Results for 'Germain Lacasse'

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  1.  23
    Lectures de guerre: Contribution à une sémio-histoire.Germain Lacasse - 1999 - Semiotica 124 (3-4):235-254.
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    Germaine Brée Looks at the Expanding Field of Beauvoir Studies.Germaine Brée - 1991 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 8 (1):201-202.
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    Solidifying Grounds: The Intricate Art of Foundation Building.Germain Meulemans - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (2):75-94.
    Modern thinking about the ground tends to take it as a purely material base for the unfolding of history and ideas emerging on its surface. In this article, I question above-ground visions of city building by drawing on both the history of ground engineering and ethnographic fieldwork carried out in Paris with geotechnicians. I address the difficulties that theorists have faced over past centuries in modelling soils, and the contemporary practice of building piles underneath buildings to anchor them. From this (...)
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    La dynamique du zouglou de Côte d’Ivoire en Afrique francophone.Germain-Arsène Kadi - 2015 - Diogène n° 246-247 (2):204-221.
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    Book Forum.Pierre-Luc Germain - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 84:101324.
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    Modeling hemp as an innovative input: an application of the diffusion of innovations in a sample of hemp aware consumers.Hannah Lacasse, Jane Kolodinsky, Travis Reynolds & Heather Darby - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (1):239-248.
    After decades of absence, the federal legalization of hemp in the U.S. positions the crop as an innovative, plant-based input for conventional products. Through an application of the diffusion of innovations theory, this study responds to identified research needs made by hemp stakeholders and the existing literature by modeling the influence of innovation characteristics on propensity to use hemp products among Vermont consumers. Findings reveal that attributes associated with relative advantage and trialability significantly influence propensity to use at least one (...)
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  7. Response to W.J. Norman.Chantale Lacasse & Don Ross - unknown - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 8.
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    COVID-19 Highlighting Inequalities in Access to Healthcare in England: A Case Study of Ethnic Minority and Migrant Women.Sabrina Germain & Adrienne Yong - 2020 - Feminist Legal Studies 28 (3):301-310.
    Our commentary aims to show that the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified existing barriers to healthcare in England for ethnic minority and migrant women. We expose how the pandemic has affected the allocation of healthcare resources leading to the prioritisation of COVID-19 patients and suspending the equal access to healthcare services approach. We argue that we must look beyond this disruption in provision by examining existing barriers to access that have been amplified by the pandemic in order to understand the poorer (...)
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    The Microeconomic Interpretation of Games.Chantale LaCasse & Don Ross - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:379 - 387.
    This paper is part of a larger project defending of the foundations of microeconomics against recent criticisms by philosophers. Here, we undermine one source of these criticisms, arising from philosophers' disappointment with the performance of microeconomic tools, in particular game theory, when these are applied to normative decision theory. Hollis and Sugden have recently articulated such disappointment in a sophisticated way, and have argued on the basis of it that the economic conception of rationality is inadequate. We argue, however, that (...)
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  10. Cancer cells and adaptive explanations.Pierre-Luc Germain - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 27 (6):785-810.
    The aim of this paper is to assess the relevance of somatic evolution by natural selection to our understanding of cancer development. I do so in two steps. In the first part of the paper, I ask to what extent cancer cells meet the formal requirements for evolution by natural selection, relying on Godfrey-Smith’s (2009) framework of Darwinian populations. I argue that although they meet the minimal requirements for natural selection, cancer cells are not paradigmatic Darwinian populations. In the second (...)
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    (1 other version)L'annonce des fleuves d'eau vive en Jean 7, 37-39.Germain Bienaimé - 1990 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 21 (3):281-310.
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    Thinking about technology: how the technological mind misreads reality.Gilbert G. Germain - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Open and shut -- Thinking about technology -- The problem with technology -- Evil and the empire of good -- Hall of mirrors -- Our faith -- Thinking past technology -- Living among things -- Less is more.
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  13. Kant and Aquinas: Ethical Theory'.Germain Grisez & Russell Shaw - 1958 - The Thomist 21:44-78.
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    Practical Reasoning and Christian Faith.Germain Grisez - 1984 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 58:2-14.
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  15. The Moral Basis of Law.Germain G. Grisez - 1968 - The Thomist 32 (3):283.
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    The relevance of metaphysics to contemporary unrest.Germain G. Grisez - 1970 - Metaphilosophy 1 (1):75–79.
    Originally a contribution to a symposium on this topic, i argue that metaphysics has little relevance to contemporary unrest. the latter expression gets its meaning from patterns of behavior that involve the use of similar means for very diverse ends. the attempt to develop philosophic theories of contemporary history is likely to ignore the important differences and to make much of rather insignificant similarities.
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    Consciousness, will, and cultural revolution in Gramsci and Mao.Germaine A. Hoston - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    This article analyzes the remarkable congruence between the ideas of Antonio Gramsci and Mao Zedong regarding the role of consciousness, human will, and culture in socioeconomic change. These spiritual and humanistic concerns that are central to philosophical idealism were prominent in the young Marx’s writings, to which neither had access. Yet both theorists highlighted these elements as powerful, autonomous factors that can impede or accelerate socioeconomic change. It is argued that this congruence is best explained by the intersection of the (...)
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  18. Reading Tolkien through the lens of Solzhenitsyn's analysis of ideology: on art, responsibility, and progress.Germaine Paulo Walsh - 2021 - In Mary P. Nichols (ed.), Politics, literature, and film in conversation: essays in honor of Mary P. Nichols. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Wormy Collaborations in Practices of Soil Construction.Germain Meulemans - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (1):93-112.
    This paper studies the capture of organisms and materials in soil construction – a branch of ecological engineering dedicated to making soil in order to compensate for soil degradation. This approach takes all organisms to be ‘ecosystem engineers’, and often refers to earthworms as ‘collaborators’ in making soil. I examine the claim that such a convocation of worms amounts to a redistribution of agency and the underlying assumption that form-taking is the shaping of raw matter according to pre-existing forms. Drawing (...)
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  20.  30
    Neo-Confucianism and the Development of German Idealism.Germaine A. Hoston - 2024 - Journal of the History of Ideas 85 (2):257-287.
    This article analyzes the influence of Chinese Neo-Confucianism on the development of German idealism. Information obtained by Leibniz from Jesuit missionaries included key concepts in Neo-Confucian philosophy that not only confirmed Leibniz’s belief in the universality of his organic image of the cosmos but also influenced Leibniz’s later writings. Such influence is also exhibited in Kant’s work, especially in his crucial noumenon-phenomenon distinction, as well as in Hegel’s phenomenology and philosophy of history. Recognition of these influences, unacknowledged by either Kant (...)
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    Bodily Influences on Emotional Feelings: Accumulating Evidence and Extensions of William James’s Theory of Emotion.James D. Laird & Katherine Lacasse - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (1):27-34.
    William James’s theory of emotion has been controversial since its inception, and a basic analysis of Cannon’s critique is provided. Research on the impact of facial expressions, expressive behaviors, and visceral responses on emotional feelings are each reviewed. A good deal of evidence supports James’s theory that these types of bodily feedback, along with perceptions of situational cues, are each important parts of emotional feelings. Extensions to James’s theory are also reviewed, including evidence of individual differences in the effect of (...)
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  22.  39
    Mythe et éducation : Proclus et la critique platonicienne de la poésie.Philippe St-Germain - 2006 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 62 (2):301-318.
    Le présent article se propose de mettre en lumière non seulement la critique platonicienne de la poésie telle qu’elle se déploie dans les livres II, III et X de la République, mais aussi - et surtout - la lecture qu’en fait le néoplatonicien Proclus dans son vaste Commentaire sur la République. Le principal enjeu de cette lecture est le lien entre le mythe et l’éducation. Nous verrons d’abord comment Platon s’emploie à lier ces deux éléments, puis comment Proclus cherche pour (...)
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  23. Against consequentialism.Germain Grisez - 2000 - In Christopher Robert Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: for and against. Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press. pp. 21-72.
  24.  13
    ARISTOTE, Éthique à Eudème.Germain Dandenault - 1980 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 36 (2):217-218.
  25. Saint Francis and Pacifism.Germain Kopaczynski - 1986 - Miscellanea Francescana 86 (1):13-30.
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    Un grand bénéficiaire sous Alexis Comnène: Léon Képhalas.Germaine Rouillard - 1929 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1).
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    Pouvoir de la singularité: le pathos du visage dans le texte d'Emmanuel Lévinas.Christian Saint-Germain - 1993 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 49 (1):27-35.
  28. Reading Tolkien through the lens of Solzhenitsyn's analysis of ideology: on art. responsibility, and progress.Germaine Paulo Walsh - 2021 - In Mary P. Nichols (ed.), Politics, literature, and film in conversation: essays in honor of Mary P. Nichols. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  29. Contraception and the Natural Law.Germain G. Grisez - 1964
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  30. Junk or functional DNA? ENCODE and the function controversy.Pierre-Luc Germain, Emanuele Ratti & Federico Boem - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (6):807-831.
    In its last round of publications in September 2012, the Encyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) assigned a biochemical function to most of the human genome, which was taken up by the media as meaning the end of ‘Junk DNA’. This provoked a heated reaction from evolutionary biologists, who among other things claimed that ENCODE adopted a wrong and much too inclusive notion of function, making its dismissal of junk DNA merely rhetorical. We argue that this criticism rests on misunderstandings concerning (...)
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    La célébration du cinquantenaire d’"HUMANISME INTEGRAL à Ottawa.Pierre Germain - 1987 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 3:3-9.
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    Une modernité indigène: Ruptures et innovations dans les théories politiques japonaise du xviii e siècle by Olivier Ansart.Germaine A. Hoston - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (3):1029-1032.
    Une modernité indigène: Ruptures et innovations dans les théories politiques japonaise du xviiie siècle, by Olivier Ansart, is a thoughtful, elegantly written book that offers valuable insights into Japanese political thought in an era that culminated in the Meiji Restoration. Despite the specific characteristics of the rigid centralized feudal structure of Tokugawa society, Ansart argues, political ideas generally associated with the advent of “modernity” in the West were generated indigenously in a context in which knowledge of the West was limited (...)
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    The Modernization of the Louisiana Sugar Industry, 1830-1910. John Alfred Heitmann.Germaine Reed - 1988 - Isis 79 (2):337-339.
  34. Thirty-Fifth Annual Report of the Board of Officers.Germain G. Grisez - 1961 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 35:61-65.
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    Le crépuscule des images.Germain Bazin - 1946 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
    Certitudes et incertitudes du déterminisme.--La crise de l'esprit.--Le drame.--La tour de Babel.--Le crépuscule.--L'aube.
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  36. Le 3e centenaire de Pascal.Germain Breton - 1923 - Toulouse,:
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  37. Understanding global civil society : contestation, citizenship, governance.Randall Germain & Michael Kenny - 2005 - In Randall D. Germain & Michael Kenny (eds.), The idea of global civil society: politics and ethics in a globalizing era. New York: Routledge.
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    Toward a Metaphilosophy.Germain G. Grisez - 1963 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 37:47.
  39.  85
    A Real Distinction in St. Thomas Aquinas?Germain Kopaczynski - 1985 - Philosophy Research Archives 11:127-140.
    The objective of this study is to analyze the writing of three neo-scholastic writers of the twentieth century -- Marcel Chossat, Pedro Descoqs, and Francis Cunningham -- who happen to dispute the prevailing view of Thomists that St. Thomas Aquinas does indeed hold a doctrine of thereal distinction of essence and existence in created being. The approach utilized will be basically historical: we start with the year 1910, the year in which Marcel Chossat rekindled the ever-smoldering embers of the essence-existence (...)
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    Schroedel, Jean Reith. Is the Fetus a Person? A Comparison of Policies across the Fifty States.Germain Kopaczynski - 2001 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 1 (4):656-658.
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    Smith, Wesley J. Culture of Death: The Assault on Medical Ethics in America.Germain Kopaczynski - 2001 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 1 (3):469-472.
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    Beyond the new morality.Germain Gabriel Grisez - 1974 - Notre Dame [Ind.]: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Russell B. Shaw.
  43.  76
    Metastasis as supra-cellular selection? A reply to Lean and Plutynski.Germain Pierre-Luc & Lucie Laplane - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (2):281-287.
    In response to Germain argument that evolution by natural selection has a limited explanatory power in cancer, Lean and Plutynski have recently argued that many adaptations in cancer only make sense at the tumor level, and that cancer progression mirrors the major evolutionary transitions. While we agree that selection could potentially act at various levels of organization in cancers, we argue that tumor-level selection is unlikely to actually play a relevant role in our understanding of the somatic evolution of (...)
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    When do people begin?Germain Grisez - 1989 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 63:27-47.
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    History as Argument for Revision in Moral Theology: A Review Discussion.Germain Grisez - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (1):103-116.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:HISTORY AS ARGUMENT FOR REVISION IN MORAL THEOLOGY: A REVIEW DISCUSSION GERMAIN GRISEZ Mount Saint Mary's College; Emmitsburg, Maryland, JOHN MAHONEY, S.J., forme11ly a professor of moral theology at Heythrop College and now the Frederick Denison Maurice Pro£essor 0£ Moral and Social Theology at King's Col1ege, London, presented the Martin D'Arcy Memorial Lectures in Campion Hall, Oxford, in the spring of 1982. He now has expanded these lectures (...)
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    La communion à soi-même chez Gabriel Marcel.Germaine Cromp - 1972 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 28 (2):171.
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    Gilbert Varet, Racisme et philosophie. Essai sur une limite de la pensée. Paris, Denoël-Gonthier, 1973.Germain Dandenault - 1976 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 32 (1):109.
  48.  8
    Épictète et la spiritualité stoĭcienne.Gabriel Germain - 1964 - [Paris]: Éditions du Seuil. Edited by Epictetus.
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    L'association Canadienne Jacques Maritain, 1979-1989.Pierre Germain - 1990 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 6:7-24.
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    Material Game Studies: A Philosophy of Analogue Play.Chloe Germaine & Paul Wake (eds.) - 2022 - Bloomsbury Publishing.
    This is the first volume to apply insights from the material turn in philosophy to the study of play and games. At a time of renewed interest in analogue gaming, as scholars are looking beyond the digital and virtual for the first time since the inception of game studies in the 1990s, Material Game Studies not only supports the importance of the turn to the analogue, but proposes a materiality of play more broadly. Recognizing the entanglement of physical materiality with (...)
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