Results for 'Ali Alamtory'

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  1.  13
    Epistemic–Pragmatist Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics: A Comparative Assessment.Ali Barzegar & Daniele Oriti - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (5):1-34.
    In this paper, we investigate similarities and differences between the main neo-Copenhagen (or “epistemic–pragmatist”) interpretations of quantum mechanics, here identified as those defined by the rejection of an ontological nature of the quantum states and the simultaneous avoidance of hidden variables, while maintaining the quantum formalism unchanged. We argue that there is a single general interpretive framework in which the core claims that the various interpretations in the class are committed to, and which they emphasize to varying degrees, can be (...)
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  2. Does Hallucinating involve Perceiving?Rami Ali - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (3):601-627.
    A natural starting point for theories of perceptual states is ordinary perception, in which a subject is successfully related to her mind-independent surroundings. Correspondingly, the simplest theory of perceptual states models all such states on perception. Typically, this simple, common-factor relational view of perceptual states has received a perfunctory dismissal on the grounds that hallucinations are nonperceptual. But I argue that the nonperceptual view of hallucinations has been accepted too quickly. I consider three observations thought to support the view, and (...)
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  3. A new solution to the gamer’s dilemma.Rami Ali - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (4):267-274.
    Luck (2009) argues that gamers face a dilemma when it comes to performing certain virtual acts. Most gamers regularly commit acts of virtual murder, and take these acts to be morally permissible. They are permissible because unlike real murder, no one is harmed in performing them; their only victims are computer-controlled characters, and such characters are not moral patients. What Luck points out is that this justification equally applies to virtual pedophelia, but gamers intuitively think that such acts are not (...)
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    Response to Jacqueline Rose,'Displacement in Zion'.Ali Abunimah - 2006 - In Kate E. Tunstall, Displacement, Asylum, Migration: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 2004. Oxford University Press. pp. 291.
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    The Legality of Religious Symbols in European Schools.Ali Baltacı - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (2):793-825.
    : The European Court of Human Rights, established in 1959 as the unit of the Council of Europe, is the judicial authority that resolves individual, legal personality and international problems within the scope of fundamental rights defined in the 'European Convention on Human Rights' and other protocols. Historically, the European Court of Human Rights has taken various decisions that are considered within the scope of freedom of thought, conscience and religion. The Court defines in its decision, and in particular, what (...)
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  6. The video gamer’s dilemmas.Rami Ali - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (2).
    The gamer’s dilemma offers three plausible but jointly inconsistent premises: (1) Virtual murder in video games is morally permissible. (2) Virtual paedophelia in video games is not morally permissible. (3) There is no morally relevant difference between virtual murder and virtual paedophelia in video games. In this paper I argue that the gamer’s dilemma can be understood as one of three distinct dilemmas, depending on how we understand two key ideas in Morgan Luck’s (2009) original formulation. The two ideas are (...)
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  7. The Values of the Virtual.Rami Ali - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (2):231-245.
    How do we assign values to virtual items, which include virtual objects, properties, events, subjects, worlds, environments, and experiences? In this article, I offer a framework for answering this question. After considering different value theses in the literature, I argue that whether we think these theses mutually exclusive or not turns on our view about the number of value-salient kinds virtual items belong to. Virtual monism is the view that virtual Xs belong to only one value-salient kind in relation to (...)
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    A Phenomenological Approach to Epistemic Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.Ali Barzegar - 2020 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 33 (3):175-187.
    Generally, there are two interpretative approaches to quantum theory: psi-ontic and psi-epistemic. According to the psi-ontic interpretations, quantum theory does/should describe or represent what...
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  9. On the transmission of Greek philosophy to medieval Muslim philosophers.Ishraq Ali - 00/2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):8.
    There are two dominant approaches towards understanding medieval Muslim philosophy: Greek ancestry approach and religiopolitical context approach. In the Greek ancestry approach, medieval Muslim philosophy is interpreted in terms of its relation to classical Greek philosophy, particularly to the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. The religiopolitical context approach, however, views a thorough understanding of the religious and political situation of that time as the key to the proper understanding of medieval Muslim philosophy. Notwithstanding the immense significance of the two approaches (...)
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    Management of Social Issues in Supply Chains: A Literature Review Exploring Social Issues, Actions and Performance Outcomes.Sadaat Ali Yawar & Stefan Seuring - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (3):621-643.
    The social dimension of sustainable development and its impact on supply chains have so far received less attention than the environmental dimension. The aim of the research is to explore the intersection between social issues, corporate social responsibility actions and performance outcomes. A structured literature review of social issues in supply chains is presented, analysing the research published so far in peer-reviewed publications. Linking CSR and supply chain management allows the exploration of strategies and performance outcomes with a focus on (...)
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  11. What in the world are hallucinations?Rami Ali - 2025 - In Ori Beck & Farid Masrour, The Relational View of Perception: New Philosophical Essays. Routledge.
    A widely held assumption is that hallucinations are not a type of perception. Coupled with the idea that hallucinations possess phenomenal character, this assumption raises a problem for naive realism, which maintains that phenomenal character is at least partly constituted by perceived worldly objects. Naive realists have typically responded by adopting a disjunctive view of phenomenal character. But in what follows, I argue that to resolve the conflict we should instead reject the idea that hallucinations are not a type of (...)
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    Evolution of research on honesty and dishonesty in academic work: a bibliometric analysis of two decades.Imran Ali & Saadia Mahmud - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (1):55-69.
    ABSTRACT The discourse on honesty and dishonesty in academic work has seen considerable growth over the past two decades. This study empirically analyses the shifts in the literature over the past two decades in the research focus and most prolific authors, institutions, countries, and journals. A broad list of terms was employed from the Glossary of Academic Integrity to shortlist journal articles (n = 782) from Scopus. A bibliometric analysis was conducted for each decade and the results were compared. Research (...)
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  13. Philosophy Versus Theology in Medieval Islamic Thought.Ishraq Ali & Khawla Almulla - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (5):1-8.
    The encounter of the medieval Muslims with Greek philosophy undeniably shaped the course of their philosophical and theological thought. This encounter led to the complex and contentious issue of ‘philosophy versus theology’. Medieval Muslim thinkers needed to develop a response to the issue of philosophy versus theology. The present article will first highlight the response of the Islamic theologians to their encounter with Greek philosophy in the form of three major trends in medieval Islamic theology: (1) strong opposition to the (...)
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  14. Philosophy and Religion in the Political Thought of Alfarabi.Ishraq Ali - 2023 - Religions 14 (7).
    Philosophy and religion were the two important sources of knowledge for medieval Arab Muslim polymaths. Owing to the difference between the nature of philosophy and religion, the interplay between philosophy and religion often takes the form of conflict in medieval Muslim thought as exemplified by the Al-Ghazali versus Averroes (Ibn Rusd) polemic. Unlike the Al-Ghazali versus Averroes (Ibn Rushd) polemic, the interplay between philosophy and religion in the political philosophy of Abu Nasr Alfarabi takes the form of harmonious co-existence. Although, (...)
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  15. Distinguishing the virtuous city of Alfarabi from that of Plato in light of his unique historical context.Ishraq Ali & Mingli Qin - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):9.
    There is a tendency among scholars to identify Alfarabi’s political philosophy in general and his theory of the state in particular with that of Plato’s The Republic. Undoubtedly Alfarabi was well versed in the philosophy of Plato and was greatly influenced by it. He borrows the Platonic concept of the philosopher king and uses it in his theory of the state. However, we argue that the identification of Alfarabi’s virtuous city with that of Plato’s The Republic is an inaccurate assessment (...)
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    What are virtual items, and are they real?Rami Ali - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-11.
    A central debate in the philosophy of virtual reality (VR) focuses on the reality of virtual items. Broadly, there are two main disagreements. Some views accept a metaphysical orientation to VR, and disagree on the reality of virtual items. For instance, David Chalmers (Disputatio 9(46):309-352, 2017, Disputatio 11(55):453- 486, 2019, 2022) defends digitalism, the view that virtual items are real digital items. Neil McDonnell & Nathan Wildman (Disputatio 11(55):371-397, 2019), by contrast, defend fictionalism, which maintains that virtual items are unreal (...)
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  17. A Product Life Cycle Ontology for Additive Manufacturing.Munira Mohd Ali, Rahul Rai, J. Neil Otte & Barry Smith - 2019 - Computers in Industry 105:191-203.
    The manufacturing industry is evolving rapidly, becoming more complex, more interconnected, and more geographically distributed. Competitive pressure and diversity of consumer demand are driving manufacturing companies to rely more and more on improved knowledge management practices. As a result, multiple software systems are being created to support the integration of data across the product life cycle. Unfortunately, these systems manifest a low degree of interoperability, and this creates problems, for instance when different enterprises or different branches of an enterprise interact. (...)
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  18. City and Soul in Plato and Alfarabi: An Explanation for the Differences Between Plato’s and Alfarabi’s Theory of City in Terms of Their Distinct Psychology.Ishraq Ali & Mingli Qin - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (1):91-105.
    In his political treatise, Mabadi ara ahl al-madina al-fadhila, Abu Nasr Alfarabi, the medieval Muslim philosopher, proposes a theory of virtuous city which, according to prominent scholars, is modeled on Plato’s utopia of the Republic. No doubt that Alfarabi was well-versed in the philosophy of Plato and the basic framework of his theory of city is platonic. However, his theory of city is not an exact reproduction of the Republic’s theory and, despite glaring similarities, the two theories do differ in (...)
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    Covid-19 and feminism in the Global South: Challenges, initiatives and dilemmas.Nadje Al-Ali - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (4):333-347.
    The article addresses the gendered implications of Covid-19 in the Global South by paying attention to the intersectional pre-existing inequalities that have given rise to specific risks and vulnerabilities. It explores various aspects of the pandemic-induced ‘crisis of social reproduction’ that affects women as the main caregivers as well as addressing the drastic increase of various forms of gender-based violence. Both, in addition to growing poverty and severely limited access to resources and health services, are particularly devastating in marginalized and (...)
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  20.  41
    (1 other version)Politics and Metaphysics in Plato and Al-Fārābī: Distinguishing the Virtuous City of Al-Fārābī from that of Plato in Terms of their Distinct Metaphysics.Ishraq Ali - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (3):1041-1061.
    In Mabādi’ ārā’ ahl al-madīna al-fādila as well as other major political writings of al-Fārābī, politics is accompanied by metaphysics. However, the co-existence of politics and Neoplatonic metaphysics in al-Fārābī is usually refuted on the basis of two major arguments: one, the Neoplatonic argument, which denies al-Fārābī’s politics; and two, the Straussian argument, which denies al-Fārābī’s Neoplatonic metaphysics. However, this article would show that the two arguments against the co-existence of politics and Neoplatonic metaphysics in al-Fārābī are faulty, and that (...)
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  21.  11
    Truth-telling to the seriously ill child – Nurses’ experiences, attitudes, and beliefs.Mandy El Ali, Sharon Licqurish, Jenny O'Neill & Lynn Gillam - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (5):930-950.
    Background Nurses play an integral role in the care of children hospitalised with a serious illness. Although information about diagnostics, treatments, and prognosis are generally conveyed to parents and caregivers of seriously ill children by physicians, nurses spend a significant amount of time at the child’s bedside and have an acknowledged role in helping patients and families understand the information that they have been given by a doctor. Hence, the ethical role of the nurse in truth disclosure to children is (...)
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  22.  28
    CSR and the workplace attitudes of irregular employees: The case of subcontracted workers in Korea.Mohammad A. Ali & Heung-Jun Jung - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (2):130-146.
    In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in organizational trends to hire irregular workers. This inclination, in a time of great flux and uncertainty, exacerbates human resource issues faced by firms. We argue that corporate social responsibility can be an important antecedent to improve the workplace attitudes of irregular workers and as a result reduce the negative impact on organizations of the increased use of an irregular workforce. Hence, we explore the relationship between perceived CSR and unfairness perception (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Islamic Financial Institutions : Management Perceptions from IFIs in Bahrain.Zakaria Ali Aribi & Thankom Arun - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (4):785-794.
    Islamic finance is gaining greater attention in the finance industry, and this paper analyses how Islamic financial institutions are responding to the welfare needs of society. Using interview data with managers and content analysis of the disclosures, this study attempts to understand management perceptions of corporate social responsibility in IFIs. A thorough understanding of CSR by managers, as evident in the interviews, has not been translated fully into practice. The partial use of IFIs’ potential role in social welfare would add (...)
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  24.  90
    The Greening of engineers: A cross-cultural experience.Ali Ansari - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (1):105-115.
    Experience with a group of mechanical engineering seniors at the University of Colorado led to an informal experiment with engineering students in India. An attempt was made to qualitatively gauge the students’ ability to appreciate a worldview different from the standard engineering worldview—that of a mechanical universe. Qualitative differences between organic and mechanical systems were used as a point of discussion. Both groups were found to exhibit distinct thought and behavior patterns which provide important clues for sensitizing engineers to environmental (...)
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    “White Crisis” and/as “Existential Risk,” or the Entangled Apocalypticism of Artificial Intelligence.Syed Mustafa Ali - 2019 - Zygon 54 (1):207-224.
    In this article, I present a critique of Robert Geraci's Apocalyptic artificial intelligence (AI) discourse, drawing attention to certain shortcomings which become apparent when the analytical lens shifts from religion to the race–religion nexus. Building on earlier work, I explore the phenomenon of existential risk associated with Apocalyptic AI in relation to “White Crisis,” a modern racial phenomenon with premodern religious origins. Adopting a critical race theoretical and decolonial perspective, I argue that all three phenomena are entangled and they should (...)
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    How much economic inequality is fair in liberal democracies? The approach of proportional justice.Nunzio Alì & Luigi Caranti - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (7):769-788.
    The article argues that the possibility of an unlimited gap in income and wealth between the top and bottom segments of society is incompatible with a democratic commitment to political equality. T...
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    Causal discounting and conditional reasoning in children.Nilufa Ali, Anne Schlottmann, Abigail Shaw, Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford - 2010 - In Mike Oaksford & Nick Chater, Cognition and Conditionals: Probability and Logic in Human Thought. Oxford University Press.
  28.  33
    Does board diversity reduce the probability of financial distress? Evidence from Chinese firms.Shahid Ali, Shoukat Ali, Junfeng Jiang, Martina Hedvicakova & Ghulam Murtaza - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper empirically investigates the impact of cognitive board diversity in education, expertise, and tenure facets on financial distress likelihood in the emerging economy of China. This study examines how this relationship varies across State-Owned Enterprises and Non-State-Owned Enterprises. Paper argues that the Chinese stock market, as a typical emerging market, is an excellent laboratory for studying the impact of board diversity on the probability of financial distress. Its underdeveloped financial system and inadequate investor protection leave firms unprotected from financial (...)
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    Concepts of God in Islam.Zain Ali - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (12):892-904.
    This article explores the various ways in which Muslims, in the past and the present, think about God. The article canvasses a range of views on questions and puzzles pertaining to the essence and attributes of God, the basis of God's Justice, the transcendence of God, and our ability to know and understand God. We encounter a diverse, and at times radically divergent range of views on how best to understand divinity within the tradition of Islam. Given the various conceptions (...)
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    The Impact of Financial Literacy on Entrepreneurial Intention: The Mediating Role of Saving Behavior.Ali Saleh Alshebami & Salem Handhal Al Marri - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study explored the impact of financial literacy on potential entrepreneurs' intent in Saudi Arabia. It also examined saving behavior as a mediator in the relationship between financial literacy and entrepreneurial intention. The study's data were collected by an online questionnaire sent to a sample of 270 potential entrepreneurs at Abqaiq Applied College, affiliated with King Faisal University. Data analysis was done using partial least squares structural equation modeling. According to the findings, there is no direct relationship between financial literacy (...)
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  31.  20
    The Methodology of Sociological Criticism in Iraq.Huda Amer Ali & Thanaa Mohamed Saleh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1454-1461.
    In the period preceding the establishment of the first sociology department at the University of Baghdad, the works of Abdul Fattah Ibrahim and Abdul Jabbar Arim played a significant role. These scholars are regarded as pioneers of this pre-foundational phase. Although they did not conduct any field research, the methodologies they advocated for analysing and critiquing Iraqi social reality were well-defined. In Abdul Fattah Ibrahim's first specialised book on sociology, he presents Darwin's theory of evolution as "the foundational principle upon (...)
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  32.  10
    Moral sensitivity and attitudes towards patient safety among critical care nurses.Ali Afshari, Mohammad Torabi, Mahsa Dehghani & Mona Farhadi - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Introduction Patient safety is essential for healthcare quality and a global concern. The rapid advancement of medical technology presents ethical challenges for critical care nurses, who navigate complex decision-making processes. Given their close relationships with patients, nurses are uniquely positioned to address patient safety issues. Thus, enhancing nurses’ moral sensitivity and ethical values is increasingly important. Objective This study aims to explore the relationship between moral sensitivity and attitude towards patient safety in critical care nurses. Methods This cross-sectional, descriptive-correlational study (...)
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  33. An Evidential Argument for Islamic Theism.Zain Ali - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (4):55-78.
    In this paper, I argue that Islamic theism is best explained by the hypothesis of Divine Commission, whereby Muhammad is viewed as being divinely commissioned to serve the overall salvific purposes of God. To this end, I present three observation reports relating to Islamic theism and evaluate HDC against an alternative hypothesis, the hypothesis of Non-Commission whereby Muhammad is not viewed as being divinely commissioned. I argue that the probability of the observation reports is greater on the assumption that HDC (...)
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  34.  13
    Sufism as a Practical Moral Education: Reflections on the Thoughts of Kiai Moechtar Boechari (1899-1926).Mohamad Ali - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):445-460.
    Sufism has been neglected in the religious discourse and educational practices of modernist Muslims in the Islamic world, including Indonesia, where Kiai Moechtar Boechari (1899-1926) had emerged as an early activist in the Muhammadiyah Surakarta and Sufism. This research aims to examine Kiai Boechari’s religious thought, emphasizing the idea of Sufism as a practice of moral education (_akhlaq_). The data of research comprised mainly documentation and library archives. The findings reveal that Kiai Boechari’s religious thinking was driven by persistence in (...)
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  35. Enriching the Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) Ontology for digital manufacturing.Munira Mohd Ali, Ruoyu Yang, Binbin Zhang, Francesco Furini, Rahul Rai, J. Neil Otte & Barry Smith - 2021 - International Journal of Production Research 59 (18):5540-5557.
    Functionally graded materials (FGMs) have been used in many different kinds of applications in recent years and have attracted significant research attention. However, we do not yet have a commonly accepted way of representing the various aspects of FGMs. Lack of standardised vocabulary creates obstacles to the extraction of useful information relating to pertinent aspects of different applications. A standard resource is needed for describing various elements of FGMs, including existing applications, manufacturing techniques, and material characteristics. This motivated the creation (...)
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  36. Manifestations of Virtue.Arden Ali - 2020 - In Mark Timmons, Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics Volume 10. Oxford University Press.
    Few philosophers endorse a virtue theory of praiseworthiness. The widespread aversion to any virtue theory of moral worth rests chiefly on a skeptical argument that emphasizes the fact that praiseworthy acts can be performed by people who lack the relevant virtue. This chapter studies this skeptical argument closely. It concludes that the skeptical argument's core premise has been misleadingly characterized. Once the core premise has been clarified, the virtue theory appears to escape the grip of the skeptical argument.
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    Right wing ascendance in India and politicisation of India’s military.Ali Ahmed - 2019 - Антиномии 19 (4):88-106.
    The rise to taking over state power after elections of 2014 by majoritarian forces in India has since witnessed weakening of institutions of governance. The ruling Bhartiya Janata Party has returned to power with an enhanced parliamentary majority in the 2019 elections. The rise of hindutva, the Hindu nationalist political philosophy of the formations comprising the BJP and the Sangh parivaar or affiliates of the right wing Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, has reshaped the discourse on the “idea of India”. Under the (...)
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  38. Too Much of a Good Thing: Random Practice Scheduling and Self-Control of Feedback Lead to Unique but Not Additive Learning Benefits.Asif Ali, Bradley Fawver, Jingu Kim, Jeffrey Fairbrother & Christopher M. Janelle - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Muslim Philosophers on Affirmative Judgement with Negative Predicate.Seyyed Mohammad Ali Hodjati - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (3):749-780.
    According to Aristotelian logic, in categorical logic, there are three kinds of judgements (qaḍīyya): affirmative, negative, and metathetic (ma‘dūla). Khūnajī, a famous Muslim logician in the 13th century, introduces a different judgement (or statement) entitled “affirmative judgement with the negative predicate” (mūjiba al-sāliba al-maḥmūl; henceforth, ANP judgement). Although in the Arabic language, formally, ANP judgement is similar to definite negative (sāliba muḥaṣṣala) and also metathetic judgements, the way of its construction is different from both of them and its truth conditions (...)
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  40. Why Shouldn't I Lie? Ten Preliminaries.Shahrar Ali - 2011 - Ethical Record 116 (10):6-10.
    I introduce the reader to the character and complexity of lying, in terms of how the lie should be defined as a particular type of intentionally deceptive utterance, whether or not the deceiver succeeded in that aim, and examine how we might usefully avoid prejudging the justifiability of the lying utterance when compared to alternative forms of intentional deception and the overall outcome sought.
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  41. Qaḍāyā al-al-ṭibb al-muʻāṣir: manẓūr akhlāqī.Rashā ʻAlī Bārūdī - 2004 - al-Kharṭūm: Hayʼat al-Aʻmāl al-Fikrīyah.
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  42. Poverty Reduction Policies in Malaysia: Trends, Strategies and Challenges.Zulkarnain A. Hatta & Isahaque Ali - 2013 - Asian Culture and History 5 (2):p48.
    Malaysia is a multi-ethnic religious country with a population of 28.5 million, it is characterised by mainly three ethnic groups-Malay and indigenous people, Chinese, and Indians. Ever since independence in 1957, Malaysia has successfully transformed itself from a poor country into a middle-income nation. The Malaysian economy has seen a periodic growth despite challenging external factors. It can also definitely claim its success of combat against poverty. Despite its poverty reduction success, there still remains a vulnerable group of people in (...)
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    (1 other version)Kitāb Khiṭaṭ al-ShāmKitab Khitat al-Sham.Philip K. Hitti & Muhammad Kurd-'Ali - 1926 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 46:321.
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    Continuing Medical Education: A Cross Sectional Study on a Developing Country’s Perspective.Syed Arsalan Ali, Shaikh Hamiz ul Fawwad, Gulrayz Ahmed, Sumayya Naz, Syeda Aimen Waqar & Anam Hareem - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):251-260.
    To determine the attitude of general practitioners towards continuing medical education and reasons motivating or hindering them from attending CME procedures, we conducted a cross-sectional survey from November 2013 to April 2014 in Karachi. Three hundred general practitioners who possessed a medical license for practice in Pakistan filled a pre-designed questionnaire consisting of questions pertaining to attitudes towards CME. Data was entered and analyzed using SPSS v16.0. 70.3% of the participants were males. Mean age was 47.75 ± 9.47 years. Only (...)
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    Perception of SME owners towards business ethics: an empirical study focused on developing economies.Md Rostam Ali, Reshma Pervin Lima, K. H. Robel & Md Abdul Halim - 2024 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1).
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    B Flach! B Flach!Myroslav Laiuk & Ali Kinsella - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):1-20.
    Don't tell terrible stories—everyone here has enough of their own. Everyone here has a whole bloody sack of terrible stories, and at the bottom of the sack is a hammer the narrator uses to pound you on the skull the instant you dare not believe your ears. Or to pound you when you do believe. Not long ago I saw a tomboyish girl on Khreshchatyk Street demand money of an elderly woman, threatening to bite her and infect her with syphilis. (...)
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  47. Generalization of Neutrosophic Rings and Neutrosophic Fields.Mumtaz Ali, Florentin Smarandache, Muhammad Shabir & Luige Vladareanu - 2014 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 5:9-14.
    In this paper we present the generalization of neutrosophic rings and neutrosophic fields. We also extend the neutrosophic ideal to neutrosophic biideal and neutrosophic N-ideal. We also find some new type of notions which are related to the strong or pure part of neutrosophy. We have given sufficient amount of examples to illustrate the theory of neutrosophic birings, neutrosophic N-rings with neutrosophic bifields and neutrosophic N-fields and display many properties of them in this paper.
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  48. Soft Neutrosophic Ring and Soft Neutrosophic Field.Mumtaz Ali, Florentin Smarandache, Muhammad Shabir & Munazza Naz - 2014 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 3:53-59.
    In this paper we extend the theory of neutrosophic rings and neutrosophic fields to soft sets and construct soft neutrosophic rings and soft neutrosophic fields. We also extend neutrosophic ideal theory to form soft neutrosophic ideal over a neutrosophic ring and soft neutrosophic ideal of a soft neutrosophic ring . We have given many examples to illustrate the theory of soft neutrosophic rings and soft neutrosophic fields and display many properties of of these. At the end of this paper we (...)
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    “Articulating Cognizance About What to Hide What not": Insights into Why and When Ethical Leadership Regulates Employee Knowledge-Hiding Behaviors.Moazzam Ali, Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Aamir Shafique Khan, Imran Shafique & Farooq Mughal - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (4):885-895.
    Given the dearth of research examining the distinctions across various facets of employee knowledge-hiding (KH) behaviors, there is little known about why and when leadership negatively influences playing dumb and evasive hiding but positively influences rationalized hiding. The present study fills this void by hypothesizing that employee justice orientation (JO) acts as a mediator of the associations of ethical leadership (EL) with different facets of employee KH behaviors. We also propose employee conscientiousness moderates the relationship of EL with JO and (...)
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    The Death of the Gods in Mesopotamian Literature.Dr Fayhaa Mawlood Ali - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1041-1053.
    The beliefs of ancient Mesopotamia included many important topics, which looked into the secret of man’s existence, life, and well-being, and the matter went beyond that when he beliefs with his death or the cessation of his life, so the idea of death for him was mysterious, frightening, or chilling the soul, and surrounded by the unknown. So the study of death and life is one of the topics, which draws knowledge of the emotional state towards knowing mortality and how (...)
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