Results for 'Jin-Ah Sim'

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  1.  22
    Developing a Framework for Self-regulatory Governance in Healthcare AI Research: Insights from South Korea.Junhewk Kim, So Yoon Kim, Eun-Ae Kim, Jin-Ah Sim, Yuri Lee & Hannah Kim - 2024 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (3):391-406.
    This paper elucidates and rationalizes the ethical governance system for healthcare AI research, as outlined in the ‘Research Ethics Guidelines for AI Researchers in Healthcare’ published by the South Korean government in August 2023. In developing the guidelines, a four-phase clinical trial process was expanded to six stages for healthcare AI research: preliminary ethics review (stage 1); creating datasets (stage 2); model development (stage 3); training, validation, and evaluation (stage 4); application (stage 5); and post-deployment monitoring (stage 6). Researchers identified (...)
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    Shams al-marāsim wa-yāqūtat al-maʻārif wa-al-maʻālim fī al-wilāyah wa-al-walī wa-al-quṭb wa-al-ghawth wa-al-khātim wa-mā la-hum min faḍāʼil wa-maḥāsin wa-makārim wa-mā khaṣṣū bi-hi min al-maʼāthir wa-al-maqāsim.Aḥmad ibn Abū al-Qāsim Tādilī - 2016 - [Rabat]: al-Muṣṭafá ibn Khalīfah ʻArbūsh. Edited by Muṣṭafá ʻArbūsh.
    2. Fī al-quṭb wa-al-aqṭāb wa-al-ghawth wa-dhikr al-abdāl -al-awtād wa-al-nuqabāʼ wa-al-nujabāʼ wa-ghayrihim --.
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    Experience and perspectives of end-of-life care discussion and physician orders for life-sustaining treatment of Korea (POLST-K): a cross-sectional study.Su-Jin Koh, Jaekyung Cheon, Hyeyeoung Kim, Yoonki Hong, Sanghoon Han, Myung Ah Lee, Kyung Hee Lee, Byung Kyu Park, Jae Young Moon, Ju-Hee Kim, Jong Soo Lee, Shinmi Kim, Insook Lee & Hyeon-Su Im - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundThis study aimed to identify the healthcare providers’ experience and perspectives toward end-of-life care decisions focusing on end-of-life discussion and physician’s order of life-sustaining treatment documentation in Korea which are major parts of the Life-Sustaining Treatment Act.MethodsA cross-sectional survey was conducted using a questionnaire developed by the authors. A total of 474 subjects—94 attending physicians, 87 resident physicians, and 293 nurses—participated in the survey, and the data analysis was performed in terms of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation using the (...)
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  4. Akhlāq al-Nabī fī al-Qurʼān wa-al-sunnah: dirāsah taṭbīqīyah li-qawl ʻĀʼishah raḍiya Allāh ʻanhā "Kāna khuluquhu al-Qurʼān".Aḥmad ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz Qāsim Ḥaddād - 1996 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Gharb al-Islāmī.
    Comparative analysis of Koranic ethics and those of the Prophet Muḥammad recorded in Hadith literature.
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  5.  38
    Outcome processing and the sense of agency.Nicholas Hon & Jin-Lin Sim - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 77:102846.
  6. al-Ḥayāh al-ʻāmmah lil-marʼah al-Muslimah.ʻAbd al-Sattār Qāsim - 2002 - ʻAmmān: Wāʼil lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  7. Fikrat al-tārīkh ʻinda al-Muslimīn: qirāʼah fī al-turāth al-tārīkhī al-ʻArabī.Qāsim ʻAbduh Qāsim - 2001 - al-Haram [Giza]: ʻAyn lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-Insānīyah wa-al-Ijtimāʻīyah.
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  8. Nyāya-darśana-vimarśaḥ.Kālīprasāda Siṃha - 1980 - Kalikāttā: Saṃskr̥ta Buka Ḍipo.
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    Bhāṭṭarahasyamarmaprakāśaḥ: vibhaktyarthanirūpaṇamātram.Satyapāla Siṃha - 2003 - Dillī: Śivālika Prakāśana.
    Study of the declension (vibhakti) in Bhāṭṭarahasya of Khaṇḍadeva, 1575-1665, work on Mimamsa philosophy.
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  10. al-Badāʼ bayna al-Sunnah wa-al-Shīʻah.Bāsim Ḥillī - 2015 - Karabalāʼ: al-Amānah al-ʻĀmmah lil-ʻAtabah al-Ḥusaynīyah al-Muqaddasah, Qism al-Shuʼūn al-Dīnīyah, Shuʻbat al-Buḥūth wa-al-Dirāsāt.
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    al-Ḥākim wa-al-maḥkūm fī al-ʻālam al-ʻArabī: taḥlīl nafsī, ijtimāʻī lil-sulṭah wa-falsafatihā fī al-mujtamaʻāt al-ʻArabīyah.Qāsim Ḥusayn Ṣāliḥ - 2023 - Dimashq: Dār wa-Muʼassasat Raslān lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    يقدم المؤلف لنا قانونا اجتماعيًا لعلماء النفس والاجتماع السياسي صاغه كالآتي: (إذا زاد عدد الأفراد الذين يمارسون تصرّفًا يعدّ خزيًا، وتساهل القانون في محاسبة مرتكبيه، وعجز الناس عن إيقافه أو وجدوا له تبريرًا، تحوّل إلى ظاهرة ولم يعد خزيًا كما كان). و من هذه العبارة التقديمية يمكن أن نؤكد أن هذا الكتاب لا يمكن إيفاءه حقه بنبذة موجزة، فهو سفر فكري ممتع، حيث يتناول المؤلف فيه بشكل تحليلي وعلمي مقنع أهم الموضوعات التي تشغل العقل العربي، ما بين شخصيات سياسية كصدام (...)
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  12.  7
    al-Nasaq al-Qurʼānī wa-mashrūʻ al-insān: (qirāʼah qaymīyah rāshidah).Jāsim Sulṭān - 2018 - Bayrūt: al-Shabakah al-ʻArabīyah lil-Abḥāth wa-al-Nashr.
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    al-Siyāsī wa-al-ʻiṣyān al-mītāfīzīqī: qirāʼah Fārābīyah.Murād Bin Qāsim - 2013 - Ṣafāqis: Maktabat Qarṭāj lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Metaphysics; utopias; Fārābī; political and social views.
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  14. Ḍabṭ al-khalal fī masʼalat tārik jins al-ʻamal wa-bayān madhhab Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymīyah.Ibn Rabīʻ & Abū al-Yamān Aḥmad - 2015 - al-Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Fatḥ al-Islāmī.
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  15. al-Akhlāqīyāt al-ṭibbīyah fī al-Sharīʻah al-Islāmīyah =.Qāsim Badārinah - 2012 - ʻArrābah: al-Tāj lil-Ṣiḥḥah wa-al-Turāth. Edited by Fuʼād ʻAzzām.
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    Fārābī va taʼsīs-i falsafah-i Islāmī: majmūʻah-i maqālāt-i Hamāyish-i Fārābī.Muḥammad Khāminahʹī & Qāsim Pūr Ḥasan (eds.) - 2011 - Tihrān: Bunyād-i Ḥikmat-i Islāmī-i Ṣadrā.
  17. al-Akhlāq al-sayyiʼah wa-ʻilājuhā fī ḍawʼ al-Qurʼān al-Karīm.Ṣādiq Qāsim Ḥasan Fahd - 2014 - [Ṣanʻāʼ]: Ṣādiq Qāsim Ḥasan al-Fahd.
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  18. Risālat al-sulūk fī al-akhlāq wa-al-aʻmāl.Kāẓim ibn Qāsim Rashtī - 2004 - Würzburg: Ergon. Edited by Waḥīd Bihmardī.
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    Ḥikmat-i Shīʻī, Bāṭinīyah va Ismāʻīlīyah.Qāsim Pūr Ḥasan & Muḥammad Khāminahʹī (eds.) - 2011 - Tihrān: Bunyād-i Ḥikmat-i Islāmī-i Ṣadrā.
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    al-Mustadrak ʻalá al-aḥādīth al-wāridah fī faḍāʼil al-ṣaḥābah: fī al-kutub al-tisʻah wa-musnaday Abī Bakr al-Bazzār wa-Abī Yaʻlá al-Mawṣilī wa-al-maʻājim al-thalālah li-Abī al-Qāsim al-Ṭabarānī.Saʻūd ibn ʻĪd ibn ʻUmayr Ṣāʻidī - 2015 - al-Madīnah al-Munawwarah: al-Jāmiʻah al-Islāmīyah.
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  21.  12
    Poet of the Abbasid Period, Abū al-Qāsim al-Zāhī (ʿAlī b. Isḥāq b. Khalaf al-Zāhī) 313–352 AH/925– 963 CE: His Life and Poetry. By Khalid Sindawi. [REVIEW]Tahera Qutbuddin - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (2).
    A Poet of the Abbasid Period, Abū al-Qāsim al-Zāhī 313–352 AH/925– 963 CE: His Life and Poetry. By Khalid Sindawi. Codices Arabici Antiqui, vol. 12. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010. Pp. 59 + 180. €54.
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  22.  5
    Mīr-i ḥikmat: dar bayān-i aḥvāl, ās̲ār va ārāʼ-i ḥakīm Abū al-Qāsim Mīr Findariskī.Ḥusayn Kalbāsī Ashtarī - 2009 - Tihrān: Farhangistān-i Hunar-i Jumhūrī-i Islāmī-i Īrān.
  23. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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  24.  24
    An Ottoman Poet and Prose Stylist: Okchuzāde Mehmed Shāhī.Yılmaz ÖKSÜZ - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):467-488.
    Grown up as versatile people, Ottoman intellectuals had holistic views towards science, art and literature, and wrote in a variety of disciplines. It was not uncommon for a mathematician to write in philosophy, for a ḥadīth (report of the words and deeds of the Prophet) scholar to write history books, for a statesman to be busy with calligraphy or for a Shaykh al-Islām (the highest ranking Islamic legal authority) to have a “Dīwān” (a collection of poems). However, possibly due to (...)
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  25.  34
    A traição da Igreja ao fundador da sua Doutrina ou a fábula de Cristo.Frederico Rochaferreira - forthcoming - Philbrasil.
    Devemos olhar o mito como um grande quebra cabeça da história, cujas peças esparsas precisam ser unidas corretamente e, mesmo assim, não é certo que as peças unidas possam vir a formar um quadro de acontecimentos reais. É provável que a causa primeira da distorção de fatos e acontecimentos em mitos ou fábulas, estivesse na incompreensão da língua, assim como aconteceu, em grande medida, com a criação do romance cristão, contudo, superada essa incompreensão, julgou-se bom e necessário à ordem dos (...)
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  26. Pŏphak immun.Yŏng-jin Ŏm - 1989 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Taewangsa.
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    P'yŏnghwa ŭi yŏjŏng ŭro pon Han'guk munhwa: segye p'yŏnghwa rŭl wihan Han'gugin ŭi chihye.Chŏng-jin Pak - 2016 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Haengbok han Enŏji.
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  28. Sam ŭi kil sarang ŭi kil.Sang-jin Pan - 1994 - Kwangju Chikhalsi: Mudol.
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    Dar maḥz̤ar-i ustād.Ḥasan Abṭaḥī - 2003 - Tihrān: Nashr-i Baṭḥāʼ.
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  30. Ittiḥād va dūstī dar Islām.Ḥasan Abṭaḥī - 1962 - Qum: Kitābfurūshī-i Ṭabāṭabāʼī.
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  31.  43
    Complex Modeling of the Effects of Blasting on the Stability of Surrounding Rocks and Embankment in Water-Conveyance Tunnels.Xian-qi Zhou, Jin Yu, Jin-bi Ye, Shi-yu Liu, Ren-guo Liao & Xiu-wen Li - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-19.
    Blasting in water-conveyance tunnels that cross rivers is vital for the safety and stability of embankments. In this work, a tunnel project that crosses the Yellow River in the north district of the first-phase Eastern Line of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project was selected as the research object. A complex modeling and numerical simulation on embankment stability with regard to the blasting power of the tunnel was conducted using the professional finite difference software FLAC3D to disclose the relationships between the (...)
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  32.  53
    Research 2.0: Social Networking and Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genomics.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee & LaVera Crawley - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (6-7):35-44.
    The convergence of increasingly efficient high throughput sequencing technology and ubiquitous Internet use by the public has fueled the proliferation of companies that provide personal genetic information (PGI) direct-to-consumers. Companies such as 23andme (Mountain View, CA) and Navigenics (Foster City, CA) are emblematic of a growing market for PGI that some argue represents a paradigm shift in how the public values this information and incorporates it into how they behave and plan for their futures. This new class of social networking (...)
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  33.  11
    Women and Buddhist Philosophy: Engaging Zen Master Kim Iryŏp.Jin Y. Park - 2017 - Honolulu, HI, USA: University of Hawaii Press.
    Why and how do women engage with Buddhism and philosophy? The present volume aims to answer these questions by examining the life and philosophy of a Korean Zen Buddhist nun, Kim Iryŏp (1896–1971). The daughter of a pastor, Iryŏp began questioning Christian doctrine as a teenager. In a few years, she became increasingly involved in women’s movements in Korea, speaking against society’s control of female sexuality and demanding sexual freedom and free divorce for women. While in her late twenties, an (...)
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  34.  48
    NIIA: nonparametric iterative imputation algorithm.Shichao Zhang, Zhi Jin & Xiaofeng Zhu - 2008 - In Tu-Bao Ho & Zhi-Hua Zhou, PRICAI 2008: Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 544--555.
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  35.  10
    Sharḥ al-ʻallāmah Abī al-Layth al-Samarqandī al-Ḥanafī ʻalá al-Risālah al-ʻaḍudīyah, lil-imām ʻAḍud al-Dīn al-Ījī al-Shāfiʻī al-mashhūrah bi-Risālah al-waḍʻīyah.Abū al-Qāsim ibn Abī Bakr Samarqandī - 2015 - Bayrūt: al-Maktabah al-Hāshimīyah.
  36.  31
    Self-Construal Priming Modulates Self-Evaluation under Social Threat.Tianyang Zhang, Sisi Xi, Yan Jin & Yanhong Wu - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  37.  45
    The Effects of Explicit and Implicit Ethics Institutionalization on Employee Life Satisfaction and Happiness: The Mediating Effects of Employee Experiences in Work Life and Moderating Effects of Work–Family Life Conflict.Dong-Jin Lee, Grace B. Yu, M. Joseph Sirgy, Anusorn Singhapakdi & Lorenzo Lucianetti - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (4):855-874.
    The purpose of this study was to develop and test a model capturing the effects of ethics institutionalization on employee experiences in work life and overall life satisfaction. It was hypothesized that explicit ethics institutionalization has a positive effect on implicit ethics institutionalization, which in turn enhances employee experiences in work life. It was also hypothesized that employee work life experiences have a positive effect on overall life satisfaction and happiness, moderated by work–family life conflict. Data were collected though a (...)
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  38. Fugazi regulation for AI: strategic tolerance for ethics washing.Gleb Papyshev & Keith Jin Deng Chan - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-12.
    Regulation theory offers a unique perspective on the institutional aspects of digital capitalism’s accumulation regime. However, a gap exists in examining the associated mode of regulation. Based on the analysis of AI ethics washing phenomenon, we suggest the state is delicately balancing between fueling innovation and reducing uncertainty in emerging technologies. This balance leads to a unique mode of regulation, "Fugazi regulation," characterized by vaguely defined, non-enforceable moral principles with no specific implementation mechanisms. We propose a microeconomic model that rationalizes (...)
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  39.  13
    P'yŏnghwa nŭn tongbang ŭro put'ŏ: Tong Asiajŏk sayu ŭi saeroun chip'yŏng.Chŏng-jin Pak - 2016 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Haengbok han Enŏji.
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  40.  19
    A Study on Reason of Royal Education in Choson Dynasty - The Dispute on Master King in the Royal Ritual and Sage Learning -.Sang-Jin Park - 2017 - The Journal of Moral Education 29 (1):119.
  41.  11
    Sewŏrho nŭn uri ege muŏt in'ga: ch'ŏrhak ŭi murŭm.Ch'ung-jin Yi - 2015 - Sŏul-si: Ihaksa.
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  42.  59
    The Influence of Emotion on Fairness-Related Decision Making: A Critical Review of Theories and Evidence.Ya Zheng, Zhong Yang, Chunlan Jin, Yue Qi & Xun Liu - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:279486.
    Fairness-related decision making is an important issue in the field of decision making. Traditional theories emphasize the roles of inequity aversion and reciprocity, whereas recent research increasingly shows that emotion plays a critical role in this type of decision making. In this review, we summarize the influences of three types of emotions (i.e., the integral emotion experienced at the time of decision making, the incidental emotion aroused by a task-unrelated dispositional or situational source, and the interaction of emotion and cognition) (...)
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  43.  53
    How we can create the global agreement on generative AI bias: lessons from climate justice.Yong Jin Park - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-3.
  44.  55
    Adrift in the gray zone: IRB perspectives on research in the learning health system.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Maureen Kelley, Mildred K. Cho, Stephanie Alessi Kraft, Cyan James, Melissa Constantine, Adrienne N. Meyer, Douglas Diekema, Alexander M. Capron, Benjamin S. Wilfond & David Magnus - 2016 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 7 (2):125-134.
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  45.  7
    Ibn ʻArabī chih mīʹgūyad: dīdgāhʹhā-yi nahān kīshī-i Ibn ʻArabī.Qāsim Mīr Ākhūrī - 2017 - [Tihrān]: Intishārāt-i Fihrist.
  46.  27
    Response to Open Peer Commentaries: Distinguishing the “Gift” from “Donation” as a Path toward Reciprocity and Relational Ethics.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4):W1-W3.
    Precision medicine relies on data and biospecimens from participants who willingly offer their personal information on the promise that this act will ultimately result in knowledge that will improv...
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    Helium/hydrogen synergistic effect in reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel investigated by slow positron beam.Te Zhu, Shuoxue Jin, Liping Guo, Yuanchao Hu, Eryang Lu, Jianping Wu, Baoyi Wang, Long Wei & Xingzhong Cao - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (3):253-260.
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  48. Innovating with confidence: embedding AI governance and fairness in a financial services risk management framework.Luciano Floridi, Michelle Seng Ah Lee & Alexander Denev - 2020 - Berkeley Technology Law Journal 34.
    An increasing number of financial services (FS) companies are adopting solutions driven by artificial intelligence (AI) to gain operational efficiencies, derive strategic insights, and improve customer engagement. However, the rate of adoption has been low, in part due to the apprehension around its complexity and self-learning capability, which makes auditability a challenge in a highly regulated industry. There is limited literature on how FS companies can implement the governance and controls specific to AI-driven solutions. AI auditing cannot be performed in (...)
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  49. Falsafah-i qadīm-i Yūnān va Rūm.Aḥmad Z̤iyāʼ Nīkbīn - 2011 - Kābul: Bungāh-i Intishārāt-i Mayvand.
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    Sexual Selection Revisited — Towards a Gender-Neutral Theory and Practice: A Response to Vandermassen's `Sexual Selection: A Tale of Male Bias and Feminist Denial'.Malin Ah-King - 2007 - European Journal of Women's Studies 14 (4):341-348.
    In a recent issue of this journal, Vandermassen suggested that feminists should include sexual selection theory and evolutionary psychology in a unifying theory of human nature. In response, this article aims to offer some insight into the development of sexual selection theory, to caution against Vandermassen's unreserved assimilation and to promote the opposite ongoing integration — an inclusion of gender perspectives into evolutionary biology. In society today, opinions about maintaining traditional sex roles are often put forward on the basis of (...)
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