Results for 'Philippe André-Vincent'

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  1.  10
    Les révolutions et le droit.Philippe I. André-Vincent - 1974 - Paris: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence.
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    Les idées politiques de Chateaubriand..Philippe André-Vincent - 1936 - Montpellier,: Imprimerie de la presse.
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    ANDRÉ-VINCENT, Philippe I., Liberté religieuse, question cruciale de Vatican II.Jean-Guy Pagé - 1979 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 35 (3):319-322.
  4. Le réalisme modal et l'argument ontologique.Philippe-André Holzer - 2007 - Nova et Vetera 82 (2):203-209.
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    Der lange Weg vom Schriftzeichen zu seiner Bedeutung.Philippe-andré Holzer - 1995 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 62:5-43.
    Wird Sprache gesprochen, erzwingt die Zeit eine Abfolge der Zeichen: Es wird immer nur ein bestimmtes Zeichen gleichzeitig ausgesprochen und somit ergibt sich eine eindeutige zeitliche Reihung. Diese Reihung wurde beim Aufkommen der Schrift beibehalten: Es ist möglich, die Zeichen eines Textes auf einem fortlaufenden Band aufzuschreiben. Diese lineare Ordnung wird aus verschiedenen Gründen durchbrochen, was jeweils mit Abfolgeregeln bezahlt werden muss: Die zweidimensionale Darstellung und das Buchformat erleichtern den Lesefluss; Seiten- und Zeilennummerierungen erlauben einen direkteren Zugriff auf Teile des (...)
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  6. Adaptive Reuse of Texts, Ideas and Images in Classical India Adaptive Reuse of Texts, Ideas and Images in Classical India Adaptive Reuse of Texts, Ideas and Images in Classical India.Elisa Freschi & Philipp André Maas (eds.) - forthcoming - Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Harrassowitz.
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  7. Introduction.Elisa Freschi & Philipp André Maas - forthcoming - In Elisa Freschi & Philipp André Maas (eds.), Adaptive Reuse of Texts, Ideas and Images in Classical India. Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Harrassowitz.
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    Dignity: Its History and Meaning. [REVIEW]Philippe-André Rodriguez - 2012 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):100-103.
  9.  20
    The Rise of Gay Rights and the Fall of the British Empire: Liberal Resistance and the Bloomsbury Group by David A. J. Richards: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. [REVIEW]Philippe-André Rodriguez - 2014 - Human Rights Review 15 (3):363-364.
    This is an excerpt from the contentIn his latest book, David A. J. Richards extends his analysis of patriarchy and resistance, two of his most cherished themes, to the sphere of historical analysis. The Edwin D. Webb Professor of Law at New York University School of Law here attempts to explore the relationship between these two ideas and the Western history of imperialism. He tries to show that one cannot fully understand the fall of legitimacy of the imperial ideal in (...)
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  10. Adaptive Reuse of Texts, Ideas and Images in Classical India.Elisa Freschi & Philipp André Maas (eds.) - forthcoming - Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft. Harrassowitz.
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  11. Proceedings of the Panel on Adaptive Reuse at the Dot Conference, Münster, September 2013.Elisa Freschi & Philipp André Maas (eds.) - forthcoming - Dmg.
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    Histoire des sciences.Stéphane Gioanni, Simone Roux, Pierre Pellegrin, Jean-Marc Rohrbasser, Catherine Goldstein, Nicolas Piqué, Philippe Drieux, Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent, Edouard Mehl, Monique Cottret, Alain Firode, Christelle Rabier, Cédric Crémière & François Laplanche - 2000 - Revue de Synthèse 121 (1-2):174-213.
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    Sensation Seeking and Adaptation in Parabonauts.Aurélie Collado, Jean-Philippe Hainaut, Vincent Monfort & Benoît Bolmont - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Philosophie.Jean-Marc Rohrbasser, Sylvia Giocanti, Julie Reynaud, Michel Delon, Céline Spector, Christian Dubois, Philippe Cabestan, Vincent Bontems, Céline Lefève & Paul Payan - 2005 - Revue de Synthèse 126 (2):481-507.
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    The Latent Structure of Dictionaries.Philippe Vincent-Lamarre, Alexandre Blondin Massé, Marcos Lopes, Mélanie Lord, Odile Marcotte & Stevan Harnad - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (3):625-659.
    How many words—and which ones—are sufficient to define all other words? When dictionaries are analyzed as directed graphs with links from defining words to defined words, they reveal a latent structure. Recursively removing all words that are reachable by definition but that do not define any further words reduces the dictionary to a Kernel of about 10% of its size. This is still not the smallest number of words that can define all the rest. About 75% of the Kernel turns (...)
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    Psychological Contract Violation or Basic Need Frustration? Psychological Mechanisms Behind the Effects of Workplace Bullying.Philipp E. Sischka, André Melzer, Alexander F. Schmidt & Georges Steffgen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Workplace bullying is a phenomenon that can have serious detrimental effects on health, work-related attitudes, and the behavior of the target. Particularly, workplace bullying exposure has been linked to lower level of general well-being, job satisfaction, vigor, and performance and higher level of burnout, workplace deviance, and turnover intentions. However, the psychological mechanisms behind these relations are still not well-understood. Drawing on psychological contract and self-determination theory (SDT), we hypothesized that perceptions of contract violation and the frustration of basic needs (...)
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    Erratum zu: Workshop „Empirisch Forschen in der Medizinethik“: Halle (Saale), 27.–28. November 2019.Andre Nowak & Philipp Karschuck - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (3):433-434.
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  18. Cédric Lemogne, Pascale Piolino, Stéphanie Friszer, Astrid Claret, Nathalie Girault, Roland Jouvent, Jean-François.Philippe Fossati Allilaire, Frédérique de Vignemont, Tiziana Zalla, Andrés Posada, Anne Louvegnez, Olivier Koenig, Nicolas Georgieff, Nicolas Franck, Arnaud DÕArgembeau & Martial Van der Linden - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15:232-233.
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    Coarse groups, and the isomorphism problem for oligomorphic groups.André Nies, Philipp Schlicht & Katrin Tent - 2021 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 22 (1).
    Let S∞ denote the topological group of permutations of the natural numbers. A closed subgroup G of S∞ is called oligomorphic if for each n, its natural action on n-tuples of natural numbers has onl...
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    Workshop „Empirisch Forschen in der Medizinethik“: Halle (Saale), 27.–28. November 2019.Andre Nowak & Philipp Karschuck - 2020 - Ethik in der Medizin 32 (3):293-295.
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    Diversität: Geschichte und Aktualität eines Konzepts.André Louis Blum, Nina Zschocke, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger & Vincent Barras (eds.) - 2015 - Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann.
    Diversität ist eines der zentralen Themen unserer Zeit. Sie durchdringt alle Lebensbereiche unserer Gesellschaften. Das Nachdenken über Diversität reicht von den Naturwissenschaften über die Geschichtswissenschaften, die Gesellschaftswissenschaften, die Philosophie bis zu den Künsten. Diversität ist zudem politisch und emotional beladen. Man denke an gesellschaftliche Minderheiten und ihre Rechte oder an das massive Artensterben unserer Tage. In diesem Buch wird nicht nur über Einzelaspekte von Diversität berichtet, es wird auch eine Synthese versucht. Drei einleitende Kapitel der HerausgeberInnen führen verständlich in komplexe (...)
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    La modernité disputée: textes offerts à Pierre-André Taguieff.Pierre-André Taguieff, Annick Duraffour, Philippe Gumplowicz, Grégoire Kauffmann, Isabelle de Mecquenem & Paul Zawadzki (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
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    The massive bosonic string in the center-of-mass gauge.Philippe Droz-Vincent - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (4):525-541.
    The open Nambu string is revisited in the spirit of an early approach by Rohrlich. Strictly timelike motions only are considered. The proper-time of the center-of-mass is taken as preferred parameter. We propose a canonical formalism in terms of a countable infinity of variables, among them the modes. But the barycentric coordinates have noncommuting components, which makes possible a consistent quantization (in any dimension, four in particular) within the framework of a transverse space of states. If a maximal number of (...)
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    Electrophysiological resting state and default-mode networks from magnetoencephalography functional connectivity analyses.Wens Vincent, Mary Alison, Marty Brice, Bourguignon Mathieu, Goldman Serge, Op De Beeck Marc, Van Bogaert Patrick, Peigneux Philippe & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Modeling and correcting for linear spatial leakage effects in MEG seed-based functional connectivity mapping.Wens Vincent, Marty Brice, Mary Alison, Bourguignon Mathieu, Op De Beeck Marc, Goldman Serge, Van Bogaert Patrick, Peigneux Philippe & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  26. Quantum mechanical evolution of relativistic particles.Philippe Droz-Vincent - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (1):67-90.
    This is a tentative theory of quantum measurement performed on particles with unspecified mass. For such a particle, the center of the wave packet undergoes a classical motion which is a precious guide to our approach. The framework is manifestly covariant and a priori nonlocal. It allows for describing an irreversible process which lasts during a nonvanishing lapse of time. The possibility to measure a dynamical variable in an arbitrary slate is discussed. Our picture is most satisfactory if we focus (...)
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  27. Direct interactions in relativistic statistical mechanics.Philippe Droz-Vincent - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (3):363-387.
    Directly interacting particles are considered in the multitime formalism of predictive relativistic mechanics. When the equations of motion leave a phase-space volume invariant, it turns out that the phase average of any first integral, covariantly defined as a flux across a 7n-dimensional surface, is conserved. The Hamiltonian case is discussed, a class of simple models is exhibited, and a tentative definition of equilibrium is proposed.
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    Avant-propos.André Berten, Jean-Michel Chaumont & Philippe van Parijs - 1991 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 89 (1):2-4.
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    Éléments de discussion tirés des journées « histoire et causalité ».Philippe Blanchard, Hans-Erich Bödeker, Vincent Bontems, Éric Brian, Jean-Pierre Cléro, Laurie Catteeuw & Jochen Hoock - 2014 - Revue de Synthèse 135 (1):109-122.
    La notion de « cause secrète », à laquelle les classiques ont largement eu recours, est liée à une pratique de la science et à une conception de ses méthodes telles que la « loi » se trouve au coeur du dispositif. Si certains phénomènes paraissent ne pas être régis par la loi, il faut alors se mettre à amender la loi par de « petites équations ». Si le calcul des probabilités entre en scène, c'est pour déceler précisément la (...)
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    Inventaire de la correspondance d'André Rivet (1595-1650) (review). [REVIEW]Giorgio Tonelli - 1973 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (1):119-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 119 alienated, as a result of their doctrines, a large segment of the Islamic community. As a matter of fact the mu'tazilites were branded as infidels by the community. The remainder of the book, i.e. chapters 4, 5, and 6, are respectively devoted to the expected deliverer, the emphasis on struggle (jihad) and the friends of god. The essays concerning the expected deliverer and the friends of (...)
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    Introduction to IDTC Special Issue: Joule's Bicentenary History of Science, Foundations and Nature of Science.Raffaele Pisano, Paulo Mauricio & Philippe Vincent - 2020 - Foundations of Science 2 (25):1-21.
    James Prescott Joule’s (1818–1889) bicentenary took place in 2018 and commemorated by the IDTC with a Symposium—‘James Joule’s Bicentenary: Scientific and Pedagogical Issues Concerning Energy Conservation’—at the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS & BSHS), 14th–17th September, 2018, in London. This symposium had three main objectives: It aimed specifically to celebrate James Joule’s achievements considering the most recent historiographical works with a particular focus on the principle of conservation of energy; It served the purpose of discussing the scientific (...)
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    Mapping responsible conduct in the uncharted field of research-creation: a scoping review.Nathalie Voarino, Vincent Couture, S. Mathieu-C., Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon, Emilie St-Hilaire, Bryn Williams-Jones, François-Joseph Lapointe, Cynthia Noury, Marianne Cloutier & Philippe Gauthier - 2019 - Accountability in Research 26 (5):311-46.
    This scoping review addresses the issues of responsible conduct of research (RCR) that can arise in the practice of research-creation (RC), an emergent, interdisciplinary, and heterogeneous field at the interface of academic research and creative activities. Little is yet known about the nature and scope of RCR issues in RC, so our study examined three questions: (1) What are the specific issues in RC in relation to RCR? (2) How does the specificity of RC influence the understanding and practice of (...)
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  33. Serving Two Masters: The Contradictory Organization as an Ethical Challenge for Managerial Responsibility.Mar Pérezts, Jean-Philippe Bouilloud & Vincent de Gaulejac - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (S1):33-44.
    “No one can serve two masters.” This Bible quotation highlights an irreducible contradiction, which echoes numerous organizational settings. This article considers the under-explored ethical implications of paradoxical injunctions created by such a contradiction at the managerial level. Contradictory organizational constraints turn into paradoxant systems , where the organization structurally settles paradoxical injunctions which challenge managerial ethics in practice. We then ask what managerial responsibility means in such contexts and find that managers have then to reshape their practice as a situated (...)
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    The Epistemic Revolution Induced by Microbiome Studies: An Interdisciplinary View.Eric Bapteste, Philippe Gerard, Catherine Larose, Manuel Blouin, Fabrice Not, Liliane Campos, Géraldine Aïdan, M. André Selosse, M. Sarah Adénis, Frédéric Bouchard, Sébastien Dutreuil, Eduardo Corel, Chloé Vigliotti, Philippe Huneman, F. Joseph Lapointe & Philippe Lopez - 2021 - Biology 10.
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    (1 other version)Historical Foundations of Physics & Applied Technology as Dynamic Frameworks in Pre-Service STEM.Raffaele Pisano, Philippe Vincent, Kosta Dolenc & Mateja Ploj Virtič - 2020 - Foundations of Science 1 (1):1-30.
    In recent decades, the development of sciences and technologies had a significant impact in society. This impact has been object of analysis from several standpoints, i.e., scientific, communication, historical and anthropological. Consequently, serious changes were required by the society. One of these has been the emerging relationship science in society and its foundations of applied sciences. A related foundational challenging is the educational process, which was and still is an unlimited challenge for teachers and professors: i.e., levels of understanding, curricula, (...)
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    Ce que dit Descartes touchant la chute des graves: De 1618 à 1646, étude d'un indicateur de la philosophie naturelle cartésienne.Vincent Jullien & André Charrak - 2002 - Villeneuve-d'Ascq: Presses Univ. Septentrion. Edited by André Charrak.
    Etude de la pensée cartésienne sur la chute des corps basée sur l'analyse d'extraits de textes et de lettres. Elle met en avant la concomitance des travaux de Descartes avec ceux de Galilée et la similitude des problèmes abordés par les deux savants : élaboration des concepts de base de la cinématique et problèmes de composition du continu et de passage à la limite.
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    Resting state functional connectivity predicts subsequent motor sequence learning.Mary Alison, Wens Vincent, Op De Beeck Marc, Leproult Rachel, De Tiège Xavier & Peigneux Philippe - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  38. The neural correlates of implicit and explicit sequence learning: Interacting networks revealed by the process dissociation procedure.Arnaud Destrebecqz, Philippe Peigneux, Steven Laureys, Christian Degueldre, Guy Del Fiore, Joel Aerts, Andre Luxen, Martia Van Der Linden, Axel Cleeremans & Pierre Maquet - 2005 - Learning and Memory 12 (5):480-490.
    In cognitive neuroscience, dissociating the brain networks that ing—has thus become one of the best empirical situations subtend conscious and nonconscious memories constitutes a through which to study the mechanisms of implicit learning, very complex issue, both conceptually and methodologically.
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  39. Pour repenser l'avenir des sociétés industrielles.Philippe Van Parijs, Jean-Michel Chaumont Jea & André Berten - 1991 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 89 (1):1-163.
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  40. The Varieties of Darwinism: Explanation, Logic, and Worldview.Hugh Desmond, André Ariew, Philippe Huneman & Thomas A. C. Reydon - manuscript
    Ever since its inception, the theory of evolution has been reified into an “-ism”: Darwinism. While biologists today tend to shy away from the term in their research, the term is still actively used in the broader academic and societal contexts. What exactly is Darwinism, and how precisely are its various uses and abuses related to the scientific theory of evolution? Some call for limiting the meaning of the term “Darwinism” to its scientific context; others call for its abolition; yet (...)
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    Natural Selection beyond Life? A Workshop Report.Sylvain Charlat, André Ariew, Pierrick Bourrat, María Ferreira Ruiz, Thomas Heams, Philippe Huneman, Sandeep Krishna, Michael Lachmann, Nicolas Lartillot, Louis Le Sergeant D'Hendecourt, Christophe Malaterre, Philippe Nghe, Etienne Rajon, Olivier Rivoire, Matteo Smerlak & Zorana Zeravcic - 2021 - Life 11 (10):1051.
    Natural selection is commonly seen not just as an explanation for adaptive evolution, but as the inevitable consequence of “heritable variation in fitness among individuals”. Although it remains embedded in biological concepts, such a formalisation makes it tempting to explore whether this precondition may be met not only in life as we know it, but also in other physical systems. This would imply that these systems are subject to natural selection and may perhaps be investigated in a biological framework, where (...)
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    Characterizations of weighted and equal division values.Sylvain Béal, André Casajus, Frank Huettner, Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (4):649-667.
    New and recent axioms for cooperative games with transferable utilities are introduced. The non-negative player axiom requires to assign a non-negative payoff to a player that belongs to coalitions with non-negative worth only. The axiom of addition invariance on bi-partitions requires that the payoff vector recommended by a value should not be affected by an identical change in worth of both a coalition and the complementary coalition. The nullified solidarity axiom requires that if a player who becomes null weakly loses (...)
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  43. Experience-dependent changes in cerebral activation during human Rem sleep.Pierre Maquet, Steven Laureys, Philippe Peigneux, Sonia Fuchs, Christophe Petiau, Christophe Phillips, Joel Aerts, Guy Del Fiore, Christian Degueldre, Thierry Meulemans, Andre Luxen, Georges Franck, Martial Van Der Linden, Carlyle Smith & Axel Cleeremans - 2000 - Nature Neuroscience 3 (8):831-36.
    Pierre Maquet1,2,6, Steven Laureys1,2, Philippe Peigneux1,2,3, Sonia Fuchs1, Christophe Petiau1, Christophe Phillips1,6, Joel Aerts1, Guy Del Fiore1, Christian Degueldre1, Thierry Meulemans3, André Luxen1, Georges Franck1,2, Martial Van Der Linden3, Carlyle Smith4 and Axel Cleeremans5.
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  44. Risk aversion in expected intertemporal discounted utilities bandit problems.Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel De Lara & André de Palma - 2009 - Theory and Decision 67 (4):433-440.
    We consider a situation where an individual is facing an uncertain situation, but may costly alter his knowledge of the uncertainties. We study in this context how risk aversion may modify the individual search behavior. We consider a one-armed bandit problem (where one arm is safe and the other is risky) and study how the agent risk aversion can change the sequence of arms selected. The main result is that when the utility function is more concave, the agent has more (...)
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    Risk aversion in expected intertemporal discounted utilities bandit problems.Jean-Philippe Chancelier, Michel Lara & André Palma - 2009 - Theory and Decision 67 (4):433-440.
    We consider a situation where an individual is facing an uncertain situation, but may costly alter his knowledge of the uncertainties. We study in this context how risk aversion may modify the individual search behavior. We consider a one-armed bandit problem (where one arm is safe and the other is risky) and study how the agent risk aversion can change the sequence of arms selected. The main result is that when the utility function is more concave, the agent has more (...)
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    Sciences Sociales et Histoire.Hugues Neveux, Pierre Monzani, Vincent Milliot, François Hincker, Patrice Pinell, Pierre Macherey, Tristan Lecoq, Guillaume Le Loup, A. Hussain Aziz, Philippe Bonolas, Serge Berstein & Claude Blanckaert - 1988 - Revue de Synthèse 109 (3-4):549-578.
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    BRUNNER, Fernand, CHRÉTIEN, Jean-Louis, GISEL, Pierre, GODIN, André, SCHEUER, Jacques, SEVRIN, Jean-Marie, THOMAS, Louis-Vincent, Réincarnation, immortalité, résurrectionBRUNNER, Fernand, CHRÉTIEN, Jean-Louis, GISEL, Pierre, GODIN, André, SCHEUER, Jacques, SEVRIN, Jean-Marie, THOMAS, Louis-Vincent, Réincarnation, immortalité, résurrection.André Couture - 1990 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 46 (1):111-113.
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    Generalizing Darwinism as a Topic for Multidisciplinary Debate.Agathe du Crest, Martina Valković, André Ariew, Hugh Desmond, Philippe Huneman & Thomas A. C. Reydon - 2023 - In Agathe du Crest, Martina Valković, André Ariew, Hugh Desmond, Philippe Huneman & Thomas A. C. Reydon (eds.), Evolutionary Thinking Across Disciplines: Problems and Perspectives in Generalized Darwinism. Springer Verlag. pp. 2147483647-2147483647.
    The ideas Darwin published in On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man in the nineteenth century continue to have a major impact on our current understanding of the world in which we live and the place that humans occupy in it. Darwin’s theories constitute the core of the contemporary life sciences, and elicit enduring fascination as a potentially unifying basis for various branches of biology and the biomedical sciences. They can be used to understand the biological ground (...)
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    CortexVR: Immersive analysis and training of cognitive executive functions of soccer players using virtual reality and machine learning.Christian Krupitzer, Jens Naber, Jan-Philipp Stauffert, Jan Mayer, Jan Spielmann, Paul Ehmann, Noel Boci, Maurice Bürkle, André Ho, Clemens Komorek, Felix Heinickel, Samuel Kounev, Christian Becker & Marc Erich Latoschik - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    GoalThis paper presents an immersive Virtual Reality system to analyze and train Executive Functions of soccer players. EFs are important cognitive functions for athletes. They are a relevant quality that distinguishes amateurs from professionals.MethodThe system is based on immersive technology, hence, the user interacts naturally and experiences a training session in a virtual world. The proposed system has a modular design supporting the extension of various so-called game modes. Game modes combine selected game mechanics with specific simulation content to target (...)
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    Courants philosophiques.Simone Goyard-Fabre, Pascal Sévérac, François Laplanche, Anne-Sophie Menasseyre, Jean-Marc Rohrbasser, André Charrak, Laurence Devillairs, Myriam Bienenstock, Anne Lagny, Paolo Quintili, Louis Pérouas, Marie-Jeanne Königson-Montain, Michel Bourdeau, Philippe Cabestan, Pierre Colin, Gildas Richard, Jean-Paul Nambot & Franck Fischbach - 1996 - Revue de Synthèse 117 (3-4):503-547.
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