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Roger Paden [119]Roger Kenneth Paden [1]Roger K. Paden [1]
  1. Philosophy and Geography Iii: Philosophies of Place.Philip Brey, Lee Caragata, James Dickinson, David Glidden, Sara Gottlieb, Bruce Hannon, Ian Howard, Jeff Malpas, Katya Mandoki, Jonathan Maskit, Bryan G. Norton, Roger Paden, David Roberts, Holmes Rolston Iii, Izhak Schnell, Jonathon M. Smith, David Wasserman & Mick Womersley (eds.) - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    A growing literature testifies to the persistence of place as an incorrigible aspect of human experience, identity, and morality. Place is a common ground for thought and action, a community of experienced particulars that avoids solipsism and universalism. It draws us into the philosophy of the ordinary, into familiarity as a form of knowledge, into the wisdom of proximity. Each of these essays offers a philosophy of place, and reminds us that such philosophies ultimately decide how we make, use, and (...)
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  2.  79
    Rawls’s Just Savings Principle and the Sense of Justice.Roger Paden - 1997 - Social Theory and Practice 23 (1):27-51.
  3.  44
    A Defense of the Picturesque.Roger Paden - 2013 - Environmental Philosophy 10 (2):1-21.
    The eighteenth century notion of the “picturesque” has been misunderstood by many contemporary environmental aestheticians. This has contributed both to amisunderstanding of the history of environmental aesthetics and, within the discipline, to a misunderstanding of English garden design. This essay contains a discussion of the term as it appears in environmental aesthetics literature and an examination of the history of the term as used in eighteenth-century garden design literature. This history is used to contest the account of the term as (...)
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  4.  96
    Defining Philosophical Counseling.Roger Paden - 1998 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 12 (1):1-17.
    According to Kuhn a new scientific discipline comes into existence when a group of scientists adopt a common paradigm within which to conduct research. The adoption of this paradigm senes to focus the attention of the group’s members on a common explanatory task-at-hand and leads them to adopt similar methods and aims, thus making possible the standard puzzle solving activities that allow normal science to advance rapidly. However, Kuhn argues, in pre-paradigm periods and during revolutionary phases, scientists do not engage (...)
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  5.  66
    Picturesque Landscape Painting and Environmental Aesthetics.Roger Paden - 2015 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 49 (2):39-61.
    Many environmental aestheticians—most prominently, Allen Carlson—have drawn a distinction between “arts-based” and “nature-based” approaches to the aesthetics of nature and have argued that the widespread practice of using arts-based theories and categories to understand the aesthetics of nature is a mistake. This practice, they argue, should be rejected and replaced by a practice in which an aesthetics of nature based on a clear, scientifically grounded understanding of the environment is used to appraise nature. In this paper, I will challenge important (...)
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  6. The Natural History of Student Relativism.Roger Paden - 1994 - Journal of Thought 29 (2):47-59.
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  7.  58
    The Student Relativist as Philosopher.Roger Paden - 1987 - Teaching Philosophy 10 (2):97-101.
  8.  50
    The two professions of hippodamus of miletus.Roger Paden - 2001 - Philosophy and Geography 4 (1):25 – 48.
    According to Aristotle, both urban planning and political philosophy originated in the work of one man, Hippodamus of Miletus. If Aristotle is right, then the study of Hippodamus's work should help us understand their history as interrelated fields. Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine with any degree of precision exactly what Hippodamus's contributions were to these two fields when the two fields are studied separately. In urban planning, Hippodamus was traditionally credited with having invented the ''grid pattern'' in which straight (...)
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  9.  22
    Philosophy and Geography I: Space, Place, and Environmental Ethics.Andrew Light, Jonathan M. Smith, Annie L. Booth, Robert Burch, John Clark, Anthony M. Clayton, Matthew Gandy, Eric Katz, Roger King, Roger Paden, Clive L. Spash, Eliza Steelwater, Zev Trachtenberg & James L. Wescoat (eds.) - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The inaugural collection in an exciting new exchange between philosophers and geographers, this volume provides interdisciplinary approaches to the environment as space, place, and idea. Never before have philosophers and geographers approached each other's subjects in such a strong spirit of mutual understanding. The result is a concrete exploration of the human-nature relationship that embraces strong normative approaches to environmental problems.
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  10. On the Use and Abuse of Historical Monuments for Life: Nietzsche And Confederate Monuments.Roger Paden - 2019 - Architecture Philosophy 4 (1).
    The practice of preserving various parts of urban landscapes for historical purposes raises a variety of normative, metaphysical, and conceptual questions that invite philosophical analysis. The normative questions are particularly interesting. Why should we preserve historical sites? What sites are worth preserving? How should they be preserved and interpreted?1 In this essay, I apply Nietzsche’s theories of history and culture as found in the first two Untimely Meditations to provide a fresh critical framework to some normative questions raised by a (...)
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  11.  46
    Deconstructing Speciesism.Roger Paden - 1992 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 7 (1):55-64.
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  12.  73
    Foucault's anti-humanism.Roger Paden - 1987 - Human Studies 10 (1):123 - 141.
  13.  63
    Values and planning: The argument from renaissance utopianism.Roger Paden - 2001 - Ethics, Place and Environment 4 (1):5 – 30.
    This paper seeks to discover if urban planning has any 'internal values' which might help guide its practitioners and provide standards with which to judge their works, thereby providing for some disciplinary autonomy. After arguing that such values can best be discovered through an examination of the history of utopian urban planning, I examine one period in that history, the early Renaissance and, in particular, the work of Leon Battista Alberti. Against Susan Lang's thesis that Alberti's work was guided by (...)
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  14.  12
    Mysticism and Architecture: Wittgenstein and the Meanings of the Palais Stonborough.Roger Paden - 2007 - Lexington Books.
    A multi-disciplinary study of the house that the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein built for his sister in Vienna between 1926 and 1928, this book weaves together ideas taken from a number of disciplines_sociology, political science, aesthetics, architecture, urban planning, and philosophy_to develop a complex, multifaceted interpretation of the purpose and design of the house, which, in turn, is used to ground a new interpretation of Wittgenstein's philosophical works emphasizing their mystical nature and practical purpose.
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  15.  62
    Landscapes and Evolutionary Aesthetics.Roger Paden - 2016 - Environment, Space, Place 8 (1):33-55.
    This essay examines the possibility of developing a more complete evolutionary aesthetics that can be used to appraise both natural landscapes and works of landscape architects. For the purpose of this essay, an “evolutionary aesthetics” is an aesthetic theory that is closely connected to Darwin’s theory of evolution. Two types of Darwinian evolutionary aesthetics seem possible; a theory of evolved tastes, such as that developed by Dennis Dutton, and an aesthetics of evolving nature based on Carlson’s positive aesthetics. After, exploring (...)
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  16. Historical Paradigms for Ecotourism.Roger Paden - 2009 - Environment, Space, Place 1 (1):139-167.
    Ecotourism has been defined in a number of possibly incompatible ways, such as travel to especially wonderful natural sites, as aform of educational travel, and as sustainable tourism. These various understandings of ecotourism can be used to ground a number of different kinds of natural area policies. In particular they can ground a number of policies concerning the management of the many National Parks in the United States. In this paper, in order to assess these policies, I distinguish several different (...)
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  17. Aesthetics and Sustainable Architecture.Roger Paden - 2012 - Environment, Space, Place 4 (1):7-28.
    Discussions of green design and sustainable architecture have become common in the architectural profession, but not in philosophy. This is unfortunate, as philosophers could make important contributions to this discussion, given that these terms rife with ambiguities and that the relationships between these ideas and the traditional Vitruvian values of architecture (beauty, structure, and utility) are unclear. In a recent article, Tom Spector addresses some of these issues to assess whether the notion of sustainability could underpin an entire design philosophy. (...)
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  18. The Technological Production of a Space for Art and Environmental Aesthetics.Roger Paden - 2010 - Environment, Space, Place 2 (2):45-62.
    This paper argues against evolutionary accounts of aesthetics by defending the idea that our fundamental aesthetic categories have undergone great changes in the last two millennia, in particular, during an “artistic revolution” that lasted from 1680 to 1830. This revolution was made possible by the development of a number of technologies of art that created a separate cultural space for this new invention. The attempt to extend this revolution to include the aesthetic appreciation of the natural environment is aided by (...)
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  19.  31
    Lyotard, Postmodernism, and the Crisis in Higher Education.Roger Paden - 1987 - International Studies in Philosophy 19 (1):53-58.
  20.  85
    Marx's Critique of the Utopian Socialists.Roger Paden - 2002 - Utopian Studies 13 (2):67 - 91.
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  21.  94
    Marxism, Utopianism, and Modern Urban Planning.Roger Paden - 2003 - Utopian Studies 14 (1):82 - 111.
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  22.  39
    Nature, Disorder, and Tragedy.Roger Paden - 2015 - Environmental Philosophy 12 (1):45-66.
    This paper outlines a normative/philosophical theory of evolutionary aesthetics, one that differs substantially from existing explanatory/psychological theories, such as Dutton’s. This evolutionary theory is based on Carlson’s scientific cognitivism, but differs in that it is based on evolutionary rather than ecological theory. After offering a short account of Carlson’s theory, I distinguish it from a normative evolutionary aesthetics. I then explore an historically important normative/philosophical theory of the aesthetics of nature that is consistent with Darwin’s theory of natural selection; namely, (...)
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  23.  35
    For Love of Country: Debating the Limits of Patriotism.Roger Paden - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 51 (1):141-141.
    Unfortunately, as the Chinese might say, we live in very interesting times. Recent technological developments have had the effect of shrinking the world, and, although they have not created the “global village” foreseen by Marshall McLuhan, they have caused major changes in the more familiar “villages” of the past—the family, the community, and the nation—while calling into question the moralities and moral ideals which have found their natural homes within those older “villages.” One of those older moral ideals is that (...)
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  24. Abortion and sexual morality.Roger Paden - 1987 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 22 (50):145.
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  25.  38
    Introduction.David Goldblatt & Roger Paden - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 69 (1):1-6.
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  26.  32
    The Aesthetics of Architecture: Philosophical Investigations Into the Art of Building.David Goldblatt & Roger Paden (eds.) - 2011 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    By some of the top philosophers in the field of aesthetics as well as those in the architectural profession, essays in this book related architecture to other artforms such as photography. literature and painting. relates architecture to other artforms such as photography, literature and painting contains essays by some of the world's top philosophers works with a diversity of architectural concepts and issues philosophical discussions are generated by professionally designed architectural projects as well as vernacular ones extends the bounds of (...)
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  27. Wittgenstein's House.Nana Last & Roger Paden - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 67 (2):239-244.
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  28.  33
    Against Grand Theory in Environmental Ethics.Roger Paden - 1994 - Environmental Values 3 (1):61 - 70.
    Environmental ethics has been strongly influenced by biological ideas. This essay traces a number of these influences. Unfortunately, environmental ethicists have tended to produce moral theories on a grand scale. This tendency is criticized. It is argued that environmental ethicists should allow the ecological conception of the complexity of biological communities to influence their conception of the moral community. If this were to happen, it is argued, they would have to turn away from grand theories to 'theories of the middle (...)
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  29.  55
    Alan Wolfe, moral freedom: The search for virtue in a world of choice.Roger Paden - 2003 - Journal of Value Inquiry 37 (1):121-125.
  30.  45
    Berlin On the Nature and Significance of Liberty.Roger Paden - 1990 - Social Philosophy Today 4:71-88.
  31.  46
    Consumerism, the Procedural Republic, and the Unencumbered Self.Roger Paden - 1997 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 4 (1-2):33-40.
    Communitarians have offered a number of arguments against liberalism that connect liberalism to consumerism. In this paper, I examine an argument to this effect developed by Michael Sandel. I argue that Sandel’s argument fails to undenmne liberalism, but that it does demonstrate that many contemporary liberals have placed too great an emphasis on the principle of political neutrality. I argue that liberalism, properly understood, requires both limited neutrality and an emphasis on democratic deliberation. If this is the case, then Sandel’s (...)
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  32.  17
    Drug Testing and the Nature of Athletics.Roger Paden - 1987 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 3 (4):27-35.
  33.  46
    Elaine Scarry, on beauty and being just.Roger Paden - 2001 - Journal of Value Inquiry 35 (2):275-278.
  34.  37
    Four Concepts of Freedom.Roger Paden - 1991 - Social Philosophy Today 5:221-236.
  35.  40
    Free trade and environmental economics.Roger Paden - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11 (1):47-54.
    In this paper, I argue that there is no essential inconsistency between a well-constructed free trade policy and environmental sound development. From an examination of the concept of “free trade,” I argue that “free trade” must mean “environmentally sustainable trade.” The argument is conceptual in nature. I argue that free trade must mean trade free of subsidies in which the price of a good fairly reflects the costs of its production. I then argue that environmentally unsustainable commodity trade is in (...)
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  36.  39
    Hobbesian Deliberators.Roger Paden - 1994 - Hobbes Studies 7 (1):28-43.
  37.  46
    Hare's ethical formalism.Roger Paden - 1988 - Journal of Value Inquiry 22 (3):223-233.
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  38.  60
    Hare's Reductive Justification of Preference Utilitarianism.Roger Paden - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 34 (3):361-378.
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    (1 other version)In the field.Roger Paden - 1985 - Agriculture and Human Values 2 (4):76-77.
  40. Liberalism and Consumerism.Roger Paden - 1996 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 3 (4):14-19.
    Communitarians have argued that liberalism somehow causes or leads to a consumer society. Moreover, they have argued that consumer society is somehow morally suspect. Given the connection between liberalism and consumerism, they have argued that the moral problems they have found in consumer society give reason to oppose liberalism. In this paper, after defining “consumerism” and “liberalism,” I examine the various communitarian arguments against consumerism, and the various arguments that seek to connect liberalism to consumerism. I argue that only one (...)
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  41.  32
    Liberalism and Neo-Aristotelianism.Roger Paden - 1990 - International Studies in Philosophy 22 (1):51-58.
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  42.  94
    Locating foucault— archaeology vs. structuralism.Roger Paden - 1986 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 11 (2):19-37.
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  43.  25
    Monomania and the war of all against all.Roger Paden - 1999 - Philosophia 27 (1-2):69-86.
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  44. Mark Cousins and Athar Hussain, "Michel Foucault"; Karlis Racevskis, "Michel Foucault and the Subversion of Intellect".Roger Paden - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 64.
    Title: Michel Foucault Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 0312531664 Author: Mark Cousins and Athar Hussain Title: Michel Foucault and the Subversion of Intellect Publisher: Cornell University Press ISBN: 0801415721 Author: Karlis Racevskis.
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  45.  8
    Michael Mahon., Foucault's Nietzschean Genealogy.Roger Paden - 1994 - International Studies in Philosophy 26 (4):143-144.
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  46.  35
    Moral metaphysics, moral revolutions, and environmental ethics.Roger Paden - 1990 - Agriculture and Human Values 7 (3-4):70-79.
    Many philosophers and environmentalists have advocated the development of a revolutionary new moral paradigm that treats natural objects as “morally considerable” in-themselves, independently of their relation to human beings. Often it is claimed that we need to develop a radically new theory of value to underpin this new paradigm. In this paper, I argue against this position and in favor of a more critical approach to environmental ethics. Such a critical approach, I believe, is not only more politically sound, but (...)
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  47.  63
    Nature and Morality.Roger Paden - 1992 - Environmental Ethics 14 (3):239-251.
    In their attempt to develop a nonanthropocentric ethic, many biocentric philosophers have been content to argue for the expansion of the moral community to include natural entities. In doing so, they have implicitly accepted the idea that the conceptions of moral duties developed by anthropocentric philosophers to describe the moral relationships that hold between humans can be directly applied to thehuman/nature relationship. To make this expansion plausible, they have had to argue that natural entities have traits that are similar to (...)
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  48.  14
    Organicism, revolution, and the origins of sociology.Roger Paden - 1993 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 28 (61):125-138.
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  49. On the discourse of pornography.Roger Paden - 1984 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 10 (1):17-38.
  50.  82
    Otto Wagner's modern architecture.Roger Paden - 2010 - Ethics, Place and Environment 13 (2):229-246.
    Wagner is thought to be one of the first Modern Architects, yet a number of writers have argued that his most famous Modern building, the “Postsparkasse,” violates the most basic principles of Modern Architecture; principles that Wagner himself helped develop. This essay develops a new interpretation of this building by placing it in the context of fin de siècle Viennese culture. This interpretation shows that the “Postsparkasse” is a Modern building, but it also shows that the common understanding of “Modern (...)
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