Results for 'Desire Furnes'

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  1.  23
    Exploring the Effects of Personality Traits on the Perception of Emotions From Prosody.Desire Furnes, Hege Berg, Rachel M. Mitchell & Silke Paulmann - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Concept of “Metaemotion”: What is There to Learn From Research on Metacognition?Elisabeth Norman & Bjarte Furnes - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (2):187-193.
    We first present a selection of vignette examples from empirical psychological research to illustrate how the phenomenon of metaemotion (Gottman, Katz, & Hooven, 1996; Mendonça, 2013) is studied within different domains of psychology. We then present a theoretical distinction which has been made between three facets of metacognition, namely metacognitive experiences, metacognitive knowledge, and metacognitive strategies (e.g., Efklides, 2008; Flavell, 1979). Referring back to the vignette examples from metaemotion research, we argue that a similar distinction can be drawn between three (...)
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    Semiclassical and High-Temperature Expansions for Systems with Magnetic Field.Désiré Bollé & D. Roekaerts - 1984 - In Heinrich Mitter & Ludwig Pittner, Stochastic methods and computer techniques in quantum dynamics. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 371--380.
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    Vers l'Unité.Désiré Mercier - 1913 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 20 (79):253-278.
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  5. Factory Farming and the Interests of Animals.Desires Are Possible - 1991 - In Charles V. Blatz, Ethics and agriculture: an anthology on current issues in world context. Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press.
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    The Just Price and the Costs of Production According to St. Thoxnas Aquinas.Desire Barath - 1960 - New Scholasticism 34 (4):413-430.
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    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 364.Argument From Desire - 2013 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87 (2):363 - 364.
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    Music Education at School: Too Little and Too Late? Evidence From a Longitudinal Study on Music Training in Preadolescents.Desiré Carioti, Laura Danelli, Maria T. Guasti, Marcello Gallucci, Marco Perugini, Patrizia Steca, Natale Adolfo Stucchi, Angelo Maffezzoli, Maria Majno, Manuela Berlingeri & Eraldo Paulesu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Post-partum events and fertility control in Kinshasa, Zaire.Naissances Desirables - 1990 - Journal of Biosocial Science 22:197-211.
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    Le rôle des infiniment petits dans l'univers.Désiré Charnay - 1911 - Paris,: Imprimerie générale Lahure.
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    Wetenschapsbeoefening.Eugène Antoine Désiré Émile Carp - 1978 - Utrecht: Spectrum.
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    La première édition des œuvres complètes de Malebranche.Désiré Roustan - 1938 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 125 (3/4):129 - 141.
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    De la recherche de la verité.Nicolas Malebranche, Désiré Roustan & Paul Schrecker - 1762 - Boivin Et Cie.
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  14. Australasian Journal of Philosophy Contents of Volume 91.Present Desire Satisfaction, Past Well-Being, Volatile Reasons, Epistemic Focal Bias, Some Evidence is False, Counting Stages, Vague Entailment, What Russell Couldn'T. Describe, Liberal Thinking & Intentional Action First - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (4).
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    Rapid Automatized Naming as a Universal Marker of Developmental Dyslexia in Italian Monolingual and Minority-Language Children.Desiré Carioti, Natale Stucchi, Carlo Toneatto, Marta Franca Masia, Martina Broccoli, Sara Carbonari, Simona Travellini, Milena Del Monte, Roberta Riccioni, Antonella Marcelli, Mirta Vernice, Maria Teresa Guasti & Manuela Berlingeri - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:783775.
    Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) is considered a universal marker of developmental dyslexia (DD) and could also be helpful to identify a reading deficit in minority-language children (MLC), in which it may be hard to disentangle whether the reading difficulties are due to a learning disorder or a lower proficiency in the language of instruction. We tested reading and rapid naming skills in monolingual Good Readers (mGR), monolingual Poor Readers (mPR), and MLC, by using our new version of RAN, the RAN-Shapes, (...)
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    Teilhard, Jung en Sartre over evolutie.Eugène Antoine Désiré Émile Carp - 1969 - Utrecht,: Het Spectrum.
  17. The authority of desire.Dennis W. Stampe - 1987 - Philosophical Review 96 (July):335-81.
    The Aristotelian dictum that desire is the starting point of practical reasoning that ends in action can of course be denied. Its denial is a commonplace of moral theory in the tradition of Kant. But in this essay I am concerned with that issue only indirectly. I shall not contend that rational action always or necessarily does involve desire as its starting point; nor shall I deny it. My question concerns instead the possibility of its ever beginning in (...)
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  18. The Rational Faculty of Desire.T. A. Pendlebury & Jeremy Fix - forthcoming - In Carla Bagnoli & Stefano Bacin, Reason, Agency and Ethics. Oxford University Press.
    This essay is about the relationship between the notions of practical reason, the will, and choice in Kant’s practical philosophy. Although Kant explicitly identifies practical reason and the will, many interpreters argue that he cannot really mean it on the grounds that unless they are distinct, irrational and, especially, immoral action is impossible. Other readers affirm his identification but distinguish the will from choice on the same basis. We argue that proper attention to Kant’s conception of practical reason as a (...)
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  19. Desire as belief.David Lewis - 1988 - Mind 97 (418):323-32.
    Argues for the humean theory of motivation on the grounds that rejecting it requires rejecting decision theory.
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  20. Belief and Desire in Imagination and Immersion.Susanna Schellenberg - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (9):497-517.
    I argue that any account of imagination should satisfy the following three desiderata. First, imaginations induce actions only in conjunction with beliefs about the environment of the imagining subject. Second, there is a continuum between imaginations and beliefs. Recognizing this continuum is crucial to explain the phenomenon of imaginative immersion. Third, the mental states that relate to imaginations in the way that desires relate to beliefs are a special kind of desire, namely desires to make true in fiction. These (...)
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  21. Desire as belief II.David K. Lewis - 1996 - Mind 105 (418):303-13.
  22. (1 other version)Desire and the Human Good.Richard Kraut - 1994 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 68 (2):315.
    When we compare contemporary moral philosophy with the well-known moral systems of earlier centuries, we should be struck by the fact that a certain assumption about human well being that is now widely taken for granted was universally rejected in the past. The contemporary moral climate predisposes us to be pluralistic about the human good, whereas earlier systems of ethics embraced a conception of well being that we would now call narrow and restrictive. One way to convey the sort of (...)
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  23. Defending desire-as-belief.Huw Price - 1989 - Mind 98 (January):119-27.
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    Physical exercise and fibrinolysis.Roger Lijnen & Desire Collen - 1990 - Hermes 21:201-213.
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  25. A Puzzle About Desire.Chase B. Wrenn - 2010 - Erkenntnis 73 (2):185-209.
    The following four assumptions plausibly describe the ideal rational agent. (1) She knows what her beliefs are. (2) She desires to believe only truths. (3) Whenever she desires that P → Q and knows that P, she desires that Q. (4) She does not both desire that P and desire that ~P, for any P. Although the assumptions are plausible, they have an implausible consequence. They imply that the ideal rational agent does not believe and desire contradictory (...)
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  26. Ill-Being for Desire Satisfactionists.Chris Heathwood - 2022 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 46:33-54.
    Shelly Kagan notices in a recent, influential paper how philosophers of well-being tend to neglect ill-being—the part of the theory of well-being that tells us what is bad in itself for subjects—and explains why we need to give it more attention. This paper does its part by addressing the question, If desire satisfaction is good, what is the corresponding bad? The two most discussed ill-being options for theories on which desire satisfaction is a basic good are the Frustration (...)
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  27. What are Theories of Desire Theories of?Tamar Schapiro - 2014 - Analytic Philosophy 55 (2):131-150.
    In this paper I try to undermine complacency with a predominant conception of desire, for the sake of refocusing attention on a philosophical problem. The predominant conception holds that to have a desire is to occupy an evaluative outlook, a perspective from which the agent 'sees' the world in practically salient terms. I argue that it is not clear what this theory is a theory of, because the concept of desire at its center is deeply ambiguous. Understood (...)
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    Getting what you desire: the normative significance of genetic relatedness in parent–child relationships.Seppe Segers, Guido Pennings & Heidi Mertes - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (3):487-495.
    People who are involuntarily childless need to use assisted reproductive technologies if they want to have a genetically related child. Yet, from an ethical point of view it is unclear to what extent assistance to satisfy this specific desire should be warranted. We first show that the subjectively felt harm due to the inability to satisfy this reproductive desire does not in itself entail the normative conclusion that it has to be met. In response, we evaluate the alternative (...)
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  29. The Therapy of Desire: Theory and Practice in Hellenistic Ethics.Martha C. Nussbaum - 1996 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 50 (4):646-650.
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  30. A Moorean paradox of desire.David Wall - 2012 - Philosophical Explorations 15 (1):63-84.
    Moore's paradox is a paradox in which certain kinds of belief or assertion, such as a belief that ?it is raining and I do not believe that it is raining?, are irrational despite involving no obvious contradiction in what is believed. But is there a parallel paradox involving other kinds of attitude, in particular desire? I argue that certain kinds of desire would be irrational to have for similar, distinctive reasons that having Moorean beliefs would be irrational to (...)
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    The mismeasure of desire: the science, theory, and ethics of sexual orientation.Edward Stein - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In the last decade, fierce controversy has arisen over the nature of sexual orientation. Scientific research, religious views, increasingly ambiguous gender roles, and the growing visibility of sexual minorities have sparked impassioned arguments about whether our sexual desires are hard-wired in our genes or shaped by the changing forces of society. In recent years scientific research and popular opinion have favored the idea that sexual orientations are determined at birth, but philosopher and educator Edward Stein argues that much of what (...)
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  32. The Metaphysics of Desire and Dispositions.Lauren Ashwell - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (7):469-477.
    There seems to be some kind of close relationship between desires and behavioral dispositions. While a popular view about the nature of desire is that it essentially involves dispositions towards action, there do seem to be pressing objections to this view. However, recent work on dispositional properties potentially undermines some of the metaphysical assumptions that lie beneath these objections.
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  33. Emotional Experience in the Computational Belief–Desire Theory of Emotion.Rainer Reisenzein - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (3):214-222.
    Based on the belief that computational modeling (thinking in terms of representation and computations) can help to clarify controversial issues in emotion theory, this article examines emotional experience from the perspective of the Computational Belief–Desire Theory of Emotion (CBDTE), a computational explication of the belief–desire theory of emotion. It is argued that CBDTE provides plausible answers to central explanatory challenges posed by emotional experience, including: the phenomenal quality,intensity and object-directedness of emotional experience, the function of emotional experience and (...)
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    The Therapy of Desire.Martha C. Nussbaum - 1999 - Philosophical and Phenomenological Research 59 (3):785-786.
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  35. Death, value and desire.Christopher Belshaw - unknown
    This chapter examines the connection between value and desire with regard to death. It argues that having categorical desires is a necessary condition for death to be bad for those who die, and that the degree to which death is bad bears a close relation to the number and strength of those desires. The chapter also analyzes the principles espoused by Jeff McMahan in his book “The Ethics of Killing: Problems at the Margins of Life.”.
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  36. W. Desmond, "Desire, dialectic, and otherness: An essay on origins".M. Westphal - 1990 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 27 (1/2):127.
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  37. Against direction of fit accounts of belief and desire.David Sobel & Copp - 2001 - Analysis 61 (1):44-53.
    The authors argue against direction of fit accounts of the distinction between belief and desire.
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    Value, judgement, and desire: Bridging the gaps.Graham Oddie - 2005 - In Value, reality, and desire. New York: Clarendon Press.
    This chapter presents a different and complementary take on the nature of realism and antirealism, one which has a clearer application to value when our journey is almost over than it would have here just as we embark. It argues that realism can be characterized as the affirmation of three important logical gaps. First, there is the gap between appearance and reality — the logical gap which constitutes the possibility of illusion or distortion. Second, there is the gap between reality (...)
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    A puzzle about desire.Jared Peterson - 2019 - Synthese 196 (9):3655-3676.
    This paper develops a novel puzzle about desire consisting of three independently plausible but jointly inconsistent propositions: all desires are dispositional states, we have privileged access to some of our desires, and we do not have privileged access to any dispositional state. Proponents of the view that all desires are dispositional states might think the most promising way out of this puzzle is to deny. I argue, however, that such attempts fail because the most plausible accounts of self-knowledge of (...)
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  40. Desire, Drive and the Melancholy of English Football: 'It's (not) Coming Home'.Jack Black - 2023 - In Will Roberts, Stuart Whigham, Alex Culvin & Daniel Parnell, Critical Issues in Football: A Sociological Analysis of the Beautiful Game. Taylor & Francis. pp. 53--65.
    In 2021, the men’s English national football team reached their first final at a major international tournament since winning the World Cup in 1966. This success followed their previous achievement of reaching the semi-finals (knocked-out by Croatia) at the 2018 World Cup. True to form, the defeats proved unfalteringly English; with the 2021 final echoing previous tournament defeats, as England lost to Italy on penalties. However, what resonated with the predictability of an English defeat, was the accompanying chant, ‘it’s coming (...)
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    Burning with Desire: The Conception of Photography.Geoffrey Batchen - 1997 - MIT Press.
    " In this book, Geoffrey Batchen analyzes the desire to photograph as it emerged within the philosophical and scientific milieus that preceded the actual invention of photography.
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    Knowledge and Desire of the Good in Republic.Glenn Rawson - 1996 - Southwest Philosophy Review 12 (1):103-115.
  43. Objects of desire : chosisme after object-oriented ontology.Zahi Zalloua - 2023 - In Jeffrey R. Di Leo & Zahi Anbra Zalloua, Understanding Žižek, understanding modernism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  44. Objects of desire : chosisme after object-oriented ontology.Zahi Zalloua - 2023 - In Jeffrey R. Di Leo & Zahi Anbra Zalloua, Understanding Žižek, understanding modernism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  45. Integrity, the self, and desire-based accounts of the good.Robert Noggle - 1999 - Philosophical Studies 96 (3):301-328.
    Desire-based theories of well-being claim that a person's well-being consists of the satisfaction of her desires. Many of these theories say that well-being consists of the satisfaction of desires that she would have if her desires were "corrected" in various ways. Some versions of this theory claim that the corrections involve having "full information" or being an "ideal observer." I argue that well-being does not depend on what one would desire if she were an “ideal observer.” Rather, it (...)
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    Forms of Desire: Sexual Orientation and the Social Constructionist Controversy.Edward Stein (ed.) - 1990 - Routledge.
    Perhaps the foremost issue in the emerging area of inquiry known as lesbian and gay studies is the social constructionist controversy. Social constructionism is the view that the categories of sexual orientation are cultural constructs rather than naturally universal categories. ____Forms of Desire__ brings together important essays by social constructionists and their critics, representing several disciplines and approaches to this debate about the history and science of sexuality.
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    Essay Review: The Tormenting Desire for Unity.Ernst Mayr & Edward O. Wilson - 1999 - Journal of the History of Biology 32 (2):385-394.
  48. What we desire, what we have reason to desire, whatever we might desire: Mill and Sen on the value of opportunity.Robert Sugden - 2006 - Utilitas 18 (1):33-51.
    I compare Mill's and Sen's accounts of the value of opportunity, focusing on a tension between two ideas they both uphold: that individual freedom is an important component of well-being, and that, because desires can be adaptive, actual desire is not always a good indicator of what will give well-being. The two writers' responses to this tension reflect different understandings of the relationship between freedom and desire. Sen links an individual's well-being to her freedom to choose what she (...)
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  49. Belief, desire, and revision.D. Collins - 1988 - Mind 97 (July):333-42.
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    An Argument for the Law of Desire.Eric Christian Barnes - 2019 - Theoria 85 (4):289-311.
    The law of desire has been proposed in several forms, but its essential claim is that agents always act on their strongest proximal action motivation. This law has threatening consequences for human freedom, insofar as it greatly limits agents’ ability to do otherwise given their motivational state. It has proven difficult to formulate a version that escapes counterexamples and some categorically deny its truth. Noticeable by its absence in the literature is any attempt to provide an argument for the (...)
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