I present a sequent calculus that extends a nonmonotonic reflexive consequence relation as defined over an atomic first-order language without variables to one defined over a logically complex first-order language. The extension preserves reflexivity, is conservative (therefore nonmonotonic) and supraintuitionistic, and is conducted in a way that lets us codify, within the logically extended object language, important features of the base thus extended. In other words, the logical operators in this calculus play what Brandom (2008) calls expressive roles. Expressivist logical systems have already been proposed for propositional logics (see Hlobil, 2016, and Kaplan, 2018) but not for first-order logics. An advantage of this calculus over standard first-order calculi (e.g., those in Gentzen, 1935/1964) is that universally quantified variables behave as they should even in the presence of arbitrary nonlogical axioms. I claim that because of this robust well-behavedness of variables, this calculus also provides logical inferentialists with a way to understand the meanings of variables in terms of the roles those variables play in a wide range of inferences that is not limited to purely logical ones (e.g, mathematical inferences).