Results for 'Susan Lang'

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  1. Vulnerability in Research Ethics: a Way Forward.Margaret Meek Lange, Wendy Rogers & Susan Dodds - 2013 - Bioethics 27 (6):333-340.
    Several foundational documents of bioethics mention the special obligation researchers have to vulnerable research participants. However, the treatment of vulnerability offered by these documents often relies on enumeration of vulnerable groups rather than an analysis of the features that make such groups vulnerable. Recent attempts in the scholarly literature to lend philosophical weight to the concept of vulnerability are offered by Luna and Hurst. Luna suggests that vulnerability is irreducibly contextual and that Institutional Review Boards (Research Ethics Committees) can only (...)
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    Converging (or Colliding) Traditions: Integrating Hypertext into Literary Studies.Susan Lang - 1997 - In Philip G. Cohen, Texts and textuality: textual instability, theory, and interpretation. New York: Garland. pp. 1891--291.
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    Past, Present, and Future Research on Teacher Induction: An Anthology for Researchers, Policy Makers, and Practitioners.Betty Achinstein, Krista Adams, Steven Z. Athanases, EunJin Bang, Martha Bleeker, Cynthia L. Carver, Yu-Ming Cheng, Renée T. Clift, Nancy Clouse, Kristen A. Corbell, Sarah Dolfin, Sharon Feiman-Nemser, Maida Finch, Jonah Firestone, Steven Glazerman, MariaAssunção Flores, Susan Hanson, Lara Hebert, Richard Holdgreve-Resendez, Erin T. Horne, Leslie Huling, Eric Isenberg, Amy Johnson, Richard Lange, Julie A. Luft, Pearl Mack, Julia Moore, Jennifer Neakrase, Lynn W. Paine, Edward G. Pultorak, Hong Qian, Alan J. Reiman, Virginia Resta, John R. Schwille, Sharon A. Schwille, Thomas M. Smith, Randi Stanulis, Michael Strong, Dina Walker-DeVose, Ann L. Wood & Peter Youngs - 2010 - R&L Education.
    This book's importance is derived from three sources: careful conceptualization of teacher induction from historical, methodological, and international perspectives; systematic reviews of research literature relevant to various aspects of teacher induction including its social, cultural, and political contexts, program components and forms, and the range of its effects; substantial empirical studies on the important issues of teacher induction with different kinds of methodologies that exemplify future directions and approaches to the research in teacher induction.
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    How Interesting is the “Boring Problem” for Luck Egalitarianism?Gerald Lang - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 91 (3):698-722.
    Imagine a two-person distributive case in which Ernest's choices yield X and Bertie's choices yield X + Y, producing an income gap between them of Y. Neither Ernest nor Bertie is responsible for this gap of Y, since neither of them has any control over what the other agent chooses. This is what Susan Hurley calls the “Boring Problem” for luck egalitarianism. Contrary to Hurley's relatively dismissive treatment of it, it is contended that the Boring Problem poses a deep (...)
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    Grundlagen, Rahmen, Linsen: Die Rolle von Theorien in der Bioethik.Susan Sherwin - 2021 - In Nikola Biller-Andorno, Settimio Monteverde, Tanja Krones & Tobias Eichinger, Medizinethik. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 31-39.
    Susan Sherwin ist eine kanadische Philosophin und Wegbereiterin der feministischen Ethik. Bis zu ihrer Emeritierung war sie lange Zeit Professorin an der Dalhousie University in Halifax, Kanada. In ihrem Text „Foundations, Frameworks, Lenses: The Role of Theories in Bioethics“ von 1999 plädiert sie für eine kritische Reflexion gängiger Metaphern in der Bioethik.
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    Sympathy in Mind (1876–1900).Susan Lanzoni - 2009 - Journal of the History of Ideas 70 (2):265-287.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sympathy in Mind (1876–1900)Susan LanzoniIn the April 1884 issue of Mind, William James published his influential account of emotion, which stressed the bodily and physiological constitution of various feeling-states.1 The article reflected new trends in physiological psychology, but came under attack by numerous respondents in the journal who argued that there was more to the emotions than physiology.2 As the evolutionary psychologist Hiram Stanley intoned, "emotions in the (...)
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    (1 other version)Horst H. Freyhofer. The Nuremberg Medical Trial: The Holocaust and the Origin of the Nuremberg Medical Code. viii + 209 pp., illus., index. New York: Peter Lang, 2004. $35.95 .Paul Julian Weindling. Nazi Medicine and the Nuremberg Trials: From Medical War Crimes to Informed Consent. xii + 482 pp., illus., index. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. $80. [REVIEW]Susan E. Lederer - 2007 - Isis 98 (2):424-425.
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    Rubens, Corsets and Taxonomies: A Response to Meek Lange, Rogers and Dodds.Florencia Luna - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (6):448-450.
    This short article is a commentary to ‘Vulnerability in Research Ethics: A way forward’ from Margaret Meek Lange, Wendy Rogers and Susan Dodds. In their article they describe and accept my criticisms of the subpopulation approach to vulnerability and my analysis of vulnerability based on layers, but they suggest going beyond it using a taxonomy to classify layers of vulnerabilty. I argue that a) we do not need a taxonomy to classify vulnerabilities, b) the authors do not provide an (...)
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    Values and planning: The argument from renaissance utopianism.Roger Paden - 2001 - Ethics, Place and Environment 4 (1):5 – 30.
    This paper seeks to discover if urban planning has any 'internal values' which might help guide its practitioners and provide standards with which to judge their works, thereby providing for some disciplinary autonomy. After arguing that such values can best be discovered through an examination of the history of utopian urban planning, I examine one period in that history, the early Renaissance and, in particular, the work of Leon Battista Alberti. Against Susan Lang's thesis that Alberti's work was (...)
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    Why trust science?Naomi Oreskes - 2019 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    Are doctors right when they tell us vaccines are safe? Should we take climate experts at their word when they warn us about the perils of global warming? Why should we trust science when so many of our political leaders don't? Naomi Oreskes offers a bold and compelling defense of science, revealing why the social character of scientific knowledge is its greatest strength--and the greatest reason we can trust it. Tracing the history and philosophy of science from the late nineteenth (...)
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    Emotion, attention, and the startle reflex.Peter J. Lang, Margaret M. Bradley & Bruce N. Cuthbert - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (3):377-395.
  12. What Follows from Defensive Non-Liaibility?Gerald Lang - 2017 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 117 (3):231-252.
    Theories of self-defence tend to invest heavily in ‘liability justifications’: if the Attacker is liable to have defensive violence deployed against him by the Defender, then he will not be wronged by such violence, and selfdefence becomes, as a result, morally unproblematic. This paper contends that liability justifications are overrated. The deeper contribution to an explanation of why defensive permissions exist is made by the Defender’s non-liability. Drawing on both canonical cases of self-defence, featuring Culpable Attackers, and more penumbral cases (...)
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  13. Numbers scepticism, equal chances and pluralism.Gerald Lang & Rob Lawlor - 2016 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 15 (3):298-315.
    The ‘standard interpretation’ of John Taurek’s argument in ‘Should the Numbers Count?’ imputes two theses to him: first, ‘numbers scepticism’, or scepticism about the moral force of an appeal to the mere number of individuals saved in conflict cases; and second, the ‘equal greatest chances’ principle of rescue, which requires that every individual has an equal chance of being rescued. The standard interpretation is criticized here on a number of grounds. First, whilst Taurek clearly believes that equal chances are all-important, (...)
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    Forgiveness.Berel Lang - 1994 - American Philosophical Quarterly 31 (2):105 - 117.
  15. Invigilating Republican Liberty.Gerald Lang - 2012 - Philosophical Quarterly 62 (247):273-293.
    Republican liberty, as recently defended by Philip Pettit and Quentin Skinner, characterises liberty in terms of the absence of domination, instead of, or in addition to, the absence of interference, as favoured by Berlin-style negative liberty. This article considers several claims made on behalf of republican liberty, particularly in Pettit's and Skinner's recent writings, and finds them wanting. No relevant moral or political concern expressed by republicans, it will be contended here, fails to be accommodated by negative liberty.
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    It Takes Two to Tango: Development, Validation, and Personality Correlates of the Acceptance of Sugar Relationships in Older Men and Women Scale.András Láng, Béla Birkás, András N. Zsidó, Dóra Ipolyi & Norbert Meskó - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Sugar relationships can be considered contemporary forms of transactional sex, that is, offering sexual services for material resources or other benefits. Considering the common age differences in these relationships, sugar relationships might be of relevance for older adults as well on the mating market. As a sequel to Birkás et al., in the present study, an attitude scale was developed to assess older women’s and men’s acceptance of sugar relationships. We also explored whether the acceptance of sugar relationships was associated (...)
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    The Order of Nature in Aristotle’s Physics: Place and the Elements.Helen S. Lang - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This 1999 book demonstrates a method for reading the texts of Aristotle by revealing a continuous line of argument running from the Physics to De Caelo. The author analyses a group of arguments that are almost always treated in isolation from one another, and reveals their elegance and coherence. She concludes by asking why these arguments remain interesting even though we now believe they are absolutely wrong and have been replaced by better ones. The book establishes the case that we (...)
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    (1 other version)Legitimacy in International Society Ian Clark,Legitimacy in International Society.Anthony F. Lang - 2006 - Politics and Ethics Review 2 (1):93-95.
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    Healing Society: Medical Language in American Eugenics.Debora Kamrat-Lang - 1995 - Science in Context 8 (1):175-196.
    The ArgumentAmerican eugenics developed out of a cultural tradition independent of medicine. However, the eugenicist Harry Hamilton Laughlin and some legal experts involved in eugenic practice in the United States used medical language in discussing and evaluating enforced eugenic sterilizations. They built on medicine as a model for healing, while at the same time playing down medicine's concern with its traditional client: the individual patient. Laughlin's attitude toward medicine was ambivalent because he wanted expert eugenicists, rather than medical experts, to (...)
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    A reply to watts and blackstock.Peter J. Lang - 1987 - Cognition and Emotion 1 (4):407-426.
  21. The Rule‐Following Considerations and Metaethics: Some False Moves.Gerald Lang - 2001 - European Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):190–209.
    In a series of influential papers, John McDowell has argued that the rule‐following considerations explored in Wittgenstein’s later work provide support for a particularist form of moral objectivity. The article distinguishes three such arguments in McDowell’s writings, labelled the Anthropocentricism Argument, the Shapelessness Argument, and the Anti‐Humean Argument, respectively, and the author disputes the effectiveness of each of them. As far as these metaethical debates are concerned, the article concludes that the rule‐following considerations leave everything in their place.
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  22. Style.B. Lang - 1998 - In Michael Kelly, Encyclopedia of aesthetics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 4--318.
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    (1 other version)Why Do Chemists Perform Experiments?Peter Lang & Joachim Schummer - unknown
    Nowadays it is well known among historians of science that Francis Bacon, one of the modern defender of the experimental method, owed much of his thoughts to the chemical or alchemical tradition (cf. e.g., Gregory 1938, West 1961, Linden 1974, and Rees 1977). In fact, alchemy, particularly in the Arabic tradition, was always based on laboratory investigations by carefully examining the results of controlled manipulation of materials.1 It is also well known that Francis Bacon’s appeal to the experimental method was (...)
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    The Ranking of the Goods at Philebus 66a-67b.P. M. Lang - 2010 - Phronesis 55 (2):153-169.
    At the very end of Plato's Philebus Socrates and Protarchus place the goods of a human life in a hierarchy (66a-67b). Previous interpretations of this passage have concentrated upon its relevance to the good human life, including the allowance of (true and pure) pleasures. This view picks up Plato's metaphor of a mixture of reason and pleasure, but the ranking of the goods is emphatically a vertical stratification and not a mixture in which all elements are equally fundamental. In this (...)
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    Looking for the Styleme.Berel Lang - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 9 (2):405-413.
    Nature did not equip any of its creatures with wheels, but that means of locomotion was discovered anyway; an even swifter vehicle for the mind has been found in the atom—that irreducible unit which by virtue of its ubiquity provides reason with immediate access to alien objects, naturalizes nature, and urges an essential likeness beneath appearances so diverse that only an improbable imagination would even have placed them in a single world. The goal of atomism is to find one entity, (...)
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    Reasoning under inconsistency: A forgetting-based approach.Jérôme Lang & Pierre Marquis - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (12-13):799-823.
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    Music As a Sacred Cue? Effects of Religious Music on Moral Behavior.Martin Lang, Panagiotis Mitkidis, Radek Kundt, Aaron Nichols, Lenka Krajčíková & Dimitris Xygalatas - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:175848.
    Religion can have an important influence in moral decision-making, and religious reminders may deter people from unethical behavior. Previous research indicated that religious contexts may increase prosocial behavior and reduce cheating. However, the perceptual-behavioral link between religious contexts and decision-making lacks thorough scientific understanding. This study adds to the current literature by testing the effects of purely audial religious symbols (instrumental music) on moral behavior across three different sites: Mauritius, the Czech Republic, and the USA. Participants were exposed to one (...)
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    What’s in the Box?: Uncertain Accountability of Machine Learning Applications in Healthcare.Ma'N. Zawati & Michael Lang - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (11):37-40.
    Machine learning is an increasingly significant part of modern healthcare, transforming the way clinical decisions are made and health resources are managed. These developme...
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  29. Luck Egalitarianism, Permissible Inequalities, and Moral Hazard.Gerald Lang - 2009 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 6 (3):317-338.
    In this article, I appeal to the phenomenon of moral hazard in order to explain how at least some of the inequalities permitted by Luck Egalitarianism can be given an alternative, more plausible grounding than that which is supplied by Luck Egalitarianism. This alternative grounding robs Luck Egalitarianism of a potentially significant source of intuitive support whilst enabling conditional welfare policies to survive the attacks on them made by Elizabeth Anderson, Jonathan Wolff, and others.
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    Perceived childhood emotional parentification is associated with Machiavellianism in men but not in women.András Láng - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (1):136-140.
    Recent research has revealed several developmental aspects of Machiavellianism. In this study, we explored the potential relationship between perceived parentification in the family of origin and Machiavellianism in adulthood. Three hundred and ninety five Hungarian adults completed self-report measures of parentification and Machiavellianism. Results showed that emotional parentification and children’s unacknowledged efforts to contribute to the well-being of their families were associated with Machiavellianism - but only in men. Machiavellian tactics and worldview are proposed as possible coping mechanisms with the (...)
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    Knowledge-based programs as succinct policies for partially observable domains.Bruno Zanuttini, Jérôme Lang, Abdallah Saffidine & François Schwarzentruber - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 288 (C):103365.
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    Reconciliation.Berel Lang - 2009 - The Monist 92 (4):604-619.
  33. In Defense of Batman: Reply to Bradley.Gerald Lang & Rob Lawlor - 2013 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (3):1-7.
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    Are human beings part of the rest of nature?Christopher Lang, Elliott Sober & Karen Strier - 2002 - Biology and Philosophy 17 (5):661-671.
    Unified explanations seek to situate the traits of human beings in a causal framework that also explains the trait values found in nonhuman species. Disunified explanations claim that the traits of human beings are due to causal processes not at work in the rest of nature. This paper outlines a methodology for testing hypotheses of these two types. Implications are drawn concerning evolutionary psychology, adaptationism, and anti-adaptationism.
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    Aristotle's Physics and its Medieval Varieties.Helen S. Lang - 1992 - State University of New York Press.
    An unaltered reprint of the K. Paul, French and Co. edition of 1882, translated, introduced and annotated by W. Ogle.
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  36. Rawlsian Incentives and the Freedom Objection.Gerald Lang - 2016 - Journal of Social Philosophy 47 (2):231-249.
    One Rawlsian response to G. A. Cohen’s criticisms of justice as fairness which Cohen canvasses, and then dismisses, is the 'Freedom Objection'. It comes in two versions. The 'First Version' asserts that there is an unresolved trilemma among the three principles of equality, Pareto-optimality, and freedom of occupational choice, while the 'Second Version' imputes to Rawls’s theory a concern to protect occupational freedom over equality of condition. This article is mainly concerned with advancing three claims. First, the 'ethical solution' Cohen (...)
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    Civil disobedience and nonviolence: A distinction with a difference.Berel Lang - 1970 - Ethics 80 (2):156-159.
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    Introduction.Philippa Lang - 2004 - Apeiron 37 (4):1-8.
  39. The style of method: Repression and representation in the genealogy of philosophy.Berel Lang - 1995 - In Caroline Eck, James McAllister & Renée van de Vall, The Question of Style in Philosophy and the Arts. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 18--36.
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    A Methodological Objection to a Phenomenological Justification of the Ubiquity of Inner Awareness.Stefan Lang - 2021 - ProtoSociology 38:59-73.
    In recent years, interest in pre-reflective self-consciousness has increased significantly. One of the central points of inquiry is whether pre-reflective self-consciousness ubiquitously accompanies phenomenal consciousness. This paper explores a phenomenological justification for the thesis that pre-reflective self-consciousness ubiquitously accompanies phenomenal consciousness. Allegedly, the ubiquity of pre-reflective self-consciousness can be proved on the basis of phenomenological description. The aim of this paper is to develop a new objection against this justification of the ubiquity thesis.
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    Act and Idea in the Nazi Genocide.Berel Lang - 1990 - University of Chicago Press.
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    Discrimination, partial concern, and arbitrariness.Gerald Lang - 2012 - In Ulrike Heuer & Gerald Lang, Luck, Value, and Commitment: Themes from the Ethics of Bernard Williams. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 293.
  43. 1987.B. Lang - 1979 - In Leonard B. Meyer & Berel Lang, The Concept of style. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
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    Anxiety and fear.Peter J. Lang, Gregory A. Miller & Daniel N. Levin - 1983 - In Richard J. Davidson, Gary E. Schwartz & D. H. Shapiro, Consciousness and Self-Regulation. Plenum. pp. 123--151.
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    Commentary on Konstan.Helen Lang - 1987 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 3 (1):33-43.
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    (1 other version)Des cordonniers mal chaussés ou les informaticiens face au libre accès.Bernard Lang - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 57 (2):81.
    Les informaticiens, qui sont les premiers à avoir travaillé à la conception du libre accès, ne s’en sont pas nécessairement saisis pour leurs propres pratiques de publication scientifique, privilégiant longtemps les échanges interindividuels. La question de l’accès ouvert se pose pour leurs productions de manière différente selon qu’il s’agit de conception de logiciels ou de publication de texte, de recherche industrielle ou publique, de secteurs brevetables, de données ouvertes ou non.Computer scientists, who were the first to work on open access (...)
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    Mind's Bodies: Thought in the Act.Berel Lang - 1995 - State University of New York Press.
    Subverting the boundaries between philosophy and literature, this book addresses such topics as aesthetics, criticism, epistemology, and ethics and social theory.
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    Reason in Context.Andrew M. Lang - 2009 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 83:279-292.
    The principles whereby the reason operates in ethically complicated situations has been subject to long-standing debates in Catholic Philosophy. A classic text which exemplifies this is Aquinas’s consideration of self-defensive killing. In this paper I clarify two central issues in double-effect reasoning debates surrounding this text. Both issues are connected to the seemingly simple but actually complex task of accounting for the “chosen means” of self-defense. The first issue is whether the “chosen means” are also able to be considered a (...)
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  49. Why Not Forfeiture?Gerald Lang - 2014 - In Helen Frowe and Gerald Lang, How We Fight: Ethics in War. Oxford University Press. pp. 38-61.
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  50. Consequentialism, cluelessness, and indifference.Gerald Lang - 2008 - Journal of Value Inquiry 42 (4):477-485.
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