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  1.  55
    The Purist/Partisan Spectator Discourse: Some Examination and Discrimination.Paul Davis - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 13 (2):247-258.
    ABSTRACTThe spiralling discourse of sport spectatorship is a compelling development within recent sport philosophy. It is argued that the conceptual foundations of the purist and partisan carry pro...
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    Derby Girls’ Parodic Self-Sexualizations: Autonomy, Articulacy and Ambiguity.Paul Davis & Lisa Edwards - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (1):3-20.
    When behaviours or character traits match sociocultural expectation, heteronomy is a natural suspicion. A further natural suspicion is that the behaviours or character traits are unhealthy for the agent or for objectives of social justice and liberation. Second Wave feminism therefore includes a robust narrative of unease about female self-sexualisation. Third Wave feminism has more upbeat narratives of the latter, in terms of confidence and empowerment. The preceding tension is refracted through cases such as Ronda Rousey and ‘derby girls’, as (...)
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  3.  88
    On apologies.Paul Davis - 2002 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 19 (2):169–173.
    There is a morally questionable laxity in our practices of apologising. A genuine apology involves substantially more than regret about offence caused by one’s behaviour. I argue that it is in fact possible to unpack a normative paradigm (or essence) underlying the practice of apologising. This essence involves doxastic, affective, and dispositional elements, related at the moral phenomenological level. The Consummate apologiser believes that he has transgressed because of identifiable moral saliences of his conduct, feels reproachful towards himself as a (...)
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    Challenging sex segregation: A philosophical evaluation of the football association’s rules on mixed football.Lisa Edwards, Paul Davis & Alison Forbes - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (4):389-400.
    The Football Association has been under pressure to allow girls to play in mixed teams since 1978, following 12-year old Theresa Bennett’s application to play with boys in a local league. In 1991, over a decade after Bennett’s legal challenge, the FA agreed to remove its ban on mixed football and introduced Rule C4 in order to permit males and females to play together in competitive matches under the age of 11. More recently, following a campaign by parents, coaches, local (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Boxing.Paul Davis - 1993 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 20 (1):48-63.
  6.  50
    The new IOC and IAAF policies on female eligibility: old Emperor, new clothes?Paul Davis & Lisa Edwards - 2014 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 8 (1):44-56.
    The Caster Semenya debacle touched off by the 2009 Berlin World Athletics Championships resulted finally in IOC and IAAF abandonment of sex testing, which gave way to procedures that make female competition eligibility dependent upon the level of serum testosterone, which must be below the male range or instrumentally countered by androgen resistance. We argue that the new policy is unsustainable because (i) the testosterone-performance connection it posits is uncompelling; (ii) testosterone-induced female advantage is not ipso facto unfair advantage; (iii) (...)
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    Game Strengths.Paul Davis - 2006 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 33 (1):50-66.
  8.  38
    Football is football and is interesting, very interesting.Paul Davis - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (2):140-152.
    There are robust consequences of the fact that football is football and not something else. The aesthetic personality of football does not submit to a template inappropriately borrowed from elsewhere. One consequence is that beauty should not be awarded privileged status. Any just aesthetics of the game must be properly hospitable to the game’s less hygienic and agonistic features, such as stolid defence, scuffling and scavenging, heroic goalkeeping, visible toil and strain, the intrinsic possibility of failure, the visibly strenuous working (...)
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    A consideration of the normative status of skill in the purposive sports.Paul Davis - 2007 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 1 (1):22 – 32.
    It is popularly believed within sport's practice communities that a contest fails if the competitor who performs most skilfully in it does not win. The belief is rarely acknowledged explicitly, and therefore deserves to be considered ideological in a sense. In this paper I challenge that belief. For conceptual reasons, I confine the discussion to the purposive sports, e.g. football and tennis. The concept of skill is approached by articulation of a set of platitudes about skill in the purposive sports. (...)
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  10.  76
    Is it defensible for women to play fewer sets than men in grand slam tennis?Paul Davis & Lisa Edwards - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 44 (3):388-407.
    Lacking in the philosophy of sport is discussion of the gendered numbers of sets played in Grand Slam tennis. We argue that the practice is indefensible. It can be upheld only through false beliefs about women or repressive femininity ideals. It treats male tennis players unfairly in forcing them to play more sets because of their sex. Its ideological consequences are pernicious, since it reinforces the respective identifications of the female and male with physical limitation and heroism. Both sexes have (...)
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  11.  24
    Alpine Ski Coaches’ and Athletes’ Perceptions of Factors Influencing Adaptation to Stress in the Classroom and on the Slopes.Paul Davis, Anton Halvarsson, Wictor Lundström & Carolina Lundqvist - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  12.  28
    Examining the Impact of School Esports Program Participation on Student Health and Psychological Development.Michael G. Trotter, Tristan J. Coulter, Paul A. Davis, Dylan R. Poulus & Remco Polman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study examined the influence of 7 high school esports developmental programs on student self-regulation, growth mindset, positive youth development, perceived general health and physical activity, and sport behaviour. A total of 188 students originally participated, with 58 participants completing both pre- and post-program information. At baseline, no significant differences were found between youth e-athletes and their aged-matched controls. The analysis for the observation period showed a significant interaction effect for the PYD confidence scale, with post-hoc comparisons showing a significant (...)
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  13.  36
    Ability, Responsibility, and Admiration in Sport: A Reply to Carr.Paul Davis - 2001 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 28 (2):207-214.
  14.  20
    Written Emotional Disclosure Can Promote Athletes’ Mental Health and Performance Readiness During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Paul A. Davis, Henrik Gustafsson, Nichola Callow & Tim Woodman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:599925.
    The widespread effects of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have negatively impacted upon many athletes’ mental health and increased reports of depression as well as symptoms of anxiety. Disruptions to training and competition schedules can induce athletes’ emotional distress, while concomitant government-imposed restrictions (e.g., social isolation, quarantines) reduce the availability of athletes’ social and emotional support. Written Emotional Disclosure (WED) has been used extensively in a variety of settings with diverse populations as a means to promote emotional processing. The (...)
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    A Partisan’s Paradox.Paul Davis - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-15.
    There appears to be a paradox at the heart of the psychology of partisan sport fandom. Fans regularly relish the prospect of or retrospect fondly upon a tough contest, yet during the contest they want to get out of sight as quickly as possible. The essay tries to explain why the paradox cannot be adequately or usefully understood as a mere conflict of desires or clash between purism and partisanship. Instead, four partially intersecting explanatory themes are identified and unpacked: self-understanding, (...)
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  16.  33
    Burke, Moral Realism, and the View From Within Practices.Paul Davis - 2003 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 30 (2):117-131.
  17.  24
    Boxill's Stylish Ambiguity.Paul Davis - 1999 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 26 (1):88-94.
  18. Devil in the details: Hobbes's use and abuse of scripture.Paul B. Davis - 2018 - In Laurens van Apeldoorn & Robin Douglass, Hobbes on Politics and Religion. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Unwarranted Participant Questions and Virtuous Researcher Lies.Paul Davis - 2011 - Research Ethics 7 (3):91-99.
    Most writing on research ethics is about researcher treatment of participants. This essay considers a participant threat to researcher privacy and integrity. It is based partly upon a real-life sport research case, and discusses a participant request to know if the researcher supports a particular and popular football team. The researcher does support this team, but felt disinclined to answer truthfully, and so lied. It is argued, with the help of analogous cases, that the participant question is what Borge calls (...)
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  20.  78
    Evaluating Violent Conduct in Sport: A Hierarchy of Vice.Paul Davis & Emily Ryall - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (2):207-218.
    The landscape of sport shows conspicuous discursive and material disparities between the responses to openly violent on-field transgressors and the responses to other kinds of transgressor, most notably drug users. The former gets off significantly lighter in terms of ideological framing and formal punishment. The latter—and drug users in particular—are typically demonised and heavily punished, whilst the former are regularly lionised, dramatised, celebrated and punished less severely. The preceding disparities cannot be upheld from the standpoint of morality in general or (...)
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  21.  19
    Preliminary Psychometric Validation of the Teammate Burnout Questionnaire.Ralph Appleby, Paul Anthony Davis, Louise Davis, Andreas Stenling & Will Vickery - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of the present study was to provide support for the validation of the Teammate Burnout Questionnaire. Athletes from a variety of team sports completed the TBQ and the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed acceptable fit indexes for the three-dimensional models of the TBQ and the ABQ. Multi-trait multi-method analysis revealed that the TBQ and ABQ showed acceptable convergent and discriminant validity. The preliminary validation of the TBQ indicates the utility of the scale to reflect athletes’ perceptions (...)
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  22.  34
    Backstage Imperishables and Parochialism in Aesthetics.Paul Davis - 1996 - Cogito 10 (3):220-225.
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  23. Civil Disobedience and Abortion Protests: The Case for Amending Criminal Trespass Statutes.Paul Davis & William Davis - 1991 - Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 5 (4):995-1042.
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  24.  39
    Consciousness Reconsidered.Paul Davis - 1995 - Cogito 9 (1):94-96.
  25.  30
    Collective Responsibility and the Subjective Standpoint.Paul Davis - 1994 - Cogito 8 (2):155-158.
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    Drearning On.Paul Davis - 1993 - Cogito 7 (2):135-140.
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    In Defence of Hobbes against Lippitt.Paul Davis - 1996 - Cogito 10 (3):225-228.
  28.  25
    Issues of Immediacy and Deferral in Cordner's Theory of Grace.Paul Davis - 2001 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 28 (1):89-95.
  29.  38
    Philosophical Perspectives on Gender in Sports.Paul Davis & Charlene Weaving (eds.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    There are a broad variety of sex and gender resonances in sport, from the clash of traditional ideas of femininity and athleticism represented by female athletes, to the culture of homophobia in mainstream male sport. Despite the many sociological and cultural volumes addressing these subjects, this collection is the first to focus on the philosophical writings that they have inspired. The editors have selected twelve of the most thought-provoking philosophical articles on these subjects from the past thirty years, to create (...)
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    Philosophical Perspectives on Gender in Sport and Phyiscal Activity.Paul Davis & Charlene Weaving (eds.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    A useful resource for students as well as a thought-provoking source of debate, this collection is the first of its kind.
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  31.  33
    Soft Pornography: What's the Problem?Paul Davis - 1991 - Philosophy Now 1:14-18.
  32.  16
    Translation and the Poet's Life: The Ethics of Translating in English Culture, 1646-1726.Paul Davis - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    Paul Davis explores the personal and cultural significances of translating as a distinctive mode of imaginative conduct for the five principal poet-translators of what was the golden age of the art in England: John Denham, Henry Vaughan, Abraham Cowley, John Dryden, and Alexander Pope.
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    The Importance of Being Completely Batty.Paul Davis - 1997 - Cogito 11 (1):38-44.
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    The Ladies of Besiktas: An Example of Moral and Ideological Ambiguity?Paul Davis - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (1):4-15.
    The Ladies of Besiktas are a discrete group of followers of Turkey's Besiktas FC. They propose a different ethos from that of the dominant fan culture. They refuse to downplay their femininity, they wear natty black-and-white garb to games, they make breezy videos and they blow whistles when they hear Besiktas fans express foul or insulting sentiments during matches. It seems that the Ladies have motivated most of the offending Besiktas fans to moderate their behaviour in their presence. This discussion (...)
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  35.  17
    Values in Sport.Paul Davis - 2001 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 28 (1):117-119.
  36.  45
    Who are you trying to kid?Paul Davis - 2003 - The Philosophers' Magazine 21:23-24.
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  37. Year 7 Archaeological Dig Ancient Crudenites.Paul Davis & Tom Ryan - 2008 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology:24.
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    Hidden narratives: perspectives of diversity, equity, and inclusion in pharmacy.Carla Y. White, Paula K. Davis, Vibhuti Arya, Amanda L. Storyward & Kevin A. Wiltz (eds.) - 2024 - Bethesda, MD: ASHP.
    This publication features the stories and experiences of pharmacy professionals who identify as members of historically underrepresented groups. This collection of personal essays presents significant events in the lives of those in the pharmacy community whose experiences have been shaped by their race, ethnicity, gender or gender presentation, sexual orientation, ability, language, mental health, or other factors. The perspectives from the narratives highlight the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the healthcare sector. The authors of the narratives also reflect (...)
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    Anthropology and African Philosophy. [REVIEW]Paula Jean Davis - 1999 - CLR James Journal 7 (1):151-163.
  40.  26
    Philosophy of Sport: Key Questions. [REVIEW]Paul Davis - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (4):480-483.