Results for '“Analysis”'

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  1.  13
    Analysis, constructions and diagrams in classical geometry.Panza Marco - 2021 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 9 (1):181-220.
    Greek ancient and early modern geometry necessarily uses diagrams. Among other things, these enter geometrical analysis. The paper distinguishes two sorts of geometrical analysis and shows that in one of them, dubbed “intra-confgurational” analysis, some diagrams necessarily enter as outcomes of a purely material gesture, namely not as result of a codifed constructive procedure, but as result of a free-hand drawing.
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    The Analysis of Compression in Poetry.Samuel R. Levin - 1971 - Foundations of Language 7 (1):38-55.
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  3. Analysis of the Talmudic Argumentum A Fortiori Inference Rule (Kal Vachomer) using Matrix Abduction.M. Abraham, Dov M. Gabbay & U. Schild - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (3):281-364.
    We motivate and introduce a new method of abduction, Matrix Abduction, and apply it to modelling the use of non-deductive inferences in the Talmud such as Analogy and the rule of Argumentum A Fortiori. Given a matrix A{\mathbb {A}} with entries in {0, 1}, we allow for one or more blank squares in the matrix, say a i,j =?. The method allows us to decide whether to declare a i,j = 0 or a i,j = 1 or a i,j =? (...)
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  4. An Analysis of the Group Concept.Hazel May Hussong - 1933 - Philosophical Review 42:642.
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    A Descriptive Analysis of Environmental Disclosure: A Longitudinal Study of French Companies.Elisabeth Albertini - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (2):233-254.
    For the last 15 years, companies have extensively increased their environmental disclosure relative to their environmental strategy in response to institutional pressures. Based on a computerized content analysis of the annual reports of the 55 largest French industrial companies, we describe environmental disclosure with respect to the different strategies implemented by companies over a period of 6 years. The results show that environmental disclosure becomes more and more technical and precise for all the companies. Environmental innovations are presented as a (...)
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    The Analysis of Fractional-Order Proportional Delay Physical Models via a Novel Transform.Meshari Alesemi, Naveed Iqbal & Ahmed A. Hamoud - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    In this paper, we deal with an alternative analytical analysis of fractional-order partial differential equations with proportional delay, achieved by applying Yang decomposition method, where the fractional derivative is taken in Caputo sense. The suggested series results are discovered to quickly converge to an exact solution. The computation of three test problems of fractional-order with proportional delay partial differential equations was presented to confirm the validity and efficiency of suggested method. The system appears to be a very dependable, effective, and (...)
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    Critical discourse analysis and identity: why bother?Susan Ainsworth & Cynthia Hardy - 2004 - Critical Discourse Studies 1 (2):225-259.
    Critical discourse analysis (CDA) and other forms of discourse analysis are regularly used to study identity, but rarely do researchers systematically compare and contrast them with other theories to identify exactly what a discursive approach contributes. In this paper, we take the example of a particular identity – the older worker – and systematically compare the contribution of CDA with other approaches, including economics, labour market research, gerontology and cultural studies. In so doing, we show the kinds of research questions (...)
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  8.  16
    Por qué Huygens no entendió el analysis situs de Leibniz.Miguel Palomo - 2023 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 89:117-134.
    En 1679 Leibniz envía a Huygens un proyecto de nueva geometría, denominada analysis situs, mediante la cual pretende superar la geometría euclídea. Huygens, sin embargo, en carta a Leibniz afirma que no comprende la utilidad de este nuevo método, ante lo cual Leibniz deja de desarrollarlo. Habitualmente la literatura científica ha incidido en la incomprensión de Huygens por ser una figura centrada en resultados claros y no dado a especulaciones. Sin embargo, si atendemos a estas cartas y al contexto que (...)
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    A hermeneutic-phenomenological analysis of teachers’ learning experiences through the observation of a professional basketball coach’s coaching session.Naoki Matsuyama - 2021 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 21 (1).
    ABSTRACT In this study, the learning experiences of four elementary school teachers who were basketball coaches were explored. Specifically, the learning experiences gained through observing professional basketball coaches’ sessions were examined by employing van Manen’s hermeneutic-phenomenological approach, which focuses on the thematic analysis of lived experiences. Previous coaching studies that have focused on the professional development of coaches have revealed that observing elite coaching sessions could be a major source of practical coaching knowledge because coaches could learn from experienced coaches. (...)
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    An Analysis of the Technological Thought in the “Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844” and Its Enlightenment to Digitalization. 郭明哲张至铖 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (5):1327.
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    An analysis on Epicurus's. 정진우 - 2015 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 75 (75):303-322.
    에피쿠로스는 에서 그의 가르침을 종합적이고 체계적으로 진술했다. 그는 행복하기 위해서는 철학을 해야 한다고 말한다. 그리고 행복하기 위한 방법으로 제1원리를 제시하고 있다. 우리가 철학을 해야 하는 긴급성과 유용성에 대해서, 그리고 쾌락을 추구하는 삶에 대해서 진술하고 있다. 우리가 불행한 것은 몸과 마음의 고통과 두려움이라는 부정적 정념들 때문이다. 이들 부정적 정념들의 원인은 욕망과 무지이다. 따라서 그의 가르침은 무지의 원인과 욕망에 대해 분석과 행복해지는 실천적 방법들로 구성되어 있다. 그의 가르침이 적극적으로 쾌락을 추구하는 키레네학파와 다른 점은 일시적인 감각적 쾌락을 끊임없이 추구하기 보다는 쾌락이 근거하는 욕망에 (...)
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    Psycho-analysis and romanticism.John Anderson - 1936 - Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 14 (3):210-215.
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    Analysis of Trends in Meditation Education-Related Articles. 김철호 - 2018 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (118):275-305.
    이 글은 2017년까지 간행된 초․중등학생을 대상으로 한 명상교육 논문들 중등재후보지 이상의 학술지에 게재된 논문을 선별하여 연구경향을 분석한 것이다. 총 63편의 논문이 분석대상으로 선정되었는데, 그 발표 추이를 보면 2004년부터1-2편씩 꾸준히 발표되다가 2008년부터 급증하였고, 2015년부터 2017년까지의 3년간에는 전체 63편의 절반(44.4%)에 해당하는 28편이 발표되었다. 연구주제는 정서안정이라는 심리학적인 주제가 가장 많은 비중을 차지하고 있지만, 2010년 이후로는 도덕성 및 인성 함양, 학습능력 향상, 신체기능 향상 등으로 주제가 확대되는것을 볼 수 있다. 적용된 명상을 유형별로 보면, 마음챙김 명상 및 이를 활용한 인지치료와 마음챙김의 원류인 불교명상이 가장 많은 (...)
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    Analysis on the Change of the Concept of “Learning” in Han and Song Dynasties —Based on the Notes in the First Chapter of The Analects of Confucius.徐 阳 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (6):1917.
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    Analysis Of The Ancient Indian Playing Culture With Gambling Metaphor In The Literature Of Pāyāsi Argument. 김미숙 - 2014 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 40 (40):183-202.
    불교와 자이나교 양쪽에서 전하고 있는 파에시 논쟁 문헌에 등장하는 수많은 비유 중에서 특히 도박 관련 비유에 나타난 고대 인도 문화의 놀이 문화와 번역 용어 문제를 중점적으로 분석하였다. 파에시 논쟁 문헌에 등장하는 갖가지 비유들은 실제로 그 논쟁이 이루어졌던 당시에 논쟁의 상호 당사자들은 너무도 잘 알고 있던 내용일 것이라는 점은 미루어 짐작할 수 있다. 이 논문에서 필자는 파에시 논쟁 문헌에서 나오는 “악카 놀이”는 고대부터 인도에서 행해진 놀이 방법의 하나로 추정되며, 악카는 나무 열매라고 밝힌다. 따라서 이를 단순히 주사위 또는 주사위 놀이라고 통칭하여 번역하는 (...)
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  16.  13
    Analysis of the Usages of the Term Anthropomorphism in Aesop’s Fables. 정용수 - 2020 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 91:247-268.
    『이솝우화』는 그리스의 노예 신분이었던 아이소포스가 만든 우화작품으로 고대 이후 인간들의 행동적 특성을 설명하거나 도덕적 판단이 필요한 상황에서 개인의 심리 상태 등을 예화적으로 보여줄 목적으로 만든 작품이다. 단순히 동화적인 요소뿐만 아니라 도덕적인 딜레마 상황을 묘사하고 있어서 아동들을 대상으로 바람직한 인성 형성에 보조적 수단으로 현대에도 많이 사용하고 있다. 그리고 우화에는 거의 모든 편에서 우화의 마지막 부분에 교훈을 붙여서 이해를 돕고 이기도 하다. 『이솝우화』에서는 인간의 심리 상태나 행동특성을 설명하기 위한 장치로서 Anthropomorphism이 등장한다. Anthropomorphism은 인간중심주의의 입장에서 신과 인간은 같은 형상과 같은 특성을 가지고 있다는 (...)
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    Analysis of Three Fundamental Issues of Environmental Ethics - International, Intergenerational, Interspecies Issues -. 윤혜진 - 2010 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 58 (58):5-24.
    본 논문은 환경 윤리의 세 가지 기초 쟁점, 즉 국가와 국가 사이의 문제, 세대와 세대 사이의 문제, 종과 종 사이의 문제를 통해 환경 윤리에 대한 논의의 일반적 조명과 함께, 환경 윤리 전반에 대한 종합적 이해를 도모하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 환경 윤리에 대한 일반적 논의와 그에 대한 종합적 이해는 거의 모두 이 세 가지 쟁점을 통해 마련될 수 있다 해도 과언이 아니기 때문이다. 만일 자연 환경 문제를 두고 국가와 국가의 이익이 상충할 경우, 그런 이익 상충을 어떻게 조절할 것이며, 만일 특정 (...)
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  18. Constructive Analysis: A Study in Epistemological Methodology.Kristoffer Ahlström - 2008 - Dissertation, University of Gothenburg
    The present study is concerned the viability of the primary method in contemporary philosophy, i.e., conceptual analysis. Starting out by tracing the roots of this methodology to Platonic philosophy, the study questions whether such a methodology makes sense when divorced from Platonic philosophy, and develops a framework for a kind of analysis that is more in keeping with recent psychological research on categorization. Finally, it is shown that this kind of analysis can be applied to the concept of justification in (...)
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  19. Meta-analysis.Jamie DeCoster - 2004 - In Kimberly Kempf-Leonard, Encyclopedia of Social Measurement. Elsevier. pp. 1--19.
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  20.  32
    An analysis of the mirror-induced objective self-awareness effect.Paul B. Paulus, Angela B. Annis & Hal T. Risner - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (1):8-10.
  21.  32
    A quantitative analysis of food movement convergence in four Canadian provinces.Jennifer Silver, Ze’ev Gedalof, Evan Fraser & Ashley McInnes - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (4):787-804.
    Whether the food movement is most likely to transform the food system through ‘alternative’ or ‘oppositional’ initiatives has been the focus of considerable scholarly debate. Alternative initiatives are widespread but risk reinforcing the conventional food system by supporting neoliberal discourse and governance mechanisms, including localism, consumer choice, entrepreneurialism and self-help. While oppositional initiatives such as political advocacy have the potential for system-wide change, the current neoliberal political and ideological context dominant in Canada poses difficulties for initiatives that explicitly oppose the (...)
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  22.  52
    Philosophical and Theological Analysis of the Language of Prayer.Peter Volek - 2009 - Studia Neoaristotelica 6 (1):91-98.
    In this paper, we examine the issue of the language of the Christian prayer from philosophical and theological point of view. We come to the conclusion that for the closer enquiry of the Christian prayer philosophy can be inspired by theology. For if we want to determine exactly between whom the relation of prayer lies, we might need to draw on the inspiration from the theological sources concerning the Holy Trinity as well as the involvement of all the saints, especially (...)
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  23.  14
    A multidimensional analysis of metadiscourse markers across written registers.Man Zhang - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (2):204-222.
    The existing metadiscourse studies have focused on relatively specific registers. Metadiscourse in written and/or spoken registers in general has received little attention. To explain more fully the nature of metadiscourse, this article undertakes a comprehensive linguistic analysis of metadiscourse markers in written registers based on a reflexive model of metadiscourse. Specifically, this article conducts a multidimensional analysis of register variation of metadiscourse markers across the press, general prose, academic prose and fiction in the Freiburg update of the Lancaster-Oslo/bergen Corpus of (...)
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  24.  27
    Husserl 'analysis of the crisis of the european sciences from the modern point of view'.Irina Dobronravova - 1996 - Philosophia Scientiae 1 (2):101-107.
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    An Analysis of the De Generatione Animalium of William Harvey.F. J. Dore - 1938 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 13 (2):327-328.
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  26. Analysis.Joseph Dubiel - 2011 - In Theodore Gracyk & Andrew Kania, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music. New York: Routledge.
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    An Analysis of Albert Camus' Revolt Philisophy in the Context of His Novel 'the.Abdullah Durakoğlu - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 2):369-369.
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    Analysis, Explication, and the Nature of Concepts.Frauke Albersmeier - 2019 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 22 (1):180-201.
    What does the way we clarify and revise concepts reveal about the nature of concepts? This paper investigates the ontological commitments of conceptual analysis and explication regarding their supposed subject matter – concepts. It demonstrates the benefits of a cognitivist account of concepts, according to which they are not items on which the subject operates cognitively, but rather ways in which the subject operates. The proposed view helps to handle alternating references to ‘concepts’ and ‘terms’ in instructions on analysis and (...)
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    Race Analysis in the Frame of Both Americas.Amir Jaima - 2018 - Radical Philosophy Review 21 (2):339-344.
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    (6 other versions)Critical Analysis of the Sutta Nipata.N. A. Jayawickrama - 1980 - Buddhist Studies Review 3 (2):45-64.
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    Analysis of the status of informed consent in medical research involving human subjects in public hospitals in Shanghai.Wang Jianping, Lan Li, Zhongjin di XueTang, Xieyang Jia, Rong Wu, Yiqun Xi, Tong Wang & Ping Zhou - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (7):415-419.
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    Analysis of haptic, visual, and verbal presentation mode effects in children’s paired associate learning.Daniel W. Kee & Beryl R. Davis - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (4):230-232.
  33.  26
    Levels of Analysis in Psychopathology: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives.Kenneth S. Kendler, Josef Parnas & Peter Zachar (eds.) - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Levels of Analysis in Psychopathology draws research from psychiatry, philosophy, and psychology to explore the variety of explanatory approaches for understanding the nature of psychiatric disorders both in practice and research. The fields of psychiatry and clinical psychology incorporates many useful explanatory approaches and this book integrates this range of perspectives and makes suggestions about how to advance etiologic theories, classification, and treatment. The editors have brought together leading thinkers who have been widely published and are well-respected in their area (...)
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    Comparative Analysis of Palingenesis Categories in Teachings of L.N. Tolstoy and Lao-zi.Vladimir P. Abramenko & Абраменко Владимир Петрович - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):361-371.
    The article deals with the issues of comparing the teachings of Tolstoy and Lao-zi according to the criterion of palingenesis, which is the basis for the construction of the entire ideological corpus of the most important treatise of Taoism “Tao de jing”. Lao-zi formulated the lapidary formula of palingenesis in the fortieth zhang of this treatise, recreating a picture of the harmonization of the Middle Kingdom, arguing that return is the movement of the Tao, and weakening is the action of (...)
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    Comparative analysis of blockchain technology to support digital transformation in ports and shipping.Hawazin Z. Albalawi, Fatimah S. Alshahrani, Mona M. Alrajhi, Fatmah Abdulrahman Baothman & Dimah H. Alahmadi - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):55-69.
    Blockchain is one of the technologies that can support digital transformation in industries in many aspects. This sophisticated technology can provide a decentralized, transparent, and secure environment for organizations and businesses. This review article discusses the adoption of blockchain in the ports and shipping industry to support digital transformation. It also explores the integration of this technology into the current ports and shipping ecosystem. Besides, the study highlighted the situation of the supply chains management in ports and shipping domain as (...)
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  36.  18
    Analysis of the Ratnakuta in the Mongolian Manuscript Kanjur.Kirill Alekseev - 2021 - Buddhist Studies Review 38 (2).
    The Maharatnakuta is a collection of Buddhist texts, the bulk of which belong to the early Mahayana tradition. Its extant versions are included in the Chinese Tripitaka as well as the Tibetan and Mongolian Kanjurs. The collection has been studied to a certain extent with the use of the Chinese and Tibetan sources but almost nothing is known of its Mongolian-language versions. The article aims to provide a preliminary study of the Ratnakuta in the Mongolian manuscript Kanjur compiled in 1628–1629. (...)
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  37.  20
    Is Cluster Analysis the Appropriate Statistical Method for Planning the Optimal Locations for Automated External Defibrillators?Jolanta Lewko, Marcin Milewski, Beata Kowalewska, Barbara Jankowiak, Gabriela Sokołowska & Rafał Milewski - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 64 (1):7-14.
    The Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is an intuitive device used by witnesses of an incident without medical training in cases of sudden cardiac arrest. Its operation consists in delivering an electrical pulse to the cardiac conduction system, as a result of which normal heart rate is restored. The lack of awareness in society concerning the usefulness of the device and the inadequate deployment of AEDs result in their too infrequent application by witnesses of incidents. The aim of this paper is (...)
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    Realistic Theory of Classical Analysis and Synthesis.Георгий Левин - 2021 - Philosophical Anthropology 7 (1):185-204.
    The article shows that all modern theories of analysis and synthesis, on one basis, are divided into classical and non-classical, and on the other, into realistic and anti-realistic. A realistic version of the classical theory, according to which analysis is a real or mental decomposition of the phenomena of the objective and subjective world into components, and synthesis is a real or mental combination of these components into a whole, is considered. The naive understanding of analysis, which includes in its (...)
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    Analysis and Research of Key Genes in Gene Expression Network Based on Complex Network.Guobin Chen, Jun Qi, Chao Tang, Ying Wang, Yongzhong Wu & Xiaolong Shi - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-12.
    Gene expression network is also a type of complex network. It is challenging to analyze the gene expression network through relevant knowledge and algorithms of a complex network. In this paper, the existing characteristics of genes are analyzed from various indexes of the gene expression network to analyze key genes and TOP genes. Firstly, gene chip data are screened, gene data with obvious characteristics are selected, and relevant clustering characteristics are analyzed. Then, the complex gene network structure is established, and (...)
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  40.  21
    An Analysis of the De generatione animalium of William Harvey. Arthur William MeyerThe Rise of Embryology. Arthur William Meyer.Charles Kofoid - 1940 - Isis 32 (2):396-398.
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    Dialectal analysis and linguistically composite texts in Middle English.Margaret Laing - 1988 - Speculum 63 (1):83-103.
    In recent years students of medieval literature and its history have begun increasingly to appreciate the value of their primary source materials — the manuscripts. Editors of Middle English texts are less apt nowadays, having found their “best text,” to jettison as worthless all other surviving copies and renderings of it. It is recognized that a “corrupt” text may reflect the activity of a contemporary editor, critic, or adapter rather than that of a merely careless copyist. Medieval scribes, whether professional (...)
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  42.  88
    Analysis of Lady Macbeth's Character...Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri - 2015
    "Who can tell us more about a man's character than his wife? Shakespeare allows Lady Macbeth to explain her husband's character as she understands it, and although she cannot see the "whole" truth, she tells us a great deal about Macbeth...."
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  43.  10
    Admissibility Analysis of a Sampled-Data Singular System Based on the Input Delay Approach.Guoquan Chen, Minjie Zheng, Shenhua Yang & Lina Li - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-12.
    This study investigates the sampled-data admissibility problem for a singular system. The objective of this paper is to design a sampled-data controller to ensure the admissibility of a singular system and to construct an appropriate Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional to get less conservative results for the sampled-data singular system. To accomplish these objectives, the system is converted into a time-delay system by the input delay approach firstly, and both lower and upper bounds of the delay are considered. Secondly, by introducing a suitable (...)
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  44.  16
    Psychological Analysis of the Vitakkasanthana Sutta.Padmal De Silva - 2001 - Buddhist Studies Review 18 (1):65-72.
    This paper examines the Vitakkasanthana Sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya from a psychological perspective. This discourse deals with unwanted, intrusive cognitions that interfere with one’s meditative efforts. Five strategies for dealing with these are given, presented in an hierarchical order. The paper elucidates and comments on these, with special reference to the techniques used, in present day clinical psychology and psychiatry, to counter intrusions/obsessions.
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    Collective Militant Analysis.Susana Caló - 2023 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 17 (2):283-300.
    In Lignes de fuite. Pour un autre monde de possibles, Guattari refers to an ‘analytico-militant programme’ that would position analysis across multiple social fields. What would this correspond to? Through an examination of Guattari’s theorisation of the question of the group in the framework of institutional psychotherapy, this article seeks to open ways to think the general meaning of analysis for social and political purposes and its practical form. The paper will explore what is at stake in the collectivisaton of (...)
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    A Thomistic Analysis of Embryo Adoption.Charles Robertson - 2014 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 14 (4):673-695.
    Although two documents from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith have given instruction on the moral problems of artificial reproductive technologies and the importance of respecting the lives of cryopreserved embryos, no definitive judgment has been made regarding the possibility of rescuing those embryos by means of embryo transfer into the uterus of a willing woman. This essay offers an analysis of the morality of embryo transfer in light of the ethical principles of St. Thomas Aquinas and argues (...)
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    Stakeholder analysis as a front-end to knowledge elicitation.Athanasia Pouloudi - 1997 - AI and Society 11 (1):122-137.
    Knowledge elicitation is one of the more problematic phases of knowledge based systems development. Two specific problems that have received inadequate attention in the literature are the process of expert selection and the use of a broader, socially and politically informed, frame of reference for knowledge elicitation. This paper builds on the few attempts to consider these problems. It contributes to a novel interpretation of the broader knowledge acquisition context using the powerful notion of stakeholders. More specifically, it proposes the (...)
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    An Analysis of Zhu Xi’s Theory of the Human Mind and the Moral Mind. 崔英辰 - 2017 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 130:1-23.
    주자 인심도심설은 몇 차례의 변천과정을 거쳐 성립되었다. 이에 대한 선행연구들은 대부분 ‘인심을 무엇으로 규정할 것인가’라는 문제에 초점을 맞추어 논의하고 있다. 그러나 ‘이론체계의 정합성’이라는 관점에서 보았을 때 보다 중요한 문제는 ‘인심과 도심의 분기’이다. 왜냐하면, 주자는 하나의 마음이 인심과 도심이라는 두 마음으로 분기되는 요인에 대하여 어느 곳에서는 ‘지각의 근원[形氣/性命]’이라고 주장하고, 다른 곳에서는 ‘지각의 대상[欲/義理]’이라고 주장하고 있으며, 이 요인들 사이의 관계에 대하여는 언급하고 있지 않기 때문이다. 본 논문은 이 문제를 해결하기 위하여, 인심을 ‘개인이 생존경쟁에서 승리하여 개체의 자연 생명을 보존하고 재생산하기 위한 사적인 심리적 (...)
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    Philosophical Intuitions and Metaphysical Analysis.Ernest Sosa - 2015 - Discipline filosofiche. 25 (1):9-22.
    This paper lays out and rebuts methodological objections to philosophers’ reliance on intuitions in pursuit of metaphysical analysis.
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    The Analysis of the Actual Conditions of Information Communication Ethics Education in Elementary, Middle, High School & Its Educational Implications.In-Pyo Hwang - 2005 - Journal of Moral Education 16 (2):197.
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