Results for 'Jean Durup'

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  1.  38
    Effects of timing signal of simple reaction time with "non-aging" foreperiods.Marilyn Granjon, Jean Requin, Henri Durup & Guy Reynard - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 101 (1):139.
  2. Does consciousness exist independently of present time and present time independently of consciousness.Birgitta Dresp-Langley & Jean Durup - 2012 - Open Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):45-49.
    While some are currently debating whether time may or may not be an illusion, others keep devoting their time to the science of consciousness. Time as such may be seen as a physical or a subjective variable, and the limitations in our capacity of perceiving and analyzing temporal order and change in physical events definitely constrain our understanding of consciousness which, in return, constrains our conceptual under-standing of time. Temporal codes generated in the brain have been considered as the key (...)
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  3. A Plastic Temporal Brain Code for Conscious State Generation.Birgitta Dresp & Jean Durup - 2009 - Neural Plasticity 2009:1-15.
    Consciousness is known to be limited in processing capacity and often described in terms of a unique processing stream across a single dimension: time. In this paper, we discuss a purely temporal pattern code, functionally decoupled from spatial signals, for conscious state generation in the brain. Arguments in favour of such a code include Dehaene et al.’s long-distance reverberation postulate, Ramachandran’s remapping hypothesis, evidence for a temporal coherence index and coincidence detectors, and Grossberg’s Adaptive Resonance Theory. A time-bin resonance model (...)
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    The Foundations of Mind: Origins of Conceptual Thought.Jean Matter Mandler - 2004 - Oup Usa.
    This book offers a theory of how human conceptual life begins, and shows how perceptual information becomes transformed into concepts. Drawing on extensive research, Mandler describes the development of preverbal concept formation, inductive inference, and recall, and explains how these processes form the conceptual basis for language and adult thought.
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  5. Out of nowhere: Thought insertion, ownership and context-integration.Jean-Remy Martin & Elisabeth Pacherie - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):111-122.
    We argue that thought insertion primarily involves a disruption of the sense of ownership for thoughts and that the lack of a sense of agency is but a consequence of this disruption. We defend the hypothesis that this disruption of the sense of ownership stems from a fail- ure in the online integration of the contextual information related to a thought, in partic- ular contextual information concerning the different causal factors that may be implicated in their production. Loss of unity (...)
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  6. Basic political writings.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2011 - Cambridge: Hackett Pub. Co.. Edited by Donald A. Cress.
    Discourse on the sciences and the arts -- Discourse on the origin and foundations of inequality among men -- Discourse on political economy -- On the social contract -- The state of war.
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  7. A theory of the epigenesis of neuronal networks by selective stabilization of synapses.Jean Pierre Changeux, Philippe Courrège & Antoine Danchin - 1973 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Usa 70 (10):2974-8.
    A formalism is introduced to represent the connective organization of an evolving neuronal network and the effects of environment on this organization by stabilization or degeneration of labile synapses associated with functioning. Learning, or the acquisition of an associative property, is related to a characteristic variability of the connective organization: the interaction of the environment with the genetic program is printed as a particular pattern of such organization through neuronal functioning. An application of the theory to the development of the (...)
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    The Creation of the World, or, Globalization.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    Appearing in English for the first time, Jean-Luc Nancy’s 2002 book reflects on globalization and its impact on our being-in-the-world. Developing a contrast in the French language between two terms that are usually synonymous, or that are used interchangeably, namely globalisation (globalization) and mondialisation (world-forming), Nancy undertakes a rethinking of what “world-forming” might mean. At stake in this distinction is for him nothing less than two possible destinies of our humanity, and of our time. On the one hand, with (...)
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    The Sense of the World.Jean-Luc Nancy - 1997 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    An essential exploration of sense and meaning. -/- Is there a “world” anymore, let alone any “sense” to it? Acknowledging the lack of meaning in our time, and the lack of a world at the center of meanings we try to impose, Jean-Luc Nancy presents a rigorous critique of the many discourses-from philosophy and political science to psychoanalysis and art history-that talk and write their way around these gaping absences in our lives. -/- In an original style befitting his (...)
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    Jeannerod's representing brain: Image or illusion?Jean Pailhous & Mireille Bonnard - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):215-216.
  11.  31
    VIX (Éthique IV Appendice chapitre 7) ou peut-on se sauver tout seul ?Jean-Marie Beyssade - 1994 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 99 (4):493 - 503.
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    The effect of subphonetic differences on lexical access.Jean E. Andruski, Sheila E. Blumstein & Martha Burton - 1994 - Cognition 52 (3):163-187.
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  13. Van Inwagen on introspected freedom.Jean-Baptiste Guillon - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 168 (3):645-663.
    Any philosopher who defends Free Will should have an answer to the epistemological question: “how do we know that we have such a capacity?” A traditional answer to this question is that we have some form of introspective access to our own Free Will. In recent times though, many philosophers have considered any such introspectionist theory as so obviously wrong that it hardly needs discussion, especially when Free Will is understood in libertarian terms. One of the rare objections to appear (...)
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  14. The erotic phenomenon.Jean-Luc Marion - 2007 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    While humanists have pondered the subject of love to the point of obsessiveness, philosophers have steadfastly ignored it. One might wonder whether the discipline of philosophy even recognizes love. The word philosophy means “love of wisdom,” but the absence of love from philosophical discourse is curiously glaring. So where did the love go? In The Erotic Phenomenon, Jean-Luc Marion asks this fundamental question of philosophy, while reviving inquiry into the concept of love itself. Marion begins his profound and personal (...)
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  15.  39
    The Vital Illusion.Jean Baudrillard - 2000 - Columbia University Press.
    Aren't we actually sick of sex, of difference, of emancipation, of culture? With this provocative taunt, the indomitable sociologist Jean Baudrillard challenges us to face up to our deadly, technologically empowered renunciation of mortality and subjectivity as he grapples with the complex issues that define our postmillennial world. What does the advent and proliferation of cloning mean for our sense of ourselves as human beings? What does the turn of the millennium say about our relation to time and history? (...)
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  16. "What is literature?" and other essays.Jean-Paul Sartre - 1988 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    This new edition of "What is Literature?" also collects three other crucial essays of Sartre's for the first time in a volume of his.
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  17. A path to the epistemology of mathematics: homotopy theory.Jean-Pierre Marquis - 2006 - In José Ferreirós Domínguez & Jeremy Gray, The Architecture of Modern Mathematics: Essays in History and Philosophy. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 239--260.
  18.  54
    Nietzsche and the inhuman.Jean-franÇois Lyotard & Richard Beardsworth - 1994 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 7:67-130.
  19.  64
    Noli Me Tangere: On the Raising of the Body.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2009 - Fordham University Press.
    Christian parables have retained their force well beyond the sphere of religion; indeed, they share with much of modern literature their status as a form of address: "Who hath ears to hear, let him hear." There is no message without there first being--or, more subtly, without there also being in the message itself--an address to a capacity or an aptitude for listening. This is not an exhortation of the kind "Pay attention!" Rather, it is a warning: if you do not (...)
  20. Introduction to ?2 1 -logic.Jean-Yves Girard - 1985 - Synthese 62 (2):191-216.
  21.  15
    Dies Irae.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2019 - [London]: University of Westminster Press. Edited by Angela Condello, Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos & Carlo Grassi.
    This is the first English translation published of Jean-Luc Nancy's acclaimed consideration of the law's most pervasive principles in the context of actual systems and contemporary institutions, power, norms, laws.
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  22. Logica Universalis: Towards a General Theory of Logic.Jean-Yves Béziau (ed.) - 2005 - Boston: Birkhäuser Verlog.
    Universal Logic is not a new logic, but a general theory of logics, considered as mathematical structures. The name was introduced about ten years ago, but the subject is as old as the beginning of modern logic: Alfred Tarski and other Polish logicians such as Adolf Lindenbaum developed a general theory of logics at the end of the 1920s based on consequence operations and logical matrices. The subject was revived after the flowering of thousands of new logics during the last (...)
  23.  76
    The ILO's Decent Work Initiative: Suggestions for an Extension of the Notion of “Decent Work”.Jean-Philippe Deranty & Craig MacMillan - 2012 - Journal of Social Philosophy 43 (4):386-405.
  24.  21
    La fin de l'exception humaine.Jean-Marie Schaeffer - 2007 - Paris: Gallimard.
    La philosophie, comme les sciences humaines et sociales, est traversée par une antinomie qui fonde la conception commune de l'être humain : d'un côté, comme espèce biologique, il fait partie des êtres vivants ; de l'autre, l'homme possède une dimension ontologique en vertu de laquelle il transcende sa propre réalité et celle des autres formes de vie.
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    Être en danger.Jean-Yves Lacoste - 2011 - Paris: Les Editions du Cerf.
    Un mot d'usage quotidien, "danger", est devenu concept chez Heidegger. L'usage heideggerien de "danger" n'est pourtant pas celui de ce livre, qui refuse de s'engager de front dans la "question de l'être" au profit des manières ou modes d'être, dont il explore un échantillon sans prétention exhaustive mais utilisé comme trame heuristique. Mode d'être de l'oeuvre d'art, mode d'être de la "chose" ou du sacrement, mode d'être comme "existence" et comme "vie", un danger est toujours présent : l'existence, telle que (...)
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  26. "What is literature?" and other essays.Jean Paul Sartre - 1988 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  27.  58
    Affirmation originaire, attestation et reconnaissance: Le cheminement de l'anthropologie philosophique ricœurienne.Jean-Luc Amalric - 2011 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 2 (1):12-34.
    A travers une analyse des concepts d’affirmation originaire, d’attestation et de reconnaissance, cet article tente de reconstituer le sens et les motivations du cheminement réflexif qui conduit Ricœur de L’Homme faillible à Soi-même comme un autre et à Parcours de la reconnaissance . Pour ce faire, il s’efforce d’abord de montrer ce qui fait la continuité profonde, de problématique et de méthode, du projet anthropologique ricœurien; afin de dégager ensuite les difficultés centrales liées à l’idée d’une constitution poétique du soi, (...)
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  28.  18
    La phénoménalité de dieu: neuf études.Jean-Yves Lacoste - 2008 - Paris: Cerf.
    Entre philosophie et théologie, pouvons-nous croire à l'existence d'une limite? C'est ce que ce livre tente de nier. Dieu n'apparaît pas ou n'" apparaît " pas comme apparaît ou " apparaît " un cube, une œuvre d'art, un nombre ou un autre homme. Dieu diffère - jusqu'au point d'être le non-autre. La différence toutefois n'introduit nulle césure dans le champ de la connaissance. Elle nous rend simplement, ce qui n'est pas peu, attentifs à la pluralité des modes d'apparaître. Et s'enquérir (...)
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  29.  50
    Réponses à quelques questions.Jean-Luc Marion - 1991 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 96 (1):65-76.
    Question - Dans Sur le prisme métaphysique de Descartes, vous concluiez par la « destitution » de la métaphysique, ainsi laissée enfin à elle-même, et vous en appeliez à une autre « instance », un autre ‘ordre’, pour définir la tâche d'élaborer une doctrine de la charité, d'en retracer l'histoire, selon la règle d'une historicité absolument indépendante de l'historialité. Les deux protagonistes emblématiques de cet ouvrage permettaient de comprendre la nature du « saut » ainsi requis et d'instituer la rupture. (...)
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  30.  58
    Quid sit natura prius? La conception leibnizienne de l'ordre.Jean-Baptiste Rauzy - 1995 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 100 (1):31 - 48.
    Leibniz a tenté de donner une formulation logique de l'ordre, en cherchant à spécifier de la manière la plus générale possible, le sens des termes « antérieur » , « postérieur » et « conjoint ». L'analyse de ces termes tient en trois points. 1) Deux êtres étant donnés, est antérieur par nature (natura prius) celui qui est plus simple, c'est-à-dire celui dont l'analyse requiert un plus petit nombre d'opérations de l'esprit. Par suite, les êtres qui sont conjoints (simul) doivent (...)
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  31. The History of Categorical Logic: 1963-1977.Jean-Pierre Marquis & Gonzalo Reyes - 2004 - In Dov M. Gabbay, John Woods & Akihiro Kanamori, Handbook of the history of logic. Boston: Elsevier.
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    Disagreement.Jean Kazez - 2010 - The Philosophers' Magazine 50:70-71.
  33.  15
    Art of the Modern Age: Philosophy of Art From Kant to Heidegger.Jean-Marie Schaeffer - 2000 - Princeton University Press.
    This view encouraged theorists to consider artistic geniuses the high-priests of humanity, creators of works that reveal the invisible essence of the world."--BOOK JACKET.
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  34. L'ego et le Dasein Heidegger et la “ destruction ” de Descartes dans "Sein und Zeit".Jean-Luc Marion - 1987 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 92 (1):25-53.
    Descartes ne joue pas, dans la pensée de Heidegger, un rôle limité à l'interprétation de l'histoire de la philosophie. Lorsque Sein und Zeit entreprend de déterminer le mode d'être propre et irréductible du Dasein, Heidegger doit entrer en confrontation avec certes Husserl, mais surtout, par-delà la « conscience » husserlienne, avec Descartes lui-même. Car l'ennemi mortel du Dasein, cest l'ego du cogito. Dans quelle mesure cette rivalité n'induit-elle pas aussi une similitude? Die Rolle, die Descartes in dem Denken von Heidegger (...)
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    On futurity: Malabou, Nancy and Derrida.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2007 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book explores the ways deconstruction addresses the issue of futurity (what Jacques Derrida calls the "to-come," [l'à-venir]). In order to achieve this, it focuses on three French expressions, venue, survenue, and voir-venir, each taken from the work of Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Nancy, and Catherine Malabou. The idea behind this focus is to elude the issue of the one and only "to-come," as if this was a uniform and coherent entity or structure of experience, and to put forward instead (...)
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  36.  17
    The Genetics of Experimental Populations: L'Héritier and Teissier's Populations Cages.Jean Gayon & Michel Veuille - unknown
  37.  24
    L'ἀλήθεια entre Platon et Heidegger.Jean Grondin - 1982 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 87 (4):551 - 556.
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    Noli me tangere: Essai sur la levée du corps.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2003 - Bayard.
    Noli me tangere - Ne me touche pas : c'est une scène singulière de l'évangile de Jean, et c'est une parole emblématique pour des situations de violence ou de désir. C'est aussi, et d'abord, le rappel lapidaire d'un tabou majeur de toutes les cultures : celui du toucher. Or Marie-Madeleine, à qui cette parole est adressée par Jésus, a connu dans l'hagiographie un destin bien particulier : amante tantôt physique et tantôt mystique du Christ, double féminin et sensuel de (...)
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  39.  18
    The Disavowed Community.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2016 - Fordham University Press.
    Over thirty years after Maurice Blanchot writes The Unavowable Community--a book outlining a critical response to Jean-Luc Nancy's early proposal for thinking an "inoperative community"--The Disavowed Community offers a close reading of Blanchot's text.
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    Événement, idéologie et utopie.Jean-luc Amalric - 2014 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 5 (2):9-22.
    RESUME L’hypothèse que tente d’esquisser cet article est que l’idée ricœurienne d’une médiatisation dynamique des contradictions de l’imaginaire social présuppose une corrélation originaire de l’idéologie et de l’utopie qui ne peut elle-même être comprise qu’à partir de l’événement de l’institution d’un imaginaire social constituant. Dans un premier temps, l’article s’efforce de cerner ce qui fait la spécificité de la théorie ricœurienne de l’idéologie et de l’utopie comme « pratiques imaginatives », en soulignant à ce titre l’influence déterminante des thèses de (...)
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  41. Le problème du Temps chez Nietzsche.Jean Wahl - 1961 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 66 (4):436 - 456.
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    Leibniz and Spinoza on Plenitude and Necessity.Jean-Pascal Anfray - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed, A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 493–505.
    The history of the relations between Leibniz and Spinoza is a matter of philosophical and scholarly controversy. This chapter aims to refer to the first thesis as the Necessity of Actuality and to the second thesis as the Plenitude of Possibilities. It examines how Leibniz's stance with respect to these two theses, and more generally his views on modality, grew out as a response to Spinoza's views. Leibniz explicitly connects Spinoza's attributes with the concept of a world. As most commentators, (...)
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  43.  64
    Derrida et la question de l'animal.Jean Grondin - 2007 - Cités 30 (2):31.
    « Neque enim numquam inter se leones aut inter se dracones, qualia homines, bella gesserunt. » « Ni les lions, ni les dragons n’ont jamais déchaîné entre eux des guerres semblables à celles des hommes. »Sans doute est-ce la publication en 1992 du cours maintenant classique donné par Heidegger en 1929-1930, Les concepts fondamentaux de la métaphysique :..
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  44. Le primat de la description dans la phénoménologie et le Nouveau Roman.Jean-Baptiste Dussert - 2008 - Studia Phaenomenologica 8:241-258.
    The point shared by phenomenology and the French Nouveau Roman is that they both confer great importance to description. But is it philosophically interesting to compare the works of authors like Nathalie Sarraute, Alain Robbe-Grillet or Claude Simon (which relate to details in the material world) with the works of Husserl (whose object is the eidos)? In this article, we first study in what way the method suggested by Husserl was innovative and in what way it influenced his examples and (...)
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  45. Le Roi-Machine: Spectacle et politique au temps de Louis XIV.Jean-Marie Apostolidès, Norbert Elias, Edmund Jephcott & Louis Marin - 1984 - Science and Society 48 (2):245-250.
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  46. Quand peut un corps? Corporéité, affectivité et temporalité chez Michel Henry.Grégori Jean - 2011 - Studia Phaenomenologica 11:327-344.
    One of Michel Henry’s major contributions to the phenomenology of the body consists in his proposal, based on his reading of Maine de Biran, to understand the subjective corporeity from the angle of the ability of action. Subjective corporeity acquires its ontological autonomy and its reality only through its own temporality. In reference to several unpublished texts, this article tries to clarify the nexus between ability and time, and thus to emphasize the crucial importance of the past for a “phenomenology (...)
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    Adoration.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2010 - Fordham University Press. Edited by John McKeane.
    Adoration is the second volume of the Deconstruction of Christianity, following Dis-Enclosure. The first volume attempted to demonstrate why it is necessary to open reason up not to a religious dimension but to one transcending reason as we have been accustomed to understanding it; the term "adoration" attempts to name the gesture of this dis-enclosed reason. -/- Adoration causes us to receive ignorance as truth: not a feigned ignorance, perhaps not even a "nonknowledge," nothing that would attempt to justify the (...)
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  48. La connaissance absolue et l’essence de la vérité chez Maître Eckhart et Michel Henry.Jean Reaidy - 2009 - Studia Phaenomenologica 9:287-301.
    This study approaches the question of absolute knowledge in its mystical and phenomenological essence. Henry’s phenomenology of life, by seeking the truth in its living donation, rejoins the source of phenomenality in an invisible way. This truth which vivifies our interiority is, in its depth, a divine revelation. When we let us receive ourselves in the invisible truth of God, we are this same truth that we feel immediately in our living flesh.
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    L'autorité contre les lumières: la philosophie de Joseph de Maistre.Jean-Yves Pranchère - 2004 - Genève: Libr. Droz.
    Le comte Joseph de Maistre fut un ennemi radical des Lumières.
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    Le moment républicain en France.Jean-Fabien Spitz - 2005 - Paris: Gallimard.
    Le modèle républicain en France appartient-il au passé? La réponse à cette question ne semble plus faire de doute aujourd'hui. Pour les libéraux, le modèle jacobin fantasme l'égalité abstraite de tous les citoyens mais il ne réussit, au nom de cet idéal, qu'à étouffer la société civile sous le poids de la bureaucratie et à paralyser les initiatives et la liberté des individus. Les partisans déclarés de la république tiennent, pour leur part, que le projet d'autogouvernement est une arme de (...)
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