Results for 'Minxian He'

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  1.  13
    Hua ren wen hua yu xin li fu dao li lun yu shi jian yan jiu.Minxian He, Huai-min Li & Siu-man Ng (eds.) - 2002 - Beijing Shi: Min zu chu ban she.
  2.  38
    Human Rights Are the Basis of Constitutionalism.Zhang Junmai - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 31 (1):100-103.
    During the 1940s, Zhang Junmai was a leader of the China Democratic Socialist Party and an important figure of the socalled third force in the struggle between the Chinese Communist Party and the GMD. Zhang kept himself informed about discussions on human rights in the West and the work in progress in the United Nations on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. During the 1940s, Zhang discussed human rights in the magazines Zaisheng and Minxian. He introduced and translated discussions (...)
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    GRETNA: a graph theoretical network analysis toolbox for imaging connectomics.Jinhui Wang, Xindi Wang, Mingrui Xia, Xuhong Liao, Alan Evans & Yong He - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  4.  41
    The Influence of Supervisor Developmental Feedback on Employee Innovative Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Model.Weilin Su, Xinqi Lin & He Ding - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    On Categorical Equivalence of Weak Monadic Residuated Distributive Lattices and Weak Monadic c-Differential Residuated Distributive Lattices.Jun Tao Wang, Yan Hong She, Peng Fei He & Na Na Ma - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (3):361-390.
    The category DRDL\mathbb {DRDL}{'}, whose objects are c-differential residuated distributive lattices satisfying the condition CK\textbf{CK}, is the image of the category RDL\mathbb {RDL}, whose objects are residuated distributive lattices, under the categorical equivalence K\textbf{K} that is constructed in Castiglioni et al. (Stud Log 90:93–124, 2008). In this paper, we introduce weak monadic residuated lattices and study some of their subvarieties. In particular, we use the functor K\textbf{K} to relate the category WMRDL\mathbb {WMRDL}, whose objects are weak monadic residuated distributive lattices, (...)
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    Corrigendum: GRETNA: a graph theoretical network analysis toolbox for imaging connectomics.Jinhui Wang, Xindi Wang, Mingrui Xia, Xuhong Liao, Alan Evans & Yong He - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  7.  40
    Application of an Improved Ensemble Local Mean Decomposition Method for Gearbox Composite Fault Diagnosis.Zhijian Wang, Junyuan Wang, Wenan Cai, Jie Zhou, Wenhua Du, Jingtai Wang, Gaofeng He & Huihui He - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-17.
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    Neural Terminal Sliding-Mode Control for Uncertain Systems with Building Structure Vibration.Jianhui Wang, Wenli Chen, Zicong Chen, Yunchang Huang, Xing Huang, Wenqiang Wu, Biaotao He & Chunliang Zhang - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-9.
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  9.  4
    La crise du sens.Hédia Abdelkefi & Mohamed Hichem Ismail (eds.) - 2018 - Tunis, Tunisie: Centre de publication universitaire.
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  10.  7
    Poétique de la modernité.Hédia Abdelkefi - 2013 - Tūnis: Universite de Tunis el Manar, Institut Supérieur des Sciences Humaines.
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  11.  7
    Can environmental tax promote green M&A in emerging market firms? Evidence from China's heavy polluters.Deli Wang, Yan Wang & Minxian Zhou - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Based on a sample of heavily polluting firms listed in China, we examine the impact of environmental taxes on the green M&A behavior of these firms. Our findings underscore that environmental taxes have significantly increased the likelihood of heavily polluting firms engaging in green M&A endeavors. This impact is particularly pronounced in areas with high media attention, low financing constraints, and high environmental investment. However, our examination of the economic consequences shows that green M&A does not improve the green innovation (...)
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  12. (1 other version)He Bingdi si xiang zhi du shi lun.Bingdi He - 2013 - Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si. Edited by I.-Chun Fan & Hanwei He.
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  13.  15
    He Dingsheng zhu zuo ji.Dingsheng He - 2022 - Taibei Shi: Wan juan lou tu shu gu fen you xian gong si. Edited by Xingjian Che.
    何定生是顧頡剛在廣州中山大學任教時的學生,早年即已有文章收錄於《古史辨》中,而享有古史辨學者的光環。一九四九年隨國民政府來臺,任教於臺大中文系。生前出版有《詩經今論》一書,收錄三篇《詩經》研究論文,為 臺灣學界所仰重。一九七○去世後,其弟子何寄澎、曾志雄整理遺稿,出版《定生論學集──詩經與孔學研究》,收錄四篇論著。《何定生著作集》即在此二書的基礎上,復廣泛蒐求其論著、書信與相關資料,編為二冊。第一冊 為《何定生著作集一:詩經、孔學及其他》,第二冊為《何定生著作集二:尚書與文法》,雖尚未能將何氏著作網羅殆盡,但已足將何氏學術的主要面向及研究精華充分展現出來。 何定生深受五四以來新文化運動的影響,繼承顧頡剛及古史辨的學風,將此學風在戰後的臺灣學界持續發皇。何定生的學問主要表現在《詩經》,強調復古解放的精神,他呼籲今日的《詩經》研究,應從清學的漢學壁壘中出來, 以復於原始的樂歌地位。他認為惟有站在《儀禮》的樂歌地位來讀《詩經》,從人性的同類意識來接觸人性,才有碰到詩人靈感的可能。.
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  14. He Guanghu zi xuan ji.Guanghu He - 1999 - Guilin Shi: Guangxi shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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  15.  12
    Hun he de fa lü wen hua.Qinhua He (ed.) - 2008 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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  16.  9
    He Huaihong zi xuan ji.Huaihong He - 2000 - Guilin Shi: Guangxi shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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  17. He Lin ji.Lin He - 2006 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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  18. He Xinyin ji.Xinyin He - 1960 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  19.  16
    He Xin lun mei.Xin He - 2010 - Beijing Shi: Dong fang chu ban she.
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  20.  6
    Is He 和 an accurate term to express harmony: Tong 同 as another viable option.Fan He - forthcoming - Asian Philosophy:1-12.
    Contemporary scholarships on various accounts of the concept of harmony in Chinese philosophy have produced fruitful outcomes by examining the term he. A standard use of he to account for harmony comes from the Analects, and this account sets up disjunctions not just between he and tong but also between harmony and tong. Such disjunctions are even more conspicuous in the political discourses from the Zuozhuan and Guoyu, and hence, has led scholars to overlook the more nuanced resonances between tong, (...)
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  21.  5
    Is He 和 an accurate term to express harmony: Tong 同 as another viable option.Fan He - forthcoming - Asian Philosophy:1-12.
    Contemporary scholarships on various accounts of the concept of harmony in Chinese philosophy have produced fruitful outcomes by examining the term he. A standard use of he to account for harmony comes from the Analects, and this account sets up disjunctions not just between he and tong but also between harmony and tong. Such disjunctions are even more conspicuous in the political discourses from the Zuozhuan and Guoyu, and hence, has led scholars to overlook the more nuanced resonances between tong, (...)
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  22.  8
    Nt conclusion harles bla korby, Wal er oss rt & davi Donaldson.Pop Lation Princip E. Critica-Level & He Repugn - 2004 - In Torbjörn Tännsjö & Jesper Ryberg, The Repugnant Conclusion: Essays on Population Ethics. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 45.
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    Poro-viscoelastic properties of anisotropic cylindrical composite materials.Y. H. Cui, X. Wang, Y. X. Zhang & F. J. He - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (9):1197-1212.
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  24.  13
    Private and Public Corruption.Arlene W. Saxonhouse, J. Peter Euben, Paul Cantor, Shelley Burtt, Daniel Lowenstein, Adina Schwartz, John T. Noonan, He Qinglian, Michael Johnston & Frank Anechiarico (eds.) - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The book roots corruption in the idea of a departure from conventional standards, and thus offers an account not only of its corrosiveness but also of its malleability and controversiality. In the course of a broadranging exploration, it examines various links between private and public corruption, connecting the latter with other social and political structures.
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  25.  10
    Por una democracia con significado.Solís Gadea, Héctor Raúl & Manuel Zataraín Castellanos (eds.) - 2008 - Guadalajara, Jalisco, México: Universidad de Guadalajara.
  26.  17
    Reference: from conventions to pragmatics.Laure Gardelle, Laurence Vincent-Durroux & Hélène Vinckel (eds.) - 2023 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    This volume provides an innovative approach to the referential process thanks to its focus on the relationship between conventions and discourse pragmatics. It brings together a cross-section of current research on referential conventions and pragmatic strategies, in a number of different fields (formal and theoretical linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, psycholinguistics, interactional linguistics, natural language processing), in a variety of verbal and non-verbal languages (English, German, different varieties of French, Indonesian, Belgian sign language) and in a diversity of contexts (the coining (...)
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  27.  68
    Menopause-Related Symptoms and Influencing Factors in Mosuo, Yi, and Han Middle-Aged Women in China.Jinyi Wang, Yezhe Lin, Limin Gao, Xingjun Li, Chunhua He, Maosheng Ran & Xudong Zhao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Although previous studies showed that women’s menopause-related symptoms varied in different ethnic groups and countries, and were affected by specific social and cultural factors, few studies have been conducted to explore menopause-related symptoms and its influencing factors in middle-aged women among ethnic groups in China. This study aimed to explore the characteristics of menopause-related symptoms and its influencing factors among Mosuo, Yi, and Han women in Yongning area of Yunnan province, China. A cross-cultural design by snowball sampling method was used (...)
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  28.  31
    Aberrant Insula-Centered Functional Connectivity in Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction Patients: A Resting-State fMRI Study.Yue Wang, Minghao Dong, Min Guan, Jia Wu, Zhen He, Zhi Zou, Xin Chen, Dapeng Shi, Jimin Liang & Xiangsheng Zhang - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  29.  22
    Complex Dynamical Behavior of Holling–Tanner Predator-Prey Model with Cross-Diffusion.Caiyun Wang, Yongyong Pei, Yaqun Niu & Ruiqiang He - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    Spatial predator-prey models have been studied by researchers for many years, because the exact distributions of the population can be well illustrated via pattern formation. In this paper, amplitude equations of a spatial Holling–Tanner predator-prey model are studied via multiple scale analysis. First, by amplitude equations, we obtain the corresponding intervals in which different kinds of patterns will be onset. Additionally, we get the conclusion that pattern transitions of the predator are induced by the increasing rate of conversion into predator (...)
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  30.  18
    Dynamic Contract Design of Product-Service Supply Chain considering Consumers’ Strategic Behavior and Service Quality.Dafei Wang, Tinghai Ren, Xueyan Zhou, Kaifu Yuan & Qingren He - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-25.
    With increasing market competition and rapid development of service economy, more and more enterprises are shifting from providing products or services to providing product-service systems that integrate products and services, in order to improve competitiveness and profitability. Meanwhile, consumers have strategic delayed purchasing behavior when purchasing the PSS and high requirements for service quality. This paper investigates the two-period pricing and service quality decisions of product-service supply chain considering consumers’ strategic behavior under decentralized and centralized scenarios. The equilibrium results are (...)
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    Research Progress on Monitoring and Separating Suspension Particles for Lubricating Oil.Ziping Wang, Xian Xue, He Yin, Zhengxuan Jiang & Yefei Li - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
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  32.  6
    Conceptos en disputa, disputas sobre conceptos.Maximiliano Hernández Marcos, Estal Sánchez & Héctor del (eds.) - 2022 - Madrid: Dykinson.
  33.  13
    Data-Driven Method for Passenger Path Choice Inference in Congested Subway Network.Guanghui Su, Bingfeng Si, Fang Zhao & He Li - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    In a congested large-scale subway network, the distribution of passenger flow in space-time dimension is very complex. Accurate estimation of passenger path choice is very important to understand the passenger flow distribution and even improve the operation service level. The availability of automated fare collection data, timetable, and network topology data opens up a new opportunity to study this topic based on multisource data. A probability model is proposed in this study to calculate the individual passenger’s path choice with multisource (...)
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  34.  19
    Body-Posture Recognition by Undergraduate Students Majoring in Physical Education and Other Disciplines.Weidong Tao, Bixuan Du, Bing Li, Weiqi He & Hong-Jin Sun - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  35.  26
    The Metaphysician Who Didn’t Know That He Was Dreaming: Kant and the Spirit-Seers.Stefan Heßbrüggen-Walter - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner, Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 867-874.
    Kant’s Dreams of a Spirit Seer has puzzled most of its readers since its publication in 1766. Herder complained in general terms about the lack of unity and coherence of the book as well as Kant’s dialectical method of presenting both sides of a problem without offering his own solution. Mendelssohn was in doubt about whether Kant wanted to ridicule metaphysics or make a case for Swedenborg’s visions. Another exegetical puzzle has not been noted yet: Dreams discusses not one, but (...)
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  36.  18
    Hélder Câmara y la justicia: ideario.Hélder Câmara - 1981 - Salamanca: Ediciones Sígueme. Edited by Benedicto Tapia de Renedo.
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  37.  14
    Bi ran yu ou ran: He Zhaowu tan li shi.Zhaowu He - 2020 - Shanghai: Xue lin chu ban she.
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  38.  16
    Chu mo shi dai de ling hun: He Zhaowu tan du shu.Zhaowu He - 2020 - Shanghai: Xue lin chu ban she.
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  39.  18
    Da lu fu Tai zhi shi fen zi yan jiu: Yan Haiguang Xia Daoping ji nian hui lun wen he ji.Zhuo'en He, Binfeng Zhang & Ming Xia (eds.) - 2011 - Beijing: Jiu zhou chu ban she.
  40. Ru jia si xiang di xin kai zhan: He Lin xin ru xue lun zhu ji yao.Lin He - 1995 - Beijing: Zhongguo guang bo dian shi chu ban she. Edited by Zhiming Song.
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  41.  12
    He Bingsong xing fa xue wen ji.Bingsong He - 2011 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo min zhu fa zhi chu ban she.
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  42.  20
    He Lin xuan ji =.Lin He - 2005 - Changchun: Jilin ren min chu ban she. Edited by Xuezhi Zhang.
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  43.  10
    He Yousen xian sheng xue shu lun wen ji.Yousen He - 2009 - Taibei Shi: Guo li tai wan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
    Shang ce. Ru xue yu si xiang -- xia ce. Qing dai xue shu si chao.
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    Liang zi fu he chang lun di zhe xue si kao.Zuoxiu He - 1997 - Beijing: Beijing shi fan da hsueh chu ban she.
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  45. Wo bu xin xie: He Zuoxiu fan wei ke xue lun zhan ji.Zuoxiu He - 1999 - Nanchang Shi: Jiangxi jiao yu chu ban she.
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    Wo shi He Zuoxiu.Zuoxiu He - 2002 - Beijing: Zhongguo shi dai jing ji chu ban she.
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  47.  49
    How and When Compulsory Citizenship Behavior Leads to Employee Silence: A Moderated Mediation Model Based on Moral Disengagement and Supervisor–Subordinate Guanxi Views.Peixu He, Zhenglong Peng, Hongdan Zhao & Christophe Estay - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (1):259-274.
    Prior research on citizenship behavior has mainly focused on its voluntary side—organizational citizenship behavior. Unfortunately, although compulsory behavior is a global organizational phenomenon, the involuntary side of CB—compulsory citizenship behavior, defined as employees’ involuntary engagement in extra-role work activities that are beneficial to the organization : 77–93, 2006)—has long been neglected and very little is known about its potential negative consequences. Particularly, research on CCB–counterproductive work behavior association is still in its nascent stage. Therefore, drawing on moral disengagement theory and (...)
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  48.  66
    (1 other version)Attentional resolution and the locus of visual awareness.S. He, P. Cavanagh & J. Intriligator - 1996 - Nature 383:334-37.
  49.  41
    Trickle-Down Effects of Perceived Leader Integrity on Employee Creativity: A Moderated Mediation Model.He Peng & Feng Wei - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (3):837-851.
    This study explored the relationship between the integrity of the supervisor and the manager and the creativity of employees who are below the supervisor. Drawing on social learning theory, we proposed a moderated mediation model for the trickle-down effects of perceived supervisor integrity. Using a sample of 716 employees and their supervisors, we found positive associations between both managers’ and supervisors’ integrity and employee creativity. Supervisors’ integrity partially mediates the relationship between managers’ integrity and employee creativity. In addition, supervisors’ perceptions (...)
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  50.  9
    Everybody Has the Right to Do What He Wants.He Wants, Hans Reichenbach’S. Volitionism & Its Historical Roots - 2013 - In Nikolay Milkov & Volker Peckhaus, The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism. Berlin: Springer. pp. 151.
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