Results for 'Ab Davidson'

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  1. Two South Africas: Social-Polit. and Cultural Role of the Rep. of South Africa in the Afr.Ab Davidson - forthcoming - Continent. M.
  2.  61
    Nichts Neues unter der Sonne: Bewußtsein und Selbstbewußtsein bei Paul Natorp.Carleton B. Christensen - 2007 - Kant Studien 98 (3):372-398.
    Einleitung: zur Aktualität Natorps Daß an Tiefe und Scharfsinn die deutsche akademische Philosophie des späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts der heutigen sprachanalytischen Philosophie nicht nachsteht, läßt sich sehr schön am Beispiel von Paul Natorp zeigen, der neben seinem Lehrer, Freund und Förderer Hermann Cohen Mitbegründer des Marburger Neukantianismus war. Nämlich sowohl auf die Frage, worin die intentionale Gerichtetheit von Bewußtseinszuständen und -erlebnissen besteht, wie auch auf die Frage, was es heißt, sich der eigenen Bewußtseinszustände und -erlebnisse bewußt zu sein, (...)
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  3. Essays in honor of Carl G. Hempel.Carl G. Hempel, Donald Davidson & Nicholas Rescher (eds.) - 1970 - Dordrecht,: D. Reidel.
    Reminiscences of Peter, by P. Oppenheim.--Natural kinds, by W. V. Quine.--Inductive independence and the paradoxes of confirmation, by J. Hintikka.--Partial entailment as a basis for inductive logic, by W. C. Salmon.--Are there non-deductive logics?, by W. Sellars.--Statistical explanation vs. statistical inference, by R. C. Jeffre--Newcomb's problem and two principles of choice, by R. Nozick.--The meaning of time, by A. Grünbaum.--Lawfulness as mind-dependent, by N. Rescher.--Events and their descriptions: some considerations, by J. Kim.--The individuation of events, by D. Davidson.--On properties, (...)
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  4. The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental Questions.Paul Ekman & Richard J. Davidson (eds.) - 1994 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The editors of this unique volume have brought together 24 leading emotion theorists with a wide variety of perspectives to address 12 fundamental questions about the subject.
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    An Expressive Bodily Movement Repertoire for Marimba Performance, Revealed through Observers' Laban Effort-Shape Analyses, and Allied Musical Features: Two Case Studies.Mary C. Broughton & Jane W. Davidson - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The challenge of poker.Darse Billings, Aaron Davidson, Jonathan Schaeffer & Duane Szafron - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 134 (1-2):201-240.
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    Uncovering the Missing Medicaid Cases and Assessing their Bias for Estimates of the Uninsured.Kathleen Thiede Call, Gestur Davidson, Anna Stauber Sommers, Roger Feldman, Paul Farseth & Todd Rockwood - 2001 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 38 (4):396-408.
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  8. Language, Logic, and Recovery: A Commentary on van Staden.Paul Falzer & Larry Davidson - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (2):131-136.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 9.2 (2002) 131-136 [Access article in PDF] Language, Logic, and Recovery:A Commentary on van Staden Paul Falzer and Larry Davidson Keywords: analytic philosophy, experience, Frege, ordinary language, psychosis, psychotherapy. VAN STADEN'S PAPER, "Linguistic Markers of Recovery," takes on a formidable task. As he explains it, findings from a previously conducted empirical study suggest that recovery from a psychiatric condition can be predicted by certain (...)
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  9. Ask, and tell as well: Question–Answer Clauses in American Sign Language.Ivano Caponigro & Kathryn Davidson - 2011 - Natural Language Semantics 19 (4):323-371.
    A construction is found in American Sign Language that we call a Question–Answer Clause. It is made of two parts: the first part looks like an interrogative clause conveying a question, while the second part resembles a declarative clause answering that question. The very same signer has to sign both, the entire construction is interpreted as truth-conditionally equivalent to a declarative sentence, and it can be uttered only under certain discourse conditions. These and other properties of Question–Answer Clauses are discussed, (...)
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  10. At the university of pennsylvania.Sasha Bernier, Annie Cho, Molly Davidson-Welling, Allison Foley, Matt Friedman, Mani Golzari, Allison Hester, Kate Mcmahon, Joanne Mulder & Sandra Sandoval - 2006 - Philosophy 9.
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    East-West in Art.Theodore Bowie, J. Leroy Davidson, Jane Gaston Mahler, Richard B. Reed, William Samolin & Dorothy G. Sheperd - 1970 - Philosophy East and West 20 (3):325-327.
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    Catalogues of Chinese Local Gazetteers. Guide to Bibliographies on China and the Far East.Jerome Cavanaugh, Donald Leslie & Jeremy Davidson - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):259.
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    The nature of consciousness, the structure of reality.Jerry Davidson Wheatley - 2001 - Phoenix, AZ: Research Scientific Press.
    This book describes how understanding the structure of reality leads to the Theory of Everything Equation. The equation unifies the forces of nature and enables the merging of relativity with quantum theory. The book explains the big bang theory and everything else.
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    The Business – Government-Society Relationship.Jiyun Wu & D. Kirk Davidson - 2009 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 20:227-238.
    The paper compares the business-government-society relationship between China and the U.S. through the analysis of three cases: the tainted milk scandal in China, the beef recall in the U.S., and the peanut scandal in the U.S.
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  15. A Qualitative Exploration of Aged-Care Residents’ Everyday Music Listening Practices and How These May Support Psychosocial Well-Being.Amanda E. Krause & Jane W. Davidson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Strategies to support the psychosocial well-being of older adults living in aged-care are needed; and evidence points toward music listening as an effective, non-pharmacological tool with many benefits to quality of life and well-being. Yet, the everyday listening practices of older adults living in residential aged-care remain under-researched. The current study explored older adults’ experiences of music listening in their daily lives while living in residential aged-care and considered how music listening might support their well-being. Specifically, what might go into (...)
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    Natural born talents undiscovered.Michael J. A. Howe, Jane W. Davidson & John A. Sloboda - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (3):432-437.
    This Response addresses eight issues raised in the commentaries: (1) the question of how innate talents should be defined; (2) relationships between the talent account and broader views concerning genetic variability; (3) the quality of the empirical evidence for and against the talent account; (4) the possible involvement of innate influences on specific abilities; (5) the possibility of talent-like phenomena in autistic savants; (6) alternative explanations of exceptional expertise at skills; (7) practical and educational implications of the talent account and (...)
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    A right-ear advantage for perception of graveness in monaural processed speech.Howard J. Kallman, Denise Davidson & Eileen Joyce - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (3):195-197.
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    Turning the Corner in Lima: The Language of Differentiation and the ‘Democratization’ of Climate Change Negotiations.Tracy Bach & Rebecca Davidson - 2015 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 18 (2):170-187.
    The ‘Lima Call for Climate Action’ decision marked the conclusion of the 20th session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It expresses how the 196 UNFCCC Parties intend to negotiate the elements of a new agreement to be opened for signature in Paris at COP21. This ‘Paris Agreement’ would govern Parties starting in 2020, when the Kyoto Protocol's second commitment period ends. The new agreement would also move Parties beyond the Kyoto Protocol's (...)
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    Questions of evidence: proof, practice, and persuasion across the disciplines.James K. Chandler, Arnold Ira Davidson & Harry D. Harootunian (eds.) - 1994 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Biologists, historians, lawyers, art historians, and literary critics all voice arguments in the critical dialogue about what constitutes evidence in research and scholarship. They examine not only the constitution and "blurring" of disciplinary boundaries, but also the configuration of the fact-evidence distinctions made in different disciplines and historical moments the relative function of such concepts as "self-evidence," "experience," "test," "testimony," and "textuality" in varied academic discourses and the way "rules of evidence" are themselves products of historical developments. The essays and (...)
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    Final Discussion: Issues and Challenges for the Future.Rony Armon, Ulrich Charpa, Eric Davidson, Ute Deichmann, Raphael Falk, John Glass, Shimon Glick, Manfred Laubichler, Michel Morange & Isaac Yanni Nevo - 2012 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 55 (4):608-611.
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    Barrie Stavis: Making History, Staging History.Ronald Ayling & Charles Davidson - 1990 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 2 (2):227-256.
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    The Case Against Fiduciary Media: Ethics is the Key. [REVIEW]Walter Block & Laura Davidson - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (3):505 - 511.
    Salerno asserts that in the debate between those who favor and oppose fractional reserve banking, the important issue is not whether or not this institution is inherently fraudulent, but, rather, does it or does it not cause the business cycle. We join this author in thinking both important; however, we reverse this order.
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    The Romantic Agony.Mario Praz & Angus Davidson - 1952 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 10 (4):373-374.
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    The use of “shark repellents” to prevent corporate takeovers: An ethical perspective. [REVIEW]Nancy L. Meade & Dan Davidson - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (2):83 - 92.
    Certain types of corporate charter antitakeover amendments, or shark repellents, may not serve the interests of the stockholders or the stakeholders of the firm. This paper extends the examination of the use of shark repellents by taking an ethical perspective to synthesize prior research on shark repellents and their relationship to stockholder and stakeholder welfare. Some shark repellents seem to benefit certain interest groups at the expense of other groups.
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  25. Corporate Citizenship: social responsibility, responsiveness, and performance. In. CARROLL, AB; BUCHHOLTZ, AK.Ab Carroll - forthcoming - Business and Society.
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    Subjective, intersubjective, objective.Donald Davidson - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Annotation "Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective is the third volume of philosophical writings by Donald Davidson, whose influence on philosophy since the 1960s has been deep and broad. His first two collections, published by OUP in the early 1980s, are recognized as contemporary classics." "Now Davidson presents a selection of his work on knowledge, mind, and language from the 1980s and the 1990s. We all have knowledge of our own minds, knowledge of the contents of other minds, and knowledge of (...)
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  27. (2 other versions)On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme.Donald Davidson - 1973 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 47:5-20.
    Davidson attacks the intelligibility of conceptual relativism, i.e. of truth relative to a conceptual scheme. He defines the notion of a conceptual scheme as something ordering, organizing, and rendering intelligible empirical content, and calls the position that employs both notions scheme-content dualism. He argues that such dualism is untenable since: not only can we not parcel out empirical content sentence per sentence but also the notion of uninterpreted content to which several schemes are relative, and the related notion of (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Inquiries Into Truth And Interpretation.Donald Davidson - 1984 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Now in a new edition, this volume updates Davidson's exceptional Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation (1984), which set out his enormously influential philosophy of language. The original volume remains a central point of reference, and a focus of controversy, with its impact extending into linguistic theory, philosophy of mind, and epistemology. Addressing a central question--what it is for words to mean what they do--and featuring a previously uncollected, additional essay, this work will appeal to a wide audience of philosophers, (...)
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    Essays on actions and events.Donald Davidson - 1980 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Comprises a series of connected essays on the nature of human action, intention, practical reasoning, emotion and causality.
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  30. The Mind of Donald Davidson.Donald Davidson - 1989 - Netherlands: Rodopi.
  31. Quotation.Donald Davidson - 1984 - In Inquiries Into Truth And Interpretation. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 79–92.
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  32. Exchange between Donald Davidson and WV Quine following Davidson's lecture.Donald Davidson & W. V. Quine - 1994 - Theoria 60 (3):226-231.
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  33. The essential Davidson.Donald Davidson - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Essential Davidson compiles the most celebrated papers of one of the twentieth century's greatest philosophers. It distills Donald Davidson's seminal contributions to our understanding of ourselves, from three decades of essays, into one thematically organized collection. A new, specially written introduction by Ernie Lepore and Kirk Ludwig, two of the world's leading authorities on his work, offers a guide through the ideas and arguments, shows how they interconnect, and reveals the systematic coherence of Davidson's worldview. (...)'s philosophical program is organized around two connected projects. The first is that of understanding the nature of human agency. The second is that of understanding the nature and function of language, and its relation to the world. Accordingly, the first part of the book presents Davidson's investigation of reasons, causes, and intentions, which revolutionized the philosophy of action. This leads to his notable doctrine of anomalous monism, the view that all mental events are physical events, but that the mental cannot be reduced to the physical. The second part of the book presents the famous essays in which Davidson set out his highly original and influential philosophy of language, which founds the theory of meaning on the theory of truth. These fifteen classic essays will be invaluable for anyone interested in the study of mind and language. Fascinating though they are individually, it is only when drawn together that there emerges a compelling picture of man as a rational linguistic animal whose thoughts, though not reducible to the material, are part of the fabric of the world, and whose knowledge of his own mind, the minds of others, and the world around him is as fundamental to his nature as the power of thought and speech itself. (shrink)
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  34. Truth and predication.Donald Davidson - 2005 - Cambridge: Edited by Donald Davidson.
    "Davidson begins by harking back to an early interest in the classics, and an even earlier engagement with the workings of grammar. In the pleasures of diagramming sentences in grade school, he locates his first glimpse into the mechanics of how we conduct the most important activities in our life - such as declaring love, asking directions, issuing orders, and telling stories. Davidson connects these essential questions with the most basic and yet hard to understand mysteries of language (...)
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  35. Essays on Actions and Events (2nd edition).Donald Davidson - 2001 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  36. (1 other version)Actions, Reasons, and Causes.Donald Davidson - 1963 - Journal of Philosophy 60 (23):685.
    What is the relation between a reason and an action when the reason explains the action by giving the agent's reason for doing what he did? We may call such explanations rationalizations, and say that the reason rationalizes the action. In this paper I want to defend the ancient - and common-sense - position that rationalization is a species of ordinary causal explanation. The defense no doubt requires some redeployment, but not more or less complete abandonment of the position, as (...)
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    The Literary Correspondence of Donald Davidson and Allen Tate.Donald Davidson & Allen Tate - 1974
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    How Revolutionary Were the Bourgeois Revolutions?Davidson Neil - 2005 - Historical Materialism 13 (3):3-33.
  39. Essays on Actions and Events: Philosophical Essays Volume 1.Donald Davidson - 2001 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    Donald Davidson has prepared a new edition of his classic 1980 collection of Essays on Actions and Events, including two additional essays. In this seminal investigation of the nature of human action, Davidson argues for an ontology which includes events along with persons and other objects. Certain events are identified and explained as actions when they are viewed as caused and rationalized by reasons; these same events, when described in physical, biological, or physiological terms, may be explained by (...)
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  40. Radical Interpretation.Donald Davidson - 2003 - In John Heil, Philosophy of Mind: A Guide and Anthology. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    V. Action and reaction.Donald Davidson - 1970 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 13 (1-4):140-148.
  42. Minding the Gap: Bias, Soft Structures, and the Double Life of Social Norms.Lacey J. Davidson & Daniel Kelly - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy (2):190-210.
    We argue that work on norms provides a way to move beyond debates between proponents of individualist and structuralist approaches to bias, oppression, and injustice. We briefly map out the geography of that debate before presenting Charlotte Witt’s view, showing how her position, and the normative ascriptivism at its heart, seamlessly connects individuals to the social reality they inhabit. We then describe recent empirical work on the psychology of norms and locate the notions of informal institutions and soft structures with (...)
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  43. (2 other versions)What Metaphors Mean.Donald Davidson - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 5 (1):31-47.
    The concept of metaphor as primarily a vehicle for conveying ideas, even if unusual ones, seems to me as wrong as the parent idea that a metaphor has a special meaning. I agree with the view that metaphors cannot be paraphrased, but I think this is not because metaphors say something too novel for literal expression but because there is nothing there to paraphrase. Paraphrase, whether possible or not, inappropriate to what is said: we try, in paraphrase, to say it (...)
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  44. A coherence theory of truth and knowledge.Donald Davidson - 1986 - In Ernest LePore, Truth and Interpretation: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson. Cambridge: Blackwell. pp. 307–319.
  45. Economics, ethics, law, and medical conduct.Hdc Roscam Abbing - 1988 - In Gavin H. Mooney & Alistair McGuire, Medical ethics and economics in health care. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  46. Om de mens.Roscam Abbing & Pieter Johan[From Old Catalog] - 1968 - Leiden,: A. W. Sijthoff.
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    Transplantation of Organs: A European Perspective.H. D. C. Roscam Abbing - 1993 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 21 (1):54-58.
    The development of transplantation technology increasingly places before society a multitude of diverse, complex ethical and legal problems. The subject is the more complex because of the various divergent interests involved. There are the interests of the donor of organs, who has a right to protection of his legal position, and those of the patient in need of an often lifesaving organ. There are also the interests of the donor’s relatives, after his death, and those of the transplantation surgeons. The (...)
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  48. Waarheid en illusie.Roscam Abbing & Pieter Johan[From Old Catalog] - 1972 - Nijkerk,: Callenbach.
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  49. Alfarabi, Avicenna, and Averroes on Intellect: Their Cosmologies, Theories of the Active Intellect, and Theories of Human Intellect.Herbert Alan Davidson - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    A study of problems, all revolving around the subject of intellect in the philosophies of Alfarabi, Avicenna, and Averroes, this book starts by reviewing discussions in Greek and early Arabic philosophy which served as the background for the three Arabic thinkers. Davidson examines the cosmologies and theories of human and active intellect in the three philosophers and covers such subjects as: the emanation of the supernal realm from the First Cause; the emanation of the lower world from the transcendent (...)
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    (1 other version)Mr. T. Davidson on father Pesch.Thomas Davidson - 1883 - Mind 8 (29):147-149.
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