Results for 'Susan Lindquist'

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  1.  25
    Under cover: causes, effects and implications of Hsp90‐mediated genetic capacitance.Todd A. Sangster, Susan Lindquist & Christine Queitsch - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (4):348-362.
    The environmentally responsive molecular chaperone Hsp90 assists the maturation of many key regulatory proteins. An unexpected consequence of this essential biochemical function is that genetic variation can accumulate in genomes and can remain phenotypically silent until Hsp90 function is challenged. Notably, this variation can be revealed by modest environmental change, establishing an environmentally responsive exposure mechanism. The existence of diverse cryptic polymorphisms with a plausible exposure mechanism in evolutionarily distant lineages has implications for the pace and nature of evolutionary change. (...)
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  2. The unity of reason: rereading Kant.Susan Neiman - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Unity of Reason is the first major study of Kant's account of reason. It argues that Kant's wide-ranging interests and goals can only be understood by redirecting attention from epistemological questions of his work to those concerning the nature of reason. Rather than accepting a notion of reason given by his predecessors, a fundamental aim of Kant's philosophy is to reconceive the nature of reason. This enables us to understand Kant's insistence on the unity of theoretical and practical reason (...)
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    The Material of Knowledge: Feminist Disclosures.Susan J. Hekman (ed.) - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Susan Hekman believes we are witnessing an intellectual sea change. The main features of this change are found in dichotomies between language and reality, discourse and materiality. Hekman proposes that it is possible to find a more intimate connection between these pairs, one that does not privilege one over the other. By grounding her work in feminist thought and employing analytic philosophy, scientific theory, and linguistic theory, Hekman shows how language and reality can be understood as an indissoluble unit. (...)
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  4. Manifesto of a Passionate Moderate: Unfashionable Essays.Susan Haack - 1998 - University of Chicago Press.
    Forthright and wryly humorous, philosopher Susan Haack deploys her penetrating analytic skills on some of the most highly charged cultural and social debates of recent years. Relativism, multiculturalism, feminism, affirmative action, pragmatisms old and new, science, literature, the future of the academy and of philosophy itself—all come under her keen scrutiny in _Manifesto of a Passionate Moderate_. "The virtue of Haack's book, and I mean _virtue_ in the ethical sense, is that it embodies the attitude that it exalts... Haack's (...)
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    Situation selection is a particularly effective emotion regulation strategy for people who need help regulating their emotions.Thomas L. Webb, Kristen A. Lindquist, Katelyn Jones, Aya Avishai & Paschal Sheeran - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (2):231-248.
    Situation selection involves choosing situations based on their likely emotional impact and may be less cognitively taxing or challenging to implement compared to other strategies for regulating emotion, which require people to regulate their emotions “in the moment”; we thus predicted that individuals who chronically experience intense emotions or who are not particularly competent at employing other emotion regulation strategies would be especially likely to benefit from situation selection. Consistent with this idea, we found that the use of situation selection (...)
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    Twilight Zones: The Hidden Life of Cultural Images From Plato to O.J.Susan Bordo - 1997 - University of California Press.
    Considering everything from Nike ads, emaciated models, and surgically altered breasts to the culture wars and the O.J. Simpson trial, Susan Bordo deciphers the hidden life of cultural images and the impact they have on our lives. She builds on the provocative themes introduced in her acclaimed work _Unbearable Weight_—which explores the social and political underpinnings of women's obsession with bodily image—to offer a singularly readable and perceptive interpretation of our image-saturated culture. As it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish (...)
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    Evolving trends in nurse regulation: what are the policy impacts for nursing's social mandate?Susan Duncan, Sally Thorne & Patricia Rodney - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (1):27-38.
    We recognize a paradox of power and promise in the context of legislative and organizational changes in nurse regulation which poses constraints on nursing's capacity to bring voice and influence to pressing matters of healthcare and public policy. The profession is at an important crossroads wherein leaders must be well informed in political, economic and legislative trends to harness the profession's power while also navigating forces that may put at risk its central mission to serve society. We present a critical (...)
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    Expression and Interpretation in Language.Susan Petrilli & Vincent Colapietro - 2012 - Transaction.
    This book features the full scope of Susan Petrilli's important work on signs, language, communication, and of meaning, interpretation, and understanding. Although readers are likely familiar with otherness, interpretation, identity, embodiment, ecological crisis, and ethical responsibility for the biosphere—Petrilli forges new paths where other theorists have not tread. This work of remarkable depth takes up intensely debated topics, exhibiting in their treatment of them what Petrilli admires—creativity and imagination. Petrilli presents a careful integration of divergent thinkers and diverse perspectives. (...)
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    Listening to People: Using Social Psychology to Spotlight an Overlooked Virtue.Susan E. Notess - 2019 - Philosophy 94 (4):621-643.
    I offer a novel interdisciplinary approach to understanding the communicative task of listening, which is under-theorised compared to its more conspicuous counterpart, speech. By correlating a Rylean view of mental actions with a virtue ethical framework, I show listeners’ internal activity as a morally relevant feature of how they treat people. The listener employs a policy of responsiveness in managing the extent to which they allow a speaker's voice to be centred within their more effortful, engaged attention. A just listener's (...)
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  10.  22
    Scaling up: Human genetics as a Cold War network.Susan Lindee - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 47:185-190.
  11. Whistleblowing and Organizational Ethics.Susan L. Ray - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (4):438-445.
    The purpose of this article is to discuss an external whistleblowing event that occurred after all internal whistleblowing through the hierarchy of the organization had failed. It is argued that an organization that does not support those that whistle blow because of violation of professional standards is indicative of a failure of organizational ethics. Several ways to build an ethics infrastructure that could reduce the need to resort to external whistleblowing are discussed. A relational ethics approach is presented as a (...)
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  12.  63
    Antiquity’s Missive to Transhumanism.Susan B. Levin - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (3):278-303.
    To reassure those concerned about wholesale discontinuity between human existence and posthumanity, transhumanists assert shared ground with antiquity on vital challenges and aspirations. Because their claims reflect key misconceptions, there is no shared vision for transhumanists to invoke. Having exposed their misuses of Prometheus, Plato, and Aristotle, I show that not only do transhumanists and antiquity crucially diverge on our relation to ideals, contrast-dependent aspiration, and worthy endeavors but that illumining this divide exposes central weaknesses in transhumanist argumentation. What is (...)
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  13.  17
    Holding On and Pushing Away: Comparative Perspectives on an Eastern Kentucky Child‐Rearing Practice.Susan Abbott - 1992 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 20 (1):33-65.
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    Feminism.Susan Moller Okin & Jane J. Mansbridge - 1994 - Edward Elgar Publishing.
    This two-volume set focuses on issues in contemporary feminist debate, including: the critique of mainstream political theories, the feminist reconstruction of political concepts, the impact of the different voice ethic of care on moral theory, and the equality/difference debate.
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    Upgrading Discussions of Cognitive Enhancement.Susan B. Levin - 2016 - Neuroethics 9 (1):53-67.
    Advocates of cognitive enhancement maintain that technological advances would augment autonomy indirectly by expanding the range of options available to individuals, while, in a recent article in this journal, Schaefer, Kahane, and Savulescu propose that cognitive enhancement would improve it more directly. Here, autonomy, construed in broad procedural terms, is at the fore. In contrast, when lauding the goodness of enhancement expressly, supporters’ line of argument is utilitarian, of an ideal variety. An inherent conflict results, for, within their utilitarian frame, (...)
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  16. Perspectives on Imitation: From Mirror Neurons to Memes, Vol II.Susan Hurley & Nick Chater (eds.) - 2005 - MIT Press.
  17.  23
    Impact of emotional intelligence and personality traits on managing team performance in virtual interface.Susan Murmu & Netra Neelam - 2022 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 11 (1):33-53.
    This research paper explores the implications of emotional intelligence and the Big Five personality model on virtual team effectiveness. It illustrates how emotional intelligence and Big Five personality traits help team members better understand interpersonal relationships and develop constructive virtual teams. The widespread use of virtual team meetings for collaborative work over in-person interaction with diverse personalities creates discord and trust among team members, limiting overall productivity. A quantitative analysis approach is used, with hypotheses tested and a series of multiple (...)
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  18.  49
    Different Voices, Still Lives: Problems in the Ethics of Care.Susan Mendus - 1993 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 10 (1):17-27.
    ABSTRACT Recent writings in feminist ethics have urged that the activity of caring is more central to women's lives than are considerations of justice and equality. This paper argues that an ethics of care, so understood, is difficult to extend beyond the local and familiar, and is therefore of limited use in addressing the political problems of the modern world. However, the ethics of care does contain an important insight: if references to care are understood not as claims about women's (...)
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    The moral permissibility of killing a 'material aggressor' in self-defense.Susan Levine - 1984 - Philosophical Studies 45 (1):69 - 78.
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    Banaras: City of Light.Susan Oleksiw & Diana L. Eck - 1984 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 104 (3):600.
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  21. Amos 5:18–24.Susan Ackerman - 2003 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 57 (2):190-193.
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    Identity, ethics, and nonviolence in postcolonial theory: a Rahnerian theological assessment.Susan Abraham - 2007 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this book, Abraham argues that a theological imagination can expand the contours of postcolonial theory through a reexamination of notions of subjectivity, gender, and violence in a dialogical model with Karl Rahner. She raises the question of whether postcolonial theory, with its disavowal of religious agency, can provide an invigorating occasion for Catholic theology.
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    Letters-to-the-Editor.Susan Douglas Franzosa - 1992 - Educational Studies 23 (3):416-417.
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    Frankenstein's Footsteps: Science, Genetics, and Popular Culture. Jon Turney.Susan Lederer - 1999 - Isis 90 (2):375-376.
  25.  40
    Libellus de re herbaria novus . William Turner, Mats Ryden, Hans Helander, Kerstin Olsson.Susan Mcmahon - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):164-165.
  26.  41
    A Social History of the Minor Tranquilizers: The Quest for Small Comfort in the Age of Anxiety. Mickey C. Smith.Susan Speaker - 2000 - Isis 91 (4):826-827.
  27.  57
    (1 other version)Private Selves, Public Identities: Reconsidering Identity Politics.Susan J. Hekman - 2004 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In an age when "we are all multiculturalists now," as Nathan Glazer has said, the politics of identity has come to pose new challenges to our liberal polity and the presuppositions on which it is founded. Just what identity means, and what its role in the public sphere is, are questions that are being hotly debated. In this book Susan Hekman aims to bring greater theoretical clarity to the debate by exposing some basic misconceptions—about the constitution of the self (...)
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    A historical analysis of electric currents in textbooks: A century of influence on physics education.Susan M. Stocklmayer & David F. Treagust - 1994 - Science & Education 3 (2):131-154.
  29.  18
    Kinship in Bengali Culture.Susan Lewandowski, Ronald B. Inden & Ralph W. Nicholas - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):543.
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  30. Clinical ethics and systems thinking.Susan K. MacRae, Ellen Fox & Anne Slowther - 2008 - In Peter A. Singer & A. M. Viens, The Cambridge textbook of bioethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 313.
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    Wittgenstein on practice and the myth of the giving.Susan Hurley - 1998 - In Susan L. Hurley, Consciousness in Action. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
    This is the text of The Lindley Lecture for 1995, given by Susan Hurley (1954-2007), an American philosopher.
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    Dividends and Directors: Do Outsiders Reduce Agency Costs?Susan Belden, Todd Fister & Bob Knapp - 2005 - Business and Society Review 110 (2):171-180.
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  33.  11
    Money for Change: Social Movement Philanthropy at the Haymarket People's Fund.Susan Ostrander - 1995 - Temple University Press.
    Charitable foundations are being called upon to operate in more pen and democratic ways and to involve a more diverse constituency. This unprecedented study details the inner workings of a democratically organized philanthropy, where funding decisions are made by community activists. Susan A. Ostrander spent two years doing intensive field research at the Haymarket People's Fund -- a small, Boston-based foundation. Based on a philosophy of raising and giving away money called "Change, Not Charity," the Fund makes grants to (...)
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    Facing Disability with Resources from Aristotle and Nietzsche.Susan S. Stocker - 2002 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 5 (2):137-146.
    Suddenly unable to walk, I found resources for facing disability in the works of Aristotle and Nietzsche, even though their respective ethical schemes are incommensurable. Implementing Amélie Rorty's notion of crop rotation, I show how each scheme offers the patient something quite indispensable, having to do with how each has its own judgmentally-motivated psychological underpinnings. Aristotle's notion of empathy, wherein the moral move occurs whenever we take up someone else's good as our own, is empowering, especially to those who face (...)
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  35.  50
    Mill and Edwards on the Higher Pleasures.Susan L. Feagin - 1983 - Philosophy 58 (224):244 - 252.
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  36.  9
    Intersubjective openings: Rethinking feminist psychoanalytics of desire beyond heteronormative ambivalence.Susan Driver - 2005 - Feminist Theory 6 (1):5-24.
    This essay explores notions of maternal desire within feminist psychoanalysis with an interest in challenging heteronormative frameworks of analysis. Providing close critical readings of texts by Jessica Benjamin, Julia Kristeva, Kaja Silverman and Hortense Spillers, I trace conceptual openings through which to interpret maternal sexuality as a mobile process of intersubjectivity that is grounded in changing historical relations of experience. I argue that Spillers’ approach transforms a critical process of reading desire away from the insularities and exclusions of conventional psychoanalytic (...)
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    Language of Thought: A Case Study of the Evolution and Development of Representational Resources.Susan Carey - 2001 - In João Branquinho, The Foundations of Cognitive Science. Oxford University Press UK. pp. 23.
  38.  10
    Music as a Symbol of Cultural Resilience, Resistance, and Change: Reconstructions of Gendered Meanings in Revival of the Anzad, A One-Stringed Bowed Lute, in Tuareg Society.Susan Rasmussen - 2018 - Semiotics 2018:115-129.
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    Toward a Poetics of Aging.Susan Rasmussen - 1990 - Semiotics:383-391.
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    Waiting Room.Susan Rawlins - 1984 - Feminist Studies 10 (1):115.
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    Goethe and the Weimar Theatre.Susan Roberts & Marvin Carlson - 1979 - Substance 8 (2/3):199.
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    Literary Societies of Republican China.Xiaomei Chen, Susan Daruvala, Yi-tsi Mei Feuerwerker, Charles A. Laughlin, Mark Miller, Xiaobing Tang, Lawrence Wang-chi Wong, Shengqing Wu & Xueqing Xu (eds.) - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Denton and Hockx present thirteen essays treating a variety of literary organizations from China's Republican era . Interdisciplinary in approach, the essays are primarily concerned with describing and analyzing the social and cultural complexity of literary groupings and the role of these social formations in literary production of the period.
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    One Kind of Speech Act: How Do We Know When We ’re Conversing?‘.Susan Kay Donaldson - 1979 - Semiotica 28 (3-4).
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    Die Bauornamentik von Resafa-Sergiupolis: Studien zur spätaniken Architektur und Bauausstattung in Syrien und Normesopotamien (Resafa 6)Die Bauornamentik von Resafa-Sergiupolis: Studien zur spataniken Architektur und Bauausstattung in Syrien und Normesopotamien.Susan B. Downey & Gunnar Brands - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (1):157.
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    Contents.Susan Dunn - 2002 - In Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract and the First and Second Discourses. Yale University Press.
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    Frontmatter.Susan Dunn - 2002 - In Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract and the First and Second Discourses. Yale University Press.
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    Rousseau, Cultural Critic.Susan Dunn - 2002 - In Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract and the First and Second Discourses. Yale University Press. pp. 257-318.
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    Unfit for the Future: The Need for Moral Enhancement.Susan Neiman - 2016 - Common Knowledge 22 (2):308-308.
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  49.  8
    The Semi-transparent Envelope: Women Writing--feminism and Fiction.Sue Roe, Susan Sellers, Nicole Ward Jouve & Michèle Roberts - 1994 - Marion Boyars Publishers.
    Three acclaimed literary critics ask: Do women construct and write fiction differently from men? They explore theoretical aspects of the feminist agenda as well as analyze their own creative procedures. Sue Roe, Susan Sellers, Nicole Ward Jouve.
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    Philosophy and fiction.Susan L. Anderson - 1992 - Metaphilosophy 23 (3):203-213.
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