Results for 'Todd Houge'

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  1.  49
    Fallout from the Mutual Fund Trading Scandal.Todd Houge & Jay Wellman - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (2):129-139.
    In September 2003, several prominent mutual fund companies came under investigation for illegal trading practices. Allegations suggested these funds allowed certain investors to profit from short-term trading schemes at the expense of other investors. Surprisingly, regulatory authorities have known for more than two decades of the potential for such abuses, yet have taken limited steps to correct the problem. We explore investor reaction to the scandal by measuring assets under management, stock returns, and performance. Mutual funds managed by investigated firms (...)
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    The Use and Abuse of Mutual Fund Expenses.Todd Houge & Jay Wellman - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 70 (1):23-32.
    Prior research shows that mutual fund investors are often aware of up-front charges like sales loads, but they are less mindful of annual operating expenses, even though both types of fees lower overall performance. This study documents the historical trend and recent abuse of annual mutual fund expenses. As the industry becomes more adept at segmenting customers by level of investment sophistication, we claim that load mutual fund companies take advantage of this ability and charge higher expenses to their target (...)
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    Foraging in Semantic Fields: How We Search Through Memory.Thomas T. Hills, Peter M. Todd & Michael N. Jones - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (3):513-534.
    When searching for concepts in memory—as in the verbal fluency task of naming all the animals one can think of—people appear to explore internal mental representations in much the same way that animals forage in physical space: searching locally within patches of information before transitioning globally between patches. However, the definition of the patches being searched in mental space is not well specified. Do we search by activating explicit predefined categories and recall items from within that category, or do we (...)
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    Grammatical aspect, lexical aspect, and event duration constrain the availability of events in narratives.Raymond B. Becker, Todd R. Ferretti & Carol J. Madden-Lombardi - 2013 - Cognition 129 (2):212-220.
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  5. More is not always better: The benefits of cognitive limits.Ralph Hertwig & Peter M. Todd - 2003 - Thinking: Psychological Perspectives on Reasoning, Judgment and Decision Making.
  6.  26
    A coded element model of the perceptual processing of sequential stimuli.Paul C. Vitz & Thomas C. Todd - 1969 - Psychological Review 76 (5):433-449.
  7.  21
    Conceptual blending, narrative discourse, and rhetoric.Todd V. Oakley - 1998 - Cognitive Linguistics 9 (4):321-360.
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    The Bicameral Brain and Theological Ethics: An Initial Exploration.Michael G. Lawler & Todd A. Salzman - 2020 - Journal of Religious Ethics 48 (2):222-246.
    Pope John Paul II called for an intense dialogue between science and theology, “a common interactive relationship,” in which each discipline is “open to the discoveries and insights of the other” while retaining its own integrity. This essay seeks to be responsive to that call and is an initial exploration of relationships between contemporary neuroscience and Catholic theological ethics. It examines neuroscientific data on the bicameral brain and theological ethical data on marital ethics, including divorce and remarriage, and asks what (...)
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    A model of learning for simple repeating binary patterns.Paul C. Vitz & Thomas C. Todd - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (1):108.
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    A model of the perception of simple geometric figures.Paul C. Vitz & Thomas C. Todd - 1971 - Psychological Review 78 (3):207-228.
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    An evolutionary theory of pain must consider sex differences.Martin Voracek & Todd K. Shackelford - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (4):474-475.
    According to Williams, human facially expressed pain, and its perception by conspecifics, is generated by evolved mechanisms. We argue that a key variable – sex (male, female) – needs to be considered for a complete theory of pain expression and perception. To illustrate, we cite findings on sex differences in pain and pain perception, and in crying and crying responsiveness.
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    Commentary/Williams: Facial expression of pain: An evolutionary account.Martin Voraceka & Todd K. Shackelfordb - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25:4.
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  13.  22
    Artificial Intelligence, Digital Self, and the “Best Interests” Problem.Jeffrey Todd Berger - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (7):27-29.
    In their target article, “A Personalized Patient Preference Predictor for Substituted Judgments in Healthcare: Technically Feasible and Ethically Desirable,” Earp et al. (2024) discuss ways in whic...
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    Suspicions of female infidelity predict men's partner-directed violence.Farnaz Kaighobadi, Todd K. Shackelford & John Archer - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):281.
    Archer's argument regarding sex differences in partner violence rests on a general account of between-sex differences in reproductive strategies and in social roles. However, men's partner-directed violence often is predicted by perceived risk of female infidelity. We hypothesize that men's partner-directed violence is produced by psychological mechanisms evolved to solve the adaptive problem of paternity uncertainty.
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  15.  47
    The Antecendent Identity of Natural Objects.George Todd Kalif - 1935 - The Monist 45 (1):60-77.
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  16.  60
    The metaphysical basis of induction.George Todd Kalif - 1934 - Journal of Philosophy 31 (4):85-96.
  17. From the office.Jenni Beattie, Administrative Officer & Neil Todd - 2012 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 20 (1):5.
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  18. The education of blacks in oklahoma-past, present, and future.Ce Butler, Dl Hobbs & Mr Todd - 1983 - Journal of Thought 18 (3):118-128.
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  19.  44
    Pure short-term memory capacity has implications for understanding individual differences in math skills.Steven A. Hecht & Todd K. Shackelford - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):124-125.
    Future work is needed to establish that pure short-term memory is a coherent individual difference attribute that is separable from traditional compound short-term memory measures. Psychometric support for latent pure short-term memory capacity will provide an important starting point for future fine-grained analyses of the intrinsic factors that influence individual differences in math skills.
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  20. Priming and conservation between spatial and cognitive search.T. Hills, Peter M. Todd & Robert L. Goldstone - 2007 - In McNamara D. S. & Trafton J. G., Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 359--364.
  21.  10
    Families and the Social Order: Introduction.Christine Firer Hinze & Todd David Whitmore - 1995 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 15:249-250.
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  22. 2 dogmas of post-empiricism, anti-theoretical strains in Derrida and Rorty.Mark Lance & Todd May - 1994 - Philosophical Forum 25 (4):273-309.
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  23.  45
    Reason and inspiration in Islam: theology, philosophy and mysticism in Muslim thought: essays in honour of Hermann Landolt.Hermann Landolt & Todd Lawson (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Distributed in the United States by St Martin's Press.
    In all the current alienating discourse on Islam as a source of extremism and fanatic violence this new publication takes a timely and refreshing look at the traditions of Islamic mysticism, philosophy and intellectual debate in a series of diverse and stimulating approaches. It tackles the major figures of Islamic thought as well as shedding light on hitherto unconsidered aspects of Islam utilizing new source material. The contributors are impressive list of scholars and experts.
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  24. Politics and" Inventing the.Todd R. La Porte - 2001 - In Willa M. Bruce, Classics of administrative ethics. Boulder: Westview Press.
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  25. The Evolution of Cooperative Strategies for Asymmetric Social Interactions.Jörg Rieskamp & Peter M. Todd - 2006 - Theory and Decision 60 (1):69-111.
    How can cooperation be achieved between self-interested individuals in commonly-occurring asymmetric interactions where agents have different positions? Should agents use the same strategies that are appropriate for symmetric social situations? We explore these questions through the asymmetric interaction captured in the indefinitely repeated investment game (IG). In every period of this game, the first player decides how much of an endowment he wants to invest, then this amount is tripled and passed to the second player, who finally decides how much (...)
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  26.  20
    Beyond the Abortion Wars: A Way Forward for a New Generation by Charles C. Camosy. [REVIEW]Rebecca Todd Peters - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (2):210-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Beyond the Abortion Wars: A Way Forward for a New Generation by Charles C. CamosyRebecca Todd PetersBeyond the Abortion Wars: A Way Forward for a New Generation Charles C. Camosy Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2015. 207Pp. $22.00As the title Beyond the Abortion Wars suggests, Camosy seeks a new way to address abortion in the United States that moves past the binary divisions of “pro-life” and “pro-choice.” Based (...)
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  27.  40
    ANKER, STEVE, GERITZ, KATHY and SEID, STEVE (eds). Radical Light: Alternative Film and Video in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1945-2000.(Berkeley: University of California Press). 2010. pp. 351.£ 20.95 (pbk). [REVIEW]Marc Benamou, Todd Berliner, Margaret A. Boden, Shahar Bram, Jean Francois Lyotard, Max Paddison, Irene Deliege, Joel Rudinow & Cain Todd - 2011 - British Journal of Aesthetics 51 (1):115.
  28.  56
    Todd Gooch: Paul Natorp “Between the Ages”.Todd Gooch - 2018 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 25 (1-2):129-151.
    This article seeks to provide a fuller account of the philosophy of religion of the Marburg Neo-Kantian, Paul Natorp (1854–1924), than has hitherto been available. It does so by describing important changes in Natorp’s thinking about religion between the publication of his early book, Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der Humanität (1894), and later writings in which he espouses a version of logos-mysticism strikingly at odds with the concept of a “religion of reason” put forward by his long-time Marburg colleague, Hermann (...)
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  29.  33
    Todd Jared levasseur.Todd Jared LeVasseur - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (33):4.
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  30. A proper de jure objection to the epistemic rationality of religious belief: TODD R. LONG.Todd R. Long - 2010 - Religious Studies 46 (3):375-394.
    I answer Alvin Plantinga's challenge to provide a ‘proper’ de jure objection to religious belief. What I call the ‘sophisticates’ evidential objection' concludes that sophisticated Christians lack epistemic justification for believing central Christian propositions. The SEO utilizes a theory of epistemic justification in the spirit of the evidentialism of Richard Feldman and Earl Conee. I defend philosophical interest in the SEO against objections from Reformed epistemology, by addressing Plantinga's criteria for a proper de jure objection, his anti-evidentialist arguments, and the (...)
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  31. A Unified Account of the Moral Standing to Blame.Patrick Todd - 2019 - Noûs 53:347-374.
    Recently, philosophers have turned their attention to the question, not when a given agent is blameworthy for what she does, but when a further agent has the moral standing to blame her for what she does. Philosophers have proposed at least four conditions on having “moral standing”: -/- 1. One’s blame would not be “hypocritical”. 2. One is not oneself “involved in” the target agent’s wrongdoing. 3. One must be warranted in believing that the target is indeed blameworthy for the (...)
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  32.  69
    Context processing in older adults: evidence for a theory relating cognitive control to neurobiology in healthy aging.Todd S. Braver, Deanna M. Barch, Beth A. Keys, Cameron S. Carter, Jonathan D. Cohen, Jeffrey A. Kaye, Jeri S. Janowsky, Stephan F. Taylor, Jerome A. Yesavage & Martin S. Mumenthaler - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (4):746.
  33.  16
    The ancient origins of consciousness: how the brain created experience.Todd E. Feinberg - 2016 - Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Edited by Jon Mallatt.
    How consciousness appeared much earlier in evolutionary history than is commonly assumed, and why all vertebrates and perhaps even some invertebrates are conscious. How is consciousness created? When did it first appear on Earth, and how did it evolve? What constitutes consciousness, and which animals can be said to be sentient? In this book, Todd Feinberg and Jon Mallatt draw on recent scientific findings to answer these questions—and to tackle the most fundamental question about the nature of consciousness: how (...)
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  34. The variable nature of cognitive control: a dual mechanisms framework.Todd S. Braver - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (2):106-113.
  35. Conceptualizing the (dis)unity of science.Todd A. Grantham - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (2):133-155.
    This paper argues that conceptualizing unity as "interconnection" (rather than reduction) provides a more fruitful and versatile framework for the philosophical study of scientific unification. Building on the work of Darden and Maull, Kitcher, and Kincaid, I treat unity as a relationship between fields: two fields become more integrated as the number and/or significance of interfield connections grow. Even when reduction fails, two theories or fields can be unified (integrated) in significant ways. I highlight two largely independent dimensions of unification. (...)
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  36.  52
    D. D. Todd, ed., "The Philosophical Orations of Thomas Reid Delivered at Graduation Ceremonies in King's College, Aberdeen, 1753, 1756, 1759, 1762". [REVIEW]Todd L. Adams - 1991 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 29 (3):499.
  37. Cognitive neuroscience of self-regulation failure.Todd F. Heatherton & Dylan D. Wagner - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (3):132-139.
  38.  87
    Gilles Deleuze: An Introduction.Todd May - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a readable and compelling introduction to the work of one of the twentieth century's most important and elusive thinkers. Other books have tried to explain Deleuze in general terms. Todd May organizes his book around a central question at the heart of Deleuze's philosophy: how might we live? The author then goes on to explain how Deleuze offers a view of the cosmos as a living thing that provides ways of conducting our lives that we may (...)
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  39.  17
    8 Natural Causes and Berkeley’s Divine Language Hypothesis.Todd DeRose - 2024 - In Manuel Fasko & Peter West, Berkeley’s Doctrine of Signs. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 143-160.
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  40. The evolutionary and genetic origins of consciousness in the Cambrian Period over 500 million years ago.Todd E. Feinberg & Jon Mallatt - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  41. Hume's Argument for the Temporal Priority of Causes.Todd Ryan - 2003 - Hume Studies 29 (1):29-41.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 29, Number 1, April 2003, pp. 29-41 Hume's Argument for the Temporal Priority of Causes TODD RYAN In a section entitled "Of Probability; and of the idea of cause and effect," Hume embarks on a search for the conceptual components of our idea of causation. Rejecting the possibility of analyzing the idea in terms of the qualities of objects, Hume claims to discover two constituent (...)
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  42.  45
    The control of consciousness via a neuropsychological feedback loop.Todd D. Nelson - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):690-691.
    Gray's neuropsychological model of consciousness uses a hierarchical feedback loop framework that has been extensively discussed by many others in psychology. This commentary therefore urges Gray to integrate with, or at least acknowledge previous models. It also points out flaws in his feedback model and suggests directions for further theoretical work.
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  43.  61
    Phenomenal Consciousness and Emergence: Eliminating the Explanatory Gap.Todd E. Feinberg & Jon Mallatt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:537022.
    The role of emergence in the creation of consciousness has been debated for over a century, but it remains unresolved. In particular there is controversy over the claim that a “strong” or radical form of emergence is required to explain phenomenal consciousness. In this paper we use some ideas of complex system theory to trace the emergent features of life and then of complex brains through three progressive stages or levels: Level 1 (life), Level 2 (nervous systems), and Level 3 (...)
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  44.  81
    Conflict monitoring and cognitive control.Matthew M. Botvinick, Todd S. Braver, Deanna M. Barch, Cameron S. Carter & Jonathan D. Cohen - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (3):624-652.
  45.  16
    The Political Thought of Jacques Rancière: Creating Equality.Todd May - 2008 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This book examines the political perspective of French thinker and historian Jacques Ranci&ère. Ranci&ère argues that a democratic politics emerges out of people&’s acting under the presupposition of their own equality with those better situated in the social hierarchy. Todd May examines and extends this presupposition, offering a normative framework for understanding it, placing it in the current political context, and showing how it challenges traditional political philosophy and opens up neglected political paths. He demonstrates that the presupposition of (...)
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  46.  25
    Under cover: causes, effects and implications of Hsp90‐mediated genetic capacitance.Todd A. Sangster, Susan Lindquist & Christine Queitsch - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (4):348-362.
    The environmentally responsive molecular chaperone Hsp90 assists the maturation of many key regulatory proteins. An unexpected consequence of this essential biochemical function is that genetic variation can accumulate in genomes and can remain phenotypically silent until Hsp90 function is challenged. Notably, this variation can be revealed by modest environmental change, establishing an environmentally responsive exposure mechanism. The existence of diverse cryptic polymorphisms with a plausible exposure mechanism in evolutionarily distant lineages has implications for the pace and nature of evolutionary change. (...)
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  47.  40
    Club-guessing, stationary reflection, and coloring theorems.Todd Eisworth - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (10):1216-1243.
    We obtain very strong coloring theorems at successors of singular cardinals from failures of certain instances of simultaneous reflection of stationary sets. In particular, the simplest of our results establishes that if μ is singular and , then there is a regular cardinal θ<μ such that any fewer than cf stationary subsets of must reflect simultaneously.
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  48. Subjectivity “Demystified”: Neurobiology, Evolution, and the Explanatory Gap.Todd E. Feinberg & Jon Mallatt - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    While life in general can be explained by the mechanisms of physics, chemistry and biology, to many scientists and philosophers it appears that when it comes to explaining consciousness, there is what the philosopher Joseph Levine called an “explanatory gap” between the physical brain and subjective experiences. Here we deduce the living and neural features behind primary consciousness within a naturalistic biological framework, identify which animal taxa have these features (the vertebrates, arthropods, and cephalopod molluscs), then reconstruct when consciousness first (...)
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  49.  74
    The Extreme Right and the Arab Man: the Obsession with Algeria and Virility.Todd Shepard - 2009 - Clio 29:37-57.
    Pendant et juste après l’explosion de 1968, l’extrême droite, au moins dans ses publications, a réussi à reconvertir son obsession algérienne – de la « trahison » de l’Algérie français à la description des hommes Algériens comme une menace pour la France d’alors – dans l’élaboration de grilles d’analyse reposant sur un registre sexué et sexuel permettant de comprendre « Mai » : c’est-à-dire à la fois les événements eux-mêmes et la crise générale qui minait la France.
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    Student goal orientation in learning inquiry skills with modifiable software advisors.Todd A. Shimoda, Barbara Y. White & John R. Frederiksen - 2002 - Science Education 86 (2):244-263.
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