Results for 'Frédéric Goubier'

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  1. The theory of supposition and its semantic chronology.Frederic Goubier - 2009 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 101 (4):501-532.
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    Introduction.Frédéric Goubier & Magali Roques - 2017 - Vivarium 55 (1-3):1-8.
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    Dire et vouloir dire dans la logique médiévale : Quelques jalons pour situer une frontière.Frédéric Goubier - 2014 - Methodos 14.
    La philosophie médiévale du langage présente deux séries d’affinités remarquables avec les approches contemporaines. L’une se situe du côté des sémantiques formelles et, plus généralement, des analyses logiques des conditions de vérité des énoncés. L’autre relève plutôt de la pragmatique, notamment des perspectives contextuelles sur les actes de langage. Les logiciens, grammairiens et théologiens du Moyen Âge étaient, de fait, pleinement conscients qu’ils avaient à leur disposition deux types d’approche des énoncés, selon qu’ils prenaient en compte les seules propriétés sémantiques (...)
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    When the World is Not Enough: Medieval Ways to Deal with the Lack of Referents.Frédéric Goubier & Ernesto Perini-Santos - 2015 - Logica Universalis 9 (2):213-235.
    According to several late medieval logicians, the use the universal quantifier ‘omnis’ creates the requirement that the sentence refers to at least three items—the principle of sufficientia appellatorum. The commitment is such that, when the quota is not fulfilled, one has to import the missing items from the realm of the nonexistent. While the central argument for this principle, whose origin is Aristotle’s De Caelo, stems from the contrast between unrestricted universal quantifiers and binary quantifiers, the discussion is often mixed (...)
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  5. Virtus sermonis and the semantics-pragmatics distinction.Frédéric Goubier & Nausicaa Pouscoulous - 2011 - Vivarium 49 (1-3):214-239.
    Late medieval theories of language and contemporary philosophy of language have been compared on numerous occasions. Here, we would like to compare two debates: that between the nature of Virtus sermonis , on the medieval side—focusing on a statute published in 1340 by the Faculty of Arts of the University of Paris and its opponents—and, on the contemporary side, the on-going discussion on the semantics-pragmatics distinction and how the truth-value of an utterance should be established. Both the statute and Gricean (...)
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    Ad Placitum pour Irène Rosier-Catach.Laurent Cesalli, Frédéric Goubier, Aurélien Robert, Luisa Valente & Anne Grondeux (eds.) - 2021
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    On Biblical Logicism.Alexander Brungs & Frederic Goubier - 2009 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 76 (1):199-244.
    For John Wyclif, the fundamental belief that Scripture is true de virtute sermonis is grounded in the fact that the meanings of the words therein are equivocal. A word can have several different meanings depending on whether it is outside or inside Scripture as well as on its location in Scripture. This principle allows each and every word in Scripture to be endowed with its own meaning — however figurative, i.e., metaphorical, allegorical etc. it may be —, tailored for the (...)
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    Compte rendu de History of Logic and Semantics. Studies in the Aristotelian and Term.Laurent Cesalli & Frédéric Goubier - 2019 - Methodos 19.
    Comme tout hommage posthume réussi, le livre que nous recensons souffre de ce douloureux paradoxe : celui dont on honore la mémoire aurait adoré le lire. Il s’agit également de l’un des très rares hommages posthumes dont la liste des contributeurs comprend le nom du défunt lui-même. Joli pied de nez qu’aurait sans aucun doute apprécié l’apparemment très austère Angel d’Ors (1951-2012). Les quelque treize contributions réunies par Paloma Pérez-Ilzarbe et María Cerezo sont parfaitement représen...
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    The Instant of Change in Medieval Philosophy and Beyond ed. by Frédéric Goubier and Magali Roques.Neil Lewis - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (4):753-754.
    This anthology concerns limit-decision problems, chiefly as treated in the fourteenth-century Latin West. A central problem taken up concerns the instant of change: in a change from ø to not-ø such that before instant t there is ø and after t not-ø, at t is there ø, or not-ø, or neither, or both? For medieval thinkers, the answer often depended on what kind of item was at issue. They standardly distinguished permanent items, the whole of which exists simultaneously, from successive (...)
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    Boethii Daci Aliorumque Sophismata by Boethius of Dacia (review).Julie Brumberg-Chaumont - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (4):705-706.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Boethii Daci Aliorumque Sophismata by Boethius of DaciaJulie Brumberg-ChaumontBoethius of Dacia. Boethii Daci Aliorumque Sophismata. Edited by Sten Ebbesen and Irène Rosier-Catach. Corpus Philosophorum Danicorum Medii Aevi, 9. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark, 2021. Pp. 624. Hardback, 400.00 DKK.This volume offers a reliable and accurate scholarly edition of two collections of thirteenthcentury sophismata (logical and grammatical puzzles) contained in ms. Brugge, Stedelijke Openbare Bibliotheek 509 (=B) and (...)
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    Otfried Höffe (éd.), Aristoteles-Lexikon.Frédéric Gain - 2006 - Philosophie Antique 6 (6):211-213.
    La publication de cet Aristoteles-Lexikon, sous la direction d’Otfried Höffe, fournit au lecteur germaniste un instrument de travail pratique et accessible, qui témoigne de la vitalité des études aristotéliciennes outre-Rhin, puisque pas moins de vingt-huit chercheurs, dans différentes universités, ont contribué à cet ouvrage. Plutôt que d’un index, c’est-à-dire d’une liste de citations regroupées par termes, sans prétention interprétative, il s’agit d’un dictionnaire visant à éclairer les co...
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    Vladimir Solovyov, Nicolai Hartmann, and Levels of Reality.Frédéric Tremblay - 2017 - Axiomathes 27 (2):133-146.
    One of the trademarks of Nicolai Hartmann’s ontology is his theory of levels of reality. Hartmann drew from many sources to develop his version of the theory. His essay “Die Anfänge des Schichtungsgedankens in der alten Philosophie” testifies of the fact that he drew from Plato, Aristotle, and Plotinus. But this text was written relatively late in Hartmann’s career, which suggests that his interest in the theories of levels of the ancients may have been retrospective. In “Nicolai Hartmann und seine (...)
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  13. Quand les bactéries font la loi : regards éthiques, épistémiques, juridiques, politiques, sociaux et techniques sur l’utilisation du microbiome humain à des fins judiciaires.Aliya Affdal, Frédéric Bouchard, Charles Marsan, Ely Mermans, Vincent Mousseau, Vardit Ravitsky, Christine Rothmayr Allison, Simon St-Georges, Pierre Trudel & François-Joseph Lapointe - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (2):152-154.
    The use of the human microbiome as a subject of study for forensic purposes raises a number of issues, ranging from a challenge to our traditional concept of identity to respect for privacy and the type of consent to be obtained when a microbiome sample is taken. The particular nature of this study requires the joint work of a multidisciplinary team made up of specialists in ethics, forensic science, law, microbiology, philosophy and political science.
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    The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity presents Bioethics and the future of medicine: a Christian appraisal.John Frederic Kilner, Nigel M. S. Cameroden & David L. Schiedermayer (eds.) - 1995 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
    "The extensive attention devoted to abortion has led Christians for too long to overlook much of the exploding bioethics agenda. Moreover, to focus only on 'issues' is to fail to address the profound changes taking place in the very nature of the medical profession. This book signals the commitment of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity to help expand the church's bioethical vision and to foster a more substantial Christian contribution to the public debate."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by (...)
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    A philosophical study of religion in Africa: going beyond religious traditions.Frederic Ntedika Mvumbi - 2010 - Nairobi: [S.N.].
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    Jack Goody, le comparatisme et le vol de la démocratie.Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos - 2020 - Cahiers Philosophiques 160 (1):123-127.
    Les penseurs occidentaux du politique affirment volontiers que la démocratie a été inventée par la Grèce antique et redécouverte par l’Europe moderne. Mais cette conception ne participe-t-elle pas d’un vol de l’histoire dont l’Occident se serait rendu coupable en imposant le récit de son passé au reste du monde? Telle est la thèse forte défendue par l’anthropologue britannique Jack Goody. Il y a insisté dans des développements consacrés à l’individualisme, dont la démocratie représente « l’aspect politique » : l’individualisme n’est (...)
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    Early Urban Planning: 1870-1940.Richard T. LeGates & Frederic Stout (eds.) - 1998 - Routledge.
    This set is a carefully balanced selection of writings representing some of the most important currents in the thought of city and regional planning during the period 1870-1940 when urban planning emerged as a serious disciplinary field. The set consists of eight key books from this period, handsomely illustrated and reproduced in their entirety, and a separate volume of fifteen seminal short selections - all by major figures of the time, such as Abercrombie, Geddes, and the Olmsteds. Soria y Mata's (...)
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    Do Concepts Die? What Survives and What Comes and Goes in Science.Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:151-167.
    Les concepts scientifiques, même usés, même désuets, ne sont jamais définitivement périmés. Ils peuvent toujours faire retour dans les conjonctures théoriques ultérieures. Cela tient à la nature très particulière du concept, irréductible aux descriptions positivistes : issus de l’expérience et ayant vocation à en rendre raison, les concepts représentent autant d’arrachements à l’expérience et de survols explicatifs de l’expérience. Des épistémologues antipositivistes du xxe siècle ont été attentifs à de telles caractéristiques philosophiques. On expose ici leur modèle de la conceptualisation (...)
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    Le Temps grammatical: logiques temporelles et analyse linguistique.Robert Martin & Frédéric Nef - 1981 - Larousse.
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  20. La métaphore de l'ouvert et du fermé chez Max Weber. Questions préliminaires pour une sociologie de l'action: Figures de la connaissance.Frédéric de Coninck - 1998 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 104:139-165.
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    Ontologie contemporaine : Structure, Identité et Métaontologie.Yann Schmitt & Frédéric Nef - 2017 - Paris, France: Vrin.
    Avec des textes de D. Armstrong, M.Esfeld, K. Fine, D. Lewis, H. Mellot, K. Mulligan, M. Rea, P. Unger, P. van Inwagen, D. Zimmerman. L’ontologie est la partie de la métaphysique qui traite de l’être en général, et non d’un être en particulier, et son domaine d’enquête excède même le monde actuel puisqu’elle porte sur l’ensemble du possible, sur les objets possibles et réels ainsi que sur leurs propriétés ou sur leurs structures ultimes. Ce volume fournit les textes fondamentaux pour (...)
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  22. Interactive word production in dyslexic children.Susan Webb & Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1436--1441.
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    Agent-based Modelling and Simulation in the Social and Human Sciences.Denis Phan & Frédéric Amblard (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford: The Bardwell Press.
    This volume brings together contributions from leading researchers in the field of agent-based modelling and simulation. This approach has grown out of some recent and innovative ideas in the social sciences, computer sciences, life sciences, physics and game theory. It is proving helpful in understanding complexity in many domains. The opportunities it offers to explore the experimental approach to social and human behaviour is proving of theoretical and empirical value across a wide range of fields. With contributions from researchers whose (...)
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  24. Pour une phénoménologie de l'espoir.Anthony J. Steinbock & Frédéric Moinat - 2005 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 137 (3).
  25. Malebranche. Une philosophie de l'expérience, coll. « Bibliothèque des philosophes ».Denis Moreau, Frédéric de Buzon & Pierrette Bonnet - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 195 (2):224-226.
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  26. Book Review. [REVIEW]Frederic Wakeman Jr - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (4):603-605.
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  27. The Metaphysics of the Early Vladimir Solov’ëv. [REVIEW]Frederic Tremblay - 2013 - Quaestio: Yearbook of the History of Metaphysics 13:391-394.
  28. The Structure of Being in Aristotle’s Metaphysics. [REVIEW]Frédéric Tremblay - 2007 - Dialogue 46 (2):386-388.
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    Teresa Obolevitch, Faith and Science in Russian Religious Thought, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. [REVIEW]Frédéric Tremblay - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 72 (1):83-87.
    This is a review of Teresa Obolevitch's Faith and Science in Russian Religious Thought, which provides an intellectual history of the collaboration between fides and ratio in the course of the development of Russian thought, from its Byzantine origins to the twenty-first century. Obolevitch examines various approaches to combining faith and science in such eighteenth-century thinkers as Mikhail Lomonosov and Gregory Skovoroda, the nineteenth-century thinkers Victor Kudryavtsev-Platonov, Dimitrii Golubinsky, Sergei Glagolev, the Schellingian Peter Chaadaev, the Slavophiles Alexei Khomyakov and Ivan (...)
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    The instant of change in medieval philosophy and beyond.Frédéric Goubier & Magali Roques (eds.) - 2018 - Boston: Brill.
    Since antiquity, philosophers have investigated how change works. If a thing moves from one state to another, when exactly does it start to be in its new state, and when does it cease to be in its former one? In the late Middle Ages, the "problem of the instant of change" was subject to considerable debate and gave rise to sophisticated theories; it became popular and controversial again in the second half of the twentieth century. The studies collected here constitute (...)
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    Frédéric Nef, L'Anti-Hume: De la logique des relations à la métaphysique des connexions, Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2017. [REVIEW]Frédéric Tremblay - 2020 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 106 (2):289-295.
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    Understanding Action: An Essay on Reasons.Frederic Schick - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is an important new book about human motivation, about the reasons people have for their actions. What is distinctively new about it is its focus on how people see or understand their situations, options, and prospects. By taking account of people's understandings, Professor Schick is able to expand the current theory of decision and action. The author provides a perspective on the topic by outlining its history. He defends his new theory against criticism, considers its formal structure, and shows (...)
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  33. Dutch bookies and money pumps.Frederic Schick - 1986 - Journal of Philosophy 83 (2):112-119.
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    Deflating the Deep Brain Stimulation Causes Personality Changes Bubble: the Authors Reply.Frederic Gilbert, John Noel M. Viana & C. Ineichen - 2020 - Neuroethics 14 (1):125-136.
    To conclude that there is enough or not enough evidence demonstrating that deep brain stimulation causes unintended postoperative personality changes is an epistemic problem that should be answered on the basis of established, replicable, and valid data. If prospective DBS recipients delay or refuse to be implanted because they are afraid of suffering from personality changes following DBS, and their fears are based on unsubstantiated claims made in the neuroethics literature, then researchers making these claims bear great responsibility for prospective (...)
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  35. Self-knowledge, uncertainty, and choice.Frederic Schick - 1979 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 30 (3):235-252.
  36. (1 other version)A logical analysis of some value concepts.Frederic Fitch - 1963 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):135-142.
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    Book Review: Frederic Lawrence Holmes, Investigative Pathways: Patterns and Stages in the Careers of Experimental Scientists. [REVIEW]Frederic Lawrence Holmes - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (3):585-588.
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  38. L'épistémè in ordine de l'abbé Spallanzani.Geneviève Goubier - 2012 - In Adrien Paschoud & Nathalie Vuillemin (eds.), Penser l'ordre naturel, 1680-1810. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
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    From Groups to Individuals: Evolution and Emerging Individuality.Frederic Bouchard & Philippe Huneman (eds.) - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    Our intuitive assumption that only organisms are the real individuals in the natural world is at odds with developments in cell biology, ecology, genetics, evolutionary biology, and other fields. Although organisms have served for centuries as nature’s paradigmatic individuals, science suggests that organisms are only one of the many ways in which the natural world could be organized. When living beings work together—as in ant colonies, beehives, and bacteria-metazoan symbiosis—new collective individuals can emerge. In this book, leading scholars consider the (...)
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    A Threat to Autonomy? The Intrusion of Predictive Brain Implants.Frederic Gilbert - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 6 (4):4-11.
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    I Miss Being Me: Phenomenological Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation.Frederic Gilbert, Eliza Goddard, John Noel M. Viaña, Adrian Carter & Malcolm Horne - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 8 (2):96-109.
    The phenomenological effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) on the self of the patient remains poorly understood and under described in the literature, despite growing evidence that a significant number of patients experience postoperative neuropsychiatric changes. To address this lack of phenomenological evidence, we conducted in-depth, semistructured interviews with 17 patients with Parkinson's disease who had undergone DBS. Exploring the subjective character specific to patients' experience of being implanted gives empirical and conceptual understanding of the potential phenomenon of DBS-induced self-estrangement. (...)
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    Deflating the “DBS causes personality changes” bubble.Frederic Gilbert, J. N. M. Viaña & C. Ineichen - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (1):1-17.
    The idea that deep brain stimulation (DBS) induces changes to personality, identity, agency, authenticity, autonomy and self (PIAAAS) is so deeply entrenched within neuroethics discourses that it has become an unchallenged narrative. In this article, we critically assess evidence about putative effects of DBS on PIAAAS. We conducted a literature review of more than 1535 articles to investigate the prevalence of scientific evidence regarding these potential DBS-induced changes. While we observed an increase in the number of publications in theoretical neuroethics (...)
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  43. Les scholastiques dans la correspondance du patriarche Sévère d'Antioche (512-518).Frédéric Alpi - 2007 - Topoi. Orient-Occident 15:397-411.
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    Efficacy Testing as a Primary Purpose of Phase 1 Clinical Trials: Is it Applicable to First-in-Human Bionics and Optogenetics Trials?Frederic Gilbert, Alexander R. Harris & Robert M. I. Kapsa - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 3 (2):20-22.
    In her article, Pascale Hess raises the issue of whether her proposed model may be extrapolated and applied to clinical research fields other than stem cell-based interventions in the brain (SCBI-B) (Hess 2012). Broadly summarized, Hess’s model suggests prioritizing efficacy over safety in phase 1 trials involving irreversible interventions in the brain, when clinical criteria meet the appropriate population suffering from “degenerative brain diseases” (Hess 2012). Although there is a need to reconsider the traditional phase 1 model, especially with respect (...)
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    The unconstructable earth: an ecology of separation.Frédéric Neyrat - 2019 - New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
    This book contributes to the environmental humanities field by offering an analysis of the Anthropocene fantasy: the idea that the Anthropocene is an opportunity to remake our terrestrial environment thanks to the power of technology. The author argues that the earth always escapes the human desire to remake and master it.
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    Deep Brain Stimulation: Inducing Self-Estrangement.Frederic Gilbert - 2017 - Neuroethics 11 (2):157-165.
    Despite growing evidence that a significant number of patients living with Parkison’s disease experience neuropsychiatric changes following Deep Brain Stimulation treatment, the phenomenon remains poorly understood and largely unexplored in the literature. To shed new light on this phenomenon, we used qualitative methods grounded in phenomenology to conduct in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 17 patients living with Parkinson’s Disease who had undergone DBS. Our study found that patients appear to experience postoperative DBS-induced changes in the form of self-estrangement. Using the insights (...)
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    Thinking Ahead Too Much: Speculative Ethics and Implantable Brain Devices.Frederic Gilbert & Eliza Goddard - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (1):49-51.
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  48. Foucault e la verità cinica.Frédéric Gros - 2012 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 25 (2):289-298.
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    A Goedelized Formulation of the Prediction Paradox.Frederic B. Fitch - 1964 - American Philosophical Quarterly 1 (2):161 - 164.
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    Beyond utilitarianism.Frederic Schick - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (20):657-666.
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