Results for 'Tommaso Vitale'

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  1. A philosophical and evolutionary approach to cyber-bullying: social networks and the disruption of sub-moralities.Tommaso Bertolotti & Lorenzo Magnani - 2013 - Ethics and Information Technology 15 (4):285-299.
    Cyber-bullying, and other issues related to violence being committed online in prosocial environments, are beginning to constitute an emergency worldwide. Institutions are particularly sensitive to the problem especially as far as teenagers are concerned inasmuch as, in cases of inter-teen episodes, the deterrent power of ordinary justice is not as effective as it is between adults. In order to develop the most suitable policies, institution should not be satisfied with statistics and sociological perspectives on the phenomenon, but rather seek a (...)
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    The Anatomical Foundations of Tommaso Campanella's Theory of Magic.Guido Giglioni - 2010 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 66 (1):9 - 24.
    The aim of this article is to examine some of the anatomical implications of Campanella's theory of magic, focusing in particular on his crìtique of Aristotle's and Galen's anatomical views. By magic Campanella meant first and foremost communication of energy and knowledge. It is no accident that he viewed both medicine and rhetoric as constitutive disciplines of magic. In doing so, he appealed to the time-honoured notion of the magic of the word theorised in ancient times by the sophist Gorgias. (...)
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    Costruzione della teologia e unità della ragione in Tommaso d'Aquino. Una possibile interpretazione del Super Boetium De Trinitate.Giuseppe Bottarini - 2008 - Doctor Virtualis 8:105-137.
    La teologia, come scienza e sapienza, non asseconda o compie l’ideale di una ragione “forte”, che faccia tutt’uno con la conoscenza speculativa: per una simile ragione – e per la teologia che ne consegue – il significato della realtà, sebbene rivelato, non smette di essere un dato indifferente alla libertà della creatura.In essa Tommaso esprime piuttosto la consapevolezza dello scacco cui la ragione va incontro se considera assoluto il criterio soltanto teoretico della verità, dimenticando che il senso dell’essere è (...)
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  4. Il «metodo in teologia» da Tommaso d'Aquino a Bernard Lonergan.Natalino Spaccapelo - 2004 - Gregorianum 85 (4):700-718.
    The scope of this essay, dealing with the relationship between the celebrated Canadian theologian B. Lonergan and his debt to the theological and cultural inheritance from Thomas Aquinas, is to underline three important facts. Firstly, to focus on the vital, but not exclusive, influence of Lonergan's Thomist studies , placing them in the setting of his entire work. Secondly, to explore the continuing role of the theological paradigm, worked on for decades, emerging from his doctoral thesis on operative grace in (...)
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    Assonanze e dissonanze: dal diario di Edith Stein.Edith Stein & Angela Ales Bello (eds.) - 2021 - Milano -- Udine: Mimesis.
    In queste pagine è delineata la vicenda esistenziale e intellettuale di Edith Stein. Donna straordinaria, è stata capace di racchiudere nella sua persona molte "possibili" vite. Le ha realizzate come ebrea e cattolica, fenomenologa e filosofa cristiana, docente e monaca carmelitana, agnostica e santa. Si tratta di un processo vitale dagli apparenti salti qualitativi, i quali si volgono all'ascolto di un medesimo nucleo identitario. Questa viva "formazione di sé" ha condotto Edith Stein a una "donazione di sé", culminata nell'Olocausto. (...)
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    The Dominican School of Salamanca and the Spanish Conquest of America: Some Bibliographical Notes.Thomas F. O'Meara - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (4):555-582.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE DOMINICAN SCHOOL OF SALAMANCA AND THE SPANISH CONQUEST OF AMERICA: SOME BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES THOMAS F. O'MEARA. O.P. University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana SALAMANCA, northwest of Madrid and Avila and not far from Spain's border with Portugal, preserves the atmosphere of a medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque university even as it develops the schools and clinics of a contemporary center of studies. There are associations with Teresa of (...)
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    Anne Conway’s Exceptional Vitalism: Material Spirits and Active Matter.Doina-Cristina Rusu - 2021 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 11 (2):528-546.
    Anne Conway’s philosophy has been categorized as “vitalism,” “vital monism,” “spiritualism,” “monistic spiritualism,” “immaterial vitalism,” and “antimaterialism.” While there is no doubt that she is a monist and a vitalist, problems arise with the categories of “spiritualism,” “immaterial vitalism,” and “antimaterialism.” Conway conceives of created substances as gross and fixed spirit, or rarefied and volatile matter. While interpreters agree that Conway’s “spirit” shares characteristics traditionally attributed to matter (e.g., extension, divisibility, impenetrability), and that she is critical of Henry More’s immaterial (...)
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    Italian Humanism. [REVIEW]J. M. P. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):540-541.
    This is the first English translation of the work of Eugenio Garin, one of the foremost modern historians of the Italian Renaissance. The present text, translated so intelligently, is based on the revised Italian edition of 1958.. Garin treats the growth of Italian humanism from Petrarch in the fourteenth century to its point of radical transformation with Tommaso Campanella at the beginning of the seventeenth century. The commentary on Giordano Bruno is especially clear, concise, and penetrating. For Garin, the (...)
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    La religione della mente in Tommaso Campanella.Tommaso Sgarro - 2019 - Quaestio 19:401-414.
    Tommaso Campanella’s dignitas hominis acquires its own autonomous and innovative historiographical value in recognizing the connection between mens and religion as a distinctive element of human be...
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    Selected Philosophical Poems of Tommaso Campanella: A Bilingual Edition.Tommaso Campanella & Sherry Roush (eds.) - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    A contemporary of Giordano Bruno and Galileo, Tommaso Campanella was a controversial philosopher, theologian, astrologer, and poet who was persecuted during the Inquisition and spent much of his adult life imprisoned because of his heterodox views. He is best known today for two works: _The City of the Sun_, a dialogue inspired by Plato’s _Republic_, in which he prophesies a vision of a unified, peaceful world governed by a theocratic monarchy; and his well-meaning _Defense of Galileo_, which may have (...)
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    Singly generated quasivarieties and residuated structures.Tommaso Moraschini, James G. Raftery & Johann J. Wannenburg - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (2):150-172.
    A quasivariety of algebras has the joint embedding property (JEP) if and only if it is generated by a single algebra A. It is structurally complete if and only if the free ℵ0‐generated algebra in can serve as A. A consequence of this demand, called ‘passive structural completeness’ (PSC), is that the nontrivial members of all satisfy the same existential positive sentences. We prove that if is PSC then it still has the JEP, and if it has the JEP and (...)
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    Un inquieto domenicano: temi e figure della Seconda Scolastica nella filosofia di Tommaso Campanella.Tommaso Sgarro - 2018 - Bari: Edizioni di Pagina.
  13. The Science of Morality and its Normative Implications.Tommaso Bruni, Matteo Mameli & Regina A. Rini - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (2):159-172.
    Neuromoral theorists are those who claim that a scientific understanding of moral judgment through the methods of psychology, neuroscience and related disciplines can have normative implications and can be used to improve the human ability to make moral judgments. We consider three neuromoral theories: one suggested by Gazzaniga, one put forward by Gigerenzer, and one developed by Greene. By contrasting these theories we reveal some of the fundamental issues that neuromoral theories in general have to address. One important issue concerns (...)
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  14. Opere di Tommaso Campanella.Tommaso Campanella & Alessandro D'ancona - 1854 - Pomba.
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    A computational glimpse at the Leibniz and Frege hierarchies.Tommaso Moraschini - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (1):1-20.
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    El discurso de los derechos frente a sus desafíos.Tommaso Greco - 2024 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 50:67-73.
    Este trabajo incluye algunas reflexiones sobre los desafíos a los derechos que derivan del populismo, de la tecnología y de la geopolítica.
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    Theorie der Freiheit: der Begriff des Zwecks in Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik.Tommaso Pierini - 2006 - München: W. Fink Verlag.
    Das Buch bietet eine neue Interpretation von Hegels Schlüsselwerk, der Wissenschaft der Logik, im Sinne einer Theorie der Freiheit als Selbstbestimmung. Die Untersuchung gliedert sich in zwei Teile. Im ersten werden Hegels logische Begriffe von Identität und Widerspruch diskutiert. Dabei können unterschiedliche Formen von Identität differenziert und Selbstbestimmung als deren höchste Form herausgestellt werden. Im zweiten Teil liefert der Autor einen ausführlichen Stellen-Kommentar des schwierigen Teleologie-Kapitels, in dem die spezifische Dynamik der Selbstbestimmung analysiert wird. Dabei ist zugleich die Einsicht in (...)
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    A logical and algebraic characterization of adjunctions between generalized quasi-varieties.Tommaso Moraschini - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (3):899-919.
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  19. The Philosophy of Dumbness: A Philosophical Romance about Rationality.Tommaso Ostillio - manuscript
    In this work, I investigate the implications of reversing the common assumption of rationality on behalf of human agents typically underlying philosophical research. Instead, I assume that human agents can become rational only if they learn to edge against their dumbness. Specifically, I show that intelligence cannot be considered the opposite of dumbness. To this end, I embrace the difference among System 1, System 2, and System 1.5. On these grounds, I argue that System 2 can be considered the system (...)
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    The semantic isomorphism theorem in abstract algebraic logic.Tommaso Moraschini - 2016 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167 (12):1298-1331.
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    Three characterizations of strict coherence on infinite-valued events.Tommaso Flaminio - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (3):593-610.
    This article builds on a recent paper coauthored by the present author, H. Hosni and F. Montagna. It is meant to contribute to the logical foundations of probability theory on many-valued events and, specifically, to a deeper understanding of the notion of strict coherence. In particular, we will make use of geometrical, measure-theoretical and logical methods to provide three characterizations of strict coherence on formulas of infinite-valued Łukasiewicz logic.
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    When Social Innovations Foster Integral Human Development: Evidence from the Impact of Theatrical Activities on Prison Inmates’ Social Skills.Tommaso Ramus, Francesco Castellaneta, Filippo Giordano & Francesco Perrini - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-23.
    We build on scholarly work on social innovation and social psychology to contribute to research on integral human development. This research stream builds on the ethical principles of virtue ethics and humanistic personalism to claim that organizations have the role of helping individuals develop through meaningful interaction with others. It also implicitly assumes that any initiative aimed at achieving this purpose and developing the relational dimension of marginalized individuals will have a homogenous and positive impact. We test this assumption by (...)
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    Is Nutrition a Sufficient Condition for Life?Tommaso Alpina - 2020 - In Giouli Korobili & Roberto Lo Presti (eds.), Nutrition and Nutritive Soul in Aristotle and Aristotelianism. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 221-258.
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  24. Digitalizing the Religious Niche.Tommaso Bertolotti - 2015 - In Patterns of Rationality: Recurring Inferences in Science, Social Cognition and Religious Thinking. Cham: Imprint: Springer.
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    Biomarkers for Early Cancer Diagnosis: Prospects for Success through the Lens of Tumor Genetics.Tommaso A. Dragani, Valerie Matarese & Francesca Colombo - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (4):1900122.
    Thousands of candidate cancer biomarkers have been proposed, but so far, few are used in cancer screening. Failure to implement these biomarkers is attributed to technical and design flaws in the discovery and validation phases, but a major obstacle stems from cancer biology itself. Oncogenomics has revealed broad genetic heterogeneity among tumors of the same histology and same tissue (or organ) from different patients, while tumors of different tissue origins also share common genetic mutations. Moreover, there is wide intratumor genetic (...)
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    The map: a medium of perception. Remarks on the relationship between space, imagination and map from Google Earth.Tommaso Morawski - 2020 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 13 (2):185-197.
    Starting from the concept of Digital Earth, the article questions the effects that Google’s geo-spatial applications have produced on our daily relationship with information, and the way we experience the spaces around us. Its aim is twofold: on the one hand, I intend to examine the implications that bring Google’s digital maps closer to the invention of the print or telescope; on the other hand, I intend to explain, through a medio-anthropological investigation, how the map, as a medium of perception, (...)
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    Trivializing cognitive command.Tommaso Piazza - 2005 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 1 (2):51-66.
    In this paper I criticize Wright’s claim that Cognitive Command is a significant test for discerning realist from antirealist discourses. The antirealist semantics explicitly advocated by Wright, entails that every discourse whose truth predicate is superassertibility exerts Cognitive Command, and so that every assertoric discourse deserves a realistic treatment. Whenever two disputants disagree as to the truth value of a sentence expressible within the discourse, provided that they master the relevant vocabulary, they must have committed a cognitive mistake. For they (...)
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    L'assoluto e il divino: la teologia cristiana di Hegel.Tommaso Pierini (ed.) - 2011 - Pisa: F. Serra.
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    Discourses of collective remembering: contestation, politics, affect.Tommaso M. Milani & John E. Richardson - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (5):459-476.
    This article introduces the key issues and themes that the articles in the Special Issue aim to apply and develop in greater detail. First, we argue that the field of collective remembering can be conceived as a site of active contestation, rather than simply a means of communicating a historic past or our deontic position in relation to these pasts. Approaching collective remembering as a Lieu de Dispute allows us, in turn, to foreground three consequential dimensions of remembrance, which the (...)
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    Cortical responses to salient nociceptive and not nociceptive stimuli in vegetative and minimal conscious state.Marina de Tommaso, Jorge Navarro, Crocifissa Lanzillotti, Katia Ricci, Francesca Buonocunto, Paolo Livrea & Giulio E. Lancioni - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    On the complexity of the Leibniz hierarchy.Tommaso Moraschini - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (7):805-824.
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    Epistemic Consequences of Bibliometrics-based Evaluation: Insights from the Scientific Community.Tommaso Castellani, Emanuele Pontecorvo & Adriana Valente - 2016 - Social Epistemology 30 (4):398-419.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate the consequences of the bibliometrics-based evaluation system of scientific production on the contents and methods of sciences. The research has been conducted by means of in-depth interviews to a multi-disciplinary panel of Italian researchers. We discuss the implications of bibliometrics-based evaluation on the choice of the research topic, on the experimental practices, on the dissemination habits. We observe that the validation of the bibliometrics-based evaluation practices relies on the acceptance and diffusion within (...)
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    The soul of, the soul in itself, and the flying man experiment.Tommaso Alpina - 2018 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 28 (2):187-224.
    RésuméIl y a, dans le Nafs d'Avicenne, deux enquêtes cheminant dès le début en parallèle : celle sur l’âme comme entité relationnelle, toujours considérée dans sa connexion avec le corps, et celle sur l’âme humaine en elle-même. Les deux enquêtes visent à établir l'existence et l'essence de l’âme, respectivement en relation au corps dont elle est l’âme et en soi-même. Le but de cette contribution est de reconstruire les étapes de ces enquêtes, afin de mettre en relief leur relation mutuelle, (...)
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  34. A Hobbesian Solution to Infodemics.Tommaso Ostillio - manuscript
    Several studies have lately revealed that social media conceal at least three dangerous pitfalls. Firstly, social media can negatively impact sociopolitical processes in advanced liberal democracies by becoming vehicles for the spread of false information that augments political polarization (Lee et al. 2017; Ostillio 2018). Secondly, as a result of the first point, social mediacan rapidly become a source of incorrect beliefs for those subjects with low digital literacy (Guess et al. 2019). Thirdly, because of the first and second points, (...)
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    Vortici: forme dell'esperienza.Tommaso Tuppini - 2020 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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    Psychotherapy During COVID-19: How the Clinical Practice of Italian Psychotherapists Changed During the Pandemic.Tommaso Boldrini, Arianna Schiano Lomoriello, Franco Del Corno, Vittorio Lingiardi & Silvia Salcuni - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:591170.
    _Aims:_ Italy was one of the first countries to be significantly affected by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, determining a unique scenario for Italian psychotherapists to consider changing the modality in which they deliver treatment. The present study aimed at studying which factors related to psychotherapists and their clinical practice had a major role in predicting two main outcomes: (1) the rate of interrupted treatments during lockdown and (2) psychotherapists’ satisfaction with the telepsychotherapy modality. _Methods:_ An online survey was (...)
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    L'imperatore Giovanni VIII Paleologo a Pistoia.Tommaso Braccini - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (2):383-397.
    Uno dei problemi che affliggono maggiormente lo storico che si occupi del Concilio di Ferrara-Firenze per l'Unione delle Chiese (1438–39) è, notoriamente, la perdurante scarsezza e disorganicità delle fonti, soprattutto occidentali. Nonostante la pubblicazione degli Acta e di altre importanti relazioni, restano infatti molti vuoti che attendono ancora di essere colmati, in primis riguardo agli spostamenti delle varie delegazioni, ed alle attività che furono condotte al di fuori della stretta ufficialità delle sessioni conciliari. Del resto, è emblematico che anche per (...)
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  38. Parole universali della dottrina politica: un codice inedito.Tommaso Campanella - 1980 - Napoli: De Simone. Edited by Giuseppe Maglione.
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    Sonnets.Tommaso Campanella - unknown
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    Rapporti analogici tra individuo e società nella Repubblica di Platone.Tommaso Meozzi - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (2):235-246.
    This article analyses the complex relationship between the logical and the analogical dimension in the Republic of Plato, focusing synchronically on three analogies: polis-soul, polis-body and soul-body. The aim is to demonstrate first how the analogies help Plato to give strength to his political description, and second how the power relationships provide intelligible models for the description of the human being. The analogical value of the power relationships and the political value of the analogies emerge as inseparably linked. The article (...)
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    Boolean algebras of conditionals, probability and logic.Tommaso Flaminio, Lluis Godo & Hykel Hosni - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 286 (C):103347.
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    On Equational Completeness Theorems.Tommaso Moraschini - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (4):1522-1575.
    A logic is said to admit an equational completeness theorem when it can be interpreted into the equational consequence relative to some class of algebras. We characterize logics admitting an equational completeness theorem that are either locally tabular or have some tautology. In particular, it is shown that a protoalgebraic logic admits an equational completeness theorem precisely when it has two distinct logically equivalent formulas. While the problem of determining whether a logic admits an equational completeness theorem is shown to (...)
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    A study of truth predicates in matrix semantics.Tommaso Moraschini - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (4):780-804.
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    Influence of aesthetic perception on visual event-related potentials.Marina de Tommaso, Carla Pecoraro, Michele Sardaro, Claudia Serpino, Giulio Lancioni & Paolo Livrea - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):933-945.
    The aim of the study was to assess the effects of visual aesthetic perception on event-related potentials . Eight subjects assigned an aesthetic judgment and a 10-step beauty estimation to the target stimuli, consisting of famous artistic pictures and geometric shapes. In a further task, the subjects performed a motor response to the previously judged pictures and geometric shapes. ERPs were recorded through 54 scalp electrodes during both tasks. The P3b amplitude was increased during the categorization of the geometric shapes (...)
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    Phenomenal explanationism and non-inferential justification.Tommaso Piazza - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-11.
    In this note, I argue that McCain and Moretti’s account of non-inferential justification is subject to the subjective point of view objection, and that for this reason, it does not provide an internalistically acceptable alternative to the account of this justification supplied by Huemer’s Phenomenal Conservatism (PC). Moreover, I contend that PC’s account is not afflicted by the same problem and that it does not generate the over-intellectualization and regress problem. Finally, contra McCain and Moretti, I argue that the non-inferential (...)
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    Ritual without belief? Kierkegaard against Rappaport on personal belief and ritual action, with particular reference to Jonathan Lear’s ‘A Case for Irony’.Tommaso Manzon - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79 (3):222-234.
    ABSTRACTThis paper presents a Kierkegaardian critique of Roy A. Rappaport’s classic treatment of religious rituals. It discusses Rappaport’s claim that public and outward acceptance of a religious ritual is sufficient for successfully enacting it – even where such acceptance is devoid of any personal commitment on the participants’ part. To interrogate Rappaport, the paper develops Jonathan Lear’s reading of Kierkegaard and builds on the Danish theologian’s remarks on the Christian sacraments to argue that, pace Rappaport, personal engagement is necessary to (...)
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  47. On the logical structure of de Finetti's notion of event.Tommaso Flaminio, Lluis Godo & Hykel Hosni - 2014 - Journal of Applied Logic 12 (3):279-301.
    This paper sheds new light on the subtle relation between probability and logic by (i) providing a logical development of Bruno de Finetti's conception of events and (ii) suggesting that the subjective nature of de Finetti's interpretation of probability emerges in a clearer form against such a logical background. By making explicit the epistemic structure which underlies what we call Choice-based probability we show that whilst all rational degrees of belief must be probabilities, the converse doesn't hold: some probability values (...)
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    Extending Cognition Through Superstition: A Niche-Construction Theory Approach.Tommaso Bertolotti - 2006 - In Lorenzo Magnani & Claudia Casadio (eds.), Model Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. Logical, Epistemological, and Cognitive Issues. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
    Superstitious practices have been considered since the ancient times as signs of deviating cognitive forms, concerned with irrelevant causal relationships, and/or reducible to religious beliefs. Recent theories such as the extended mind and cognitive niche construction, though, can shed new light on superstition and its apparently unreasonable success. The trigger is to observe how most superstitions are not mere “beliefs” hosted in a naked mind, but rather involve a strong coupling between the mind and some external props allowing its extensions (...)
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    Dottrina della scienza e genesi della filosofia della storia nel primo Fichte.Giannino Vincenzo Di Tommaso - 1986 - L'Aquila: L.U. Japadre. Edited by Johann Gottlieb Fichte.
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    La battaglia politica di Giovanni Bovio: antologia dei suoi scritti.Tommaso Pedìo - 1976 - Bari: Cacucci.
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