Results for 'Sarah Loving'

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  1.  66
    The Love of God and the Radical Enlightenment: Mary Astell's Brush with Spinoza.Sarah Ellenzweig - 2003 - Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (3):379-397.
    The essay argues that Mary Astell’s support of the theocentric philosophy of Nicolas Malebranche embroiled her in the fray of anti-Spinozism in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century. Because of her dawning awareness of contemporaries’ associations of Malebranche’s occasionalism with the Spinozist doctrine of one substance, Astell retracted her previous endorsement of this theory in 1694. When contemporaries briefly turned the accusation of Spinozism against Locke and his followers in the early 1700s, however, Astell felt free to return to (...)
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    Philosophy Imprisoned: The Love of Wisdom in the Age of Mass Incarceration.Sarah Tyson & Joshua M. Hall - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    Editors Sarah Tyson and Joshua M. Hall convene an international group of philosophical thinkers—from both inside and outside prison walls—who draw on a variety of historical figures and critical perspectives to think about prisons in our new historical era.
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    Karl Rahner’s Theology of Love in Dialogue with Social Psychology and Neuroscience.Sarah A. Thomas - 2018 - Philosophy and Theology 30 (2):549-573.
    The commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” is central to Christian discipleship. How does the concrete way that we express love enhance or diminish our ability to love? This paper brings Karl Rahner’s theology of neighbor love into dialogue with a description of altruism and compassion provided by social psychologist, C. Daniel Batson, and neuroscientists Tania Singer and Olga Klimecki. For Rahner, grace enables and sustains love. In addition, a mutually reciprocal relationship of unity exists between human love for (...)
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    Nudging Immunity: The Case for Vaccinating Children in School and Day Care by Default.Alberto Giubilini, Lucius Caviola, Hannah Maslen, Thomas Douglas, Anne-Marie Nussberger, Nadira Faber, Samantha Vanderslott, Sarah Loving, Mark Harrison & Julian Savulescu - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (4):325-344.
    Many parents are hesitant about, or face motivational barriers to, vaccinating their children. In this paper, we propose a type of vaccination policy that could be implemented either in addition to coercive vaccination or as an alternative to it in order to increase paediatric vaccination uptake in a non-coercive way. We propose the use of vaccination nudges that exploit the very same decision biases that often undermine vaccination uptake. In particular, we propose a policy under which children would be vaccinated (...)
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  5. Loving the Good Beyond Being.Sarah Allen - 2007 - Studia Phaenomenologica 7 (1):75-107.
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    God's love is like sunshine.Sarah Parker Rubio - 2022 - Nashville: WorthyKids. Edited by Dream Chen.
    A joyful celebration of God's deep love for little ones, God's love is like sunshine takes a subject that could be confusing, God's love, and makes it accessible to kiddos. How? By comparing that love to objects and ideas children know and love, such as warm sunshine, overflowing orange juice, and soft clouds. These comparisons paint a beautiful picture of a love that is kind, gentle, and generous. But most importantly, God's love is like sunshine celebrates how God's love fills (...)
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  7. Love, Will, and the Intellectual Ascents.Sarah Catherine Byers - 2020 - In Tarmo Toom, The Cambridge Companion to Augustine's “Confessions”. Cambridge University Press. pp. 154-174.
    Augustine’s accounts of his so-called mystical experiences in conf. 7.10.16, 17.23, and 9.10.24 are puzzling. The primary problem is that, although in all three accounts he claims to have seen “that which is,” we have no satisfactory account of what “that which is” is supposed to be. I shall be arguing that, contrary to a common interpretation, Augustine’s intellectual “seeing” of “being” in Books 7 and 9 was not a vision of the Christian God as a whole, nor of one (...)
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  8. Love on a Wire: Communications Technology Across 10,000 Miles.Adam W. Flynn & Sarah Outhwaite - forthcoming - Mind and Matter: Comparative Approaches Towards Complexity;[... Based on the Symposium... Which Took Place 2010 in the Context of the Paraflows Festival in Vienna].
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    For the wild: ritual and commitment in radical eco-activism.Sarah M. Pike - 2017 - Oakland, California: University of California Press.
    For the Wild explores the ways in which the commitments of radical environmental and animal-rights activists develop through powerful experiences with the larger-than-human world during childhood and young adulthood. The book addresses the question of how and why activists come to value nonhuman animals and the natural world as worthy of protection. Emotions and memories of wonder, love, compassion, anger, and grief shape activists' protest practices and help us understand their deep-rooted commitments to the planet and its creatures. Drawing on (...)
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  10. “Keeping the Heart”: Natural Affection in Joseph Butler's Approach to Virtue.Sarah Moses - 2009 - Journal of Religious Ethics 37 (4):613-629.
    This essay considers eighteenth‐century Anglican thinker Joseph Butler's view of the role of natural emotions in moral reasoning and action. Emotions such as compassion and resentment are shown to play a positive role in the moral life by motivating action and by directing agents toward certain good objects—for example, relief of misery and justice. For Butler, moral virtue is present when these natural affections are kept in proper proportion by the “superior” principles of the moral life—conscience, self‐love, and benevolence—which involve (...)
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    Eros in Neoplatonism and its Reception in Christian Philosophy: Exploring Love in Plotinus, Proclus and Dionysius the Areopagite, written by Dimitrios A. Vasilakis.Sarah Klitenic Wear - 2021 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 15 (1):117-119.
  12.  85
    New Philosophies of Sex and Love: Thinking Through Desire.Sarah LaChance Adams, Christopher M. Davidson & Caroline R. Lundquist - 2016 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Our amorous and erotic experiences do not simply bring us pleasure; they shape our very identities, our ways of relating to ourselves, each other and our shared world. This volume reflects on some of our most prevalent assumptions relating to identity, the body, monogamy, libido, sexual identity, seduction, fidelity, orgasm, and more.The book covers common conflicts and confusions and includes work by established scholars and innovative new thinkers. Philosophically challenging but highly readable, the volume is ideal for a wide range (...)
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  13.  17
    “Dear Dairy, It’s Not Me, It’s You”: Australian Public Attitudes to Dairy Expressed Through Love and Breakup Letters.Sarah E. Bolton, Bianca Vandresen & Marina A. G. von Keyserlingk - 2024 - Food Ethics 9 (2):1-15.
    Understanding evolving public views on food production is vital to ensure agricultural industries remain socially sustainable. To explore public attitudes to the dairy industry, a convenience sample of Australian citizens were asked to write their choice of a ‘love letter’ or ‘breakup letter’ to dairy. The present study provides results from the 19 letters submitted. Participants varied in age, gender identity, income and frequency of consumption of dairy products. The letters were on average 144 words long (range: 48–285), and were (...)
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    Buddhism for couples: a calm approach to relationships.Sarah Napthali - 2015 - New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin.
    Learn Buddhist principles that can help enrich your romantic life, your life in general, and the lives of those around you. Surely a happy marriage for a normally adjusted couple is a simple matter of give-and-take-some patience, tolerance, and just trying to be cheerful as often as possible. There is no shortage of books providing relationship advice that can help us with these matters. But Buddhist teachings address more than just surface knowledge, and guide us to delve deeper into our (...)
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  15. Norman Klassen, Chaucer on Love, Knowledge and Sight. (Chaucer Studies, 21.) Woodbridge, Suff., and Rochester, N.Y.: Boydell and Brewer, 1995. Pp. xi, 225. $53. [REVIEW]Sarah Stanbury - 1999 - Speculum 74 (1):201-203.
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    Eating Well with Pleshette DeArmitt.Sarah Kathryn Marshall - 2015 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 23 (2):45-49.
    Written from a student’s perspective, this essay focuses on Pleshette’s engagement with Derrida in The Right to Narcissism: The Case for an Im-possible Self-Love and attests to the manner in which she lived this influence through her teaching and writing.
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    Resisting Idolatry and Instrumentalisation in Loving the Neighbour: The Significance of the Pilgrimage Motif for Augustine’s Usus–Fruitio Distinction.Sarah Stewart-Kroeker - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (2):202-221.
    This article addresses Augustine’s distinction between usus and fruitio—and O’Donovan’s critique of it—in order to consider the dangers of disordered love in the forms of idolatry and instrumentalisation in neighbourly relations on earth. Examining the christological heart of the pilgrimage image as articulated in De doctrina christiana addresses O’Donovan’s critique that the pilgrimage image instrumentalises one’s relationships to others in the progress of one’s own journey to God. In fact, this image presents a christological dialectic that establishes the continuity of (...)
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  18.  42
    Religious Feminism and the Future of the Planet: A Buddhist-Christian Conversation (review).Sarah Katherine Pinnock - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):155-157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 155-157 [Access article in PDF] Religious Feminism and the Future of the Planet: A Buddhist-Christian Conversation. By Rita M.Gross and Rosemary Radford Ruether. New York: Continuum, 2001. 229 pp. Is feminism indigenous to Buddhism and Christianity? Or must feminists reinvent their religious traditions? The probing autobiographical reflections by Rita Gross and Rosemary Ruether expose the tensions of feminist reform. Like many religious feminists, they claim (...)
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  19. The Promise of Friendship: Fidelity within Finitude.Sarah Horton - 2023 - New York: SUNY Press.
    The Promise of Friendship investigates what makes friendship possible and good for human beings. In dialogue with authors ranging from Aristotle and Montaigne to Proust, Levinas, and Derrida, Sarah Horton argues that friendship is suited to our finitude—that is, to the limits within which human beings live—and proposes a novel understanding of friendship as translation: friends translate the world for each other so that each one experiences the world not as the other does but in light of the friend's (...)
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  20.  20
    No humans allowed? The alien in/as feminist theory.Sarah Kember - 2011 - Feminist Theory 12 (2):183-199.
    This article examines the role of the alien as the ultimate outsider and considers the challenges it poses to feminist theory. I argue that these challenges are based on the need to continue developing an ethics of relationality in which neither love nor relationality itself is deemed to be the answer; on rethinking agency and ontology in terms of becoming and the limitations of becoming; on a critique of representationalism which limits us to figuring the alien in rather than as (...)
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  21.  61
    At the Existentialist Café: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails with Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Others.Sarah Bakewell - 2016 - New York: Other Press.
    Named one of the Ten Best Books of 2016 by the New York Times, a spirited account of a major intellectual movement of the twentieth century and the revolutionary thinkers who came to shape it, by the best-selling author of How to Live Sarah Bakewell. Paris, 1933: three contemporaries meet over apricot cocktails at the Bec-de-Gaz bar on the rue Montparnasse. They are the young Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, and longtime friend Raymond Aron, a fellow philosopher who raves (...)
  22.  29
    A reply to Victor (1888).Sarah Elizabeth Holmes - unknown
    WQ.1 “Independent men and women, in independent homes, leading separate and independent lives, with full freedom to form and dissolve relations, and with perfectly equal opportunities to happiness, development, and love.” I leave out the word “rights,” doubtful I can use it without being misunderstood. Perhaps I can succeed in dispensing with its use altogether. This ideal, so stated, is attractive to me and completely in harmony with my idea of the course in life which will best further human happiness. (...)
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  23.  63
    Centre-piece.Sarah Wood - 2009 - Theory and Event 12 (1).
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Centre-pieceSarah Wood (bio)πoν σoν θαvατɛ τo κɛντρoν πoν σoν αδη τo νıκoςO death where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory?- St. Paul, 1st Letter to the Corinthians… on dit en anglais, self-centred. En vérité je rêve depuis toujours d’écrire un texte self-centred, je n’y suis jamais arrive, je tombe toujours sur les autres, cela finira par se savoir.- Jacques Derrida, ‘Mes chances’The word exists, therefore the (...)
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    Peaceful Persuasion: The Geopolitics of Nonviolent Rhetoric (review).Sarah E. Dempsey - 2005 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 38 (1):89-92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Peaceful Persuasion: The Geopolitics of Nonviolent RhetoricSarah E. DempseyPeaceful Persuasion: The Geopolitics of Nonviolent Rhetoric. Ellen W. Gorsevski. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2004.pp. 262. $55.00, hardcover.The overriding emphasis on violence, militarization, and retribution within current geopolitical contexts demands that we acquire greater understandings of nonviolent communicative practices. In Peaceful Persuasion, author Ellen Gorsevski, Professor of English and Communication at Oregon State University, argues that nonviolent (...)
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  25. Loving Objects: Can autism explain objectophilia?Dimitria Gatzia & Sarah Arnaud - 2022 - Archives of Sexual Behavior 51:2117-2133.
    Objectophilia (also known as Objectum-Sexuality) involves romantic and sexual attraction to specific objects. Objectophiles often develop deep and enduring emotional, romantic, and sexual relations with specific inanimate (concrete or abstract) objects such as trains, bridges, cars, or words. . The determinants of objectophilia are poorly understood. The aim of this paper is to examine the determining factors of objectophilia. We examine four hypotheses about the determinants of objectophilia (pertaining to fetishism, synesthesia, cross-modal mental imagery, and autism) and argue that the (...)
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  26. Reclamation from Absence? Luce Irigaray and Women in the History of Philosophy.Sarah Tyson - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (3):483-498.
    Luce Irigaray's work does not present an obvious resource for projects seeking to reclaim women in the history of philosophy. Indeed, many authors introduce their reclamation project with an argument against conceptions, attributed to Irigaray or “French feminists” more generally, that the feminine is the excluded other of discourse. These authors claim that if the feminine is the excluded other of discourse, then we must conclude that even if women have written philosophy they have not given voice to feminine subjectivity; (...)
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  27. Storytelling and narrative knowing: An examination of the epistemic benefits of well-told stories.Sarah E. Worth - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (3):pp. 42-56.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Storytelling and Narrative Knowing:An Examination of the Epistemic Benefits of Well-Told StoriesSarah E. Worth (bio)IntroductionPeople love to tell stories. When something scary, or funny, or out of the ordinary happens, we cannot wait to tell others about it. If it was really funny, etc., we tell the story repeatedly, embellishing as we see fit, shortening or lengthening it as the circumstances prescribe. When people are bad storytellers we tend (...)
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  28. Paolo Cherchi, Andreas and the Ambiguity of Courtly Love.(Toronto Italian Studies.) Toronto, Buffalo, and London: University of Toronto Press, 1994. Pp. xv, 194. $50. [REVIEW]Sarah Spence - 1997 - Speculum 72 (1):130-131.
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    Constructing a morality of caring: Codes and values in Australian carer discourse.Sarah Winch - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (1):5-16.
    In this analysis I apply a Foucauldian approach to ethics to examine the politically prescribed moral and ethical character required of carers of aged persons at home in Australia and the role of nurses in shaping these behaviours. The work that spousal carers provide, although often founded on love and/or obligation, has been formalized through a variety of policy initiatives and technologies that serve to construct the moral approach they must adopt. This shaping of conduct at the most personal level (...)
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  30.  33
    Some thing, some one, some ghost (about the fires of writing).Sarah Wood - 2012 - Derrida Today 5 (2):165-179.
    This essay addresses the relation between ghosts and the fires of writing. It allows itself to dream of purely burning, of consuming and leaving behind all objects, topics and occasions in an absolutely concrete, singular, sensational experience of reading. It is written to and for ghosts – the only ones who can survive in the blazing building that writing can become. The ghosts live in burning house scenes, in poems about dream rooms and erotic hauntings, and in the intellectual tension (...)
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  31. Contours of Agency: Essays on Themes From Harry Frankfurt.Sarah Buss & Lee Overton (eds.) - 2002 - MIT Press, Bradford Books.
    The original essays in this book address Harry Frankfurt's influential writing on personal identity, love, value, moral responsibility, and the freedom and ...
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    Ibn Gabirol's theology of desire: matter and method in Jewish medieval Neoplatonism.Sarah Pessin - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Drawing on Arabic passages from Ibn Gabirol's original Fons Vitae text, and highlighting philosophical insights from his Hebrew poetry, Sarah Pessin develops a "Theology of Desire" at the heart of Ibn Gabirol's eleventh-century cosmo-ontology. She challenges centuries of received scholarship on his work, including his so-called Doctrine of Divine Will. Pessin rejects voluntarist readings of the Fons Vitae as opposing divine emanation. She also emphasizes Pseudo-Empedoclean notions of "Divine Desire" and "Grounding Element" alongside Ibn Gabirol's use of a particularly (...)
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  33.  26
    Responding Faithfully to Women’s Pain: Practicing the Stations of the Cross.Sarah Jean Barton - 2023 - Christian Bioethics 29 (3):183-195.
    This essay explores the contemporary experiences of women who live with pain, given the complex responses they encounter within Western medical systems, including pervasive stigma, bias, clinician disbelief, and poor health outcomes. In response to these realities, as highlighted within recent literature and exemplified in a first-person account provided by the paper’s author, this essay explores the Christian practice of the Stations of the Cross as a faithful response to women living with pain. The Stations provide a distinctive Christian practice (...)
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    Pedagogies of Revolt, Politics of the Self.Sarah K. Hansen - 2014 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 22 (2):56-61.
    In "New Forms of Revolt," Julia Kristeva maintains that intimate revolt is a necessary, if imperiled, mode of contemporary resistance. This essay reflects on the pedagogical dimensions of intimate revolt and its fate in university contexts, especially in the United States. I argue that a Kristevan pedagogical revolt involves upheavals of thought supported by loving listening relationships.
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    Exploring the Heart Sutra.Sarah A. Mattice - 2021 - Lexington Books.
    Exploring the Heart Sutra brings an interdisciplinary philosophical approach to this much-loved Buddhist classic. This new translation with commentary situates the sutra in a Chinese context, offering fresh interpretive resources for making sense of this profound work.
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    Feminism, Violence, and the State.Sarah Tyson - 2018 - In David Boonin, Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 97-108.
    This chapter critiques a recent defense of the anti-rape movement by Carrie N. Baker and Maria Bevacqua that is symptomatic of white feminism’s understanding of violence and the state. I critique Baker and Bevacqua’s piece for its “knowing, loving ignorance,” as defined by Marianna Ortega. I reach this diagnosis by examining how Baker and Bevacqua use the work of women of color to substantiate their own narrative of the anti-rape movement while distorting the critical and constructive work done by (...)
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  37.  6
    What is This Thing Called Love?: A Guide to Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Couples.Sarah Fels Usher - 2007 - Routledge.
    _What is This Thing Called Love?_ provides a clear how-to guide for carrying out psychotherapy with couples from a psychoanalytic perspective. The book draws on both early and contemporary psychoanalytic knowledge, explaining how each theory described is useful in formulating couple dynamics and in working with them. The result is an extremely practical approach, with detailed step-by-step instructions on technique, illuminated throughout by vivid case studies. The book focuses on several key areas including: An initial discussion about theories of love. (...)
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  38.  34
    The Routledge Companion to Feminism and Postfeminism.Sarah Gamble (ed.) - 2001 - Routledge.
    Approachable for general readers as well as for students in women's studies related courses at all levels, this invaluable guide follows the unique Companion format in combining over a dozen in-depth background chapters with more than 400 A-Z dictionary entries. The background chapters are written by major figures in the field of feminist studies, and include thorough coverage of the history of feminism, as well as extensive discussions of topics such as Postfeminism, Men in Feminism, Feminism and New Technologies and (...)
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    Affirming Fate and Incorporating Death: The Role of Amor Fati in Nishitani's Religion and Nothingness.Flavel Sarah - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (4):1248-1272.
    I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who make things beautiful. Amor fati: let that be my love henceforth!Death. The certain prospect of death could sweeten every life with a precious and fragrant drop of levity. …Recent scholarship has provided a useful framework for interpreting the work of the Kyoto School philosopher Keiji Nishitani, through a comparative analysis of his critical relation to Friedrich Nietzsche.1 (...)
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    Enter the Child: A Scene from Stanley Cavell's The Claim of Reason.Sarah Beckwith - 2023 - Philosophy and Literature 46 (2):251-262.
    Abstract:Taking its cue from a resonant passage in Stanley Cavell's The Claim of Reason, this essay reflects on the necessity of the figure of the child for Cavell's philosophy and for his understanding of the differences between Austinian and Wittgensteinian criteria. It develops the difference between instruction and initiation by meditating on how we learn the words for love. Finally, I examine briefly the figure of the boy Mamillius, son of the skeptic Leontes, in William Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, whom (...)
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  41.  20
    Mad Mothers, Bad Mothers, and What a "Good" Mother Would Do: The Ethics of Ambivalence.Sarah LaChance Adams - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    When a mother kills her child, we call her a bad mother, but, as this book shows, even mothers who intend to do their children harm are not easily categorized as "mad" or "bad." Maternal love is a complex emotion rich with contradictory impulses and desires, and motherhood is a conflicted state in which women constantly renegotiate the needs mother and child, the self and the other. Applying care ethics philosophy and the work of Emmanuel Levinas, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Simone (...)
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  42.  14
    Pilgrimage as Moral and Aesthetic Formation in Augustine’s Thought.Sarah Stewart-Kroeker - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume examines the pilgrimage image in order to develop an unprecedented account of moral and aesthetic formation in Augustine's thought. In so doing, it will shed new light on enduring ethical debates regarding neighbourly love.
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    (1 other version)Setting the Scientific Bar for the Genetics of Behavior.Eric Turkheimer & Sarah Rodock Greer - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (4):455-460.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Setting the Scientific Bar for the Genetics of BehaviorEric Turkheimer, PhD (bio) and Sarah Rodock Greer, BA (bio)We are grateful for the opportunity to respond to such a varied and challenging set of commentaries. They range from highly supportive to quite disputatious; we will repay the supportive ones ironically, by discussing them only briefly. That will allow us to expand a bit on the more difficult comments, and (...)
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  44. What is blame and why do we love it?Mark D. Alicke, Ross Rogers & Sarah Taylor - 2018 - In Kurt Gray & Jesse Graham, Atlas of Moral Psychology. Guilford. pp. 382.
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    World-Weariness and Augustine’s Eschatological Ordering of Emotions in enarratio in Psalmum 36.Sarah Stewart-Kroeker - 2016 - Augustinian Studies 47 (2):201-226.
    Augustine’s homiletical exhortations display a strong eschatological emphasis in his approach to cultivating rightly ordered emotions. According to critics such as Hannah Arendt, Martha Nussbaum, and Thomas Dixon, this orientation risks denigrating the earthly life and its attendant emotions, while also promoting a crippling resignation to suffering. This article discusses Augustine’s eschatological frame for ordering the emotions through a focused treatment of en. Ps. 36 in conversation with Nussbaum’s critique in particular. In en. Ps. 36.1, Augustine deploys eschatological rhetoric to (...)
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    A Wordless Cry of Jubilation.Sarah Stewart-Kroeker - 2019 - Augustinian Studies 50 (1):65-86.
    Joy is an affective state that, unlike fear and grief, has a certain continuity with the anticipated affective dispositions of heavenly life: for those who long for the heavenly “life of felicity,” joy responds to the same object of love and contemplation, i.e., God, whether they are on earth or in heaven. But the mortal, finite believer encounters certain obstacles to full vision and to sustained contemplation in this earthly life. This fact reveals fundamental difficulties in tracing the continuity Augustine (...)
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  47. Platonism and the Origins of Modernity: The Platonic Tradition and the Rise of Modern Philosophy.Douglas Hedley & Sarah Hutton (eds.) - 2008 - Springer.
    International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées, Vol. 196. -/- Introduction, S. Hutton; Nicholas of Cusa : Platonism at the Dawn of Modernity, D. Moran; At Variance: Marsilio Ficino Platonism And Heresy, M.J.B. Allen; Going Naked into the Shrine:Herbert, Plotinus and the Consructive Metaphor, S.R.L.Clark; Commenius, Light Metaphysics and Educational Reform, J. Rohls ; Robert Fludd’s Kabbalistic Cosmos, W. Schmidt-Biggeman; Reconciling Theory and Fact:The Problem of ‘Other Faiths’ in Lord Herbert and the Cambridge Platonists, D. (...)
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    Neurobiological limits and the somatic significance of love: Caregivers’ engagements with neuroscience in Scottish parenting programmes.Tineke Broer, Martyn Pickersgill & Sarah Cunningham-Burley - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (5):85-109.
    While parents have long received guidance on how to raise children, a relatively new element of this involves explicit references to infant brain development, drawing on brain scans and neuroscientific knowledge. Sometimes called ‘brain-based parenting’, this has been criticised from within sociological and policy circles alike. However, the engagement of parents themselves with neuroscientific concepts is far less researched. Drawing on 22 interviews with parents/carers of children (mostly aged 0–7) living in Scotland, this article examines how they account for their (...)
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    (1 other version)Trust in the World: A Philosophy of Film.Josef Früchtl & Sarah L. Kirkby - 2013 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Sarah L. Kirkby.
    Gilles Deleuze and belief in the world -- A struggle against oneself: cinema as technology of the self -- The evidence of film and the presence of the world: Jean-Luc Nancy's cineastic ontology -- Cinema as human art: rescuing aura in gesture -- Exhibiting or presenting?: politics, aesthetics and mysticism in Benjamin's and Deleuze's concepts of cinema -- Made and yet true: on the aesthetics of presence of the heroic -- An art of gesture: returning narrative and movement to images (...)
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  50. Mino-Bimaadiziwin and the Pursuit of Harmony.Jenae Nelson, Anne Jeffrey & Sarah Schnitker - forthcoming - Personality and Social Psychology Review.
    Psychology as a distinct scientific discipline originated within Western contexts, predominantly serving and studying Western populations (the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Western Europe). Likewise, dominant theories of well-being revolve around Western ideals such as individualism, self-actualization, personal achievement, and the pursuit of happiness (Krys et al., 2024; Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Furthermore, psychological theories of ‘the good life’ are mostly Aristotelian and Western (Ratchford et al., 2023). Even the selection of what virtues constitute ‘the good life’ reflects (...)
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