Results for 'Dina Murad'

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  1.  21
    The Socio-Political Context Behind the Malayan Insurgency, 1948-1960.Dina Murad - 2019 - Intellectual Discourse 27 (2):397-411.
    This article examines the socio-political context surrounding theMalayan Insurgency and how it shaped the outcome of counterinsurgency operations in the Malayan peninsular. It will put forwardthe idea that the success of British COIN in Malaya was primarily due tothe structure of Malayan society that was inhospitable towards a communistinsurrection by analysing the significance of race relations, religion, cultureand the impact of diaspora towards the changing social landscape of Malaya.
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    Beyond Environmental Regulations: Exploring the Potential of “Eco-Islam” in Boosting Environmental Ethics Within SMEs in Arab Markets.Dina M. Abdelzaher & Amir Abdelzaher - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (2):357-371.
    The recent global increase in environmental regulation does not necessarily signal improvement in firms’ ecological imprints. Like many markets, the Arab world is struggling to implement environmental compliance measures among local firms. For Arab countries, the reliance solely on formal policies to improve local firms’ ecological footprints may be risky given the evident institutional challenges to enforce environmental regulations, specially post the Arab Spring. Drawing from the literature highlighting the merits of combining formal and informal controls to ensure successful implementation (...)
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  3. Emotions about Emotions.Dina Mendonça - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (4):390-396.
    This article discusses the importance of metaemotions (emotions about emotions), showing their undeniable existence and how they are a critical and essential part of emotion life. The article begins by placing reflexivity of emotions within the general reflexivity of human beings. Then, the article presents the literature on metaemotion, showing some of the problems that surround them, which ultimately will lead to ask if the concept of metaemotion is really necessary. The second part of the article argues for the usefulness (...)
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    Écrits.Dina Dreyfus - 2013 - Paris: Hermann. Edited by Christiane Menasseyre & Bertrand Saint-Sernin.
    L'action et la pensee de Dina Dreyfus (1911-1999), ne furent pas moins clandestines qu'importantes. Restee dans l'ombre de son premier mari, Claude Levi-Strauss, dont on ignore trop souvent qu'elle fut la co-organisatrice de la mission Claude et Dina Levi-Strauss sur les Indiens du Mato-Grosso, Dina Dreyfus fut pourtant une ethnologue de terrain, qui sut participer activement a la fondation et au rayonnement de la discipline. Pendant la guerre, ses actes de resistance dans les reseaux montpellierains, furent menes (...)
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    The Discursive Construction of “Normal”: A Critical Examination of ABeka Curricula.Dina Ciotola Osborn - 2016 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 52 (1):68-77.
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    Corporate Political Transparency.Murad A. Mithani - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (3):644-678.
    Corporations are facing a growing demand for the transparency of political contributions. In the United States, this demand has largely focused on the implementation of a mandatory disclosure law. It rests on the assumption that legal enforcement can make it easier to observe the ties between corporations and political parties. In this study, I challenge this assumption. I build my case by first developing a conceptual foundation of corporate political transparency. I argue that in the absence of economic benefits, legal (...)
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    The phenomenon of artificial intelligence in modern transformational socio-cultural processes: Socio-philosophical analysis.Dina Abulkassova, Gulnara Muldasheva, Mirbulat Nurtazin, Nurzhan Tleukhanov & Aigerim Kuspanova - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    The purpose of the study was to analyse the influence of artificial intelligence on modern socio-cultural processes to identify key trends and factors determining its development, to reveal positive and negative aspects of the integration of artificial intelligence into various spheres of public life, including work, education, medicine, and cultural and social relationships. A methodology has been developed that defines the stages of analysing the socio-cultural impact of artificial intelligence. The main trends determining the influence of artificial intelligence on modern (...)
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    (1 other version)Attitudes toward business ethics: Empirical investigation on different moral philosophies among business students in Vietnam.Dina Clark, Thomas Tanner, Loan N. T. Pham, Wai Kwan Lau & Lam D. Nguyen - 2020 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 14 (3):1.
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  9. Teori kajian pascakolonial sastra, model Homi K. Bhabha.M. A. Dina Dyah Kusumayanti - 2021 - In Suwardi Endraswara, Teori sastra sepanjang zaman: tokoh, konsep, dan aplikasi. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
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    منهج الإمام الشيرازي في كتابه" اللمع في أصول الفقه".Shawish Murad - 2020 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (13):59-86.
    İslam hukukun temel ilkelerinin yazımında ve beyanında usûlcülerin yöntemleri farklıdır. Şîrâzî, fıkıh usûlünde birçok kitap telif etmiş, şöhreti yayılmış bir usûlcüdür. Bu çalışmada Şîrâzî’nin ve onun en önemli kitaplarından olan “el-Luma’ fî usûli’l-fıkh”ın tanıtımı yapılacak ardından yönteminin en belirleyici özellikleri ve kitabının içeriğini sunma yaklaşımı açıklanacaktır. Böylece uygulamalı bir şekilde mensup olduğu fıkhî ekolün ayırt edici özelliklerinin tesbiti yapılacaktır. Araştırmanın neticesinde Şîrâzî’nin mütekellim metodunu takip ettiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Eserinde fıkıh usûlünün bir dizi teriminin tanıtımına ve usûl kaidelerinin beyanına yer vermesi, (...)
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    Daheshism and the journey of life.Mounir Murad - 1993 - Alexandria, Va.: Murad.
    In the year 1842, Thomas Cole (1801-1848) painted a set of four oil paintings entitled THE VOYAGE OF LIFE. As the title indicates, the artist likened life to a voyage. This voyage begins with man emerging as a child from a dark cave into the river of life in a spring setting. As this voyage through the river of life continues, man is seen passing through the stages of youth, manhood, & then finally old age. Likewise, the setting of nature (...)
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  12. Inflación tropológica: estabilidad y proliferación del discurso.Omar Murad - 2019 - Páginas de Filosofía 20 (23):141-160.
    En este trabajo abordamos la cuestión de la inflación tropológica a partir de los trabajos de Hans Kellner y el debate suscitado a partir de ellos con Wallace Martin. Se trata de la proyección indefinida de los tropos desde el lenguaje hacia dominios que lo exceden, tales como la conciencia o un periodo histórico. Nuestro objetivo es revisitar los problemas que acarrea la inestabilidad y la proliferación tropológica con el fin de evaluar el estatus de la solución aportada por la (...)
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    أحكام العمل عن بُعد في الشريعة الإسلامية.Shawish Murad - 2024 - Atebe 12:181-206.
    حاولت هذه الدراسة الموسومة بـ" أحكام العمل عن بعد في الشريعة الإسلامية" بيان مفهوم العمل عن بعد وحكمه في الشريعة الإسلامية والأدلة الدالة على الحكم الشرعي، وشروط العمل عن بعد وكذا حقوق ووجبات العامل في العمل عن بعد، وبيان التحديات الفقهية التقنية والأخلاقية للعمل عن بُعد وكيفية التعامل معها من منظور شرعي، ثم ذكرت أمثلة تطبيقية من خلال ذكر نماذج ناجحة للعمل عن بُعد في الدول الإسلامية وكيفية تطبيقها، وخلصت الدراسة إلى أن المقصود من العمل عن بعد هو أن يمارس (...)
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  14. Mach Revisited: A Reinterpretation of Mach's Philosophy of Science, and of His Opposition to Atomism.Hazim B. Murad - 1990 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    In this dissertation, I examine the origins and nature of Mach's philosophy, or rather theory, of science. I show how it relates to, and is informed by, his own works in physiology, psychophysics, physics, and the history and psychology of science. I argue that Mach's theory of science grew out of his concern to provide a single, unified--albeit coherent--perspective on both the life and physical sciences. Corresponding to this conceptual unification of perspectives in the different branches of knowledge, lies Mach's (...)
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    Who gets believed?: when the truth isn't enough.Dina Nayeri - 2023 - New York: Catapult.
    Who Gets Believed? is a groundbreaking book about persuasion and performance that asks unsettling questions about lies, truths, and the difference between being believed and being dismissed in situations spanning asylum interviews, emergency rooms, consulting jobs, and family life.
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    Dialogic Incongruities in the Theater of the Absurd.Dina Sherzer - 1978 - Semiotica 22 (3-4).
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    War for peace: genealogies of a violent ideal in Western and Islamic thought.Murad Idris - 2019 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    Peace is a universal ideal, but its political life is a great paradox: "peace" is the opposite of war, but it also enables war. If peace is the elimination of war, then what does it mean to wage war for the sake of peace? What does peace mean when some say that they are committed to it but that their enemies do not value it? Why is it that associating peace with other ideals, like justice, friendship, security, and law, does (...)
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    Human rights and citizenship: An unjustifiable conflation?Dina Kiwan - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 39 (1):37–50.
    Human rights discourses are increasingly being coupled to discourses on citizenship and citizenship education. In this paper, I consider the premise that human rights might provide a theoretical underpinning for citizenship. I categorise citizenship into five main categories—moral, legal, identity-based, participatory and cosmopolitan. Bringing together theoretical and documentary evidence, I argue that human rights cannot logically be a theoretical underpinning for citizenship, regardless of how citizenship may be conceptualised. This is because human rights discourses are located within a universalist frame (...)
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  19.  16
    Kants Übergangskonzeption im Opus postumum: zur Rolle des Nachlasswerkes für die Grundlegung der empirischen Physik.Dina Emundts - 2004 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Funktion und Bedeutung des Opus Postumum für die Philosophie Kants sind in der Forschungsliteratur umstritten. Dina Emundts zeigt, dass die Hauptaufgabe des Nachlasswerkes ist, ein System aller für die empirischen Erkenntnisse erforderlichen Begriffe auszuarbeiten, wie es Kant zur Fundierung der empirischen Physik als unerlässlich ansah. Darüber hinaus geht die Untersuchung der Frage nach, wie sich empirische Wissenschaften fundieren lassen.
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    Hegel's “no” and “yes” on the question: Is Hegelian recognition second‐personal?Dina Emundts - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy:e13061.
    This paper discusses a thesis put forward by Robert Stern. The thesis is that Hegel's conception of forgiveness should not be read as something in which the ethics of the second person is expressed. The paper develops an alternative reading of forgiveness that takes Stern's objections to a direct second personal approach of forgiveness seriously. Forgiveness is second-personal and we have the authority to forgive if we at the same time deny our individual standpoint as absolute. We thus get a (...)
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  21. Kant's critique of Berkeley's concept of objectivity.Dina Emundts - 2008 - In Daniel Garber & Béatrice Longuenesse, Kant and the Early Moderns. Princeton University Press.
  22.  13
    Dictionary of philosophy.Murad Saifulin & Richard R. Dixon (eds.) - 1984 - New York: International Publishers.
  23.  43
    Body Work: Objects of Desire in Modern Narrative.Dina Blanc & Peter Brooks - 1994 - Substance 23 (2):111.
  24. Hegel as a Pragmatist.Dina Emundts - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (4):611-631.
    In this paper, I want to focus on the question whether Hegel's philosophy shares its main characteristics with pragmatism. I will answer this question affirmatively. In the first part, I sketch the understanding of pragmatism that allows me to call Hegel a pragmatist. In the second part, I turn to the specific project of Hegel's Phenomenology and try to substantiate the claim that Hegel is a pragmatist in this sense. I end with a discussion about the limits of my thesis (...)
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    L'incomprensione storica: ermeneutica e scetticismo.Piero Cresto-Dina - 2012 - Torino: Trauben.
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    Toward a Fluidity of Corporate Identity.Dina Gavrilos - 2009 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 24 (1):81-84.
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  27. Embedded cosmopolitanism : Tolstoyan and Goethean ideas of world Literature during the two world wars.Dina Gusejnova - 2017 - In Eddy Kent & Terri Tomsky, Negative cosmopolitanism: cultures and politics of world citizenship after globalization. Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press.
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  28. States of nature and islands of politics : animality, death, colonialism.Murad Idris - 2013 - In Jon D. Carlson & Russell Arben Fox, The State of Nature in Comparative Political Thought: Western and Non-Western Perspectives. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    Education for Inclusive Citizenship.Dina Kiwan - 2007 - Routledge.
    This book examines the conceptions of citizenship and the extent to which these conceptions accommodate ethnic and religious diversity in today’s schools. The author contributes to theoretical thinking on inclusive citizenship through a focus on the policy and curriculum development process of citizenship education in the English secondary school context, and she bases her work on original first-hand account from interviews with key players involved, such as former home secretary David Blunkett, Sir Bernard Crick and other high profile policy-makers. Four (...)
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    Negotiating Boundaries in Multicultural Socieites.Dina Mansour & Andrew Milne - 2014
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    Illusory Conduct Stigma: Organizations As Targets As Well As Participants in Conspiracy Theories.Murad A. Mithani - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    In addition to their conduct, organizations can be stigmatized for conduct they did not engage in. Advancing a conceptual foundation of illusory conduct stigma, I explain how it stems from a perceptional process that is distinct from the one underlying conduct stigma. I use conspiracy theory as an illustrative source of illusory conduct stigma and explain how the former evolves in the absence of evidence, differs from an official narrative, and incorporates organizations. The study proposes that organizations are likely targets (...)
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    Existence and Interculturality.Dina Picotti - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 18:69-77.
    En medio del constante replanteo que la filosofía y las ciencias humanas en general han venido haciendo de nociones básicas como la de 'existencia', un horizonte de planteo intercultural permitirá acoger mejor las demandas de las sociedades contemporáneas cruzadas por diferentes centros histórico-culturales y por el fenómeno común de los movimientos sociales exigiendo cada uno reconocimiento de sus propios derechos. Se concibe tal planteo como una 'odisea de la libertad', ya que intenta perseguir el difícil camino de la libertad -en (...)
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    De pulsibus ad tirones. Galien et les médecins débutants : le pouls comme moyen de diagnostic et de pronostic.Bacalexi Dina - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Dina Bacalexi, « De pulsibus ad tirones. Galien et les médecins débutants : le pouls comme moyen de diagnostic et de pronostic ». In : Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé, n° 2, juin 2001, pp. 131-152. Le traité de Galien Sur le pouls à l'usage des débutants a été composé lors du premier séjour du médecin à Rome et retravaillé, comme d'autres traités, lors du second séjour, vers la fin du siècle. Notre objectif, dans cette présentation, sera d'analyser un (...)
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    Epistemic Injustice and Indigenous Peoples in the Inter-American Human Rights System.Dina Lupin Townsend & Leo Townsend - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (2):147-159.
    In this paper we examine the epistemic treatment of Indigenous peoples by the Inter-American Court and Commission on Human Rights, two institutions that have sought to affirm the rights of Indigeno...
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  35. Thinking as a community: Reasonableness and Emotions.Dina Mendonça & Magda Costa Carvalho - 2016 - In Maughn Gregory, Joanna Haynes & Karin Murris, The Routledge International Handbook of Philosophy for Children. London, UK: Routledge. pp. 127-134.
    Reasonableness is a core normative concept in Philosophy for Children (P4C), an inquiry model of education that bridges reasoning, feeling and acting within a community. The concept of reasonableness dates back to Aristotle’s ethical notion of phronesis (1141b), and extends to logical (Gewirth 1983), social and political concerns of major contemporary thinkers (Rawls 2001; Rorty 2001). The development of the concept of reasonableness in P4C was part of the reconceptualization of rationality toward the end of the twentieth century, since Lipman (...)
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    Pattern of Sentiment: Following a Deweyan Suggestion.Dina Mendonça - 2012 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 48 (2):209-227.
    This paper follows a Deweyan suggestion and proposes a structure for emotional activity – pattern of sentiment –as a way to grasp emotional experience in its live occurrence by building upon Dewey’s crucial notion of situation. The first part outlines Dewey’s criticisms of James’s idea of emotion, and verifies the ways in which the recent developments of neuroscience overcome Dewey’s criticisms of James. Given that Dewey’s work is a propitious ground for continuing to renew the discourse about the activities of (...)
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    Situating Moods.Dina Mendonça - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1453-1467.
    The paper aims to better identify the relationship between moods and emotions showing their link to the overall environment. Adopting a Situated Approach to Emotions, 209–227, 2012; Stephan Emotion Review, 4, 157–162, 2012; Stephen et al. Philosophical Psychology, 27, 65–81 2014) enables showing that the link to emotions to the environment is best understood using the term situation, while moods’ link to the environment is best captured by the notion of context. Exploring the difference points out that what is selected (...)
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  38.  29
    Comparing the Impact of Two Science-as-Inquiry Methods on the NOS Understanding of High-School Biology Students.Dina Tsybulsky - 2018 - Science & Education 27 (7-8):661-683.
    The current study compared the effectiveness of two methods in biology teaching that are based on the science-as-inquiry approach: visits to authentic university laboratories and analyzing adapted primary literature. The methods’ effectiveness was measured in terms of high-school students’ increased understanding following a 6-week intervention that emphasized five major aspects of the nature of science : the tentativeness of scientific understanding, the cooperative nature of the scientific process, methodological diversity, the sociocultural embeddedness of scientific knowledge, and the aims of scientific (...)
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    Understanding Contract Cheating Behavior Among Indonesian University Students: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior.Dina Heriyati, Reza Lidia Sari, Wulandari Fitri Ekasari & Sigit Kurnianto - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (3):541-564.
    The study employs a sequential explanatory mixed-method design and aims to understand contract cheating behavior by conducting a survey of 1,081 undergraduate students in Indonesia and following up with five respondents to explore those results in more depth. In the first quantitative phase, we collected a variety of information from questionnaires about students’ practice with contract cheating. However, the interviews provided considerable depth of the students’ experiences, motivations, and attitudes toward contract cheating. Of the 1,081 participants, 73 students (6.75%) reported (...)
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    (1 other version)Political Theory and the Politics of Comparison.Murad Idris - 2016 - Political Theory:1-20.
    One of the exciting developments in political theory in the last decades is that the boundaries of the discipline gradually but vigorously expanded beyond “the West,” as evident in the rise of work that is often labeled “comparative.” Basic to this shift is the recognition that various thinkers, ideas, and contexts—usually marked as “non-Western”—have been peripheral to, and remain marginalized in, the discipline of political theory. However, the discipline’s framing of the “comparative” as the study of “non-Western political thought” tends (...)
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    Chapter 7. Kant’s Critique of Berkeley’s Concept of Objectivity.Dina Emundts - 2008 - In Daniel Garber & Béatrice Longuenesse, Kant and the Early Moderns. Princeton University Press. pp. 117-141.
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    Chicago Parks Rediscovered.Frank Dina - 2001 - Jannes Art Press.
    From the sumptuous lakeshore to the inner city, these images capture the light, color, and mood of our public spaces throughout the changing seasons. Frederick Law Olmsted's and Jens Jensen's vision of a 'garden in a city' is reflected within the pages of this book. The images at once subtly incorporate and contrast the natural landscape within the urban landscape. The Prairie-style architecture that is found in many of Chicago's parks is both a reflection of the natural prairie and a (...)
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    How to teach evidence‐based medicine to teachers: reflections from a workshop experience.Mchammad Hassan Murad, Victor M. Montori, Regina Kunz, Luz M. Letelier, Sheri A. Keitz, Antonio L. Dans, Suzana A. Silva & Gordon H. Guyatt - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):1205-1207.
  44. Caturvedamahāvākyaṭīkā-cintāmaṇiḥ. Ādinārāyaṇa - 1963 - [Trivandrum]: Paurastyagranthaprakāśanakāryālayādhyakṣaḥ. Edited by Ke Rāghavan Piḷḷa.
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    Social influence on physics and mathematics: local or attributive?Murad D. Akhundov - 2005 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 36 (1):135-149.
    The article is devoted to the nature of science. To what extent are science and mathematics affected by the society in which they are developed? Philosophy of science has accepted the social influence on science, but limits it only to the context of discovery (a "locational" approach). An opposite "attributive" approach states that any part of science may be so influenced. L. Graham is sure that even the mathematical equations at the core of fundamental physical theories may display social attributes. (...)
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    Human Rights and Islamic Law: A Legal Analysis Challenging the Husband's Authority to Punish "Rebellious" Wives".Murad H. Elsaidi - 2011 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 7 (2).
    Verse 4:34 of the Qur'an has historically been interpreted to give husbands authority over their wives. Even today, such as in a recent case in the United Arab Emirates, Islamic courts have held that the husband has some leeway in "disciplining" wives who act in a rebellious manner to their husbands. This article challenges this interpretation through a comprehensive legal analysis, taking into account the context under which the verse came about, including the societal norms and conditions of the time; (...)
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  47. Introduction.Dina Gusejnova - 2018 - In Cosmopolitanism in conflict: imperial encounters from the Seven Years' War to the Cold War. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    In Those Distant Days: Anthology of Mesopotamian Literature in Hebrew.Dina Katz, Shin Shifra & Jacob Klein - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1):142.
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    Il pensiero religioso di Ludwig Wittgenstein.Dina Magnanini - 1981 - Roma: La Goliardica.
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    Women’s Rights in Islamic Shari’a: Between Interpretation, Culture and Politics.Dina Mansour - 2014 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 11 (1):1-24.
    This article analyses existing biases – whether due to misinterpretation, culture or politics – in the application of women’s rights under Islamic Shari’a law. The paper argues that though in its inception, one purpose of Islamic law may have aimed at elevating the status of women in pre-Islamic Arabia, biases in interpreting such teachings have failed to free women from discrimination and have even added “divinity” to their persistent subjugation. By examining two case studies – Saudi Arabia and Egypt – (...)
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