Results for 'Clare Short'

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    The grave challenge facing the international humanitarian system – a personal view.Clare Short - 2009 - Journal of Global Ethics 5 (1):7 – 15.
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    Ben Grant, The Aphorism and Other Short Forms.Clare Connors - 2017 - Oxford Literary Review 39 (2):292-296.
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    Philosophical Counselling, Professionalization, and Professionalism.Julia Clare & Richard Sivil - 2014 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 28 (2):311-324.
    Though there has been interest in philosophical counselling in South Africa since at least the 1990s little has been accomplished by way of formalizing and developing the practice into a profession. We ask what would be required for it to become a fully-fledged profession? We argue that in order to count as a profession, a practice must meet certain normative, cognitive, and organizational criteria, but that philosophical counselling in South Africa falls short both cognitively and organizationally. This has implications (...)
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    “Conjoint Communicated Experience”: Art as an Instrument of Democracy.Parysa Clare Mostajir - 2022 - The Pluralist 17 (1):25-33.
    A democracy is more than a form of government; it is primarily a mode of associated living, of conjoint communicated this short excerpt, John Dewey expresses the pragmatist conviction—first stated by Jane Addams in Democracy and Social Ethics—that a society must cultivate dispositions of curiosity and understanding between its diversely situated members in order to sustain a robust and genuine democracy. It is by our habitual exposure to the experiences of our fellow citizens that we can imagine and (...)
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    Protocol for the development of a CONSORT extension for RCTs using cohorts and routinely collected health data.Brett D. Thombs, David Torgerson, Maureen Sauvé, David Erlinge, Eric I. Benchimol, Helena M. Verkooijen, Rudolf Uher, Lehana Thabane, Tjeerd P. van Staa, Kimberly A. Mc Cord, Marion K. Campbell, Philippe Ravaud, Isabelle Boutron, David Moher, Sinéad M. Langan, Merrick Zwarenstein, Chris Gale, Clare Relton, Ole Fröbert, Margaret Sampson, Lars G. Hemkens, Edmund Juszczak & Linda Kwakkenbos - 2018 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 3 (1).
    BackgroundRandomized controlled trials (RCTs) are often complex and expensive to perform. Less than one third achieve planned recruitment targets, follow-up can be labor-intensive, and many have limited real-world generalizability. Designs for RCTs conducted using cohorts and routinely collected health data, including registries, electronic health records, and administrative databases, have been proposed to address these challenges and are being rapidly adopted. These designs, however, are relatively recent innovations, and published RCT reports often do not describe important aspects of their methodology in (...)
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    A short history of Western philosophy.Johannes Hirschberger - 1976 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    A condensed history of philosophy from the Pre-Socratics through to the 1960s, now extended to include the latest developments of Analytical philosopy. This new complemented edition follows the division of the original text into four parts: Ancient Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy, Modern Philosophy (17th and 18th century), and 19th and 20th century Philosophy. It contains a new preface and introduction, and a new fifth part on Analytical Philosophy by the Cambridge-based philosopher Clare Hay, carrying the story into the 21st century.
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  7. The Contents of Olfactory Experience.Christopher Mole - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (11-12):173-79.
    Clare Batty has recently argued that the content of human olfactory experience is 'a very weak kind of abstract, or existentially quantified content', and so that 'there is no way things smell'. Her arguments are based on two claims. Firstly, that there is no intuitive distinction between olfactory hallucination and olfactory illusion. Secondly, that olfaction 'does not present smell at particular locations', and 'seems disengaged from any particular object'. The present article shows both of these claims to be false. (...)
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    Abelard in Four Dimensions: A Twelfth-Century Philosopher in His Context and Ours.John Marenbon - 2013 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    The Meditations on the Life of Christ was the most popular and influential devotional work of the later Middle Ages. With its lively dialogue and narrative realism, its poignant and moving depictions of the Nativity and Passion, and its direct appeals to the reader to feel love and compassion, the Meditations had a major impact on devotional practices, religious art, meditative literature, vernacular drama, and the cultivation of affective experience. This volume is a critical edition, with English translation and commentary, (...)
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    Kingship and Conversion in Sixteenth-Century Sri Lanka: Portuguese Imperialism in a Buddhist Land (review).Terry C. Muck - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:221-225.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kingship and Conversion in Sixteenth-Century Sri Lanka: Portuguese Imperialism in a Buddhist LandTerry C. MuckKingship and Conversion in Sixteenth-Century Sri Lanka: Portuguese Imperialism in a Buddhist Land. By Alan Strathern. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007. 304 pp.Buddhist-Christian relationships in Southeast Asian countries have a history that goes back to colonizations of the Portuguese, Dutch, British, and French beginning in the sixteenth century. By studying the story of (...)
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  10. Book review: Ramachandra Guha. Environmentalism: A global history. New York: Longman. [REVIEW]James W. Sheppard - 2003 - Ethics and the Environment 8 (2):132-139.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 8.2 (2003) 132-139 [Access article in PDF] Environmentalism: A Global History, by Ramachandra Guha. New York: Longman, 161 pp, includes Bibliographic Essay and Index. Softcover, ISBN 0-321-01169-4. This short but wide-ranging book is a global survey of the history of environmental thought by one of the people most responsible for broadening environmental discussions to include recognition of post-colonial societies. The overall goal of this (...)
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  11. Utopia girls: A conversation with Clare Wright.Clare Wright - 2012 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 20 (3):6.
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    (1 other version)Modern European Philosophy. [REVIEW]Lucie Mercier & George Tomlinson - 2018 - The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory 26 (1):346-367.
    This chapter reviews three of the most consequential works in modern European philosophy published in 2017: Étienne Balibar’s Citizen Subject, Nick Nesbitt’s edited volume The Concept in Crisis, and William Clare Roberts’s Marx’s Inferno. These works reflect the fact that 2017 witnessed an upsurge of philosophical publications on Marx and Marxism. On one level, this is because 2017 was simultaneously the 150-year anniversary of the publication of the first volume of Marx’s Capital and the 100-year anniversary of the Russian (...)
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  13. Social inferences from faces: Ambient images generate a three-dimensional model.Clare Am Sutherland, Julian A. Oldmeadow, Isabel M. Santos, John Towler, D. Michael Burt & Andrew W. Young - 2013 - Cognition 127 (1):105-118.
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    Gender and Discourse: Language and Power in Politics, the Church and Organisations.Clare Walsh - 2016 - Routledge.
    Real Language Series General Editors:Jennifer Coates, Jenny Cheshire, Euan Reid This is a sociolinguistics series about the relationships between language, society and social change. Books in the series draw on natural language data from a wide range of social contexts. The series takes a critical approach to the subject, challenging current orthodoxies, and dealing with familiar topics in new ways. Gender and Discourse offers a critical new approach to the study of language and gender studies. Women moving into the public (...)
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    Why stories matter: the political grammar of feminist theory.Clare Hemmings - 2011 - Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
    Progress -- Loss -- Return -- Amenability -- Citation tactics -- Affective subjects.
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    Force from Nietzsche to Derrida.Clare Connors - 2010 - London: Legenda, Modern Humanities Research Association and Maney Publishing.
    "What is the pervasive character of the world? The answer is force." But, as Heidegger asks next: "What is force?" Connors sets out to answer this question, tracing a genealogy of the idea of force through the writings of Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault and Derrida. These thinkers try to pin down what force is, but know too that it is something which cannot be neutrally described. Their vigorously literary writings must therefore be read as much for the stylistic and rhetorical ways (...)
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    Against Marriage: An Egalitarian Defense of the Marriage-Free State.Clare Chambers - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    Clare Chambers argues that marriage violates both equality and liberty and should not be trecognized by the state. She shows how feminist and liberal principles require creation of a marriage-free state: one in which private marriages, whether religious or secular, would have no legal status.
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    'Neath the Moth‐Eaten Rag: Do Artefacts Play a Special Role for Historical Knowledge?Clare Jarmy - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 53 (2):425-439.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Personality judgments from everyday images of faces.Clare A. M. Sutherland, Lauren E. Rowley, Unity T. Amoaku, Ella Daguzan, Kate A. Kidd-Rossiter, Ugne Maceviciute & Andrew W. Young - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Spinoza's religion: a new reading of the Ethics.Clare Carlisle - 2021 - Oxford: Princeton University Press.
    Spinoza is widely regarded as either a God-forsaking atheist or a God-intoxicated pantheist, but Clare Carlisle says that he was neither. In Spinoza's Religion, she sets out a bold interpretation of Spinoza through a lucid new reading of his masterpiece, the Ethics. Putting the question of religion centre-stage but refusing to convert Spinozism to Christianity, Carlisle reveals that "being in God" unites Spinoza's metaphysics and ethics. Spinoza's Religion unfolds a powerful, inclusive philosophical vision for the modern age--one that is (...)
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    (1 other version)Considering Emma Goldman: Feminist Political Ambivalence and the Imaginative Archive.Clare Hemmings - 2017 - Duke University Press.
    In _Considering Emma Goldman_ Clare Hemmings examines the significance of the anarchist activist and thinker for contemporary feminist politics. Rather than attempting to resolve the tensions and problems that Goldman's thinking about race, gender, and sexuality pose for feminist thought, Hemmings embraces them, finding them to be helpful in formulating a new queer feminist praxis. Mining three overlapping archives—Goldman's own writings, her historical and theoretical legacy, and an imaginative archive that responds creatively to gaps in those archives —Hemmings shows (...)
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    Using Digital Forensic Techniques to Identify Contract Cheating: A Case Study.Clare Johnson & Ross Davies - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 18 (2):105-113.
    Contract cheating is a major problem in Higher Education because it is very difficult to detect using traditional plagiarism detection tools. Digital forensics techniques are already used in law to determine ownership of documents, and also in criminal cases, where it is not uncommon to hide information and images within an ordinary looking document using steganography techniques. These digital forensic techniques were used to investigate a known case of contract cheating where the contract author has notified the university and the (...)
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    'Extravagant Fiction Today, Cold Fact Tomorrow': The Theme ofInfertility in Science Fiction.Clare Thake Vassallo & Victor Grech - 2011 - In Brian Hurwitz & Paola Spinozzi, Discourses and Narrations in the Biosciences. V&R Unipress. pp. 159.
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    A. Moscadi: Il Festo Farnesiano . Pp. xxiv + 176. Florence: Università degli Studi di Firenze, 2001. Paper, L. 45,000.Clare Woods - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (1):197-198.
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  25. Sex, Culture, and Justice: The Limits of Choice.Clare Chambers - 2007 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Autonomy is fundamental to liberalism. But autonomous individuals often choose to do things that harm themselves or undermine their equality. In particular, women often choose to participate in practices of sexual inequality—cosmetic surgery, gendered patterns of work and childcare, makeup, restrictive clothing, or the sexual subordination required by membership in certain religious groups. In this book, Clare Chambers argues that this predicament poses a fundamental challenge to many existing liberal and multicultural theories that dominate contemporary political philosophy. Chambers argues (...)
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    Managing aggression in hospitals: A role for clinical ethicists.Clare Delany, Anusha Hingalagoda, Lynn Gillam & Neil Wimalasundera - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (3):252-258.
    Hospitals are places where patients are unwell, where patients and their families may be upset, confused, frustrated, in pain, and vulnerable. The likelihood of these experiences and emotions manifesting in anger and aggressive behaviour is high. In this paper, we describe the involvement of a clinical ethics service responding to a request to discuss family aggression within a rehabilitation department in a large paediatric hospital in Australia. We suggest two key advantages of involving a clinical ethics service in discussions about (...)
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    On Habit.Clare Carlisle - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    For Aristotle, excellence is not an act but a habit, and Hume regards habit as ‘the great guide of life’. However, for Proust habit is problematic: ‘if habit is a second nature, it prevents us from knowing our first.’ What is habit? Do habits turn us into machines or free us to do more creative things? Should religious faith be habitual? Does habit help or hinder the practice of philosophy? Why do Luther, Spinoza, Kant, Kierkegaard and Bergson all criticise habit? (...)
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  28. Smelling lessons.Clare Batty - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 153 (1):161-174.
    Much of the philosophical work on perception has focused on vision. Recently, however, philosophers have begun to correct this ‘tunnel vision’ by considering other modalities. Nevertheless, relatively little has been written about the chemical senses—olfaction and gustation. The focus of this paper is olfaction. In this paper, I consider the question: does human olfactory experience represents objects as thus and so? If we take visual experience as the paradigm of how experience can achieve object representation, we might think that the (...)
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    Expertise and Knowledge Required to Support Health Staff to Manage Stressful Events.Clare Delany, Sarah Jones, Jenni Sokol, Lynn Gillam & Trisha Prentice - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (4):535-536.
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  30. What the Nose Doesn't Know: Non-Veridicality and Olfactory Experience.Clare Batty - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (3-4):10-17.
    We can learn much about perceptual experience by thinking about how it can mislead us. In this paper, I explore whether, and how, olfactory experience can mislead. I argue that, in the case of olfactory experience, the traditional distinction between illusion and hallucination does not apply. Integral to the traditional distinction is a notion of ‘object-failure’—the failure of an experience to present objects accurately. I argue that there are no such presented objects in olfactory experience. As a result, olfactory experience (...)
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    Traces of feminist art: Temporal complexity in the work of Eleanor Antin, Vanessa Beecroft and Elizabeth Manchester.Clare Johnson - 2006 - Feminist Theory 7 (3):309-331.
    This article discusses the relationship between Eleanor Antin’s Carving: A Traditional Sculpture (1973) and Elizabeth Manchester’s All My Dresses With All My Shoes (2002) in terms of the differently structured temporalities of making and viewing through which the concept of femininity materializes in each work. Diachronic understandings of post-feminism, as a concept emptied of a former moment of political consciousness, are contested through my readings of artworks that call forth a complexity of tenses. The article argues that the connections and (...)
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    Women Write the Past: Medieval Scholarship, Old English and New Literature.Clare A. Lees - 2017 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 93 (2):3-22.
    This article explores the contributions of women scholars, writers and artists to our understanding of the medieval past. Beginning with a contemporary artists book by Liz Mathews that draws on one of Boethius‘s Latin lyrics from the Consolation of Philosophy as translated by Helen Waddell, it traces a network of medieval women scholars of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries associated with Manchester and the John Rylands Library, such as Alice Margaret Cooke and Mary Bateson. It concludes by examining the translation (...)
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    Plagiarism and the academic essay.Clare A. Palmer - unknown
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    Philosopher of the heart: the restless life of Søren Kierkegaard.Clare Carlisle - 2019 - New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
    Clare Carlisle's innovative and moving biography writes Kierkegaard's remarkable life as far as possible from his own perspective, conveying what it was like to be this Socrates of Christendom.
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  35. Affective solidarity: Feminist reflexivity and political transformation.Clare Hemmings - 2012 - Feminist Theory 13 (2):147-161.
    This article seeks to intervene in what I perceive to be a problematic opposition in feminist theory between ontological and epistemological accounts of existence and politics, by proposing an approach that weaves together Elspeth Probyn’s conceptualisation of ‘feminist reflexivity’ with a re-reading of feminist standpoint through affect. In so doing, I develop the concept of affective solidarity as necessary for sustainable feminist politics of transformation. This approach is proposed as a way of moving away from rooting feminist transformation in the (...)
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    Animal Ethics in Context.Clare Palmer - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    It is widely agreed that because animals feel pain we should not make them suffer gratuitously. Some ethical theories go even further: because of the capacities that they possess, animals have the right not to be harmed or killed. These views concern what not to do to animals, but we also face questions about when we should, and should not, assist animals that are hungry or distressed. Should we feed a starving stray kitten? And if so, does this commit us, (...)
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    How clinical ethics discussions can be a model for accommodating and incorporating plural values in paediatric and adult healthcare settings.Clare Delany - forthcoming - Monash Bioethics Review:1-7.
    The following text is the de-identified and edited transcript of an invited presentation by Professor Clare Delany on the topic of ‘How clinical ethics discussions can be a model for accommodating and incorporating plural values in paediatric and adult healthcare settings.’ Professor Delany’s presentation formed part of the Conference on Accommodating Plural Values in Healthcare and Healthcare Policy, which was held in Melbourne, Australia, on Monday, October 30, 2023. This conference was a key output of the Australian Research Council (...)
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    Trespass, Animals and Democratic Engagement.Clare McCausland, Siobhan O’Sullivan & Scott Brenton - 2013 - Res Publica 19 (3):205-221.
    Since at least the 1970s, one of the stock standard tools in the animal protection movement’s arsenal has been illegal entry into factory farms and animal research facilities. This activity has been followed by the publication of images and footage captured inside those otherwise socially invisible places. This activity presents a conundrum: trespass is illegal and it is an apparent violation of private property rights. In this paper we argue that trespass onto private property can be justified as an act (...)
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    Introduction au sport.Michel Clare - 1965 - Paris,: Éditions ouvrières.
    Michel Clare est né le 21 février 1927 à Sceaux. Études secondaires, bachelier. Résistance et séjour au Maquis de Lorris à dix-sept ans. Puis sport pour guérir des déceptions d’après la Libération : athlétisme, champion de France du 800 mètres en 1949. De nombreuses fois international. Entre à l’Equipe en 1953 où il occupe les fonctions de grand reporter et spécialiste du ski. Auteur d’un livre sur le Ski (La table ronde). Lauréat de l’Académie des Sports pour une enquête (...)
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  40. Spinoza's Acquiescentia.Clare Carlisle - 2017 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (2):209-236.
    Spinoza's account of acquiescentia has been obscured by inconsistent translations of acquiescentia, and forms of the verb acquiescere, in the standard English edition of the Ethics. For Spinoza, acquiescentia is an inherently cognitive affect, since it involves an idea of oneself (as the cause of one's joy). As such, the affect is closely correlated to the three kinds of cognition identified by Spinoza in Ethics II. Just as there are three kinds of cognition, so too are there three kinds of (...)
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  41. A Representational Account of Olfactory Experience.Clare Batty - 2010 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40 (4):511-538.
    Seattle rain smelled different from New Orleans rain…. New Orleans rain smelled of sulfur and hibiscus, trumpet metal, thunder, and sweat. Seattle rain, the widespread rain of the Great Northwest, smelled of green ice and sumi ink, of geology and silence and minnow breath.— Tom Robbins, Jitterbug PerfumeMuch of the philosophical literature on perception has focused on vision. This is not surprising, given that vision holds for us a certain prestige. Our visual experience is incredibly rich, offering up a mosaic (...)
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  42. Climacus on the task of becoming a Christian.Clare Carlisle - 2010 - In Rick Anthony Furtak, Kierkegaard's 'Concluding Unscientific Postscript': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Transparency, Interrupted.Clare Birchall - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (7-8):60-84.
    Though far from new, the rhetoric of transparency is on the ascent in public and political life. It is cited as the answer to a vast array of social, political, financial and corporate problems. With the backing of a ‘movement’, transparency has assumed the position of an unassailable ‘good’. This article asks whether the value ascribed to transparency limits political thinking, particularly for the radical and socialist Left. What forms of politics, ethics, of being-in-common, might it be possible to think (...)
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    Switching between tolerance and immunity: Do counter‐acting gene networks dictate Langerhans cell function in the skin?Clare L. Bennett - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (5):2100072.
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    Interrompre la distriveillance.Clare Birchall & Emmanuel Alloa - 2018 - Multitudes 73 (4):86-98.
    Les sujets numérisés sont façonnés par ce qu’il faudrait appeler, à la suite de Rancière, le partage numérique du sensible – un arrangement qui détermine ce qui est visible, dicible et connaissable. Or cet arrangement implique des formes de surveillance distribuée, qu’on appellera « distriveillance », caractérisées par un transfert de la surveillance d’État vers les sujets eux-mêmes. Il est urgent d’interrompre ce partage de données automatisé pour ouvrir à nouveau à d’autres mises en commun.
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  46. Philosophy as Therapeia: Volume 66.Clare Carlisle & Jonardon Ganeri (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    'Empty are the words of that philosopher who offers therapy for no human suffering. For just as there is no use in medical expertise if it does not give therapy for bodily diseases, so too there is no use in philosophy if it does not expel the suffering of the soul.' The philosopher Epicurus gave famous voice to a conception of philosophy as a cure or remedy for the maladies of the human soul. What has not until now received attention (...)
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  47. Linguistic Analysis in Ethics: A Study of the Moral Philosophy of R. M. Hare.Clare Lampel - 1960 - Dissertation, Columbia University
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  48. Saints for Now.Clare Boothe Luce - 1953
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    Ottoman Analogs to Utopia.Clare M. Murphy - 1981 - Moreana 18 (1):65-76.
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    Attfield and Animals: Capacities and Relations in Attfield's Environmental Ethics.Clare Palmer - 2011 - In Rebekah Humphries & Sophie Vlacos, Creation, Environment and Ethics. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 105-120.
    Robin Attfield's work has been central to the development of environmental philosophy in a number of key areas, including stewardship, population, human development and the moral standing of living organisms. In this paper, I'll focus primarily on just one aspect of Attfield's work: human moral obligations to sentient animals. I'll first outline how, and in what ways, Attfield has argued that such animals are morally important. I'll then suggest that while providing a good grounding for some central concerns of animal (...)
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