Results for 'Desire Barath'

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  1.  34
    The Just Price and the Costs of Production According to St. Thoxnas Aquinas.Desire Barath - 1960 - New Scholasticism 34 (4):413-430.
  2. Factory Farming and the Interests of Animals.Desires Are Possible - 1991 - In Charles V. Blatz (ed.), Ethics and agriculture: an anthology on current issues in world context. Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press.
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    Music Education at School: Too Little and Too Late? Evidence From a Longitudinal Study on Music Training in Preadolescents.Desiré Carioti, Laura Danelli, Maria T. Guasti, Marcello Gallucci, Marco Perugini, Patrizia Steca, Natale Adolfo Stucchi, Angelo Maffezzoli, Maria Majno, Manuela Berlingeri & Eraldo Paulesu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Vers l'Unité.Désiré Mercier - 1913 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 20 (79):253-278.
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    Exploring the Effects of Personality Traits on the Perception of Emotions From Prosody.Desire Furnes, Hege Berg, Rachel M. Mitchell & Silke Paulmann - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Post-partum events and fertility control in Kinshasa, Zaire.Naissances Desirables - 1990 - Journal of Biosocial Science 22:197-211.
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    Semiclassical and High-Temperature Expansions for Systems with Magnetic Field.Désiré Bollé & D. Roekaerts - 1984 - In Heinrich Mitter & Ludwig Pittner (eds.), Stochastic methods and computer techniques in quantum dynamics. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 371--380.
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    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 364.Argument From Desire - 2013 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87 (2):363 - 364.
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    Rapid Automatized Naming as a Universal Marker of Developmental Dyslexia in Italian Monolingual and Minority-Language Children.Desiré Carioti, Natale Stucchi, Carlo Toneatto, Marta Franca Masia, Martina Broccoli, Sara Carbonari, Simona Travellini, Milena Del Monte, Roberta Riccioni, Antonella Marcelli, Mirta Vernice, Maria Teresa Guasti & Manuela Berlingeri - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:783775.
    Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) is considered a universal marker of developmental dyslexia (DD) and could also be helpful to identify a reading deficit in minority-language children (MLC), in which it may be hard to disentangle whether the reading difficulties are due to a learning disorder or a lower proficiency in the language of instruction. We tested reading and rapid naming skills in monolingual Good Readers (mGR), monolingual Poor Readers (mPR), and MLC, by using our new version of RAN, the RAN-Shapes, (...)
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    Le rôle des infiniment petits dans l'univers.Désiré Charnay - 1911 - Paris,: Imprimerie générale Lahure.
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  11. In Praise of Desire.Nomy Arpaly & Timothy Schroeder - 2013 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Timothy Schroeder.
    Joining the debate over the roles of reason and appetite in the moral mind, In Praise of Desire takes the side of appetite. Acting for moral reasons, acting in a praiseworthy manner, and acting out of virtue are simply acting out of intrinsic desires for the right or the good.
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  12. Australasian Journal of Philosophy Contents of Volume 91.Present Desire Satisfaction, Past Well-Being, Volatile Reasons, Epistemic Focal Bias, Some Evidence is False, Counting Stages, Vague Entailment, What Russell Couldn'T. Describe, Liberal Thinking & Intentional Action First - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (4).
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  13. Value, reality, and desire.Graham Oddie - 2005 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    Value, Reality, and Desire is an extended argument for a robust realism about value. The robust realist affirms the following distinctive theses. There are genuine claims about value which are true or false--there are facts about value. These value-facts are mind-independent - they are not reducible to desires or other mental states, or indeed to any non-mental facts of a non-evaluative kind. And these genuine, mind-independent, irreducible value-facts are causally efficacious. Values, quite literally, affect us. These are not particularly (...)
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    Capitalism and Desire: The Psychic Cost of Free Markets.Todd McGowan - 2016 - Columbia University Press.
    Despite creating vast inequalities and propping up reactionary world regimes, capitalism has many passionate defenders—but not because of what it withholds from some and gives to others. Capitalism dominates, Todd McGowan argues, because it mimics the structure of our desire while hiding the trauma that the system inflicts upon it. People from all backgrounds enjoy what capitalism provides, but at the same time are told more and better is yet to come. Capitalism traps us through an incomplete satisfaction that (...)
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  15. The authority of desire.Dennis W. Stampe - 1987 - Philosophical Review 96 (July):335-81.
    The Aristotelian dictum that desire is the starting point of practical reasoning that ends in action can of course be denied. Its denial is a commonplace of moral theory in the tradition of Kant. But in this essay I am concerned with that issue only indirectly. I shall not contend that rational action always or necessarily does involve desire as its starting point; nor shall I deny it. My question concerns instead the possibility of its ever beginning in (...)
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    La première édition des œuvres complètes de Malebranche.Désiré Roustan - 1938 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 125 (3/4):129 - 141.
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  17. The Rational Faculty of Desire.T. A. Pendlebury & Jeremy Fix - forthcoming - In Carla Bagnoli & Stefano Bacin (eds.), Reason, Agency and Ethics. Oxford University Press.
    This essay is about the relationship between the notions of practical reason, the will, and choice in Kant’s practical philosophy. Although Kant explicitly identifies practical reason and the will, many interpreters argue that he cannot really mean it on the grounds that unless they are distinct, irrational and, especially, immoral action is impossible. Other readers affirm his identification but distinguish the will from choice on the same basis. We argue that proper attention to Kant’s conception of practical reason as a (...)
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  18. Desire as belief.David Lewis - 1988 - Mind 97 (418):323-32.
    Argues for the humean theory of motivation on the grounds that rejecting it requires rejecting decision theory.
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  19. A Paradox of Desire.Stephen Schiffer - 1976 - American Philosophical Quarterly 13 (3):195 - 203.
  20. Affective Experience, Desire, and Reasons for Action.Declan Smithies & Jeremy Weiss - 2019 - Analytic Philosophy 60 (1):27-54.
    What is the role of affective experience in explaining how our desires provide us with reasons for action? When we desire that p, we are thereby disposed to feel attracted to the prospect that p, or to feel averse to the prospect that not-p. In this paper, we argue that affective experiences – including feelings of attraction and aversion – provide us with reasons for action in virtue of their phenomenal character. Moreover, we argue that desires provide us with (...)
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  21. Desire as belief II.David K. Lewis - 1996 - Mind 105 (418):303-13.
  22. Belief and Desire in Imagination and Immersion.Susanna Schellenberg - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (9):497-517.
    I argue that any account of imagination should satisfy the following three desiderata. First, imaginations induce actions only in conjunction with beliefs about the environment of the imagining subject. Second, there is a continuum between imaginations and beliefs. Recognizing this continuum is crucial to explain the phenomenon of imaginative immersion. Third, the mental states that relate to imaginations in the way that desires relate to beliefs are a special kind of desire, namely desires to make true in fiction. These (...)
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  23. A Hedonic Theory of Desire.Declan Smithies - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    What is the relationship between pleasure and desire? While some philosophers reduce pleasure to desire, this paper explores the prospects for a hedonic theory of desire, which reduces desire to pleasure instead. I argue that desiring that p is best analyzed not as a disposition to feel pleased that p when you believe that p, but rather as a disposition to feel pleasure in what you imagine when you imagine that p. I give three arguments for (...)
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  24. A puzzle for evaluation theories of desire.Alex Grzankowski - 2021 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):90-98.
    How we evaluate things and what we desire are closely connected. In typical cases, the things we desire are things that we evaluate as good or desirable. According to evaluation theories of desire, this connection is a very tight one: desires are evaluations of their objects as good or as desirable. There are two main varieties of this view. According to Doxastic Evaluativism, to desire that p is to believe or judge that p is good. According (...)
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  25. Dealing in Desire: Asian Ascendancy, Western Decline, and the Hidden Currencies of Global Sex Work.[author unknown] - 2015
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    Sexual desire, gender equality and radical free-thinking: Theophrastus redivivus(1659) as a proto-feminist text.Gianni Paganini - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (1):27-49.
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  27. Emotional Experience in the Computational Belief–Desire Theory of Emotion.Rainer Reisenzein - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (3):214-222.
    Based on the belief that computational modeling (thinking in terms of representation and computations) can help to clarify controversial issues in emotion theory, this article examines emotional experience from the perspective of the Computational Belief–Desire Theory of Emotion (CBDTE), a computational explication of the belief–desire theory of emotion. It is argued that CBDTE provides plausible answers to central explanatory challenges posed by emotional experience, including: the phenomenal quality,intensity and object-directedness of emotional experience, the function of emotional experience and (...)
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    Pleasure and desire.Raphael Woolf - 2009 - In James Warren (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Epicureanism. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 158.
  29. The structure of desire and recognition: Self-consciousness and self-constitution.Robert B. Brandom - 2007 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (1):127-150.
    It is argued that at the center of Hegel’s phenomenology of consciousness is the notion that experience is shaped by identification and sacrifice. Experience is the process of self - constitution and self -transformation of a self -conscious being that risks its own being. The transition from desire to recognition is explicated as a transition from the tripartite structure of want and fulfillment of biological desire to a socially structured recognition that is achieved only in reciprocal recognition, or (...)
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  30.  49
    The Conversion and Therapy of Desire: Augustine's Theology of Desire in the Cassiciacum Dialogues.Mark J. Boone - 2010 - Eugene, OR: Pickwick.
    The first fruits of the literary career of St. Augustine, the great theologian and Christian philosopher par excellence, are the dialogues he wrote at Cassiciacum in Italy following his famous conversion in Milan in 386 AD. These four little books, largely neglected by scholars, investigate knowledge, ethics, metaphysics, the problem of evil, and the intriguing relationship of God and the soul. They also take up the ancient philosophical project of identifying the principles and practices that heal human desires in order (...)
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  31. How Verbal Reports of Desire May Mislead.Alex Gregory - 2017 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 6 (4):241-249.
    In this paper I highlight two noteworthy features of assertions about our desires, and then highlight two ways in which they can mislead us into drawing unwarranted conclusions about desire. Some of our assertions may indicate that we are sometimes motivated independently of desire, and other assertions may suggest that there are vast divergences between our normative judgements and our desires. But I suggest that some such assertions are, in this respect, potentially misleading, and have in fact misled (...)
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  32. Intending, intentional action, and desire.Robert Audi - 1986 - In Joel Marks (ed.), The Ways of Desire: New Essays in Philosophical Psychology on the Concept of Wanting. Precedent. pp. 17--38.
  33. Imagination, Fantasy, and Sexual Desire.Cain Todd - 2012 - In Hans Maes & Jerrold Levinson (eds.), Art and Pornography: Philosophical Essays. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Discrepancy between participants' understanding and desire to know in informed consent: are they informed about what they really want to know?Jiwon Koh, Eurah Goh, Kyung-Sang Yu, Belong Cho & Jeong Hee Yang - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (2):102-106.
    Background Participants' understanding of clinical trials is important in informed consent. However, little is known about what information participants really want to know. Aims To demonstrate the existence of a discrepancy between participants' understanding and their desire to know. Methods The participants in clinical trials at Seoul National University Hospital were surveyed. The survey consisted of 11 statements based on the essential elements of informed consent. The participants gave two responses to each statement on a five-point Likert scale to (...)
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    De la recherche de la verité.Nicolas Malebranche, Désiré Roustan & Paul Schrecker - 1762 - Boivin Et Cie.
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  36. The simple desire-fulfillment theory.Mark C. Murphy - 1999 - Noûs 33 (2):247-272.
    It seems to be a widely shared view that any defensible desire-fulfillment theory of welfare must be framed not in terms of what an agent, in fact, desires but rather in terms of what an agent would desire under hypothetical conditions that include improved information. Unfortunately, though, such accounts are subject to serious criticisms. In this paper I show that in the face of these criticisms the best response is to jettison any appeal to idealized information conditions: the (...)
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    Teilhard, Jung en Sartre over evolutie.Eugène Antoine Désiré Émile Carp - 1969 - Utrecht,: Het Spectrum.
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    Wetenschapsbeoefening.Eugène Antoine Désiré Émile Carp - 1978 - Utrecht: Spectrum.
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    Hegel on Self-Consciousness: Desire and Death in the Phenomenology of Spirit: Desire and Death in the Phenomenology of Spirit.Robert B. Pippin - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    In the most influential chapter of his most important philosophical work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel makes the central and disarming assertions that "self-consciousness is desire itself" and that it attains its "satisfaction" only in another self-consciousness. Hegel on Self-Consciousness presents a groundbreaking new interpretation of these revolutionary claims, tracing their roots to Kant's philosophy and demonstrating their continued relevance for contemporary thought. As Robert Pippin shows, Hegel argues that we must understand Kant's account of the self-conscious nature of (...)
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    The Elusive Object of Desire: In Pursuit of the Kinetic Equations and the Second Law.Lawrence Sklar - 1986 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1986:209 - 225.
    Despite over one-hundred years of effort, the origin of temporal asymmetry in the physical world still eludes us. While much has been learned about the role played by fundamental instabilities in microdynamics, by the imperfect isolation of systems and by cosmological facts in the origin of the behavior described by kinetic theory and thermodynamics, important puzzles still remain which continue to make the origins of asymmetric thermal behavior out of dynamically time symmetric underlying laws mysterious to us.
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  41. Pragmatic Encroachment and Belief-Desire Psychology.Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa, Benjamin Jarvis & Katherine Rubin - 2012 - Analytic Philosophy 53 (4):327-343.
    We develop a novel challenge to pragmatic encroachment. The significance of belief-desire psychology requires treating questions about what to believe as importantly prior to questions about what to do; pragmatic encroachment undermines that priority, and therefore undermines the significance of belief-desire psychology. This, we argue, is a higher cost than has been recognized by epistemologists considering embracing pragmatic encroachment.
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    Physical exercise and fibrinolysis.Roger Lijnen & Desire Collen - 1990 - Hermes 21:201-213.
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  43. Proust on Desire Satisfaction.Robbie Kubala - 2022 - In Anna Elsner & Thomas Stern (eds.), The Proustian Mind. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 335-48.
    For a certain ordinary class of desires, Marcel Proust’s thoughts on their satisfaction can be summed up in one word: don’t. Don’t satisfy your desires; doing so will fail to satisfy you. Should you therefore seek to eliminate desire? Absolutely not: desiring itself sustains you. The disappointment of attaining what you desire is one of Proust’s most persistent themes, elaborated in the florid unfolding of À la recherche du temps perdu but already expressed succinctly in an early story (...)
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  44. A Puzzle About Desire.Chase B. Wrenn - 2010 - Erkenntnis 73 (2):185-209.
    The following four assumptions plausibly describe the ideal rational agent. (1) She knows what her beliefs are. (2) She desires to believe only truths. (3) Whenever she desires that P → Q and knows that P, she desires that Q. (4) She does not both desire that P and desire that ~P, for any P. Although the assumptions are plausible, they have an implausible consequence. They imply that the ideal rational agent does not believe and desire contradictory (...)
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  45.  57
    The mismeasure of desire: the science, theory, and ethics of sexual orientation.Edward Stein - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In the last decade, fierce controversy has arisen over the nature of sexual orientation. Scientific research, religious views, increasingly ambiguous gender roles, and the growing visibility of sexual minorities have sparked impassioned arguments about whether our sexual desires are hard-wired in our genes or shaped by the changing forces of society. In recent years scientific research and popular opinion have favored the idea that sexual orientations are determined at birth, but philosopher and educator Edward Stein argues that much of what (...)
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    Getting what you desire: the normative significance of genetic relatedness in parent–child relationships.Seppe Segers, Guido Pennings & Heidi Mertes - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (3):487-495.
    People who are involuntarily childless need to use assisted reproductive technologies if they want to have a genetically related child. Yet, from an ethical point of view it is unclear to what extent assistance to satisfy this specific desire should be warranted. We first show that the subjectively felt harm due to the inability to satisfy this reproductive desire does not in itself entail the normative conclusion that it has to be met. In response, we evaluate the alternative (...)
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  47.  18
    Value, judgement, and desire: Bridging the gaps.Graham Oddie - 2005 - In Value, reality, and desire. New York: Clarendon Press.
    This chapter presents a different and complementary take on the nature of realism and antirealism, one which has a clearer application to value when our journey is almost over than it would have here just as we embark. It argues that realism can be characterized as the affirmation of three important logical gaps. First, there is the gap between appearance and reality — the logical gap which constitutes the possibility of illusion or distortion. Second, there is the gap between reality (...)
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  48.  19
    Reason, Desire, and Sexuality: The Meaning of Gender in Northern Afghanistan.Audrey C. Shalinsky - 1986 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 14 (4):323-343.
  49. Asking expresses a desire to know.Peter van Elswyk - 2025 - Philosophical Quarterly 75 (1):254-267.
    A speaker’s use of a sentence does more than contribute a content to a conversation. It also expresses the speaker’s attitude. This essay is about which attitude or attitudes are expressed by using an interrogative sentence to ask a question. With reference to eight lines of data about how questions are circulated in conversation, it is argued that a desire to know the question’s answer(s) is expressed.
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  50. The Play of Desire: Casting Euripides’ Hippolytus.Mary Beard & John Henderson - 1997 - Arion 4 (3).
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