Results for 'Paul Arden'

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  1.  9
    God explained in a taxi ride.Paul Arden - 2007 - New York, N.Y.: Perigee.
    Addresses the nature of human religious belief in a series of vignettes and questions that explore humankind's relationship to the divine, from ancient times to the present, in the context of a taxi ride.
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    Athens, Arden, Jerusalem: Essays in Honor of Mera Flaumenhaft.Paul T. Wilford & Kate Havard (eds.) - 2017 - Lexington Books.
    Through careful interpretative essays on Greek poets, Shakespeare, and the Hebrew Bible, Athens, Arden, Jerusalem explores fundamental questions about God, human nature, and the political order. The collection of essays addresses topics ranging from friendship and marriage to sovereignty and tyranny, from piety and sin to comedy and contemplation.
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    The Birth of Public Science in the English Provinces: Natural Philosophy in Derby, c. 1690-1760.Paul Elliott - 2000 - Annals of Science 57 (1):61-100.
    The industrial revolution and the scientific revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were two of the most important events in the whole of human history and the question of how these two relate to each other must therefore form one of the most vital of all inquiries in the history of science. As the industrial revolution began in England- and largely provincial England- the question of how scientific knowledge came to be disseminated to these regions forms a crucial part (...)
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    Athens, Arden, Jerusalem: Essays in Honor of Mera Flaumenhaft by Paul T. Wilford and Kate Havard.Jeffrey Dirk Wilson - 2018 - Review of Metaphysics 72 (2):403-404.
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  5. Les diverses dénominations de la Bible.A. Paul - 1995 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 83 (3):373-402.
    Dans la ligne tracée par les travaux de Paul Ricœur, familier aux exégètes, l’herméneutique biblique doit se préoccuper du lien de la pensée hmaine avec la vie de l’univers., du rapport de l’écriture à la loi ou à l’éthique, de la consonance profonde de la pensée religieuse avec le langage symbolique. L’écriture est, en effet, l’une des techniques par lesquelles l’être humain, dès ses origines, assure sa maîtrise sur l’univers ; l’écrit lui sert à codifier la vie en société (...)
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  6. Marx bevrijd: natuur en vervreemding in de 21ste eeuw.Paul Cobben - 2022 - Amsterdam: Boom.
    De milieuproblematiek staat pas sinds kort op de agenda als een fenomeen dat de mensheid bedreigt. Toch blijkt het negentiende-eeuwse gedachtegoed van Karl Marx verrassende inzichten te bieden om deze actuele problemen te duiden. Marx laat zien dat het menselijk ingrijpen in de natuur leidt tot zelfvervreemding: de mens ondermijnt zijn bestaan als een wezen dat zelf deel uitmaakt van de natuur. Deze zelfvervreemding cumuleert in de kapitalistische samenleving. Marx lezend zien we dat de milieuproblematiek geen historische vergissing is, maar (...)
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    Dialogo con Maurizio Blondel (review).Paul T. Fuhrmann - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):285-285.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 285 than" which is both immanent and transcendent, a kind of "coincidentia oppositorum" beyond logic and definition. It is the realm of the "person" within which, although the tragic conflict is not resolved, there arises the free self from whose non-dual perspective the unity and eternity of life are seen. Within this realm the individual gains an illumination the result of which is "amor fad," his free (...)
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    Nouvelle contribution de l'épigraphie cunéiforme à l'histoire hellénistique.Paul Bernard - 1990 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 114 (1):513-541.
    Ο συγγραφέας σχολιάζει τις πληροφορίες που αφορούν την ιστορία της ελληνιστικής Ανατολής από τη βασιλεία του Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου μέχρι και αυτή του Αντίοχου Α'. Περιλαμβάνονται στον πρώτο τόμο του corpus των βαβυλωνιακών αστρονομικών εφημερίδων που δημοσίευσαν πρόσφατα οι Α. J. Sachs et Η. Hunger (1988) : 1. Η μάχη των Γαυγαμήλων. Ο Paul Bernard αποδεικνύει ότι η εκλογή του πεδίου της μάχης, όπου ήρθαν αντιμέτωπες οι στρατιές των Μακεδόνων και των Περσών, δεν ήταν αποτέλεσμα αυτοσχεδιασμού εκ μέρους του επιτελείου (...)
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  9. Der »Krieg gegen den Terrorismus«: Menschenrechte zwischen Wirtschaft, Recht und Ethik.Gregor Paul - 2005 - Polylog.
    Gregor Paul, Philosoph an der Universität Karlsruhe, will zeigen, “dass ein Krieg gegen den Terrorismus unmöglich wäre, wenn man gültiger Argumentation folgte”. Die Frage ist, ob es einen „gerechten Krieg“ überhaupt gibt – eine alte Frage, auf die nicht nur in der abendländischen Philosophie unterschiedliche Antworten gegeben worden sind. Paul lässt hier die alte chinesische Philosophie zu Wort kommen. An den Beispielen der Kriege in Afghanistan und Irak wie dem sogenannten Krieg gegen den Terrorismus zeigt Paul, wie (...)
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    Empirical Realism: Kant's Contribution to the Realist/anti-realist Debate.Paul Abela - 1993
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    Philosophy and Kafka.Paul Alberts, Ronald Bogue, Chris Danta, Paul Haacke, Rainer Nagele, Brian O'Connor, Andrew R. Russ, Peter Schwenger, Kevin W. Sweeney, Dimitris Vardoulakis & Isak Winkel Holm - 2013 - Lexington Books.
    Philosophy and Kafka is a collection of original essays interrogating the relationship of literature and philosophy. The essays either discuss specific philosophical commentaries on Kafka’s work, consider the possible relevance of certain philosophical outlooks for examining Kafka’s writings, or examine Kafka’s writings in terms of a specific philosophical theme, such as communication and subjectivity, language and meaning, knowledge and truth, the human/animal divide, justice, and freedom.
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    From Quinlan to Jobes: The Courts and the PVS Patient.Paul W. Armstrong & B. D. Colen - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (1):37.
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  13. La tentative de Mallarmé, coll. « Perspectives critiques ».Paul Audi - 1997 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 187 (3):363-363.
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    On the first-order expressibility of lattice properties related to unicoherence in continua.Paul Bankston - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (3-4):503-512.
    Many properties of compacta have “textbook” definitions which are phrased in lattice-theoretic terms that, ostensibly, apply only to the full closed-set lattice of a space. We provide a simple criterion for identifying such definitions that may be paraphrased in terms that apply to all lattice bases of the space, thereby making model-theoretic tools available to study the defined properties. In this note we are primarily interested in properties of continua related to unicoherence; i.e., properties that speak to the existence of (...)
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    «Contagio» en los Donatistas y en san Agustín.Paul V. Beddoe & J. C. Lacarra - 1995 - Augustinus 40 (156-159):39-45.
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    Indifference and Envy: The Anthropological Analysis of Modern Economy.Paul Dumouchel - 2003 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 10 (1):149-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:INDIFFERENCE AND ENVY: THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF MODERN ECONOMY Paul Dumouchel University ofQuébec-Montréal 1. Girard and economics René Girard himself has not written very much on economics, at least explicitly. Though his works are full ofinsights into and short remarks on the sacrificial origin of different economic phenomena or the way in which mimetic relations and commercial transactions are often intertwined and act upon each other.1 Unlike religion, (...)
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  17. The Best Is Yet To Be.Paul B. Maves - 1951
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  18. Althusser's Epistemology'.Paul Patton - 1978 - Radical Philosophy 19:8-18.
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    A Critique of Gewirth's "Is-Ought" Derivation.Paul Allen Iii - 1982 - Ethics 92 (2):211 - 226.
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    A Stakeholder Approach to Investor Preference.Karen Paul & Abdul Beydoun - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:489-500.
    This study tests the relationship between demographic and psychological variables, particularly positive psychology, and investor preferences. Of thedemographics variables, only gender was related to investor preferences, with women expressing a longer time horizon than men. However, the positive psychology variables of hope and novelty orientation were strongly related to risk tolerance, time horizon, and estate intentions.
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  21. Globalization.I. I. Paul - 2005 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 2 (1).
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  22. History for amateurs.John Rodman Paul - 1933 - Philadelphia,: Athenaeum of Philadelphia.
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  23. A lesson lost?: Chartism and Australian Democracy.Paul Pickering - 2011 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 46 (4):4.
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    Excellence Unleashed: Machiavelli's Critique of Xenophon and the Moral Foundation of Politics.Paul J. Rasmussen - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    This book is a detailed comparison of the major political writings of Machiavelli and Xenophon. By elucidating the remarkable scope, depth, and subtlety of the debate between these two great thinkers,Excellence Unleashed offers a fresh perspective on the philosophic and political significance of Machiavelli's proto-modern break from the classical tradition.
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    Morality is natural.Paul Kurtz - 2007 - Think 5 (15):7-14.
    Many philosophers, including perhaps most famously G.E. Moore, have argued that morality is non-natural. Here, Paul Kurtz defends the view that it is, in fact, natural and can in fact be justified empirically.
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    Public trials: Burke, Zola, Arendt, and the politics of lost causes.Paul Muldoon - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (4):570-573.
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    Wisdom's Information: Rereading a Biblical Image in the Light of Some Contemporary Science and Speculation.Paul S. Nancarrow - 1997 - Zygon 32 (1):51-64.
    The biblical image of Wisdom as the power who “orders all things well” in nature and in human life can be read in the light of contemporary information theory. Some current scientific speculation offers an interpretation of reality as a vast information‐processing system, in which informational situations are continuously transformed through algorithmic operations. This interpretation finds a metaphysical counterpart in the distinction between “nature natured” and “nature naturing” in the philosophical theology of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. This confluence of religious, metaphysical, (...)
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  28. Duhems quineska realism.Paul Needham - 1995 - Filosofisk Tidskrift 16:26-40.
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  29. (1 other version)Les matérialistes de l'antiquité.Paul Nizan - 1936 - Paris,: Éditions sociales internationales.
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    Apparent Critique: Inferences from a Benjaminian Sketch.Paul North - 2012 - Diacritics 40 (1):70-97.
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  31. Machiavelli'sroad to paradise:'The exhortation to penitence'.Paul Norton - 1983 - History of Political Thought 4 (1):31-42.
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    Naloxone antagonism of hyperactivity in morphine-treated hamsters.Paul Schnur, David Hang & Audra Stinchcomb - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (6):482-485.
  33. (1 other version)Religious knowledge.Paul Frederic Schmidt - 1961 - [Glencoe, Ill.]: Free Press of Glencoe.
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    Making Other Worlds Possible: Performing Diverse Economies.Paul Seabright - 2016 - Common Knowledge 22 (3):509-510.
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    Reflections on the history of JTSB.Paul F. Secord & Rom Harré - 1990 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 20 (4):293–295.
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  36. A realist account of fiction.Paul Sellors - 2006 - Film and Philosophy 10:51-66.
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    Reactive inhibition as a function of number of response evocations.Paul S. Siegel - 1950 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 40 (5):604.
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    Freedom of conscience: a Baptist/humanist dialogue.Paul D. Simmons (ed.) - 2000 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    At a historic dialogue convened at the University of Richmond, Virginia, Baptist and secular humanist scholars in theology, history, philosophy, and the social sciences, came together to define shared concerns and common values. The dialogue focused on major areas of concern: academic freedom; social, political, and religious tolerance; biblical scholarship; separation of church and state; the social agenda of the Christian Coalition and the Southern Baptist Convention; the danger of militant fundamentalism; freedom of conscience and the historic and current role (...)
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  39. Phénoménologie transcendantale et histoire : sur trois figures de la philosophie transcendantale.Paul Slama - 2023 - In István Fazakas & Paul Slama, La phénoménologie transcendantale aujourd'hui: autour du Clignotement de l'être d'Alexander Schnell. Paris: Hermann.
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  40. Wittgenstein on rule following : some themes and some reactions.Paul Snowdon - 2018 - In Gustavo Ortiz-Millán & Juan Antonio Cruz Parcero, Mind, Language and Morality: Essays in Honor of Mark Platts. London: Routledge.
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    Decentering Rushdie: Cosmopolitanism and the Indian Novel in English, Pranav Jani, Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2010.Paul Stasi - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (1):232-243.
    Decentering Rushdie argues that postcolonial studies has consistently underestimated the investment of the English-language Indian novel in the nation by focusing on a handful of texts that conform to Western assumptions about the bankruptcy of the postcolonial nation-state. Taking Salman Rushdie’s work as the sign of a presumed homology between postcolonialism and a postmodern distrust of totality, Jani demonstrates that his novels are hardly representative of the range of Indian writing in English. Instead, in a series of expert readings of (...)
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    Acknowledgments.Paul Stern - 2018 - In Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio". University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 291-292.
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    Introduction to the Medieval Mystics of Europe.Paul E. Szarmach (ed.) - 1984 - State University of New York Press.
    Though the essays focus on individuals, the cultural and social implications of their lives and work are never ignored, for the mystic way did not exist separately from the rest of medieval life; it functioned as an integral part of the ...
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    (1 other version)Une théorie de la connaissance mathématique: M. O. Schmitz-Dumont.Paul Tannery - 1879 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 8:469 - 493.
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  45. Comment: "Concept Formation and Particularizing Learning".Paul Thagard - 1990 - In Philip P. Hanson, Information, Language and Cognition. University of British Columbia Press. pp. 168-174.
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  46. Land.Paul Thompson - 2002 - In [no title]. Iowa State PRess. pp. 169-190.
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    3 Rightness and Success in Interpretation.Paul Thom - 2002 - In Michael Krausz, Is There a Single Right Interpretation? Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 45-62.
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    Truth and Materials in the Paradoxe sur le comédien.Paul Thom - 1993 - Diderot Studies 25:119 - 133.
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    Futuring: The Exploration of the Future.Paul Alkon - 2005 - Utopian Studies 16 (3):435-439.
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    Presence and Differentiation.Paul St Amour - 2000 - Method 18 (1):17-26.
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