Results for 'Joel Koopman'

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  1.  1
    Incivility Affects Actors Too: The Complex Effects of Incivility on Perpetrators’ Work and Home Behaviors.Daniel Kim, Klodiana Lanaj & Joel Koopman - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 197 (3):631-658.
    The majority of workplace incivility research has focused on implications of such acts for victims and observers. We extend this work in meaningful ways by proposing that, due to its norm-violating nature, incivility may have important implications for perpetrators as well. Integrating social norms theory and research on guilt with the behavioral concordance model, we take an actor-centric approach to argue that enacted incivility will lead to feelings of guilt, particularly for prosocially-motivated employees. In addition, given the interpersonally burdensome as (...)
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    Incivility Affects Actors Too: The Complex Effects of Incivility on Perpetrators’ Work and Home Behaviors.Daniel Kim, Klodiana Lanaj & Joel Koopman - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-28.
    The majority of workplace incivility research has focused on implications of such acts for victims and observers. We extend this work in meaningful ways by proposing that, due to its norm-violating nature, incivility may have important implications for perpetrators as well. Integrating social norms theory and research on guilt with the behavioral concordance model, we take an actor-centric approach to argue that enacted incivility will lead to feelings of guilt, particularly for prosocially-motivated employees. In addition, given the interpersonally burdensome _as (...)
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  3. Harm to Self.Joel Feinberg - 1986 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This is the third volume of Joel Feinberg's highly regarded The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law, a four-volume series in which Feinberg skillfully addresses a complex question: What kinds of conduct may the state make criminal without infringing on the moral autonomy of individual citizens? In Harm to Self, Feinberg offers insightful commentary into various notions attached to self-inflicted harm, covering such topics as legal paternalism, personal sovereignty and its boundaries, voluntariness and assumptions of risk, consent and its (...)
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    Lectures on the philosophy of mathematics.Joel David Hamkins - 2020 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    An introduction to the philosophy of mathematics grounded in mathematics and motivated by mathematical inquiry and practice. In this book, Joel David Hamkins offers an introduction to the philosophy of mathematics that is grounded in mathematics and motivated by mathematical inquiry and practice. He treats philosophical issues as they arise organically in mathematics, discussing such topics as platonism, realism, logicism, structuralism, formalism, infinity, and intuitionism in mathematical contexts. He organizes the book by mathematical themes--numbers, rigor, geometry, proof, computability, incompleteness, (...)
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    1The introduction of computers into systematic research in the United States during the 1960s.Joel B. Hagen - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32 (2):291-314.
  6.  79
    W. V. Quine and the origins of analytic philosophy in the united states.Joel Isaac - 2005 - Modern Intellectual History 2 (2):205-234.
  7.  69
    Gadamer's Hermeneutics: A Reading of Truth and Method.Joel Weinsheimer - 1985
    Since the publication of Wahrheit und Methode in 1960 (Tfibingen), Gadamer's hermeneutics has called forth a varied and fruitful response from the Continent, without receiving anything near the same attention from the English-speaking world. Though E. D. Hirsch thought Gadamer sufficiently important in 1965 to merit an early rebuttal and rehabilitation (Validity in Interpretation [New Haven, Conn., 1967], pp. 245-64), Wahrheit und Methode remained unread in England and America, partly because a translation was not available until 1975 (Truth and Method, (...)
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    The logic of measurement: a realist overview.Joel Michell - 2005 - Measurement 38 (4):285-294.
    According to the realist interpretation, measurement commits us not just to the logically independent existence of things in space and time, but also to the existence of quantitatively structured properties and relations, and to the existence of real numbers, understood as relations of ratio between specific levels of such attributes. Measurement is defined as the estimation of numerical relations (or ratios) between magnitudes of a quantitative attribute and a unit. The history of scientific measurement, from antiquity to the present may (...)
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  9.  53
    Theorist at Work: Talcott Parsons and the Carnegie Project on Theory, 1949–1951.Joel Isaac - 2010 - Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (2):287-311.
    In this article, I pursue two related goals. First, I aim to put theory back into our picture of the development of the American human sciences during the Cold War. While historians have rightly highlighted the empiricist methodologies employed by postwar human scientists, I show how an influential group of social scientists, led by the sociologist Talcott Parsons, attempted to establish theorizing as the primary means of interdisciplinary inquiry. My second goal is to show that the “abstract” theory envisioned by (...)
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  10.  18
    On Serpents and Doves: the systematic relationship between prudence and morality in Kant’s political philosophy.Joel Thiago Klein - 2021 - Kant Studien 112 (1):78-104.
    This paper argues that the political adage “Be ye prudent as serpents and guileless as doves” involves three different types of relation between prudence and morality, namely: unification (Vereinigung), subordination (Unterordnung), and association (Beigesellung). I maintain that these relations are set up according to the same principle that determines the relationship between mechanical and teleological causality in the third Critique. Thus, I argue that morality and prudence are much more systematically related within the system of critical philosophy than is normally (...)
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    Analysis of Human Brain Structure Reveals that the Brain “Types” Typical of Males Are Also Typical of Females, and Vice Versa.Daphna Joel, Ariel Persico, Moshe Salhov, Zohar Berman, Sabine Oligschläger, Isaac Meilijson & Amir Averbuch - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  12. Omnipotence or Fusion? A Conversation between Axel Honneth and Joel Whitebook.Axel Honneth & Joel Whitebook - 2016 - Constellations 23 (2):170-179.
  13. Numbers as quantitative relations and the traditional theory of measurement.Joel Michell - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (2):389-406.
    The thesis that numbers are ratios of quantities has recently been advanced by a number of philosophers. While adequate as a definition of the natural numbers, it is not clear that this view suffices for our understanding of the reals. These require continuous quantity and relative to any such quantity an infinite number of additive relations exist. Hence, for any two magnitudes of a continuous quantity there exists no unique ratio. This problem is overcome by defining ratios, and hence real (...)
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    Kuhn's education: Wittgenstein, pedagogy, and the road to structure.Joel Isaac - 2012 - Modern Intellectual History 9 (1):89-107.
    Among the topics discussed in Thomas Kuhn'sThe Structure of Scientific Revolutions, those of education, training, and pedagogy are apt to seem the least compelling. Certainly, the earliest debates aboutStructurefocused on other, more controversial, matters: incommensurability, meaning change, the rationality of theory choice, normal science—the list goes on. Over the past two decades, however, a growing concern among historians and sociologists of science with the nature of scientific apprenticeship has stimulated greater appreciation of the importance of questions of teaching and learning (...)
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  15.  56
    Missing links: W. V. Quine, the making of ‘Two Dogmas’, and the analytic roots of post-analytic philosophy.Joel Isaac - 2011 - History of European Ideas 37 (3):267-279.
    This essay argues that post-analytic philosophy finds its origins not only in an invented tradition—that of ‘analytic philosophy’—but also in an invented dilemma: namely, the response to the allegedly overweening dominance of ‘positivism’ in American philosophy. I begin by surveying the problems with the folk wisdom about positivism and analytic philosophy. This pervasive narrative locates the emergence of post-analytic philosophy after a period of hegemony for logical positivism and cognate philosophical subfields. Taking seriously evidence indicating a distinct overlap in the (...)
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  16. Naturalness revisited.Joel Kupperman - 2001 - In Bryan W. Van Norden, Confucius and the Analects: New Essays. Oxford University Press USA.
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    When is a fallacy not a fallacy?Joel Marks - 1988 - Metaphilosophy 19 (3‐4):307-312.
    The informal fallacies can be conceived as enthymemes that are formally valid. But, then, what accounts for our sense of their fallaciousness? I explain this in terms of the notion of a warrant.
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    Confucius and the problem of naturalness.Joel J. Kupperman - 1968 - Philosophy East and West 18 (3):175-185.
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    Philosophy in the renaissance of Islam: Abū Sulaymān Al-Sijistānī and his circle.Joel L. Kraemer - 1986 - Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    ... the turn of the fourth/tenth century, in the province of Sijistan, Muhammad b. Tahir b. Bahram was born, known in the fullness of time as Abu Sulayman ...
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  20.  32
    Character and Ethical Theory.Joel Kupperman - 1988 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 13 (1):115-125.
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    (1 other version)Advances in the Research Enterprise.Joel Kupersmith - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (s1):43-44.
    The clinical research enterprise is changing in fundamental ways. The bright line that separates research and clinical care is beginning to fade, as both “research” and “nonresearch” converge into and are embodied by the concept of the learning health care system. Here, data about care and operations are translated into practice improvement. VA has been a leader in this area, and based on its use of electronic health records and other inputs, has formed large databases and a data‐driven health care (...)
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  22.  38
    Ethical Knowledge.Joel Kupperman - 1970 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume is a comprehensive collection of critical essays on The Taming of the Shrew, and includes extensive discussions of the play's various printed versions and its theatrical productions. Aspinall has included only those essays that offer the most influential and controversial arguments surrounding the play. The issues discussed include gender, authority, female autonomy and unruliness, courtship and marriage, language and speech, and performance and theatricality.
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    Hard Atheism and the Ethics of Desire: An Alternative to Morality.Marks Joel - 2016 - New York, USA: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book challenges the widespread assumption that the ethical life and society must be moral in any objective sense. In his previous works, Marks has rejected both the existence of such a morality and the need to maintain verbal, attitudinal, practical, and institutional remnants of belief in it. This book develops these ideas further, with emphasis on constructing a positive alternative. Calling it “desirism”, Marks illustrates what life and the world would be like if we lived in accordance with our (...)
  24. What Shall We Make ofWolfhart Pannenberg? A Symposium on Beginning with the End: God, Science, and Wolfliart Pannenberg (eds., Carol.Rausch Albright, Joel Haugen & Gregory R. Peterson - 1999 - Zygon 34 (1):139.
  25.  33
    Rehabilitating the ‘City of Pigs’.Joel De Lara - 2018 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 12 (2):1-22.
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    Ethics and Qualities of Life.Joel Kupperman - 2007 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Ethics and Qualities of Life looks at what enters into ethical judgment and choice. Interpretation of a case and of what the options are is always a factor, as is a sense of the possible values at stake. Intuitions also enter in, but often are unreliable. For a long time it seemed only fair that oldest sons inherited, and struck few people as unfair that women were not allowed to attend universities. A moral judgment is putatively part of a moral (...)
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    Geschichte der antiken Philosophie.Karl Joël - 1984 - Scientia Verlag Und Antiquariat.
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  28. Harm to others—a rejoinder.Joel Feinberg - 1986 - Criminal Justice Ethics 5 (1):16-29.
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    (1 other version)An Axiomatization of Topological Boolean Algebras.Joel Kagan - 1972 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 18 (7):103-106.
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    Public Duties: The Moral Obligations of Government Officials.Brian Barry, Joel L. Fleishman, Lance Liebman & Mark H. Moore - 1982 - Hastings Center Report 12 (3):38.
    Book reviewed in this article: Public Duties: The Moral Obligations of Government Officials. Edited by Joel L. Fleishman, Lance Liebman, and Mark H. Moore.
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  31. Kierkegaard: La croyance en un dieu QUI se contredit?Joël Janiaud - 2002 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 52:235.
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    Axiological Realism.Joel J. Kupperman - 1996 - Philosophy 71 (276):185 - 203.
    Many would consider the lengthening debate between moral realists and anti-realists to be draw-ish. Plainly new approaches are needed. Or might the issue, which most broadly concerns realism in relation to normative judgments, be broken down into parts or sectors? Physicists have been saying, in relation to a similarly longstanding debate, that light in some respects behaves like waves and in some respects like particles. Might realism be more plausible in relation to some kinds of normative judgments than others?
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    The Halting Problem Is Decidable on a Set of Asymptotic Probability One.Joel David Hamkins & Alexei Miasnikov - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (4):515-524.
    The halting problem for Turing machines is decidable on a set of asymptotic probability one. The proof is sensitive to the particular computational models.
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  34. Die Philosophie in Spenglers "Untergang des Abendlandes".Karl Joël - 1920 - Rivista di Filosofia 9:135.
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  35. Nochmals Platons Laches.Karl Joël - 1907 - Hermes 42 (1):160.
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  36. Zu Platons Laches.Karl Joël - 1906 - Hermes 41 (2):310-318.
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    Reviews : Peter Wollen, Raiding the Icebox: Reflections on Twentieth Century Culture, (Indiana University Press, 1993).Joel S. Kahn - 1994 - Thesis Eleven 39 (1):135-137.
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  38. Israel's election and the other in biblical, Second Temple, and rabbinic thought.Joel S. Kaminsky - 2011 - In John Joseph Collins & Daniel C. Harlow, The "other" in Second Temple Judaism: essays in honor of John J. Collins. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
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  39. The Highest Good and the Practical Regulative Knowledge in Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason.Joel Thiago Klein - 2016 - Con-Textos Kantianos 3:210-230.
    In this paper I defend three different points: first, that the concept of highest good is derived from an a priori but subjective argument, namely a maxim of pure practical reason; secondly, that the theory regarding the highest good has the validity of a practical regulative knowledge; and thirdly, that the practical regulative knowledge can be understood as the same “holding something to be true” as Kant attributes to hope and believe.
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    An anti‐essentialist view of the emotions.Joel J. Kupperman - 1995 - Philosophical Psychology 8 (4):341-351.
    Emotions normally include elements of feeling, motivation, and also intentionality; but the argument of this essay is that there can be emotion without feeling, emotion without corresponding motivation, and emotion without an intentional relation to an object such that the emotion is (among other things) a belief about or construal of it. Many recent writers have claimed that some form of intentionality is essential to emotion, and then have created lines of defence for this thesis. Thus, what look like troublesome (...)
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    Moral realism and metaphysical anti-realism.Joel J. Kupperman - 1987 - Metaphilosophy 18 (2):95–107.
    The essay has two purposes. One is to point out connections and parallels between, On one hand, The debates of metaphysical realists and anti-Realists, And on the other hand, The debates surrounding moral realism. The second is to provide the outlines of a case for a kind of position that would generally be classified as moral realism. One feature of this position is that it emerges as parallel to, And compatible with, A metaphysical position that would generally be classified as (...)
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  42. The epistemology of non-instrumental value.Joel J. Kupperman - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70 (3):659–680.
    Might there be knowledge of non-instrumental values? Arguments are give for two principal claims. One is that if there is such knowledge, it typically will have features that do not entirely match those of other kinds of knowledge. It will have a closer relation to the kind of person one is or becomes, and in the way it combines features of knowing-how with knowing-that. There also are problems of indeterminacy of non-instrumental value which are not commonly found in other things (...)
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    Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality: A Brief History of the Education of Dominated Cultures in the United States.Joel H. Spring - 2016 - Routledge.
    Joel Spring’s history of school polices imposed on dominated groups in the United States examines the concept of deculturalization—the use of schools to strip away family languages and cultures and replace them with those of the dominant group. The focus is on the education of dominated groups forced to become citizens in territories conquered by the U.S., including Native Americans, Enslaved Africans, Chinese, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Hawaiians. In 7 concise, thought-provoking chapters, this analysis and documentation of how education (...)
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    Classical and sour forms of virtue.Joel J. Kupperman - 2008 - In Paul Bloomfield, Morality and Self-Interest. New York: Oxford University Press.
    For the “respectable” part of society there can be a presumption of virtuousness, rather like the presumption of innocence in the law. In both cases, the presumption can be defeated, as we learn more and get into specifics. We still might insist that to be genuinely virtuous is to be able to pass the more familiar sorts of tests of virtue, and to be reliably virtuous also in the ordinary business of life, especially in things that really matter. Something like (...)
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  45. Chapter 12 Introduction.Joel Katzav & Krist Vaesen - 2023 - In Joel Katzav, Dorothy Rogers & Krist Vaesen, Knowledge, Mind and Reality: An Introduction by Early Twentieth-Century American Women Philosophers. Cham: Springer. pp. 117-129.
    This chapter introduces the articles by Marie C. Swabey, Thelma Z. Lavine, Grace A. de Laguna and Dorothy Walsh on the objectivity of scientific knowledge. We will see Swabey placing herself outside the historicist traditions of (later) authors (e.g., Thomas Kuhn), and arguing that the rationality and objectivity of science are grounded in synthetic a priori justified logical principles. Lavine and de Laguna, by contrast, embrace socio-historical approaches to the study of science, thus anticipating later developments in philosophy of science. (...)
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    Kant’s constitution of a moral image of the world.Joel Thiago Klein - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (142):103-125.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, I argue that the idea of a universal history is systematically legitimized in Kant’s transcendental system of philosophy by way of the concept of a need [Bedürfnis] for pure practical reason. In this sense, the idea of a universal history is a fundamental part of the moral image of the world that emerges from Kant’s whole philosophy, and it is crucial for understanding both the possibility of the system of pure reason, as well the full development (...)
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    A tale of two genomes: What drives mitonuclear discordance in asexual lineages of a freshwater snail?Maurine Neiman & Joel Sharbrough - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (6):2200234.
    We use genomic information to tell us stories of evolutionary origins. But what does it mean when different genomes report wildly different accounts of lineage history? This genomic “discordance” can be a consequence of a fascinating suite of natural history and evolutionary phenomena, from the different inheritance mechanisms of nuclear versus cytoplasmic (mitochondrial and plastid) genomes to hybridization and introgression to horizontal transfer. Here, we explore how we can use these distinct genomic stories to provide new insights into the maintenance (...)
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  48. The Medieval Arabic Enlightenment.Joel L. Kraemer - 2009 - In Steven B. Smith, The Cambridge companion to Leo Strauss. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 137--70.
  49.  19
    Homophobic Bullying as Gender Policing: Population-Based Evidence.Joel Mittleman - 2023 - Gender and Society 37 (1):5-31.
    Although the policing of gendered embodiment is central to ethnographic accounts of sexual minority bullying, data limitations have prevented population-level analyses of how gender expression shapes bullying victimization. Using novel data on gender expression, I document the dynamics of gender policing in contemporary American high schools. Analyzing population-representative surveys from eight states and 10 school districts, I examine how students’ assigned sex, sexual identity, and gender expression intersectionally shape their risk for bullying. Consistent with patterns of cultural sexism that stigmatize (...)
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  50. The second-order property view of existence.Joel Katzav - 2008 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 89 (4):486-496.
    Abstract: In this paper, I examine the current case against the second-order property view of existence through a discussion of Colin McGinn's up to date statement of this case. I conclude that the second-order property view of existence remains viable.
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