Results for 'Ulrike Schmid'

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  1. Grim Reaper Paradoxes and Patchwork Principles: Severing the Case for Finitism.Troy Dana & Joseph C. Schmid - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    Benardete paradoxes involve infinite collections of Grim Reapers, assassins, demons, deafening peals, or even sentences. These paradoxes have recently been used in arguments for finitist metaphysical theses such as temporal finitism, causal finitism, and discrete views of time. Here we develop a new finite Benardete-like paradox. We then use this paradox to defend a companions in guilt argument that challenges recent applications of patchwork principles on behalf of the aforementioned finitist arguments. Finally, we develop another problem for those applications by (...)
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    The kind of group you want to belong to: Effects of group structure on group accuracy.Martin L. Jönsson, Ulrike Hahn & Erik J. Olsson - 2015 - Cognition 142 (C):191-204.
    There has been much interest in group judgment and the so-called 'wisdom of crowds'. In many real world contexts, members of groups not only share a dependence on external sources of information, but they also communicate with one another, thus introducing correlations among their responses that can diminish collective accuracy. This has long been known, but it has-to date-not been examined to what extent different kinds of communication networks may give rise to systematically different effects on accuracy. We argue that (...)
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    Vocal Development as a Guide to Modeling the Evolution of Language.D. Kimbrough Oller, Ulrike Griebel & Anne Warlaumont - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (2):382-392.
    Modeling of evolution and development of language has principally utilized mature units of spoken language, phonemes and words, as both targets and inputs. This approach cannot address the earliest phases of development because young infants are unable to produce such language features. We argue that units of early vocal development—protophones and their primitive illocutionary/perlocutionary forces—should be targeted in evolutionary modeling because they suggest likely units of hominin vocalization/communication shortly after the split from the chimpanzee/bonobo lineage, and because early development of (...)
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  4.  73
    Reasoning and argumentation: Towards an integrated psychology of argumentation.Jos Hornikx & Ulrike Hahn - 2012 - Thinking and Reasoning 18 (3):225 - 243.
    Although argumentation plays an essential role in our lives, there is no integrated area of research on the psychology of argumentation. Instead research on argumentation is conducted in a number of separate research communities that are spread across disciplines and have only limited interaction. With a view to bridging these different strands, we first distinguish between three meanings of the word ?argument?: argument as a reason, argument as a structured sequence of reasons and claims, and argument as a social exchange. (...)
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    “I am Primarily Paid for Publishing…”: The Narrative Framing of Societal Responsibilities in Academic Life Science Research.Lisa Sigl, Ulrike Felt & Maximilian Fochler - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1569-1593.
    Building on group discussions and interviews with life science researchers in Austria, this paper analyses the narratives that researchers use in describing what they feel responsible for, with a particular focus on how they perceive the societal responsibilities of their research. Our analysis shows that the core narratives used by the life scientists participating in this study continue to be informed by the linear model of innovation. This makes it challenging for more complex innovation models [such as responsible research and (...)
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  6. Rational fools, rational commitments.Fabienne Peter & H. B. Schmid - 2007 - In rationality and commitment. Oxford University Press USA.
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    Between Conspiracy Beliefs, Ingroup Bias, and System Justification: How People Use Defense Strategies to Cope With the Threat of COVID-19.Chiara A. Jutzi, Robin Willardt, Petra C. Schmid & Eva Jonas - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The current situation around COVID-19 portrays a threat to us in several ways: It imposes uncertainty, a lack of control and reminds us of our own mortality. People around the world have reacted to these threats in seemingly unrelated ways: From stockpiling yeast and toilet paper to favoring nationalist ideas or endorsing conspiratorial beliefs. According to the General Process Model of Threat and Defense the confrontation with a threat - a discrepant experience - makes humans react with both proximal and (...)
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  8.  30
    II. The rationality principle and action explanations: Koertge's reconstruction of popper's logic of action explanations.Peter Glück & Michael Schmid - 1977 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 20 (1-4):72-81.
    Reconstructing Popper's research programme for the Human Sciences, Noretta Koertge (Inquiry, Vol. 18 [1975]) has given a deductive?nomological account of explanations of actions by means of a Rationality Principle. It is argued here that such a Rationality Principle is fundamentally redundant. Neither is it logically necessary in order to deduce a cognitive action?explanandum, nor can it be given a semantic non?empty interpretation, at least not within Koertge's own syllogism. Any attempt to save the Rationality Principle as unfalsifiablc but nevertheless indispensable (...)
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    Transformation and alignment in similarity.Carl J. Hodgetts, Ulrike Hahn & Nick Chater - 2009 - Cognition 113 (1):62-79.
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    Amathonte.Antoine Hermary, Pierre Aupert, Béatrice Blandin, Catherine Petit-Aupert, Martin Schmid & Isabelle Tassignon - 2011 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 135 (2):647-659.
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  11. The meaning of 'wertfreiheit' on the background and motives of Max Weber's "postulate".Wilhelm Hennis, Ulrike Brisson & Roger Brisson - 1994 - Sociological Theory 12 (2):113-125.
  12.  13
    Coming to Terms with Biomedical Technologies in Different Technopolitical Cultures: A Comparative Analysis of Focus Groups on Organ Transplantation and Genetic Testing in Austria, France, and the Netherlands.Peter Winkler, Maximilian Fochler & Ulrike Felt - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (4):525-553.
    In this comparative analysis of twelve focus groups conducted in Austria, France, and the Netherlands, we investigate how lay people come to terms with two biomedical technologies. Using the term ‘‘technopolitical culture,’’ we aim to show that the ways in which technosciences are interwoven with a specific society frame how citizens build their individual and collective positions toward them. We investigate how the focus group participants conceptualized organ transplantation and genetic testing, their perceptions of individual agency in relation to the (...)
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  13. Concepts are beliefs about essences.Ulrike Haas-Spohn & Wolfgang Spohn - 2001 - In R. Stuhlmann-Laeisz, Albert Newen & Ulrich Nortmann, Proceedings of an International Symposium. Stanford, CSLI Publications.
    Putnam (1975) and Burge (1979) have made a convincing case that neither mea- nings nor beliefs are in the head. Most philosophers, it seems, have accepted their argument. Putnam explained that a subject.
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    Symposium on rationality and commitment: Introduction.Fabienne Peter & Hans Bernhard Schmid - 2005 - Economics and Philosophy 21 (1):1-3.
    In his critique of rational choice theory, Amartya Sen claims that committed agents do not (or not exclusively) pursue their own goals. This claim appears to be nonsensical since even strongly heteronomous or altruistic agents cannot pursue other people's goals without making them their own. It seems that self-goal choice is constitutive of any kind of agency. In this paper, Sen's radical claim is defended. It is argued that the objection raised against Sen's claim holds only with respect to individual (...)
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  15.  37
    On Quantitative Comparative Research in Communication and Language Evolution.D. Kimbrough Oller & Ulrike Griebel - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (3):296-308.
    Quantitative comparison of human language and natural animal communication requires improved conceptualizations. We argue that an infrastructural approach to development and evolution incorporating an extended interpretation of the distinctions among illocution, perlocution, and meaning can help place the issues relevant to quantitative comparison in perspective. The approach can illuminate the controversy revolving around the notion of functional referentiality as applied to alarm calls, for example in the vervet monkey. We argue that referentiality offers a poor point of quantitative comparison across (...)
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    Societas et Fraternitas. Begründung eines kommentierten Quellenwerkes zur Erforschung der Personen und Personengruppen des Mittelalters.Joachim Wollasch & Karl Schmid - 1975 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 9 (1):1-48.
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  17.  49
    How the language capacity was naturally selected: Altriciality and long immaturity.D. Kimbrough Oller & Ulrike Griebel - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (3):293-294.
    Critical factors that appear to encourage vocal development in humans are altriciality and long immaturity. Hominid infants appear to have evolved a specific tendency to use elaborate vocalization as a means of soliciting long-term investment from caregivers. The development of such vocal capacity provides necessary infrastructure for language development across human life history.
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  18.  27
    Are perceptuo-motor decisions really more optimal than cognitive decisions?Andreas Jarvstad, Ulrike Hahn, Paul A. Warren & Simon K. Rushton - 2014 - Cognition 130 (3):397-416.
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    Heraklit Im Kontext.Enrica Fantino, Ulrike Muss, Charlotte Schubert & Kurt Sier (eds.) - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Heraklits Denken und seine philosophischen Positionen haben einen ungeheuren Einfluss im Altertum, in der Neuzeit und bis in die Moderne hinein ausgeübt. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes machen die kulturellen Bedingungen sichtbar, unter denen dieses Denken entstanden ist, und helfen, sowohl den,Dunklen' selbst, wie er seit der Antike genannt wurde, als auch seine Wirkung systematisch besser zu verstehen. Alle Beiträge gehen auf eine internationale Konferenz zurück, die im Oktober 2013 ausgewiesene Spezialisten zu einem umfassenden Dialog in Ephesos zusammenführte. Im Zusammenwirken verschiedener (...)
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  20.  34
    Correction: Producer and consumer perspectives on supporting and diversifying local food systems in central Iowa.Michael C. Dorneich, Caroline C. Krejci, Nicholas Schwab, Tiffanie F. Stone, Erin Huckins, Janette R. Thompson & Ulrike Passe - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (2):683-683.
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    Can Illness Perceptions Predict Lower Heart Rate Variability following Acute Myocardial Infarction?Mary Princip, Marco Scholz, Rebecca E. Meister-Langraf, Jürgen Barth, Ulrich Schnyder, Hansjörg Znoj, Jean-Paul Schmid, Julian F. Thayer & Roland von Känel - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The Nagoya Protocol could backfire on the Global South.Anna Https://Orcidorg Deplazes-Zemp, Samuel Abiven, Peter Https://Orcidorg629X Schaber, Michael Https://Orcidorg Schaepman, Gabriela Schaepman-Strub, Bernhard Https://Orcidorg Schmid, Kentaro K. Https://Orcidorg Shimizu & Florian Altermatt - 2018 - .
    Regulations designed to prevent global inequalities in the use of genetic resources apply to both commercial and non-commercial research. Conflating the two may have unintended consequences for collaboration between the Global North and biodiverse countries in the Global South, which may promote global injustice rather than mitigate it.
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    Rethinking the Foundations: Historiography in the Ancient World and in the Bible: Essays in Honour of John Van Seters.Lisbeth S. Fried, S. L. McKenzie, T. Romer & H. H. Schmid - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):135.
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    New Frontiers in Language Evolution and Development.D. Kimbrough Oller, Rick Dale & Ulrike Griebel - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (2):353-360.
    This article introduces the Special Issue and its focus on research in language evolution with emphasis on theory as well as computational and robotic modeling. A key theme is based on the growth of evolutionary developmental biology or evo-devo. The Special Issue consists of 13 articles organized in two sections: A) Theoretical foundations and B) Modeling and simulation studies. All the papers are interdisciplinary in nature, encompassing work in biological and linguistic foundations for the study of language evolution as well (...)
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  25.  21
    Emotions and Steroid Secretion in Aging Men: A Multi—Study Report.Andreas Walther, Patricia Waldvogel, Emilou Noser, Jessica Ruppen & Ulrike Ehlert - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The dynamics of lexical innovation.Quirin Würschinger, Jelena Prokić, Daphné Kerremans & Hans-Jörg Schmid - 2018 - Pragmatics and Cognition 25 (1):1-7.
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  27.  12
    ftz Evolution: Findings, hypotheses and speculations (response to DOI 10.1002/bies.201100019).Alison Heffer, Ulrike Löhr & Leslie Pick - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (12):910-918.
    In a recent paper, Merabet and Hudry discuss models explaining the functional evolution of fushi tarazu (ftz) from an ancestral homeotic to a pair‐rule segmentation gene in Drosophila. As most of the experimental work underlying these models comes from our research, we wish to reply to Merabet and Hudry providing an explanation of the experimental approaches and logical framework underlying them. We review experimental data that support our hypotheses and discuss misconceptions in the literature. We emphasize that the change in (...)
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  28. The Limited Place in Cognitive Space.Carl J. Hodgetts & Ulrike Hahn - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    How we judge the similarity between stimuli in the world is connected ultimately to how we represent them. Because of this, decisions about how we model similarity, either in terms of human behavior or patterns of neural activity, can provide key insights into how representations are structured and organized. Despite this, psychology and cognitive neuroscience continue to be dominated by a narrow range of similarity models, particularly those that characterize similarity as distance within “cognitive space.” Despite the appeal of such (...)
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    Implicit Motives and Men’s Perceived Constraint in Fatherhood.Jessica Ruppen, Patricia Waldvogel & Ulrike Ehlert - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    On the generality and cognitive basis of base-rate neglect.Elina Stengård, Peter Juslin, Ulrike Hahn & Ronald van den Berg - 2022 - Cognition 226 (C):105160.
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    Strong and Weak Metaphysical Quietism.Stefan Heßbrüggen, Julia Heße, Rudolf Owen Müllan, Stefan Reins, Ulrike Schuster & Markus Seidel - 2005 - In Andreas Vieth, Richard Rorty: His Philosophy Under Discussion. Verlag. pp. 109-118.
  32. Anti-individualism and cognitive semantics.Ulrike Haas-Spohn - 1999 - DFG-Forschergruppe Logik in Der Philosophie 15.
  33.  14
    Peer Relationships and Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents: Results From the German BELLA Study.Adekunle Adedeji, Christiane Otto, Anne Kaman, Franziska Reiss, Janine Devine & Ulrike Ravens-Sieberer - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Poor mental health affects adolescent development and is associated with health and social outcomes in later life. The current study uses cross-sectional data to explore the understudied aspects of peer relationships as a predictor of depressive symptom severity of adolescents in Germany.Method: Data from the German BELLA study were analyzed. We focused on the most recent measurement point of the BELLA study and analyzed data of 446 adolescents. Peer relationship was measured using four items from the internationally established Patient-Reported (...)
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    Connectivity-Based Predictions of Hand Motor Outcome for Patients at the Subacute Stage After Stroke.Julia Lindow, Martin Domin, Matthias Grothe, Ulrike Horn, Simon B. Eickhoff & Martin Lotze - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:179766.
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    Wittgenstein and the ontological status of analogy.M. J. A. Ramscar & Ulrike Hahn - unknown
  36.  25
    Hospital ownership and financial performance: what explains the different findings in the empirical literature?Yu-Chu Shen, Karen Eggleston, Joseph Lau & Christopher H. Schmid - 2007 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 44 (1):41-68.
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  37. An evolutionary approach to law and economics.Warren J. Samuels, A. Allan Schmid & James D. Schaffer - 2007 - In The Legal-Economic Nexus: Fundamental Processes. New York: Routledge.
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  38. Conditionals, Individual Variation, and the Scorekeeping Task.Niels Skovgaard-Olsen, David Kellen, Ulrike Hahn & Karl Christoph Klauer - 2017 - Proceedings of Cognitive Science 39:xxx.
    In this manuscript we study individual variation in the interpretation of conditionals by establishing individual profiles of the participants based on their behavioral responses and reflective attitudes. To investigate the participants’ reflective attitudes we introduce a new experimental paradigm called the Scorekeeping Task, and a Bayesian mixture model tailored to analyze the data. The goal is thereby to identify the participants who follow the Suppositional Theory of conditionals and Inferentialism and to investigate their performance on the uncertain and-to-if inference task.
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  39. Debating responses to unauthorised immigrant residence.Rainer Bauböck, Julia Mourão Permoser, Martin Ruhs & Lukas Schmid (eds.) - 2024 - EUI Working Paper.
    This working paper combines Lukas Schmid’s article “Responding to unauthorized residence: on a dilemma between ‘firewalls’ and ‘regularisations’” with three critical responses as well as a rejoinder by the author. Schmid argues that a set of liberal-democratic commitments gives conscientious policymakers strong reason to implement both so-called ‘firewall’ and ‘regularisation’ policies, thereby protecting unauthorised immigrants’ basic needs and interests and officially incorporating many of them in society. He then explains that the background imperative of immigration control creates a (...)
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    Legal pluralism in Muslim contexts.Norbert Oberauer, Yvonne Prief & Ulrike Qubaja (eds.) - 2019 - Boston: Brill.
    Approaches to legal pluralism vary widely across the spectrum of different disciplines. They comprise normative and descriptive perspectives, focus both on legal pluralist realities as well as public debates, and address legal pluralism in a range of different societies with varying political, institutional and historical conditions. Emphasising an empirical research to contemporary legal pluralist settings in Muslim contexts, the present collected volume contributes to a deepened understanding of legal pluralist issues and realities through comparative examination. This approach reveals some common (...)
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    The Feasibility of Using Guided Self-Help in Anorexia Nervosa: An Analysis of Drop-Out From the Study Protocol and Intervention Adherence.Valentina Cardi, Gaia Albano, Laura Salerno, Gianluca Lo Coco, Suman Ambwani, Ulrike Schmidt, Pamela Macdonald & Janet Treasure - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The implementation of online technologies to promote wellbeing is increasingly becoming a worldwide priority. This study includes secondary analyses of data and examined drop-out rates in an online guided self-help intervention for patients with anorexia nervosa. Specifically, rates of drop-out at end of treatment (i.e. six-week assessment), as well as intervention adherence (minimum of four of six online guided sessions) and differences between completers and drop-outs were examined. Motivation to change and associated patient variables were assessed as predictors of drop-out (...)
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    Aristotle, On Poetics1 eds., and trans., Seth Benardete and.Michael Davis, Claudia Baracchi, Duane H. Davis, Ulrike Oudee Dünkelsbühler, Stephen Gaukroger & Eugene Gogol - 2001 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 23 (1).
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    The double-stranded RNA binding domain of human Dicer functions as a nuclear localization signal.Michael Doyle, Lukas Badertscher, Lukasz Jaskiewicz, Stephan Güttinger, Sabine Jurado, Tabea Hugenschmidt, Ulrike Kutay & Witold Filipowicz - unknown
    Dicer is a key player in microRNA (miRNA) and RNA interference (RNAi) pathways, processing miRNA precursors and doublestranded RNA into ~21-nt-long products ultimately triggering sequence-dependent gene silencing. Although processing of substrates in vertebrate cells occurs in the cytoplasm, there is growing evidence suggesting Dicer is also present and functional in the nucleus. To address this possibility, we searched for a nuclear localization signal (NLS) in human Dicer and identified its C-terminal double-stranded RNA binding domain (dsRBD) as harboring NLS activity. We (...)
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    Studying trait-characteristics and neural correlates of the emotional ego- and altercentric bias using an audiovisual paradigm.Tatiana Goregliad Fjaellingsdal, Nikolas Makowka & Ulrike M. Krämer - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (4):818-834.
    In social interactions, emotional biases can arise when the emotional state of oneself and another person are incongruent. A person’s ability to judge the other’s emotional state can then be biased by their own emotional state, leading to an emotional egocentric bias (EEB). Alternatively, a person’s perception of their own emotional state can be biased by the other’s emotional state leading to an emotional altercentric bias (EAB). Using a modified audiovisual paradigm, we examined in three studies (n = 171; two (...)
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  45.  26
    Different predictors of memory scanning with unidimensional and digit stimuli.Robert M. Levy, David M. Goldberg & John C. Schmid - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (5):331-334.
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    Bildung an ihren Grenzen: zwischen Theorie und Empirie: Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Lothar Wigger.Lothar Wigger, Andreas Dörpinghaus, Ulrike Mietzner & Barbara Platzer (eds.) - 2015 - Darmstadt: WBG, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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    Optimism where there is none: Asymmetric belief updating observed with valence-neutral life events.Jason W. Burton, Adam J. L. Harris, Punit Shah & Ulrike Hahn - 2022 - Cognition 218 (C):104939.
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    Long Term Follow-Up on Pediatric Cases With Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes—A Retrospective Single Centre Cohort Study.Adela Della Marina, Eva Wibbeler, Angela Abicht, Heike Kölbel, Hanns Lochmüller, Andreas Roos & Ulrike Schara - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Introduction: Congenital myasthenic syndromes refer to a heterogenic group of neuromuscular transmission disorders. CMS-subtypes are diverse regarding exercise intolerance and muscular weakness, varying from mild symptoms to life-limiting forms with neonatal onset. Long-term follow-up studies on disease progression and treatment-response in pediatric patients are rare.Patients and Methods: We analyzed retrospective clinical and medication data in a cohort of 32 CMS-patients including the application of a standardized, not yet validated test to examine muscular strength and endurance in 21 patients at the (...)
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    A Constructivist Approach Toward a General Definition of Biodiversity.Yves Meinard, Coq Sylvain & Schmid Bernhard - 2014 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 17 (1):88-104.
    Biodiversity sciences witness a double dynamic. Whereas the need for interdisciplinary approaches is increasingly appreciated, most disciplinary studies are still confined to developing operational, discipline-specific indices. We show that a reassessment of the general notion of biodiversity is needed to clarify this situation. We advocate a new approach, according to which the main usefulness of this notion is not to capture quantitatively biological objects or processes, but to organize meaningful and coherent interdisciplinary interactions by constructively criticizing disciplinary studies. We apply (...)
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    How influenceable is our metamemory for pictorial material? The impact of framing and emotionality on metamemory judgments.Michaela Schmoeger, Matthias Deckert, Eva Loos & Ulrike Willinger - 2020 - Cognition 195 (C):104112.
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