Results for 'Laurent David'

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  1. Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self-Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm.David Silver, Thomas Hubert, Julian Schrittwieser, Ioannis Antonoglou, Matthew Lai, Arthur Guez, Marc Lanctot, Laurent Sifre, Dharshan Kumaran, Thore Graepel, Timothy Lillicrap, Karen Simonyan & Demis Hassabis - 2017 - .
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  2. Les Sixties: Années utopies.Laurent Gervereau & David Mellor - 1999 - Utopian Studies 10 (1):207-208.
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    Aversive conditioning, anxiety, and the strategic control of attention.David S. Lee, Andrew Clement, Laurent Grégoire & Brian A. Anderson - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    What we pay attention to is influenced by both reward learning and aversive conditioning. Although early attention tends to be biased toward aversively conditioned stimuli, sustained ignoring of such stimuli is also possible. How aversive conditioning influences how a person chooses to search, or the strategic control of attention, has not been explored. In the present study, participants learned an association between a colour and an aversive outcome during a training phase, and in a subsequent test phase searched for one (...)
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    Le pacifisme. Lettre ouverte à Heinrich Molenaar (Ajam).Laurent Fedi & David Labreure - 2014 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 35:347-356.
    Maurice Ajam (1861-1944) est un des seuls positivistes ayant accompli une action politique importante, en tant que député puis secrétaire d’État, avant et pendant la guerre 1914-1918. Avocat, il s’établit dans la Sarthe, son département natal, et devient une figure de la vie locale à partir de 1890. Il étend ses activités au journalisme et devient correspondant pour La Dépêche de Tours à partir de 1892. Il écrit également pour le journal La Sarthe. Comme beaucoup de radicaux de l’aile la (...)
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    Government: Servant or Master?David Versailles, Laurent Deparnay, Hardy Bouillon & Gerard Radnitzky - 1993 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 4 (1):177-184.
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    Preparatory Attention: Experiment and Theory.David LaBerge, Laurent Auclair & Eric Sieroff - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (3):396-434.
    This study investigated attention to a spatial location using a new spatial preparation task. Participants responded to a target dot presented in the center of a display and ignored a distractor dot presented to the right or left of the center. In an attempt to vary the level of preparatory attention directed to the target, the distractor dot was presented prior to the onset time of the target and the relative frequency of distractor dots to target dots within a block (...)
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    Reuniting philosophy and science to advance cancer research.Thomas Pradeu, Bertrand Daignan-Fornier, Andrew Ewald, Pierre-Luc Germain, Samir Okasha, Anya Plutynski, Sébastien Benzekry, Marta Bertolaso, Mina Bissell, Joel S. Brown, Benjamin Chin-Yee, Ian Chin-Yee, Hans Clevers, Laurent Cognet, Marie Darrason, Emmanuel Farge, Jean Feunteun, Jérôme Galon, Elodie Giroux, Sara Green, Fridolin Gross, Fanny Jaulin, Rob Knight, Ezio Laconi, Nicolas Larmonier, Carlo Maley, Alberto Mantovani, Violaine Moreau, Pierre Nassoy, Elena Rondeau, David Santamaria, Catherine M. Sawai, Andrei Seluanov, Gregory D. Sepich-Poore, Vanja Sisirak, Eric Solary, Sarah Yvonnet & Lucie Laplane - 2023 - Biological Reviews 98 (5):1668-1686.
    Cancers rely on multiple, heterogeneous processes at different scales, pertaining to many biomedical fields. Therefore, understanding cancer is necessarily an interdisciplinary task that requires placing specialised experimental and clinical research into a broader conceptual, theoretical, and methodological framework. Without such a framework, oncology will collect piecemeal results, with scant dialogue between the different scientific communities studying cancer. We argue that one important way forward in service of a more successful dialogue is through greater integration of applied sciences (experimental and clinical) (...)
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  8.  41
    Being vocal?: résonances de David Wojnarowicz.Maxime Laurent - 2010 - Multitudes 42 (3):184.
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    The Predictive Role of Low Spatial Frequencies in Automatic Face Processing: A Visual Mismatch Negativity Investigation.Adeline Lacroix, Sylvain Harquel, Martial Mermillod, Laurent Vercueil, David Alleysson, Frédéric Dutheil, Klara Kovarski & Marie Gomot - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Visual processing is thought to function in a coarse-to-fine manner. Low spatial frequencies, conveying coarse information, would be processed early to generate predictions. These LSF-based predictions would facilitate the further integration of high spatial frequencies, conveying fine details. The predictive role of LSF might be crucial in automatic face processing, where high performance could be explained by an accurate selection of clues in early processing. In the present study, we used a visual Mismatch Negativity paradigm by presenting an unfiltered face (...)
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    Cultures et vie religieuse France, XVIe–XVIIe siècle.François Laplanche, Michèle Vignaux, Monique Cottret, Joël Cornette, David El Kenz, Laurent Bourquin, Thierry Wanegffelen, Benoît Garnot, Françoise Waquet, Bernard Cottret & Anne Bonzon-Leizérovici - 1994 - Revue de Synthèse 115 (1-2):266-301.
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    The Surprising Creativity of Digital Evolution: A Collection of Anecdotes From the Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life Research Communities.Joel Lehman, Jeff Clune, Dusan Misevic, Christoph Adami, Julie Beaulieu, Peter Bentley, Bernard J., Belson Samuel, Bryson Guillaume, M. David, Nick Cheney, Antoine Cully, Stephane Donciuex, Fred Dyer, Ellefsen C., Feldt Kai Olav, Fischer Robert, Forrest Stephan, Frénoy Stephanie, Gagneé Antoine, Goff Christian, Grabowski Leni Le, M. Laura, Babak Hodjat, Laurent Keller, Carole Knibbe, Peter Krcah, Richard Lenski, Lipson E., MacCurdy Hod, Maestre Robert, Miikkulainen Carlos, Mitri Risto, Moriarty Sara, E. David, Jean-Baptiste Mouret, Anh Nguyen, Charles Ofria, Marc Parizeau, David Parsons, Robert Pennock, Punch T., F. William, Thomas Ray, Schoenauer S., Shulte Marc, Sims Eric, Stanley Karl, O. Kenneth, Fran\C. Cois Taddei, Danesh Tarapore, Simon Thibault, Westley Weimer, Richard Watson & Jason Yosinksi - 2018 - CoRR.
    Biological evolution provides a creative fount of complex and subtle adaptations, often surprising the scientists who discover them. However, because evolution is an algorithmic process that transcends the substrate in which it occurs, evolution’s creativity is not limited to nature. Indeed, many researchers in the field of digital evolution have observed their evolving algorithms and organisms subverting their intentions, exposing unrecognized bugs in their code, producing unexpected adaptations, or exhibiting outcomes uncannily convergent with ones in nature. Such stories routinely reveal (...)
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  12.  28
    Présentation de la leçon de Thomas Reid sur La Théorie des sentiments moraux d’Adam Smith.Laurent Jaffro - 2021 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 110 (2):231-238.
    La leçon de la main de Thomas Reid (1710-1796) qui est ici traduite et présentée date de ses années d’enseignement dans la chaire de philosophie morale à Glasgow. Elle consiste en la discussion intransigeante de la « théorie » du titulaire précédent, Adam Smith (1723-1790). Le « système de la sympathie » exposé dans The theory of moral sentiments est l’objet de plusieurs objections, puisées dans l’arsenal que Reid emploie dans son attaque générale contre toutes les formes de sentimentalisme moral (...)
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    David M. Stanley, s.j., Foi et vie religieuse à la lumière du Nouveau Testament, Paris-Tournai/Montréal, Desclée & Cie/Bellarmin, 1972, , collection «Hier-Aujourd'hui», 136 pages. [REVIEW]Laurent Côté - 1974 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 30 (2):207.
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    Integral Field Spectroscopy of the Low-mass Companion HD 984 B with the Gemini Planet Imager.Mara Johnson-Groh, Christian Marois, Robert J. De Rosa, Eric L. Nielsen, Julien Rameau, Sarah Blunt, Jeffrey Vargas, S. Mark Ammons, Vanessa P. Bailey, Travis S. Barman, Joanna Bulger, Jeffrey K. Chilcote, Tara Cotten, René Doyon, Gaspard Duchêne, Michael P. Fitzgerald, Kate B. Follette, Stephen Goodsell, James R. Graham, Alexandra Z. Greenbaum, Pascale Hibon, Li-Wei Hung, Patrick Ingraham, Paul Kalas, Quinn M. Konopacky, James E. Larkin, Bruce Macintosh, Jérôme Maire, Franck Marchis, Mark S. Marley, Stanimir Metchev, Maxwell A. Millar-Blanchaer, Rebecca Oppenheimer, David W. Palmer, Jenny Patience, Marshall Perrin, Lisa A. Poyneer, Laurent Pueyo, Abhijith Rajan, Fredrik T. Rantakyrö, Dmitry Savransky, Adam C. Schneider, Anand Sivaramakrishnan, Inseok Song, Remi Soummer, Sandrine Thomas, David Vega, J. Kent Wallace, Jason J. Wang, Kimberly Ward-Duong, Sloane J. Wiktorowicz & Schuyler G. Wolff - 2017 - Astronomical Journal 153 (4):190.
    © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We present new observations of the low-mass companion to HD 984 taken with the Gemini Planet Imager as a part of the GPI Exoplanet Survey campaign. Images of HD 984 B were obtained in the J and H bands. Combined with archival epochs from 2012 and 2014, we fit the first orbit to the companion to find an 18 au orbit with a 68% confidence interval between 14 and 28 au, an eccentricity (...)
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    Is Violence Sometimes a Legitimate Right? An African-American Dilemma.Sylvie Laurent - 2014 - Diogenes 61 (3-4):118-134.
    The contrast, often painted in simplistic colours, between Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X as civil rights campaigners bolsters an erroneous reading of the freedom struggle of African-Americans, leaving the impression that the resort to violence and self-defence propounded by Malcolm X was a purely circumstantial departure from the general strategy of the civil rights movement. In fact, both of them reflected long on the capacity of violence and a contrario of non-violence to bring about political and social transformation (...)
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    Le sceptique humien est-il modéré ? Le rôle du pyrrhonisme dans la genèse causale du scepticisme mitigé.Laurent Jaffro - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 52:53-69.
    Cet article montre qu'il est faux de considérer le scepticisme mitigé que présente Hume dans la section 12 de l' Enquête sur l'entendement humain comme un scepticisme modéré. Afin d'établir ce point, l'argument principal est qu'il existe un rapport de causalité par lequel l'affect que laissent derrière eux les doutes pyrrhoniens est en grande partie responsable de la production du scepticisme mitigé. Cet affect n'est pas la mélancolie paralysante dont parle le Traité de la nature humaine , mais ce qui (...)
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  17. New Perspectives on Adam Smith's the Theory of Moral Sentiments.Geoff Cockfield, Ann Firth & John Laurent (eds.) - 2007 - Edward Elgar.
    1. Introduction Geoff Cockfield, Ann Firth and John Laurent -/- 2. The Role of Thumos in Adam Smith’s System Lisa Hill -/- 3. Adam Smith’s Treatment of the Greeks in The Theory of Moral Sentiments: The Case of Aristotle Richard Temple-Smith -/- 4. Adam Smith, Religion and the Scottish Enlightenment Pete Clarke -/- 5. The ‘New View’ of Adam Smith and the Development of his Views Over Time James E. Alvey -/- 6. The Moon Before the Dawn: A Seventeenth-Century (...)
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  18.  26
    The Development of Biological Systematics: Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu, Nature, and the Natural System. Peter F. Stevens.David Frodin - 1996 - Isis 87 (3):552-554.
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    Marco beretta, imaging a career in science: The iconography of Antoine Laurent lavoisier. Bologna studies in scientific heritage, 1. uppsala studies in history of science, 29. canton, ma: Science history publications, 2001. Pp. XVII+126. Isbn 0-88135-294-2. $29.95. [REVIEW]David Knight - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Science 36 (1):96-97.
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    Robert H. Bates, Avner Greif, Margaret Levi, Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, Barry R. Weingast, Analytic Narratives, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998. [REVIEW]David Laitin - 2000 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 1 (1):157-172.
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    Logarithmic-exponential series.Lou van den Dries, Angus Macintyre & David Marker - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 111 (1-2):61-113.
    We extend the field of Laurent series over the reals in a canonical way to an ordered differential field of “logarithmic-exponential series” , which is equipped with a well behaved exponentiation. We show that the LE-series with derivative 0 are exactly the real constants, and we invert operators to show that each LE-series has a formal integral. We give evidence for the conjecture that the field of LE-series is a universal domain for ordered differential algebra in Hardy fields. We (...)
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  22. Entrées: Edmond Richer; Louis Machon; Laurent Meillet; Zacharie de Lisieux; David Home; Louis Molinier.Frédéric Gabriel - 2008 - In Luc Foisneau (ed.), The dictionary of seventeenth-century French philosophers. New York: Thoemmes.
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    Causes and Coincidences.David Owens - 1992 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    In an important departure from theories of causation, David Owens proposes that coincidences have no causes, and that a cause is something which ensures that its effects are no coincidence. In Causes and Coincidences, he elucidates the idea of a coincidence as an event which can be analysed into constituent events, the nomological antecedents of which are independent of each other. He also suggests that causal facts can be analysed in terms of non-causal facts, including relations of necessity. Thus, (...)
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    Sidgwick's the Methods of Ethics: A Guide.David Phillips - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Author David Phillips has produced a clear, concise guide to Henry Sidgwick's masterpiece of classical utilitarian thought, The Methods of Ethics, setting it in its intellectual and cultural context while drawing out its main insights into a variety of fields.
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    The Murder of Professor Schlick: The Rise and Fall of the Vienna Circle.David Edmonds - 2020 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    From the author of Wittgenstein's Poker and Would You Kill the Fat Man?, the story of an extraordinary group of philosophers during a dark chapter in Europe's history On June 22, 1936, the philosopher Moritz Schlick was on his way to deliver a lecture at the University of Vienna when Johann Nelböck, a deranged former student of Schlick's, shot him dead on the university steps. Some Austrian newspapers defended the madman, while Nelböck himself argued in court that his onetime teacher (...)
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    The Practice of Argumentation: Effective Reasoning in Communication.David Zarefsky - 2019 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
    This book uses different perspectives on argumentation to show how we create arguments, test them, attack and defend them, and deploy them effectively to justify beliefs and influence others. David Zarefsky uses a range of contemporary examples to show how arguments work and how they can be put together, beginning with simple individual arguments, and proceeding to the construction and analysis of complex cases incorporating different structures. Special attention is given to evaluating evidence and reasoning, the building blocks of (...)
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    The total work of art in European modernism.David Roberts - 2011 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Library.
    In this groundbreaking book David Roberts sets out to demonstrate the centrality of the total work of art to European modernism since the French Revolution.
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  28. Interview with Nick Bostrom and David Pearce.David Pearce - unknown
    ANDRÉS LOMEÑA: Transhumanism, or human enhancement, suggests the use of new technologies to improve mental and physical abilities, discarding some aspects as stupidity, suffering and so forth. You have been described as technoutopian by critics who write on “Future hypes”. In my opinion, there is something pretty much worse than optimism: radical technopessimism, managed by Paul Virilio, deceased Baudrillard and other thinkers. Why is there a strong strain between the optimistic and pessimistic overview?
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    Transposable elements and an epigenetic basis for punctuated equilibria.David W. Zeh, Jeanne A. Zeh & Yoichi Ishida - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (7):715-726.
    Evolution is frequently concentrated in bursts of rapid morphological change and speciation followed by long‐term stasis. We propose that this pattern of punctuated equilibria results from an evolutionary tug‐of‐war between host genomes and transposable elements (TEs) mediated through the epigenome. According to this hypothesis, epigenetic regulatory mechanisms (RNA interference, DNA methylation and histone modifications) maintain stasis by suppressing TE mobilization. However, physiological stress, induced by climate change or invasion of new habitats, disrupts epigenetic regulation and unleashes TEs. With their capacity (...)
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    (1 other version)The discovery of evolution.David Young - 1992 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    David Young invites his readers on a journey of adventure and discovery; a journey for the mind, and an adventure in the realm of ideas. By retracing the steps of men who developed the theory of biological evolution, we see how scientists came to recognize the nature and importance of natural selection. The journey begins in the seventeenth century, when even the most accomplished naturalists knew next to nothing of biology as we understand it today. Steadily increasing knowledge and (...)
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    L’analyse interactionnelle comme modalité pédagogique : l’exemple d’un dispositif pour la formation des infirmiers à la relation thérapeutique en psychiatrie.Alexandra Nguyen, Laurent Frobert & Jérôme Favrod - 2020 - Revue Phronesis 9 (2):93-107.
    Interaction analysis opens promising perspectives for nursing education. Sixteen students and three teachers conducted an interaction analysis, based on video-recorded therapeutic activities. The study aims to understand the practice of self-disclosure in psychiatric nursing. How does the use of interaction analysis tools in a training setting constitute a resource for the acquisition of professional skills? We show how this training design constitutes a resource for : a) the acquisition of clinical theoretical knowledge, b) the articulation of theoretical and practical knowledge, (...)
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    Technology and the philosophy of religion.David Lewin - 2011 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The last one hundred years has seen unimaginable technological progress transforming every aspect of human life. Yet we seem unable to shake a profound unease with the direction of modern technology and its ideological siblings, global capitalism and massive consumption. Philosophers such as Marcuse, Borgmann and especially Heidegger, have developed important analyses of technological society, however in this book David Lewin argues that their ideas have remained limited either by their secular context, or by the narrow conception of religion (...)
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    Life and correspondence of David Hume.John Hill Burton & David Hume - 1846 - New York,: B. Franklin. Edited by David Hume.
    Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts We have not used OCR, as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.
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    LAURA, a system to debug student programs.Anne Adam & Jean-Pierre Laurent - 1980 - Artificial Intelligence 15 (1-2):75-122.
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    The Future of History: Interviews with David Barsamian.Howard Zinn & David Barsamian - 1999 - Monroe, Me: Common Courage Press. Edited by David Barsamian.
    Interviews focusing on the last century take a look at history from the standpoint of the ordinary people of the country.
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    Structuring stakeholder e‐inclusion needs.David Wright - 2010 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 8 (2):178-205.
    PurposeThis purpose of this paper is to identify principal stakeholders and needs in e‐inclusion, with particular reference to senior citizens, determining to what extent those needs are being met or could be met by other stakeholders. It considers inclusive stakeholder organisational structures that could address unmet needs.Design/methodology/approachAlthough the European Commission, Member States, local authorities, industry, and researchers have called for greater collaboration and partnerships among stakeholders to overcome the so‐called digital divides, little attention has been giv]en to the form of (...)
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  37.  40
    La quête du Graal et la réalité numérique.Claire Serp, Anne Laurent, Mathieu Roche & Maguelonne Teisseire - 2008 - Corpus 7.
    Cet article présente un processus de fouille de données afin d’extraire des connaissances associées au motif de la parenté et de la famille dans un corpus en ancien français de la première moitié du XIIIe siècle. Après une numérisation puis un prétraitement des données fondé sur des techniques de TAL (Traitement Automatique du Langage), il a été procédé à une extraction de motifs séquentiels (enchaînements de voisinages de mots liés à la thématique traitée). Dans cet article, nous présentons les problèmes (...)
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  38. Achever Sartre: élucidations sur les dix dernières années de sa vie.Laurent Touil-Tartour - 2024 - Paris: Bernard Grasset.
    Si Sartre connut son lot de scandales, aucun ne fut comparable à celui qui éclata un mois avant sa mort. En cause, son ultime publication : L'Espoir maintenant. Une série d'entretiens que l'on a qualifiée d'abus de faiblesse et de "détournement de vieillard"... Ces échanges étaient en réalité l'aboutissement de dix ans de travail et le fruit d'une amitié inattendue qui engendra une collaboration intellectuelle passionnante. Tout commence dans un café de Saint-Germain, le jour où Sartre rencontre un jeune homme (...)
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    Claudia Leeb’s The Politics of Repressed Guilt: The Tragedy of Austrian Silence with David W. McIvor, Lars Rensmann, and Claudia Leeb.Claudia Leeb, David W. McIvor & Lars Rensmann - 2020 - Critical Horizons 21 (1):63-79.
    In this article, I respond to David McIvor’s and Lars Rensmann’s discussion of my recent book, The Politics of Repressed Guilt: The Tragedy of Austrian Silence (2018, Edinburgh University Press). Both invited me to clarify my use of Arendt in my conception of embodied reflective judgment. I argue for a stronger connection between judgment and emotions than Arendt because one can effectively shut down critical thinking if one uses defense mechanisms to repress feelings of guilt. In response to McIvor, (...)
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    A History of Astronomy from 1890 to the Present. David Leverington.David Devorkin - 1996 - Isis 87 (4):744-745.
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    Reproductive mode and speciation: the viviparity‐driven conflict hypothesis.David W. Zeh & Jeanne A. Zeh - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (10):938-946.
    In birds and frogs, species pairs retain the capacity to produce viable hybrids for tens of millions of years, an order of magnitude longer than mammals. What accounts for these differences in relative rates of pre- and postzygotic isolation? We propose that reproductive mode is a critically important but previously overlooked factor in the speciation process. Viviparity creates a post-fertilization arena for genomic conflicts absent in egg-laying species. With viviparity, conflict can arise between: mothers and embryos; sibling embryos in the (...)
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  42.  17
    The Deniable Darwin and Other Essays.David Berlinski - 2009 - Discovery Institute Press.
    David Berlinski, a senior fellow at Discovery Institute, writes about three profound mysteries: the existence of the human mind, the existence and diversity of living creatures, and the existence of matter. His other books include: The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions, Newton's Gift, and A Tour of the Calculus.
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    The Moral Brain.Jean Decety & Thalia Wheatley (eds.) - 2015 - The MIT Press.
    An overview of the latest interdisciplinary research on human morality, capturing moral sensibility as a sophisticated integration of cognitive, emotional, and motivational mechanisms. Over the past decade, an explosion of empirical research in a variety of fields has allowed us to understand human moral sensibility as a sophisticated integration of cognitive, emotional, and motivational mechanisms shaped through evolution, development, and culture. Evolutionary biologists have shown that moral cognition evolved to aid cooperation; developmental psychologists have demonstrated that the elements that underpin (...)
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    7. With Us Still: Natural Law Theory Illustrated Today in the Work of David Copp.David Braybrooke - 2001 - In Natural Law Modernized. University of Toronto Press. pp. 178-195.
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    Science, Technology, and the British Industrial "Decline," 1870-1970. David Edgerton.David Landes - 1997 - Isis 88 (2):357-358.
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    Response to conference papers on "David Bohm's implicate order: Physics, philosophy, and theology".David Bohm - 1985 - Zygon 20 (2):219-220.
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    Truth Without Paradox.David Johnson - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Truth Without Paradox, David Johnson purports to solve several of the traditional problems of metaphysics, pertaining to truth, logic, similitude, morality, and God.
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  48. A humanist looks at the question of evil.David Milan - 2012 - The Australian Humanist 107 (107):18.
    Milan, David While esteemed Christian apologist C.S. Lewis ruefully puzzled over The Problem of Pain, the theologians invented their own word - 'theodicy' - to describe the futile attempts (to date) to resolve monotheism's conundrum - that of an omnipotent, all-loving deity magisterially presiding over a world in which widespread evil is so pervasive. And what a mind bender this is!
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  49. On freewill and determinism.David Tribe - 2012 - The Australian Humanist (106):7.
    Tribe, David In reviewing Bill Cooke's Wealth of Insights (2011) (AH, Autumn 2012), I said that the age-old debate on freewill versus determinism is 'a major issue for neurophysiology, philosophy, jurisprudence and criminology'. I could have added religion, but here the debate takes on a slightly different form of freewill versus predestination (worth considering later) and appears to have divided on peaceful sectarian lines.
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  50. Tennis and Philosophy.David Baggett (ed.) - 2010 - University Press of Kentucky.
    Tennis smashed onto the worldwide athletic scene soon after its modern rules and equipment were introduced in nineteenth-century England. Exciting, competitive, and uniquely accessible to people of all ages and talent levels, tennis continues to enjoy popularity, both as a recreational activity and a spectator sport. Life imitates sport in Tennis and Philosophy. Editor David Baggett approaches tennis not only as a game but also as a surprisingly rich resource for philosophical analysis. He assembles a team of champion scholars, (...)
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