Results for 'Betty Rizzo'

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  1. A Description of Millenium Hall.Sarah Scott, Gary Kelly & Betty Rizzo - 1998 - Utopian Studies 9 (2):314-316.
  2.  5
    The History of Sir George Ellison.Sarah Scott & Betty Rizzo - 1996 - Eighteenth-Century Novels by W.
    This book is a reprint of an eighteenth century novel on an ideal society run by single women. Under the guise of fiction, the author gives her views on subjects ranging from marriage to slavery.
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  3. Grounding grounds necessity.Julio De Rizzo - 2020 - Analysis 80 (4):639-647.
    Drawing from extensions of existing ideas in the logic of ground, a novel account of the grounds of necessity is presented, the core of which states that necessary truths are necessary because they stand in specific grounding connections.
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    Against Facts.Arianna Betti - 2015 - Cambridge, MA, USA: The MIT Press.
    An argument that the major metaphysical theories of facts give us no good reason to accept facts in our catalog of the world. -/- In this book Arianna Betti argues that we have no good reason to accept facts in our catalog of the world, at least as they are described by the two major metaphysical theories of facts. She claims that neither of these theories is tenable—neither the theory according to which facts are special structured building blocks of reality (...)
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    Dissemination.Betty R. McGraw, Jacques Derrida & Barbara Johnson - 1983 - Substance 12 (2):114.
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    Simpler Representational Ground.Julio De Rizzo - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    A common way of clarifying the notion of ground is by way of examples from logic: thus a conjunction is grounded in both of its conjuncts; a disjunction in each of its true disjuncts; a double negation in its negatum; and so on. Developing a semantics that accommodates these logical examples in full generality turned out to be a difficult task. In this paper, I develop a novel approach that substitutes fusion for a more discerning relation of combination between states (...)
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  7. A ground-theoretical modal definition of essence.Julio De Rizzo - 2022 - Analysis 82 (1):32-41.
    I provide a case-by-case definition of essential truths based on the notions of metaphysical necessity and ontological dependence. Relying on suggestions in the literature, I adopt a definition of the latter notion in terms of the notion of ground. The resulting account is adequate in the sense that it is not subject to Kit Fine’s famous counterexamples to the purely modal account of essence. In addition, it provides us with a novel conception of truths pertaining to the essence of objects, (...)
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    Distinctive Correspondence Between Separable Visual Attention Functions and Intrinsic Brain Networks.Adriana L. Ruiz-Rizzo, Julia Neitzel, Hermann J. Müller, Christian Sorg & Kathrin Finke - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    States of Affairs and Fundamentality.Julio De Rizzo & Benjamin Sebastian Schnieder - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (1):411-421.
    In Metaphysics of States of Affairs, Bo Meinertsen reviews and works out several underdeveloped points in the existing scholarly debate on states of affairs, and presents his own original account in detail. In this paper, we raise three problems for Meinertsen’s account and draw attention to an alternative view that, though not discussed in the book, is not beset by these problems.
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  10. Betty Friedan.Trom Betty - 2001 - In Mary Evans, Feminism: critical concepts in literary and cultural studies. New York: Routledge. pp. 185.
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    Lianc-Chih, Key to Wang Yang-Ming’s Ethical Monism.L. Stafford Betty - 1980 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 7 (2):115-129.
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    Watsuji Tetsurô, du voyage à l’itinéraire conceptuel.Alfio Nazareno Rizzo - 2022 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 72 (3):23-32.
    Cet article est une contribution à la lecture de Fûdo, le milieu humain, ouvrage du philosophe japonais Watsuji Testurô qui aborde le thème du rapport de l’être humain au monde. Cette réflexion veut en éclairer certaines thèses, les comparer aux catégories de la philosophie occidentale et déterminer si Fûdo peut se comprendre comme une pensée de la finitude.
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    Il pensiero di Matteo Tafuri nella tradizione del Rinascimento meridionale.Luana Rizzo - 2014 - Roma: Aracne editrice S.r.l..
  14. Exploring Sartrean desire : men, women, and authentic relationship.Betty Woodman - 2011 - In Adrianne McEvoy, Sex, Love, and Friendship: Studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, 1993-2003. New York, NY: Rodopi.
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    No Choice for Incompatibilism.Julio De Rizzo - 2022 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):6-13.
    P. van Inwagen famously offered three precise versions of the so-called Consequence Argument for incompatibilism. The third of these essentially employs the notion of an agent’s having a choice with respect to a proposition. In this paper, I offer two intuitively attractive accounts of this notion in terms of the explanatory connective ‘because’ and explore the prospects of the third argument once they are in play. Under either account, the argument fails.
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    Gynesis. Configurations of Woman and Modernity.Betty R. McGraw & Alice A. Jardine - 1988 - Substance 17 (1):89.
  17. Board diversity and managerial control as predictors of corporate social performance.Betty S. Coffee & Jia Wang - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (14):1595-1603.
    While it is widely assumed that greater diversity in corporate governance will enhance a firm’s corporate social performance, this study considers an alternative thesis which relates managerial control to corporate philanthropy. The study empirically evaluates both board diversity and managerial control of the board as possible predictors of corporate philanthropy. The demonstration of a positive relationship between managerial control and corporate philanthropy contributes to our understanding that corporate social performance results from a complex set of economic and social motives. Possible (...)
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    Dalla legge al diritto: nuovi studi in onore di Emilio Betti.Emilio Betti, Antonio Nasi & Francesco Zanchini (eds.) - 1999 - Milano: Giuffre.
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    The Problematic Welfare Standards of Behavioral Paternalism.Douglas Glen Whitman & Mario J. Rizzo - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (3):409-425.
    Behavioral paternalism raises deep concerns that do not arise in traditional welfare economics. These concerns stem from behavioral paternalism’s acceptance of the defining axioms of neoclassical rationality for normative purposes, despite having rejected them as positive descriptions of reality. We argue that behavioral paternalists have indeed accepted neoclassical rationality axioms as a welfare standard; that economists historically adopted these axioms not for their normative plausibility, but for their usefulness in formal and theoretical modeling; that broadly rational individuals might fail to (...)
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    Justifying Taxation.Mario J. Rizzo, Richard A. Epstein & David Schmidtz - 2022 - Social Philosophy and Policy 39 (1):1-10.
    Taxation is more than one thing. Taxes can be levied in various ways on various things, with varying effects on a culture and an economy, and raising different challenges of justification.
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    Review of Betty A. Sichel: Moral Education: Character, Community, and Ideals[REVIEW]Betty A. Sichel - 1989 - Ethics 99 (4):954-955.
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    History of Philosophy in Ones and Zeros.Arianna Betti, Hein Van Den Berg, Yvette Oortwijn & Caspar Treijtel - 2019 - In Eugen Fischer & Mark Curtis, Methodological Advances in Experimental Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Press. pp. 295-332.
    How can we best reconstruct the origin of a notion, its development, and possible spread to multiple fields? We present a pilot study on the spread of the notion of conceptual scheme. Though the notion is philosophically important, its origin, development, and spread are unclear. Several purely qualitative and competing historical hypotheses have been offered, which rely on disconnected disciplinary traditions, and have never been tested all at once in a single comprehensive investigation fitting the scope of its subject matter. (...)
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  23. Towards a Computational History of Ideas.Arianna Betti & Hein Van Den Berg - 2016 - Proceedings of the Third Conference on Digital Humanities in Luxembourg with a Special Focus on Reading Historical Sources in the Digital Age: Luxembourg. Ceur Workshop Proceedings, 1681.
    The History of Ideas is presently enjoying a certain renaissance after a long period of disrepute. Increasing quantities of digitally available historical texts and the availability of computational tools for the exploration of such masses of sources, it is suggested, can be of invaluable help to historians of ideas. The question is: how exactly? In this paper, we argue that a computational history of ideas is possible if the following two conditions are satisfied: (i) Sound Method . A computational history (...)
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    Escaping Paternalism: Rationality, Behavioral Economics, and Public Policy.Mario J. Rizzo & Glen Whitman - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    A powerful critique of nudge theory and the paternalist policies of behavioral economics, and an argument for a more inclusive form of rationality.
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    I-6 Ordinis Primi Tomus Sextus: De Duplici Copia Verborum Ac Rerum.Betty I. Knott (ed.) - 1988 - Brill.
    In rhetoric, an orator needs both a large vocabulary and a stock of commonplaces and arguments. Erasmus put them together in his De duplici copia verborum ac rerum . In this sixth volume of the first Ordo of the Amsterdam edition of the Latin texts of Erasmus, Betty Knott has edited the Latin text and added an English introduction and commentary, providing philological and historical information which helps the reader to understand the text and identify its sources.
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    Ingarden on the varieties of dependence.Julio De Rizzo - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (3):996-1009.
    In the third chapter of his major work, the Controversy over the Existence of the World, Roman Ingarden discusses four varieties of dependence entities might exhibit. The aim of this essay is to explore these varieties and to put the claims Ingarden makes concerning them on a rigorous footing.
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    XII*—Descartes' Machines.Betty Powell - 1971 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 71 (1):209-222.
    Betty Powell; XII*—Descartes' Machines, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 71, Issue 1, 1 June 1971, Pages 209–222,
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    Equity Issues for Today's Educational Leaders: Meeting the Challenge of Creating Equitable Schools for All.Betty J. Alford, Julia Ballenger, Dalane Bouillion, C. Craig Coleman, Patrick M. Jenlink, Sharon Ninness, Lee Stewart, Sandra Stewart & Diane Trautman (eds.) - 2009 - R&L Education.
    This book returns the reader to an agenda for addressing equity in schools, emphasizing the need to reexamine past reform efforts and the work ahead for educational leaders in reshaping schools and schooling.
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    The Struggle for Identity in Today's Schools: Cultural Recognition in a Time of Increasing Diversity.Betty Alford, Julia Ballenger, Angela Crespo Cozart, Sandy Harris, Ray Horn, Patrick M. Jenlink, John Leonard, Vincent Mumford, Amanda Rudolph, Kris Sloan, Sandra Stewart, Faye Hicks Townes & Kim Woo (eds.) - 2009 - R&L Education.
    This book examines cultural recognition and the struggle for identity in America's schools. In particular, the contributing authors focus on the recognition and misrecognition as antagonistic cultural forces that work to shape, and at times distort identity.
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    Beyond Drive‐Thru Deliveries.Betty Wolder Levin - 1996 - Hastings Center Report 26 (5):43-43.
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    Understanding Technology: Facts, Trends, Predictions.Betty A. Michelozzi - 1985 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 5 (4):382-384.
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  32. Benedetto Croce, Giovanni Gentile and Paolo Raffaele Trojano: Academic polemics and philosophical controversies.F. Rizzo - 2000 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 55 (2):253-269.
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    The Net in the Park.Antonio Rizzo, Elisa Rubegni, Erik Grönval, Maurizio Caporali & Andrea Alessandrini - 2009 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 22 (1):51-59.
  34. Varietas in unitate. Individualismo, scienza e politica nel pensiero di Leibniz.Luana Rizzo - 2008 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 28 (2):399.
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    The Fractured Subject: Walter Benjamin and Sigmund Freud.Betty Schulz - 2022 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    An investigation of Benjamin’s conception of the subject as fractured via a reading of Benjamin’s use of Freud, this book engages Benjamin’s writing on sovereignty and myth in the Baroque and analyzes these themes in the context of Benjamin’s writing on the 19th century.
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    Verbal mediation in paired-associate learning.Betty Wismer & Lewis P. Lipsitt - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (5):441.
  37. Science attitudes and preparation of preservice elementary teachers.Betty J. Young & Theodore Kellogg - 1993 - Science Education 77 (3):279-291.
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    Reasons Why Not - On the Positive Grounds of Negative Truths.Julio De Rizzo - 2019 - Stuttgart, Deutschland: Metzler Verlag/ Springer.
    Many philosophers have shown sympathy to the thought that reality is fundamentally positive. Julio De Rizzo formulates this idea precisely by means of the notion of grounding, and examines how the resulting thesis fares with respect to three much discussed classes of negative truths, namely that of negative predications, that of negative causal reports, and that of negative existential truths. By shedding light on the issues advocates of the thesis have to deal with, this work shows the positivist account (...)
  39.  66
    Ethics in Practice: What Are Managers Really Doing?Betty Velthouse & Yener Kandogan - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 70 (2):151-163.
    This study asked managers with different educational backgrounds and experience from a variety of industries of a variety of sizes representing both genders and various predominant managerial functions at different levels to “describe the skills they think are necessary to perform their jobs effectively”. In particular, they were asked to rank 178 behavioral skills presented under 22 different categories that described different aspects of management. Data were then examined first to determine the importance of ethics or integrity overall in the (...)
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  40. Leśniewski’s characteristica universalis.Arianna Betti - 2010 - Synthese 174 (2):295-314.
    Leśniewski’s systems deviate greatly from standard logic in some basic features. The deviant aspects are rather well known, and often cited among the reasons why Leśniewski’s work enjoys little recognition. This paper is an attempt to explain why those aspects should be there at all. Leśniewski built his systems inspired by a dream close to Leibniz’s characteristica universalis: a perfect system of deductive theories encoding our knowledge of the world, based on a perfect language. My main claim is that Leśniewski (...)
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    Yolanda Lopez: Breaking Chicana Stereotypes.Betty LaDuke - 1994 - Feminist Studies 20 (1):117.
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    A partire dal Wittgenstein delle "Osservazioni sui colori".Giorgio Rizzo - 2006 - Idee 62:155-186.
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    Da Gentile a Jaja.Francesca Rizzo - 2007 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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    Pratica del pensare e pensiero preterintenzionale della prassi.Giorgio Rizzo - 2002 - Idee 50:183-194.
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    Papa Gregorio Magno e la Simoniaca haeresis.Roberta Rizzo - 2013 - Augustinianum 53 (1):195-229.
    Pope Gregory the Great’s homilies and letters document his fight against simony, widely spread among all patriarchates, where sacraments, first of all Holy Orders, were sold, and where one could become a bishop solely through the donations and support of influential people. The Pope asked both laity and bishops to help in eradicating this terrible plague which he considered a real heresy, inasmuch as it debased the dignity of the priesthood and the action of Holy Spirit and undermined the unity (...)
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    The dual nature of tools and their makeover.Antonio Rizzo - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (4):239-240.
    Vaesen argues that functional knowledge differentiates humans from non-human primates. However, the rationale he provides for this position is open to question – with respect to both the underlying theoretical assumptions and inferences drawn from certain empirical studies. Indeed, there is some recent empirical work that suggests that functional fixedness is not necessarily uniquely human. I also question the central role of stable function representations in Vaesen's account of tool production and use.
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    Uncharacteristic actions.Betty Powell - 1959 - Mind 68 (272):492-509.
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    Kant's mature account of monads as objects in the idea.Pierpaolo Betti - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (4):501-517.
    In On a Discovery, Kant depicts monads as simple beings that are thought in the idea as the ground of appearances. He argues that his account of monads is partially in line with both Leibniz's monadology and his own critical philosophy. However, in the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant appears to depart from the monadologies of his predecessors. In this article, I make sense of Kant's late subscription to a version of Leibniz's monadology by arguing that Kant considers monads to (...)
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  49. The Indeterminacy of the Distinction between Objects and Ways of Being.Julio De Rizzo - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (6):2923-2941.
    Few if any distinctions are more easily recognisable and assented to than that between _objects_, that is, things which are some ways, and that which they are, that is, _ways for objects to be_ (‘ways of being’ for short). In this paper I present an argument designed to show that this distinction is indeterminate in the sense that the truth-conditions of predicational sentences leave open what should count as an object and a way of being. The bulk of the argument (...)
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    Role of Socioeconomic Status on Consumers' Attitudes Towards DTCA of Prescription Medicines in Australia.Betty B. Chaar & Johnson Lee - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (4):447-460.
    The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, operating in Australia under the National Health Act 1953, provides citizens equal access to subsidised pharmaceuticals. With ever-increasing costs of medicines and global financial pressure on all commodities, the sustainability of the PBS is of crucial importance on many social and political fronts. Direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) of prescription medicines is fast expanding, as pharmaceutical companies recognise and reinforce marketing potentials not only in healthcare professionals but also in consumers. DTCA is currently prohibited in Australia, but pharmaceutical (...)
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