Results for 'Olga Zubets'

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  1.  16
    Contemporary Russian ethics: the polarisation.Olga Zubets - 2014 - Studies in East European Thought 66 (3-4):181-194.
    The article provides an overview of the key events and ideas associated with contemporary Russian ethics, as well as of publications significant to the theory of the discipline and the most sustained discussions. Notwithstanding the wide variety of topics, sets of problems, and ways of philosophizing that have emerged over the last two decades, this period is primarily characterised by a gradual conceptual polarisation and the development of two irreconcilable trends based on manifestly opposed foundations: the idea of the absoluteness (...)
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    What Does the Virtuous Person Despise and to What Is He Superior?P. Zubets Olga - 2016 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 54 (6):501-518.
    This article discusses Aristotle’s description of the virtuous person as inclined to superiority and to contempt. The issue is about superiority in the act, which is expressed in leading the origin of the act upwards to oneself, that is, about the superiority of the moral subject’s being. Contempt is not an estimation but something like a gesture removing any obstacle to being oneself. Aristotle creates a unified image to personify the idea of the moral subject and to answer the question (...)
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    Revisiting “Intelligent Nursing”: Olga Petrovskaya in conversation with Mary Ellen Purkis and Kristin Bjornsdottir.Olga Petrovskaya, Mary Ellen Purkis & Kristin Bjornsdottir - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (3):e12259.
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  4. The Role of Empathy and Compassion in Conflict Resolution.Olga M. Klimecki - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (4):310-325.
    Empathy and empathy-related processes, such as compassion and personal distress, are recognized to play a key role in social relations. This review examines the role of empathy in interpersonal and...
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    Neural systems connecting interoceptive awareness and feelings.Olga Pollatos, Klaus Gramann & Rainer Schandry - 2007 - Human Brain Mapping 28 (1):9-18.
  6.  30
    Pupil involvement in school (re)design: Participation in policy and practice.Olga N. Nikitina-den Besten, John Horton & Peter Kraftl - unknown
    Over the last decade, an array of policy interventions relating to children, young people and education in the UK have positioned pupil participation in the (re)design of school environments as a key imperative. Indeed, pupil participation is an explicit, core ideal of major, ongoing school (re)construction and (re)design programmes in the UK such as Building Schools for the Future, Academy schools, and Primary Capital Funding. The aim of this paper is to juxtapose the ideals of participation as expressed in national (...)
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    Discourse Diversity Database (3D) for Clinical Linguistics Research: Design, Development, and Analysis.Mariya Khudyakova, Natalia Antonova, Maria Nelubina, Anastasia Surova, Anna Vorobyova, Alina Minnigulova, Natalia Gronskaya, Konstantin Yashin, Igor Medyanik, Tatiana Shishkovskaya, Galina Ryazanskaya, Andrey Zuev & Olga Dragoy - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (1):32-57.
    RESUMO O Discourse Diversity Database (3D) é um corpus desenvolvido para a pesquisa em linguística clínica. Ele consiste de amostras de fala oral de três gêneros diferentes: narrativas induzidas por imagens, histórias pessoais e instruções baseadas em imagens. As subdivisões do 3D incluem gravações de falantes de russo de três grupos independentes: pessoas com tumores cerebrais antes e depois da remoção do tumor, pessoas com esquizofrenia e indivíduos neurologicamente saudáveis. O presente artigo é dedicado à descrição do procedimento de coleta (...)
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    Creating a rehabilitation living lab to optimize participation and inclusion for persons with physical disabilities.Eva Kehayia, Bonnie Swaine, Cristina Longo, Sara Ahmed, Philippe Archambault, Joyce Fung, Dahlia Kairy, Anouk Lamontagne, Guylaine Le Dorze, Hélène Lefebvre, Olga Overbury & Tiiu Poldma - 2014 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 8 (3):151-157.
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    An Idol or an Ideal? A Case Study of Estonian E-Governance: Public Perceptions, Myths and Misbeliefs.Tanel Kerikmäe, David Ramiro Troitiño & Olga Shumilo - 2019 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 7 (1):71-80.
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    Du sens à la signification, de la signification aux sens: mélanges offerts à Olga Galatanu.Olga Galatanu, Ana-Maria Cozma, Abdelhadi Bellachhab & Marion Pescheux (eds.) - 2014 - Bruxelles: PIE Peter Lang.
    Dans le champ de la linguistique francaise, Olga Galatanu est de ceux qui ont muni l'analyse du discours et des interactions verbales d'un modele semantique de description. La Semantique des Possibles Argumentatifs qu'elle developpe depuis une vingtaine d'annees adhere aux visions argumentative, stereotypique, referentielle, cognitiviste de la langue, et s'attache a rendre compte de la construction des representations en langue et en discours.<BR> Les articles que ses collaborateurs et amis lui offrent dans ce volume se rapportent de pres ou (...)
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    Interoceptive awareness mediates the relationship between anxiety and the intensity of unpleasant feelings.Olga Pollatos, Eva Traut-Mattausch, Heike Schroeder & Rainer Schandry - 2007 - Journal of Anxiety Disorders 21 (7):931-943.
  12.  18
    Pensar la violencia, la justicia y la libertad.Olga Belmonte (ed.) - 2012 - Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
    En este volumen se recogen una serie de estudios, reflexiones y propuestas prácticas en torno a las nociones de violencia, justicia y libertad. Sus responsables consideran que es urgente reflexionar sobre ellas, pues nuestras acciones, nuestra respuesta o nuestra indiferencia ante la violencia o la injusticia, dependen de lo que entendamos por un Estado justo o lo que signifique para nosotros ser libre. Partiendo de diferentes tradiciones filosóficas y de autores que han abordado estas cuestiones a lo largo de la (...)
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  13.  21
    La sémantique des possibles agumentatifs: génération et (re)construction discursive du sens linguistique.Olga Galatanu - 2018 - Bruxelles: Peter Lang.
    L'ouvrage présente, argumente et illustre la sémantique des possibles argumentatifs, une théorie et un modèle de fonctionnement du sens linguistique à l'interface de ses deux formes de manifestation : la signification des expressions linguistiques, en particulier des mots, et le sens discursif, produit dans et par les occurrences de parole. Cette approche, que l'auteur construit depuis une vingtaine d'années et qui a été déjà investie dans de nombreuses recherches en analyse du discours et des (inter)actions verbales, s'inscrit à la fois (...)
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  14.  53
    Disagree to Agree: Forming Consensus Around Basic Income in Times of Political Divisiveness.Olga Lenczewska & Avshalom Schwartz - 2020 - In Richard K. Caputo & Larry Liu (eds.), Political Activism and Basic Income Guarantee: International Experiences and Perspectives Past, Present, and Near Future. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 13-31.
    This paper concerns the growing political polarization in the U.S. and the challenges faced by political activists in their effort to mobilize around struggles and demands for policy changes. We argue that basic income can serve as a key policy around which social movements and political activists of different beliefs systems – feminist activists, racial justice activists, liberal egalitarians, Marxists-socialists, and libertarians – could form an overlapping consensus. This would allow them to have a common political goal without having to (...)
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  15.  22
    La mejora del carácter moral en la evaluación de las técnicas de mejora biológica.Olga Campos - 2010 - Dilemata 3.
    Deberíamos usar las nuevas técnicas biomédicas para mejorar a los individuos? Si sabemos que la naturaleza humana contiene también características que podemos considerar no deseables entonces parece que no habría nada en sí mismo erróneo a la hora de alterarla. Algunos autores interesados en este tema hacen referencia a los daños que ello podría ocasionar a otros. Pero entonces, ¿la mejora moral podría funcionar como un contraejemplo a la idea de que la mejora biomédica es siempre moralmente impermisible? Puede que (...)
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  16.  36
    Political and religious identification of Russia and the USA in the context of national and international security.Olga Chistyakova - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 32:9-19.
    The article is devoted to the ideas of religious and political identification of modern Russia and the USA. The main conceptual positions of Russian and American philosophers, political scientists, and theologians are presented. These ideas create the specific axiological unity of American and Russian forms of culture and civilizations. The search for national idea and cultural identification is presented in the article from the position of national and international security of the USA and Russia. The author pays attention to original (...)
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  17.  18
    A historiografia linguística no Brasil (1993-2018): memória, estudos.Olga Coelho (ed.) - 2018 - Campinas: Pontes.
    A leitura deste volume decerto trará novas luzes para o entendimento de temas diversos da pesquisa historiográfica, bem à feição da personalidade acadêmica da homenageada, cujo interesse plural percorre os caminhos da gramaticografia do português no Brasil, da linguística missionária, da política linguística, da edificação dos estudos linguísticos universitários, entre tantos outros que residem em sua obra. Uma última palavra de louvor a Cristina Altman, com os votos de que a aposentadoria não lhe iniba o ânimo para continuar contribuindo, com (...)
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  18. (Im) posible intimidad: reductos en el arte actual.Olga Fernández - 2005 - In Antonio Notario Ruiz (ed.), Contrapuntos estéticos. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. pp. 135--146.
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  19. La Educación Ambiental em Colombia.Olga Maria Bermúdez Guerrero - 2004 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 6 (1).
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  20. Ślady Swedenborga w twórczości Baudelaire\'a i Balzaca.Olga Anna Jabłonko - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 19 (19):53-60.
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    Meaning-centered education: international perspectives and explorations in higher education.Olga Kovbasyuk & Patrick Blessinger (eds.) - 2013 - London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    In a time of globally changing environments and economic challenges, many institutions of higher education are attempting to reform by promoting standardization approaches. Meaning-Centered Education explores the counter-tide for an alternative vision of education, where students and instructors engage in open meaning-making processes and self-organizing educational practices. In one contributed volume, Meaning-Centered Education provides a comprehensive introduction to current scholarship and pedagogical practice on meaning-centered education. International contributors explore how modern educational scholars and practitioners all around the world are implementing (...)
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  22. La Physica de Walter Burley: su teoría sobre el número de principios del ente natural.Olga Larre - 1999 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 6:241-258.
    Burley ha de ser contado entre los más distinguidos comentaristas de Aristóteles en el siglo XIV. En el análisis de la teoría del número de los principios del ente natural y de su particular concepto de privación Burley enuncia su posición ultrarrealista en torno al problema de los universales. En efecto, los principios del ente natural son para Burley tres: materia, forma y privación que se distinguen según su esencia, y por tanto, también numéricamente. El Doctor Planus sostiene, así, una (...)
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  23.  10
    Filozofikus világtörténetek és történetfilozófiák: a francia és a magyar felvilágosodás.Olga Penke - 2000 - Budapest: Balassi Kiadó.
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  24. Science and democracy : a complex relationship.Olga Pombo - 2020 - In Jens S. Allwood, Olga Pombo, Clara Renna & Giovanni Scarafile (eds.), Controversies and interdisciplinarity: beyond disciplinary fragmentation for a new knowledge model. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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  25. Historiosofía: estructura del objeto y del discurso.Olga Rusakova - 2006 - la Lámpara de Diógenes 7 (12):183-193.
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  26.  11
    Palas y las musas: diálogos entre la ciencia y el arte.Olga Sáenz (ed.) - 2016
    Vol. 1. Renacimiento -- Vol. 2. Barroco -- Vol. 3. Ilustración -- Vol. 4. Romanticismo -- Vol. 5. Moderno -- Vol. 6. Contemporáneo.
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  27.  44
    Reflections on an interactive posthumanist panel: A model for future nursing philosophy conference engagement?Olga Petrovskaya - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12449.
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    Spiritual Culture and National Self-Identification as Major Factors in Overcoming Crisis in Russia.Olga Afanasyeva - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 36:233-241.
    Liberal-Democratic changes in the Russian Society have brought a number of acute problems threatening national security and leading to converting Russia into a peripheral socio-cultural system («national self-identification crisis»). Scientific research shows that the main indicator of the said crisis is not only the critical economic differentiation of people into the «poor» and «rich» Russia (with the different ways of life, needs, mentality) but also spiritual degradation, spread of aggressive – depressive syndrome (growth of hatred, feeling of injustice, loss of (...)
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  29.  14
    When Wisdom Calls: Philosophical Protreptic in Antiquity.Olga Alieva, Annemaré Kotzé & Sophie van der Meeren (eds.) - 2018 - Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers.
    The ancients never confined their philosophy to the systematic exposition of doctrine. Orations, treatises, dialogues and letters aimed at persuading people to become lovers of wisdom. Rhetorical feats, logical intricacies, or mystical experience served to recruit adherents, to promote and defend philosophy and to support adherents. Protreptic was the literary form that served all these functions. This volume seeks to illuminate both the diversity and the continuity of protreptic in the work of a wide range of authors, from Parmenides to (...)
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  30. Gobernanza de Internet: el debate en Latinoamérica.Olga Cavalli - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 80:106-109.
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  31. Zasada poufności w genetyce klinicznej.Olga Dryla - 2011 - Principia 54:223-243.
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  32.  36
    Posibilidades y limitaciones en el desarrollo humano desde la influencia de las tic en la salud: el caso latinoamericano.Olga Cecilia Wilches Flórez & Ángela María Wilches Flórez - 2017 - Persona y Bioética 21 (1).
    The article reflects on the use of information and communication technologies in various fields of knowledge, with an emphasis on health. The idea, in this respect, is to become acquainted with the advances and limitations that exist in the Latin American context. A documentary review is carried out based on the opinions of recognized authors, and aspects related to the specifics of ICT are developed, with several fields of application being mentioned. The article then reflects on the application of these (...)
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  33.  41
    The Body in Thinking.Olga Gomilko - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:69-75.
    The paper presents the main ideas of systematic research of the phenomenon of the human body as an essential characteristic of human being and the fundamental philosophical concept. It allows one to scrutinize the concept of the human body as a necessary research tool in the humanities. The human body is analyzed in the process of its conceptualization in the history of philosophy, in relation to which its logic and main phases are defined. The paradigms of the understanding of the (...)
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  34. A fragment of the Russian revolution.Olga Koksharova - 1935 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 16 (2):142.
  35. Hunger: An Episode of the Russian Famine.Olga Koksharova - 1934 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 15 (3):227.
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  36.  27
    El tema del tiempo en la Expositio in Physicam de Walter Burley.Olga Larre - 1966 - Sapientia 26:141-154.
  37. Can the Author Escape Himself? Italo Calvino on the Absolute Power and the Insuperable Limitations of Authorship.Olga Lenczewska - forthcoming - Literature & Aesthetics.
    How much power does the author have, and what limits it? I examine how these questions are approached by Italo Calvino in his last novel, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller (1979). My paper takes a look at one of the aspects of the theme of authorship in this book: namely, the questions of the power the author has by virtue of being an author, on the one hand, and the limitations of this authorial function, on the other hand. (...)
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  38. Kant on the Origins of Humanity and Moral Education.Olga Lenczewska - forthcoming - Journal of the History of Ideas.
    Kant’s views on human history have been widely studied, but commentators have rarely discussed his speculative account of humanity’s origins, assuming that it does not neatly fit into his critical philosophy. This paper challenges this assumption by defending two claims. First, Kant’s major essay on this topic, “Conjectural Beginning of Human History,” is a key component of his teleological understanding of human history and should be incorporated into the study of his critical philosophy. Second, the story of humanity’s origins informs (...)
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  39.  28
    Sterilisation without Informed Consent: How to Improve European Citizens’ Medical Agency.Olga Lenczewska - 2017 - In Daniele Archibugi & Ali Emre Benli (eds.), Claiming Citizenship Rights in Europe: Emerging Challenges and Political Agents. London, UK: Routledge. pp. 130-147.
    This paper discusses the importance of informed medical consent through a case study examines the implications this case had for the medical rights of EU citizens. I start by describing a case of a Slovakian national of Roma origin against the Government of Slovakia, which appeared at the European Court of Human Rights in 2007-2012. The twenty-year old woman, who had been sterilized at a Slovakian hospital during the birth of her second child, claimed that the procedure took place without (...)
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  40. The concept of "political globalization" and global challenges.Olga G. Leonova - 2022 - In Alexander N. Chumakov, Alyssa DeBlasio & Ilya V. Ilyin (eds.), Philosophical Aspects of Globalization: A Multidisciplinary Inquiry. Boston: BRILL.
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  41. Camus e o Mediterrâneo : do absurdo ao sol do meio-dia.Olgária Matos - 2010 - In Adauto Novaes (ed.), Mutações: a invenção das crenças. São Paulo, SP: Edições SESC SP.
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  42. Linguagem e verdade em Hobbes.Olga Pombo - 1985 - Filosofia 1:45-61.
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    Jimena Rodríguez Carreño (ed.), Animales no humanos entre animales humanos, Madrid, Plaza y Valdés, 2012.Olga Campos Serena - 2012 - Dilemata 9:279-285.
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  44. La Scienza Nuova di Giovan Battista Vico nelle opere di studiosi russi (1861-1917).Olga V. Serova - 1984 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 14:301-310.
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  45.  24
    (1 other version)Demokracija ili demokratsko društvo. Deweyev pojam demokracije u kontekstu radikalno ljevičarske misli.Olga Simova - 2010 - Synthesis Philosophica 25 (1):65-76.
    Članak razmatra pojam demokracije Johna Deweya u odnosu na ranije i suvremene radikalno ljevičarske ideje. Ističu se slična epistemološka, antropološka i politička stajališta u ovim teorijama. Vrlo je važno odbacivanje ili podcjenjivanje političke demokracije i naglasak na demokratskom životu s ciljem stvaranja novog društva, posve drukčijeg od postojećih društava. Članak je podijeljen u tri dijela. Prvi dio istražuje razumijevanje demokracije kao nepolitičkog fenomena i kao sinonima za novi oblik ljudske egzistencije u mladog Marxa te kasnijim stavovima Marxa i Lenjina o (...)
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  46. Anarchizm epistemologiczny a relatywizm Paula K. Feyerabenda.Olga Zamelska - 2004 - Diametros 1:85-103.
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    Face in trouble - from physiognomics to Facebook / Olga Szmidt, Katarzyna Trzeciak (eds.) ; Copy-edited by Soren Gauger.Olga Szmidt (ed.) - 2017 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    This book analyzes unobvious relations between historical definitions of the face and its contemporary usage in popular culture and social media, like Facebook or Instagram. Bringing together a wide range of methodologies, it includes essays from manifold disciplines of the humanities such as philosophy, literary and art criticism, media and television studies, game studies, sociology and anthropology. The authors focus on both metaphorical and material meanings of the face. They grapple with crucial questions about modernity, modern and postmodern subjectivity, as (...)
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    Is there nursing phenomenology after P aley? Essay on rigorous reading.Olga Petrovskaya - 2014 - Nursing Philosophy 15 (1):60-71.
    At the bedside, nurses are expected to be precise when they read indications on screens and on the bodies of patients and decide on the meaning of words framed by the context of acute care. In academia, although there is no incident report to fill when we misread or misrepresent complex philosophical ideas, the consequences of inaccurate reading include misplaced epistemological claims and poor scholarship. A long and broad convention of nursing phenomenological research, in its various forms, claims a philosophical (...)
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  49. Cosmopolitan vision, global responsibility and local reporting in Ukraine.Olga Baysha & Andrew Calabrese - 2015 - In Aybige Yilmaz (ed.), Media and cosmopolitanism. New York: Peter Lang.
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  50. Fontes para a historiografia linguística: caminhos para a pesquisa documental.Olga Coelho (ed.) - 2021 - Campinas, SP: Pontes.
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