Results for 'Lu Cheng'

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  1.  8
    Yin ming xue gang yao.Cheng Lü - 2006 - Beijing Shi: Zhonghua shu ju. Edited by Yu Yu.
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    Integrating traditional Chinese patterns into modern aesthetics: a rooted theory study based on Pang Xunqin’s “Chinese Pattern Collection”.Xin Tian, Xiaodan Liu & Cheng Lu - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (5):e02400281.
    Resumo: Este estudo emprega metodologia de teoria fundamentada, utilizando técnicas de codificação aberta, codificação axial e codificação seletiva, para conduzir uma análise sistemática da “Coleção de Padrões Decorativos Chineses”, de Pang Xunqin. Uma estrutura teórica é construída para explorar a fusão de padrões tradicionais chineses com o design de arte decorativa moderna. Como pioneira nesse domínio, a obra de Pang Xunqin não apenas preenche lacunas históricas nas artes decorativas chinesas, mas também oferece insights inovadores para a progressão da arte e (...)
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    The effect of altruistic tendency on fairness in third-party punishment.Lu Sun, Peishan Tan, You Cheng, Jingwei Chen & Chen Qu - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Xin nian di lü cheng: Feng Youlan zhuan.Weili Cheng - 1994 - Taibei Shi: Ye qiang chu ban she. Edited by Youlan Feng.
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    Bayesian generic priors for causal learning.Hongjing Lu, Alan L. Yuille, Mimi Liljeholm, Patricia W. Cheng & Keith J. Holyoak - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (4):955-984.
  6.  32
    From where do quantum groups come?Moshé Flato, Zhi-Cheng Lu & Daniel Sternheimer - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (4):587-598.
    The phase space realizations of quantum groups are discussed using *-products. We show that on phase space, quantum groups appear necessarily as two-parameter deformation structures, one parameter (v) being concerned with the quantization in phase space, the other (η) expressing the quantum groups as “deformation” of their Lie counterparts. Introducing a strong invariance condition, we show the uniqueness of the η-deformation. This suggests that the strong invariance condition is a possible origin of the quantum groups.
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  7. Xin xin Ru xue qi si lu: Cheng Zhongying xian sheng de ben ti shi jie.Zhongying Cheng - 2008 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan. Edited by Sang Ma.
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  8. Uncertainty in causal inference: The case of retrospective revaluation.Christopher D. Carroll, Patricia W. Cheng & Hongjing Lu - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
  9.  13
    A Novel Efficient Feature Dimensionality Reduction Method and Its Application in Engineering.Zhun Cheng & Zhixiong Lu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
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  10.  41
    How Ethical Leadership Prompts Employees’ Voice Behavior? The Roles of Employees’ Affective Commitment and Moral Disengagement.Jin Cheng, Xin Sun, Jinting Lu & Yuqing He - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Previous literature has demonstrated that ethical leadership could predict employees’ voice behavior. However, it’s not clear how to heighten these positive effects of ethical leadership on employees’ voice behavior. Building on the AET and moral disengagement studies, we developed an integrated model. A three-wave field study investigated the relationship between ethical leadership and voice behavior by focusing on the mediating role of employees’ affective commitment and the moderating role of employees’ moral disengagement. Our matched data analysis results indicated that: employees’ (...)
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    Myopic decisions under negative emotions correlate with altered time perception.Shuchen Guan, Lu Cheng, Ying Fan & Xianchun Li - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  12.  21
    Impact of Distracting Emotional Stimuli on the Characteristics of Movement Performance: A Kinematic Study.Yingzhi Lu, Tianyi Wang, Qiuping Long & Zijian Cheng - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    It is well-documented that emotional stimuli impact both the cognitive and motor aspects of “goal-directed” behavior. However, how emotional distractors impact motor performance remains unclear. This study aimed to characterize how movement quality was impacted during emotional distractors. We used a modified oddball paradigm and documented the performance of pure movement. Participants were designated to draw a triangle or a polygon, while an emotional stimulus was presented. Speed was assessed using reaction time and movement time. The quality and precision of (...)
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  13.  22
    Quantification of Respiratory and Muscular Perceived Exertions as Perceived Measures of Internal Loads During Domestic and Overseas Training Camps in Elite Futsal Players.Yu-Xian Lu, Filipe M. Clemente, Pedro Bezerra, Zachary J. Crowley-McHattan, Shih-Chung Cheng, Chia-Hua Chien, Cheng-Deng Kuo & Yung-Sheng Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundThe rating of perceived exertion scales with respiratory and muscular illustrations are recognized as simple and practical methods to understand individual psychometric characteristics in breathing and muscle exertion during exercise. However, the implementation of respiratory and muscular RPE to quantify training load in futsal training camps has not been examined. This study investigates respiratory and muscular RPE relationships during domestic training camps and overseas training camps in an under 20 futsal national team.MethodsData collected from eleven field players were used for (...)
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  14. Er Cheng zi yu lu.Hao Cheng - 1977 - Edited by Yi Cheng, Xi Zhu & Zuqian Lü.
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    Convergent Associative Motor Cortical Plasticity Induced by Conditional Somatosensory and Motor Reaction Afferents.Yi Huang, Jui-Cheng Chen, Chon-Haw Tsai & Ming-Kuei Lu - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Theoretical Explanation of Upper Limb Functional Exercise and Its Maintenance in Postoperative Patients With Breast Cancer.Chi Zhang, Ningning Lu, Shimeng Qin, Wei Wu, Fang Cheng & Hua You - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Upper limb functional exercise has a positive effect on promoting the rehabilitation of upper limb function. However, little is known, about what drives postoperative patients to engage in and even maintain the advised exercises. This study integrated the health action process approach and the theory of planned behavior theory to investigate the psychosocial determinants on the initiation and maintenance of ULFE in breast cancer patients. In addition, this study also tests key hypotheses relating to reasoned and implicit pathways to (...)
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  17. Paired Associative Electroacupuncture and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Humans.Yi Huang, Jui-Cheng Chen, Chun-Ming Chen, Chon-Haw Tsai & Ming-Kuei Lu - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  18.  49
    Decreased Global Network Efficiency in Young Male Smoker: An EEG Study during the Resting State.Shaoping Su, Dahua Yu, Jiadong Cheng, Yajing Chen, Xiaohua Zhang, Yanyan Guan, Yangding Li, Yanzhi Bi, Ting Xue, Xiaoqi Lu & Kai Yuan - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Phase-transformation-induced microstructure in lead-free ferroelectric ceramics based on TiO3–BaTiO3–TiO3.Shun-Yu Cheng, Jay Shieh, New-Jin Ho & Hong-Yang Lu - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (31):4013-4032.
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    Quality of Maternal Parenting of 9-Month-Old Infants Predicts Executive Function Performance at 2 and 3 Years of Age.Nanhua Cheng, Shan Lu, Marc Archer & Zhengyan Wang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Bench Testing and Modeling Analysis of Optimum Shifting Point of HMCVT.Yu Qian, Zhun Cheng & Zhixiong Lu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    The unreasonable shift point will cause a large shift impact, which will affect the engine fuel economy and the service life of the wet clutch. To decrease shift impact on agricultural tractors with HMCVT and find the best working point, the following methods are proposed in this paper: firstly, conducting all-factor method and response surface method to design and carry out bench test of shift impact; secondly, using the basic linear fitting, RSM, and stepwise regression analysis to establish comprehensive mathematical (...)
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    The Background Structure of Entrepreneurial Team and Strategic Investment Decisions: A Collective Psychological Capital Perspective.Li Xin Guo, Kun-Hwa Lu, Ya-Fang Cheng & Chi-Fang Liu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Migration of Chinese Consumption Values: Traditions, Modernization, and Cultural Renaissance. [REVIEW]Cheng Lu Wang & Xiaohua Lin - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (3):399 - 409.
    Most observers of the Chinese consumer market have seen its linear evolution from a traditional culture toward a more Westernized consumer society during the country's three-decade experimentation of the free market. Recent development, however, shows a cultural renaissance in China wherein Chinese people have increasingly demanded their traditional culture components to be part of their consumption experience, coinciding with China's re-emergence as a country of economic and political power. We identify this shift, explore its causes, and discuss its managerial and (...)
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    Hybrid Network-on-Chip: An Application-Aware Framework for Big Data.Juan Fang, Sitong Liu, Shijian Liu, Yanjin Cheng & Lu Yu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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    Chemical Reprogramming of Human Somatic Cells to Pluripotent Stem Cells.Jingyang Guan, Guan Wang, Jinlin Wang, Zhengyuan Zhang, Yao Fu, Lin Cheng, Gaofan Meng, Yulin Lyu, Jialiang Zhu, Yanqin Li, Yanglu Wang, Shijia Liuyang, Bei Liu, Zirun Yang, Huanjing He, Xinxing Zhong, Qijing Chen, Xu Zhang, Shicheng Sun, Weifeng Lai, Yan Shi, Lulu Liu, Lipeng Wang, Cheng Li, Shichun Lu & Hongkui Deng - forthcoming - Nature:1–7.
    Cellular reprogramming can manipulate the identity of cells to generate the desired cell types1– 3. The use of cell intrinsic components, including oocyte cytoplasm and transcription factors, can enforce somatic cell reprogramming to pluripotent stem cells4– 7. By contrast, chemical stimulation by exposure to small molecules offers an alternative approach that can manipulate cell fate in a simple and highly controllable manner8– 10. However, human somatic cells are refractory to chemical stimulation owing to their stable epigenome2,11,12 and reduced plasticity13,14; it (...)
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    Cheng sheng yu jia ting ren lun: zong jiao dui hua mai luo xia de Ming Qing zhi ji ru xue.Miaofen Lü - 2017 - Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban she shi ye gu fen you xian gong si.
    以明末清初理學文本與話語為主要研究對象, 試圖重探明清之際思想轉型的重大議題。 從儒者的生死觀、工夫論、舜的聖人形象、孝行與家禮、 夫婦之倫、人性論等主題, 分析明清之際儒學如何在歷史發展及反思中自我修正與轉化, 建構一個能兼顧個人道德修養與家庭社群人倫,能對治晚明學風之弊, 並在日用人倫中重建社會秩序的思想體系。 呂妙芬新作《成聖與家庭人倫:宗教對話脈絡下的明清之際儒學》鎖定明清之際(以十七世紀為主)的理學為主要研究範圍,試圖以更豐富而新穎的史料、新的研究議題與視角,來探討明清之際儒學的發展與轉型,也試圖回應一 些過去學者提出的看法。 呂妙芬在本書裡認為理學的信念在清代仍是支持政治與社會的價值體系,理學的議題也仍是士人關心的問題,清代理學思想與話語也不盡然因襲舊說,而有其推陳出新之處,只是這方面較未被充分探討認知。 《成聖與家庭人倫》一書也強調當時儒學是在高度宗教對話的語境中發言,調整自我義理內涵,書中亦論及儒學宗教化與庶民化的現象,及對過去啓蒙論述的反思。 本書共分三部,第一部「成聖、不朽、家庭人倫」包含三章,主要探討明清之際儒學發展的延續與變化,並標出「成聖」與「家庭人倫」為核心議題。第一章〈生死觀的新發展〉探討明清之際理學話語中,是否出現類似個體靈魂 的概念?是否有關於死後想像的論述?第二章〈儒門聖賢皆孝子〉延續了上一章的討論,主要根據的文本也相近,焦點則轉到清初儒學與晚明儒學的差異。第三章〈聖人處兄弟之變〉考察明清士人對於《孟子》記載舜、象兄弟故 事的不同詮釋,說明士人對於舜的詮釋反映了他們對儒學理想與聖人形象的思索。 第二部「血脈與道脈的雙重認同」包含兩章,內容則離開思想觀念的分析,轉而探討萬里尋親、居家拜聖賢兩種實踐行為,藉此說明家族血脈與儒學道脈在儒家士人心目中具有同等重要的地位。第四章選擇與宗族文化密切相關的 萬里尋親孝行為主題,支持此類孝行的理念正是儒家的孝道思想,以及「家」作為永恆歸屬的觀念。第五章討論明清士人在家拜聖賢的禮儀實踐。明清時期祭拜儒家聖賢之禮,除了在孔廟、鄉賢祠、學校和書院中,或在某些民間 宗教的寺廟中舉行外,它也以一種堅持儒學正統、不與其他宗教混合的方式,走入士人家庭。 第三部「宗教對話語境下的儒學論述」共有兩章,分別討論夫婦之倫、人性論兩個主題。第六章探討儒學在夫婦之道的神聖性與戒淫之間的張力,以及因發言語境之差異所形成關於夫婦之倫的不同論述面向。第七章是針對明清氣 學人性論的探討。結論部分則分別就「從晚明到清初學術思想的延續與創新」、「儒學的宗教關懷與庶民化傾向」、「再思17世紀儒學轉型在中國思想史上的意義」三方面,總結說明本書的主要論點。.
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    Xin xue ji da cheng zhe Wang Yangming.Yongsheng Lu - 2015 - Chengdu Shi: Xi nan jiao tong da xue chu ban she.
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  28. Zhongguo mei xue zhi lü: cong yuan gu dao Qing mo gu dian mei xue de fa zhan li cheng.Wenzhong Lu - 2000 - Wuhan Shi: Changjiang wen yi chu ban she.
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  29.  42
    Building Eco-friendly Corporations: The Role of Minority Shareholders.Shouyu Yao, Yuying Pan, Lu Wang, Ahmet Sensoy & Feiyang Cheng - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (4):933-966.
    Based on China’s mandatory requirement for listed firms to implement online voting in their annual general shareholder meetings, we investigate whether and how minority shareholders influence corporate environmental performance (CEP). We use the difference-in-difference approach and find that the implementation of online voting promotes minority shareholders’ participation in shareholder meetings, which, in turn, leads to improved CEP of listed firms. We discover that “local pollution” exposure and “the increasing awareness of listed firms’ environmental risks” are the main motives of minority (...)
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  30.  60
    Cognitive-Processing Bias in Chinese Student Teachers with Strong and Weak Professional Identity.Xin-Qiang Wang, Jun-Cheng Zhu, Lu Liu & Xiang-yu Chen - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  31.  9
    Shen ceng sheng cheng lun: zi ran ke xue de xin zhe xue jing jie.Pinyue Lu - 2011 - Beijing: Shanghai ren min chu ban she.
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    Li xue zai Zhejiang de chuan bo: yi "Jin si lu" wei zhong xin de li shi kao cha.Shuilong Cheng - 2010 - Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she.
    本书对历史上《近思录》的各种版本, 续编本, 仿编本进行了梳理和比较, 尤其对浙江地区《近思录》和理学的传播情况进行了输入的研究, 同时对宋明时期重要理学家亦有独特的评价.
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    Active Construction of Profession-Related Events: The Priming Effect among Pre-service Teachers with Different Professional Identity.Xin-Qiang Wang, Jun-Cheng Zhu, Lu Liu, Xiang-yu Chen & Jun-yu Huo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  34.  8
    Sheng ren shi zen yang lian cheng de: Kongzi bie zhuan.Guomin Lü - 2011 - Xi'an Shi: Xi'an jiao tong da xue chu ban she.
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    The Varying Coherences of Implied Motion Modulates the Subjective Time Perception.Feiming Li, Lei Wang, Lei Jia, Jiahao Lu, Youping Wu, Cheng Wang & Jun Wang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:602872.
    Previous research has demonstrated that duration of implied motion (IM) was dilated, whereas hMT+ activity related to perceptual processes on IM stimuli could be modulated by their motion coherence. Based on these findings, the present study aimed to examine whether subjective time perception of IM stimuli would be influenced by varying coherence levels. A temporal bisection task was used to measure the subjective experience of time, in which photographic stimuli showing a human moving in four directions (left, right, toward, or (...)
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  36. Mengzi zhe xue: Kongzi zhe xue zhi chuan cheng yu dao de de xing shang xue zhi dian ding.Xuekun Lu - 2022 - Guilin: Guangxi shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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  37. Draft translation of Lu Cheng’s records in Wang Yangming's Record of Instructions for Practice (Chuan xi lu 傳習錄).George L. Israel - manuscript
    Criticism and recommendations are very much welcome. Please don't hesitate to contact me with them. -/- .
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  38. Lü Cheng and the Alambana-parikṣa: Yogacara, Epistemology and Genuine Buddhism.Dan Lusthaus - 2014 - In John Makeham, Transforming consciousness: yogācāra thought in modern China. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    "Jin si lu" ban ben yu chuan bo yan jiu.Shuilong Cheng - 2008 - Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she.
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    Qian qiu sheng ji, Nishan: Kongzi de dan sheng ji qi si xiang de chuan cheng.Wen Bo & Ming Lu (eds.) - 2021 - Beijing: Zhongguo qing nian chu ban she.
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  41. Fitnesser’s Intrinsic Motivations of Green Eating: An Integration of Theory of Planned Behavior and Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model.Yuan Chen, Bey-Fen Lee & Yen-Cheng Lu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Global climate change arouses people’s attention to environmental protection and, therefore, changes consumption habits. Food overconsumption not only produces extra waste but also pollutes the environment. Therefore, it is important to understand the factors that motivate people to eat green, an eco-friendly way to consume food. To keep the body in good shape, the fitnessers concern more about diet than the general people. This study explored intrinsic motivations, such as social recognition, environmental ethics, curiosity, joy of purchase, perceived usefulness, subjective (...)
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  42. Dao yi bian.Cheng Minzheng ji & Wu Mingsong Dian Jiao - 2000 - In Changgeng Wu, Zhu Lu xue shu kao bian wu zhong. Jiangxi Sheng Nanchang Shi: Jiangxi gao xiao chu ban she.
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  43. Dao de de xin ling zhi gen: ru jia "cheng" lun yan jiu.Fang Lu - 2004 - Changsha Shi: Hunan shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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  44. Cheng Hao Cheng Yi ping zhuan.Lianzhang Lu - 2001 - [Nanjing Shi]: Jiangsu Sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  45.  29
    Fa lü shi zheng yan jiu: gu dian de tan suo = Empirical Legal Studies: an Preliminary Exploration = Falü shizheng yanjiu: gudian de tansuo.Jinhua Cheng - 2022 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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  46.  25
    How Does Genuineness-Substance ( Cheng - Ti ) Act?: A Clarification of the Phenomenon of Genuineness Based on Zhong Yong.Yinghua Lu - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (2):245-267.
    Based on the text Zhong Yong 中庸, this article clarifies the phenomenological experience of genuineness. The Introduction presents the discussion of genuineness-substance from Zhou Dunyi 周敦頤 and Mou Zongsan 牟宗三, pointing out their omission of the concrete activity of genuineness. Section 2 explains concepts such as ti 體, the endowment of Heaven, the original nature, right, norm, with an indication that genuineness denotes keeping and developing an original status. Section 3 then shows that the original status of human nature is (...)
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    Ren sheng guan jiao cheng.Hongde Lu & Shaokong Zhang (eds.) - 1987 - Shenyang: Liaoning sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  48. Xing fa gou cheng yao jian wen ti yan xi.Binghan Lü - 2014 - Taibei Shi: Han lu tu shu chu ban you xian gong si.
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    "Jin si lu" ji jiao ji zhu ji ping.Shuilong Cheng - 2019 - Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she.
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    Wen xue li lun jiao cheng.Yaoyu Sun, Yuan Yu & Xueming Lu (eds.) - 1991 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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