Results for 'Anne Kaman'

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  1.  15
    Peer Relationships and Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents: Results From the German BELLA Study.Adekunle Adedeji, Christiane Otto, Anne Kaman, Franziska Reiss, Janine Devine & Ulrike Ravens-Sieberer - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Poor mental health affects adolescent development and is associated with health and social outcomes in later life. The current study uses cross-sectional data to explore the understudied aspects of peer relationships as a predictor of depressive symptom severity of adolescents in Germany.Method: Data from the German BELLA study were analyzed. We focused on the most recent measurement point of the BELLA study and analyzed data of 446 adolescents. Peer relationship was measured using four items from the internationally established Patient-Reported (...)
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    Extraction from subjects: Differences in acceptability depend on the discourse function of the construction.Anne Abeillé, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel & Edward Gibson - 2020 - Cognition 204 (C):104293.
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    Qualitative Research, Appropriation of the ‘Other’ and Empowerment.Anne Opie - 1992 - Feminist Review 40 (1):52-69.
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  4. Politeia: new readings in the history of philosophy.Anne J. M. Mamary & Meredith Trexler Drees (eds.) - 2025 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Innovative readings and creative reinterpretations of significant works in the field of ancient philosophy.
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  5. Interpreting from A to B: A Spanish case study.Anne Martin - 2005 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 38 (1-2):83-100.
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    Les chantiers de Pankratès, d'Agathôn et d'Euainétos au péribole du sanctuaire d'Apollon à Delphes.Anne Jacquemin - 1991 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 115 (1):243-258.
    La confrontation des vestiges du péribole du sanctuaire d'Apollon à Delphes et des données relatives aux chantiers de réfection fournies par le Compte des Trésoriers CID II 81 invite à situer les travaux au mur Est entre les portes Β et F (cette dernière se trouvant au Nord de l'emplacement du futur portique d'Attale) et à les mettre en relation avec la reconstruction du temple et le réaménagement du téménos.
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    Marmaria, l’hestiatorion, le synédrion et le Philippéion.Anne Laroche Jacquemin - 2021 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 145:87-113.
    En accompagnement de la reprise des fouilles, nous présentons de nouvelles données relatives aux trois monuments les plus occidentaux de la terrasse de la Marmaria, obtenues à l’occasion de l’inventaire des blocs hors œuvre, présents sur le site, et d’une relecture des sources textuelles antiques. La fonction d’hestiatorion de SD 44 est ainsi confirmée. Une nouvelle datation est proposée pour l’édifice de calcaire SD 43 dont l’architecture ne correspond pas à celle d’un temple, mais plutôt à celle d’une salle d’assemblée. (...)
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    La part du possible dans l'usage : le cas du téléphone portable.Anne Jarrigeon & Joëlle Menrath - 2008 - Hermes 50:99.
    Dans les analyses sociologiques et philosophiques qu'à suscitées récemment le « phénomène du téléphone portable », les promesses de l'innovation sont souvent tenues à tort pour la réalité des usages. Une enquête fondée sur l'observation des pratiques concrètes autour du portable nous a permis de montrer sous quelle forme les possibilités ouvertes par l'innovation interviennent dans l'expérience de l'outil: comment la promesse de joignabilité est déjouée par les stratégies de chacun, comment, à partir d'un agrégat de fonctions, les utilisateurs réinventent (...)
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    Discovering Reality.Anne Seller - 1984 - Philosophical Books 25 (4):253-254.
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    Introduction.Anne Hunsaker Hawkins - 2004 - Journal of Medical Humanities 25 (4):237-241.
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  11. English Wycliffite Sermons: Volume Iii.Anne Hudson (ed.) - 1990 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This third volume completes the text of the cycle of 294 English Wycliffite sermons; the first two volumes appeared in 1983 and 1987 respectively. The 120 sermons here were intended to provide material for all the weekday occasions for which the Sarum rite offers a separate gospel reading; such complete coverage of ferial days is unparalleled in English medieval homiliaries, and seems unknown elsewhere in contemporary European cycles of sermons. The introduction to the present book, which is intended to be (...)
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    Stretching the imagination: the ministry of the school in preparing young people for leadership roles.[The Australian Catholic schooling system has effectively raised the educational and economic standards of the Catholic community from the ranks of the working class into the middle class].Anne Hunt - 1998 - The Australasian Catholic Record 75 (4):383.
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  13. Issues in robot ethics seen through the lens of a moral Turing test.Anne Gerdes & Peter Øhrstrøm - 2015 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 13 (2):98-109.
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore artificial moral agency by reflecting upon the possibility of a Moral Turing Test and whether its lack of focus on interiority, i.e. its behaviouristic foundation, counts as an obstacle to establishing such a test to judge the performance of an Artificial Moral Agent. Subsequently, to investigate whether an MTT could serve as a useful framework for the understanding, designing and engineering of AMAs, we set out to address fundamental challenges within (...)
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    Holism: A Consumer Update.Anne Bezuidenhout - 1993 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 46:197-212.
    In Holism: A Shopper's Guide Fodor and LePore contend that there could be punctate minds; minds capable of being in only a single type of representational state. The Kantian idea that the construction of perceptual representations requires the synthesizing activity of the mind is invoked to argue against the possibility of punctate minds. Fodor's commitment to an inferential theory of perception is shown to share crucial assumptions with the Kantian view and hence to lead to the same conclusion. The argument (...)
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    Response suppression during stimuli temporally different from the prefood stimulus.Anne S. Bice & John de Lorge - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (6):377-379.
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    Children's verbalizations of motion events in German.Anne-Katharina Ochsenbauer & Maya Hickmann - 2010 - Cognitive Linguistics 21 (2).
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    The Ballad of the White Horse.Anne Perry - 2007 - The Chesterton Review 33 (1-2):293-294.
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    Acknowledgements.Anne Phillips - 2013 - In Our Bodies, Whose Property? Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 18-18.
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    Social constraints on self-directedness over the life course.Anne Foner - 1990 - In Judith Rodin, Carmi Schooler & K. Warner Schaie, Self-directedness: cause and effects throughout the life course. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 95--102.
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  20. Stem Education in the Primary School: A Teacher's Toolkit.Anne Forbes, Rachel Sheffield, Linda Pfeiffer & Vinesh Chandra - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
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    Modell.Anne Frémy - 2004 - Multitudes 4 (4):119-128.
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    Icônes 39.Anne-Valérie Gasc - 2009 - Multitudes 39 (4):1.
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    The impact of discussion on interpersonal attraction.Anne V. Gormly & John B. Gormly - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (1):45-48.
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    Plato's Socrates as Narrator: A Philosophical Muse.Anne-Marie Schultz - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores five Platonic dialogues: Lysis, Charmides, Protagoras, Euthydemus, and the Republic. This book uses Socrates’ narrative commentary as its primary interpretive framework. No one has engaged in a sustained attempt to explore the Platonic dialogues from this angle. As a result, it offers a unique contribution to Plato scholarship. The portrait of Socrates that emerges challenges the traditional view of Socrates as an intellectualist and offers a holistic vision of philosophical practice.
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    Barbara Goff, Citizen Bacchae. Women’s Ritual Practice in Ancient Greece.Anne-Françoise Jaccottet - 2005 - Kernos 18:531-533.
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  26. Size matters.Anne Newstead - unknown
    Does Cantorian set theory alter our intuitive conception of number? Yes. In particular, Cantorian set theory revises our intuitive conception of when two sets have the same size (cardinal number). Consider a variant of Galileo’s Paradox, which notes that the members of the set of natural numbers, N, can be put in one-to-one correspondence with the members of the set of even numbers, E.
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    LAURA, a system to debug student programs.Anne Adam & Jean-Pierre Laurent - 1980 - Artificial Intelligence 15 (1-2):75-122.
  28. Let no one invite me, for I do not dance" : Kierkegaard's attitudes toward dance.Anne Margrete Fiskvik - 2018 - In Eric Ziolkowski, Kierkegaard, Literature, and the Arts. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University press.
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  29. The psychology of human research participation.Anne Moyer - 2013 - In Gregory J. Feist & Michael E. Gorman, Handbook of the psychology of science. New York: Springer Pub. Company, LLC.
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    Divine Wo/men Are Dignitaries: Seven Billion of Them ‘Walk’ in Dignity and Flourish.Anne-Claire Mulder - 2013 - Feminist Theology 21 (3):232-243.
    In this text the author takes up Luce Irigaray’s call upon women to image their ‘God’: a quality or attribute that makes them divine women when they realize it in their lives. She presents ‘human dignity’ as such a ‘divine’ quality and as a value that is understood by many to be the ultimate of our human being. Inspired by Ina Praetorius’ expression that seven billion dignitaries walk the earth, the author connects the different aspects of the concept of human (...)
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  31. Reklameoversættelse.Anne Ellerup Nielsen - 1989 - Hermes 2:149-171.
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    Moral Philosophy and Moral Life.Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen presents a new account of the role of moral philosophy and its relationship to our ordinary moral lives. She challenges the idea that moral theories have an authoritative explanatory or action-guiding role, and develops instead a descriptive, pluralistic, and elucidatory conception of moral philosophy.
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  33.  15
    La Philosophie dans la Cité: Hommage à Hélène Ackermans.Anne-Marie Dillens (ed.) - 1997 - Bruxelles: Publications Fac St Louis.
    Depuis près d'un demi-siècle, Madame Hélène Ackermans a coopéré très activement à l'organisation de l'École des sciences philosophiques et religieuses des F.U.S.L. Avec Monseigneur Henri Van Camp, elle a donné à la tribune des leçons publiques sa renommée internationale; auprès de l'actuel comité de direction, elle n'a cessé de prodiguer ses multiples compétences et ses conseils avisés. En hommage à son travail, il a été demandé à quelques-uns des penseurs avec lesquels Madame Hélène Ackermans a noué des liens d'amitié, de (...)
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    Multikulturalisme på norsk - Er anerkjennelse til hinder for utjevning?Anne Britt Djuve - 2016 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 33 (2-3):85-109.
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    Stone Sense - Sensibility and Analogy in Diderot's Le Reve de d'Alembert.Anne Beate Maurseth - 2001 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 13 (24).
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    How Private is Our Privacy in Health Care? Part One.Anne Moates - 2003 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 9 (2):1.
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  37. Education in the 21st Century.Anne Shaw - 2009 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 17 (1):11.
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    Implicit Timing as the Missing Link between Neurobiological and Self Disorders in Schizophrenia?Anne Giersch, Laurence Lalanne & Philippe Isope - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
    Disorders of consciousness and the self are at the forefront of schizophrenia symptomatology. Patients are impaired in feeling themselves as the authors of their thoughts and actions. In addition, their flow of consciousness is disrupted, and thought fragmentation has been suggested to be involved in the patients’ difficulties in feeling as being one unique, unchanging self across time. Both impairments are related to self disorders, and both have been investigated at the experimental level. Here we review evidence that both mechanisms (...)
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    Heroines of the Qing: Exemplary Women Tell Their Stories. By Binbin Yang.Anne Behnke Kinney - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (2).
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    Letter to the Editor.Anne Lavin - 2006 - Philosophical Practice: Journal of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association 2 (1):1-2.
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  41. Von der Wirklichkeit des Wirklichen. Eine kritische Verteidigung der Metaphysik als philosophischer Disziplin (On the Reality of the Real: A Critical Defence of Metaphysics as a Philosophical Discipline).Anne Sophie Meincke - 2017 - In Christopher Erhard, David Meißner & Jörg Ulrich Noller, Wozu Metaphysik? Historisch-systematische Perspektiven. pp. 96-130.
    What is metaphysics? And what do we need it for? In this paper I argue that if we answer the first question appropriately, the second question becomes pointless. To understand what metaphysics is means to understand what it is for. I shall propose that metaphysics, as a philosophical discipline, is the addressing of reality with respect to the intelligibility of reality as a whole and, i.e., the addressing of reality's being-addressed in various contexts (everyday and scientific). Insofar as reason is (...)
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    Epistemic Circularity and the Problem of Cheap Credit.Anne Https://Orcidorg Meylan - 2011 - Philosophical Papers 40 (3):327-340.
    Abstract This article raises a worry concerning Ernest Sosa's way of solving the problem of epistemic circularity. Sosa's solution to the problem of epistemic circularity relies on the following claim of sufficiency: for S to deserve to be credited for his true belief, it is sufficient that his belief is, in a sense to be made clear, ?apt?. I argue that this solution undersells the notion of credit. I present three kinds of cases in which the attribution of credit to (...)
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    The Camera Shot and the Gun Sight.Anne Eakin Moss - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 10 (2):25-38.
    This article examines the connections be- tween the camera shot and the gun sight in the age of classic Hollywood cinema. Com- paring THE LOST PATROL (USA 1934, John Ford) with TRINADTSAT (THIRTEEN, UdSSR 1936, Mikhail Romm), it asks what kind of relationship films from this era strove to establish between the viewer and the gun shot on screen. The ideological and stylistic differences between the films make visible divergent fantasies of agency, community and technology.
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    Foundations of an Ethics of Belief.Anne Meylan - 2013 - De Gruyter.
    In the course of our daily lives we make lots of evaluations of actions. We think that driving above the speed limit is dangerous, that giving up one’s bus seat to the elderly is polite, that stirring eggs with a plastic spoon is neither good nor bad. We understand too that we may be praised or blamed for actions performed on the basis of these evaluations. The same is true in the case of certain beliefs. Sometimes we blame people for (...)
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    Knowing How to Know.Anne W. Branscomb - 1981 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 6 (3):5-9.
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    Predicting head rotation using EEG to enhance streaming of images to a Virtual Reality headset.Anne-Marie Brouwer, Jasper Van Der Waa & Hans Stokking - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    How Different Indicator-Dimension Ratios in Assessment Center Ratings Affect Evidence for Dimension Factors.Anne Buckett, Jürgen Reiner Becker, Klaus G. Melchers & Gert Roodt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Sciences varia vulgarisation scientifique.Anne-Marie Chouillet, Hervé Guénot, Robert Fox, Claude Blanckaert, Jean-François Baillon & Andreas Kleinert - 1992 - Revue de Synthèse 113 (3-4):487-498.
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    Réflexivité et politique du genre à Bollywood : Om Shanti Om (2007), Luck by Chance (2008) et Dhobi Ghat (2010).Anne Ciecko & Brigitte Rollet - 2015 - Diogène 245 (1):32-52.
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    The career identity of young working fathers in dual-earner relationships: A family-relatedness of work decisions perspective.Anne Crafford & Eileen Koekemoer - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionTaking on an identity lens, we explore how young working fathers, experience their careers in the context of their changing family roles. We propose that working fathers’ work experiences, work decisions, and career identity are the product of social and cognitive processes in a dual-earner relationship.Materials and methodsThis qualitative study was conducted using an interpretive, and qualitative survey. The data was collected amongst a purposive sample of 45 young South African, well-educated, working fathers, using semi-structured interviews, until data saturation was (...)
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