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Joel Marks [107]Joel H. Marks [1]Joel Howard Marks [1]
  1. A theory of emotion.Joel Marks - 1982 - Philosophical Studies 42 (1):227-242.
    I argue that emotions are belief/desire sets characterized by strong desire.
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  2. Ethics without morals: in defence of amorality.Joel Marks - 2013 - London ;: Routledge.
    A defense of amorality as both philosophically justified and practicably livable. While in synch with their underlying aim of grounding human existence in a naturalistic metaphysics, this book takes both the new atheism and the mainstream of modern ethical philosophy to task for maintaining a complacent embrace of morality. It advocates instead replacing the language of morality with a language of desire. The book begins with an analysis of what morality is and then argues that the concept is not instantiated (...)
  3. The Ways of Desire: New Essays in Philosophical Psychology on the Concept of Wanting.Joel Marks (ed.) - 1986 - Precedent.
    In this way a domain for the theory of desire will be sketched out. One preliminary clarification: In the beginning is the word, "desire. ...
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    Emotions in Asian Thought: A Dialogue in Comparative Philosophy.Roger Ames, Robert C. Solomon & Joel Marks (eds.) - 1995 - SUNY Press.
    This book broadens the inquiry into emotion to comprehend a comparative cultural outlook. It begins with an overview of recent work in the West, and then proceeds to the main business of scrutinizing various relevant issues from both Asian and comparative perspectives. Original essays by experts in the field. Finally, Robert Solomon comments and summarizes.
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  5. The difference between motivation and desire.Joel Marks - 1986 - In The Ways of Desire: New Essays in Philosophical Psychology on the Concept of Wanting. Precedent. pp. 133--147.
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  6. Animal Abolitionism Meets Moral Abolitionism: Cutting the Gordian Knot of Applied Ethics.Joel Marks - 2013 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 10 (4):1-11.
    The use of other animals for human purposes is as contentious an issue as one is likely to find in ethics. And this is so not only because there are both passionate defenders and opponents of such use, but also because even among the latter there are adamant and diametric differences about the bases of their opposition. In both disputes, the approach taken tends to be that of applied ethics, by which a position on the issue is derived from a (...)
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    On Due Recognition of Animals Used in Research.Joel Marks - 2011 - Journal of Animal Ethics 1 (1):6-8.
    The experimental laboratory can be a horror house for rats, monkeys, and other nonhuman animals. Yet their use in this setting is usually reported in a routine manner in publications that discuss the results. These contentions are illustrated with an analysis of the way animal evidence is presented in David J. Linden’s recent book, The Accidental Mind: How Brain Evolution Has Given Us Love, Memory, Dreams, and God (Harvard University Press, 2007). The article concludes with a call to science authors (...)
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  8. Beyond the Surf and Spray: Erring on the Side of Error Theory.Joel Marks - 2018 - In Richard Garner & Richard Joyce, The End of Morality: Taking Moral Abolitionism Seriously. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 94-109.
    Taking as its starting point that morality does not exist (moral error theory), this chapter tries to persuade the reader to eradicate it from her psyche as well (moral abolitionism). It is argued further that the most effective way to rid oneself (and society) of moralist attitudes would be to eliminate moralist vocabulary and manners of speaking and, indeed, to the greatest degree practicable, all normative vocabularies and manners of speaking. This is because moralism lies deep and pervasively in the (...)
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    When is a fallacy not a fallacy?Joel Marks - 1988 - Metaphilosophy 19 (3‐4):307-312.
    The informal fallacies can be conceived as enthymemes that are formally valid. But, then, what accounts for our sense of their fallaciousness? I explain this in terms of the notion of a warrant.
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  10. The Worst Case: Planetary Defense against a Doomsday Impactor.Joel Marks - 2022 - Space Policy 61.
    Current planetary defense policy prioritizes a probability assessment of risk of Earth impact by an asteroid or a comet in the planning of detection and mitigation strategies and in setting the levels of urgency and budgeting to operationalize them. The result has been a focus on asteroids of Tunguska size, which could destroy a city or a region, since this is the most likely sort of object we would need to defend against. However a complete risk assessment would consider not (...)
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  11.  63
    Emotions in Asian Thought: A Dialogue in Comparative Philosophy.Alan K. L. Chan, Joel Marks & Roger T. Ames - 1998 - Philosophy East and West 48 (1):176.
  12.  70
    Veterinarian, Heal Thy Profession!Joel Marks - 2011 - Philosophy Now 85 (85):47.
    In apparent conflict with the popular conception of veterinarians as animals' best friends, the Veterinarian's Oath, as well as its clarifying Principles of Animal Welfare, imply that animal welfare is entirely derivative from human welfare. This article calls for an explicit alignment of the Oath and Principles with the priority of nonhuman animals.
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  13. Ought Implies Kant: A Reply to the Consequentialist Critique.Joel Marks - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Ought Implies Kant defends Kantianism via a critical examination of consequentialism. The latter is shown to be untenable on epistemic grounds; meanwhile, the charge that Kantianism is really consequentialism in disguise is refuted. The book also presents a novel interpretation of Kantianism as according direct duties owed to other animals.
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  14. Heaven Can't Wait: A Critique of Current Planetary Defence Policy.Joel Marks - 2015 - In Jai Galliott, Commercial Space Exploration: Ethics, Policy and Governance. Ashgate. pp. 71-90.
    It is now generally recognized that Earth is at risk of a devastating collision with an asteroid or a comet. Impressive strides in our understanding of this threat have been made in recent decades, and various efforts to deal with it have been undertaken. However, the pace of government action hasn’t kept up with the advance of our knowledge. Despite the daunting dimensions of planetary defense, one intrepid NGO has stepped up to the plate: The B612 Foundation has embarked on (...)
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  15.  43
    A Philosophical Perspective on Folk Moral Objectivism.Joel Marks - 2022 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (3):864-866.
    While ostensibly focused on a particular meta-ethical issue, namely, the objectivity of morality, Thomas Pölzler's new monograph, A Philosophical Perspective on.
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  16. On the need for theory of desire.Joel Marks - 1986 - In The Ways of Desire: New Essays in Philosophical Psychology on the Concept of Wanting. Precedent.
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    Emotion East and West: Introduction to a Comparative Philosophy.Joel Marks - 1991 - Philosophy East and West 41 (1):1 - 30.
  18. On the need for theory of desire.Joel Marks - 1986 - In The Ways of Desire: New Essays in Philosophical Psychology on the Concept of Wanting. Precedent. pp. 1-15.
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  19. An Amoral Manifesto Part I.Joel Marks - 2010 - Philosophy Now (80):30-33.
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    Moral Moments: Ignorance Is Bliss.Joel Marks - 2004 - Philosophy Now 45:43-43.
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  21. Atheism, Amorality, and Animals.Joel Marks - 2011 - The New York Times.
  22. An Amoral Manifesto Part II.Joel Marks - 2010 - Philosophy Now (81):23-26.
  23. An Answer to Pilate.Joel Marks - 2014 - Philosophy Now 100:32-33.
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    A is for Animal: The Animal User’s Lexicon.Joel Marks - 2015 - Between the Species 18 (1):2-26.
    In Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass, Humpty Dumpty explains to Alice, “When I use a word … it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.” When Alice questions this license, Humpty Dumpty replies, “The question is … which is to be master — that’s all.” The present article offers a lexicon of words that are used by human beings, however unintentionally or ingenuously, to maintain their mastery or prerogatives over other animals. A motivating (...)
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  25.  83
    Accept No Substitutes: The Ethics of Alternatives.Joel Marks - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 42 (s1):S16-S18.
    It is common to argue that animal experimentation is justified by its essential contribution to the advancement of medical science. But note that this argument actually contains two premises: an empirical claim that animal experimentation is essential to the advancement of medical science and an ethical claim that if research is essential to the advancement of medical science, then it is justified. Both claims are open to challenge, but in the logic of the case, only one of them needs to (...)
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    A planet by any other name: An exercise in astro-metaphysics.Joel Marks - 2007 - Think 5 (14):103-106.
    Joel Marks discusses the philosophical aspects of a question recently in the news: is Pluto a planet, or not?
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    Bad faith: a philosophical memoir.Joel Marks - 2013 - [Place of publication not identified]: [CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform].
    An autobiographical account of a philosopher's fall from innocence, Bad Faith relates the author's discovery of the God-like nature of morality and his realization that a self-styled atheist such as himself could therefore no longer believe in it. The book describes in detail what the author's life was like both immediately before and immediately after this "anti-epiphany." Proceeding from secular morality to secular amorality, the transformation was every bit as traumatic for this earnest moralist as the loss of belief in (...)
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    Cheating 101.Joel Marks - 2003 - Teaching Philosophy 26 (2):131-145.
    This paper describes a ten-year experiment aimed at stopping cheating in the philosophy classroom. In addition to evaluating a number of common approaches to dealing with cheating in the classroom (e.g. punishing students, preventative measures), the author argues that combating cheating requires fostering a rational appreciation of right conduct while acknowledging that such conduct cannot be policed. One way that this conduct is instilled is through “contract grading”, a type of grading where students are graded on how much time they (...)
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  29. Confessions of an Ex-Moralist.Joel Marks - 2011 - The New York Times.
  30.  17
    Dispassion and the Ethical Life.Joel Marks - 1995 - In Roger Ames, Robert C. Solomon & Joel Marks, Emotions in Asian Thought: A Dialogue in Comparative Philosophy. SUNY Press. pp. 139.
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  31.  33
    Desire: 30 Years Later.Joel Marks - 2012 - Philosophy Now 93:44-44.
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    Ethical Episodes: World Without Anger.Joel Marks - 2011 - Philosophy Now 84:53-53.
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    Ethical Episodes.Joel Marks - 2012 - Philosophy Now 92:37-37.
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  34.  17
    Ethical Health: Managing Our Moral Impulses.Joel Marks - 2025 - Routledge.
    This book argues that moralism is a troublesome emotion of the sort one might seek help with from a psychotherapist. Its focus is on how to disabuse ourselves of the illusion that our values are objective, as well as how to manage the manifestations of its residual presence. This thesis may seem odd at first blush because morality is commonly conceived as an antidote to our baser impulses. Desire makes us want to do something, but the voice of conscience urges (...)
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  35. Innocent and Innocuous: The Case Against Animal Research.Joel Marks - 2010 - Between the Species (10):98-117.
    Animal research is a challenging issue for the animal advocate because of what, besides animal well-being, is considered to be at stake, namely, human health. This article seeks to vindicate the antivivisectionist position. The standard defense of animal research as promoting the overwhelming good of human health is refuted on both factual and logical, or normative-theoretical, grounds. The author then attempts to clinch the case by arguing that animal research violates a deontic principle. However, this principle falls to counterexample. The (...)
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  36.  49
    Integrating Oriental Philosophy into the Introductory Curriculum.Joel Marks - 1989 - Teaching Philosophy 12 (3):221-233.
  37.  90
    moral moments: very short essays on ethics.Joel Marks - 2000 - University Press of America.
    Very short essays, including op-ed articles, about ethical situations and issues in everyday life.
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    Moral Moments: Unprincipled Principles.Joel Marks - 2006 - Philosophy Now 57:47-47.
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    Moral Moments.Joel Marks - 2008 - Philosophy Now 69:51-51.
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    Moral Moments: The Mouse That Roared.Joel Marks - 2001 - Philosophy Now 34:35-35.
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    Moral Moments: The Truth about Lying.Joel Marks - 2000 - Philosophy Now 29:51-51.
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    Moral Moments.Joel Marks - 2006 - Philosophy Now 54:50-50.
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    Moral Moments: Science & Philosophy: Vive la Différence!Joel Marks - 2001 - Philosophy Now 33:31-31.
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    Moral Moments: Rightness and Rewards.Joel Marks - 2002 - Philosophy Now 37:47-47.
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    Moral Moments.Joel Marks - 2003 - Philosophy Now 40:47-47.
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    Moral Moments.Joel Marks - 2004 - Philosophy Now 48:38-38.
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    Moral Moments.Joel Marks - 2005 - Philosophy Now 49:36-36.
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    Moral Moments.Joel Marks - 2010 - Philosophy Now 77:39-39.
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    (10 other versions)Moral Moments: Testing Your Moral Metal.Joel Marks - 2000 - Philosophy Now 27:51-51.
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    Moral Moments: Right by Definition.Joel Marks - 2001 - Philosophy Now 32:45-45.
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