Results for 'Marina Díaz-Peralta'

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  1.  17
    Metaphor and ideology: Conceptual structure and conceptual content in Spanish political discourse.Marina Díaz-Peralta - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (2):128-148.
    This article presents the results of the analysis of a number of linguistic metaphors found in a corpus of opinion articles published in the Spanish newspaper El País. The authors included in the corpus, who tend towards the left of the political spectrum, use metaphor to express moral judgements on the actions and decisions of the conservative, centre-right People’s party, which governs Spain with an overall majority. With the aim of describing this discourse, we have undertaken a qualitative analysis with (...)
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    Argumentación y metáfora en el discurso político en torno a la inmigración.Gracia Piñero Piñero, Marina Díaz Peralta & María J. García Domínguez - 2015 - Arbor 191 (772):a224.
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    Percepción de un portafolio electrónico en un curso de cirugía oncológica.Juan A. Díaz-Plasencia, Hugo D. Valencia-Mariñas & Katherine Y. Lozano Peralta - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-10.
    Los objetivos del presente estudio son evaluar la aceptabilidad de los estudiantes del modelo de portafolio electrónico de casos clínicos virtuales, lineales e integradores y su percepción sobre la metodología de aula invertida y aprendizaje en equipo modificado.El modelo de enseñanza mixta del portafolio electrónico, aula invertida y del aprendizaje en equipo modificado para estudiantes de pregrado permitió mejorar la satisfacción de los estudiantes al promover el aprendizaje activo y reflexivo. Los alumnos encontraron el modelo útil para una variedad de (...)
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    Las violencias entre estudiantes desde el punto de vista de sus actores. Una narrativa de la sociabilidad juvenil.Marina Tomasini, Heliana Peralta & Lucía Domínguez - 2013 - Aposta 58.
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    Las violencias entre estudiantes desde el punto de vista de sus actores: Una narrativa de la sociabilidad juvenil.Marina Tomasini, A. Domínguez & Heliana Peralta - 2013 - Aposta 58:2-43.
    Este artículo trata sobre las violencias entre estudiantes y las aborda como constitutivas de la conformación de un entramado de vinculación juvenil en la escuela media; allí donde se juegan cotidianamente procesos identitarios que implican la tensión entre identificación y diferenciación, a través de la re-constitución de taxonomías sociales. Dentro de la tradición de investigación cualitativa nos centramos en la perspectiva narrativa de análisis, en base a la cual construimos un esquema analítico que fue aplicado a micro relatos de situaciones (...)
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    Las traducciones árabe y latina del De simplicium medicamentorum facultatibus VI: el caso del grano de ben.Marina Díaz-Marcos & Sara Solá-Portillo - 2024 - Al-Qantara 44 (2):e18.
    El grano de ben es un fruto que ha sido utilizado con fines terapéuticos desde la Antigüedad. Su descripción está incluida en el libro VI del De simplicium medicamentorum facultatibus de Galeno (s. II), una de las obras farmacológicas más importantes de la historia de la medicina. En este artículo compararemos desde una perspectiva filológica la entrada que Galeno dedicó a este simple en dos de sus traducciones medievales: la árabe de Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq (s. IX) y la latina de (...)
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    Chile: Acceptability of a Training Program for Depression Management in Primary Care.Rigoberto Marín, Pablo Martínez, Juan P. Cornejo, Berta Díaz, José Peralta, Álvaro Tala & Graciela Rojas - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Crítica de libros.Ángela Lorena Fuster, Ester Jordana, Matías Sirczuk, José Luis Delgado Rojo, Marina López, Rocío Orsi, Alfredo Bergés, Clara Fernández Díaz-Rincón, Antonio Campillo Meseguer, Fernando Broncano, M. Teresa López de la Vieja & Carmen Rivera Parra - 2013 - Isegoría 49 (49):683-732.
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    Iconicity, Romance and History in the Crónica Sarracina.Marina S. Brownlee - 2006 - Diacritics 36 (3/4):119-130.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Iconicity, Romance and History in the Crónica SarracinaMarina S. Brownlee (bio)Though seemingly alien discourses, romance and historiography are perennially linked. Far from offering an atemporal imaginary universe that bears no resemblance to historical specificity, romance is constructed as a response to it. Rather than simply projecting for the reader the naïve appeal of a prelapsarian escapism from the harsh realities of history, romance involves a continuous and sophisticated reinvention (...)
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  10. Reflexión cristiana sobre el libro de José Antonio Marina "Por qué soy cristiano".Carlos Díaz Hernández - 2006 - Revista Agustiniana 47 (143):337-356.
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    Memoria y emoción.Marina Trakas (ed.) - 2021 - La Plata, Argentina: Revista de Psicología UNLP.
    Verónica Adriana Ramírez, Eliana Ruetti: Memoria emocional en niñas y niños preescolares de diferentes condiciones socio-ambientales; Anne-Lise Saive: Reír para recordar: mejora de la memoria en relación con el humor; Veronika Diaz Abrahan, Maria Benitez, Leticia Sarli, Maximiliano Bossio, Nadia Justel: Memoria emocional. Una revisión sistemática sobre la capacidad modulatoria de la música, la actividad física y el bilingüismo; Matías Bonilla, Camila Isabel Jorge, Malen Daiana Moyano, Cecilia Forcato: Modificación de memorias maladaptativas durante el sueño y la vigilia: una visión (...)
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  12. Díaz, Jorge Aurelio Reseña de" Descartes vivo: Ejercicios de hermenéutica cartesiana" de Moreno, JC, Ideas y Valores. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía, vol. 57, núm. 137, agosto, 2008, pp. 158-161 Universidad Nacional de Colombia. [REVIEW]J. Marina & Ramiro Ceballos - 2008 - Ideas y Valores. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía 57 (137):158-161.
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  13. Memoria y emoción: introducción al dossier.Marina Trakas - 2021 - Revista de Psicología UNLP 20 (1):150-156.
    La Dra. Marina Trakas, coordinadora del dossier "Memoria y emoción" de la Revista de Psicología de la UNLP presenta los contenidos del mismo: -/- Trakas - Memoria y emoción: introducción al dossier Ramirez, Ruetti et al. - Memoria emocional en niñas y niños de diferentes condiciones socio-ambientales Saive - Reír para recordar: mejora de la memoria en relación con el humor Diaz Abrahan, Justel et al. - Memoria emocional. Una revisión sistemática de la capacidad modulatoria de la música, de (...)
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  14. No trace beyond their name? Affective memories, a forgotten concept.Marina Trakas - 2021 - L'année Psychologique / Topics in Cognitive Psychology 121 (2):129-173.
    It seems natural to think that emotional experiences associated with a memory of a past event are new and present emotional states triggered by the remembered event. This common conception has nonetheless been challenged at the beginning of the 20th century by intellectuals who considered that emotions can be encoded and retrieved, and that emotional aspects linked to memories of the personal past need not necessary to be new emotional responses caused by the act of recollection. They called this specific (...)
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    Resistance to extinction of human evaluative conditioning using a between‐subjects design.E. Díaz, G. Ruiz & F. Baeyens - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (2):245-268.
    Two experiments were conducted to examine whether the resistance to extinction obtained in evaluative conditioning (EC) studies implies that EC is a qualitatively distinct form of classical conditioning (Baeyens, Eelen, & Crombez, 1995 Baeyens, F, Eelen, P, and Crombez, G, (1995a). Pavlovian associations are forever: On classical conditioning and extinction, Journal of Psychophysiology 9 ((1995a)), pp. 127–141.[Web of Science ®], [Google Scholar]a) or whether it is the result of an nonassociative artefact (Field & Davey, 1997 Field, AP, and Davey, GCL, (...)
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  16. Colonialidad filosófica, racismo epistémico y occidentalocentrismo : reflexiones en torno a la descolonización de la tradición hegemónica del conocimiento.Martin E. Diaz - 2018 - In Martin E. Diaz, Carlos Pescader & Alejandro Rosillo Martínez (eds.), Geopolítica de los saberes hegemónicos: estudios críticos para desandar el eurocentrismo. General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina: Departamento de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Comahue.
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    Immortal Goodness.Marina MacKay - 2002 - Renascence 54 (3):177-195.
  18.  19
    The Palgrave Hegel Handbook.Marina F. Bykova & Kenneth R. Westphal (eds.) - 2020 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This handbook presents the conceptions and principles central to every aspect of Hegel’s systematic philosophy. In twenty-eight thematically linked chapters by leading international experts, The Palgrave Hegel Handbook provides reliable, scholarly overviews of each subject, illuminates the main issues and debates, and details concisely the considered views of each contributor. Recent scholarship challenges traditional, largely anti-Kantian, readings of Hegel, focusing instead on Hegel’s appropriation of Kantian epistemology to reconcile idealism with the rejection of foundationalism, coherentism and skepticism. Focused like Kant (...)
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  19. On epistemic responsibility while remembering the past: the case of individual and historical memories.Marina Trakas - 2019 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 14 (2):240-273.
    The notion of epistemic responsibility applied to memory has been in general examined in the framework of the responsibilities that a collective holds for past injustices, but it has never been the object of an analysis of its own. In this article, I propose to isolate and explore it in detail. For this purpose, I start by conceptualizing the epistemic responsibility applied to individual memories. I conclude that an epistemic responsible individual rememberer is a vigilant agent who knows when to (...)
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    Direct and indirect ways of managing epistemic asymmetries when eliciting memories.Marina Gall, Sandra Dowling, Joe Webb & Val Williams - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (2):199-215.
    This article aims to explore how epistemic status is negotiated during talk about the life memories of one speaker. Direct questions which foreground ‘remembering’ can lead to troubled sequences of talk. However, interlocutors sometimes frame their first parts as ‘co-rememberings’, and the sequential positioning of these can be crucial to the outcome of the talk. We draw on almost 10 hours of video data from dementia settings, where memory is a talked-about matter. Our focus is on 30 sequences which are (...)
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    Chapter I. General Introduction.Odavia Bueno Diaz - 2008 - In Franchising in European Contract Law: A Comparison Between the Main Obligations of the Contracting Parties in the Principles of European Law on Commercial Agency, Franchise and Distribution Contracts , French and Spanish Law. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Summary.Odavia Bueno Diaz - 2008 - In Franchising in European Contract Law: A Comparison Between the Main Obligations of the Contracting Parties in the Principles of European Law on Commercial Agency, Franchise and Distribution Contracts , French and Spanish Law. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Healthcare professionals’ perceptions about the Italian law on advance directives.Marina Maffoni, Piergiorgio Argentero, Ines Giorgi & Anna Giardini - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):796-808.
    Background: In the variegated legislative framework on advance directives, the first specific regulation in Italy on this issue came into force only in 2018. Research objective: This qualitative study aimed to investigate the implications of the new Italian law on advance directives in clinical practice from the perspective of those who deal with this delicate ethical issue on an everyday basis, that is, Italian healthcare professionals. Research design: A qualitative research design using semi-structured audio-recorded interviews was adopted. The data collection (...)
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  24.  18
    Colloquium 2 The Contemplative Community: Pre-Socratic Teachings and Their Appropriation in the Phaedo.Marina Marren - 2023 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 37 (1):29-52.
    This paper elucidates how the thinking about opposition that we find in the surviving passages of Anaxagoras of Clazomenae and in the fragments of Heraclitus of Ephesus informs discussions of the separability of the body and the soul in the Phaedo. I offer a reconstruction of the way in which these pre-Socratic ideas of opposition are appropriated and refracted in Plato’s Phaedo (especially at 85e–86e, 92a–95a, 102c–e, 102b–107a). I treat Anaxagoras first, in order to explicate how his ideas make up (...)
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  25.  27
    The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought.Marina F. Bykova, Michael N. Forster & Lina Steiner (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume is a comprehensive Handbook of Russian thought that provides an in-depth survey of major figures, currents, and developments in Russian intellectual history, spanning the period from the late eighteenth century to the late twentieth century. Written by a group of distinguished scholars as well as some younger ones from Russia, Europe, the United States, and Canada, this Handbook reconstructs a vibrant picture of the intellectual and cultural life in Russia and the Soviet Union during the most buoyant period (...)
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    Uncoupling Meat From Animal Slaughter and Its Impacts on Human-Animal Relationships.Marina Sucha Heidemann, Carla Forte Maiolino Molento, Germano Glufk Reis & Clive Julian Christie Phillips - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:535710.
    Slaughter sets the debate about what is acceptable to do to animals at an extremely low bar. Recently, there has been considerable investment in developing cell-based meat, an alternative meat production process that does not require the raising and slaughtering of animals, instead using muscle cells cultivated in a bioreactor. We discuss the animal ethics impacts of cell-based and plant-based meat on human-animal interactions from animal welfare and rights perspectives, focusing on industrial meat production scenarios. Our hypothesis is that the (...)
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    Membership categorisation and antagonistic Twitter formulations.Marina Jirotka, Rob Procter, Adam Edwards, Helena Webb & William Housley - 2017 - Discourse and Communication 11 (6):567-590.
    During the course of this article, we examine the use of membership categorisation practices by a high-profile celebrity public social media account that has been understood to generate interest, attention and controversy across the UK media ecology. We utilise a data set of harvested tweets gathered from a high-profile public ‘celebrity antagonist’ in order to systematically identify types of antagonistic formulation that have generated different levels of interest within the social media community and beyond. Drawing from classic ethnomethodological studies of (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Prevention and education : the path towards better forensic science evidence.Marina Gascón Abellán - 2020 - In Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Carmen Vázquez (eds.), Evidential Legal Reasoning: Crossing Civil Law and Common Law Traditions. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Varieties of Three-Values Heyting Algebras with a Quantifier.Manuel Abad, J. P. Diaz Varela & L. A. Rueda - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (2):181-198.
    This paper is devoted to the study of some subvarieties of the variety Q of Q-Heyting algebras, that is, Heyting algebras with a quantifier. In particular, a deeper investigation is carried out in the variety Q subscript 3 of three-valued Q-Heyting algebras to show that the structure of the lattice of subvarieties of Q is far more complicated that the lattice of subvarieties of Heyting algebras. We determine the simple and subdirectly irreducible algebras in Q subscript 3 and we construct (...)
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  30.  25
    Neuromarketing as an Emotional Connection Tool Between Organizations and Audiences in Social Networks. A Theoretical Review.Natalia Abuín Vences, Jesús Díaz-Campo & Daniel Francisco García Rosales - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Theoretical basis for the psychosocial intervention in the prevention of the cancer in the popular council San Juan de Dios.Aimee Vázquez Llanos, Norbis Díaz Campos, Yudania Pérez Rondón & Leimis Reyes Vasconcelos - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):613-633.
    RESUMEN El cáncer constituye un serio problema de salud y una de las primeras causas de muerte a nivel mundial, con serias repercusiones sociales, sicológicas, y familiares. Actualmente su prevención y control representa un reto que es necesario asumir teniendo en cuenta todas sus dimensiones. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo exponer los fundamentos teóricos de la estrategia de intervención sicosocial para la prevención y tratamiento del cáncer en el consejo popular San Juan de Dios. Se revela la fundamentación teórica (...)
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  32. Perception as a Multi-Stage Process: A Reidian Account.Marina Folescu - 2021 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 19 (1):57-74.
    The starting point of this paper is Thomas Reid's anti-skepticism: our knowledge of the external world is justified. The justificatory process, in his view, starts with and relies upon one of the main faculties of the human mind: perception. Reid's theory of perception has been thoroughly studied, but there are some missing links in the explanatory chain offered by the secondary literature. In particular, I will argue that we do not have a complete picture of the mechanism of perception of (...)
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    In Memoriam: Nenad Miščević (1950 – 2024).Marina Bakalova, Boris Grozdanoff & Lilia Gurova - 2024 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 16 (2):97-98.
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  34. Collected Papers (Neutrosophics and other topics), Volume XIV.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This fourteenth volume of Collected Papers is an eclectic tome of 87 papers in Neutrosophics and other fields, such as mathematics, fuzzy sets, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, picture fuzzy sets, information fusion, robotics, statistics, or extenics, comprising 936 pages, published between 2008-2022 in different scientific journals or currently in press, by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 99 co-authors (alphabetically ordered) from 26 countries: Ahmed B. Al-Nafee, Adesina Abdul Akeem Agboola, Akbar Rezaei, Shariful Alam, Marina Alonso, Fran (...)
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  35. John Greco (ed.), Ernest Sosa and His Critics.Marina Bakalova - 2005 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 13:177-180.
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    VIII. Ontology of ability: a defense of the counterfactual analysis of ability.Marina Bakalova - 2011 - In Vesselin Petrov (ed.), Ontological Landscapes: Recent Thought on Conceptual Interfaces Between Science and Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 169-182.
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  37. Ethics and Chemistry: A Multidisciplinary Investigation.Marina P. Banchetti - forthcoming
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  38. El análisis fenomenológico de la Vox Significativa y su relación al la intencionalidad constitutiva de los animales no humanos.Marina P. Banchetti - 2002 - In Proceedings of the XXXII Husserl Circle Meeting. Husserl Circle. pp. 11-14.
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  39. Essays in Honor of Thomas Seebohm.Marina P. Banchetti - 2020
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  40. Hermeneutic Technics and the Engineering of Nanomaterials.Marina P. Banchetti - forthcoming - In Ethics and Chemistry: A Multidisciplinary Investigation.
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  41. (1 other version)The Inadequacy of Husserlian Mereology for the Regional Ontology of Quantum Chemical Wholes.Marina P. Banchetti - 2020 - In Essays in Honor of Thomas Seebohm. pp. 135-151.
    In his book, 'History as a Science and the System of the Sciences', Thomas Seebohm articulates the view that history can serve to mediate between the sciences of explanation and the sciences of interpretation, that is, between the natural sciences and the human sciences. Among other things, Seebohm analyzes history from a phenomenological perspective to reveal the material foundations of the historical human sciences in the lifeworld. As a preliminary to his analyses, Seebohm examines the formal and material presuppositions of (...)
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  42. La chimie de Robert Boyle et la philosophie contemporaine de la chimie: Rencontre et perspectives.Marina P. Banchetti - forthcoming - In La chimie, cette inconnue?
  43. La chimie, cette inconnue?Marina P. Banchetti - forthcoming
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    Mechanism and Chemistry in Early Modern Natural Philosophy.Marina P. Banchetti - 2019 - Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences.
  45.  90
    My Station and Its Duties.Marina Paola Banchetti - 1992 - Idealistic Studies 22 (1):11-27.
    Henry Sidgwick sought to interpret F.H. Bradley’s ethics, as presented in Ethical Studies, in fundamentally Aristotelian terms. Sidgwick “found it ‘natural’ to think of self-realization as the ‘realization or development into act of the potentialities constituting the definite formed character of an individual’.” In this paper, I want to demonstrate that, rather than giving the work of Bradley an Aristotelian interpretation, as Sidgwick sought to do, one should focus on studying the Hegelian influences on and the historicist aspects of Ethical (...)
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  46. Proceedings of the XXXII Husserl Circle Meeting.Marina P. Banchetti - 2002 - Husserl Circle.
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  47. Proceedings of the 21st Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry.Marina P. Banchetti - forthcoming - Springer.
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  48. Phenomenological Epistemology and Nanotechnology: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy as Hermeneutic Technics.Marina P. Banchetti - forthcoming - In Jean-Pierre Llored (ed.), Ethics and Chemistry: A Multidisciplinary Investigation.
  49. The Explanatory Significance of Negative-Empirical Concepts in Daniel Sennert's Experimental Chymistry.Marina P. Banchetti - forthcoming - In Proceedings of the 21st Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry. Springer.
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  50. Sókratova podivnost.Marina Barabas - 2000 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 21:85-106.
    Řekni mi, Sókrate,1 máme si myslet, že teď mluvíš vážně, či že žertuješ? Jestliže totiž mluvíš vážně a to, co říkáš, je pravda, co říkáš, nebyl by pak lidský život převrácený a nedělali bychom pak, jak se zdá, všechno naopak než jak bychom měli? 2Kalliklés mluví se vší vážností a vyzývá Sókrata, aby činil stejně. Sókratés si už dost vyhrál, byl sofistikovanější než sofisté, nyní je však na čase, aby přestal bláznit. Jakožto znalec sofistů Kalliklés dobře ví, že otázka „myslíš (...)
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