Results for 'Olga Peralta'

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  1.  16
    Two-Year-Olds’ Symbolic Use of Images Provided by a Tablet: A Transfer Study.Daniela Jauck & Olga Peralta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Socioeconomic Differences in Parental Communication About Location.María del Rosario Maita, Daniela Jauck, Seamus Donnelly & Olga Peralta - 2018 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 18 (3-4):410-427.
    This study explored whether parental directions about location differ by socioeconomic status and whether children’s performance is associated with parental spatial directions. We designed a task in which parents hid a toy in one of five identical boxes in a small-scale space, and then verbally guided their children’s search. Middle-SES parents employed more language in general than low-SES parents. However, groups used the same amount of spatial terms, suggesting that providing effective spatial directions is probably a matter of quality than (...)
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    A Web-based Database for Drawings of Gods.Zhargalma Dandarova Robert, Grέgory Dessart, Olga Serbaeva, Camelia Puzdriac, Mohammad Khodayarifard, Saeed Akbari Zardkhaneh, Saeid Zandi, Elena Petanova, Kevin L. Ladd & Pierre-Yves Brandt - 2016 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 38 (3):345-352.
    This original web-based database was developed at the University of Lausanne as part of the international research project “Drawings of gods”, which explores children's representations of supernatural agents. Its primary purpose is to store and organize data and metadata to be easily accessible to all affiliated researchers. However, anyone interested in the matter can view the drawings, as they were made publicly available. At present, our corpus is composed of over 5'100 drawings collected in different parts of the world and (...)
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    Revisiting “Intelligent Nursing”: Olga Petrovskaya in conversation with Mary Ellen Purkis and Kristin Bjornsdottir.Olga Petrovskaya, Mary Ellen Purkis & Kristin Bjornsdottir - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (3):e12259.
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    What do hashtags afford in digital fashion communication? An exploratory study on Gucci-related hashtags on Twitter and Instagram.Lorenzo Cantoni, Nadzeya Kalbaska & Olga Karamalak - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (243):325-351.
    Being enmeshed in a digital environment, we daily produce internet-mediated texts – encompassing several different semiotic codes – accessible on a global scale. Posts on different networks usually contain hashtags, which can be understood as affordances or behavior opportunities. These affordances allow specific actions both from the part of the writer and the reader. They can also be “behavior triggers,” which invite certain behavior online or offline. Digital fashion communication experts should take into consideration these affordances to pursue their goals (...)
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  6. A New Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Localizer for Preoperative Language Mapping Using a Sentence Completion Task: Validity, Choice of Baseline Condition, and Test–Retest Reliability.Kirill Elin, Svetlana Malyutina, Oleg Bronov, Ekaterina Stupina, Aleksei Marinets, Anna Zhuravleva & Olga Dragoy - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    To avoid post-neurosurgical language deficits, intraoperative mapping of the language function in the brain can be complemented with preoperative mapping with functional magnetic resonance imaging. The validity of an fMRI “language localizer” paradigm crucially depends on the choice of an optimal language task and baseline condition. This study presents a new fMRI “language localizer” in Russian using overt sentence completion, a task that comprehensively engages the language function by involving both production and comprehension at the word and sentence level. The (...)
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    Impact of Induced Moods, Sensation Seeking, and Emotional Contagion on Economic Decisions Under Risk.Kirill Efimov, Ioannis Ntoumanis, Olga Kuskova, Dzerassa Kadieva, Ksenia Panidi, Vladimir Kosonogov, Nina Kazanina, Anna Shestakova, Vasily Klucharev & Iiro P. Jääskeläinen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In addition to probabilities of monetary gains and losses, personality traits, socio-economic factors, and specific contexts such as emotions and framing influence financial risk taking. Here, we investigated the effects of joyful, neutral, and sad mood states on participants’ risk-taking behaviour in a simple task with safe and risky options. We also analysed the effect of framing on risk taking. In different trials, a safe option was framed in terms of either financial gains or losses. Moreover, we investigated the effects (...)
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  8.  23
    Du sens à la signification, de la signification aux sens: mélanges offerts à Olga Galatanu.Olga Galatanu, Ana-Maria Cozma, Abdelhadi Bellachhab & Marion Pescheux (eds.) - 2014 - Bruxelles: PIE Peter Lang.
    Dans le champ de la linguistique francaise, Olga Galatanu est de ceux qui ont muni l'analyse du discours et des interactions verbales d'un modele semantique de description. La Semantique des Possibles Argumentatifs qu'elle developpe depuis une vingtaine d'annees adhere aux visions argumentative, stereotypique, referentielle, cognitiviste de la langue, et s'attache a rendre compte de la construction des representations en langue et en discours.<BR> Les articles que ses collaborateurs et amis lui offrent dans ce volume se rapportent de pres ou (...)
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    A human rights-based framework for qualitative dementia research.Alicia Diaz-Gil, Joanne Brooke, Olga Kozlowska, Debra Jackson, Jane Appleton & Sarah Pendlebury - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (7-8):1138-1155.
    Background and Objectives People living with dementia have historically been excluded from qualitative research and their voices ignored due to the perception that a person with dementia is not able to express their opinions, preferences and feelings. Research institutions and organizations have contributed by adopting a paternalistic posture of overprotection. Furthermore, traditional research methods have proven to be exclusionary towards this group. The objective of this paper is to address the issue of inclusion of people with dementia in research and (...)
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  10.  29
    Mediação e sua interação multidisciplinar para a produção da informação.Cayo Madson Borges Silva de Oliveira, Filipe de Melo Torres, Olga Myllena Diniz Botelho Santana & Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9 (2):70-85.
    Para o campo da Ciência da Informação (CI), é de grande relevância a discussão sobre o fluxo informacional, que é um objeto focal das pesquisas desenvolvidas nessa área. Por esse motivo, não são estudados apenas os meios e os conceitos, mas as relações que eles têm entre si e as suas mediações, sempre levando em consideração os processos que envolvem sua comunicação, usabilidade e acessibilidade pelo tecido social. Também, observam-se as distintas visões que envolvem a mediação tida na Ciência da (...)
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    Solidarity networks that challenge racialized discourses: The case of Romani immigrant women in Spain.Ariadna Munté, Lidia Puigvert, Olga Serradell & Teresa Sordé - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (1):87-102.
    In the midst of the global financial crisis and in the ‘anti-race era’, Europe has witnessed a revival of deeply racialized discourses targeting the Roma, leading to new discriminatory practices and legitimating existing ones in many social domains. While westward Roma immigration has spurred these discourses, it has also favored the emergence of invisible grassroots reactions against them that need to be further analyzed. Drawing on interviews with migrant Romani women, this article aims to shed light on these unknown processes, (...)
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    (1 other version)Preschool teachers and musically gifted children in Slovene kindergartensOdgojitelji i glazbeno nadarena djeca u slovenskim vrtićima.Jerneja Žnidaršič, Barbara Sicherl Kafol & Olga Denac - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 28 (2):221-245.
    The aim of the present study, which involved preschool teachers, was to explore the area of working with musically gifted children. In particular, we focused on the identification of musically gifted children and monitoring of their musical development, preschool teachers’ competence for working with children, and evaluation of factors important for the development of musically gifted children. Research results showed that the majority of preschool teachers: were able to identify musically gifted children; rarely monitored and documented children’s musical development systematically (...)
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    Characterization of the process of evaluation of the learning of statistical content in medicine.Arnaldo Espindola Artola, José Manuel Ruiz Socarrás, Olga Lidia Pérez González, Gladys María Díaz García & Raudel López Benítez - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (1):177-192.
    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo caracterizar el proceso de evaluación del aprendizaje del contenido estadístico en la carrera de Medicina. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que el nivel de asimilación alcanzado por los estudiantes en muchas ocasiones es el reproductivo, lo que refleja la necesidad de seguir profundizando en los estudios de esta problemática. Issues related to the learning evaluation have been present throughout the teaching learning process history. The following research aims at characterizing the learning process of evaluation of the (...)
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    Repensando la antropología digital: estructurismo, mediación tecnológica e implicaciones epistémicas y morales.Raúl Linares-Peralta & Joan Llorca Albareda - 2024 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 73:165-194.
    El mundo digital pone en cuestión los conceptos y las categorías fundamentales de la antropología filosófica. Los aspectos definitorios y exclusivos de los seres humanos pierden su vigencia con la aparición de entidades sintéticas que comparten dichas características. En este artículo nos hemos propuesto realizar un análisis filosófico de la antropología digital. Primero, hemos examinado las cuatro estrategias seguidas hasta el momento para dar cuenta de las continuidades ontológicas entre seres humanos y tecnologías. Defendemos que ninguna de ellas resulta convincente (...)
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  15. Zasada poufności w genetyce klinicznej.Olga Dryla - 2011 - Principia 54:223-243.
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    Berciano villalibre, modesto: La revolución filosófica de Martin Heidegger.Carmen Segura Peralta - 2001 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 34:352-356.
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    From Jupiter to Christ: On the History of Religion in the Roman Imperial World by Jörg Rüpke.Dan-El Padilla Peralta - 2016 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 109 (2):278-279.
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    Hammer Time: The Publicii Malleoli Between Cult and Cultural History.Dan-el Padilla Peralta - 2018 - Classical Antiquity 37 (2):267-320.
    This article studies the adoption of the nickname Malleolus by members of the gens Publicia in mid-republican Rome to illustrate the importance of grounding cultural history in the lives of seemingly minor political players and the mundane objects with which they came to be associated. After reviewing the occupational significance of hammers during the First Punic War, I scrutinize the ritual and cultic intersignifications of hammers in fourth- and third-century BCE central Italy in order to set up a comprehensive reconstruction (...)
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  19. Instante y Máscara. Vattimo, intérprete de Nietzsche.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2007 - A Parte Rei 54:13.
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  20.  18
    Face in trouble - from physiognomics to Facebook / Olga Szmidt, Katarzyna Trzeciak (eds.) ; Copy-edited by Soren Gauger.Olga Szmidt (ed.) - 2017 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    This book analyzes unobvious relations between historical definitions of the face and its contemporary usage in popular culture and social media, like Facebook or Instagram. Bringing together a wide range of methodologies, it includes essays from manifold disciplines of the humanities such as philosophy, literary and art criticism, media and television studies, game studies, sociology and anthropology. The authors focus on both metaphorical and material meanings of the face. They grapple with crucial questions about modernity, modern and postmodern subjectivity, as (...)
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  21.  40
    Does Supervisor’s Moral Courage to Go Beyond Compliance Have a Role in the Relationships Between Teamwork Quality, Team Creativity, and Team Idea Implementation?Carlos Ferreira Peralta, Maria Francisca Saldanha, Paulo Nuno Lopes, Paulo Renato Lourenço & Leonor Pais - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (4):677-696.
    Drawing on the interactionist perspective of innovation and on the sustainable ethical strength framework, the present research examines the moderating role of supervisors’ moral courage to go beyond compliance in the relationships between teamwork quality, team creativity, and team idea implementation. Two field studies, using multi-source and multi-wave data, indicated that teamwork quality was positively related to team idea implementation via team creativity, particularly when team supervisors revealed moral courage to go beyond compliance. When supervisors lacked such courage, teams struggled (...)
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  22.  64
    Finansowanie testów genetycznych ze źródeł publicznych.Olga Dryla - 2015 - Diametros 44:1-19.
    One of the signs of the rapid development of medical genetics is a gradual increase in the number of genetic tests available. Different aspects of this phenomenon have been addressed and debated in the source literature, but so far relatively little has been said about the obligation to provide equal access – in the social context – to selected kinds of tests. In this article, I attempt to reconstruct those few suggestions, dealing with the principles of funding genetic tests from (...)
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    Mercado y Pedagogos en Secundaria.Olga García Fernández - 2009 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 42:329 - 334.
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    La moral teológica.José Peralta - 1974 - Cuenca, Ecuador: [S.N.].
    t. 1. La moral teológica y su acción en el paganismo. La moral teológica y su acción en el judaismo.--t. 2. La moral teológica y su acción en el cristianismo.
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    La memoria y sus representaciones en Spinoza.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2016 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 10:161-177.
    This paper studies the concept of memory as understood in Spinoza’s body of work, focusing mainly on E 2P18. The main features of memory’s functioning are explained across three conceptual axes: affectio, vestigium and concatenation. These shape Spinoza’s own argumentation in the cited proposition and also recall Aristotle’s theory on memory’s function and functioning. The link between both theories helps transversely to elucidate Spinoza’s position regarding the problem of the identity of the individual.
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  26.  9
    La soledad, el miedo a la soledad y la democracia.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2020 - Praxis Filosófica 50:25-42.
    La soledad condensa tanto una esperanza de vivir según su propio criterio, como el miedo de no poder defenderse. Se trata de una condición que está en los márgenes de la constitución de una sociedad. Este modo de aislamiento del individuo permite pensar el conflicto y la polarización en la democracia. El texto analiza las concepciones de soledad en la filosofía de Spinoza para alcanzar un análisis de la utilidad. La fortaleza de ánimo, virtud y condición del ánimo que corresponde (...)
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  27.  16
    Pharmapolitics and the Early Roman Expansion: Gender, Slavery, and Ecology in 331 BCE.Dan-el Padilla Peralta - 2023 - Classical Antiquity 42 (1):159-194.
    This article reinterprets an incident that Livy (8.18.4–11) and derivative later sources place in the year 331 BCE: a wave of poisonings whose perpetrators are brought to light after an enslaved woman contacts a Roman magistrate. Its main objectives are to show that the incident is best understood in connection with the transmission of novel—or perceived as novel—pharmacological knowledge, and in conjunction with shifts in the institution of slavery at Rome that were set in motion by the Republic’s expansion; that (...)
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  28.  10
    The greed line: tool for a just economy.Athena Peralta & Rogate R. Mshana (eds.) - 2015 - Geneva, Switzerland: World Council of Churches.
    When the richest 85 individuals in the world own as much as the poorest 3 billion people, one must ask about equity and social justice. Yet, the problem is not just individual, but also systemic. Just as nations have developed poverty lines to identify people who need help, so too, as this book argues, we need a measure of relative wealth that can guide policy makers, governments, development specialists, and economists. Approaching the question through theological, ethical, and economic analysis, the (...)
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  29.  45
    Recognizing cited facts and principles in legal judgements.Olga Shulayeva, Advaith Siddharthan & Adam Wyner - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 25 (1):107-126.
    In common law jurisdictions, legal professionals cite facts and legal principles from precedent cases to support their arguments before the court for their intended outcome in a current case. This practice stems from the doctrine of stare decisis, where cases that have similar facts should receive similar decisions with respect to the principles. It is essential for legal professionals to identify such facts and principles in precedent cases, though this is a highly time intensive task. In this paper, we present (...)
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  30.  19
    La adaptación del darwinismo al medio hostil de la ficción audiovisual : limitaciones inherentes al medio para la representación y divulgación de las teorías de la evolución por selección natural en cine y televisión.Miguel Álvarez Peralta & Jesús Zamora Bonilla - 2010 - Endoxa 24:377.
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    Anshakov-Rychkov Algebras.Olga Ambas - 2001 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 42 (4):211-224.
    The aim of this paper is to show that the calculi described by Anshakov and Rychkov are algebraizable in the sense of Blok and Pigozzi. As a consequence, a proof of the strong completeness of these calculi is obtained.
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    Concepción pedagógica socioeducativa del aprendizaje cooperativo asistencial para la formación de enfermeros.Luis Alberto Alzate Peralta - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-16.
    En Enfermería, se requiere que los profesionales tengan conocimientos y habilidades que le permitan asumir actitudes propias del trabajo en equipo, por tanto, el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje debe proponer alternativas didácticas dirigidas a formar en los estudiantes modos de actuación para desarrollar tareas asistenciales en equipo. Se plantea como idea a defender que una concepción del proceso de enseñanza con enfoque de aprendizaje cooperativo asistencial a través de tareas de aprendizaje en situación cooperativa favorece el desarrollo de competencias para trabajar (...)
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  33. La retórica de Kant 1. Claridad y ejemplaridad.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 43 (108):153-157.
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  34. Sociabilidad, intercambio y transgresión.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 42 (106):119-131.
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  35.  89
    “Ridiculous” dream versus social contract: Dostoevskij, Rousseau, and the problem of ideal society.Olga Stuchebrukhov - 2007 - Studies in East European Thought 59 (1-2):101 - 169.
    Drawing on the Second Discourse and the Social Contract and Notes from Underground and “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man,” this essay examines the striking similarities and fundamental differences between Dostoevskij’s and Rousseau’s treatment of the problem of individual vs. society and their notions of ideal social relations. The essay investigates Rousseau’s attempt to absorb morality into politics and “to concretize” Diderot’s universal moral man into citizen. It also suggests that Dostoevskij takes Rousseau’s attempt at concretization a step further by (...)
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  36.  21
    Metaphor and ideology: Conceptual structure and conceptual content in Spanish political discourse.Marina Díaz-Peralta - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (2):128-148.
    This article presents the results of the analysis of a number of linguistic metaphors found in a corpus of opinion articles published in the Spanish newspaper El País. The authors included in the corpus, who tend towards the left of the political spectrum, use metaphor to express moral judgements on the actions and decisions of the conservative, centre-right People’s party, which governs Spain with an overall majority. With the aim of describing this discourse, we have undertaken a qualitative analysis with (...)
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    Inhomogeneity of the regional space and its impact on the population life quality in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.Olga Artemova & Anastasia Savchenko - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 2:65-79.
    Introduction. The authors clarify and expand the concepts of heterogeneity properties of regional socio-economic and digital spaces. Heterogeneity of space is associated with the regional uneven development and results in their socio-economic and digital differentiation, which, in turn, determines unequal conditions for ensuring the population’s life quality. In the context of the study, heterogeneity of the regional space is defined as a property of uneven spatial development of the Russian Federation’s constituent entities according to the territorial, sectoral, and temporary characteristics (...)
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    2. Quellen des Orpheus-Mythos im 17. Jahrhundert.Olga Artsibacheva - 2008 - In Die Rezeption des Orpheus-Mythos in Deutschen Musikdramen des 17. Jahrhundertsthe Reception of the Orpheus Myth in 17th Century German Music Dramas. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag.
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  39. Some Remarks on the Rising of Universal Sense.Olga Doronenko - 1990 - Dialectics and Humanism 17 (3):233-234.
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  40. Afectos, tiempos e intensidades en la Ética en Spinoza.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 48 (123):97-105.
    Presenta a grandes rasgos su tesis doctoral. Dentro del marco de la teoría de los afectos, Spinoza sostiene una tesis sobre la alienación a partir de la imaginación y del tiempo, para ello produce una teoría del tiempo y, fundamentalmente, una teoría de las intensidades que sirve para explicar la ilusión.
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    Pufendorf y Spinoza. Inmanencia y derecho.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2012 - In Francisco José Martínez, Spinoza en su siglo. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva. pp. 163--180.
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    Special Sciences and the Unity of Science.Olga Pombo, Juan Manuel Torres, John Symons & Shahid Rahman (eds.) - 2012 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Science is a dynamic process in which the assimilation of new phenomena, perspectives, and hypotheses into the scientific corpus takes place slowly. The apparent disunity of the sciences is the unavoidable consequence of this gradual integration process. Some thinkers label this dynamical circumstance a ‘crisis’. However, a retrospective view of the practical results of the scientific enterprise and of science itself, grants us a clear view of the unity of the human knowledge seeking enterprise. This book provides many arguments, case (...)
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    From the Body Canon of Modern Times to the Comprehension of Modern Practices of Biotechnological Design.Olga Popova - 2018 - Philosophical Anthropology 4 (2):51-68.
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    Simon Franklin, Writing, society and culture in early Rus, c. 950–1300.Olga B. Strakhov - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (2):576-578.
    In his book, Simon Franklin investigates various writings attested in Rus. This, however, does not automatically mean “Russian writings.” As the author himself states in the first sentence of his work, “This book is about the origins and early uses of writings in a particular society (Rus), but it may also serve as a case-study for those with a broader interest either in medieval uses of writing or—still more broadly—in the cultural history of information technology” (p. 1).
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    Les Innovations du Vocabulaire Latin à la Fin du Moyen Âge: Autour du Glossaire du Latin Philosophique: Actes de la Journée d'Étude du 15 Mai 2008.Olga Weijers, Iacopo Costa & Adriano Oliva (eds.) - 2010 - Brepols Publishers.
    Le Glossaire du latin philosophique est un fichier d'environ 230.000 à 260.000 fiches consacré au vocabulaire philosophique du moyen âge. Une équipe du CNRS, au départ sous la direction de Pierre Michaud-Quantin, y a travaillé durant de nombreuses années. Récemment, il a été transporté de la Sorbonne à l'Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes, où il est désormais consultable à la Section latine. À l'occasion de l'arrivée du Glossaire du latin philosophique à l'Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes (...)
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    Contemporary Russian ethics: the polarisation.Olga Zubets - 2014 - Studies in East European Thought 66 (3-4):181-194.
    The article provides an overview of the key events and ideas associated with contemporary Russian ethics, as well as of publications significant to the theory of the discipline and the most sustained discussions. Notwithstanding the wide variety of topics, sets of problems, and ways of philosophizing that have emerged over the last two decades, this period is primarily characterised by a gradual conceptual polarisation and the development of two irreconcilable trends based on manifestly opposed foundations: the idea of the absoluteness (...)
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    Developing Clinical Research Relationship: Views from Within.Olga Zvonareva & Lloyd Akrong - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (3):257-266.
    The nature of the relationship between clinical investigator and research participant continues to be contested. The related discussions have largely focused on the doctor-researcher dichotomy thought to permeate the work of a clinical investigator with research participants, whom in turn occupy two corresponding roles: patient and subject. This paper contributes to current debates on the topic by providing a voice to research participants, whose perspectives have been largely invisible. It draws on 42 in-depth interviews conducted in Ghana and South Africa (...)
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    Demarcating Epidemiology.Olga Amsterdamska - 2005 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 30 (1):17-51.
    Although epidemiology as a scientific study of disease in populations claimed an independent disciplinary status already in the mid–nineteenth century, its history in the twentieth century can be seen as a continuous and often contentious attempt to define the field’s social and intellectual boundaries vis-à-vis a variety of neighboring scientific fields and public health practices. In a period dominated by laboratory biomedical sciences, epidemiologists repeatedly tried to spell out how their discipline met the requirements of scientificity despite its focus on (...)
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    Posthuman Sustainability: An Ethos for our Anthropocenic Future.Olga Cielemęcka & Christine Daigle - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (7-8):67-87.
    Confronted with an unprecedented scale of human-induced environmental crisis, there is a need for new modes of theorizing that would abandon human exceptionalism and anthropocentrism and instead focus on developing environmentally ethical projects suitable for our times. In this paper, we offer an anti-anthropocentric project of an ethos for living in the Anthropocene. We develop it through revisiting the notion of sustainability in order to problematize the linear vision of human-centric futurity and the uniform ‘we’ of humanity upon which it (...)
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    Dimensions of Citation Analysis.Olga Amsterdamska & Loet Leydesdorff - 1990 - Science, Technology and Human Values 15 (3):305-335.
    An analytical scheme that differentiates among the various types of cognitive and social functions of citations is used as the basis for an analysis of the results of a questionnaire designed to probe the citing behavior of a group of scientists who had cited one of four papers originating from a single biochemical laboratory. Even when papers fall within a relatively well-defined research area and are based on research conducted within a single lab, groups of scientists to which a given (...)
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