Results for 'Tracy Jenkin'

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  1.  60
    Invited symposium: Feminists encountering animals.Lori Gruen, Kari Weil, Kelly Oliver, Traci Warkentin, Stephanie Jenkins, Carrie Rohman, Emily Clark & Greta Gaard - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (3):492 - 526.
  2.  48
    Unmasking Corporate Sustainability at the Project Level: Exploring the Influence of Institutional Logics and Individual Agency.Jacqueline Corbett, Jane Webster & Tracy A. Jenkin - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (2):261-286.
    Due to their consolidated nature, corporate sustainability reports often mask the evolution of organizations’ sustainability initiatives. Thus, to more fully understand the environmental performance of an organization, it is essential to examine the experiences of specific projects and how they relate to corporate sustainability. Based on case studies of green projects in four different organizations, we find that it is difficult to determine the environmental impact of a project a priori, even in cases where environmental considerations are included as part (...)
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  3. Perceptual learning and reasons‐responsiveness.Zoe Jenkin - 2022 - Noûs 57 (2):481-508.
    Perceptual experiences are not immediately responsive to reasons. You see a stick submerged in a glass of water as bent no matter how much you know about light refraction. Due to this isolation from reasons, perception is traditionally considered outside the scope of epistemic evaluability as justified or unjustified. Is perception really as independent from reasons as visual illusions make it out to be? I argue no, drawing on psychological evidence from perceptual learning. The flexibility of perceptual learning is a (...)
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  4. Perceptual learning.Zoe Jenkin - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (6):e12932.
    Perception provides us with access to the external world, but that access is shaped by our own experiential histories. Through perceptual learning, we can enhance our capacities for perceptual discrimination, categorization, and attention to salient properties. We can also encode harmful biases and stereotypes. This article reviews interdisciplinary research on perceptual learning, with an emphasis on the implications for our rational and normative theorizing. Perceptual learning raises the possibility that our inquiries into topics such as epistemic justification, aesthetic criticism, and (...)
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  5. Crossmodal Basing.Zoe Jenkin - 2022 - Mind 131 (524):1163-1194.
    What kinds of mental states can be based on epistemic reasons? The standard answer is only beliefs. I argue that perceptual states can also be based on reasons, as the result of crossmodal interactions. A perceptual state from one modality can provide a reason on which an experience in another modality is based. My argument identifies key markers of the basing relation and locates them in the crossmodal Marimba Illusion (Schutz & Kubovy 2009). The subject’s auditory experience of musical tone (...)
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  6. The function of perceptual learning.Zoe Jenkin - 2023 - Philosophical Perspectives 37 (1):172-186.
    Our perceptual systems are not stagnant but can learn from experience. Why is this so? That is, what is the function of perceptual learning? I consider two answers to this question: The Offloading View, which says that the function of perceptual learning is to offload tasks from cognition onto perception, thereby freeing up cognitive resources (Connolly, 2019) and the Perceptual View, which says that the function of perceptual learning is to improve the functioning of perception. I argue that the Perceptual (...)
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  7. Epistemic and Aesthetic Conflict.Zoe Jenkin - 2023 - British Journal of Aesthetics 63 (4):457-479.
    Do epistemic and aesthetic values ever conflict? The answer might appear to be no, given that background knowledge generally enhances aesthetic experience, and aesthetic experience in turn generates new knowledge. As Keats writes, ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty’ (Keats, 1996). Contra this line of thought, I argue that epistemic and aesthetic values can conflict when we over-rely on aesthetically enhancing background beliefs. The true and the beautiful can pull in different directions, forcing us to choose between flavours of normativity.
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  8. Encapsulated Failures.Zoe Jenkin - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    This paper considers how cognitive architecture impacts and constrains the rational requirement to respond to reasons. Informational encapsulation and its close relative belief fragmentation can render an agent’s own reasons inaccessible to her, thus preventing her from responding to them. For example, someone experiencing imposter phenomenon might be well aware of their own accomplishments in certain contexts but unable to respond to those reasons when forming beliefs about their own self-worth. In such cases, are our beliefs irrational for failing to (...)
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  9. Learning in the social being system.Zoe Jenkin & Lori Markson - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e132.
    We argue that the core social being system is unlike other core systems in that it participates in frequent, widespread learning. As a result, the social being system is less constant throughout the lifespan and less informationally encapsulated than other core systems. This learning supports the development of the precursors of bias, but also provides avenues for preempting it.
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  10. Shape-from-shading depends on visual, gravitational, and body-orientation cues.Heather L. Jenkin, Michael R. Jenkin, Richard T. Dyde & Laurence R. Harris - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 1453-1461.
  11.  67
    Perception's objects, border, and epistemic role: Comments on Christopher Hill's Perceptual experience.Zoe Jenkin - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (1):89-95.
    Christopher Hill's book Perceptual experience argues for a representational theory of mind that is grounded in empirical psychology. I focus here on three aspects of Hill's picture: The objects of visual awareness, the perception/cognition border, and the epistemic role of perceptual experience. I introduce challenges to Hill's account and consider ways these challenges may be overcome.
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  12. Reasoning and Perceptual Foundationalism.Zoe Jenkin - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Research 48:191-200.
    This commentary considers Audi’s treatment of four fundamental topics in the epistemology of perception: inference, the basing relation, the metaphysics of reasons and grounds, and the relationship between knowledge and justification.
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  13.  30
    Market Reactions to the First-Time Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility Reports: Evidence from China.Kun Tracy Wang & Dejia Li - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (4):661-682.
    We examine whether investors value the disclosure of first-time standalone corporate social responsibility reports, and whether market valuations differ between government-controlled and privately controlled firms. Using a matched sample of Chinese publicly listed firms, we find that CSR initiators have higher market valuations than matched CSR non-initiators, and CSR initiators controlled by the central and local governments have lower market valuations than CSR non-initiators and CSR initiators controlled by private shareholders. Additional analyses demonstrate that CSR initiators with high CSR reporting (...)
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    The James Hardie Group and Asbestos Compensation (Abridged).Janis Wardrop, Tracy Wilcox & Peter Sheldon - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:513-515.
    Asbestos-related illnesses contribute to the deaths of more than 100,000 people worldwide (ILO 2006) and the plight of sufferers of these illnesses has become a global ethical issue. A leading, Australian building products corporation, James Hardie, created a complex corporate structure that included the establishment of a “Victims Compensation Fund”, and moved its corporate headquarters to the Netherlands to reduce its liabilities. Hardie claimed that this move was tax minimization (Haigh 2006). In this study case, a number of ethical issues (...)
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    Escaping the Ethical Incident Pit.Michelle Westermann-Behaylo & Tracy M. Davis - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:93-97.
    This research project defines the concept of an ethical incident pit and explores how qualitative and quantitative research into corporate ethical failurescan be conducted using this concept. Factors on an organizational, departmental and individual level are explored.
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    Virtue and Risk Culture in Finance.Anthony Asher & Tracy Wilcox - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (1):223-236.
    This article considers financial risk management practice using a virtue ethics lens, in response to ongoing critiques of risk management from within business ethics. Risk management should be seen as embedded within a complex system of cultures, organizations and regulations that are underpinned by a quantitatively reductive or ‘mechanistic’ economic paradigm, where dominant logics of self-interest, profit maximization and short-termism prevail. Building on recent work applying virtue ethics in finance, an alternative to the values, normative expectations and priorities in financial (...)
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  17.  83
    Political Theology: Four Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty.Carl Schmitt & Tracy B. Strong - 1985 - University of Chicago Press.
    Written in the intense political and intellectual tumult of the early years of the Weimar Republic, Political Theology develops the distinctive theory of sovereignty that made Carl Schmitt one of the most significant and controversial ...
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  18.  13
    Women and the false promise of microenterprise.Karen Main & Tracy Bachrach Ehlers - 1998 - Gender and Society 12 (4):424-440.
    Since the 1980s, microenterprise development programs have proliferated in the United States, where they are widely praised as strategies for economic development and poverty alleviation, especially for low-income women and welfare mothers. Based on research in a highly respected urban center for women, this article argues that microenterprise development is more detrimental and problematic than it is purported to be. Two reasons are isolated. First, gender constraints mean women tend to choose small-scale, undercapitalized, and barely profitable “pink-collar” businesses, largely home-based (...)
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    A Critique of Giving Voice to Values Approach to Business Ethics Education.Tracy L. Gonzalez-Padron, O. C. Ferrell, Linda Ferrell & Ian A. Smith - 2012 - Journal of Academic Ethics 10 (4):251-269.
    Mary Gentile’s Giving Voice to Values presents an approach to ethics training based on the idea that most people would like to provide input in times of ethical conflict using their own values. She maintains that people recognize the lapses in organizational ethical judgment and behavior, but they do not have the courage to step up and voice their values to prevent the misconduct. Gentile has developed a successful initiative and following based on encouraging students and employees to learn how (...)
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  20.  18
    Questions, questioning, and institutional practices: an introduction.Jessica Robles & Karen Tracy - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (2):131-152.
    This article introduces the special issue on questions, questioning, and institutional practices. We begin by considering how questioning as a discursive practice is a central vehicle for constructing social worlds and reflecting existing ones. Then we describe the different ways questions and question have been defined, typologized, and critiqued, in general and within seven institutions including policing, the courts, medicine, therapy, research interviews, education, and mediated political exchanges. The introduction concludes with a preview of the articles in the special issue.
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  21.  47
    Depression and category learning.J. David Smith, Joseph I. Tracy & Morgan J. Murray - 1993 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 122 (3):331.
  22.  26
    Bringing It All Together: Leveraging Social Movements and the Courts to Advance Substantive Human Rights and Climate Justice.Tracy Smith-Carrier & Kathleen Manion - 2022 - Human Rights Review 23 (4):551-574.
    Although significant literature and jurisprudence has amassed on rights-based climate litigation over recent years, less research and case law has emerged on poverty-related court cases and the fulfilment of economic, social, and cultural rights (ESCR) in Canada. Fewer still are studies exploring the interlinkages between these areas of inquiry. The purpose of this paper is to explore, using Canada as a case study, rights-based developments in climate litigation cases and how these could impact the innovative advancement of ESCR (e.g. to (...)
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  23.  80
    Naturalism and the Tale of Two Facets.Azim F. Shariff, Jessica L. Tracy & Joey T. Cheng - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (2):182-183.
    Williams and DeSteno (2010) and Gladkova (2010) question the validity, utility, and theoretical support for the bifurcation of pride into hubristic and authentic facets. Though these commentators highlight unanswered questions and important directions for future research, we argue that the broad, evolutionarily informed framework for the two facets, presented in our target article nonetheless provides the best fit and explanation for the existing pattern of evidence. We offer several empirical suggestions for future studies addressing the questions raised by the commentators, (...)
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  24.  19
    Myth and Philosophy.Frank Reynolds & David Tracy (eds.) - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    "The book as a whole seeks to reinvigorate an academic discipline (philosophy of religion) which has fallen on hard times, and to do so by building a bridge between philosophy and empirical-historical studies of religion. The topic is both significant and timely. Too long the empiricists have been inadequately sophisticated philosophically and too long the philosophers have ignored historical data both in its breadth and depth. In not only calling for bridges between these disciplines, but actually building some, the work (...)
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  25.  28
    Making kin: Exploring new philosophical and pedagogical openings in sustainability education in higher education.Karen Malone & Tracy Young - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (11):1205-1219.
    This paper is an exploration of evolving ideas, urgencies, and actions that we have experimented with in our teaching of an environmental sustainability subject with pre-service teachers at an Australian university. It is a work in progress. Through this shared educator-student teaching and learning process we feel the tensions of contradictory forces that disrupt the flow of prior teaching as we all become unsettled by hope and reality, grief, and loss, all mixed in with a sense of urgency and tempered (...)
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  26.  67
    Regulation-Focused Psychotherapy for Children (RFP-C): Advances in the Treatment of ADHD and ODD in Childhood and Adolescence.Mariagrazia Di Giuseppe, Tracy A. Prout, Timothy Rice & Leon Hoffman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  27.  18
    Retheorising environmental sustainability education for the Anthropocene.Karen Malone & Tracy Young - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (11):1200-1204.
    This special issue brings together scholars who identify spaces of learning in Australia, Vietnam, Sweden, Finland, and Russia that explore the potential and limitations of current theoretical and...
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  28.  32
    How emotions, relationships, and culture constitute each other: advances in social functionalist theory.Dacher Keltner, Disa Sauter, Jessica L. Tracy, Everett Wetchler & Alan S. Cowen - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (3):388-401.
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  29.  73
    An Imperative Responsibility in Professional Role Socialization: Addressing Incivility.Diana Layne, Tracy Hudgins, Celena E. Kusch & Karen Lounsbury - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (4):715-733.
    The study used a thematic analysis to examine student and faculty responses to two qualitative questions focused on their perceptions of the consequence of incivility and solutions that would embed civility expectations as a key element to professional role socialization in higher education. Participants included students and faculty across multiple academic programs and respondent subgroups at a regional university in the southern United States. A new adapted conceptual model using Clark’s in _Nursing Education Perspectives_, _28_(2), 93–97 ( 2007, revised 2020) (...)
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  30.  19
    Discourse and Practice.Frank Reynolds & David Tracy - 1995 - Philosophy East and West 45 (1):115-119.
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  31.  12
    Religion and Practical Reason: New Essays in the Comparative Philosophy of Religions.Frank Reynolds, David Tracy & Andrew Thomas Greeley and Grace McNichols Greeley Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Catholic Studies David Tracy - 1994 - SUNY Press.
    This book contains programmatic essays that focus on broad-ranging proposals for re-envisioning a discipline of comparative philosophy of religions. It also contains a number of case studies focussing on the interpretation of particular religio-historical data from comparatively oriented philosophical perspectives.
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  32. Dorsal simultanagnosia: An impairment of visual processing or visual awareness?Georgina M. Jackson, Tracy Shepherd, Sven C. Mueller, Masid Husain & Stephen R. Jackson - 2006 - Cortex 42 (5):740-749.
  33.  22
    Are the UN Sustainable Development Goals a Valuable Platform for Advancing a Basic Income? A Critical Historical Studies Account.Tracy A. Smith-Carrier & Rana Van Tuyl - 2024 - Basic Income Studies 19 (1):131-150.
    United Nations (UN) leaders suggest that the world is not on track to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The purpose of this paper is to explore whether the SDGs provide a valuable platform to call for a basic income (BI) globally. Adopting a critical historical studies approach, the article traces the evolution of ‘development’, including the UN decades of development, the Millennium Development Goals, and the SDGs. It subsequently describes the structural adjustment and poverty reduction efforts by (...)
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    Foundations of Representation: Where Might Graphical Symbol Systems Come From?Simon Garrod, Nicolas Fay, John Lee, Jon Oberlander & Tracy MacLeod - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (6):961-987.
    It has been suggested that iconic graphical signs evolve into symbolic graphical signs through repeated usage. This article reports a series of interactive graphical communication experiments using a ‘pictionary’ task to establish the conditions under which the evolution might occur. Experiment 1 rules out a simple repetition based account in favor of an account that requires feedback and interaction between communicators. Experiment 2 shows how the degree of interaction affects the evolution of signs according to a process of grounding. Experiment (...)
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  35.  14
    Encoding activities and free recall of categorized and noncategorized pictures by young children.C. Richard Puff, Donald J. Tyrrell, Tracy H. Heibeck & Deborah A. Van Slyke - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (5):389-392.
  36.  17
    Testimony and trauma: engaging common ground.Cristina Santos, Adriana Spahr & Tracy Crowe Morey (eds.) - 2019 - Boston: Brill Rodopi.
    This book offers a collection of reflective essays on current testimonial production by researchers and practitioners working in multifaceted fields such as art and film performance, public memorialization, scriptotherapy, and fictional and non-fictional testimony. 0The inter-disciplinary approach to the question of testimony offers a current account of testimony's diversity in the twenty-first century as well as its relevance within the fields of art, storytelling, trauma, and activism. The range of topics engage with questions of genre and modes of representation, ethical (...)
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    Making Duration of Phenomena: On Sight and Hearing by Lyn Hejinian and Leslie Scalapino.E. Tracy Grinnell, Lyn Hejinian & Leslie Scalapino - 2020 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 10 (1):113-124.
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  38. Further Thoughts on the Evolution of Pride’s Two Facets: A Response to Clark.Azim F. Shariff, Jessica L. Tracy, Joey T. Cheng & Joseph Henrich - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (4):399-400.
    In Clark’s thoughtful analysis of the evolution of the two facets of pride, he suggests that the concurrent existence of hubristic and authentic pride in humans represents a “persistence problem,” wherein the vestigial trait (hubristic pride) continues to exist alongside the derived trait (authentic pride). In our view, evidence for the two facets does not pose a persistence problem; rather, hubristic and authentic pride both likely evolved as higher-order cognitive emotions that solve uniquely human—but distinct— evolutionary problems. Instead of being (...)
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  39.  15
    The Dark Tetrad and Male Clients of Female Sex Work.Adam C. Davis, Tracy Vaillancourt & Steven Arnocky - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  40.  26
    12 Music, Politics, Theater, and Representation in Rousseau.C. N. Dugan & Tracy B. Strong - 2001 - In Patrick Riley, The Cambridge Companion to Rousseau. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 329.
  41.  14
    Commentary on Revisions to the Ethical and Religious Directives, Part Four.DiAnn Ecret, Tracy Winsor & Jozef D. Zalot - 2023 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 23 (2):285-302.
    We suggest edits to Part Four of the Ethical and Religious Directives (ERDs) to help the US bishops address and clarify essential Church teachings on specific beginning-of-life issues facing Catholic health care today. As a teaching tool, Part Four must be updated so that Catholic health care professionals and the lay faithful can understand and apply Church teachings to new ethical challenges. Further, more direction and clarity from the ERDs is needed in applying general principles to assisted procreative technologies, pre- (...)
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    The Aim... Is to Search Out Truth.John Tracy Ellis - 1970 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 45 (1):5-19.
    Reflections on a contemporary issue relating to Catholic higher education in the United States at a time of anxiety and anguish for higher education everywhere.
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    Reply to commentary on Thinking Critically About Beliefs it’s Hard to Think Critically About.Justine M. Kingsbury & Tracy Bowell - unknown
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    Bodily Communication of Emotion: Evidence for Extrafacial Behavioral Expressions and Available Coding Systems.Zachary Witkower & Jessica L. Tracy - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (2):184-193.
    Although scientists dating back to Darwin have noted the importance of the body in communicating emotion, current research on emotion communication tends to emphasize the face. In this article we review the evidence for bodily expressions of emotions—that is, the handful of emotions that are displayed and recognized from certain bodily behaviors (i.e., pride, joy, sadness, shame, embarrassment, anger, fear, and disgust). We also review the previously developed coding systems available for identifying emotions from bodily behaviors. Although no extant coding (...)
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    Another Low Road to Basic Income? Mapping a Pragmatic Model for Adopting a Basic Income in Canada.Tracy A. Smith-Carrier & Steven Green - 2017 - Basic Income Studies 12 (2).
    Drawing from both theoretical and empirical research, the literature on basic income (BI) is now voluminous, pronouncing both its merits and its limitations. Burgeoning research documents the impacts of un/conditional cash transfers and negative income tax programs, with many studies highlighting the effectiveness of these programs in reducing poverty, and improving a host of social, economic and health outcomes. We consider possible avenues for BI architecture to be adopted within Canada’s existing constellation of income security programs, to the benefit of (...)
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    Ethical considerations in sensitive suicide research reliant on non-clinical researchers.Sarah K. Mckenzie, Cissy Li, Gabrielle Jenkin & Sunny Collings - 2016 - Research Ethics 13 (3-4):173-183.
    The impact on researchers of working with sensitive data is often not considered by ethics committees when approving research proposals. We conducted interviews with eight research assistants processing clinical notes on emergency department presentations for deliberate self-harm and suicide attempts during a suicide prevention trial. Common experiences of working with the data included feeling unprepared for the level of detail in the records, being drawn deeply into individual stories, emotional exhaustion from the cumulative exposure to the data over long periods (...)
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    Disability and Sexual Inclusion.Tracy De Boer - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (1):66-81.
    Many disabled people face some form of exclusion or discrimination. One of the most damaging, yet pervasive, types of exclusion is sexual exclusion. Various factors hinder sexual opportunities for disabled persons, such as social attitudes around body image, gender, and sexuality. In this paper, I engage with Sheila Jeffreys's paper, “ Disability and the Male Sex Right,” wherein she argues that discourse around sexual rights for disabled people is a veiled way of promoting male dominance over women. Though Jeffreys raises (...)
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    University-age vaccine mandates: reply to Lam and Nichols.Tracy Beth Høeg, Allison Krug, Stefan Baral, Euzebiusz Jamrozik, Salmaan Keshavjee, Trudo Lemmens, Vinay Prasad, Martin A. Makary & Kevin Bardosh - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (2):143-145.
    We thank Leo Lam and Taylor Nichols for their response1 to our paper ‘COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: a risk–benefit assessment and ethical analysis of mandate policies at universities’.2 In our paper, we demonstrate that the risk–benefit calculus to mandate boosters for young adults aged 18–29 is a net risk intervention. The authors assert that we have made three inappropriate comparisons of benefits versus risks of the mRNA vaccine booster dose in this age group. We provide our response to (...)
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    Fit to Print? Media Accounts of Unproven Medical Treatments Across Time.Woody Chang, Tracy Caroline Bank & Christopher Thomas Scott - 2014 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 5 (1):33-43.
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    Lessons from COVID-19 patient visitation restrictions: six considerations to help develop ethical patient visitor policies.Tracy Beth Høeg, Benjamin Knudsen & Vinay Prasad - forthcoming - Monash Bioethics Review:1-12.
    Patient visitor restrictions were implemented in unprecedented ways during the COVID-19 pandemic and included bans on any visitors to dying patients and bans separating mothers from infants. These were implemented without high quality evidence they would be beneficial and the harms to patients, families and medical personnel were often immediately clear. Evidence has also accumulated finding strict visitor restrictions were accompanied by long-term individual and societal consequences. We highlight numerous examples of restrictions that were enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic, including (...)
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