Results for 'Alessandro Pratesi'

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  1.  20
    The Productivity of Care: Contextualizing Care in Situated Interaction and Shedding Light on its Latent Purposes.Alessandro Pratesi - 2011 - Ethics and Social Welfare 5 (2):123-137.
    Care work may be connected with emotional and psychological exhaustion but also gratification, reward, and self-empowerment. Caregivers experience both positive and negative emotional states in caring situations, and further studies on the rewarding and energizing aspects of care may help us to broaden our understanding of how we can reduce the degree of burden while increasing the sense of satisfaction. This article shows how the focus on emotion is a necessary step to show the ambivalences and the grey areas connected (...)
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  2. Give more data, awareness and control to individual citizens, and they will help COVID-19 containment.Mirco Nanni, Gennady Andrienko, Albert-László Barabási, Chiara Boldrini, Francesco Bonchi, Ciro Cattuto, Francesca Chiaromonte, Giovanni Comandé, Marco Conti, Mark Coté, Frank Dignum, Virginia Dignum, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Paolo Ferragina, Fosca Giannotti, Riccardo Guidotti, Dirk Helbing, Kimmo Kaski, Janos Kertesz, Sune Lehmann, Bruno Lepri, Paul Lukowicz, Stan Matwin, David Megías Jiménez, Anna Monreale, Katharina Morik, Nuria Oliver, Andrea Passarella, Andrea Passerini, Dino Pedreschi, Alex Pentland, Fabio Pianesi, Francesca Pratesi, Salvatore Rinzivillo, Salvatore Ruggieri, Arno Siebes, Vicenc Torra, Roberto Trasarti, Jeroen van den Hoven & Alessandro Vespignani - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (S1):1-6.
    The rapid dynamics of COVID-19 calls for quick and effective tracking of virus transmission chains and early detection of outbreaks, especially in the “phase 2” of the pandemic, when lockdown and other restriction measures are progressively withdrawn, in order to avoid or minimize contagion resurgence. For this purpose, contact-tracing apps are being proposed for large scale adoption by many countries. A centralized approach, where data sensed by the app are all sent to a nation-wide server, raises concerns about citizens’ privacy (...)
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  3. On the social practice of indirect reports.Alessandro Capone - 2010 - Journal of Pragmatics 42: 377-391.
    I propose some rules that regiment substitutions of NPs.
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  4. The attributive/referential distinction, pragmatics, modularity of mind and modularization.Alessandro Capone - 2011 - Australian Journal of Linguistics 31 (2): 153-186.
    attributive/referential. Pragmatic intrusion.
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  5. Default semantics and the architecture of the mind.Alessandro Capone - 2011 - Journal of Pragmatics 43:1741–1754..
    Relationship between default semantics and modularity of mind (in particular mind reading through the principle of Relevance).
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  6. On Grice's circle.Alessandro Capone - 2006 - Journal of Pragmatics 38:645-669.
  7. The pragmatics of pronominal clitics and propositional attitudes.Alessandro Capone - 2013 - Intercultural Pragmatics 10 (3):459-485.
    pronominal clitics, pragmatics and propositional attitudes.
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  8. The pragmatics of indirect reports and slurring.Alessandro Capone - 2013 - In Perspectives on Linguistic Pragmatics. Cham: Springer. pp. 153-184.
  9.  12
    Engaging the later Rawls on legitimacy.Alessandro Ferrara - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (7):1076-1084.
    Frank Michelman’s recent book Constitutional Essentials. On the Constitutional Theory of Political Liberalism is discussed from a specific angle, related to how Rawls’s ‘deflection procedure’ – called by Michelman ‘justification by constitution’ – is affected by two recent innovations in the paradigm of political liberalism: first, the extension of reasonable pluralism to a family of liberal political conceptions of justice that coexist in a liberal-democratic society; second, the idea of legitimation based on the criterion of reciprocity, aimed at supplementing the (...)
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  10. Barack Obama’s South Carolina Speech.Alessandro Capone - 2010 - Journal of Pragmatics 42:2964–2977.
    Analysis of Barack Obama's rhetorical strategies.
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  11. Necessarily Maybe. Quantifiers, Modality and Vagueness.Alessandro Torza - 2015 - In Quantifiers, Quantifiers, and Quantifiers. Themes in Logic, Metaphysics, and Language. (Synthese Library vol. 373). Springer. pp. 367-387.
    Languages involving modalities and languages involving vagueness have each been thoroughly studied. On the other hand, virtually nothing has been said about the interaction of modality and vagueness. This paper aims to start filling that gap. Section 1 is a discussion of various possible sources of vague modality. Section 2 puts forward a model theory for a quantified language with operators for modality and vagueness. The model theory is followed by a discussion of the resulting logic. In Section 3, the (...)
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    Combinatorial principles in elementary number theory.Alessandro Berarducci & Benedetto Intrigila - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 55 (1):35-50.
    We prove that the theory IΔ0, extended by a weak version of the Δ0-Pigeonhole Principle, proves that every integer is the sum of four squares (Lagrange's theorem). Since the required weak version is derivable from the theory IΔ0 + ∀x (xlog(x) exists), our results give a positive answer to a question of Macintyre (1986). In the rest of the paper we consider the number-theoretical consequences of a new combinatorial principle, the ‘Δ0-Equipartition Principle’ (Δ0EQ). In particular we give a new proof, (...)
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    Husserl on shared intentionality and normativity.Alessandro Salice - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (3):343-359.
    The paper offers a systematic reconstruction of the relations that, in Husserl’s work, bind together our shared social world (“the spiritual world”) with shared intentionality. It is claimed that, by sharing experiences, persons create social reasons and that these reasons impose a normative structure on the social world. Because there are two ways in which persons can share experiences (depending on whether these experiences rest on mutual communication or on group’s identity), social normativity comes in two kinds. It is either (...)
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    Machiavelli’s ironic discourse to defend a radical republic.Alessandro Mulieri - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (6):665-681.
    ABSTRACT The Discourse on Florentine Affairs contains a proposal for constitutional reform in which Machiavelli directly addresses Pope Giovanni de’ Medici. With the aim of contributing to the recent radical republican readings of Machiavelli, this paper argues that the best way to understand the Discourse is to read it as an example of Machiavelli’s use of irony. Machiavelli disguises his radical republican ideas in the Discourse with paradoxes, omissions and implausible reforms that, though clearly leaning towards a popular republic, are (...)
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    Vague Existence.Alessandro Torza - 2008 - In Dean W. Zimmerman (ed.), Oxford Studies in Metaphysics. Oxford University Press.
    Ted Sider has famously argued that existence, in the unrestricted sense of ontology, cannot be vague, as long as vagueness is modeled by means of precisifications. The first section of Chapter 9 exposes some controversial assumptions underlying Sider’s alleged reductio of vague existence. The upshot of the discussion is that, although existence cannot be vague, it can be super-vague, i.e. higher-order vague, for all orders. The second section develops and defends a novel framework, dubbed negative supervaluationary semantics, which makes room (...)
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    Psychological drivers in the adoption of morally controversial innovations: the moderating role of ethical self‐identity.Alessandro M. Peluso - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (3):252-263.
    The present article conceptualizes morally controversial innovations as a category of innovations that raise ethical issues due to their potentially undesirable long-term consequences on society or the natural environment. Then, it analyzes the case of biofuel crops by applying an extended version of the theory of planned behavior, which includes moral norm and ethical self-identity. The obtained results show that attitude and subjective norms are positively related to farmers' intention to grow biofuel crops. Yet the intention of those farmers with (...)
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  17. Knowing how and pragmatic intrusion.Alessandro Capone - 2011 - Intercultural Pragmatics 8 (4):543-570.
  18. Futher reflections on semantic minimalism: Reply to Wedgwood.Alessandro Capone - 2013 - In Alessandro Capone, Franco Lo Piparo & Marco Carapezza (eds.), Perspectives on Pragmatics and Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 437-474..
    semantic minimalism and moderte contextualism.
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    The pragmatics of quotation, explicatures and modularity of mind.Alessandro Capone - 2013 - Pragmatics and Society 4 (3):259-284.
    This paper presents a purely pragmatic account of quotation which, it is argued, will be able to accommodate all relevant linguistic phenomena. Given that it is more parsimonious to explain the data by reference to pragmatic principles only than to explain them by reference to both pragmatic and semantic principles, as is common in the literature, I conclude that the account of quotation I present is to be preferred to the more standard accounts (including the alternative theories of quotation, discussed (...)
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  20.  21
    De objeto de políticas a sujeitos da política: dar voz aos pobres.Alessandro Pinzani - 2011 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 10 (3):83-101.
    Este artigo pretende fazer algumas considerações preliminares e programáticas sobre a questão da cooperação entre filosofia política e ciências sociais empíricas; oferecer uma estratégia para chegar a uma definição de pobreza que independa de dados quantitativos específicos, embora aponte para a importância deles ; apontar para a necessidade de ouvir a voz dos pobres; mostrar as razões da exclusão política dos pobres. Obviamente não se pretende discutir tudo isso de forma exaustiva, mas somente indicar possíveis caminhos a serem explorados.The present (...)
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  21.  37
    Introduction.Alessandro Ferrara - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (4-5):343-349.
    After focusing on the understanding and the prospect of post-secular society (2008), probing the fruitfulness of expanding multiculturalism into multicultural jurisdictions (2009) and investigating a possible realignment of major liberal notions (2010), in 2011 the so-called ‘trap of resentment’ has been at the center of the Istanbul Seminars. The three sections of this special issue – which collects together the contributions discussed in Istanbul between 19 to 24 May 2011 – are devoted to various facets of the task of inverting (...)
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  22.  24
    La funzione logica dell'immagine nel pensiero trascendentale di Fichte.Alessandro Bertinetto - 2014 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 69 (4):685-700.
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    Per una nuova critica della società: Jürgen Habermas prima dell'agire comunicativo.Ruggero D'Alessandro - 2016 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Elogio del pudore: per un pensiero debole.Alessandro Dal Lago & Pier Aldo Rovatti - 1989 - Milano: Feltrinelli Editore. Edited by Pier Aldo Rovatti.
  25.  33
    The moral trial: on ethics and economics.Alessandro Lanteri - 2008 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 1 (1):188.
  26.  43
    Introduzione. Foucault: discorso politico e filosofia.Alessandro Pandolfi - 2015 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 27 (52).
    This introduction first justifies the approach of this focus on the political thought of Foucault. Therefore it highlights the conditions that determine the appearance and the operation of the political discourse, then it clarifies because, according to Foucault, political discourse should not be analyzed in a format which opposes science to ideology, but as an act of discourse located in a strategic field and fighting with other discursive formations. It concludes with a look at the difference and interweaving that for (...)
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  27.  27
    How much Schopenhauer is there really in Wagner?Alessandro Pinzani - 2012 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 11 (2):211–226.
    The paper aims at analyzing some Wagnerian figures in order to show that the influence of Schopenhauer’s philosophy on Wagner is not as strong as commonly held – at least not in his operas. The figures that shall be considered are: Wotan and Brünnhilde, Tristan and Isolde, and finally Parsifal, who appears to be the only Schopenhauerian character of all.
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    I Would Consider Myself To Be A Naturalist.Alessandro Pinzani & Darlei Dall’Agnol - 2006 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 5 (1):2-6.
    Ernst Tugendhat is one of the most important living German philosophers. He was born in Brno in 1930 to a Jewish family. In 1938 the Tugendhatshad to leave the country because of the threat represented by Nazi Germany. They emigrated first toSwitzerland, then to Caracas, Venezuela. After classical studies at Stanford University ,Ernst Tugendhat moved to Germany in order to study philosophy in Freiburg and Münster . He became an assistant professor in Tübingen before getting a professorship in Heidelberg. He (...)
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    Machiavelli und die Religion.Alessandro Pinzani - 2013 - In Dirk Brantl, Rolf Geiger & Stephan Herzberg (eds.), Philosophie, Politik Und Religion: Klassische Modelle von der Antike Bis Zur Gegenwart. [Berlin]: De Gruyter. pp. 91-104.
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  30. La nozione di Aussersein nella teoria degli oggetti di Alexius Meinong.Alessandro Salice - 2004 - Rivista di Estetica 44 (3).
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    Dentro la filosofia- Filosofia antica e medievale.Alessandro Bussotti & Fausto Moriani - 1997 - Bologna: Zanichelli.
    Manuale di filosofia, a c. di F. Palchetti, vol. I.
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  32. La bioetica in classe.Alessandro Bussotti & Fausto Moriani - 2004 - In Franco Cambi & Francesco Paolo Firrao (eds.), Filosofia per i nuovi Licei. Roma: Armando. pp. pp. 179-193.
  33.  24
    Poetry, Praise, and Patronage: Simonides in Book 4 of Horace's "Odes".Alessandro Barchiesi - 1996 - Classical Antiquity 15 (1):5-47.
    The paper aims at reconstructing the influence of Simonides on a contiguous series of Horatian poems . The starting point is provided by the discovery of new Simonidean fragments published by Peter Parsons and by Martin West in 1992. But the research casts a wider net, including the influence of Theocritus on Horace-and of Simonides on Theoocritus-and the simultaneous and competing presence of Pindar and Simonides in late Horatian lyric. The influence of Simonides is seen in specific textual pointers-e.g., a (...)
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  34. Das Gold im Gestein. Verdinglichung und Anerkennung.Alessandro Ferrara - 2009 - In Axel Honneth & Rainer Forst (eds.), Sozialphilosophie und Kritik. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. pp. 40--63.
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    Guglielmo di Ockham.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 1972 - Milano,: Vita e pensiero.
  36. Artistic and Ethical Values in the Experience of Narratives.Alessandro Giovannelli - 2004 - Dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park
    The ethical criticism of art has received increasing attention in contemporary aesthetics, especially with respect to the evaluation of narratives. The most prominent philosophical defenses of this art-critical practice concentrate on the notion of response , specifically on the emotional responses a narrative requires for it to be correctly apprehended and appreciated. I first investigate the mechanisms of emotional participation in narratives ; then, I address the question of the legitimacy of the ethical criticism of narratives and advance an argument (...)
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  37. La «nuova retorica» e la logica del linguaggio normativo.Alessandro Giuliani - 1970 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 47:374-390.
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    Epistemology of Textual Re-use in the Nyāyamañjarī.Alessandro Graheli - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (2-3):137-170.
    The epistemology of śabda is one of the main themes in Bhaṭṭa Jayanta’s Nyāyamañjarī, and, in the hypotheses explored in this paper, also the conceptual basis of Jayanta’s textual re-use. The sixth chapter of the Nyāyamañjarī contains a debate between Vaiyākaraṇas and Mīmāṃsakas who, respectively, advocated an holistic or atomistic theory of language. Selected Jayanta’s re-uses from Vyākaraṇa, Mīmāṃsā, and Nyāya sources are here surveyed and analyzed, with a focus on their meaning and on the context. The method of analysis (...)
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  39. La vecchia e la nuova sociologia generale positiva.Alessandro Groppali - 1958 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 35:440-445.
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    La dignità dell'uomo nel pensiero del Rinascimento.Alessandro Klein - 1976 - Torino: G. Giappichelli.
  41.  15
    Da uno zibaldone dello scozzese Walter Bowman la sintesi di Samuel Clarke su the power of self-motion.Alessandro Lattanzi - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
    Nel 1726 lo scozzese Walter Bowman intrattenne una corrispondenza con Samuel Clarke su «the power of self-motion», un argomento che Clarke aveva trattato nella sua Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God. Le due lettere inedite di Clarke, qui presentate, sono parte di quella vasta corrispondenza che il teologo ebbe con filosofi e uomini di lettere dopo la pubblicazione della Demonstration. In questo saggio si ricostruiscono gli argomenti di Clarke, in primo luogo quelli relativi alla dimostrazione dell’esistenza di Dio, (...)
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    Riflessioni sull'oggetto e il metodo della scienza del diritto.Alessandro Raselli - 1980 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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  43.  23
    The Presence and the Memory of Islam during the "Spiritual Conquest" of the New World : A Brazilian Case Study.Alessandro Vanoli - 2013 - Franciscan Studies 71:219-236.
    Today we begin to perceive how complex and diverse the relationship between military and institutional conquest and “spiritual conquest” was, according to Robert Ricard’s famous definition .1In the past, this problem has usually been investigated from the point of view of the entrance of European Christianity into the Atlantic World through the migrations of Europeans to Africa and America. However, more often, particularly in recent decades, scholars have begun to focus their interest on other religious groups, investigating their influence and (...)
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    Correction to: Social epistemological conception of delusion.Kengo Miyazono & Alessandro Salice - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1):1853-1854.
    The article Social epistemological conception of delusion, written by Kengo Miyazon and Alessandro Salice, was originally published electronically on the publisher’s internet portal on 17 September 2020 without open access.
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  45. Quantifiers, Quantifiers, and Quantifiers. Themes in Logic, Metaphysics, and Language. (Synthese Library vol. 373).Alessandro Torza (ed.) - 2015 - Springer.
    This volume covers a wide range of topics that fall under the 'philosophy of quantifiers', a philosophy that spans across multiple areas such as logic, metaphysics, epistemology, and even the history of philosophy. It discusses the import of quantifier variance in the model theory of mathematics. It advances an argument for the uniqueness of quantifier meaning in terms of Evert Beth’s notion of implicit definition, and clarifies the oldest explicit formulation of quantifier variance: the one proposed by Rudolf Carnap. -/- (...)
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    Time Out of Joint: Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari on Time and Capitalism.Alessandro Arienzo - 2015 - In Flavia Santoianni (ed.), The Concept of Time in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy: A Philosophical Thematic Atlas. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Karl Marx theory of value/labour is primarily based on time. In his theory of value/labour, Marx displays how the economic mechanic of Capital reduces Labour to power and time. Power is the ability to produce, and represent a complex mixture of individual workforce and social cooperation. Time is the general measure of productivity and the partition of labour time gives the units of measure of the value produced. Capitalism is driven by one single linear and universal temporality, signed by the (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Il pluralismo moderno e il monismo.Alessandro Chiappelli - 1911 - Rivista di Filosofia 3 (2):223.
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  48. Nedostatek soudnosti?Alessandro Ferrara - 2009 - Filosoficky Casopis 57:451-454.
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    Rosso fiorentinos christus in forma pietatis zwischen andacht und schönheit.Alessandro Nova - 2013 - In Iris Wenderholm, Jörg Trempler & Markus Rath (eds.), Das haptische bild: Körperhafte bilderfahrung in der neuzeit. De Gruyter. pp. 95-112.
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    Wie Aktuell ist Kants moralphilosophie? - Interview mit Otfried Höffe.Alessandro Pinzani - 2004 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 3 (2):99-103.
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