Results for 'Shuhei Shima'

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  1.  58
    Duration Adaptation Occurs Across the Sub- and Supra-Second Systems.Shuhei Shima, Yuki Murai, Yuki Hashimoto & Yuko Yotsumoto - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Antoinette the Outsider: The Representation of Hybridity and Mimicry in Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea.Shima Peimanfard & Mohsen Hanif - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 72:15-20.
    Source: Author: Shima Peimanfard, Mohsen Hanif This essay sets out to study the function of hybridity and mimicry in Jean Rhy’s acclaimed novel Wide Sargasso Sea drawing on Homi K. Bhabha’s theoretical framework in this regard. In this novel, Antoinette emerges as the “Other” who aims to prove herself to the “Centre”. Undergoing extreme sufferings, the heroine wistfully ponders mimicry as an impulse to break out of her mare’s nest and to establish herself within one culture. Indeed, unlike what (...)
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  3.  34
    距離に依存せずに多様性を制御する Ga による高次元関数最適化.Konagaya Akihiko Kimura Shuhei - 2003 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 18:193-202.
    For genetic algorithms, it is important to maintain the population diversity. Some genetic algorithms have been proposed, which have an ability to control the diversity. But these algorithms use the distance between two individuals to control the diversity. Therefore, these performances become worse on ill-scaled functions. In this paper, we propose a new genetic algorithm, DIDC(a genetic algorithm with Distance Independent Diversity Control), that does not use a distance to control the population diversity. For controlling the diversity, DIDC uses two (...)
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    La manipulation maudite: Rigoletto.Shuhei Hosokawa - 1989 - Semiotica 74 (1-2):1-24.
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    On a generalized fraïssé limit construction and its application to the jiang–su algebra.Shuhei Masumoto - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (3):1186-1223.
    In this paper, we present a version of Fraïssé theory for categories of metric structures. Using this version, we show that every UHF algebra can be recognized as a Fraïssé limit of a class of C*-algebras of matrix-valued continuous functions on cubes with distinguished traces. We also give an alternative proof of the fact that the Jiang–Su algebra is the unique simple monotracial C*-algebra among all the inductive limits of prime dimension drop algebras.
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  6. Bunka chirigaku josetsu.Jōji Ōshima - 1976 - Risosha.
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  7. Gendai jitsuzairon no kenkyū.Masanori Ōshima - 1950
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  8. Tetsugaku gairon.Masanori Ōshima - 1948
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  9. Jinrin to keizai.Yoshio Shima - 1943
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  10. Rinrigaku tsūron.Yoshio Shima - 1950
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  11. Seinen jidai o ikinuku tame ni.Tameo Shima - 1953
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  12.  19
    The Problem of Self-Knowledge and the 'Extension-Determination Approach'.Shuhei Shimamura - 2009 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 36 (1):19-29.
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    推論主義の独自性と意義.Shuhei Shimamura - 2015 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 48 (2):93-109.
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    Enhanced Feedback-Related Negativity in Alzheimer’s Disease.Shuhei Yamaguchi, Eri Nitta, Keiichi Onoda, Fuminori Ishitobi, Ryota Okazaki, Seiji Mishima & Atsushi Nagai - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  15. Normativity of Meaning: An Inferentialist Argument.Shuhei Shimamura & Tuomo Tiisala - 2023 - Synthese 202 (4):1-21.
    This paper presents a new argument to defend the normativity of meaning, specifically the thesis that there are no meanings without norms. The argument starts from the observation inferentialists have emphasized that incompatibility relations between sentences are a necessary part of meaning as it is understood. We motivate this approach by showing that the standard normativist strategy in the literature, which is developed in terms of veridical reference that may swing free from the speaker’s understanding, violates the ought-implies-can principle, but (...)
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  16. The Presumption of Punishment.Shima Baradaran - 2014 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 8 (2):391-406.
    The presumption of innocence undergirds the American criminal justice system. It is so fundamental that it is derived from the concepts of due process and the importance of a fair trial. An informed, historical understanding of the interaction between the presumption of innocence and key tenets of due process can help clarify the meaning and application of the presumption of innocence in the modern day. Due process, as developed throughout English and US. Colonial history leading up to the formation of (...)
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  17. Nihon shisō o toku: shinwateki shii no tenkai.Hitoshi Ōshima - 1989 - Tōkyō: Hokuju Shuppan.
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  18. Rinrigaku no tenkai.Yasumasa Ōshima (ed.) - 1978
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  19.  33
    Category clustering in incidental learning.Fred Shima - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (2p1):380.
  20. Kokuminteki kyōyō to kyōiku katei.Yōgo Shima - 1984 - Tōkyō: Ayumi Shuppan.
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  21.  40
    A Nonmonotonic Modal Relevant Sequent Calculus.Shuhei Shimamura - 2017 - In Alexandru Baltag, Jeremy Seligman & Tomoyuki Yamada, Logic, Rationality, and Interaction (LORI 2017, Sapporo, Japan). Springer. pp. 570-584.
    Motivated by semantic inferentialism and logical expressivism proposed by Robert Brandom, in this paper, I submit a nonmonotonic modal relevant sequent calculus equipped with special operators, □ and R. The base level of this calculus consists of two different types of atomic axioms: material and relevant. The material base contains, along with all the flat atomic sequents (e.g., Γ0, p |~0 p), some non-flat, defeasible atomic sequents (e.g., Γ0, p |~0 q); whereas the relevant base consists of the local region (...)
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  22.  19
    The Local Prospect Theory of Subjective Experience: A Soft Solution to the Hard Problem of Consciousness.Francis Heylighen & Shima Beigi - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (11):122-152.
    We propose a new theory to explain the nature and function of subjective experience, as a mechanism that guides the organism towards beneficial outcomes. In simple animals, that guidance takes the form of an affect producing a fitness-enhancing response. In human consciousness, there is not a single response, but a range of potential developments allowing a free choice. That range can be modelled as a local prospect: a field of possibilities centred on the present situation and coloured by valence. Building (...)
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  23.  43
    A First-Order Sequent Calculus for Logical Inferentialists and Expressivists.Shuhei Shimamura - 2019 - In Igor Sedlár & Martin Blicha, The Logica Yearbook 2018. College Publications. pp. 211-228.
    I present a sequent calculus that extends a nonmonotonic reflexive consequence relation as defined over an atomic first-order language without variables to one defined over a logically complex first-order language. The extension preserves reflexivity, is conservative (therefore nonmonotonic) and supraintuitionistic, and is conducted in a way that lets us codify, within the logically extended object language, important features of the base thus extended. In other words, the logical operators in this calculus play what Brandom (2008) calls expressive roles. Expressivist logical (...)
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  24.  12
    "Bāmatī" no bunkengakuteki kenkyū.Iwao Shima - 2012 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Gaikokugo Daigaku Ajia Afurika Gengo Bunka Kenkyūjo. Edited by Jun Takashima & Masahide Mori.
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  25. Hōgaku nyūmon.Kotoji Ōshima - 1955
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  26. Ikita gengo to wa nani ka: shikō teishi e no keishō.Hitoshi Ōshima - 2023 - Fukuoka-shi: Gen Shobō.
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  27. Jitsuzon rinri no rekishiteki kyōi.Yasumasa Ōshima - 1956
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  28. Kanō Kōkichi no shōgai.Chōzaburō Ōshima - 1974
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  29.  46
    Why Should We Know Our Own Minds?Shuhei Shimamura - 2012 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 45 (2):29-46.
  30.  40
    Workplace incivility and the professional quality of life in nurses.Shima Nazari, Nasrin Nikpeyma, Shima Haghani, Fatemeh Fakhuri & Pouya Farokhnezhad Afshar - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (2-3):311-320.
    Background Workplace Incivility is a common issue in the nursing profession. Nurses who are affected by such behaviors may experience distress. Objectives This study aimed to assess the relationship between workplace incivility and nurses’ professional quality of life. Research design This cross-sectional correlational study was conducted in 2021 in “Tehran”. Data were collected using a demographic questionnaire, the Nursing Incivility Scale (NIS), and the Professional Quality Of Life scale (ProQOL). Data analysis was performed through the Pearson correlation and multiple linear (...)
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  31.  10
    Nihonjin no sekaikan.Hitoshi Ōshima - 2010 - Tōkyō: Chūō Kōron Shinsha.
  32. (1 other version)Ningensei to rinri.Yoshio Shima - 1948
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    The Geriatric Forensic Psychiatry Rotation at University of Chicago: Utilization and Educational Benefit of a Subspecialty Rotation in Psychiatric Residency Training.Carolyn Shima, Sanford Finkel, Deborah Spitz & Amanda I. Goldstein - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Viṭhobā Faith of Mahārāṣtra: The Viṭhobā Temple of Paṇḍharpūr and Its Mythological Structure.Iwao Shima - 1988 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 15 (2/3):183-197.
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  35. Jidai kubun no seiritsu konkyo.Yasumasa Ōshima - 1967
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  36. Shin rinri jiten.Yasumasa Ōshima - 1961
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  37. (1 other version)Tetsugaku no hanashi.Masanori Ōshima - 1969
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  38. Shushigakuteki shii: Chūgoku shisōshi ni okeru dentō to kakushin.Kazuo Arita & Akira Ōshima (eds.) - 1990 - Tōkyō: Kyūko Shoin.
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  39.  17
    Corporate Social Responsibility and Gender Equality in Japan: Historical and Current Perspectives.Gabriel Eweje & Shima Nagano (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book examines key issues in gender equality and corporate social responsibility in Japan. Legal compliance, the business case and social regulation are examined as driving factors for enhancing gender equality in corporations. In turn, case studies from various contexts, such as the hotel industry, retail and financial services companies add practical insights to the theoretical debate. The role of governments, NGOs and supranational organizations is examined as well. Given its scope, the book will appeal to undergraduate and graduate students, (...)
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  40.  10
    Minshu shugi hōgaku to kenkyūsha no shimei: Hirowatari Seigo Sensei koki kinen ronbunshū.Seigo Hirowatari, Kazuo Ōshima, Yoshiki Kurumisawa, Iwao Satō, Hiroyuki Shirafuji & Ryōichi Yoshimura (eds.) - 2015 - Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha.
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    Phason space analysis and structure modelling of 100 Å-scale dodecagonal quasicrystal in Mn-based alloy.Tsutomu Ishimasa, Shuhei Iwami, Norihito Sakaguchi, Ryo Oota & Marek Mihalkovič - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (33):3745-3767.
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  42. The effect to religious commitment rate life styles of tehrani youth.Abolfazl Zolfaghari & Shima Nosrati - 2012 - Social Research (Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch) 5 (14):101-117.
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  43. The role of librarians in the study development of public libraries in lorestan province of iran.Niknezhad Shima Hamidi Mohsen - 2011 - Social Research (Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch) 3 (9):169-190.
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  44. Shushi bunshū koyū meishi sakuin.Yū Yamanoi, Akira Ōshima & Xi Zhu (eds.) - 1980
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  45.  22
    Effects of Agent-Environment Symmetry on the Coordination Dynamics of Triadic Jumping.Akifumi Kijima, Hiroyuki Shima, Motoki Okumura, Yuji Yamamoto & Michael J. Richardson - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  46. Zagzebski’s Theory of Divine Motivation about the Relation of Religion and Morality.Mohsen Javady & Shima Shahriyari - 2015 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 12 (2):25-51.
    Divine Motivation theory is an ethical theory with a theological foundation, attempting to explain the relation between religion and morality in the context of Christian theology with emphasizing on neo-Aristotelian and motivation-based ethics. This theory that is presented by Linda Zagzebski, provides a new form of virtue ethics that God's motives, especially that of love, are foundations of moral life and these motivational states are considered ontologically and explanatorily the basis for all moral properties and values. This theory uses five (...)
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    A new perspective on word order preferences: the availability of a lexicon triggers the use of SVO word order.Hanna Marno, Alan Langus, Mahmoud Omidbeigi, Sina Asaadi, Shima Seyed-Allaei & Marina Nespor - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:152231.
    Word orders are not distributed equally: SOV and SVO are the most prevalent among the world's languages. While there is a consensus that SOV might be the “default” order in human languages, the factors that trigger the preference for SVO are still a matter of debate. Here we provide a new perspective on word order preferences that emphasizes the role of a lexicon. We propose that while there is a tendency to favor SOV in the case of improvised communication, the (...)
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  48.  69
    Pharmacological interventions for social cognitive impairments in schizophrenia: A protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis.Yuji Yamada, Ryo Okubo, Hisateru Tachimori, Takashi Uchino, Ryotaro Kubota, Hiroki Okano, Shuhei Ishikawa, Toru Horinouchi, Keisuke Takanobu, Ryo Sawagashira, Yumi Hasegawa, Yohei Sasaki, Motohiro Nishiuchi, Takahiro Kawashima, Yui Tomo, Naoki Hashimoto, Satoru Ikezawa, Takahiro Nemoto, Norio Watanabe & Tomiki Sumiyoshi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundSocial cognitive impairments adversely affect social functioning in patients with schizophrenia. Although pharmacological interventions have been suggested to provide some benefits on social cognition, little information is available on the comparative efficacy of pharmacotherapy. Thus, the aim of this planned systematic review and network meta-analysis is to perform a quantitative comparison of the effects of various psychotropic drugs, including supplements, on social cognition disturbances of schizophrenia.MethodsThe literature search will be carried out using the PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled (...)
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  49. Mario Baroni Accompaniment formulas in Verdi's Ernani 129-140 Daniel Charles Son et temps 171-179.Rossana Dalmonte, Christie Davies, Martha Davis, François Delalande, Célestin Deliège, Françoise Escal, Bruce E. Fleming, Robert S. Hatten, Shuhei Hosokawa & Vladimir Karbusicky - 1987 - Semiotica 66:455.
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    Common Neural System for Sentence and Picture Comprehension Across Languages: A Chinese–Japanese Bilingual Study.Zhengfei Hu, Huixiang Yang, Yuxiang Yang, Shuhei Nishida, Carol Madden-Lombardi, Jocelyne Ventre-Dominey, Peter Ford Dominey & Kenji Ogawa - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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