Results for 'Francine Orsini'

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  1. (1 other version)L'épistémologie du temps, « Études d'épistémologie génétique, XX ».Jean-Blaise Grize, Katleyn Henry, Marianne Meylan-Backs, Francine Orsini, Jean Piaget & N. van den Bogaert-Rombouts - 1967 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 22 (1):90-91.
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    Undoing Gender.Francine M. Deutsch - 2007 - Gender and Society 21 (1):106-127.
    “Doing Gender,” West and Zimmerman's landmark article, highlighted the importance of social interaction, thus revealing the weaknesses of socialization and structural approaches. However, despite its revolutionary potential for illuminating how to dismantle the gender system, doing gender has become a theory of gender persistence and the inevitability of inequality. In this article, the author argues that we need to reframe the questions to ask how we can undo gender. Research should focus on when and how social interactions become less gendered, (...)
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    Art, Mind, and Brain: A Cognitive Approach to Creativity.Francine Smolucha & Howard Gardner - 1984 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 18 (2):108.
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  4. The embodied chiasmic relationship of mother and infant.Francine Wynn - 1997 - Human Studies 20 (2):253-270.
    In this paper the very earliest relationship of mother and newborn will be described phenomenologically through an interlacing of Donald Winnicott''s work on maternal holding with Maurice Merleau-Ponty''s concepts of flesh and chiasm. Merleau-Ponty''s thinking suggests that the holding relationship described by Winnicott is formed as much by the infant''s holding of the mother as it is by mother''s holding of her infant. Both flex and bend towards each other and inscribe each other yet retain their own particularity. Further specification (...)
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  5. Hugh MacColl and Lewis Carroll: Crosscurrents in geometry and logic.Francine F. Abeles & Amirouche Moktefi - 2011 - Philosophia Scientiae 15:55-76.
    Dans une lettre adressée à Bertrand Russell, le 17 mai 1905, Hugh MacColl raconte avoir abandonné l’étude de la logique après 1884, pendant près de treize ans, et explique que ce fut la lecture de l’ouvrage de Lewis Carroll, Symbolic Logic (1896), qui ralluma le vieux feu qu’il croyait éteint. Dès lors, il publie de nombreux articles contenant certaines de ses innovations majeures en logique. L’objet de cet article est de discuter la familiarité de MacColl et son appréciation du travail (...)
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  6. Lewis Carroll's visual logic.Francine F. Abeles - 2007 - History and Philosophy of Logic 28 (1):1-17.
    John Venn and Charles L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) created systems of logic diagrams capable of representing classes (sets) and their relations in the form of propositions. Each is a proof method for syllogisms, and Carroll's is a sound and complete system. For a large number of sets, Carroll diagrams are easier to draw because of their self-similarity and algorithmic construction. This regularity makes it easier to locate and thereby to erase cells corresponding with classes destroyed by the premises of an (...)
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    Lewis Carroll: Logic.Francine F. Abeles - 2021 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Lewis Carroll: Logic Charles L. Dodgson, 1832-1898, was a British mathematician, logician, and the author of the ‘Alice’ books, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. His fame derives principally from his literary works, but in the twentieth century some of his mathematical … Continue reading Lewis Carroll: Logic →.
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    B. Abords Nord-Est de l'agora (terrain Valma).Francine Blondé, Arthur Muller, Dominique Mulliez & François Poplin - 2003 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 127 (2):488-489.
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  9. A Just and True Love: Feminism at the Frontiers of Theological Ethics: Essays in Honor of Margaret Farley.Francine Cardman - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
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  10. (1 other version)The Medieval Question of Women and Orders.Francine Cardman - 1978 - The Thomist 42 (582):99.
  11.  24
    Neural Responses to Musical Consonance and Dissonance in the Human Superior Temporal Gyrus.Foo Francine, King-Stephens David, Weber Peter, Laxer Kenneth, Knight Robert & Parvizi Josef - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    La philosophie américaine : étendue et malentendus.Francine Gagnon - 1991 - Horizons Philosophiques 2 (1):115.
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    Voices of wisdom: Jewish ideals & ethics for everyday living.Francine Klagsbrun (ed.) - 1980 - Boston: D.R. Godine.
    Examines from a Jewish point of view such topics as love, sex, marriage, business ethics, health and medicine, the environment, faith, birth control, civil disobedience, scholarship, and death.
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    Le colloque de Philadelphie sur l'Administration publique.Francine Lachaert - 1969 - Res Publica 11 (2):463-467.
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    Identité-Altérité Dans la Culture Hispanique au Xxe-Xxie Siècles: Hommage à Eliane Et Jean-Marie Lavaud.Catherine Orsini-Saillet & Alexandra Palau (eds.) - 2011 - Editions Universitaires de Dijon.
    Interroger le concept d'identité en le mettant en rapport avec l'altérité renvoie à la célèbre formule de Rimbaud : "Je est un autre" qui, à la charnière des XXe et XXIe siècles, suscite toujours de nombreuses interrogations dans un monde où le moi est de plus en plus instable et en quête de repères, où l'identité se revendique le plus souvent au nom de la différence, que ce soit au niveau individuel ou communautaire. La culture hispanique de part et d'autre (...)
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  16. Montesquieu et la peine de Mort.Francine Markovits Pessel - 2012 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 62:107-134.
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    Art as measure: Nursing as safeguarding.Francine Wynn RN PhD - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (1):36–44.
  18.  22
    Coleridge and German idealism.Gian Napoleone Giordano Orsini - 1969 - Carbondale,: Southern Illinois University Press.
    Professor Orsini’s book enters the controversy that has marked the changing response to Coleridge’s work during the past forty years, stimulated recently by the accessibility of Coleridge manuscripts and by the publication of hitherto unpublished works. Professor Orsini himself contributes to our new knowl­edge by publishing here for the first time texts from the note­books. His book is of importance and interest because it examines problems which are rooted in world-wide intellectual developments of recent times. Counterposing his argument (...)
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  19. The case for the personhood of gorillas.Francine Patterson & Wendy Gordon - 1993 - In Peter Singer & Paola Cavalieri (eds.), The Great Ape Project. St. Martin's Griffin. pp. 58--77.
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  20. The Quality of Life, Lived Experiences, and Challenges Faced by Senior Citizen Street Vendors.Francine Kate R. Tipon, Kaissery Baldado, Alyssa Mae, Jhaimee Lyzette Montaos & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (1):14-19.
    The odds of encountering a senior citizen selling on the street have increased. The claim that they have no choice but to work and sell on the street, despite the dangers, illnesses, and psychological issues they may face, to provide for their family’s needs is very evident. Therefore, this study explores the quality of life, lived experiences, challenges, and coping mechanisms of senior citizen street vendors in Bulacan, Philippines. The study employed Heideggerian Phenomenology and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Moreover, the (...)
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    Toward A Visual Proof System: Lewis Carroll’s Method of Trees.Francine F. Abeles - 2012 - Logica Universalis 6 (3-4):521-534.
    In the period 1893–1897 Charles Dodgson, writing as Lewis Carroll, published two books and two articles on logic topics. Manuscript material first published in 1977 together with letters and diary entries provide evidence that he was working toward a visual proof system for complex syllogistic propositional logic based on a mechanical tree method that he devised.
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    Nursing and the concept of life: towards an ethics of testimony.Francine Wynn - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (2):120-132.
    Three clinical cases of very ill neonates exemplifying extreme ethical situations for nurses are interpreted through Arendt's concepts of life and natality, and Agamben's critique of bare life. Agamben's notions of form-of-life, as the inseparability of zoe/bios, and testimony are offered as the potential foundation of nursing ethics.
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    Reconfigurer l’action enseignante pour la (re) découvrir : traces du répertoire didactique évolutif.Francine Cicurel - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (3-4):16-27.
    This study intends to question the theoretical and epistemological basis of research practices that give rise to the production of spontaneous oral commentary by teachers watching their own teacher action. What clues can the researcher use to impart on these discourses their ability to reveal that which is related to the link between discourse, action and teacher thinking? To address this question, we propose to concentrate more specifically on planning incidents, challenging moments, dilemmas and regrets in which, according to Schütz’s (...)
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    Reflecting on the ongoing aftermath of heart transplantation: Jean-Luc Nancy's L'intrus.Francine Wynn - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (1):3-9.
    This paper explores Jean‐Luc Nancy's philosophical reflection on surviving his own heart transplant. In ‘The Intruder’, he raises central questions concerning the relations between what he refers to as a ‘proper’ life, that is, a life that is thought to be one's own singular ‘lived experience’, and medical techniques, shaped at this particular historical juncture by cyclosporine or immuno‐suppresssion. He describes the temporal nature of an ever‐increasing sense of strangeness and fragmentation which accompanies his heart transplant. In doing so, Nancy (...)
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    Le comblement d'un puits public à Thasos.Francine Blondé, Dominique Mulliez & Arthur Muller - 1991 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 115 (1):213-242.
    Publication du matériel amphorique recueilli dans le remblai au moyen duquel on a comblé vers 330 le puits monumental de la place au Nord-Est du Passage des Théores. Exceptés de rares fragments du ve siècle, l'ensemble du matériel date du ive siècle. On a dénombré près de 1500 amphores, dont 82 % sont d'origine thasienne, avec une nette prédominance de l'amphore biconique par rapport à l'amphore «en toupie». Les amphores importées viennent surtout de Grèce de l'Est (Chios et Samos) et (...)
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  26. Early Christian Ethics.Francine Cardman - 2008 - In Susan Ashbrook Harvey & David G. Hunter (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies. Oxford University Press.
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    Conceptions of Knowledge and the Modern University.Francine Rochford - 2008 - In Ian Morley & Mira Crouch (eds.), Knowledge as Value: Illumination Through Critical Prisms. New York, NY: Rodopi.
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    Autobiographie et voyage entre la Renaissance et le Baroque: l’Exemple de la famille Platter.Francine-Dominique Liechtenhan - 1993 - Revue de Synthèse 114 (3-4):455-471.
    Au xvie siècle, l’autobiographie et le récit de voyage étaient étroitement liés et suivirent pendant quelques décennies une évolution parallèle. Thomas Platter l’aîné essaya de fournir dans sesMémoires la description d’une vie exemplaire retraçant ses expériences multiples sur les routes d’Europe. Son fils Felix nous laissa un ouvrage disparate (un mélange de journal, de récit de voyage et de mémoires) où l’auteur paraît omniprésent. Sa conception de l’écriture autobiographique rappelle celle de Montaigne. Le jeune frère Thomas suivit rigoureusement les règles (...)
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    Elizabethan manuscript translations of machia-velli's Prince.Napoleone Orsini - 1937 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 1 (2):166-169.
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    (1 other version)Hegel on the one and the many in the Logic of Being.Federico Orsini - 2019 - Hegel Jahrbuch 2019 (1):169-176.
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    Immigrant Women in Italy: Perspectives from Brussels and Bologna.Marina Orsini-Jones & Catherine Hoskyns - 1995 - European Journal of Women's Studies 2 (1):51-76.
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    Supporting Collaborative Grammar Learning via a Virtual Learning Environment.Marina Orsini-Jones & David Jones - 2007 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 6 (1):90-106.
    This article reports the results of an investigation into the issues encountered by undergraduate language students while engaging in ‘the Grammar Project’ - a collaborative assessment task for the module Academic and Professional Skills for Language Learning - and shows how encouraging students to take ownership of their learning process with the support of a Virtual Learning Environment can increase their motivation and their understanding of the subject matter. It shows that students’ beliefs may hinder their learning experience, while maintaining (...)
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    Self, Identity, and Collective Action.Francine Tremblay - 2023 - Lexington Books.
    Returning to the much-neglected work of George Herbert Mead, this book defines the self and links it to identity and collective action.
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    Lewis Carroll's Formal Logic.Francine Abeles - 2005 - History and Philosophy of Logic 26 (1):33-46.
    Charles L. Dodgson's reputation as a significant figure in nineteenth-century logic was firmly established when the philosopher and historian of philosophy William Warren Bartley, III published Dodgson's ?lost? book of logic, Part II of Symbolic Logic, in 1977. Bartley's commentary and annotations confirm that Dodgson was a superb technical innovator. In this paper, I closely examine Dodgson's methods and their evolution in the two parts of Symbolic Logic to clarify and justify Bartley's claims. Then, using more recent publications and unpublished (...)
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    Hegel's A Priori and the Critique of Three Aprioristic Readings of the Science of Logic.Federico Orsini - 2022 - Hegel Bulletin 43 (1):47-68.
    The goal of my essay is to clarify the status of the a priori in Hegel's Science of Logic. My claim is that in order to make possible an appreciation of the originality of Hegel's position we need to map a context of discussion and to dissolve a set of preconceptions about Hegel's idea of philosophy. My argument will be articulated in two parts. In the first part, I will analyse four possible positions regarding the issue of the aprioricity of (...)
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    Differential Processing of Consonance and Dissonance within the Human Superior Temporal Gyrus.Francine Foo, David King-Stephens, Peter Weber, Kenneth Laxer, Josef Parvizi & Robert T. Knight - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Simone Weil: A Penguin Life.Francine du Plessix Gray - 2001 - New York: Viking Adult.
    Biography of the French philosopher, Christian mystic, and social activist Simone Weil (1909-1943). Unrevised and unpublished proofs.
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    The Novelistic Incarnation and the Question of Truth.Christine Orsini & William A. Johnsen - 2024 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 31 (1):1-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Novelistic Incarnation and the Question of TruthChristine Orsini (bio)Translated by William A. JohnsenINTRODUCTIONLike many of you, I was overwhelmed by reading René Girard's first book Mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque, published in 1961.1 But I belong to a special class: Compared to all the young and less young readers and researchers who make up this assembly, I am what in high places, at the ARM [Association Recherches (...)
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    Nineteenth Century British Logic on Hypotheticals, Conditionals, and Implication.Francine F. Abeles - 2014 - History and Philosophy of Logic 35 (1):1-14.
    Hypotheticals, conditionals, and their connecting relation, implication, dramatically changed their meanings during the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth century. Modern logicians ordinarily do not distinguish between the terms hypothetical and conditional. Yet in the late nineteenth century their meanings were quite different, their ties to the implication relation either were unclear, or the implication relation was used exclusively as a logical operator. I will trace the development of implication as an inference operator from these earlier notions into the (...)
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  40. Economics of Gender.Francine D. Blau - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 5995--6002.
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    Les abords Nord-Est de l'agora de Thasos.Francine Blondé, Dominique Mulliez & Arthur Muller - 1988 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 112 (1):247.
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    Attitudes to animals: views in animal welfare.Francine L. Dolins (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This thought-provoking book will ask what it is to be human, what to be animal, and what are the natures of the relationships between them. This is accomplished with philosophical and ethical discussions, scientific evidence and dynamic theoretical approaches. Attitudes to Animals will also encourage us to think not only of our relationships to non-human animals, but also of those to other, human, animals. This book provides a foundation that the reader can use to make ethical choices about animals. It (...)
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    Benedetto Croce.Gian Napoleone Giordano Orsini - 1961 - Carbondale,: Southern Illinois University Press.
    Excerpt from Benedetto Croce: Philosopher of Art and Literary Critic In Italian of course there are several aids to the study of Croce, including a full bibliography, completely indexed; see Appendix 2. But there are still a number of unsettled points concerning the development of Croce's thought and the chronology of his doctrines. The current view of this chronology as it refers to aesthetic theory is cited above, but each date may be pushed backwards. The theory of art as expression (...)
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    Bacone e Machiavelli.Gian Napoleone Giordano Orsini - 1936 - Genova,: E. degli Orfini.
  45. Figures de l'athéisme.Francine Markovits Pessel - 2018 - In Louise Ferté & Lucie Rey (eds.), Tolérance, liberté de conscience, laïcité: quelle place pour l'athéisme? Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    The early relationship of mother and pre‐infant: Merleau‐Ponty and pregnancy.Francine Wynn R. N. PhD - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (1):4-14.
    This paper critically evaluates current conceptions of pregnancy as a possession of either mother or infant. In opposition to the more common stance that marks birth as the beginning of intercorporeality and perception, pregnancy is instead phenomenologically delineated as a chiasmic relationship between mother and her pre‐infant from a Merleau‐Pontian perspective. This paper maintains that during pregnancy a mother‐to‐be and her pre‐infant are deepened and modified through their intertwining.
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    Gluttony: The Seven Deadly Sins.Francine Prose - 2003 - Oup Usa.
    Part of a series of highly entertaining books on the history of sinning. Eating too much is one of the Western world's greatest problems, but relatively few people would consider it a crime against God. Yet even as gluttony has ceased to be an evil, food and dieting have become a cultural obsessions, with millions of pounds expended on mortifying the flesh with punishing diet and exercise regimes. This brief history of gluttony traces the changing cultural attitudes towards food and (...)
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    O projeto hegeliano de Uma filosofia livre de pressuposições.Federico Orsini - 2017 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 58 (138):521-538.
    Resumo O objetivo de meu trabalho é o esclarecimento de quatro características distintivas do sistema hegeliano como projeto de uma filosofia livre de pressuposições. Para tanto, pretendo reconstruir a conexão entre os seguintes traços constitutivos do conceito operativo de Voraussetzungslosigkeit : em primeiro lugar, a imanência do real ao pensar objetivo; em segundo, a integração do ceticismo pirrônico ou antigo ao modo de apresentação científica do pensar; em terceiro lugar, a configuração do elemento lógico em termos de um movimento de (...)
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    Inequality and earnings distribution.Francine D. Blau & Lawrence M. Kahn - 2011 - In Wiemer Salverda, Brian Nolan & Timothy M. Smeeding (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality. Oxford University Press.
    This article documents and provides explanations for levels of and trends in earnings inequality, with a central focus on international differences in these outcomes. It concentrates on OECD countries, which are largely advanced industrialized nations, and typically have similar levels of labour productivity but often very different labour market institutions and changes in the supply of or demand for labour of various skill levels. As a result, one can use international differences to test hypotheses about the role of supply and (...)
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    Autour de la céramique du IVe siècle dans la Nord-Est de l'Egée : quelques approches différentes.Francine Blondé & Maurice Picon - 2000 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 124 (1):161-188.
    Following an archaeological and archaeometric study of the 4th century pottery on Thasos, laboratory research was carried out in a regional framework, with the assistance of the Ephorates concerned, on samples from the sites of Amphipolis, Abdera, Mesembria-Zoni, Maroneia and Samothrace. The results thus obtained in a particular region and at a precise period serve as the basis for a more general set of problems. We attempt to show to what extent this type of approach can lead to a better (...)
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