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  1.  70
    Can Analytical Sociology Do without Methodological Individualism?Nathalie Bulle & Denis Phan - 2017 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 47 (6):379-409.
    The explanatory power of structures in analytical sociologists’ agent-based models brings into question methodological individualism. We defend that from an explanatory point of view, the syntactic properties of models require semantic conditions of interpretation drawn from a conceptual research framework; in such a framework, social/relational structures have only partial, explanatory power ; and taking the explanation further through generative mechanism modeling necessitates calling upon methodological individualism’s generic framework of interpretation that relies on social actors’ rational capacity. According to this interpretive (...)
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  2. Philosophy of Social Science in a nutshell: from discourse to model and experiment.Michel Dubois & Denis Phan - 2007 - In Denis Phan & Phan Amblard, Agent Based Modelling and Simulations in the Human and Social Siences. Oxford: The Bardwell Press. pp. 393-431.
    The debates on the scientificity of social sciences in general, and sociology in particular, are recurring. From the original methodenstreitat the end the 19th Century to the contemporary controversy on the legitimacy of “regional epistemologies”, a same set of interrogations reappears. Are social sciences really scientific? And if so, are they sciences like other sciences? How should we conceive “research programs” Lakatos (1978) or “research traditions” for Laudan (1977) able to produce advancement of knowledge in the field of social and (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Agent-Based Models and Simulations in Economics and Social Sciences: from conceptual exploration to distinct ways of experimenting.Franck Varenne & Denis Phan - 2008 - In Nuno David, José Castro Caldas & Helder Coelho, Proceedings of the 3rd EPOS congress (Epistemological Perspectives On Simulations). pp. 51-69.
    Now that complex Agent-Based Models and computer simulations spread over economics and social sciences - as in most sciences of complex systems -, epistemological puzzles (re)emerge. We introduce new epistemological tools so as to show to what precise extent each author is right when he focuses on some empirical, instrumental or conceptual significance of his model or simulation. By distinguishing between models and simulations, between types of models, between types of computer simulations and between types of empiricity, section 2 gives (...)
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  4.  22
    Ontology, a mediator for Agent Based Modeling in Social Science.Pierre Livet, Jean-Pierre Müller, Denis Phan & Lena Sanders - 2010 - Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 13 (1).
    Agent-Based Models are useful to describe and understand social, economic and spatial systems' dynamics. But, beside the facilities which this methodology offers, evaluation and comparison of simulation models are sometimes problematic. A rigorous conceptual frame needs to be developed. This is in order to ensure the coherence in the chain linking at the one extreme the scientist's hypotheses about the modeled phenomenon and at the other the structure of rules in the computer program. This also systematizes the model design from (...)
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  5.  47
    Modèles et simulations à base d’agents dans les sciences économiques et sociales : de l’exploration conceptuelle à une variété de manières d’expérimenter.Denis Phan & Franck Varenne - 2017 - In Gilles Campagnolo & Jean-Sébastien Gharbi, Philosophie économique: un état des lieux. Paris: Éditions matériologiques. pp. 347-382. Translated by Gilles Campagnolo.
    Les modèles basés sur des agents en interactions, constituent des systèmes sociaux complexes, qui peuvent être simulés par informatiques. Ils se répandent dans les sciences économiques et sociales - comme dans la plupart des sciences des systèmes complexes. Des énigmes épistémologiques (ré)apparaissent. On a souvent opposé modèles et investigations empiriques : d’un côté, on considère les sciences empiriques fondées sur une observation méthodique (enquêtes, expériences) tandis que de l’autre, on conçoit les approches théoriques et la modélisation comme s’appuyant sur une (...)
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  6.  16
    Why do we need Ontology for Agent-Based Models?Pierre Livet, Denis Phan & Lena Sanders - 2008 - In Klaus Schredelseker & Florian Hauser, Complexity and Artificial Markets, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems Vol. 614. Springer. pp. 133-144.
    The aim of this paper is to stress some ontological and methodological issues for Agent-Based Model (ABM) building, exploration, and evaluation in the Social and Human Sciences. Two particular domain of interest are to compare ABM and simulations (Model To Model) within a given academic field or across different disciplines and to use ontology for to discuss about the epistemic and methodological consequences of modeling choices. The paper starts with some definitions of ontology in philosophy and computer sciences. The implicit (...)
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  7.  37
    Agent Based Modelling and Simulations in the Human and Social Siences.Denis Phan & Phan Amblard (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford: The Bardwell Press.
    This book brings together contributions from leading researchers in the field of agent-based modelling and simulation. This approach has grown out of some recent and innovative ideas in the social sciences, computer sciences, life sciences, physics and game theory. It is proving helpful in understanding complexity in many domains. The opportunities it offers to explore the experimental approach to social and human behaviour is proving of theoretical and empirical value across a wide range of fields. With contributions from researchers whose (...)
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  8.  33
    Agent-based Modelling and Simulation in the Social and Human Sciences.Denis Phan & Frédéric Amblard (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford: The Bardwell Press.
    This volume brings together contributions from leading researchers in the field of agent-based modelling and simulation. This approach has grown out of some recent and innovative ideas in the social sciences, computer sciences, life sciences, physics and game theory. It is proving helpful in understanding complexity in many domains. The opportunities it offers to explore the experimental approach to social and human behaviour is proving of theoretical and empirical value across a wide range of fields. With contributions from researchers whose (...)
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  9.  13
    (2 other versions)Epistemology in a nutshell.Denis Phan, Anne-Françoise Schmid & Franck Varenne - 2007 - In Amblard Phan, Agent Based Modelling and Simulations in the Human and Social Sciences. The Bardwell Press. pp. 357-392.
    In the Western tradition, at least since the 14th century, the philosophy of knowledge has been built around the idea of knowledge as a representation [Boulnois 1999]. The question of the evaluation of knowledge refers at the same time (1) to the object represented (which one does one represent?), (2) to the process of knowledge formation, in particular with the role of the knowing subject (which one does one represent and how does one represent it?), and finally (3) to the (...)
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  10.  18
    Ontologies pour la modélisation par systemes multi-agents en sciences humaines et sociales.Denis Phan - 2014 - Paris: Hermes Science Publications, Lavoisier.
    En philosophie, l'ontologie étudie ce qui pourrait exister : le type et la structure des objets, les propriétés, évènements, processus et relations. En ingénierie des connaissances, c'est la spécification de la conceptualisation d'un domaine de savoir. Ce domaine concerne ici la modélisation à base d'agents (ABM) pour les sciences de l'homme et de la société (SHS) en vue de la simulation par systèmes multi-agents (SMA). La modélisation SMA en SHS propose la formalisation d'une pluralité de points de vue dans un (...)
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  11. Agent-based Modelling and Simulation in the Social and Human Sciences.Anne-Françoise Schmid, Denis Phan & Franck Varenne - unknown
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