Results for 'Malte-Ludolf Babin'

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  1.  10
    August 1705 – April 1706.Malte-Ludolf Babin, Gerd van den Heuvel & Regina Stuber - 2017 - De Gruyter.
    Leibniz’ Briefwechsel wird 1705/06 vor allem von den politischen und militärischen Großereignissen bestimmt, über deren Verlauf sich Leibniz informieren lässt und zu denen er eigene Einschätzungen an seine Korrespondenten weitergibt: Zum Spanischen Erbfolgekrieg, zum Nordischen Krieg und zu der Aussicht des Hauses Hannover auf die Thronfolge in England. Um letztere zu forcieren und eine Einladung der Kurfürstin Sophie nach England zu erzwingen, entwirft und publiziert er im Namen von Rowland Gwynne ein Pamphlet, das in London jedoch das genaue Gegenteil bewirkt (...)
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    Das Thema Kleidung in den Etymologien Isidors von Sevilla und im Summarium Heinrici 1.Mechthild Müller, Malte-Ludolf Babin & Jörg Riecke (eds.) - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Isidor von Sevilla sammelte in seinen Etymologien um 600 vorhandenes Wissen aus historischen und zeitgenössischen Quellen. Rund 300 Wörter aus dem Arbeitsbereich Textil werden mit Kurzkommentaren erläutert. Ca. 1050 findet sich dieses Wissen überarbeitet im Summarium Heinrici 1. Am Beispiel des Komplexes "Kleidung" liefert der Band neben den Quellen und hervorragenden Übersetzungen zum ersten Mal auch ausführlicheKommentare und Überblicksdarstellungen, die eine Fülle von Informationen bringen. Dazu gehören u. a. neue Erkenntnisse über Herstellung der griechischen, bombycina genannten, Seide oder die Beschreibung (...)
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    Leibniz’s Letters: Malte-Ludolf Babin, Gerd van den Heuvel, and Regina Stuber (Eds): Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe. Erste Reihe: Allgemeiner politischer und historischer Briefwechsel. Volume 25 (August 1705–April 1706). Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2017, lxii + 959 pp, €259.95 HB.Philip Beeley - 2020 - Metascience 29 (2):263-266.
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  4. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Briefe über China (1694-1716): Die Korrespondenz mit Barthélemy Des Bosses S.J. und anderen Mitgliedern des Ordens. [REVIEW]Eric S. Nelson - 2018 - Philosophy East and West 68 (4):1-7.
    Rita Widmaier and Malte-Ludolf Babin have done a valuable scholarly service for studies of the early modern European reception of China in collecting letters from Leibniz's extensive correspondence concerning China and translating them from the original Latin and French into German. This multi-lingual and chronologically organized edition gathers letters to and from Leibniz as well as supplementary texts composed between the years 1694 and 1716. It incorporates helpful clarificatory notes as well as an informative and lucid introduction.This (...)
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    Leibniz and Ludolf on Things Linguistic: Excerpts from Their Correspondence, 1688-1703.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Hiob Ludolf & John T. Waterman - 1978 - Univ of California Press.
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  6. Pragmatismen,särskilt i dess förhållande till kriticismen... av Malte Jacobson..Malte Ferdinand Jacobsson - 1910 - Lund: Berlingska boktryckeriet.
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  7. Simplifying with Free Choice.Malte Willer - 2018 - Topoi 37 (3):379-392.
    This paper offers a unified semantic explanation of two observations that prove to be problematic for classical analyses of modals, conditionals, and disjunctions: the fact that disjunctions scoping under possibility modals give rise to the free choice effect and the fact that counterfactuals license simplification of disjunctive antecedents. It shows that the data are well explained by a dynamic semantic analysis of modals and conditionals that uses ideas from the inquisitive semantic tradition in its treatment of disjunction. The analysis explains (...)
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    Mindfulness meditation counteracts self-control depletion.Malte Friese, Claude Messner & Yves Schaffner - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):1016-1022.
    Mindfulness meditation describes a set of different mental techniques to train attention and awareness. Trait mindfulness and extended mindfulness interventions can benefit self-control. The present study investigated the short-term consequences of mindfulness meditation under conditions of limited self-control resources. Specifically, we hypothesized that a brief period of mindfulness meditation would counteract the deleterious effect that the exertion of self-control has on subsequent self-control performance. Participants who had been depleted of self-control resources by an emotion suppression task showed decrements in self-control (...)
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    Making Sense of the Research on Gender and Ethics in Business.Laurie Babin - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (4):61-90.
    This article represents an attempt to organize, critique, and extend research findings on gender differences in business ethics. The focus is on two dependent variables—ethical judgment and behavioral intent. Differences in findings between student and professional groups are noted and theoretical implications are discussed. The new research provided for this article contains two benchmark studies undertaken with identical stimuli and identical measures. These studies were followed by two additional studies, using the same measures but different stimuli, as a partial replication (...)
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    Artifact category membership and the intentional-historical theory.Barbara C. Malt & Eric C. Johnson - 1998 - Cognition 66 (1):79-85.
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  11. Dynamics of Epistemic Modality.Malte Willer - 2013 - Philosophical Review 122 (1):45-92.
    A dynamic semantics for epistemically modalized sentences is an attractive alternative to the orthodox view that our best theory of meaning ascribes to such sentences truth-conditions relative to what is known. This essay demonstrates that a dynamic theory about might and must offers elegant explanations of a range of puzzling observations about epistemic modals. The first part of the story offers a unifying treatment of disputes about epistemic modality and disputes about matters of fact while at the same time avoiding (...)
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  12. The notion of a recognitional concept and other confusions.Malte Dahlgrün - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 150 (1):139 - 160.
    The notion of a recognitional concept (RC) is stated precisely and shown to be unrelated to the proper notion of a perceptually based concept, defining of concept empiricism. More fundamentally, it is argued that the notion of an RC does not reflect a potentially sensible candidate theory of concepts at all and therefore ought to be abandoned from concept-theoretical discourse. In the later parts of the paper, it is shown independently of these points that Fodor's attacks on RCs are in (...)
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    Application of Referencing Techniques in EEG-Based Recordings of Contact Heat Evoked Potentials.Malte Anders, Björn Anders, Matthias Kreuzer, Sebastian Zinn & Carmen Walter - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Evoked potentials in the amplitude-time spectrum of the electroencephalogram are commonly used to assess the extent of brain responses to stimulation with noxious contact heat. The magnitude of the N- and P-waves are used as a semi-objective measure of the response to the painful stimulus: the higher the magnitude, the more painful the stimulus has been perceived. The strength of the N-P-wave response is also largely dependent on the chosen reference electrode site. The goal of this study was to examine (...)
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  14. Concepts: Foundational Issues.Malte Dahlgrün - unknown
    This dissertation has three parts. Part I, comprising chapters 1 and 2, addresses some basic commitments which must be presupposed in theorizing about concepts. Concepts, to a first approximation, are mental representations that are constituents of thoughts. Chapter 1 attempts to clarify the notion of representing. Chapter 2 reconstructs arguments in the work of Frege against the mental nature of thoughts and (by the same token) of concepts, arguing that they are confused and leave the notion of concepts as mental (...)
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    Medienkultur und Bildung: ästhetische Erziehung im Zeitalter digitaler Netzwerke.Malte Hagener & Vinzenz Hediger (eds.) - 2015 - Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
    Unsere schnelllebige Medienkultur wurde von der Medienpädagogik bislang vor allem als Quelle sozialer Probleme behandelt. Die Autorinnen und Autoren, u.a. Alain Bergala, Henry Jenkins und Martin Seel, öffnen den Blick auf eine Medienbildung, der nicht nur eine sozialpädagogische Aufgabe zukommt, sondern auch eine ästhetisch-künstlerische. Sie entwerfen eine Programmatik der ästhetischen Erziehung, die zum Ziel hat, das Wahrnehmungsund Urteilsvermögen der Menschen in der neuen Medienkultur zu schulen.
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    Absolut göttlich. Zu Metaphysik und Religion in Schellings Spätphilosophie.Malte D. Krüger - 2007 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 49 (1):104-113.
    ZusammenfassungMit Schellings Spätphilosophie verabschiedet sich im Deutschen Idealismus die Vernunft vom Versuch ihrer Letztbegründung. Die Vernunft kann sich nicht in der Wirklichkeit eines absoluten Grundes ihrer eigenen Wirklichkeit versichern. Zwar realisiert die Vernunft, auf ein Absolutes bezogen zu sein, aber dessen Wirklichkeit als schöpferische Freiheit entzieht sich dem konzipierenden Ausgriff der Vernunft . Allerdings befreit die von der Vernunft eingesehene Möglichkeit dieser rational uneinholbaren Wirklichkeit zu einem – theoretisch nicht erzwingbaren, aber auch nicht als irrational denunzierbaren – Perspektivenwechsel . Danach (...)
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    Göttliche Freiheit: die Trinitätslehre in Schellings Spätphilosophie.Malte Dominik Krüger - 2008 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    One of the reasons for this is that Schelling's most significant work on this subject, Urfassung der Philosophie der Offenbarung, was not published until 1992.
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  18. Tvilsom rettferdighet: en tilnærmelse til Hegels rettsfilosofi.Gert-Fredrik Malt - 1977 - Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo, Inst. for offentlig rett.
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  19. Schellings Einfluß in Rußland.Ludolf Müller - 1949 - Archiv für Philosophie 3 (1):53-81.
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    Angst und Terror seit der Endphase der Reconquista im christlichen und moslemischen Spanien.Ludolf Pelizaeus - 2007 - Das Mittelalter 12 (1).
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  21. Development in China: High Speed, High Rise, High Price-Rapid urban growth raises serious environmental questions.Malte Selugga - 2008 - Topos 64:84.
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  22. Accessibility and anaphora / Bart Geurts - Discourse particles.Malte Zimmermann - 2019 - In Paul Portner, Klaus von Heusinger & Claudia Maienborn, Semantics: noun phrases, verb phrases and adjectives. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Anschauung and the Archetype.Malte C. Ebach - 2005 - Janus Head 8 (1):254-270.
    Comparative biology is afield that deals with morphology. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe recognised comparative biology, not as a passive science obsessed with counting similarities as it is today, but as an active field wherein he sought to perceive the inter-relationships of individual organisms to the organic whole, which he termed the archetype. I submit that Goethe's archetype and his application of a technique termed the Anschauung are rigorous and significant ways to conduct delicate empiricism in comparative biology. The future of (...)
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    Mark Fabian, A Theory of Subjective Wellbeing (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022), pp. x + 305.Malte Dold - forthcoming - Utilitas:1-4.
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    Genesis und Geltung zusammen denken. Hans Joas, interviewt von Malte Dreyer und Walter Zitterbarth.Hans Joas, Malte Dreyer & Walter Zitterbarth - 2014 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 62 (5).
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  26. Artifact categorization: The good, the bad, and the ugly.Barbara C. Malt & Steven A. Sloman - 2007 - In Eric Margolis & Stephen Laurence, Creations of the Mind: Theories of Artifacts and Their Representaion. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 85--123.
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    Category essence or essentially pragmatic? Creator’s intention in naming and what’s really what.Barbara C. Malt & Steven A. Sloman - 2007 - Cognition 105 (3):615-648.
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    Words and the Mind: How Words Capture Human Experience.Barbara Malt & Phillip Wolff (eds.) - 2010 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The study of word meanings promises important insights into the nature of the human mind by revealing what people find to be most cognitively significant in their experience. However, as we learn more about the semantics of various languages, we are faced with an interesting problem. Different languages seem to be telling us different stories about the mind. For example, important distinctions made in one language are not necessarily made in others. What are we to make of these cross-linguistic differences? (...)
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    Bioinformationsrecht: zur Persönlichkeitsentfaltung des Menschen in technisierter Verfassung.Malte-Christian Gruber - 2015 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: As a functioning part of the human body and mind, our internal information technology systems belong to our physical makeup just as much as body parts and substances do to the realm of reproductive medicine, genetic information does to gene technology and brain scans do to neurological technology. Bio-information law concerns itself with the rights of these roving human components. German description: Bio- und Informationstechnologien generieren standig neue, bislang kaum fur moglich gehaltene Verhaltnisse, Verknupfungen und Anschlusse zwischen Technischem (...)
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  30. A new cladistics of cladists.Malte C. Ebach, Juan J. Morrone & David M. Williams - 2008 - Biology and Philosophy 23 (1):153-156.
  31. A remark on iffy oughts.Malte Willer - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy 109 (7):449–61.
    Every adequate semantics for conditionals and deontic ought must offer a solution to the miners paradox about conditional obligations. Kolodny and MacFarlane have recently argued that such a semantics must reject the validity of modus ponens. I demonstrate that rejecting the validity of modus ponens is inessential for an adequate solution to the paradox.
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    Governing Algorithms: Myth, Mess, and Methods.Malte Ziewitz - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (1):3-16.
    Algorithms have developed into somewhat of a modern myth. On the one hand, they have been depicted as powerful entities that rule, sort, govern, shape, or otherwise control our lives. On the other hand, their alleged obscurity and inscrutability make it difficult to understand what exactly is at stake. What sustains their image as powerful yet inscrutable entities? And how to think about the politics and governance of something that is so difficult to grasp? This editorial essay provides a critical (...)
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    Changing Notes in Medical Records: A Proposal.Susan Babin - 1978 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 6 (1):4-4.
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    Descartes et le theatre.Jean-Pierre Babin - 1999 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:391-396.
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    Relativistic Dynamics of Accelerating Particles Derived from Field Equations.Anatoli Babin & Alexander Figotin - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (8):996-1014.
    In relativistic mechanics the energy-momentum of a free point mass moving without acceleration forms a four-vector. Einstein’s celebrated energy-mass relation E=mc 2 is commonly derived from that fact. By contrast, in Newtonian mechanics the mass is introduced for an accelerated motion as a measure of inertia. In this paper we rigorously derive the relativistic point mechanics and Einstein’s energy-mass relation using our recently introduced neoclassical field theory where a charge is not a point but a distribution. We show that both (...)
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    Storage of Carotenoids in Crustaceans as an Adaptation to Modulate Immunopathology and Optimize Immunological and Life‐History Strategies.Aurélie Babin, Jérôme Moreau & Yannick Moret - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (11):1800254.
    Why do some invertebrates store so much carotenoids in their tissues? Storage of carotenoids may not simply be passive and dependent on their environmental availability, as storage variation exists at various taxonomic scales, including among individuals within species. While the strong antioxidant and sometimes immune-stimulating properties of carotenoids may be beneficial enough to cause the evolution of features improving their assimilation and storage, they may also have fitness downsides explaining why massive carotenoid storage is not universal. Here, the functional and (...)
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    Un Quatuor.Jean-Pierre Babin, Sarah Carvallo, Barthélémy Faye & Anne-Sophie Menasseyre - forthcoming - Journal of Ancient Philosophy:454-465.
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    Naturzustand und Sozialvertrag bei Hobbes und Kant: zugleich ein Beitrag zu den Ursprüngen des modernen Systemdenkens.Malte Diesselhorst - 1988 - Göttingen: O. Schwartz.
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    I Choose for Myself, Therefore I Am.Malte Dold & Alexa Stanton - 2021 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 14 (1).
    Behavioral economics and existentialism both present informative perspectives on human choice. We argue in this article that the dialogue between the two approaches can enrich the current debate about the normative implications of behavioral economics. While behavioral economics suggests that our capacity to choose is constrained by cognitive biases and environmental influences, existentialism emphasizes that we can treat ourselves as free and ‘becoming’ beings in spite of the many constraints we face. Acknowledging these two perspectives in the form of a (...)
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    A devil's glossary for biological systematics.Malte C. Ebach & David M. Williams - 2011 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 33 (2):249.
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    An Outline of the Foundations of Systematics and Biogeography.Malte C. Ebach & David M. Williams - 2007 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 29 (1):87 - 91.
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    Zangerl and the "Zeitgeist".Malte C. Ebach1 & David M. Williams - 2006 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 28 (1):67 - 70.
  43. Ungewissheit Und Seelenruhe Die Funktion der Skepsis in Pyrrhonismus.Malte Hossenfelder - 1964
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    Democrazia e diritti umani. L’abolizione della prostituzione regolamentata in Germania e Italia 1918-1958.Malte König - 2015 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 27 (53).
    The essay explores the connections between the abolition of legalized prostitution and the processes of democratization in Germany and Italy, starting from the history of human rights and its interaction with the political system. The main sources are the parliamentary debates and the laws that brought about the closedown of brothels and the abolition of the surveillance system in Germany in 1927 and in Italy in 1958. The debates on prostitution also pose a question of equality and gender justice. In (...)
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    Pragmatische Rechenhaftigkeit?Ludolf Kuchenbuch - 2002 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 36 (1):469-490.
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  46. An online investigation of categorization decisions.Bc Malt - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):519-519.
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    ‘La Main négative’: Limit-Case and Primal Scene of Art.Johanna Malt - 2021 - Paragraph 44 (3):349-363.
    Negative handprints or hand-stencils, which occur in many prehistoric sites around the world, occupy a particular place in accounts of rock art. Although they frequently occur alongside paintings, their indexical status as imprints leads them to be treated separately from other types of representations that are more easily accepted as such. This article argues that the negative handprint operates as a kind of limit-case for definitions of art. I examine how it has given rise to imagined scenarios of making — (...)
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    Zur Kritik Meiner Verbesserungsvorschlage Durch Jurgen v. Kempski.Ludolf Müller - 1949 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 2 (1-4):186-186.
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    Die heilige Ordnung der Menschenwürde: die Sakralität der Person verstehen, begründen, problematisieren.Malte Möbius - 2020 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Grundsätzlich geht es dem Menschen darum, im Lichte seiner Endlichkeit ein gelingendes Dasein zu führen. Doch wie kann und soll dieses Dasein geregelt werden? Nichts erscheint vernünftiger als eine politische Ordnung im Lichte der Sakralität der Person - an die jedoch geglaubt werden muss. Nach einer kulturgeschichtlichen Aufarbeitung wird deutlich: Die "heilige Ordnung der Menschenwürde" erweist sich dem moralischen Dogmatismus absoluter Ordnungsprinzipien überlegen und vermag darüber hinaus das Prinzip politischer Selbstbestimmung zu garantieren, indem die Selbstgefährdung völlig ergebnisoffener Ordnungsformen überwunden wird. (...)
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    Anonymity interacting with participation on a Q&A site.Malte Paskuda & Myriam Lewkowicz - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (3):369-381.
    This article presents a study that investigates how anonymity influences user participation in an online question-and-answer platform [Quora ]. The study is one step in identifying hypotheses that can be used to address a research and design issue concerning the role of anonymity in online participation, particularly in sensitive situations where people are seeking social support. Based on the literature, we present a model that describes the factors that influence participation. These factors were used when analyzing the answers to questions (...)
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