Results for 'Adeline Lacroix'

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  1.  7
    The Predictive Role of Low Spatial Frequencies in Automatic Face Processing: A Visual Mismatch Negativity Investigation.Adeline Lacroix, Sylvain Harquel, Martial Mermillod, Laurent Vercueil, David Alleysson, Frédéric Dutheil, Klara Kovarski & Marie Gomot - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Visual processing is thought to function in a coarse-to-fine manner. Low spatial frequencies, conveying coarse information, would be processed early to generate predictions. These LSF-based predictions would facilitate the further integration of high spatial frequencies, conveying fine details. The predictive role of LSF might be crucial in automatic face processing, where high performance could be explained by an accurate selection of clues in early processing. In the present study, we used a visual Mismatch Negativity paradigm by presenting an unfiltered face (...)
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    On the Moral Irrelevance of a Global Basic Structure: Prospects for a Satisficing Sufficientarian Theory of Global Justice.Adelin Costin Dumitru - 2017 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 17 (2):233-264.
    Many important criticisms to the possibility of global justice are advanced following one or another operationalization of the Rawlsian concept of a basic structure. The purpose of this paper is twofold: i) to show that the existence of a global basic structure is irrelevant from the standpoint of justice; ii) to set the stage for a cosmopolitan theory of global justice that employs satisficing sufficientarianism as a distributive principle. One of the main contentions is that the institutional-interactional cut in the (...)
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    Fragments inédits.Adeline Baldacchino & Michel Onfray - 2014 - Paris: Autrement. Edited by Adeline Baldacchino & Michel Onfray.
    Une centaine de fragments inédits attribués au plus célèbre représentant de l'Ecole cynique sommeillait depuis près de 2 500 ans sous le doux soleil d'Orient. La voix de Diogène de Sinope, le philosophe-chien, l'homme au tonneau qui embrasse les statues l'hiver, retraverse les âges. Au terme d'une véritable chasse au trésor remontant jusqu'aux penseurs arabes du Xe siècle, Adeline Baldacchino propose pour la première fois en langue française ces nouveaux fragments. On y retrouve avec délice le Diogène insolent dont (...)
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    Threshold Conceptions of Harm and Non-Identity.Adelin-Costin Dumitru - 2024 - Ethical Perspectives 30 (2):101-130.
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  5. Holocaust Remembrance as Reparation for the Past: A Relational Egalitarian Approach.Adelin Dumitru - 2020 - In Holocaust Memoryscapes. Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries. Bucharest: Editura Universitara. pp. 307-337.
    In the present chapter I try to determine to what extent the public policies adopted by Romanian governments following the fall of the communist regime contributed to alleviating the most egregious past injustice, the Holocaust. The measures taken for memorializing the Holocaust will be analysed through the lens of a mixed reparatory justice – relational egalitarian account. Employing such a framework entails a focus on symbolic reparations, meant to promote civic trust, social solidarity, and encourage the restoration of social and (...)
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  6. The linguistic dead zone of value-aligned agency, natural and artificial.Travis LaCroix - 2024 - Philosophical Studies:1-23.
    The value alignment problem for artificial intelligence (AI) asks how we can ensure that the “values”—i.e., objective functions—of artificial systems are aligned with the values of humanity. In this paper, I argue that linguistic communication is a necessary condition for robust value alignment. I discuss the consequences that the truth of this claim would have for research programmes that attempt to ensure value alignment for AI systems—or, more loftily, those programmes that seek to design robustly beneficial or ethical artificial agents.
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    A Sufficientarian Proposal for Discharging Our Moral Duties Towards Emigrants.Adelin-Costin Dumitru - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (71):295-318.
    In this article I investigate the nature of the moral duties that citizens of a legitimate state have towards emigrants. A large part of the literature dedicated to the normative study of the migration phenomenon focuses on two major topics: the brain drain phenomenon and the legitimacy of restricting immigrations. If the first of these concerns the moral obligations that individuals have towards a state and their co-nationals, the second regards the policies that a state can justifiably adopt in order (...)
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  8. Cheneval, Francis (2010). Lost in Universalization? On the Difficulty of Localizing the European Intellectual. In: Lacroix, Justine; Nicolaidis, Kalypso. European Stories: Intellectual Debates on Europe in National Contexts. Oxford: Oxford University Pres.Francis Cheneval, Justine Lacroix & Kalypso Nicolaidis (eds.) - 2010
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    Enfranchising refugees in a non-ideal world.Adelin-Costin Dumitru - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-25.
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    Confronting the field: Tylor's Anahuac and Victorian thought on human diversity.Chiara Lacroix - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (5):135-156.
    Victorian anthropologists have been nicknamed ‘armchair anthropologists’. Yet some of them did set foot in the field. Edward Burnett Tylor's first published work, Anahuac, or Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern, described his youthful travels in Mexico. Tylor's confrontation with the ‘field’ revealed significant tensions between the different beliefs and attitudes that Tylor held towards Mexican society. Contrasts between the evidence of Mexico's history (prior to European contact) and the present-day society of the 1850s led Tylor to see both (...)
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    Orientation-dependent recovery in strongly deformed Al–0.1% Mn crystals.Adeline Albou, Andras Borbely, Claire Maurice & Julian H. Driver - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (31):3981-4000.
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  12. The Women In the Life of the Bridegroom: A Feminist Historical-Literary Analysis of the Female Characters in the Fourth Gospel.Adeline Fehribach - 1998
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  13. Fulfillment in the later years.Adeline M. Hoffman - 1977 - Humanitas 13:5.
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  14. Are spirits satanic? : the ambiguity of evil in Niger.Adeline Masqulier - 2019 - In William C. Olsen & Thomas J. Csordas (eds.), Engaging Evil: A Moral Anthropology. New York: Berghahn Books.
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    Proust's snobs, inverts, and Jews: performing and subverting identity in La recherche.Adeline Soldin - 2025 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This study examines Proust's exploitation of classification systems as a means to subvert the notion of a fixed identity, laying bare Proust's radical challenges to the social order and its rigid systems of control. It draws on Judith Butler's theories of performativity to illustrate Proust's precocious portrayal of identity in the entirety of À la Recherche du Temps Perdu as an elusive, unattainable idea that characters pursue yet fail to establish. Soldin contends that Proust does not merely deride characters' behavior, (...)
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    La notion d'imitation dans les théories des foules à la fin du XIXe siècle.Adeline Wrona - 1998 - Hermes 22:27.
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    Ma philosophie de l'homme.Michel Lacroix - 2015 - Paris: Robert Laffont.
    Ce livre est une profession de foi philosophique. Michel Lacroix nous fait partager les valeurs auxquelles il croit et qui ont orienté sa vie : la confiance dans la raison, l'exigence de liberté, la passion de l'éducation, le souci de l'esprit. Loin de dénigrer notre héritage occidental, comme on le fait si souvent, il proclame son attachement à la civilisation qui a forgé l'idéal, universellement valable, de la personne éclairée et autonome, c'est-à-dire libre à la fois de ses jugements (...)
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    Preserving women’s reproductive autonomy while promoting the rights of people with disabilities?: the case of Heidi Crowter and Maire Lea-Wilson in the light of NIPT debates in England, France and Germany.Adeline Perrot & Ruth Horn - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (7):471-473.
    On July 2021, the UK High Court of Justice heard the Case CO/2066/2020 on the application of Heidi Crowter who lives with Down’s syndrome, and Máire Lea-Wilson whose son Aidan has Down’s syndrome. Crowter and Lea-Wilson, with the support of the disability rights campaign, ‘Don’t Screen Us Out’, have been taking legal action against the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care (the UK Government) for a review of the 1967 Abortion Act: the removal of section 1(1)(d) making termination (...)
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    Empathy for a reason? From understanding agency to phenomenal insight.Celine Boisserie-Lacroix & Marco Inchingolo - 2019 - Synthese 198 (8):7097-7118.
    The relationship between empathy, understood here as a cognitive act of imaginative transposition, and reasons, has been discussed extensively by Stueber :156–180, 2011; Emot Rev 4:55–63, 2012; in: Maibom The Routledge handbook of philosophy of empathy, Routledge, New York, pp 137–147, 2017). Stueber situates his account of empathy as the reenactment of another person’s perspective within a framework of folk psychology as guided by a principle of rational agency. We argue that this view, which we call agential empathy, is not (...)
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    Quelle éthique pour la finance?: portrait et analyse de la finance socialement responsable.André Lacroix - 2013 - Québec (Québec): Presses de l'Université du Québec. Edited by Allison Marchildon.
    L'espace économique s'est profondément modifié au cours des vingt dernières années en raison, bien sûr, de la mondialisation, niais aussi de la déréglementation de nombreuses économies parmi les plus influentes du monde. D'une économie empirique de travail, nous sommes ainsi passés à une économie virtuelle de spéculation avec, à la clé, un recul de l'éthique au profit de logiques financières. C'est pour contrer les effets néfastes de cette financiarisation de l'économie que le mouvement de la finance socialement responsable s'est développé, (...)
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    Restriction of intraflagellar transport to some microtubule doublets: An opportunity for cilia diversification?Adeline Mallet & Philippe Bastin - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (7):2200031.
    Cilia are unique eukaryotic organelles and exhibit remarkable conservation across evolution. Nevertheless, very different types of configurations are encountered, raising the question of their evolution. Cilia are constructed by intraflagellar transport (IFT), the movement of large protein complexes or trains that deliver cilia components to the distal tip for assembly. Recent data revealed that IFT trains are restricted to some but not all nine doublet microtubules in the protist Trypanosoma brucei. Here, we propose that restricted positioning of IFT trains could (...)
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  22.  19
    Une perspective extrinsèque sur les normes émotionnelles.Céline Boisserie-Lacroix - 2022 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 114 (2):173-188.
    Cet article examine la plausibilité d’un ancrage extrinsèque des normes émotionnelles. Son point de départ est la position, peu explorée dans la philosophie contemporaine, selon laquelle les émotions répondraient à des « sentiments de valeur ». L’objectif est de montrer que cette thèse s’accompagne d’une conception extrinsèque de la normativité émotionnelle. Après avoir énoncé le défi auquel cette conception doit répondre, l’article présente les principaux modèles possibles pour rendre compte du sentiment de valeur – un modèle perceptuel, un modèle quasi (...)
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  23. Holocaust Memoryscapes. Contemporary Memorialisation of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern European Countries.Adelin Dumitru (ed.) - 2020 - Bucharest: Editura Universitara.
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    Four Questions on Persons: A Philosophical Dialectic.Wilfred Lawrence LaCroix - 1981 - Upa.
    Poses four questions about human persons: 1) Who am I in this world wherein I try to live well? 2) What is the meaning in trying to live well in this world? 3) Am I able to make free decisions about living well in this world? and 4) What is the way I am to live well in this world?
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  25. Maurice Blondel: sa vie, son œuvre, avec un exposé de sa philosophie.Jean Lacroix - 1963 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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  26.  16
    Redéployer la raison pratique: pour une éthique pragmatique.André Lacroix (ed.) - 2011 - Montréal, QC: Liber.
  27.  35
    La parentalité des personnes handicapées mentales sous vigilance.Adeline Parentelli - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-2 (14-2):140-151.
    Today parenthood is becoming a competence. This accentuates parental responsibility. Expertise and consultancy are developing in various scientific fields. It produces parenting standards used by public authorities to conceive services and programs for parents categorized as vulnerable. At the level of the law, persons with learning disabilities are considered vulnerable at the discretion of the judge, and therefore more or less able to protect themselves and defend their interests. However, they may have to protect a child and defend his or (...)
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    Web corpora through the lens of Call.Eva Schaeffer-Lacroix - 2020 - Corpus 20.
    Cet article s’intéresse au potentiel des corpus web pour l’enseignement-apprentissage des langues étrangères. Les corpus web sont de très grands ensembles textuels provenant d’Internet. Leur constitution est largement automatisée, ce qui entraîne certaines caractéristiques qui peuvent laisser perplexes les spécialistes de l’apprentissage des langues médiées par les technologies (ALMT). Toutefois, les arguments suivants en leur faveur peuvent convaincre non seulement les linguistes, mais aussi les didacticiens : les corpus web contiennent des quantités de données très importantes permettant d’observer, à l’aide (...)
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  29. Reparatory Justice Reconsidered. On its Lack of Substance and its Epistemic Function.Adelin Dumitru - 2019 - Philosophical Forum 50 (1):59-86.
    Unlike other kinds of theories of justice, reparatory justice can only be negatively defined, in non-ideal contexts in which initial wrongs had already been committed. For one, what counts and what does not count as wrongdoing or as an unjust state of affairs resulted from that wrongdoing depends on the normative framework upon which a theorist relies. Furthermore, the measures undertaken for alleviating historical injustices can be assessed only from the vantage point of other, independent normative considerations. In the present (...)
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  30. Feminism, agency and objectivity.Adelin Dumitru - 2018 - Public Reason 10 (1):81-100.
    In this article I defend the capability approach by focusing on its built-in gender-sensitivity and on its concern with comprehensive outcomes and informationally-rich evaluation of well-being, two elements of Sen's work that are too rarely put together. I then try to show what the capability approach would have to gain by focusing on trans-positional objectivity (as Elizabeth Anderson does) and by leaving behind the narrow confines of states in favor of a more cosmopolitan stance. These preliminary discussions are followed by (...)
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    Catalepsie.Adeline - 1972 - Substance 2 (5/6):45.
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    Fatal Fictions: Crime and Investigation in Law and Literature.Alison L. LaCroix, Richard H. McAdams & Martha Craven Nussbaum (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press.
    Writers of fiction have always confronted topics of crime and punishment. This age-old fascination with crime on the part of both authors and readers is not surprising, given that criminal justice touches on so many political and psychological themes essential to literature, and comes equippedwith a trial process that contains its own dramatic structure. This volume explores this profound and enduring literary engagement with crime, investigation, and criminal justice. The collected essays explore three themes that connect the world of law (...)
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  33.  14
    Comment ne pas être esclave du système?Alexandre Lacroix - 2021 - Paris: Allary éditions.
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    Devant la beauté de la nature.Alexandre Lacroix - 2018 - Paris: Allary Éditions.
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  35. El sentido del diálogo.Jean Lacroix - 1966 - Barcelona,: F[ontanella].
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  36. Matérialisme et psychanalyse. De Freud à Lacan ou de Lacan à Freud? Vers un nouveau matérialisme.Laurence Lacroix - 2023 - In Patrice Bretaudière & Isabelle Krier (eds.), Les matérialistes paradoxaux. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
  37.  18
    Adrienne Mayor, Les Amazones, quand les femmes étaient les égales des hommes (viiie sièc.Adelin* Leménageur - 2018 - Clio 48.
    Une des premières questions du public concernant les Amazones lors de conférences est la suivante : « Mais ces guerrières ont-elles vraiment existé? ». À cette interrogation, j’ai pris l’habitude de répondre qu’il n’y a pas de fumée sans feu, que je ne crois pas (après six années de recherches sur la question) qu’un peuple nommé Amazone, vivant en non-mixité, ait existé en Turquie. Cependant, je suis convaincu.e de l’existence de femmes guerrières peuplant les alentours du monde grec et que...
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  38. Assessing Non-intrinsic Limitarianism.Alexandru Volacu & Adelin Costin Dumitru - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (1):249-264.
    In this paper we aim to examine a novel view on distributive justice, i.e. limitarianism, which claims that it is morally impermissible to be rich. Our main goal is to assess the two arguments provided by Ingrid Robeyns in favour of limitarianism, namely the democratic argument and the argument from unmet urgent needs and the two distinct limitarian views which these arguments give rise to. We claim that strong limitarianism, which is supported by the democratic argument, should be rejected as (...)
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    Deconstructing the Constituency of the Public Reason. Taking Systematic Conspiracy Theorists out of the Legitimation Pool.Adelin-Costin Dumitru - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (4).
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    From Hostage to Host: Confessions of a Spirit Medium in Niger.Adeline Masquelier - 2002 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 30 (1‐2):49-76.
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    Toward a better understanding of dentists’ professional learning using complexity theory.Adeline Yuen Sze Goh & Alistair Daniel Lim - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (5):479-487.
    Like other health care practices, the increasing complexity in dentistry signals the need for a reconceptualisation of dentist professional learning. Professional dental bodies, at large, still privilege formal continuing professional development (CPD) provisions focusing on off-the-job activities despite growing evidence that much invaluable learning occurs through and at work. In exploring the two common dentist CPD approaches, this article critiques the narrow conceptions of learning inscribed in these frameworks, which are individualistic and acquisition oriented. Drawing on a vignette of dentists’ (...)
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    La poésie de Pindar à I'aube de la métaphysique.Adéline Froidecourt - 2012 - Heidegger Studies 28:67-100.
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    Riolan, savant en alchimie ?Adeline Gasnier - 2013 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 66 (1):199-211.
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    Le penseur des prochains jours: Raymond Aron, ce que nous lui devons: essai.Alexis Lacroix - 2024 - Paris: Les Presses de la Cité.
    Cet essai brillant fait ressortir l'actualité brûlante de Raymond Aron à un moment historique où, pour bien des Français, les repères se brouillent : la clairvoyance, la modération et le courage sont plus que jamais nécessaires. L'engagement d'Aron tout au long d'une vie bouleversée par les tempêtes politiques du siècle - son opposition résolue au nazisme, sa condamnation du communisme, sa critique de la colonisation de l'Algérie et sa nourrissante analyse de l'antisémitisme et d'Israël - sert ici de guide. Sa (...)
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    Using Logic to Evolve More Logic: Composing Logical Operators via Self-Assembly.Travis LaCroix - 2022 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (2):407-437.
    I consider how complex logical operations might self-assemble in a signalling-game context via composition of simpler underlying dispositions. On the one hand, agents may take advantage of pre-evolved dispositions; on the other hand, they may co-evolve dispositions as they simultaneously learn to combine them to display more complex behaviour. In either case, the evolution of complex logical operations can be more efficient than evolving such capacities from scratch. Showing how complex phenomena like these might evolve provides an additional path to (...)
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    Human rights on trial: a genealogy of the critique of human rights.Justine Lacroix - 2018 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Jean-Yves Pranchère & Gabrielle Maas.
    Fragmented social relations, the twin demise of authority and tradition, the breakdown of behavioural norms and constraints: all these are the outcome, according to their critics, of the uses and abuses of human rights in contemporary democratic societies. We are, they say, seeing the perverse effects of a 'religion of human rights' to which Europe has rashly devoted its heart and mind; and the supposed burgeoning of rights, which goes hand in hand with an unchecked rise of expectations, is catapulting (...)
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    Le personnalisme comme anti-idéologie.Jean Lacroix - 1972 - Paris]: Presses Universitaires de France.
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    Adequacy in Education and Normative School Choice.Adelin Costin Dumitru - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (2):123-146.
    In this paper I make a contribution to three distinct, but deeply interwoven subjects. Firstly, I argue that, at the level of ideal theory, the distribution of educational goods should follow a sufficientarian pattern and that the evaluative space of children’s advantage should be inspired by the capability approach. Secondly, the paper is delving into the more policy-oriented debates on the desirability of school choice. I argue that, given the non-ideal circumstances in which decision makers have to act, giving parents (...)
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  49. Est-ce que Vous Compute?Arianna Falbo & Travis LaCroix - 2022 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3).
    Cultural code-switching concerns how we adjust our overall behaviours, manners of speaking, and appearance in response to a perceived change in our social environment. We defend the need to investigate cultural code-switching capacities in artificial intelligence systems. We explore a series of ethical and epistemic issues that arise when bringing cultural code-switching to bear on artificial intelligence. Building upon Dotson’s (2014) analysis of testimonial smothering, we discuss how emerging technologies in AI can give rise to epistemic oppression, and specifically, a (...)
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    La compétence éthique : levier d’insertion de la démocratie au travail.Lacroix André - 2017 - Éthique Publique. Revue Internationale D’Éthique Sociétale Et Gouvernementale 19 (1).
    Si la formation est l’une des principales formes de l’intervention en éthique, sa réussite est largement tributaire des contextes institutionnels dans lesquels les formateurs sont appelés à intervenir. Et dès lors que la compétence éthique est considérée comme le concept organisateur de cette formation – ou est à tout le moins largement mise de l’avant par des organismes tels que l’OCDE – la définition de ce concept imposera un design de formation, des pratiques d’enseignement mises en œuvre par le formateur (...)
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