Results for 'Marco Conti'

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  1.  12
    COVID-19 and nurses’ ethical issues: Comparisons between two European countries.Gerli Usberg, Marco Clari, Alessio Conti, Mariliis Põld, Ruth Kalda & Mari Kangasniemi - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1674-1687.
    Background The global pandemic raised ethical issues for nurses about caring for all patients, not just those with COVID-19. Italy was the first European country to be seriously affected by the first wave, while Estonia’s infection and death rates were among the lowest in Europe. Did this raise different ethical issues for nurses in these two countries as well? Aim The aim was to describe and compare ethical issues between nurses working during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in (...)
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    Douglas Dales, Alcuin: Theology and Thought. Cambridge, UK: James Clarke, 2013. Paper. Pp. 360. £25. ISBN: 978-022-717-3947. [REVIEW]Marco Conti - 2014 - Speculum 89 (2):471-472.
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    Effects of a short length alcohol on the dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine system.S. Rifici, C. Crupi, G. D’Angelo, G. Di Marco, G. Sabatino, V. Conti Nibali, A. Trimarchi & U. Wanderlingh - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):2014-2020.
  4. Give more data, awareness and control to individual citizens, and they will help COVID-19 containment.Mirco Nanni, Gennady Andrienko, Albert-László Barabási, Chiara Boldrini, Francesco Bonchi, Ciro Cattuto, Francesca Chiaromonte, Giovanni Comandé, Marco Conti, Mark Coté, Frank Dignum, Virginia Dignum, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Paolo Ferragina, Fosca Giannotti, Riccardo Guidotti, Dirk Helbing, Kimmo Kaski, Janos Kertesz, Sune Lehmann, Bruno Lepri, Paul Lukowicz, Stan Matwin, David Megías Jiménez, Anna Monreale, Katharina Morik, Nuria Oliver, Andrea Passarella, Andrea Passerini, Dino Pedreschi, Alex Pentland, Fabio Pianesi, Francesca Pratesi, Salvatore Rinzivillo, Salvatore Ruggieri, Arno Siebes, Vicenc Torra, Roberto Trasarti, Jeroen van den Hoven & Alessandro Vespignani - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (S1):1-6.
    The rapid dynamics of COVID-19 calls for quick and effective tracking of virus transmission chains and early detection of outbreaks, especially in the “phase 2” of the pandemic, when lockdown and other restriction measures are progressively withdrawn, in order to avoid or minimize contagion resurgence. For this purpose, contact-tracing apps are being proposed for large scale adoption by many countries. A centralized approach, where data sensed by the app are all sent to a nation-wide server, raises concerns about citizens’ privacy (...)
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    Lino Conti . Itinerari della medicina nel Seicento. 144 pp., bibl., index. Città di Castello: Edizioni Centro Stampa, 2013. €18 .Frate Evangelista Quattrami. Breve trattato intorno alla preservatione, et cura della peste. Edited by, Lino Conti and Paolo Capitanucci. x + 83 pp. Città di Castello: Edizioni Centro Stampa, 2013. €20. [REVIEW]Marco Bresadola - 2015 - Isis 106 (3):712-713.
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    Notas sobre a masculinidade no pensamento pedagógico de Johann Friedrich Herbart.Alexandre Rodrigo Nishiwaki da Silva & Celso Conti - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022014.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica desenvolvida no âmbito do doutorado em Educação, analisar as ideias pedagógicas de Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841) e as possíveis contribuições do mesmo para a construção da masculinidade moderna. Herbart é um dos precursores da Pedagogia enquanto ciência organizada, associando diretamente os conhecimentos da filosofia, da educação e da psicologia para formular um aparato teórico que respondesse às transformações dos séculos XVII e XVIII, notadamente o Iluminismo Francês e a ascensão (...)
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  7. Incommensurabilita, traducibilita e statuto del discorso epistemologico in Thomas Kuhn.Marco Buzzoni - 2000 - Epistemologia 23 (2):305-322.
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    I generi dell'aristotelismo volgare nel Rinascimento.Marco Sgarbi (ed.) - 2018 - Padova: Cleup.
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  9. Concepts: Stored or created?Marco Mazzone & Elisabetta Lalumera - 2010 - Minds and Machines 20 (1):47-68.
    Are concepts stable entities, unchanged from context to context? Or rather are they context-dependent structures, created on the fly? We argue that this does not constitute a genuine dilemma. Our main thesis is that the more a pattern of features is general and shared, the more it qualifies as a concept. Contextualists have not shown that conceptual structures lack a stable, general core, acting as an attractor on idiosyncratic information. What they have done instead is to give a contribution to (...)
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    Die Moral von der Geschicht'...: Ethik und Erzählung in Medizin und Pflege.Marco Hofheinz & Michael Coors (eds.) - 2016 - Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
    Narratives are ever-present in medicine and care: patients, relatives, doctors, nurses and pastoral workers tell quite different stories. The present volume examines the question of the significance of narratives for the ethical judgement in medicine and care and illustrates what theological reflection can contribute to the current discussion about the ethics of medicine and care. The focus of the volume is on the theological discussion on the ethical issues of medicine and care which is enriched by contributions from literary studies, (...)
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    Ensino e infantilização.Marco Loureiro - 2006 - Critica.
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    En época del Medievo.Joaquín Mª Córdoba - 2005 - Arbor 180 (711/712):507-513.
    El siglo XIII y sobre todo los dos siguientes, el XIV y el XV, siglos que Johan Huizinga evocaría como «el otoño de la Edad Media» parecen haber sido especialmente fértiles en viajes a mundos remotos. Frailes y nobles, comerciantes y aventureros europeos unidos en épicas jornadas llegarían a regiones tan remotas como el corazón de Mongolia, el Mar Rojo o las islas de Java y Sumatra. Y entre las vidas, los viajes y los recuerdos de fray Guillermo de Rubruck, (...)
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    Challenging the Adaptationist Paradigm: Morphogenesis, Constraints, and Constructions.Marco Tamborini - unknown
    In this paper, I argue that the German morphological tradition made a major contribution to twentieth-century study of form. Several scientists paved the way for this research: paleontologist Adolf Seilacher (1925–2014), entomologist Hermann Weber (1899–1956), and biologist Johann-Gerhard Helmcke (1908–1993) together with architect Frei Otto (1925–2015). All of them sought to examine morphogenetic processes to illustrate their inherent structural properties, thus challenging the neo-Darwinian framework of evolutionary theory. I point out that the German theoretical challenge to adaptationist thinking was possible (...)
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    D. Seron, Ce que voir veut dire.Marco Tedeschini - 2012 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 2:222-226.
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    Tomás de aquino E a essência absolutamente considerada.Marco Aurélio Oliveira da Silva - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (131):95-105.
    O presente artigo propõe uma interpretação deflacionista para a doutrina da essência absolutamente considerada , apresentada por Tomás de Aquino no opúsculo "De ente et essentia". O norte do trabalho é a análise das expressões reduplicativas que são constantemente utilizadas pelo Doutor Angélico para designar as EAC's. Portanto, pretendo mostrar que a EAC é a consideração dos predicados essenciais, que se predicam das expressões reduplicadas, diferentemente da noção acidental de existência. Por isso, a EAC não existe nem no intelecto nem (...)
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  16.  28
    Beyond the Platonic Brain: facing the challenge of individual differences in function-structure mapping.Marco Viola - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):2129-2155.
    In their attempt to connect the workings of the human mind with their neural realizers, cognitive neuroscientists often bracket out individual differences to build a single, abstract model that purportedly represents (almost) every human being’s brain. In this paper I first examine the rationale behind this model, which I call ‘Platonic Brain Model’. Then I argue that it is to be surpassed in favor of multiple models allowing for patterned inter-individual differences. I introduce the debate on legitimate (and illegitimate) ways (...)
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  17. In Search of Left and Right.Marco Tarchi - 1995 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 103:181-188.
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    Children’s developing metaethical judgments.Marco F. H. Schmidt, Ivan Gonzalez-Cabrera & Michael Tomasello - 2017 - Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 164:163-177.
    Human adults incline toward moral objectivism but may approach things more relativistically if different cultures are involved. In this study, 4-, 6-, and 9-year-old children (N = 136) witnessed two parties who disagreed about moral matters: a normative judge (e.g., judging that it is wrong to do X) and an antinormative judge (e.g., judging that it is okay to do X). We assessed children’s metaethical judgment, that is, whether they judged that only one party (objectivism) or both parties (relativism) could (...)
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  19.  38
    Does anybody really know what time it is?: From biological age to biological time.Marco J. Nathan - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-16.
    During his celebrated 1922 debate with Bergson, Einstein famously proclaimed: “the time of the philosopher does not exist, there remains only a psychological time that differs from the physicist’s.” Einstein’s dictum, I maintain, has been metabolized by the natural sciences, which typically presuppose, more or less explicitly, the existence of a single, univocal, temporal substratum, ultimately determined by physics. This reductionistic assumption pervades much biological and biomedical practice. The chronological age allotted to individuals is conceived as an objective quantity, allowing (...)
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  20.  10
    Die Ästhetik der Technowissenschaften des 21. Jahrhunderts.Marco Tamborini (ed.) - 2023 - wbg.
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  21.  11
    Trattato d'estetica.Marco Treves - 1938 - Firenze: "La Nuova Italia".
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  22. Ludwig Feuerbach. Una biografia intellettuale.Marco Vanzulli - 2013 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 9 (2):413-418.
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  23.  25
    Cultural Theory’s contributions to climate science: reply to Hansson.Marco Verweij, Steven Ney & Michael Thompson - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (2):1-13.
    In his article, ‘Social constructionism and climate science denial’, Hansson claims to present empirical evidence that the cultural theory developed by Dame Mary Douglas, Aaron Wildavsky and ourselves leads to science denial. In this reply, we show that there is no validity to these claims. First, we show that Hansson’s empirical evidence that cultural theory has led to climate science denial falls apart under closer inspection. Contrary to Hansson’s claims, cultural theory has made significant contributions to understanding and addressing climate (...)
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  24. Un aggiornato contributo all'iconografia e ai rapporti tra arte e letteratura.Marco Testi - 2008 - Studium 104 (1):153-156.
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  25. Método e metafísica: Descartes entre as Regras e as Meditações.Marco Antonio Valentim - 2008 - Dois Pontos 5 (1).
    resumo O propósito deste artigo é o de discutir em linhas gerais a relação entre método e me t a f í s ica na filosof ia de Descartes. Pre t e ndemos fazê-lo me d ia nte a cont raposição das Meditações de filosofia primeira às Regras para a direção do espírito quanto a alguns temas em comum. Nosso objetivo principal é questio nar o papel desempenhado pela evid ê nc ia intelectual no cont exto epistemo l ó g (...)
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  26.  25
    Women at the Top - The Glass Ceiling in Large Italian Companies: A Comparative Perspective.Marco Albertini - 2011 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 25 (3):333-362.
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    Was heisst Stiften?: Heidegger interprete di Hölderlin.Marco Casu (ed.) - 2020 - Roma: Istituto italiano di studi germanici.
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    Il magistero di un criminalista di fóro: Giovanni Carmignani avvocato professore di leggi.Marco P. Geri - 2015 - Pisa: ETS.
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  29.  13
    Un Aspetto del "Furto Sacro" Secondo Agostino.Marco Giovini - 2003 - Mediaevalia 24:101-136.
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  30. Proceedings of the 6th Systems Science European Congress, Paris, September 19-22, 2005. (CD-ROM).Marco Giunti - 2005 - AFSCET.
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  31. Mutamenti del modello teologico e riflessi istituzionali: Tra il concilio di soissons del 1121 e il Lateranense IV.Marco Rainini - 2005 - Divus Thomas 108 (1):108-129.
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  32. Questions For The Dynamicist: The Use of Dynamical Systems Theory in the Philosophy of Cognition.Marco Van Leeuwen - 2005 - Minds and Machines 15 (3):271-333.
    The concepts and powerful mathematical tools of Dynamical Systems Theory (DST) yield illuminating methods of studying cognitive processes, and are even claimed by some to enable us to bridge the notorious explanatory gap separating mind and matter. This article includes an analysis of some of the conceptual and empirical progress Dynamical Systems Theory is claimed to accomodate. While sympathetic to the dynamicist program in principle, this article will attempt to formulate a series of problems the proponents of the approach in (...)
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  33. Magistero; compendio storico e letture di filosofia e pedagogia.Marco Agosti - 1942 - Brescia,: La Scuola. Edited by Vittorino Chizzolini.
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    Letters To The Editor.Marco Piccolino - 2006 - Isis 97 (2):334-336.
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    Are Movement Disorders and Sensorimotor Injuries Pathologic Synergies? When Normal Multi-Joint Movement Synergies Become Pathologic.Marco Santello & Catherine E. Lang - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:109123.
    The intact nervous system has an exquisite ability to modulate the activity of multiple muscles acting at one or more joints to produce an enormous range of actions. Seemingly simple tasks, such as reaching for an object or walking, in fact rely on very complex spatial and temporal patterns of muscle activations. Neurological disorders such as stroke and focal dystonia affect the ability to coordinate multi-joint movements. This article reviews the state of the art of research of muscle synergies in (...)
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  36.  17
    Gli angeli, la mafia e l'analisi culturale. Una risposta.Marco Santoro & Roberta Sassatelli - 2002 - Polis 16 (2):245-262.
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  37.  20
    Human Rights in Healthcare.Marco Schendel - 2015 - Ethik in der Medizin 27 (2):171-173.
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  38.  14
    Introduction to Information Ethics from a Marxian Perspective.Marco Schneider & Ricardo M. Pimenta - 2017 - International Review of Information Ethics 26.
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  39.  14
    Goethe, Schopenhauer e l'ottica sperimentale.Marco Segala - 2005 - Rivista di Filosofia 96 (2):217-232.
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  40.  25
    Letters to the Editor.Marco Zuccato - 2009 - Isis 100 (4):860-861.
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    Oneiric activity in schizophrenia: Textual analysis of dream reports.Marco Zanasi, Fabrizio Calisti, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Giulia Valerio & Alberto Siracusano - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):337-348.
    This work evaluated the structure of dreams in people affected by schizophrenia. The verbal reports of 123 schizophrenic patients were compared with 123 dream reports from a control group. In accordance with the Jungian conceptualization of, dreams as texts, dream reports were assessed using textual analysis processing techniques.Significant differences were found in textual parameters, showing that the dreams reports of schizophrenic patients differ from those of the control group. It is thus possible that schizophrenia probably underlies changes in the oneiric (...)
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  42.  49
    Death as Material Kenosis: A Thomistic Proposal.Marco Stango - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (2):327-346.
    This paper explores the possibility of developing a new understanding of the traditional notion of human death as the separation of soul and body by relying on the resources of St Thomas’s hylomorphism. It therefore develops the concept of material kenosis, showing in what way the Thomistic understanding of death should be broadened beyond the mere understanding of it as substantial change. The paper concludes by suggesting that this view of human death supplements St Thomas’s interpretation of the notion of (...)
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  43. Solinas, Introduzione a "Forme di vita e capitalismo" di Rahel Jaeggi (Turin: 2016), pp. 7-31.Marco Solinas (ed.) - 2016 - Turin: Rosenberg & Sellier.
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    The Consequence of the Consequence Argument.Marco Hausmann - 2020 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 34 (4):45-70.
    The aim of my paper is to compare three alternative formal reconstructions of van Inwagen’s famous argument for incompatibilism. In the first part of my paper, I examine van Inwagen’s own reconstruction within a propositional modal logic. I point out that, due to the expressive limitations of his propositional modal logic, van Inwagen is unable to argue directly (that is, within his formal framework) for incompatibilism. In the second part of my paper, I suggest to reconstruct van Inwagen’s argument within (...)
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  45.  24
    Dynamical Systems on Monoids. Toward a General Theory of Deterministic Systems and Motion.Marco Giunti & Claudio Mazzola - 2012 - In G. MInati, Methods, Models, Simulations and Approaches Towards a General Theory of Change. World Scientific. pp. 173-186.
    Dynamical systems are mathematical structures whose aim is to describe the evolution of an arbitrary deterministic system through time, which is typically modeled as (a subset of) the integers or the real numbers. We show that it is possible to generalize the standard notion of a dynamical system, so that its time dimension is only required to possess the algebraic structure of a monoid: first, we endow any dynamical system with an associated graph and, second, we prove that such a (...)
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  46. Leopardi pensatore.Marco Balzano & Gaspare Polizzi - 2005 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 60 (2):225-310.
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    Populismo. L'oscura chiarezza di una categoria politica.Marco Baldassari - 2015 - Società Degli Individui 52:63-75.
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    Populismo e democrazia radicale: in dialogo con Ernesto Laclau.Marco Baldassari & Diego Melegari (eds.) - 2012 - Verona: Ombre corte.
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    Bergson, a Religião e a Moral Do Misticismo Criador.Marco Antonio Barroso - 2009 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 1 (2):196-221.
    Desenvolveremos no trabalho apresentado os temas que julgamos necessários para uma maior compreensão da filosofia da religião de Henri Bergson. Focaremos, mais especificamente, o aspecto dinâmico desta filosofia e suas conseqüências éticas. Portanto, em um primeiro momento, trataremos os dois sentidos da palavra religião, para o filósofo francês, em um segundo momento, estudaremos o misticismo como forma dinâmica de religião e, por último, a relação existente entre religião dinâmica e a é tica sociedade aberta.
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    Die politische Bedeutung der Persönlichkeitsbildung: Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre.Marco Rampazzo Bazzan - 2007 - In Christoph Asmuth, Transzendentalphilosophie Und Person: Leiblichkeit - Interpersonalität - Anerkennung. Transcript Verlag. pp. 413-424.
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