Results for 'Hannah Bohle'

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  1.  26
    Contribution of the Lateral Prefrontal Cortex to Cognitive-Postural Multitasking.Christine Stelzel, Hannah Bohle, Gesche Schauenburg, Henrik Walter, Urs Granacher, Michael A. Rapp & Stephan Heinzel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  2. Theory of mind and the unobservability of other minds.Vivian Bohl & Nivedita Gangopadhyay - 2014 - Philosophical Explorations 17 (2):203-222.
    The theory of mind (ToM) framework has been criticised by emerging alternative accounts. Each alternative begins with the accusation that ToM's validity as a research paradigm rests on the assumption of the ‘unobservability’ of other minds. We argue that the critics' discussion of the unobservability assumption (UA) targets a straw man. We discuss metaphysical, phenomenological, epistemological, and psychological readings of UA and demonstrate that it is not the case that ToM assumes the metaphysical, phenomenological, or epistemological claims. However, ToM supports (...)
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  3. I—Hannah Ginsborg: Meaning, Understanding and Normativity.Hannah Ginsborg - 2012 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 86 (1):127-146.
    I defend the normativity of meaning against recent objections by arguing for a new interpretation of the ‘ought’ relevant to meaning. Both critics and defenders of the normativity thesis have understood statements about how an expression ought to be used as either prescriptive or semantic. I propose an alternative view of the ‘ought’ as conveying the primitively normative attitudes speakers must adopt towards their uses if they are to use the expression with understanding.
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    De Jure Naturae Et Gentium: Teil 3: Materialien Und Kommentar.Frank Böhling (ed.) - 2014 - De Gruyter.
    Samuel Pufendorf (1632-1694) hat in "De jure naturae et gentium", dem wichtigsten Lehrbuch des Naturrechts seiner Epoche, seine Doktrinen von der persona moralis und von der Soziabilität des Menschen ausführlich dargestellt und sie philosophisch, theologisch und historisch begründet. Diese Theorien, die für die Sittlichkeit der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft in der Frühaufklärung grundlegend sind, werden - nicht ohne Spannung - eingebaut in eine Staatslehre, die am Konzept der Souveränität ausgerichtet ist. Es gab vor Immanuel Kant in Deutschland keinen Juristen und Philosophen, der (...)
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    Relevance of experience-based work in modern processes.Fritz Böhle - 1994 - AI and Society 8 (3):207-215.
    The increasing use of computer-cont rolled automation systems has brought with it a bias towards a purely scientific approach to work. This tends to undermine the significance of experiential knowledge and sensory perception when working with highly automated processes. This paper argues for a recognition of the importance of subjectifying action in carrying out work practices. Without it, complex technical systems cannot be effectively operated. Moreover, the contradictory demands that arise for workers could have negative consequences in terms of work (...)
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  6. An Ethics Framework for Big Data in Health and Research.Vicki Xafis, G. Owen Schaefer, Markus K. Labude, Iain Brassington, Angela Ballantyne, Hannah Yeefen Lim, Wendy Lipworth, Tamra Lysaght, Cameron Stewart, Shirley Sun, Graeme T. Laurie & E. Shyong Tai - 2019 - Asian Bioethics Review 11 (3):227-254.
    Ethical decision-making frameworks assist in identifying the issues at stake in a particular setting and thinking through, in a methodical manner, the ethical issues that require consideration as well as the values that need to be considered and promoted. Decisions made about the use, sharing, and re-use of big data are complex and laden with values. This paper sets out an Ethics Framework for Big Data in Health and Research developed by a working group convened by the Science, Health and (...)
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  7. Quarantine, isolation and the duty of easy rescue in public health.Alberto Giubilini, Thomas Douglas, Hannah Maslen & Julian Savulescu - 2018 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (2):182-189.
    We address the issue of whether, why and under what conditions, quarantine and isolation are morally justified, with a particular focus on measures implemented in the developing world. We argue that the benefits of quarantine and isolation justify some level of coercion or compulsion by the state, but that the state should be able to provide the strongest justification possible for implementing such measures. While a constrained form of consequentialism might provide a justification for such public health interventions, we argue (...)
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  8. We read minds to shape relationships.Vivian Bohl - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (5):674-694.
    Mindreading is often considered to be the most important human social cognitive skill, and over the past three decades, several theories of the cognitive mechanisms for mindreading have been proposed. But why do we read minds? According to the standard view, we attribute mental states to individuals to predict and explain their behavior. I argue that the standard view is too general to capture the distinctive function of mindreading, and that it does not explain what motivates people to read minds. (...)
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  9. Toward an integrative account of social cognition: marrying theory of mind and interactionism to study the interplay of Type 1 and Type 2 processes.Vivian Bohl & Wouter van den Bos - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience:1-15.
    Traditional theory of mind (ToM) accounts for social cognition have been at the basis of most studies in the social cognitive neurosciences. However, in recent years, the need to go beyond traditional ToM accounts for understanding real life social interactions has become all the more pressing. At the same time it remains unclear whether alternative accounts, such as interactionism, can yield a sufficient description and explanation of social interactions. We argue that instead of considering ToM and interactionism as mutually exclusive (...)
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  10. The portable Hannah Arendt.Hannah Arendt - 2000 - New York: Penguin Books. Edited by Peter Baehr.
    Although Hannah Arendt is considered one of the major contributors to social and political thought in the twentieth century, this is the first general anthology ...
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  11.  17
    The correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem.Hannah Arendt - 2017 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Gershom Scholem, Marie Luise Knott & Anthony David.
    The essence of the correspondence between Arendt and Scholem can be said to lie in three things. Above all it provides an intimate account of how two great intellectuals try to come to terms with being both German and Jewish, and how to think about Germany before, during, and after the Holocaust. They also debate the issue of what it means to be Jewish in the post-Holocaust world whether in New York or in Jerusalem. Finally, the specter of Benjamin haunts (...)
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    Philosophy of education in a new key: Publicness, social justice, and education; a South-North conversation.Marek Tesar, Michael A. Peters, Robert Hattam, Leah O’Toole, Lester-Irabinna Rigney, Kathryn Paige, Suzanne O’Keeffe, Hannah Soong, Carl Anders Säfström, Jenni Carter, Alison Wrench, Deirdre Forde, Sam Osborne, Lotar Rasiński, Hana Cervinkova, Kathleen Heugh & Gert Biesta - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1216-1233.
    Public education is not just a way to organise and fund education. It is also the expression of a particular ideal about education and of a particular way to conceive of the relationship between education and society. The ideal of public education sees education as an important dimension of the common good and as an important institution in securing the common good. The common good is never what individuals or particular groups want or desire, but always reaches beyond such particular (...)
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  13. Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy,.Hannah Arendt & Ronald Beiner - 1982 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 56 (2):386-386.
  14.  60
    Leadership as Phenomenon: Reassessing the Philosophical Ground of Leadership Studies.Kenneth W. Bohl - 2019 - Philosophy of Management 18 (3):273-292.
    The purpose of this article is to contribute to a more robust theory of leadership that shifts the frame of reference from leadership as exclusively facilitated through a single inspired leader to one that includes the view of leadership as an emergent and complex social phenomenon. The article begins with a review of the leader-centric approaches that dominated much of twentieth century leadership studies then moves on to present contemporary critiques of leader-centric approaches leading to an alternative perspective of leadership (...)
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  15.  15
    Olympiodors Kommentar zu Platons Gorgias.Bettina Bohle - 2020 - Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
    Platons,Gorgias' hat eine höchst unterschiedliche Rezeption erfahren. In der Forschung gilt er als einer der schwierigsten Texte Platons. Dies ist vor allem der Fülle an Themen, die verhandelt werden, geschuldet. Sokrates spricht mit seinen drei Gesprächspartnern - mehr als in vielen anderen Dialogen Platons - über Rhetorik, Gerechtigkeit, Macht, Handlungsmotive, das glückliche und gelungene Leben, am Schluss findet sich ein Mythos über ein Seelengericht. Die scheinbare Unvereinbarkeit der verschiedenen Textelemente hat dazu geführt, dass der,Gorgias' als Vorstudie zur,Politeia' oder als Zeugnis (...)
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  16. Ochema und zoe : z um Verhältnis von Philosophie und Theurgie bei Proklos in Bezug auf das pneumatische ochema.Bettina Bohle - 2018 - In Verena Olejniczak Lobsien, Bernd Roling, Lutz Bergemann & Bettina Bohle, Vom Seelengefährt zum Glorienleib: Formen aitherischer Leiblichkeit. Berlin: Edition Topoi.
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    Sotsiaalne tunnetus kui hübriidelevant.Vivian Bohl - 2011 - In Bruno Mölder & Jaan Kangilaski, Filosoofia ja analüüs: analüütilise filosoofia seminar 20. Tartu: EYS Veljesto Kirjastus. pp. 219-258.
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    Quantitative Research on Leadership and Business Ethics: Examining the State of the Field and an Agenda for Future Research.Michael Palanski, Alexander Newman, Hannes Leroy, Celia Moore, Sean Hannah & Deanne Den Hartog - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (1):109-119.
    In this article, the co-editors of the Leadership and Ethics: Quantitative Analysis section of the journal outline some of the key issues about conducting quantitative research at the intersection of business, ethics, and leadership. They offer guidance for authors by explaining the types of papers that are often rejected and how to avoid some common pitfalls that lead to rejection. They also offer some ideas for future research by drawing upon the opinions of four noted experts in the field to (...)
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  19.  79
    Continuing debates on direct social perception: Some notes on Gallagher’s analysis of “the new hybrids”.Vivian Bohl - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:466-471.
    This commentary argues that Gallagher's account of direct social perception has remained underdeveloped in several respects. Gallagher has not provided convincing evidence to support his claim that mindreading is rare in social situations. He and other direct perception theorists have not offered a substantive critique of standard theories of mindreading because they have attacked a much stronger claim about the putative unobservability of mental states than most theories of mindreading imply. To provide a genuine alternative to standard theories of mindreading, (...)
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  20.  56
    Paradoxical Infrastructures: Ruins, Retrofit, and Risk.Cyrus Mody, Elizabeth Long, Farès el-Dahdah, Trevor Durbin, Andrea Ballestero, Elizabeth Rodwell, Akhil Gupta, Albert Pope, Matthew Schneider-Mayerson, Randal Hall, Dominic Boyer, Edward Hackett, Hannah Appel, Jessica Lockrem & Cymene Howe - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (3):547-565.
    In recent years, a dramatic increase in the study of infrastructure has occurred in the social sciences and humanities, following upon foundational work in the physical sciences, architecture, planning, information science, and engineering. This article, authored by a multidisciplinary group of scholars, probes the generative potential of infrastructure at this historical juncture. Accounting for the conceptual and material capacities of infrastructure, the article argues for the importance of paradox in understanding infrastructure. Thematically the article is organized around three key points (...)
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  21. Nonconciliation in Peer Disagreement: Its Phenomenology and Its Rationality.David Henderson, Terry Horgan, Matjaz Potrc & Hannah Tierney - 2017 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 94 (1-2):194-225.
    The authors argue in favor of the “nonconciliation” (or “steadfast”) position concerning the problem of peer disagreement. Throughout the paper they place heavy emphasis on matters of phenomenology—on how things seem epistemically with respect to the net import of one’s available evidence vis-à-vis the disputed claim p, and on how such phenomenology is affected by the awareness that an interlocutor whom one initially regards as an epistemic peer disagrees with oneself about p. Central to the argument is a nested goal/sub-goal (...)
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  22. Science–policy research collaborations need philosophers.Mike D. Schneider, Temitope O. Sogbanmu, Hannah Rubin, Alejandro Bortolus, Emelda E. Chukwu, Remco Heesen, Chad L. Hewitt, Ricardo Kaufer, Hanna Metzen, Veli Mitova, Anne Schwenkenbecher, Evangelina Schwindt, Helena Slanickova, Katie Woolaston & Li-an Yu - 2024 - Nature Human Behaviour 8:1001-1002.
    Wicked problems are tricky to solve because of their many interconnected components and a lack of any single optimal solution. At the science–policy interface, all problems can look wicked: research exposes the complexity that is relevant to designing, executing and implementing policy fit for ambitious human needs. Expertise in philosophical research can help to navigate that complexity.
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    Nudging Immunity: The Case for Vaccinating Children in School and Day Care by Default.Alberto Giubilini, Lucius Caviola, Hannah Maslen, Thomas Douglas, Anne-Marie Nussberger, Nadira Faber, Samantha Vanderslott, Sarah Loving, Mark Harrison & Julian Savulescu - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (4):325-344.
    Many parents are hesitant about, or face motivational barriers to, vaccinating their children. In this paper, we propose a type of vaccination policy that could be implemented either in addition to coercive vaccination or as an alternative to it in order to increase paediatric vaccination uptake in a non-coercive way. We propose the use of vaccination nudges that exploit the very same decision biases that often undermine vaccination uptake. In particular, we propose a policy under which children would be vaccinated (...)
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  24. Stem Cell Research and Same Sex Reproduction.Thomas Douglas, Catherine Harding, Hannah Bourne & Julian Savulescu - 2012 - In Muireann Quigley, Sarah Chan & John Harris, Stem Cells: New Frontiers in Science and Ethics. World Scientific.
    Recent advances in stem cell research suggest that in the future it may be possible to create eggs and sperm from human stem cells through a process that we term in vitro gametogenesis (IVG). IVG would allow treatment of some currently untreatable forms of infertility. It may also allow same-sex couples to have genetically-related children. For example, cells taken from one man could potentially be used to create an egg, which could then be fertilised using naturally produced sperm from another (...)
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    Palliative opioid use, palliative sedation and euthanasia: reaffirming the distinction.Guy Schofield, Idris Baker, Rachel Bullock, Hannah Clare, Paul Clark, Derek Willis, Craig Gannon & Rob George - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):48-50.
    We read with interest the extended essay published from Riisfeldt and are encouraged by an empirical ethics article which attempts to ground theory and its claims in the real world. However, such attempts also have real-world consequences. We are concerned to read the paper’s conclusion that clinical evidence weakens the distinction between euthanasia and normal palliative care prescribing. This is important. Globally, the most significant barrier to adequate symptom control in people with life-limiting illness is poor access to opioid analgesia. (...)
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    Inhalt.Frank Böhling - 2014 - In De Jure Naturae Et Gentium: Teil 3: Materialien Und Kommentar. De Gruyter.
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    Liber II.Frank Böhling - 2014 - In De Jure Naturae Et Gentium: Teil 3: Materialien Und Kommentar. De Gruyter. pp. 91-122.
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    Human life: controversies and concerns.Bruce Bohle (ed.) - 1979 - New York: H. W. Wilson.
    Focusing on the application of science and medicine to ordinary life in today's world, Section I of this volume is a general survey of the field of bioethics. Section II and III deal with the beginning of life and death with dignity. The last two Sections IV and V present arguments relating to the proper management of health resources to preserve life and genetic experimentation to enhance the life of future generations.
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    Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Vivian Bohl - 2009 - In Annus Epp, 20. sajandi mõttevoolud. University of Tartu Press. pp. 263-286.
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    On the emergence of minority disadvantage: testing the cultural Red King hypothesis.Aydin Mohseni, Cailin O'Connor & Hannah Rubin - 2019 - Synthese 198 (6):5599-5621.
    The study of social justice asks: what sorts of social arrangements are equitable ones? But also: how do we derive the inequitable arrangements we often observe in human societies? In particular, in spite of explicitly stated equity norms, categorical inequity tends to be the rule rather than the exception. The cultural Red King hypothesis predicts that differentials in group size may lead to inequitable outcomes for minority groups even in the absence of explicit or implicit bias. We test this prediction (...)
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  31. Giving Good Directions: Order of Mention Reflects Visual Salience.Alasdair D. F. Clarke, Micha Elsner & Hannah Rohde - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  32.  50
    Reflections on Putting AI Ethics into Practice: How Three AI Ethics Approaches Conceptualize Theory and Practice.Hannah Bleher & Matthias Braun - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (3):1-21.
    Critics currently argue that applied ethics approaches to artificial intelligence (AI) are too principles-oriented and entail a theory–practice gap. Several applied ethical approaches try to prevent such a gap by conceptually translating ethical theory into practice. In this article, we explore how the currently most prominent approaches of AI ethics translate ethics into practice. Therefore, we examine three approaches to applied AI ethics: the embedded ethics approach, the ethically aligned approach, and the Value Sensitive Design (VSD) approach. We analyze each (...)
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  33.  42
    Part VIII Hannah Arendt.Hannah Arendt - 2002 - In Tim Mooney & Dermot Moran, The Phenomenology Reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 339.
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    Hannah Arendt: the last interview and other conversations.Hannah Arendt - 2013 - Brooklyn, NY: Melville House.
    A unique selection of the most significant interviews given by Hannah Arendt, including the last she gave before her death in 1975. Some are published here in English for the first time. Arendt was one of the most important thinkers of her time, famous for her idea of "the banality of evil" which continues to provoke debate. This collection provides new and startling insight into Arendt's thoughts about Watergate and the nature of American politics, about totalitarianism and history, and (...)
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    The Duty to Improve Oneself: How Duty Orientation Mediates the Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Followers’ Feedback-Seeking and Feedback-Avoiding Behavior.Sherry E. Moss, Meng Song, Sean T. Hannah, Zhen Wang & John J. Sumanth - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (4):615-631.
    We sought to expand on the concept of the moral self to include not just the duty to develop the moral self but the moral duty to develop the self in both moral and non-moral ways. To do this, we focused on how leaders can promote a climate in which individuals feel a sense of duty to develop themselves for the betterment of the team and organization. In our theoretical model, duty orientation plays a key role in determining whether followers (...)
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  36.  47
    Computerised manufacturing and empirical knowledge.Fritz Böhle & Brigitte Milkau - 1988 - AI and Society 2 (3):235-243.
    What skills are required for working with computer-controlled machines in the manufacturing area? Taking the developments in the machine building sector in Germany as an example, it becomes apparent that a human-centred approach (skill-based manufacturing) offers the companies many advantages over Tayloristic forms of work organisation and automation. Closer observations reveal that skills and qualifications based on empirical knowledge and individual capabilities, such as a feeling for machines and materials, continue to play an important part in the work with computer-controlled (...)
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  37.  43
    The Comparative Political Economy of Growth Models: Explaining the Continuity of FDI-Led Growth in Ireland and Hungary.Aidan Regan & Dorothee Bohle - 2021 - Politics and Society 49 (1):75-106.
    This article argues that the quiet politics of informal business-state interaction explains the political determinants of growth regimes. Building on the business power literature within the study of comparative capitalism, it shows that the noisy politics of elections often leads to changes of government but rarely to fundamental changes in the growth regime. Rather, growth models can be traced to the interactions and interests of dominant corporations within a country and its policymaking elites. The argument is developed through a comparative (...)
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    Endorsing and Reinforcing Gender and Age Stereotypes: The Negative Effect on Self-Rated Leadership Potential for Women and Older Workers.Fatima Tresh, Ben Steeden, Georgina Randsley de Moura, Ana C. Leite, Hannah J. Swift & Abigail Player - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Bed-Sharing in Couples Is Associated With Increased and Stabilized REM Sleep and Sleep-Stage Synchronization.Henning Johannes Drews, Sebastian Wallot, Philip Brysch, Hannah Berger-Johannsen, Sara Lena Weinhold, Panagiotis Mitkidis, Paul Christian Baier, Julia Lechinger, Andreas Roepstorff & Robert Göder - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychiatry 11.
    Methods Young healthy heterosexual couples underwent sleep-lab-based polysomnography of two sleeping arrangements: individual sleep and co-sleep. Individual and dyadic sleep parameters (i.e., synchronization of sleep stages) were collected. The latter were assessed using cross-recurrence quantification analysis. Additionally, subjective sleep quality, relationship characteristics, and chronotype were monitored. Data were analyzed comparing co-sleep vs. individual sleep. Interaction effects of the sleeping arrangement with gender, chronotype, or relationship characteristics were moreover tested. Results As compared to sleeping individually, co-sleeping was associated with about 10% (...)
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  40. The human condition [selections].Hannah Arendt - 2013 - In Timothy C. Campbell & Adam Sitze, Biopolitics: A Reader. Durham: Duke University Press.
  41.  29
    No Joint Ownership! Shared Emotions Are Social-relational Emotions.Vivian Bohl - 2016 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 9 (1):111-135.
    There are cases of emotion that we readily describe as 'sharing emotions with other people.' How should we understand such cases? Joel Krueger has proposed the Joint Ownership Thesis : the view that two or more people can literally share the same emotional episode. His view is partly inspired by his reading of Merleau-Ponty -- arguably Merleau-Ponty advocates a version of JOT in his "The child's relations with others." My critical analysis demonstrates that JOT is flawed in several respects: 1) (...)
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    Advancing basic income as a policy tool for food systems sustainability.Kristen Lowitt, Charles Z. Levkoe, Bryan Dale, Colin Dring, Omamuyovwi Gbejewoh, Alesandros Glaros, Hannah L. Harrison, Christine Knott, Philip A. Loring, Zsofia Mendly-Zambo, Kaitlyn Patterson & Elaine Power - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-13.
    In the context of climate change, the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, growing food insecurity, and rising inflation, the inequities in the dominant food system and subsequent vulnerabilities are being made ever more visible. Policies and programs that can support social and economic security while responding to intensifying environmental challenges are urgently needed. Basic income is receiving increasing attention as one such policy tool in jurisdictions around the world. However, its applications to food systems are underdeveloped. This discussion paper considers (...)
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    Emotion Regulation Tactics: A Key to Understanding Age (and Other Between- and Within-Person) Differences in Emotion Regulation Preference and Effectiveness.Derek M. Isaacowitz & Hannah E. Wolfe - 2024 - Emotion Review 16 (4):252-264.
    Older adults report high emotional well-being, but age-comparative studies of emotion regulation strategies have not identified systematic age differences. We propose that emotion regulation tactics may be more promising. Emotion regulation tactics involve strategy implementation in a specific situation, and have features shared across strategies involving positive or negative elements (objects/thoughts) in the environment that may be approached or receded from in the regulation attempt (i.e., a valence dimension about the environmental element, and a direction dimension indicating movement toward or (...)
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    (1 other version)Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers: Briefwechsel 1926-1969.Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers & Lotte Köhler - 1985
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    Return and repair: the rise of Jewish agrarian movements in North America.Zachary A. Goldberg, Margaret Weinberg Norman, Rebecca Croog, Anika M. Rice, Hannah Kass & Michael Bell - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-18.
    Jewish Agrarian Movements (JAM hereafter) in North America express the many different shapes and iterations of Jewish farming on the continent, grounded in historical perspectives that influence current practices and activities. From within this diversity, common threads emerge with much to contribute to agrarian social movements and scholarship. Jewish values of returning (_t_’_shuvah_), releasing (_shmitah_), and repairing (_tikkun_), along with theories of _doikayt_ (an anti-zionist movement around “hereness”) and radical diasporism, animate JAM’s critical engagement with agri-food systems. As researchers who (...)
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    Predicting Cognitive Load and Operational Performance in a Simulated Marksmanship Task.Hrishikesh M. Rao, Christopher J. Smalt, Aaron Rodriguez, Hannah M. Wright, Daryush D. Mehta, Laura J. Brattain, Harvey M. Edwards, Adam Lammert, Kristin J. Heaton & Thomas F. Quatieri - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  47.  15
    Minḥah le-Ḥanah: sefer ha-yovel li-khevod Ḥanah Kasher = A tribute to Hannah: jubilee book in honor of Hannah Kasher.Hannah Kasher, Avi Elqayam & Ariel Malachi (eds.) - 2018 - Tel Aviv: Idra.
  48.  11
    Feminist approaches to environmental politics.Jennifer L. Lawrence, Isabel Altamirano-Jiménez, Cara Daggett, Sherilyn MacGregor, Emily Ray, Sarah Marie Wiebe, Hannah Battersby, Magdalena Rodekirchen & Heather Urquhart - 2025 - Contemporary Political Theory 24 (1):81-97.
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    Developing a Framework for Self-regulatory Governance in Healthcare AI Research: Insights from South Korea.Junhewk Kim, So Yoon Kim, Eun-Ae Kim, Jin-Ah Sim, Yuri Lee & Hannah Kim - 2024 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (3):391-406.
    This paper elucidates and rationalizes the ethical governance system for healthcare AI research, as outlined in the ‘Research Ethics Guidelines for AI Researchers in Healthcare’ published by the South Korean government in August 2023. In developing the guidelines, a four-phase clinical trial process was expanded to six stages for healthcare AI research: preliminary ethics review (stage 1); creating datasets (stage 2); model development (stage 3); training, validation, and evaluation (stage 4); application (stage 5); and post-deployment monitoring (stage 6). Researchers identified (...)
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    The Public Space of Agonistic Reconciliation: Witnessing and Prefacing in the TRC of Canada.Bohle Darren - 2017 - Constellations 24 (2):257-266.
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