼贤对“道”的“一词多译”,在加强当今中外文化互鉴和中文著作外译方面 具有积极且重要的作用。[This contribution is based on the translation and study of the book Chinesische Philosophie: Eine Einführung (Chinese Philosophy: An Introduction, 1929). It is the last philosophy-related work by the famous German sinologist and translator Richard Wilhelm. The article provides a compilation, summary, and in-depth analysis concerning Wilhelm's handling of the translation of "Dao", the "Urwort" (Heidegger) of Chinese philosophy. The study provides insight into how Wilhelm has used a poly-perspective method to (...)
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  7.  39
    Explicit and Implicit Aspects of Confucian Education.David Bartosch - 2017 - Asian Studies · Azijske Študije 5 (2):87-112.
    The following essay contains a more general philosophical reflection on the significance and some main elements of pre-modern Confucian learning. The topic is developed by presenting some essential elements in the whole range from explicit (linguistically expressible) knowledge to symbolic aspects as well as the (philosophical) problem of ineffable knowing. The essay starts with the general conception of man which underlies the mainstream of Confucian learning. On that basis, the more explicit contents and easily explicable subjects or branches of classical (...)
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  8.  21
    1909—1924年德语世界对中国哲学史的书写 [The Historiography of Chinese Philosophy in the German-speaking World from 1909–1924].David Bartosch & Bei Peng - 2024 - Jianghai Xuekan 江海学刊 Jianghai Academic Journal 350 (2):39–47.
    20世纪初是德语世界正式出版关于中国哲学史著作的起点。1909—1924年之间德语世界出版了若干关于中国哲学史的论文和专著,通过调查作者们的教育背景和研究成果,以及其代表作的写作背景、内容框架及其影响 ,可以勾勒出这一时期德语学界中国哲学研究的概况。从分析当时德语学界对中国哲学的认识范围和中国哲学史框架构建的一般情况,可以看出欧洲对中国哲学和哲学史研究的一些核心问题所在。前现代中国哲学史在德语地区接 纳和传播的过程与方式,这一至今德国与中国学界尚未涉足的空白领域,值得研究并填补。[The beginning of the twentieth century was the starting point for the production of works on the history of Chinese philosophy in the German-speaking world. Between 1909 and 1924, a number of essays and monographs on the history of Chinese philosophy were published in the German-speaking contexts, and by investigating the educational backgrounds and research results of the authors, as well as the backgrounds of the authors, the frameworks for presenting the content, and the influence of these works, an overview (...)
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  9.  42
    Tierethik in der chinesischen Tradition [Animal Ethics in the Chinese Tradition].David Bartosch - 2015 - Coincidentia. Zeitschrift für Europäische Geistesgeschichte 6 (2):449-468.
  10. Plotinus and Wang Yangming on the Structures of Consciousness and Reality: A Transversal Prospection in View of Affinities of Their Positions.David Bartosch - 2023 - Asian Studies · Azijske Študije 11 (1):91-135.
    In this paper, particular key aspects of the philosophies of Plotinus and Wang Yangming have been analysed comparatively on the basis of important passages of their works. The method used for this investigation can be defined as that of transversal comparative induction, in which the focus is more on working out the details of affinities and similarities. As this means a first step in an encompassing systematic context, differences will be introduced more briefly. The present investigation aims to provide a (...)
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  11.  48
    Harmonic Power or Soft power? Philosophical Reflections on Culture and Future Globalization in View of Classical Wisdom from China and Other Ancient Civilizations.David Bartosch - 2022 - International Communication of Chinese Culture 9 (1-2):69-83.
    In this article, the foundations of a new principle of international relations are discussed. They are traced back to the idea of the human being as a culturally living being (homo culturalis). The new principle of harmonic power is conceptualized in the first segment by way of contrasting it with the original meaning of the concept of ‘soft power’ by Joseph S. Nye Jr. In the next part, a portion of the intension of a new concept of culture is established. (...)
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  12.  43
    对数字全球化时代未来智慧城市的思考 [Reflections on the Future of Smart Cities in the Era of Digital Globalization].David Bartosch - 2021 - Guowai Shehui Kexue 国外社会科学 Social Sciences Abroad 347 (5):74-79. Translated by Peng Bei 彭蓓.
  13.  36
    無限的根基——論庫薩的尼古拉之不可言説的言説 The Infinite Foundation: Nicolaus Cusanus’ Ineffable Way of Speaking (ineffabile fari).David Bartosch - 2021 - Jidujiao Wenhua Xuekan 基督教文化學刊 Journal for the Study of Christian Culture 46:49-73. Translated by Peng Bei 彭蓓.
    Concerning Nicolaus Cusanus’ (Nicholas of Cusa, 1401–1464) mysticism of the intellect, his approach to the problem of ineffability deserves the special attention of researchers. Preceded by a general exposition on the topic of the inconceivability of the experience of the foundational autopoietic self-reference of thinking and speaking, this article shows how Nicolaus Cusanus has developed a complex approach to the problem of an “ineffable way of speaking” (ineffable fari). Cusanus developed a set of approaches to non-negatable cataphatic “pointing rods” (Max (...)
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  14.  32
    Karl Jaspers’s philosophischer Glaube (Philosophical Belief) and Wang Yangming’s zixin 自信 (Self-Believing).David Bartosch - 2019 - Minima Sinica. Zeitschrift Zum Chinesischen Geist 31:45-64.
  15.  29
    The Understanding of Understanding: A Philosophical Reflection from a Transcultural Perspective.David Bartosch - 2021 - International Communication of Chinese Culture 8 (1):121-143.
    The basic question of this article is: “What is understanding?” The objective is to initiate a process and a state of self-reflexivity which might best be defined as an understanding of understanding. In this self-referential philosophical setting, it cannot be our aim to attempt to produce any (alleged) final answers, because cognitive self-referentiality, taken as a source principle of mind, is without beginning and end. However, it is feasible to explore possibilities of a continuously increasing convergence and insight regarding the (...)
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    庫薩的尼古拉哲學中的鏡面隱喻 The Mirror Metaphor in the Philosophy of Nicolas of Cusa.David Bartosch - 2018 - Jidujiao Wenhua Xuekan 基督教文化學刊 Journal for the Study of Christian Culture 40:92-107. Translated by Peng Bei 彭蓓.
    The mirror metaphor has been an essential asset especially during the pre-modern history of philosophy. The present article is concerned with its use in the philosophy of the German thinker Nicolas of Cusa (1401-1464). Being rooted in the intellectual traditions of Greek antiquity and Medieval Christian philosophy, Nicolas of Cusa has also been hailed as one of the first modern European philosophers. Long before other occidental thinkers, Nicolas of Cusa used the mirror metaphor to describe the foundational logic of self-consciousness (...)
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  17.  28
    Introduction.David Bartosch, Attila Grandpierre & Bei Peng - 2023 - In David Bartosch, Attila Grandpierre & Bei Peng (eds.), Towards a Philosophy of Cosmic Life: New Discussions and Interdisciplinary Views. Singapore: Springer Nature. pp. 1-8.
    This introductory chapter to the book Towards a Philosophy of Cosmic Life: New Discussions and Interdisciplinary Views provides an overview on a multidisciplinary, multitheoretical, and transcultural dialogue among six authors from three continents. The aim of this discourse is to establish highly innovative perspectives and to explore new frontiers for the development of philosophical reflections and scientific foundations for the emergence of a common cosmic consciousness, an integral ecology, and a cooperative planetary civilization of humanity. The chapter includes brief profiles (...)
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  18.  25
    Toleranz in europäischen Traditionen [Tolerance in European Traditions].David Bartosch & Harald Seubert - 2012 - In Hamid Reza Yousefi & Harald Seubert (eds.), In Toleranz im Weltkontext: Geschichten – Erscheinungsformen – Neue Entwicklungen [Tolerance in Global Context: Histories – Manifestations – New Developments]. Springer. pp. 53-64.
  19.  8
    Humor in Chinese Traditions of Thought, Part One: Systematic Reflections in View of Ancient Confucian and Daoist Applications of Humor.David Bartosch - 2024 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 5 (1):147-179.
    I argue that most of the pre-modern Chinese schools of thought contain elements of humor that can be analyzed in a differentiated and systematic manner. This article provides the first of two parts of this investigation. As a preparatory part, its scope is outlined on the basis of a traditional ideograph that represents the basic Chinese schools of thought as a whole. This is followed by an introduction to the present analytical framework. It is shown that it is compatible with (...)
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  20.  24
    Spectra of Cultural Understanding: An Introduction.David Bartosch - 2021 - International Communication of Chinese Culture 8 (1):1-10.
  21.  25
    Poly-contextural Cornerstones for a Transcultural Philosophy of Cosmic Life.David Bartosch - 2023 - In David Bartosch, Attila Grandpierre & Bei Peng (eds.), Towards a Philosophy of Cosmic Life: New Discussions and Interdisciplinary Views. Singapore: Springer Nature. pp. 123-186.
    In this chapter, important transcultural and multi-civilizational foundations for a comprehensive philosophy of cosmic life are presented from a systematic and at the same time historical perspective. An “anacrusis” regarding the origin of the philosophical term ‘cosmic life’ is followed by systematic groundwork in relation to Gotthard Günther’s concepts of poly-contexturality and trans-classical science. These are extended and complemented by the views of other thinkers. Against this background, the new term ‘panenbiotism’ (“all-in-life-doctrine”) is introduced. Like ‘cosmic life,’ this term is (...)
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  22. 小探王阳明和库萨的尼古拉的跨文化经历 [A Brief Exploration of the Cross-Cultural Experiences of Wang Yangming and Nicolaus de Cusa].David Bartosch - 2009 - In Zhang Xinmin 张新民 (ed.), Yangming Xuekan 阳明学刊 4 [Journal of Yangming Studies 4]. Bashu Shushe 巴蜀书社. pp. 100-108. Translated by Peng Bei 彭蓓.
  23. 国际关系中的文化战略: 哲学视野下中国之现状与当代世界 [Cultural Strategies in International Relations: China's Current Situation and the Contemporary World from a Philosophical Perspective].David Bartosch - 2022 - In Xue Xiaoyuan 薛晓源 & Shen Xiangping 沈湘平 (eds.), 全球化研究 2022 [Studies on Globalization in 2022]. Zhongyang Bianyi Chubanshe 中央编译出版社 Central Compilation & Translation Press. pp. 360-382. Translated by Yang Bin 杨彬 & Peng Bei 彭蓓.
  24. International Communication of Chinese Culture 11 (1); Special issue: Understanding Chinese Culture in the World; journal guest edition.David Bartosch & Bei Peng (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Nature.
    [114 pages] This special issue “Understanding Chinese Culture in the World” represents contributions to the Young Experts Symposium 2022 (YES 2022). The event was held online at Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai (China) and provided a platform for topics related to classical, modern, futuristic, and comparative perspectives on Chinese culture—across generations, cultures, and disciplines.
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  25. (1 other version)Interkulturelle Philosophie: Literatur und Internetpräsenzen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von China [Intercultural Philosophy: Literature and Websites with a Special Focus on China].David Bartosch - 2010 - Coincidentia. Zeitschrift für Europäische Geistesgeschichte 1 (1):253-259.
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  26. 从跨文化哲学的角度看王阳明 (1472–1529) 与卡尔· 雅思贝尔斯 (1883–1969) 哲学思想的共同点 [Touch Points in the Philosophies of Wang Yangming (1472–1529) and Karl Jaspers (1883–1969) from the Perspective of Transcultural Philosophy].David Bartosch - 2008 - Wangxue Yanjiu 王学研究 49:42-47. Translated by Peng Bei 彭蓓.
    本文旨在说明德国哲学与王阳明哲学之间有着某种共通性以及此种融通何 以可能。雅斯贝尔斯与阳明的生平和哲学思想存在很多相似之处,构成某种跨文化 的链接点而促成两者的融通。此外,雅斯贝尔斯了解阳明的哲学,其晚期哲学思想 受到儒家思想的极大影响。更为重要的是,本文提出了在不同文化哲学(如雅斯贝 尔斯哲学与王阳明哲学)之间进行相互比较研究的初步模式,德国哲学家与中国哲 学家之间可以进行跨文化比较和讨论。[The purpose of this paper is to show that there is a certain degree of common ground between German philosophy and Wang Yangming's philosophy, and how such an affinity is possible. There are many similarities between Jaspers and Yangming in terms of their life and philosophical thought, which constitute some kind of transcultural linkage and lead to the compatibility of their philosophies. In addition, Jaspers was aware of Yangming's philosophy, and his late philosophical thinking was (...)
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    Miszellen zum interkulturell philosophiehistorischen Vergleich am Beispiel Nicolaus Cusanus und Wáng Yángmíng 王陽明 [Miscellanies on Intercultural Comparison in the History of Philosophy Using the Example of Nicolaus de Cusa and Wáng Yángmíng 王陽明].David Bartosch - 2013 - In Tom Müller & Matthias Vollet (eds.), Die Modernitäten des Nikolaus von Kues: Debatten Und Rezeptionen. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 57-86.
  28. Novelty and Innovation, the Joy of Experimentation, and the “Investigation of Things” (gewu) in Pre-modern China: The Example of Gunpowder.David Bartosch, Aleksandar Kondinski & Bei Peng - 2024 - International Communication of Chinese Culture 11 (1):23–40.
    In this transdisciplinary investigation, we focus on the invention and development of gunpowder. We aim to answer the questions regarding (1) the inspiration behind the invention, including historical, mythological, and intellectual backgrounds, (2) how it came about in concreto, and (3) its impact on the history of science in China. We argue that the invention has to be viewed in a broader context and that various factors come into play with regard to the above questions. The discussion starts by examining (...)
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  29. Orchideen als konfuzianisches Charakterbild im klassischen China [Orchids as Confucian Character Image in Classical China].David Bartosch - 2009 - Die Orchidee 60 (5/6):25-27.
  30. Philosophie in asiatischen Traditionen [Philosophy in Asian Traditions].David Bartosch, Yang Guorong 杨国荣 & Joy Kachappilly - 2012 - In Hamid Reza Yousefi & Heinz Kimmerle (eds.), Philosophie und Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung in einer veränderten Welt. Theorien – Probleme – Perspektiven. Verlag Traugott Bautz. pp. 83-98.
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  31. 对数字全球化时代未来智慧城市的思考 [Reflections on the Future of Smart Cities in the Era of Digital Globalization] (2nd edition).David Bartosch - 2022 - Xinhua Wenzhai (Ban Yue Kan) 新华文摘 (半月刊) 738:138-140. Translated by Peng Bei 彭蓓.
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    International Communication of Chinese Culture 8 (1); Special Issue: Spectra of Cultural Understanding; journal guest edition.David Bartosch (ed.) - 2021 - Springer Nature.
    [143 pages] This special edition of International Communication of Chinese Culture bears the title “Spectra of Cultural Understanding”. Just as the spectral decomposition of light produces seven pure unmixed colours, the theme of cultural understanding has been reflected here from seven different and genuine angles. The edition contains seven articles by distinguished international scholars from the perspective of divergent cultural backgrounds and different academic subjects and respective subtopics. Another closer look at each contribution reveals that each essay represents a certain (...)
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  33. 关于塑造中国新时代城市精神的一些感悟 [Some Thoughts on Cultivating the Urban Spirit of China's New Era].David Bartosch - 2020 - In Shen Xiangping 沈湘平 (ed.), Beishi Wenhua Pinglun 北师文化评论 7 Beijing Cultural Review 7. Shehui Kexue Wenxian Chubanshe 社会科学文献出版社. pp. 140-144.
  34. Towards a Philosophy of Cosmic Life: New Discussions and Interdisciplinary Views.David Bartosch, Attila Grandpierre & Bei Peng (eds.) - 2023 - Singapore: Springer Nature.
    [186 pages] Just as the six branches of a snow crystal converge in regular proportions toward their common center, the six contributions to this book point toward a future philosophy of cosmic life. In this sense, this edited volume represents a multidisciplinary and transcultural polylogue of distinguished authors from three continents, which aims to establish highly innovative perspectives and open new frontiers of developing philosophical reflections and scientific foundations for the emergence of a common cosmic consciousness, for an integral ecology, (...)
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  35. 王阳明哲学在欧洲的研究与影响: 从17世纪早期到20世纪末 [The Study and Influence of Wang Yangming's Philosophy in Europe: From the Early 17th Century to the End of the 20th Century].David Bartosch - 2022 - In Wen Bing 文炳等 (ed.), 阳明心学海外传播研究 [Research on the Overseas Reception of Yangming’s Learning of the Heart–Mind]. Zhejiang Daxue Chubanshe 浙江大学出版社. pp. 247-286. Translated by Peng Bei 彭蓓.
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  36. 共同利益取向是一个关乎生存的问题——中国传统文化视角下的抗疫与世界 [The Orientation to the Common Good is a Matter of Survival: Traditional Chinese Cultural Perspectives on Resisting the Pandemic with the World].David Bartosch, Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer & Xue Xiaoyuan 薛晓源 - 2021 - In Zhang Zheng 张政 (ed.), 后疫情时代, 世界向何处去? 聚焦人类命运共同体 [Where Will the World Be Headed in the Post-pandemic Era? Focusing on a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind]. Waiwen Chubanshe 外文出版社 Foreign Languages Press. pp. 117-123.
  37. 从量子物理看王阳明哲学 [The Philosophy of Wang Yangming in View of Quantum Physics].David Bartosch - 2010 - In Qian Ming 钱明 (ed.), 阳明学派研究——阳明学派国际学术研讨会论文集 [Studies in the Wang Yangming School of Thought: Collected Papers of the International Academic Seminar on the Wang Yangming School of Thought]. Jiuzhou Chubanshe 九州出版社. pp. 36-44. Translated by Peng Bei 彭蓓.
  38. 王阳明之“真己”修养观:全球共同体 视域下发展开放性的自我认同 [The Cultivation of the ‘True Self’ (zhen ji 真己) in the Light of Wang Yangming: Perspectives on the Development of an Open Self-identity in Planetary Communality].David Bartosch - 2022 - Dangdai Zhongguo Jiazhiguan Yanjiu 当代中国价值观研究 Chinese Journal of Contemporary Values 38 (2):76-86. Translated by Yang Bin 杨彬.
    本文旨在探究王阳明之“真己”修养观,以相关同等理念“心之本体”以 及《传习录》中的“原只是个天理”为出发点,进而思考王阳明哲学中提出的“本体” “躯壳”“嘘吸”“同体”“形体”“灵明”等术语,以及更为久远的概括性词语,如“体” “躯”和“大体”。此外,通过“性”与“气”、“理”与“气”等关联词,王阳明的哲学箴 言“知行合一”、“气”不可分(即“一气流通”)以及“原无非礼”的观点(与其著名的 “良知”一词有关),阐述了他对于“已”的理解。文章还探究了王阳明为何会如此 关注“己”这一古词,以及他所提出的“真己”一词与旧词相比有着哪些重要变化。 最后,文章思考了当今全球共同体的背景下,我们应该如何利用王阳明思想建立 包容又开放的自我认知。王阳明提出的有关人的观点,例如“一嘘吸”和“体网络”——“活力系统”以及“身”——“具象人格”,均根植于“真己”这一概念。这些 思想必须自我修养而成,这也适用于满足当前全球时代精神的迫切需要。[The topic of this investigation centers around the idea of the cultivation of the 'true self' (zhen ji 真己) according to Wang Yangming. Starting from the related idea of an equiprimordiality of 'xin zhi benti 心之本体' and the 'source' (原) of tian li 天理 in Chuanxilu《传习录》, the examination proceeds to reflect on terms like 'benti 本体', 'quqiao 躯壳', 'xu-xi 嘘吸', 'tongti 同体', 'xingti 形体', 'lingming 灵明', etc . in the philosophy of (...)
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  39. The Young Experts Symposium 2022 “Understanding Chinese Culture in the World”: Reflections on a Transgenerational and Interdisciplinary Exchange of Thoughts.David Bartosch & Bei Peng - 2024 - International Communication of Chinese Culture 11 (1):1–9.
    This first contribution to the special issue “Understanding Chinese Culture in the World” represents a philosophical proem regarding the format and general aim of the Young Experts Symposium 2022 (YES 2022), which was held online at Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai (China) and provided a platform for topics related to classical, modern, futuristic, and comparative perspectives on Chinese culture—across generations, cultures, and disciplines. Furthermore, it outlines the basic content of the six papers in this special issue that resulted from this event, (...)
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  40. Von der Toleranz zur reziproken Integration des Zuwiderlaufenden: Anmerkungen zur Einheit der drei Lehren (sān jiào hé yī) des Konfuzianismus, Daoismus und Buddhismus während der Míng-Zeit (1368–1644) aus interkultureller Perspektive [From Tolerance to Reciprocal Integration of the Antithetical: Notes on the Unity of the Three Teachings (sān jiào hé yī) of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism during the Míng Period (1368-1644) from an Intercultural Perspective].David Bartosch - 2010 - Rundbrief Lehrstuhl Für Religionsphilosophie Und Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft (Tu Dresden) 34:17-18.
  41. Vom expliziten Wissen zur impliziten Weisheit: Auf ein aufrichtendes Ethos hin [From Explicit Knowledge to Implicit Wisdom: Toward an Uplifting Ethos].David Bartosch - 2019 - In Christiane Maria Bacher & Matthias Vollet (eds.), Wissensformen bei Nicolaus Cusanus. Regensburg: S. Roderer-Verlag. pp. 47-59.
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    "Wissendes Nichtwissen" oder "gutes Wissen"? Zum philosophischen Denken von Nicolaus Cusanus und Wáng Yángmíng ["Knowing Non-knowing" or "Good Knowing"? On the Philosophical Thought of Nicolaus de Causa and Wáng Yángmíng].David Bartosch - 2015 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    [826 pages] Nicolaus Cusanus und Wáng Yángmíng philosophieren an der Grenze möglichen Denkens. Die Komparatistik der basalen Problemhorizonte und Kernthemen ihrer epochalen Reflexionen weist auf die Unterschiede beider Philosophiekulturen hin. Als wichtige Vordenker der Moderne entwickeln beide jeweils eine umfassende Logik der Selbsterschließung. Dabei werden unabhängig voneinander acht komparable Problemhorizonte ersichtlich: umfassende Kreativität, menschliche Selbstreflexivität, die Unsagbarkeit des Grundes der Sprache, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Wissens, Selbstperfektion, Gewissen, Moralität und Liebe. Mittels einer innovativen Reflexionsbegrifflichkeit werden zentrale Paradigmen, Begriffe und Metaphern (...)
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  43. Zur Rede vom immanenten guten (Ge-)Wissen (liángzhī 良知) bei Wáng Yángmíng (王陽明 1472–1529) aus interkulturell-komparativer Perspektive [On Wáng Yángmíng’s (王陽明 1472–1529) Understanding of an Immanent Good-Knowing (liángzhī 良知) from an Intercultural and Comparative Perspective].David Bartosch - 2011 - In Christine Zinke (ed.), Oldenburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie 2010 [Oldenburg Yearbook for Philosophy 2010]. BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. pp. 7-37.
  44. Zu sprachphilosophischen Aspekten bei Georg von der Gabelentz aus werksbiographischer und sinologischer Perspektive [Aspects of Georg von der Gabelentz's Philosophy of Language from the Perspective of his Works, his Biography, and from a Sinological Perspective].David Bartosch - 2020 - In Henning Klöter & Xuetao Li (eds.), Von Lindenblättern und verderbten Dialekten: Neue Studien zu dem Sinologen und Sprachwissenschaftler Georg von der Gabelentz (1840–1893) [Lime Leaves and Corrupted Dialects: New Studies on the Sinologist and Linguist Georg von der Gabelentz (1840-1893)]. Harrassowitz. pp. 53-76.
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    霍耐特选集 [Selected Works of Axel Honneth]; 阿克塞尔·霍耐特: 理性的病理学——批判理论的历史与当前 [Axel Honneth: Pathologies of Reason: On the Legacy of Critical Theory].Xie Yongkang 谢永康, David Bartosch & Hou Zhenwu 侯振武 (eds.) - 2022 - Shanghai 上海: Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe 上海人民出版社 Shanghai People’s Publishing House. Translated by Xie Yongkang 谢永康 & Jin Ao 金翱.
    [232 pages] This first book in the series 霍耐特选集 [Selected Works of Axel Honneth] is a Chinese translation of Axel Honneth’s Pathologien der Vernunft: Geschichte und Gegenwart der Kritischen Theorie directly from the German.
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  46. 霍耐特选集 [Selected Works of Axel Honneth]; 阿克塞尔·霍耐特、雅克·朗西埃: 承认还是歧义? 一场辩论 [Axel Honneth, Jacques Rancière: Anerkennung oder Unvernehmen? Eine Debatte].Xie Yongkang 谢永康, David Bartosch & Hou Zhenwu 侯振武 (eds.) - 2024 - Shanghai 上海: Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe 上海人民出版社 Shanghai People’s Publishing House. Translated by Lan Jiang 蓝江 & Liu Lixia 刘利霞.
    [174 pages] This third book in the series 霍耐特选集 [Selected Works of Axel Honneth] is a Chinese translation of Axel Honneth’s and Jacques Rancière’s Anerkennung oder Unvernehmen? Eine Debatte directly from the German.
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    霍耐特选集 [Selected Works of Axel Honneth]; 阿克塞尔·霍耐特: 时代的活体解剖——20世纪观念史肖像 [Axel Honneth: Vivisection of an Age: Portraits Relating to the History of Ideas in the 20th Century].Xie Yongkang 谢永康, David Bartosch & Hou Zhenwu 侯振武 (eds.) - 2023 - Shanghai 上海: Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe 上海人民出版社 Shanghai People’s Publishing House. Translated by Liang Lerui 梁乐睿.
    [232 pages] This second book in the series 霍耐特选集 [Selected Works of Axel Honneth] is a Chinese translation of Axel Honneth’s Vivisektionen eines Zeitalters: Porträts zur Ideengeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts directly from the German.
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  48. 阳明心学在德语世界的传播与研究 [The Dissemination and Study of Yangming’s Learning of the Heart-Mind in the German-speaking World].Li Xu 李旭 & David Bartosch - 2022 - In Wen Bing 文炳等 (ed.), 阳明心学海外传播研究 [Research on the Overseas Reception of Yangming’s Learning of the Heart–Mind]. Zhejiang Daxue Chubanshe 浙江大学出版社. pp. 287-332. Translated by Peng Bei 彭蓓.