Results for 'Julien Loiseau'

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    L'Occident médiéval histoire et anthropologie.Paul Payan, Benoît Grévin, Julien Véronèse, Julien Loiseau, Anne-Brigitte Spitzbarth, Élodie Lequain & Étienne Anheim - 2004 - Revue de Synthèse 125 (1):243-271.
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    The Story of Two Souls: The Correspondence of Jacques Maritain and Julien Green.Julien Green, Jacques Maritain & Henry Bars - 1988 - Fordham Univ Press.
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  3. The emotions: a philosophical introduction.Julien A. Deonna & Fabrice Teroni - 2008 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Fabrice Teroni.
    The emotions are at the centre of our lives and, for better or worse, imbue them with much of their significance. The philosophical problems stirred up by the existence of the emotions, over which many great philosophers of the past have laboured, revolve around attempts to understand what this significance amounts to. Are emotions feelings, thoughts, or experiences? If they are experiences, what are they experiences of? Are emotions rational? In what sense do emotions give meaning to what surrounds us? (...)
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    Sur la modération constitutionnelle : chronique bibliographique. A propos de Julien Bourdon, La passion de la modération d'Aristote à Nicolas Sarkozy.Julien Boudon - 2012 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes (10).
    Ne serait-ce que par son titre, dont l’oxymore est d’emblée assumée (p.11) et dont les protagonistes sont associés d’une manière qui ne laisse de surprendre, l’ouvrage de Julien Boudon publié dans la collection « Les sens du droit » des éditions Dalloz, mériterait de retenir l’attention.Dans ce court opus, l’auteur entend, à travers un examen qui puise tout à la fois aux sources de l’histoire, de la philosophie, du droit, de la science politique, et qui emprunte à la fois (...)
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    Intellectus et ratio selon s. Thomas d'Aquin.Julien Peghaire - 1936 - Ottawa,: Inst. d'études médiévales.
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    CorpusReader : un dispositif de codage pour articuler une pluralité d’interprétations.Sylvain Loiseau - 2007 - Corpus 6:153-186.
    CorpusReader est un dispositif expérimental permettant d'articuler plusieurs instruments pour construire des corpus multi-annotés. L'objectif de ce dispositif est la description de corrélations entre niveaux de description pour caractériser des normes, comme par exemple des discours ou des genres. Dans ce cadre, toute annotation est une interprétation et le contexte est défini comme une pluralité d'interprétations réifiées dans un codage commun. CorpusReader permet à la fois de construire cette annotation contextualisante puis d'en extraire des sous-ensembles et des quantifications pour des (...)
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    Affective Intentionality and Practical Rationality.Christine Clavien Julien Deonna - 2007 - Dialectica 61 (3):311-322.
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    A neurocomputational account of taxonomic responding and fast mapping in early word learning.Julien Mayor & Kim Plunkett - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (1):1-31.
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  9. Inferentialism and the categoricity problem: Reply to Raatikainen.Julien Murzi & Ole Thomassen Hjortland - 2009 - Analysis 69 (3):480-488.
    It is sometimes held that rules of inference determine the meaning of the logical constants: the meaning of, say, conjunction is fully determined by either its introduction or its elimination rules, or both; similarly for the other connectives. In a recent paper, Panu Raatikainen (2008) argues that this view - call it logical inferentialism - is undermined by some "very little known" considerations by Carnap (1943) to the effect that "in a definite sense, it is not true that the standard (...)
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    Il chierico tradito: Julien Benda fra cultura e politica (1916-1933).Davide Cadeddu & Julien Benda (eds.) - 2022 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    (1 other version)Associations féminines et syndicalisme en Loire-Atlantique des années 1930 aux années 1980.Dominique Loiseau - 1996 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:8-8.
    Redoutant leur influence négative sur les maris grévistes, les syndicats ont parfois essayé de s'attirer les bonnes grâces des « ménagères ». A partir des années 1930, de nouvelles associations, issues des courants communiste et catholique-social, tentent de regrouper ces ménagères dans le cadre de ce qui peut s'apparenter à un syndicalisme de quartier (Comité mondial des femmes, Association populaire familiale, Union des femmes françaises). Organes d'assistance, de défense et de revendication, elles deviennent interlocutrices des syndicats professionnels en même temps (...)
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    La démocratie électronique municipale française : Au-delà des parangons de vertu.Gérard Loiseau - 2000 - Hermes 26:213.
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    Pushing Raman spectroscopy over the edge: purported signatures of organic molecules in fossil animals are instrumental artefacts.Julien Alleon, Gilles Montagnac, Bruno Reynard, Thibault Brulé, Mathieu Thoury & Pierre Gueriau - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (4):2000295.
    Widespread preservation of fossilized biomolecules in many fossil animals has recently been reported in six studies, based on Raman microspectroscopy. Here, we show that the putative Raman signatures of organic compounds in these fossils are actually instrumental artefacts resulting from intense background luminescence. Raman spectroscopy is based on the detection of photons scattered inelastically by matter upon its interaction with a laser beam. For many natural materials, this interaction also generates a luminescence signal that is often orders of magnitude more (...)
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    Allocution de julien cain.Julien Cain - 1954 - Revue de Synthèse 75 (1):13-14.
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  15. In Defense of Shame: The Faces of an Emotion.Julien A. Deonna, Raffaele Rodogno & Fabrice Teroni - 2011 - , US: Oxford University Press.
    Is shame social? Is it superficial? Is it a morally problematic emotion? Researchers in disciplines as different as psychology, philosophy, and anthropology have thought so. But what is the nature of shame and why are claims regarding its social nature and moral standing interesting and important? Do they tell us anything worthwhile about the value of shame and its potential legal and political applications? -/- In this book, Julien Deonna, Raffaele Rodogno, and Fabrice Teroni propose an original philosophical account (...)
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  16. Generalized Revenge.Julien Murzi & Lorenzo Rossi - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (1):153-177.
    Since Saul Kripke’s influential work in the 1970s, the revisionary approach to semantic paradox—the idea that semantic paradoxes must be solved by weakening classical logic—has been increasingly popular. In this paper, we present a new revenge argument to the effect that the main revisionary approaches breed new paradoxes that they are unable to block.
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  17. From Justified Emotions to Justified Evaluative Judgements.Julien A. Deonna & Fabrice Teroni - 2012 - Dialogue 51 (1):55-77.
    ABSTRACT: Are there justified emotions? Can they justify evaluative judgements? We first explain the need for an account of justified emotions by emphasizing that emotions are states for which we have or lack reasons. We then observe that emotions are explained by their cognitive and motivational bases. Considering cognitive bases first, we argue that an emotion is justified if and only if the properties the subject is aware of constitute an instance of the relevant evaluative property. We then investigate the (...)
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  18. How could models possibly provide how-possibly explanations?Philippe Verreault-Julien - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 73:1-12.
    One puzzle concerning highly idealized models is whether they explain. Some suggest they provide so-called ‘how-possibly explanations’. However, this raises an important question about the nature of how-possibly explanations, namely what distinguishes them from ‘normal’, or how-actually, explanations? I provide an account of how-possibly explanations that clarifies their nature in the context of solving the puzzle of model-based explanation. I argue that the modal notions of actuality and possibility provide the relevant dividing lines between how-possibly and how-actually explanations. Whereas how-possibly (...)
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    La Cybernétique.Julien Loeb (ed.) - 1951 - Paris,: Éditions de la Revue d'optique théorique et instrumentale.
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  20. Linguistique de corpus philosophiques: l'exemple de Deleuze.Sylvain Loiseau & François Rastier - 2011 - In Patrice Maniglier, Le moment philosophique des années 1960 en France. Paris: Presses universitaires de France. pp. 73--93.
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    Les médecins devaient-ils dénoncer le pilote suicidaire de la Germanwings?Pierre Loiseau & Cécile Manaouil - 2019 - Médecine et Droit 2019 (155):32-42.
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    Transmission, traduction et traditions interprétatives du texte biblique.Anne-Françoise Loiseau - 2011 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 42 (2):242-264.
    Cet article présente quelques-unes des recherches de l’auteure, très succinctement exposées, sur les traducteurs anciens. Face à une divergence de la Septante et du Targum par rapport au texte massorétique, des indices sont d’abord rassemblés pour la situer, par exemple, au niveau du traducteur ou déjà de sa copie hébraïque, à moins qu’il n’ait conservé le texte primitif, et qu’il s’agisse d’une variante dans le texte massorétique. La recherche porte ensuite sur le motif et la méthode de la modification, s’il (...)
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  23. Force, content and repossession: Ladriere and the theory of language acts.Julien Marechal - 2012 - Logique Et Analyse 55 (218):147-163.
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    Les nombres, grands absents du droit des collectivités locales?Julien Martin - 2025 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 1:181-191.
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    Allitérations, assonances et figuralismes : de leur histoire à leur utilisation en phonétique du FLE.Claire Pillot-Loiseau & Claudia Schweitzer - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    Bedenkingen en verdenkingen: zeven manieren om een rivier te bevaren.Julien Vandiest - 1982 - Antwerpen: Soethoudt.
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  27. Denial and Disagreement.Julien Murzi & Massimiliano Carrara - 2015 - Topoi 34 (1):109-119.
    We cast doubts on the suggestion, recently made by Graham Priest, that glut theorists may express disagreement with the assertion of A by denying A. We show that, if denial is to serve as a means to express disagreement, it must be exclusive, in the sense of being correct only if what is denied is false only. Hence, it can’t be expressed in the glut theorist’s language, essentially for the same reasons why Boolean negation can’t be expressed in such a (...)
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    Phosphatidylinositol 5‐phosphate: A nuclear stress lipid and a tuner of membranes and cytoskeleton dynamics.Julien Viaud, Frédéric Boal, Hélène Tronchère, Frédérique Gaits-Iacovoni & Bernard Payrastre - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (3):260-272.
    Phosphatidylinositol 5‐phosphate (PtdIns5P), the least characterized among the three phosphatidylinositol monophosphates, is emerging as a bioactive lipid involved in the control of several cellular functions. Similar to PtdIns3P, it is present in low amounts in mammalian cells, and can be detected at the plasma membrane and endomembranes as well as in the nucleus. Changes in PtdIns5P levels are observed in mammalian cells following specific stimuli or stresses, and in human diseases. Recently, the contribution of several enzymes such as PIKfyve, myotubularins, (...)
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    Regulation of Gene Expression and Replication Initiation by Non‐Coding Transcription: A Model Based on Reshaping Nucleosome‐Depleted Regions.Julien Soudet & Françoise Stutz - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (11):1900043.
    RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) non‐coding transcription is now known to cover almost the entire eukaryotic genome, a phenomenon referred to as pervasive transcription. As a consequence, regions previously thought to be non‐transcribed are subject to the passage of RNAP II and its associated proteins for histone modification. This is the case for the nucleosome‐depleted regions (NDRs), which provide key sites of entry into the chromatin for proteins required for the initiation of coding gene transcription and DNA replication. In this (...)
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  30. The legend of the justified true belief analysis.Julien Dutant - 2015 - Philosophical Perspectives 29 (1):95-145.
    There is a traditional conception of knowledge but it is not the Justified True Belief analysis Gettier attacked. On the traditional view, knowledge consists in having a belief that bears a discernible mark of truth. A mark of truth is a truth-entailing property: a property that only true beliefs can have. It is discernible if one can always tell that a belief has it, that is, a sufficiently attentive subject believes that a belief has it if and only if it (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Emotions as Attitudes.Julien A. Deonna & Fabrice Teroni - 2015 - Dialectica 69 (3):293-311.
    In this paper, we develop a fresh understanding of the sense in which emotions are evaluations. We argue that we should not follow mainstream accounts in locating the emotion–value connection at the level of content and that we should instead locate it at the level of attitudes or modes. We begin by explaining the contrast between content and attitude, a contrast in the light of which we review the leading contemporary accounts of the emotions. We next offer reasons to think (...)
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  32. Mercure au Liban.Julien Aliquot - 2009 - Topoi (French) 16:241-264.
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  33. Tre idoli romantici.Julien Benda - 1950 - Roma,: Macchia.
    Il dinamismo.--L'esistenzialismo.--La dialettica materialista.
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    ... Philosophie de l'impérialisme et science du droit: l'oeuvre d'Ernest Seillière, sa portée juridique.Julien Bonnecase - 1932 - Bordeaux,: Delmas.
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    “No hay nada menos libre que el libre mercado”. Intervencionismo liberal y antropogenia en la era del capitalismo postfordista.Julien Canavera - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 48 (1):21-40.
    El propósito del presente texto es mostrar, a contrapelo de lo que suelen sostener tanto sus detractores como sus abogados, que el neoliberalismo, en su crítica al keynesianismo y al Estado de bienestar, no pretende en absoluto reconducir el laissez-faire promovido por los marginalistas, aunque públicamente no tiene inconveniente en acomodarse de la retórica neoclásica. Antes bien, es consciente de que el libre mercado –por el que aboga– es algo que debe ser instituido y protegido frente a la inercia social; (...)
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  36. Les théories des sciences humaines, coll. « SUP ».Julien Freund - 1976 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 166 (1):37-38.
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  37. Philosophie philosophique, coll. « Armillaire ».Julien Freund - 1991 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (3):344-345.
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    Hegel et le commencement objectif de la philosophie.Julien Herla - 2009 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 107 (1):41-69.
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    Border Studies.Julien Jeandesboz - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (2):61-66.
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    Conception du corpus et méthodologie d’analyse : Pour un renouvellement de l’analyse des discours institutionnels et politiques.Julien Longhi & Georges-Elia Sarfati - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (223):87-110.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    L’objet formel.Julien Pacotte - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 6:46-51.
    La mathématique est conditionnée par un objet formel constructif. De même, la logique. L’objet formel est identique pour les deux disciplines. Il est de nature rameuse. L’auteur donne quelques indications sur la théorie des ramifications qu’il a instituée. Il termine en signalant que la logique des prédicats et la distributivité du produit logique ont pour objet véritable la variété multidimensionnelle discrète des mathématiciens, un objet dont la genèse rameuse est une pièce importante de sa théorie.
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    Les héritiers contrariés: essai sur le spirituel républicain au XIXe siècle.Julien Pasteur - 2018 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    Nous n'aimons guère le spirituel républicain. Un spectre, dira-t-on, vestige de gloires révolues, épouvantail obsolète d'un imaginaire laïque passablement décharné. Forgé dans l'atelier conceptuel de la Révolution française, irriguant le dialogue de la philosophie et des sciences sociales naissantes, le problème du gouvernement des esprits est le point névralgique du XIXe siècle. Et telle est la distance qui nous sépare d'auteurs apparemment aussi hétérogènes que Comte, Michelet, Tocqueville ou Pierre Leroux : rendre effective la liberté des modernes suppose d'abord d'affronter (...)
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  43. Les grandes lignes de l'interpretation heideggerienne de la monadologie.Julien Pieron - 2006 - In Pedro M. S. Alves, José Manuel Santos & Alexandre Franco de Sá, Humano e inumano: a dignidade do homem e os novos desafios: actas do. Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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    Repenser l'ontologie de l'individu à partir d'un modèle pratique.Julien Rabachou - 2010 - Philosophie 106 (3):57-73.
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    New Nationalisms and China's Belt and Road Initiative: Exploring the Transnational Public Domain.Julien Rajaoson - 2022 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book is a treatise on cultural globalization and the global political economy. By introducing the transnational public domain in the study of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the book goes beyond existing theoretical frameworks involving both the ‘clash between civilizations’ and the ‘time-worn division’ of the world into North and South. It advances a new focus on the theoretical and empirical elements that canvass global cultural behaviours and reactionary attitudes to the expanding Chinese economic norms, cultures and values in (...)
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    L'apport de Georges Dumézil à l'étude comparée des religions.Julien Ries - 1989 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 20 (4):440-466.
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    Sacré, sécularisation et métamorphoses de sacré. Colloques et travaux récents.Julien Ries - 1978 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 9 (1):83-91.
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    Becker–Blaschke problem of space.Julien Bernard - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 52 (Part B):251-266.
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    In‐Between Child and World: Educational Responsibility with and against Arendt.Julien Kloeg & Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens - 2024 - Educational Theory 74 (4):512-528.
    A key aspect of the educator's responsibility as understood by Hannah Arendt is its dual character. Educators are responsible for both the life and development of the child and the continuance of the world, as Arendt puts it in “The Crisis in Education.” Moreover, these aspects of responsibility are in tension with each other. Arendt's own accounts of responsibility in her political writings are, in a similar way, riddled with tension. What should we conclude from this about the nature of (...)
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  50. Emotions and Their Correctness Conditions: A Defense of Attitudinalism.Julien Deonna & Fabrice Teroni - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-20.
    In this paper, we contrast the different ways in which the representationalist and the attitudinalist in the theory of emotions account for the fact that emotions have evaluative correctness conditions. We argue that the attitudinalist has the resources to defend her view against recent attacks from the representationalist. To this end, we elaborate on the idea that emotional attitudes have a rich profile and explain how it supports the claim that these attitudes generate the wished-for evaluative correctness conditions. Our argument (...)
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