Results for 'Bc Malt'

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  1. An online investigation of categorization decisions.Bc Malt - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):519-519.
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  2. Pragmatismen,särskilt i dess förhållande till kriticismen... av Malte Jacobson..Malte Ferdinand Jacobsson - 1910 - Lund: Berlingska boktryckeriet.
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    Words and the Mind: How Words Capture Human Experience.Barbara Malt & Phillip Wolff (eds.) - 2010 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The study of word meanings promises important insights into the nature of the human mind by revealing what people find to be most cognitively significant in their experience. However, as we learn more about the semantics of various languages, we are faced with an interesting problem. Different languages seem to be telling us different stories about the mind. For example, important distinctions made in one language are not necessarily made in others. What are we to make of these cross-linguistic differences? (...)
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  4. A remark on iffy oughts.Malte Willer - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy 109 (7):449–61.
    Every adequate semantics for conditionals and deontic ought must offer a solution to the miners paradox about conditional obligations. Kolodny and MacFarlane have recently argued that such a semantics must reject the validity of modus ponens. I demonstrate that rejecting the validity of modus ponens is inessential for an adequate solution to the paradox.
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    Governing Algorithms: Myth, Mess, and Methods.Malte Ziewitz - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (1):3-16.
    Algorithms have developed into somewhat of a modern myth. On the one hand, they have been depicted as powerful entities that rule, sort, govern, shape, or otherwise control our lives. On the other hand, their alleged obscurity and inscrutability make it difficult to understand what exactly is at stake. What sustains their image as powerful yet inscrutable entities? And how to think about the politics and governance of something that is so difficult to grasp? This editorial essay provides a critical (...)
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    Artifact category membership and the intentional-historical theory.Barbara C. Malt & Eric C. Johnson - 1998 - Cognition 66 (1):79-85.
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    Category essence or essentially pragmatic? Creator’s intention in naming and what’s really what.Barbara C. Malt & Steven A. Sloman - 2007 - Cognition 105 (3):615-648.
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  8. Dynamics of Epistemic Modality.Malte Willer - 2013 - Philosophical Review 122 (1):45-92.
    A dynamic semantics for epistemically modalized sentences is an attractive alternative to the orthodox view that our best theory of meaning ascribes to such sentences truth-conditions relative to what is known. This essay demonstrates that a dynamic theory about might and must offers elegant explanations of a range of puzzling observations about epistemic modals. The first part of the story offers a unifying treatment of disputes about epistemic modality and disputes about matters of fact while at the same time avoiding (...)
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    Phänomenologische Erziehungswissenschaft von Ihren Anfängen Bis Heute: Eine Anthologie.Malte Brinkmann (ed.) - 2018 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    In dem Band werden erstmals Grundlagentexte zur Phänomenologischen Erziehungswissenschaft von ihren Anfängen bis in die Gegenwart zusammengestellt. Die Sammlung gibt einen Überblick über Struktur, Entwicklung und Ausdifferenzierung der phänomenologischen Bewegung in der deutschsprachigen Pädagogik in den Feldern systematische Pädagogik, Bildungs-, Lern- und Erziehungstheorie, Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit, Schul- und Sonderpädagogik und der Erwachsenenbildung. Der Inhalt • Anfänge Phänomenologischer Erziehungswissenschaft • Anthropologie und Phänomenologische Erfahrungstheorie des Lernens und Erziehens • Koexistentiale Phänomenologie der Erziehung und Strukturpädagogik • Fremdheit und Andersheit im Lernen (...)
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    (1 other version)Advice for Noncognitivists.Malte Willer - 2016 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 98 (262):174-207.
    Metaethical noncognitivists have trouble arriving at a respectable semantic theory for moral language. The goal of this article is to make substantial progress toward demonstrating that these problems may be overcome. Replacing the predominant expressivist semantic agenda in metaethics with a dynamic perspective on meaning and communication allows noncognitivists to provide a satisfying analysis of negation and other constructions that have been argued to be problematic for metaethical noncognitivism, including disjunctions. The resulting proposal preserves some of the key insights from (...)
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  11. A new cladistics of cladists.Malte C. Ebach, Juan J. Morrone & David M. Williams - 2008 - Biology and Philosophy 23 (1):153-156.
  12. Two puzzles about ability can.Malte Willer - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (3):551-586.
    The received wisdom on ability modals is that they differ from their epistemic and deontic cousins in what inferences they license and better receive a universal or conditional analysis instead of an existential one. The goal of this paper is to sharpen the empirical picture about the semantics of ability modals, and to propose an analysis that explains what makes the can of ability so special but that also preserves the crucial idea that all uses of can share a common (...)
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  13. Simplifying with Free Choice.Malte Willer - 2018 - Topoi 37 (3):379-392.
    This paper offers a unified semantic explanation of two observations that prove to be problematic for classical analyses of modals, conditionals, and disjunctions: the fact that disjunctions scoping under possibility modals give rise to the free choice effect and the fact that counterfactuals license simplification of disjunctive antecedents. It shows that the data are well explained by a dynamic semantic analysis of modals and conditionals that uses ideas from the inquisitive semantic tradition in its treatment of disjunction. The analysis explains (...)
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    Pädagogik - Phänomenologie: Verhältnisbestimmungen und Herausforderungen.Malte Brinkmann, Marc Fabian Buck & Severin Sales Rödel (eds.) - 2017 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Dieser Band fragt nach Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden zwischen Phänomenologie und Pädagogik in historischer, systematischer, praktischer und methodologischer Hinsicht. Er bietet eine strukturierte Zusammenstellung und Auswertung traditioneller und aktueller Ansätze im deutschsprachigen und internationalen Diskurs der phänomenologischen Erziehungswissenschaft. Das Verhältnis von Pädagogik und Phänomenologie wird in phänomenologischen Beschreibungen und Analysen pädagogischer Phänomene, in historischen und systematischen Untersuchungen, in Studien zum schulischen Lernen und Erziehen sowie zur phänomenologischen Forschungspraxis diskutiert und veranschaulicht.
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    Naturzustand und Sozialvertrag bei Hobbes und Kant: zugleich ein Beitrag zu den Ursprüngen des modernen Systemdenkens.Malte Diesselhorst - 1988 - Göttingen: O. Schwartz.
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  16. Epicurus-hedonist malgré lui.Malte Hossenfelder - 1986 - In Malcolm Schofield & Gisela Striker (eds.), The Norms of Nature: Studies in Hellenistic Ethics. Paris: Cambridge University Press. pp. 245--263.
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    "Musikverstehen" zwischen Hermeneutik und Posthermeneutik: Untersuchungen aus historischer und pädagogischer Perspektive.Malte Markert - 2018 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    "Verstehen" ist im Umgang mit Musik sowohl in der Alltagssprache als auch in historischen, asthetischen und padagogischen Konzeptionen ein zentraler, zugleich aber ein problematischer Begriff. NAch einer einfuhrenden Klarung und Systematisierung theoretischer Positionen zwischen einem "existenzialen" und einem "identifizierenden" Verstehensbegriff werden Konturen eines "posthermeneutischen" Begriffs von "Musikverstehen" skizziert, der den Anspruch auf Universalitat, Intentionalitat und Koharenz sowie die diskursive Verfasstheit des Hermeneutischen problematisiert und stattdessen auf "Alteritat", "Differenz" und "Prozessualitat" setzt. Die Auseinandersetzung mit historisch und stilistisch sehr unterschiedlichen Beispielen konkretisiert (...)
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    Der Freitod, der Arzt und das Recht: juristische und andere Betrachtungen sowie Analysen zu Sterbewünschen von Menschen und ärztlichen Handlungsmöglichkeiten.Malte Johannes Müller - 2012 - Berlin: WVB, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin.
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    Anonymity interacting with participation on a Q&A site.Malte Paskuda & Myriam Lewkowicz - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (3):369-381.
    This article presents a study that investigates how anonymity influences user participation in an online question-and-answer platform [Quora ]. The study is one step in identifying hypotheses that can be used to address a research and design issue concerning the role of anonymity in online participation, particularly in sensitive situations where people are seeking social support. Based on the literature, we present a model that describes the factors that influence participation. These factors were used when analyzing the answers to questions (...)
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    Mindfulness meditation counteracts self-control depletion.Malte Friese, Claude Messner & Yves Schaffner - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):1016-1022.
    Mindfulness meditation describes a set of different mental techniques to train attention and awareness. Trait mindfulness and extended mindfulness interventions can benefit self-control. The present study investigated the short-term consequences of mindfulness meditation under conditions of limited self-control resources. Specifically, we hypothesized that a brief period of mindfulness meditation would counteract the deleterious effect that the exertion of self-control has on subsequent self-control performance. Participants who had been depleted of self-control resources by an emotion suppression task showed decrements in self-control (...)
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    Speaking versus thinking about objects and actions.Barbara C. Malt, Steven A. Sloman & Silvia P. Gennari - 2003 - In Dedre Gentner & Susan Goldin-Meadow (eds.), Language in Mind: Advances in the Study of Language and Thought. MIT Press. pp. 81--112.
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    Lessons from Sobel sequences.Malte Willer - 2017 - Semantics and Pragmatics 10 (4):1-57.
    Folklore has it that Sobel sequences favor a variably strict analysis of conditionals over its plainly strict alternative. While recent discussions for or against the lore have focussed on Sobel sequences involving counterfactuals, this paper draws attention to the fact that indicative Sobel sequences are just as felicitous as are their counterfactual cousins. The fact, or so I shall argue here, disrupts the folklore: given minimal assumptions about the semantics and pragmatics of indicative conditionals, a textbook variably strict analysis fails (...)
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  23. Dynamic Thoughts on Ifs and Oughts.Malte Willer - 2014 - Philosophers' Imprint 14:1-30.
    A dynamic semantics for iffy oughts offers an attractive alternative to the folklore that Chisholm's paradox enforces an unhappy choice between the intuitive inference rules of factual and deontic detachment. The first part of the story told here shows how a dynamic theory about ifs and oughts gives rise to a nonmonotonic perspective on deontic discourse and reasoning that elegantly removes the air of paradox from Chisholm's puzzle without sacrificing any of the two detachment principles. The second part of the (...)
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    Sur la solution de Sundman du problème des trois corps.Malte Henkel - 2001 - Philosophia Scientiae 5 (2):161-184.
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    The rat race and working time regulation.Malte Jauch - 2020 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (3):293-314.
    To what extent, if at all, should a just society adopt public policies that regulate and limit the amount of time people work? Attempts to answer this question face a dilemma: Either, we can adopt a laissez-faire view, according to which governments must refrain from imposing working time policies on the labour market. But this view generates a situation in which many citizens experience deep regret about the balance between work and leisure in their lives. Or, we can endorse an (...)
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    Bioinformationsrecht: zur Persönlichkeitsentfaltung des Menschen in technisierter Verfassung.Malte-Christian Gruber - 2015 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: As a functioning part of the human body and mind, our internal information technology systems belong to our physical makeup just as much as body parts and substances do to the realm of reproductive medicine, genetic information does to gene technology and brain scans do to neurological technology. Bio-information law concerns itself with the rights of these roving human components. German description: Bio- und Informationstechnologien generieren standig neue, bislang kaum fur moglich gehaltene Verhaltnisse, Verknupfungen und Anschlusse zwischen Technischem (...)
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    The limits of opportunity-only: context-dependence and agency in behavioral welfare economics.Malte F. Dold & Mario J. Rizzo - 2021 - Journal of Economic Methodology 28 (4):364-373.
    What should be the ‘informational base’ of welfare economics if one takes the insights from behavioral economics seriously? Sugden proposes individuals’ sets of opportunities. This paper discusses...
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  28. The notion of a recognitional concept and other confusions.Malte Dahlgrün - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 150 (1):139 - 160.
    The notion of a recognitional concept (RC) is stated precisely and shown to be unrelated to the proper notion of a perceptually based concept, defining of concept empiricism. More fundamentally, it is argued that the notion of an RC does not reflect a potentially sensible candidate theory of concepts at all and therefore ought to be abandoned from concept-theoretical discourse. In the later parts of the paper, it is shown independently of these points that Fodor's attacks on RCs are in (...)
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  29. Agentially controlled action: causal, not counterfactual.Malte Hendrickx - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (10-11):3121-3139.
    Mere capacity views hold that agents who can intervene in an unfolding movement are performing an agentially controlled action, regardless of whether they do intervene. I introduce a simple argument to show that the noncausal explanation offered by mere capacity views fails to explain both control and action. In cases where bodily subsystems, rather than the agent, generate control over a movement, agents can often intervene to override non-agential control. Yet, contrary to what capacity views suggest, in these cases, this (...)
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    A not quite random walk: Experimenting with the ethnomethods of the algorithm.Malte Ziewitz - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (2).
    Algorithms have become a widespread trope for making sense of social life. Science, finance, journalism, warfare, and policing—there is hardly anything these days that has not been specified as “algorithmic.” Yet, although the trope has brought together a variety of audiences, it is not quite clear what kind of work it does. Often portrayed as powerful yet inscrutable entities, algorithms maintain an air of mystery that makes them both interesting and difficult to understand. This article takes on this problem and (...)
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    Concise finite-domain representations for PDDL planning tasks.Malte Helmert - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (5-6):503-535.
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    (1 other version)Warum Nicht-Menschenrechte?Malte-Christian Gruber - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 7 (2):63-70.
    "Das Rechtssystem geht davon aus, dass der Mensch – und nur der Mensch – eine natürliche Person ist. Das sei ein Irrtum, argumentiert Malte-Christian Gruber, denn die Rechtssubjektivität wird keineswegs alleine mit dem bloßen Menschsein begründet. Es ist die sittliche Autonomie, die den Menschen zu einem »Subjekt, dessen Handlungen einer Zurechnung fähig sind« (Kant) und mithin zur Person macht. Personen werden nicht mit dem Menschsein als solchem identifiziert, sondern durch die Zuschreibung von Handlungs- und Rechtsträgerschaft. Eine solche funktionale Vorstellung von (...)
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  33. Artifact categorization: The good, the bad, and the ugly.Barbara C. Malt & Steven A. Sloman - 2007 - In Eric Margolis & Stephen Laurence (eds.), Creations of the Mind: Theories of Artifacts and Their Representaion. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 85--123.
  34. New surprises for the Ramsey Test.Malte Willer - 2010 - Synthese 176 (2):291 - 309.
    In contemporary discussions of the Ramsey Test for conditionals, it is commonly held that (i) supposing the antecedent of a conditional is adopting a potential state of full belief, and (ii) Modus Ponens is a valid rule of inference. I argue on the basis of Thomason Conditionals (such as ' If Sally is deceiving, I do not believe it') and Moore's Paradox that both claims are wrong. I then develop a double-indexed Update Semantics for conditionals which takes these two results (...)
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    Introduction to the INEM 2021 conference special issue.Malte Dold, C. Tyler DesRoches & Merve Burnazoglu - 2023 - Journal of Economic Methodology 30 (4):273-275.
    The International Network for Economic Method (INEM), in collaboration with College of Global Futures, Arizona State University (ASU), was honored to host the 15th Biennial Conference in Tempe, Ari...
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    August 1705 – April 1706.Malte-Ludolf Babin, Gerd van den Heuvel & Regina Stuber - 2017 - De Gruyter.
    Leibniz’ Briefwechsel wird 1705/06 vor allem von den politischen und militärischen Großereignissen bestimmt, über deren Verlauf sich Leibniz informieren lässt und zu denen er eigene Einschätzungen an seine Korrespondenten weitergibt: Zum Spanischen Erbfolgekrieg, zum Nordischen Krieg und zu der Aussicht des Hauses Hannover auf die Thronfolge in England. Um letztere zu forcieren und eine Einladung der Kurfürstin Sophie nach England zu erzwingen, entwirft und publiziert er im Namen von Rowland Gwynne ein Pamphlet, das in London jedoch das genaue Gegenteil bewirkt (...)
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    Application of Referencing Techniques in EEG-Based Recordings of Contact Heat Evoked Potentials.Malte Anders, Björn Anders, Matthias Kreuzer, Sebastian Zinn & Carmen Walter - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Evoked potentials in the amplitude-time spectrum of the electroencephalogram are commonly used to assess the extent of brain responses to stimulation with noxious contact heat. The magnitude of the N- and P-waves are used as a semi-objective measure of the response to the painful stimulus: the higher the magnitude, the more painful the stimulus has been perceived. The strength of the N-P-wave response is also largely dependent on the chosen reference electrode site. The goal of this study was to examine (...)
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  38. Concepts: Foundational Issues.Malte Dahlgrün - unknown
    This dissertation has three parts. Part I, comprising chapters 1 and 2, addresses some basic commitments which must be presupposed in theorizing about concepts. Concepts, to a first approximation, are mental representations that are constituents of thoughts. Chapter 1 attempts to clarify the notion of representing. Chapter 2 reconstructs arguments in the work of Frege against the mental nature of thoughts and (by the same token) of concepts, arguing that they are confused and leave the notion of concepts as mental (...)
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    Gedanken über den Weg der christlichen Kirche.Malte Dücker - 2019 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 27 (2):377-382.
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    Hugo Grotius and the Freedom of the Seas.Malte Diesselhorst - 1982 - Grotiana 3 (1):11-26.
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  41. Menschenwürde und Menschenrecht.Malte Hossenfelder - 2004 - Studia Philosophica 63:17-34.
    Despite its lack of content, the concept of dignity plays a central role in the German bio-ethical discussion because it appears in Article 1 in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. The architects of the constitution, like those of the other laws in which the concept appears, thereby pursued the aim of anchoring human rights in the nature of human beings. It has been suggested that the vacuity of the concept be filled by interpreting it with Kant. This (...)
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  42. Perversion der Skepsis.Malte Hossenfelder - 1987 - Philosophische Rundschau 34:214.
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  43. Skrupulöse konsenstheorie.Malte Hossenfelder - 1990 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 1 (3):352.
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    Om statsmoral.Malte Ferdinand Jacobsson - 1973 - Stockholm,: Natur o. kultur.
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    Göttliche Freiheit: die Trinitätslehre in Schellings Spätphilosophie.Malte Dominik Krüger - 2008 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    One of the reasons for this is that Schelling's most significant work on this subject, Urfassung der Philosophie der Offenbarung, was not published until 1992.
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  46. Accessibility and anaphora / Bart Geurts - Discourse particles.Malte Zimmermann - 2019 - In Paul Portner, Klaus von Heusinger & Claudia Maienborn (eds.), Semantics: noun phrases, verb phrases and adjectives. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Anschauung and the Archetype.Malte C. Ebach - 2005 - Janus Head 8 (1):254-270.
    Comparative biology is afield that deals with morphology. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe recognised comparative biology, not as a passive science obsessed with counting similarities as it is today, but as an active field wherein he sought to perceive the inter-relationships of individual organisms to the organic whole, which he termed the archetype. I submit that Goethe's archetype and his application of a technique termed the Anschauung are rigorous and significant ways to conduct delicate empiricism in comparative biology. The future of (...)
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    Credences for strict conditionals.Malte Willer - 2025 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 110 (1):23-50.
    Less‐than‐certain conditional judgments pose notorious problems for strict analyses of conditionals: across their various incarnations, these analyses have trouble making sense of how conditionals could have non‐trivial probabilities in the first place; minimal constraints on how such probabilities are to be assigned, moreover, lead to results that seem at odds with a strict outlook on the semantics of conditionals, most notably the validity of Conditional Excluded Middle. I demonstrate that a strict analysis can overcome the trouble if couched in a (...)
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  49. An Update on Epistemic Modals.Malte Willer - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (6):835–849.
    Epistemic modals are a prominent topic in the literature on natural language semantics, with wide-ranging implications for issues in philosophy of language and philosophical logic. Considerations about the role that epistemic "might" and "must" play in discourse and reasoning have led to the development of several important alternatives to classical possible worlds semantics for natural language modal expressions. This is an opinionated overview of what I take to be some of the most exciting issues and developments in the field.
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    The unwitting muse: Jakob von Uexkülls theory of Umwelt and twentieth-century literature.Malte Herwig - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (134).
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