Results for 'Cash Kelly'

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  1.  30
    Ill Will: Or, Mental Illness and Resistant Subjectivity in Ahmed and Lugones.Katie Howard & Cash Kelly - 2022 - Journal of World Philosophies 7 (1):13-28.
    pSara Ahmed’s emWillful Subjects/em develops an account of willfulness as a site of simultaneous oppression and resistance: a diagnosis attributed to particular (not-quite-)subjects and to modes of behavior that are thereby diminished, pathologized, and controlled, and a “diagnosis” that may be positively affirmed as a way of living and doing otherwise. This essay puts Ahmed’s work on willfulness in conversation with María Lugones’ decolonial feminism, particularly her theory of active subjectivity. With Lugones, we offer, one can better understand the resistant (...)
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    Content and Consciousness (2nd edition). [REVIEW]James S. Kelly - 1990 - Idealistic Studies 20 (1):83-84.
    Reflecting on the distinction between thinking about a non-occurrent pain and feeling a current pain takes us into the domain of contemporary philosophy of mind. In the former case we talk of the mental state’s intentional properties, in the latter of phenomenal properties. Daniel Dennett’s contributions to this discussion are clearly limned in his Content and Consciousness and it is no accident that its reappearance as a paperback is so quickly followed by his new collection, The Intentional Stance. The latter (...)
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  3. Evidence Can Be Permissive.Thomas Kelly - 2013 - In Matthias Steup & John Turri, Contemporary Debates in Epistemology. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Blackwell. pp. 298.
  4. Habermas, Human Agency, and Human Genetic Enhancement: The Grown, the Made, and Responsibility for Actions.Peter N. Herissone-Kelly - 2012 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 21 (2):200-210.
    Recent developments in genomic science hold out the tantalizing prospect of soon being able to treat and prevent a wide variety of medical conditions through gene therapy. In time, it may be possible to use similar techniques not simply to combat disease but also to enhance, or improve on, normal human functioning.
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    Reading Kristeva: Unraveling the Double-Bind.Kelly Oliver - 1993 - Indiana University Press.
    "... both an excellent introduction and a thoroughgoing analysis of Kristeva’s writing." —Signs "The book is a brilliant combination of a recuperative and a critical reading of Kristeva’s work." —Changes: An International Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy "... a thorough, detailed, and critical analysis of the writings of Julia Kristeva." —Elizabeth Grosz "... the most involved and engaging study of Julia Kristeva’s work to date..." —The Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory This first full-scale feminist interpretation of Kristeva’s work (...)
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  6. Determining the common morality's norms in the sixth edition of Principles of Biomedical Ethics.Peter N. Herissone-Kelly - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (10):584-587.
    Tom Beauchamp and James Childress have always maintained that their four principles approach (otherwise known as principlism) is a globally applicable framework for biomedical ethics. This claim is grounded in their belief that the principles of respect for autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice form part of a 'common morality', or collection of very general norms to which everyone who is committed to morality subscribes. The difficulty, however, has always been how to demonstrate, at least in the absence of a full-blooded (...)
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  7. Call-outs and Call-ins.Kelly Herbison & Paul Mikhail Podosky - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2024:1-20.
    The phenomena of call-outs and call-ins are fiercely debated. Are they mere instances of virtue signaling? Or can they actually perform social justice work? This paper gains purchase on these questions by focusing on how language users negotiate norms in speech. The authors contend that norm-enacting speech not only makes a norm salient in a context but also creates conversational conditions that motivate adherence to that norm. Recognizing this allows us to define call-outs and call-ins: the act of calling-out brings (...)
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  8. The importance of values in evidence-based medicine.Michael P. Kelly, Iona Heath, Jeremy Howick & Trisha Greenhalgh - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):69.
    Evidence-based medicine has always required integration of patient values with ‘best’ clinical evidence. It is widely recognized that scientific practices and discoveries, including those of EBM, are value-laden. But to date, the science of EBM has focused primarily on methods for reducing bias in the evidence, while the role of values in the different aspects of the EBM process has been almost completely ignored.
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  9. Against the Yuck Factor: On the Ideal Role of Disgust in Society.Daniel Kelly & Nicolae Morar - 2014 - Utilitas 26 (2):153-177.
    The view we defend is that in virtue of its nature, disgust is not fit to do any moral or social work whatsoever, and that there are no defensible uses for disgust in legal or political institutions. We first describe our favoured empirical theory of the nature of disgust. Turning from descriptive to normative issues, we address the best arguments in favour of granting disgust the power to justify certain judgements, and to serve as a social tool, respectively. Daniel Kahan (...)
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    Kant on Maxims and Moral Motivation: A New Interpretation.Peter Herissone-Kelly - 2018 - Cham: Springer.
    This book outlines and circumvents two serious problems that appear to attach to Kant’s moral philosophy, or more precisely to the model of rational agency that underlies that moral philosophy: the problem of experiential incongruence and the problem of misdirected moral attention. The book’s central contention is that both these problems can be sidestepped. In order to demonstrate this, it argues for an entirely novel reading of Kant’s views on action and moral motivation. In addressing the two main problems in (...)
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  11. Critique and Power: Recasting the Foucault/Habermas Debate.Michael Kelly (ed.) - 1994 - MIT Press.
    The book juxtaposes key texts from Foucault and Habermas; it then adds a set ofreactions and commentaries by theorists who have taken up the two alternative approaches to powerand critique.
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  12. Kant's Taxonomy of the Emotions.Kelly D. Sorensen - 2002 - Kantian Review 6:109-128.
    If there is to be any progress in the debate about what sort of positive moral status Kant can give the emotions, we need a taxonomy of the terms Kant uses for these concepts. It used to be thought that Kant had little room for emotions in his ethics. In the past three decades, Marcia Baron, Paul Guyer, Barbara Herman, Nancy Sherman, Allen Wood and others have argued otherwise. Contrary to what a cursory reading of the Groundwork may indicate, Kant (...)
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  13. The Transcendental Ideality of Space and the Neglected Alternative.Peter Herissone-Kelly - 2007 - Kant Studien 98 (3):269-282.
    In the Transcendental Aesthetic, Kant famously makes the following startling claim, which we can call the transcendental ideality thesis concerning the nature of space, or, for ease of reference in what follows, simply “TI”: Der Raum stellt gar keine Eigenschaft irgend einiger Dinge an sich, oder sie in ihrem Verhältniß auf einander vor, d.i. keine Bestimmung derselben, die an Gegenständen selbst haftete, und welche bliebe, wenn man auch von allen subjectiven Bedingungen der Anschauung abstrahirte.
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  14. The principlist approach to bioethics and its stormy journey overseas.P. Herissone-Kelly - 2003 - In Matti Häyry & Tuija Takala, Scratching the surface of bioethics. New York: Rodopi. pp. 65--77.
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  15. Artwork completion: a response to Gover.Kelly Trogdon & Paisley Nathan Livingston - 2015 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 73 (4):460-462.
    Response to Gover (2015) on Trogdon and Livingston (2015) on artwork completion.
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  16. Capacity and Consent in England and Wales: The Mental Capacity Act under Scrutiny.Peter Herissone-Kelly - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (3):344-352.
    The Mental Capacity Act 2005 came into force in England and Wales in 2007. Its primary purpose is to provide “a statutory framework to empower and protect people who may lack capacity to make some decisions for themselves.” Examples of such people are those with dementia, learning disabilities, mental health problems, and so on. The Act also gives those who currently have capacity a legal framework within which they can make arrangements for a time when they may come to lack (...)
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    Psychic space and social melancholy.Kelly Oliver - 2002 - In Kelly Oliver & Steve Edwin, Between the psyche and the social: psychoanalytic social theory. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 49--65.
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  18. Wrongs, preferences, and the selection of children: A critique of Rebecca Bennett's argument against the principle of procreative beneficence.Peter Herissone-Kelly - 2011 - Bioethics 26 (8):447-454.
    Rebecca Bennett, in a recent paper dismissing Julian Savulescu's principle of procreative beneficence, advances both a negative and a positive thesis. The negative thesis holds that the principle's theoretical foundation – the notion of impersonal harm or non-person-affecting wrong – is indefensible. Therefore, there can be no obligations of the sort that the principle asserts. The positive thesis, on the other hand, attempts to plug an explanatory gap that arises once the principle has been rejected. That is, it holds that (...)
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    Beyond Physicalism: Toward Reconciliation of Science and Spirituality.Edward F. Kelly, Adam Crabtree & Paul David Marshall - 2015 - Lanham, MD 20706, USA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Beyond Physicalism, an interdisciplinary group of physical scientists, behavioral and social scientists, and humanists from the Esalen Institute’s Center for Theory and Research argue that physicalism must be replaced by an expanded scientific naturalism that accommodates something spiritual at the heart of nature.
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    "Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence": Testimony, Traumatic Memory, and Psychotherapy with Survivors of Political Violence.Kelly McKinney - 2007 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 35 (3):265-299.
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    Disclosure and consent: ensuring the ethical provision of information regarding childbirth.Kelly Irvine, Rebecca C. H. Brown & Julian Savulescu - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Ethical medical care of pregnant women in Australia should include the real provision of information regarding the risks and benefits of vaginal birth. Routinely obtaining consent for the different ways in which childbirth is commonly intervened on and the assistance involved (such as midwife-led care or a planned caesarean section) and providing sufficient information for women to evaluate the harms and benefits of the care on offer, would not only enable the empowerment of women but would align with the current (...)
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  22. Hypotheticalism and the objectivity of morality.Kelly Heuer - manuscript
    Mark Schroeder’s Slaves of the Passions defends a version of the Humean Theory of Reasons he calls “Hypotheticalism,” according to which all reasons an agent has for action are explained by desires that are in turn explained by reference to her psychology. This paper disputes Schroeder’s claim that his theory has the potential to allay long-standing worries about moral objectivity and normativity within a Humean framework because it fails to attain the requisite level of agent-neutrality for moral reasons. The particular (...)
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  23. Stopping the Anthropological Machine: Agamben with Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty.Kelly Oliver - 2007 - PhaenEx 2 (2):1-23.
    Agamben maintains that Heidegger continues the work of the anthropological machine by defining Dasein as uniquely open to the closedness of the animal. Yet, Agamben’s own thinking does not so much open up the concept of animal as it attempts to save humanity from the anthropological machine that always produces the animal as the constitutive outside within the human itself. Agamben’s return to religious metaphors at best displaces the binary man-animal with the binary religion-science, and at worst returns us to (...)
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    Why Ask Why? Logical Fallacies in the Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.Kelly J. Price & Kenna J. Miskelly - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (5):418-426.
    A diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder ascribes cause to developmental disability; however, there are logical issues in causation with ethical implications. This article focuses on the use of fallacious logic in FASD, focusing on the Canadian Guidelines for diagnosis, and knowledge translation issues from science to practice. The clinician’s logical fallacy is an ethical issue of veracity in the clinician–patient relationship; this then leads to issues of nonmaleficence, because the diagnosis in turn blames the mother for her child’s difficulties. (...)
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    Manifest Complexity: a foundational ethics for astrobiology?Kelly C. Smith - 2014 - Space Policy 30 (4):209-14.
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  26. (1 other version)Holy Grail Found. Absolute, Definitive Proof That Responsible Companies Perform Better Financially.Marjorie Kelly - forthcoming - Business Ethics, Winter.
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    (1 other version)Acknowledgments.Jamie Terence Kelly - 2012 - In Framing Democracy: A Behavioral Approach to Democratic Theory. Princeton University Press.
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  28. Phenomenal Acquaintance.Kelly Trogdon - 2009 - Dissertation, Umass Amherst
    Chapter 1 is devoted to taking care of some preliminary issues. I begin by distinguishing those states of awareness in virtue of which we’re acquainted with the phenomenal characters of our experiences from those states of awareness some claim are at the very nature of experience. Then I reconcile the idea that experience is transparent with the claim that we can be acquainted with phenomenal character. -/- In Chapter 2 I set up a dilemma that is the primary focus of (...)
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    Adam Smith and the limits of sympathy.Duncan Kelly - 2013 - In Christopher J. Berry, Maria Pia Paganelli & Craig Smith, The Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 201.
    Adam Smith’s work on moral sentiments is part of his much wider project of a science of man. And his most developed account of sympathy and sociability, provided in The Theory of Moral Sentiments, actually provides the central foundation for his wider, theoretical, or conjectural histories of law, language, government, and political economy. Indeed, his collected writings construct a space for thinking not only about the conjectural history of law, government, and society more precisely in terms of the mechanism of (...)
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  30. Kevin T. Kelly and Oliver Schulte.Kevin Kelly - unknown
    We argue that uncomputability and classical scepticism are both re ections of inductive underdetermination, so that Church's thesis and Hume's problem ought to receive equal emphasis in a balanced approach to the philosophy of induction. As an illustration of such an approach, we investigate how uncomputable the predictions of a hypothesis can be if the hypothesis is to be reliably investigated by a computable scienti c method.
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  31. 17 Mary Kelly.Mary Kelly - 2007 - In Diarmuid Costello & Jonathan Vickery, Art: key contemporary thinkers. New York: Berg. pp. 17.
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  32. Rethinking Franz Neumann's route to Behemoth.D. Kelly - 2002 - History of Political Thought 23 (3):458-496.
    Because of its characterization of National Socialism as a form of 'totalitarian monopoly capitalism', many critics of Franz Neumann's pioneering book of 1942, Behemoth, have rejected what they see as a crude Marxist analysis of the subject. This not only does little justice to the richness of Neumann's book, it also distorts its central focus. By contrast, this paper suggests that a proper appreciation of the impact of Max Weber in general, and Carl Schmitt in particular, on the development of (...)
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  33. Julia Kristeva’s Maternal Passions.Kelly Oliver - 2010 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 18 (1):1-8.
    This article critically engages Julia Kristeva’s latest work on maternal passion as an antidote to what she calls “feminine fatigue.” Oliver elaborates, criticizes, and expands Kristeva’s view that maternity can be a model for thinking about passion and its relation to creativity and even to ethics. She relates Kristeva’s thinking about feminine fatigue to contemporary feminism in the United States. .
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  34. Two Varieties of “Better-For” Judgements.Peter Herissone-Kelly - 2009 - In David Wasserman & Melinda Roberts, Harming Future Persons: Ethics, Genetics and the Nonidentity Problem. Springer. pp. 249--263.
    This paper argues against Julian Savulescu's principle of procreative beneficence. It maintains that prospective parents have no obligation at all to choose the child, out of a range of possible children, who is likely to lead the best life. This is because a standpoint that the author labels "the internal perspective" is a perfectly appropriate one for parents to adopt when thinking about their own future children. It is only policy makers who are obliged to take up an opposing standpoint--"the (...)
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  35. REVIEWS-Michel Foucault, The Birth of Biopolitics: Lectures at the College de France 1978-1979.Mark Kelly - 2009 - Radical Philosophy 153:46.
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  36. An Inquiry into the Historical Development of Philosophy in Japan.Kelly Louise Rexzy P. Agra - 2013 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 17 (2):27-59.
    What is Japanese philosophy? This paper will address this question, not by giving a survey of the works of Japanese philosophers or a definition of the subject matter of Japanese philosophy, but by attempting to present how it emerged as a distinct philosophical tradition—by sketching the controversies that gave rise to its formation; the social, intellectual, and historical factors that paved the way to its development; and the revolution of thought which finally gave it the title “Japanese philosophy.” I will (...)
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    Rational Faith: Catholic Responses to Reformed Epistemology.Kelly James Clark - 1994 - Philosophical Books 35 (4):283-285.
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    European aestheticism and Spanish American modernismo: artist protagonists and the philosophy of art for art's sake.Kelly Comfort - 2011 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This study examines the changing role of art and artist during the turn-of-the-century period, offering a consideration of the multiple dichotomies of art and life, aesthetics and economics, production and consumption, and centre and periphery.
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  39. (1 other version)The road to e-publishing: Progress and plans of a leading publisher (Cause for Debate – 5).Kelly Franklin - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 13 (3):170-176.
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    Attentional asymmetries in a visual orienting task are related to temperament.Kelly G. Garner, Paul E. Dux, Joe Wagner, D. R. Tarrant, Christopher D. Chambers & A. Mark - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (8):1508-1515.
    Spatial asymmetries are an intriguing feature of directed attention. Recent observations indicate an influence of temperament upon the direction of these asymmetries. It is unknown whether this influence generalises to visual orienting behaviour. The aim of the current study was therefore to explore the relationship between temperament and measures of spatial orienting as a function of target hemifield. An exogenous cueing task was administered to 92 healthy participants. Temperament was assessed using Carver and White's (1994) Behavioural Inhibition System and Behavioural (...)
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    ‘Hate the sin but not the sinner’: forgiveness and condemnation.Kelly Hamilton - 2009 - South African Journal of Philosophy 28 (2):114-123.
    Forgiveness is traditionally thought of as the forswearing of resentment. Resentment has been argued to be a moral emotion, tightly interrelated with moral protest against a wrongdoing. This has lead to forgiveness being thought of as the forgetting or condoning of wrongdoing. I will argue for a concept of forgiveness that is ‘uncompromising’ for it does not involve giving up one’s judgements about the wrongdoing. I will argue that resentment should be understood as a type of reactive attitude, and that (...)
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    The Nexus of Unity of an Emerson Sentence.Kelly Dean Jolley - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (5):549-560.
    In this essay I investigate the unity of Emerson's sentences. I begin by describing the phenomenology of reading Emerson and use that phenomenology to orient the investigation. I propose to understand the unity of Emerson's sentences by using a variation of Frege's strategy for understanding the unity of sentences generally. I then address how the unity of the Emerson sentence serves to create the unity of the Emerson paragraph and even of the Emerson essay. Along the way I compare Emerson's (...)
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  43. A Century of Prayer for Christian Unity [Book Review].Gerard Kelly - 2009 - The Australasian Catholic Record 86 (3):379.
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  44. A multidimensional disclosure: Aspects of Aquinas's theological intentionality.Anthony J. Kelly - 2003 - The Thomist 67 (3):335-374.
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    Curiosities and Texts: The Culture of Collecting in Early Modern England.Jason Kelly - 2007 - Early Science and Medicine 12 (2):240-241.
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    Cannon to Right of Them.David E. Kelly - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (4):42-43.
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  47. Ex possibili et necessario: A re-examination of Aquinas's third way.T. A. F. Kelly - 1997 - The Thomist 61 (1):63-84.
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  48. Griselda Pollock in conversation.Mary Kelly - 1992 - In Kate Campbell, Critical feminism: argument in the disciplines. Philadelphia: Open University Press. pp. 182.
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    How to Live? One Question and Six or Seven Life Lessons with Albert Memmi.Debra Kelly - 2011 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 19 (2):67-95.
    Memmi’s work is every sense a “life project”: a coherent project pursued throughout his long life as an intellectual, but also as the member of a minority group as he has consistently reminded his readers. It is therefore a personal project that is intimately intertwined with the life experiences of an individual, yet has implications for understanding broader communities and societies. The implication – and sometimes the stated intention – is that this is a life project from which the individual (...)
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    In Retrospect.Balmer H. Kelly - 1971 - Interpretation 25 (1):11-23.
    A one-time editor must admit to nothing short of consternation when he views the child, full grown at twenty-five.
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